* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This is the main implementation of the SI Controller Plugin.
* Finite State Machine is implemented here.
// ============================================================================
// Uncomment the following directive for Bit Exact Testing.
// ============================================================================
#include "srsfbldvariant.hrh"
#include <nsssispeechrecognitiondataclient.h>
#include <nsssispeechrecognitiondatacommon.h>
#include <nssdevasr.h>
#include <d32dbms.h>
class CSIControllerPluginInterface;
class CDevASR;
class CSIResourceHandler;
class CSDClientResultSet;
class CSIGrammarDB;
class CSIModelBankDB;
class CSILexiconDB;
class CDataLoader;
class CSIDatabase;
class CSindeTrainer;
#endif // __SINDE_TRAINING
* This is the main class of SI Controller Plugin
* @lib SIControllerPlugin.lib
* @since 2.0
class CSIControllerPlugin : public CActive, public MDevASRObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor. CSIControllerPluginInterface& aControllerIf
static CSIControllerPlugin* NewL( CSIControllerPluginInterface& aControllerInterface );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CSIControllerPlugin();
public: // Functions from base classes
* From MDevASRObserver
* Spontaneous or non-spontaneous event received from DevASR.
* @since 2.0
* @param aEvent event code
* @param aError error code
void DevASREvent( TDevASREvent aEvent, TDevASRError aError );
* From MDevASRObserver
* Notification from DevASR when feature vectors are available.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFV buffer containing the feature vector data
* @param aSNR signal-to-noise ratio
* @param aPosition indicates whether the feature vector is the first, middle, or end.
void FeatureVectorDataRcvd( const TDesC8& aFV, TInt32 aSNR, TInt32 aPosition );
* From MDevASRObserver
* A message in response to a custom command.
* @since 2.0
* @param aMsg buffer containing the message
void DevASRMessage( TDesC8& aMsg );
* From MDevASRObserver
* DevASR calls this method to get lexicon data.
* @since 2.8
* @param anID lexicon ID
* @return Lexicon object
CSILexicon* SILexiconL( TSILexiconID anID );
* DevASR calls this method to get configuration data.
* @since 2.8
* @param "TUint32 aPackageType" Type identifier.
* @param "TUint32 aPackageID" Identifier of package.
* @param "TUint32 aStartPosition" Starting position within package in bytes.
* @param "TUint32 aEndPosition" Ending position within package in bytes.
* @return Pointer to created buffer containing the request data.
HBufC8* ConfigurationData( TUint32 aPackageType,
TUint32 aPackageID,
TUint32 aStartPosition,
TUint32 aEndPosition );
* Get speech data from audio buffer
* @since 2.8
void RequestSpeechData();
CSDLexicon* SDLexiconL( TSILexiconID anID ) ;
public: // New functions
* Adds a new pronunciation for the given model into the specified lexicon.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id, where the new pronunciation is added to
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aModelID model Id
* @param aPronunciationID reference where a new pronunciation Id is assigned to
void AddPronunciationL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIModelBankID aModelBankID,
TSIModelID aModelID, TSIPronunciationID& aPronunciationID );
void AddPronunciationL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIModelBankID aModelBankID,
const TDesC8& aPronunciationPr, TSIPronunciationID& aPronunciationID );
* Adds a new rule for the given pronunciation into the specified grammar.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id, where the new rule is added to
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aPronunciationID pronunciation Id
* @param aRuleID reference where a new rule Id is assigned to
void AddRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIPronunciationID aPronunciationID, TSIRuleID& aRuleID );
* Cancels the current activity and returns the plugin to Idle state.
* @since 2.0
void Cancel();
* Commits (saves) the current trained model into a permanent storage.
* @since 2.0
void CommitChangesL( TBool aCompact );
* Creates a new grammar.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID reference where a new rule Id is assigned to
void CreateGrammarL( TSIGrammarID& aGrammarID );
* Creates a new lexicon.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID reference where a new lexicon Id is assigned to
void CreateLexiconL( TSILexiconID& aLexiconID );
* Creates a new model bank.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID reference where a new model bank Id is assigned to
void CreateModelBankL( TSIModelBankID& aModelBankID );
* Ends the current recognition session. Resources allocated for recognition are freed.
* @since 2.0
* @param -
void EndRecSessionL();
* Returns all grammar Ids that belong to the current client, whose UID was set
* with SetClientUidL().
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarIDs reference where grammar Ids are stored
void GetAllClientGrammarIDsL( RArray<TSIGrammarID>& aGrammarIDs );
* Returns all lexicon Ids that belong to the current client, whose UID was set
* with SetClientUidL().
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconIDs reference where lexicon Ids are stored
void GetAllClientLexiconIDsL( RArray<TSILexiconID>& aLexiconIDs );
* Returns all model bank Ids that belong to the current client, whose UID was set
* with SetClientUidL().
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankIDs reference where model bank Ids are stored
void GetAllClientModelBankIDsL( RArray<TSIModelBankID>& aModelBankIDs );
* Returns all grammar Ids that exist (for all clients).
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarIDs reference where grammar Ids are stored
void GetAllGrammarIDsL( RArray<TSIGrammarID>& aGrammarIDs );
* Returns all lexicon Ids that exist (for all clients).
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconIDs reference where lexicon Ids are stored
void GetAllLexiconIDsL( RArray<TSILexiconID>& aLexiconIDs );
* Returns all model bank Ids that exist (for all clients).
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankIDs reference where model bank Ids are stored
void GetAllModelBankIDsL( RArray<TSIModelBankID>& aModelBankIDs );
* Returns all model Ids that exist in the specified model bank.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aModelIDs reference where model Ids are stored
void GetAllModelIDsL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, RArray<TSIModelID>& aModelIDs );
* Returns all pronunciation Ids that exist in the specified lexicon.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aPronunciationIDs reference where pronunciation Ids are stored
void GetAllPronunciationIDsL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
RArray<TSIPronunciationID>& aPronunciationIDs );
* Returns all rule Ids that exist in the specified grammar.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
* @param aRuleIDs reference where rule Ids are stored
void GetAllRuleIDsL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleIDs );
* Returns the number of models available for training system wide, based on
* available disk space.
* @since 2.0
* @param aCount reference where the number of available models is set
void GetAvailableStorageL( TInt& aCount );
* Returns the engine properties specified by the engine property ID array.
* On return aPropertyValue contains an array of engine properties.
* @since 2.0
* @param aPropertyId constant reference to array of engine property Ids
* @param aPropertyValue reference to array of engine property values
void GetEnginePropertiesL( const RArray<TInt>& aPropertyId,
RArray<TInt>& aPropertyValue );
* Returns the number of models in the specified model bank.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aCount reference where the number of models is set
void GetModelCountL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TInt& aCount );
* Returns the number of pronunciationin the specified lexicon.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aCount reference where the number of models is set
void GetPronunciationCountL(TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TInt& aCount );
* Returns the number of rules in the specified grammar.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID Grammar Id
* @param aCount reference where the number of models is set
void GetRuleCountL(TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TInt& aCount );
* Checks if the rule is valid or not.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
* @param aRuleID rule Id
* @param aValid reference where the validity of the rule is set
void GetRuleValidityL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID, TBool& aValid );
* Returns the duration of the utterance for the specified model.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aModelID model Id
* @param aDuration reference where the duration of utterance is set
void GetUtteranceDurationL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID aModelID,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDuration );
* Loads the specified recognizer parameter(s). These parameters are used to
* alter the recognizer's default parameters. The parameters are specified as
* attribute and value pairs.
* @since 2.0
* @param aParameterID list of parameter Ids
* @param aParameterValue list of parameter values
void LoadEngineParametersL( const RArray<TInt>& aParameterId,
const RArray<TInt>& aParameterValue );
* Loads the specified grammar into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
void LoadGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
* Loads the specified lexicon into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
void LoadLexiconL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID );
* Loads the specified model bank into the recognizer; done prior to recognition.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
void LoadModelsL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID );
* Plays the previously trained utterance.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aModelID model Id, whose utterance is played
void PlayUtteranceL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID aModelID );
* Initiates recognition; performed following loading of model bank, lexicon, and grammar.
* @since 2.0
* @param aClientResultSet reference where the recognition result is set
void RecognizeL( CSDClientResultSet& aClientResultSet );
* Records uder utterance for training and recognition.
* @since 2.0
* @param aRecordTime recording time in microseconds
void RecordL( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aRecordTime );
* Pre-starts sampling.
* @since 3.2
void PreStartSamplingL();
* Removes the specified grammar from the permanent storage.
* Removing a grammar will remove all rules within the grammar.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
void RemoveGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
* Removes the specified lexicon from the permanent storage.
* Removing a lexicon will remove all pronunciations within the lexicon.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
void RemoveLexiconL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID );
* Removes the specified model bank from the permanent storage.
* Removing a model bank will remove all models within the model bank.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
void RemoveModelBankL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID );
* Removes the specified model from the specified model bank permanently.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aModelID model Id
void RemoveModelL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID aModelID );
* Removes the specified pronunciation from the specified lexicon permanently.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aPronunciationID pronunciation Id
void RemovePronunciationL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIPronunciationID aPronunciationID );
* Removes the specified rule from the specified grammar permanently.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
* @param aRuleID rule Id
void RemoveRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID );
* Removes the specified rules from the specified grammar permanently.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
* @param aRuleIDs rule Ids
void RemoveRulesL(TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleIDs );
* Sets the client's UID for data ownership identification.
* @since 2.0
* @param aClientUid client's UID
void SetClientUid( TUid aClientUid );
* Sets the priority settings for this controller.
* @since 2.0
* @param aPrioritySettings new priority settings
void SetPrioritySettings( const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings );
* Starts a new recognition session.
* @since 2.0
void StartRecSessionL();
* Trains a new model into the specified model bank.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aModelID reference where a new model Id is assigned to
void TrainL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID& aModelID );
* Unloads the specified rule from the specified grammar in temporary memory, previously
* loaded with LoadGrammarL. The rule in the permanent storage remains intact.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
* @param aRuleID rule Id
void UnloadRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID );
// SI component
* Does speaker adapation to speaker independent models
* @since 2.8
* @param aResultSet a recognition result containing adaptation data
* @param aCorrect identifies the correct recognition result from the N-best list.
void AdaptL( CSIClientResultSet& aResultSet ,TInt aCorrect );
* Adds a new pronunciation for the given model into the specified lexicon.
* @since 2.0
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aTrainText: the text to be trained
* @param aTrainText: the text to be trained
* @param aLanguage the pronunciation language
* @param aPronunciationID: reference where a new pronunciation identifier is set.
void AddPronunciationL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
const TDesC& aTrainText,
TLanguage aLanguage,
TSIPronunciationID& aPronunciationID );
* From MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor
* Adds a new rule variant for the given pronunciation into the specified grammar.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id, where the new rule is added to
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aPronunciationIDs pronunciation Id array
* @param aRuleVariantID reference where a new rule Variant Id is assigned to
void AddRuleVariantL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
RArray<TSIPronunciationID>& aPronunciationIDs,
TSIRuleID aRuleID,TSIRuleVariantID& aRuleVariantID );
* Trains a new voice tag. The recognition phrase is the concatenation of words in the aTrainArray.
* Pronunciations are created with all given languages, which are supported.
* @since 2.8
* @param aTrainArray: Recognition phrase is formed by concatenating the descriptors in this array.
* @param aLanguageArray Pronunciations are created with these languages. Not all languages are supported. The argument can be NULL.
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id, where the new rule is added to
* @param aRuleID reference where a new rule Id is assigned to
void AddVoiceTagL( MDesCArray& aTrainArray,
RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguageArray,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
TSIRuleID& aRuleID );
* Adds several new voice tags.
* @since 2.8
* @param aTrainArray : An array of MDesCArrays. The recognition phrases are formed by concatenating the descriptors in the MDesCArrays.
* @param aLanguageArray Pronunciations are created with these languages. Not all languages are supported. The argument can be NULL.
* @param aLexiconID lexicon Id
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id, where the new rule is added to
* @param aRuleID reference where a new rule Id is assigned to
void AddVoiceTagsL( RPointerArray<MDesCArray>& aTrainArray,
RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguageArray,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleID );
* Trains one new SINDE voice tag. The recognition phrase is the
* concatenation of words in the aTrainArray. Pronunciations are
* created with all given languages, which are supported.
* @since 3.1
* @param aTrainArray Recognition phrase is formed by concatenating
* the descriptors in this array.
* @param aLanguageArray Pronunciations are created with these languages..
* @param aLexiconID Lexicon Id
* @param aGrammarID Grammar Id, where the new rule is added to.
* @param aRuleID Reference where a new rule Id is assigned to.
void AddSindeVoiceTagL( MDesCArray& aTrainArray,
RArray<RLanguageArray>& aLanguageArray,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
TSIRuleID& aRuleID );
* Adds several new SINDE voice tags.
* @since 3.1
* @param aTrainArray Recognition phrase is formed by concatenating
* the descriptors in this array.
* @param aLanguageArray Pronunciations are created with these languages..
* @param aLexiconID Lexicon Id
* @param aGrammarID Grammar Id, where the new rule is added to.
* @param aRuleID Reference where a new rule Ids are assigned to.
void AddSindeVoiceTagsL( RPointerArray<MDesCArray>& aTrainArray,
RArray<RLanguageArray>& aLanguageArray,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleID );
#endif // __SINDE_TRAINING
* Creates a new empty rule.
* @since 2.8
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id, where the new rule is added to
* @param aRuleID reference where a new rule Id is assigned to
void CreateRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID& aRuleID );
* Initiates recognition; performed following loading of model bank, lexicon, and grammar.
* @since 2.8
* @param aResultSet: reference where the recognition result is set.
void RecognizeL( CSIClientResultSet& aResultSet );
* Ends recording. Unlike Cancel(), this function may return a recognition
* result if adequate number of samples was already recorded.
* @since 2.8
void EndRecordL();
* Unloads the specified grammar from the temporary memory,
* previously loaded with MSrLoadGrammarL. The grammar in the permanent storage remains intact.
* result if adequate number of samples was already recorded.
* @since 2.0
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id, where the new rule is added to
void UnloadGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
* Activate the grammar for the recognition
* @since 2.8
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
void ActivateGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID ) ;
* Deactivate the grammar
* @since 2.8
* @param aGrammarID grammar Id
void DeactivateGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
* Create a empty rule into a given grammar
* @since 2.8
* @param aGrammar : a compiled grammar
* @return Created rule
CSIRule* CreateNewRuleL( CSICompiledGrammar* aGrammar );
* Create a pronunciation into a given lexicon
* @since 2.8
* @param aLexicon : a lexicon
* @param aPronunciationPr : phoneme sequence of the pronunciation
* @param aModelBankID : modelbank id
* @return Created pronunciation id
TSIPronunciationID CreateNewPronunciationL( CSILexicon* aLexicon,
TDesC8& aPronunciationPr,
TSIModelBankID aModelBankID );
* Add rule variants into a given rule
* @since 2.8
* @param aRule : a given rule
* @param aLexiconID : a lexicon ID, the added rule variant's pronunciations belong to this lexicon
* @param aPronunciationIDs : array of Pronunciation IDs,
* @param aParameters : other parameters,such as language ID, for rule variants
void AddNewRuleVariantL( CSIRule& aRule,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
RArray<TSIPronunciationID>& aPronunciationIDs,
CSIParameters& aParameters );
// Test functions
CSIRule* CreateRule1L(void);
CSIRule* CreateRule2L(void);
void CheckRule1L(const CSIRule* aRule);
void CheckRule2L(const CSIRule* aRule);
#ifdef __CONSOLETEST__
// Unit Test
// Returns reference to a database
RDbNamedDatabase& GetDb();
// Returns reference to model bank array
RPointerArray<CSIModelBank>& ModelBankArray();
// Returns current plugin state
TInt PluginState();
* C++ default constructor.
CSIControllerPlugin( CSIControllerPluginInterface& aControllerIf );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* RunL from CActive class.
void RunL();
* Cancel handle from CActive class.
void DoCancel();
* This method completes the request status and set the object active
* to provide asynchronous behavior.
* @since 2.0
void DoAsynch();
* Plays the previously trained utterance.
* @since 2.0
* @param aModelBankID model bank Id
* @param aModelID model Id, whose utterance is played
void PlayL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID aModelID );
* Handles DevASR events received while in Training state.
* @since 2.0
* @param aEvent event code
* @param aError error code
void HandleEventTrainL( TDevASREvent aEvent, TDevASRError aError );
* Handles DevASR events received while in Recognition state.
* @since 2.0
* @param aEvent event code
* @param aError error code
void HandleEventRecognize( TDevASREvent aEvent, TDevASRError aError );
* Handles DevASR events received while in remove rule state.
* @since 2.8
* @param aEvent event code
* @param aError error code
void HandleEventRemoveRule( TDevASREvent aEvent, TDevASRError aError );
* Handles DevASR events received while in remove rules state.
* @since 2.8
* @param aEvent event code
* @param aError error code
void HandleEventRemoveRules( TDevASREvent aEvent, TDevASRError aError );
* Handles DevASR events received while in TTP state.
* @since 2.8
* @param aEvent event code
* @param aError error code
void HandleEventTTP( TDevASREvent aEvent,
TDevASRError aError );
* Handles DevASR events received while in Play state.
* @since 2.0
* @param aEvent event code
* @param aError error code
void HandleEventPlayL( TDevASREvent aEvent, TDevASRError aError );
* Frees memory allocated during recognition and resets the state to Idle.
* @since 2.0
void RecognitionReset();
* Handles the acoustic model and the user utterance from DevASR received upon
* TrainComplete event.
* @since 2.0
void ProcessTrainCompleteL();
* Handles the transfer of recognition result from DevASR into client's
* recognition result.
* @since 2.0
* @return Number of results to the client
TInt ProcessRecognitionComplete();
* Save TTP result into the given grammar and lexicon of the plugin database
* @since 2.8
* @param aSITtpWordList : data structure contains ttp results, word entries and their corresponding prounication
* @param aLexiconID : a lexicon ID, the added rule variant's pronunciations belong to this lexicon
* @param aRuleIDs : array of generated Rule IDs,
* @param aParameters : other parameters,such as language ID, for rule variants
// void UpdateGrammarAndLexiconL(CSITtpWordList* aSITtpWordList , TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleIDs);
* Save TTP result into the given grammar and lexicon of the plugin database
* @since 2.8
* @param aSITtpWordList : data structure contains ttp results, word entries and their corresponding prounication
* @param aLexiconID : a lexicon ID, the added rule variant's pronunciations belong to this lexicon
* @param aGrammarID : a grammar Id
* @param aRuleIDs : array of generated Rule IDs,
void UpdateGrammarAndLexiconDBL( CSITtpWordList* aSITtpWordList,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,
RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleIDs );
* Is the lexicon id valid in the database
* @since 2.8
* @param aLexiconID : a lexicon ID,
* @return True or false
TBool IsLexiconIDInvalid( TSILexiconID aLexiconID );
* Is the Grammar id valid in the database
* @since 2.8
* @param aGrammarID : a grammar Id
* @return True or false
TBool IsGrammarIDInvalid( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
// ============================================================================
// These methods are handlers for asynchronous messages that are called from
// the RunL. The parameters are identical to how they were initially received
// under Public section of this class, therefore not repeated here.
// ============================================================================
// void HandleAddPronunciationL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIModelBankID aModelBankID,
// TSIModelID aModelID, TSIPronunciationID& aPronunciationID );
// void HandleAddPronunciationL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIModelBankID aModelBankID,
// TDesC8& aPronunciationPr, TSIPronunciationID& aPronunciationID );
void HandleAddRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIPronunciationID aPronunciationID, TSIRuleID& aRuleID );
void HandleCreateGrammarL( TSIGrammarID& aGrammarID );
void HandleCreateLexiconL( TSILexiconID& aLexiconID );
void HandleCreateModelBankL( TSIModelBankID& aModelBankID );
void HandleGetAllClientGrammarIDsL( RArray<TSIGrammarID>& aGrammarIDs );
void HandleGetAllClientLexiconIDsL( RArray<TSILexiconID>& aLexiconIDs );
void HandleGetAllClientModelBankIDsL( RArray<TSIModelBankID>& aModelBankIDs );
void HandleGetAllGrammarIDsL( RArray<TSIGrammarID>& aGrammarIDs );
void HandleGetAllLexiconIDsL( RArray<TSILexiconID>& aLexiconIDs );
void HandleGetAllModelBankIDsL( RArray<TSIModelBankID>& aModelBankIDs );
void HandleGetAllModelIDsL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, RArray<TSIModelID>& aModelIDs );
void HandleGetAllPronunciationIDsL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
RArray<TSIPronunciationID>& aPronunciationIDs );
void HandleGetAllRuleIDsL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleIDs );
void HandleGetAvailableStorageL( TInt& aCount );
void HandleGetModelCountL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TInt& aCount );
void HandleGetPronunciationCountL(TSIModelBankID aLexiconID,TInt& aCount );
void HandleGetRuleCountL(TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,TInt& aCount );
void HandleGetRuleValidityL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID, TBool& aValid );
void HandleGetUtteranceDurationL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID aModelID,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDuration );
void HandleLoadGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
void HandleLoadLexiconL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID );
void HandleLoadModelsL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID );
void HandleRecognizeL();
void HandleRecordL( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aRecordTime );
void HandleRemoveGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
void HandleRemoveLexiconL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID );
void HandleRemoveModelBankL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID );
void HandleRemoveModelL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID aModelID );
void HandleRemovePronunciationL( TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIPronunciationID aPronunciationID );
void HandleRemoveRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID );
void HandleRemoveRulesL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID,RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleIDs );
void HandleTrainL( TSIModelBankID aModelBankID );
void HandleUnloadRuleL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID aRuleID );
void HandlePlayUtteranceL(TSIModelBankID aModelBankID, TSIModelID aModelID);
// SI component
void HandleAdaptL(CSIClientResultSet& aResultSet ,TInt aCorrect);
// void HandleAddPronunciationL(TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TPtrC& aTrainText,
// TLanguage aLanguage, TSIPronunciationID* aPronunciationID) ;
void HandleAddRuleVariantL(TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
RArray<TSIPronunciationID>& aPronunciationIDs,TSIRuleID aRuleID, TSIRuleVariantID& aRuleVariantID );
void HandleAddVoiceTagL( MDesCArray& aTrainArray, RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguageArray,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID* aRuleIDPtr);
void HandleAddVoiceTagsL( RPointerArray<MDesCArray>* aTrainArray, RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguageArray, TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIGrammarID aGrammarID/*,
RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleID*/);
void HandleAddSindeVoiceTagsL( RPointerArray<MDesCArray>* aTrainArrays,
RArray<RLanguageArray>& aLanguageArray,
TSILexiconID aLexiconID,
TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
#endif // __SINDE_TRAINING
void HandleCreateRuleL(TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, TSIRuleID& aRuleID) ;
// void HandleRecognizeL( CSIClientResultSet& aResultSet );
void HandleEndRecordL();
void HandleUnloadGrammarL( TSIGrammarID aGrammarID );
// void HandleUpdateGrammarAndLexiconL(CSITtpWordList* iSITtpWordList , TSILexiconID aLexiconID, TSIGrammarID aGrammarID, RArray<TSIRuleID>& aRuleID);
void HandlePreStartSamplingL();
private: // Data
// SI Controller Plugin states
enum TControllerState
ESiPluginRemoveRule ,
// SI Controller Plugin state
TControllerState iState;
// Result to be sent to the client
TInt iResult;
// Reference to Controller Interface
CSIControllerPluginInterface& iControllerIf;
// SI Database
CSIDatabase* iSIDatabase;
// SI part
// Model Bank database
CSIModelBankDB* iSIModelBankDB;
// Lexicon database
CSILexiconDB* iSILexiconDB;
// Grammar database
CSIGrammarDB* iSIGrammarDB;
TBool iVoiceTagDBLocked;
// Resource file handler
CSIResourceHandler* iResourceHandler;
// Client's UID for data ownership identification
TUid iClientUid;
TBool iClientRegistered;
// DevASR
CSIResultSet* iSIResultSet; // Used during recognition
/// Begin: data used in async handling of requests
TInt iRequestFunction;
TSIGrammarID iGrammarID;
TSILexiconID iLexiconID;
TSIModelBankID iModelBankID;
TSIRuleID iRuleID;
TSIRuleVariantID iRuleVariantID;
TSIPronunciationID iPronunciationID;
//RArray<TSIPronunciationID> iPronunciationIDs;
TSIModelID iModelID;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iRecordTime;
TSIGrammarID* iGrammarIDPtr;
TSILexiconID* iLexiconIDPtr;
TSIModelBankID* iModelBankIDPtr;
TSIRuleID* iRuleIDPtr;
TSIRuleVariantID* iRuleVariantIDPtr;
TSIPronunciationID* iPronunciationIDPtr;
TSIModelID* iModelIDPtr;
TInt* iCountPtr;
TBool* iValidPtr;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32* iDurationPtr;
RArray<TSIGrammarID>* iGrammarIDs;
RArray<TSILexiconID>* iLexiconIDs;
RArray<TSIModelBankID>* iModelBankIDs;
RArray<TSIModelID>* iModelIDs;
RArray<TSIPronunciationID>* iPronunciationIDs;
RArray<TSIRuleID>* iRuleIDs;
// End: data used in async handling of requests
// SI componet
CSIClientResultSet* iSIClientResultSet ;
TInt iCorrect;
TPtrC iTrainTextPtr;
TLanguage iLanguage;
RArray<TLanguage>* iLanguageArray;
RArray<RLanguageArray>* iLanguageArrayArray;
MDesCArray *iTrainArray ;
RPointerArray<MDesCArray>* iTrainArrays;
CSITtpWordList* iSITtpWordList;
RArray<TUint32> iMaxNPronunsForWord;
TPtrC8 iPronunciationPr;
CSICompiledGrammar *iSICompiledGrammar;
TSIPronunciationID* iLastAddedPronunciationIDPtr;
TSIRuleID* iLastAddedRuleIDPtr;
// recompile grammar during remove rule .
CSICompiledGrammar* iSICompiledGrammarRecompile; // Pointer to grammar to in remove rule
TSIGrammarID iGrammarIDRecompile;
TBool iIsGrammarRecompile;
TSIRuleID iRuleIDRemove;
TBool iIsRecompileGrammarActive;
// TTP data loader
//CTTPDataLoader* iTtpLoader;
CDataLoader* iDataLoader;
// Audio
HBufC8* iAudioBuffer;
TInt iNSamplesSent;
TPtrC8 iCurrentAudioBuffer;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iRecordDurations;
//TSIRuleVariantID iRuleVariantID;
RDbNotifier iRDbNotifier;
// Class which takes care of SINDE type of training process
CSindeTrainer* iSindeTrainer;
#endif // __SINDE_TRAINING
#endif // __CSIControllerPlugin_H__
// End of File