* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Audio interface for DevTts
#include <e32base.h>
#include <sounddevice.h> // DevSound
#include <nssdevtts.h> // DevTTS public header
class CAudioOutput;
class MDevTTSAudioObserver
* Notifies the observer that initialization has been completed.
* @param "TInt aError"
* KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system level
* error codes.
virtual void MdtaoInitializeComplete( TInt aError ) = 0;
* Audio device wants the buffer to be filled. Client should provide
* data to the descriptor given as parameter and call PlayData when
* data is ready to be played.
* @param "TDes8& aBuffer"
* Descriptor which should be filled
* @param "TInt aSizeRequested"
* Number of bytes requested
virtual void MdtaoBufferToBeFilled( TDes8& aBuffer,
TInt aSizeRequested ) = 0;
* Called when playback process is finished, successfully or otherwise.
* @param "TInt aError"
* KErrNone if everything succeeded, one of the system level error
* codes otherwise.
virtual void MdtaoPlayFinished( TInt aError ) = 0;
* Audio playback functionality for DevTTS.
class CDevTTSAudio : public CBase,
public MDevSoundObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDevTTSAudio* NewL( MDevTTSAudioObserver& aObserver,
TInt aPriority );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CDevTTSAudio();
public: // New functions
* Initializes the audio device. Method is asynchronous.
* MDevTTSAudioObserver::InitializeComplete() called when initialization
* is ready.
void InitializeL();
* Configures the audio device. Method is synchronous.
void ConfigL( TUint aSamplingRate, TUint aBitsPerSample,
TBool aStereo, TUint aBufferSize );
* Clears the audio device resources. Counter part of InitializeL.
void Clear();
* Returns the current balance setting.
* @return Balance.
TInt Balance();
* Returns maximum volume.
* @return Max volume.
TInt MaxVolume();
* Initialises the audio playback process.
void PlayInitL();
* Plays the filled buffer, Should be called when BufferToBeFilled
* callback has filled the requested buffer.
* @param "TBool aLastBuffer"
* Flag to tell if this is the last buffer
void PlayData( TBool aLastBuffer );
* Sets the priority for audio playback.
* @param "TInt aPriority"
* Priority value.
* @param "TDevTTSAudioPreference aPref"'
* Preference setting. Quality, time or both.
void SetAudioPriority( TInt aPriority, TDevTTSAudioPreference aPref );
* Sets the audio output routing
* @param TInt aAudioOutput
* New output.
void SetAudioOutputL( TInt aAudioOutput );
* Sets the playback balance.
* @param "TInt aBalance"
* Balance value to be set.
void SetBalance( TInt aVolume );
* Sets the playback volume. Range is from 0 (minumum) to MaxVolume().
* Out of range values will be discarded.
* @param "TInt aVolume"
* Volume value to be set, from 0 to MaxVolume.
void SetVolume( TInt aVolume );
* Sets the volume ramp duration
* @param "TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration"
* Ramp duration.
void SetVolumeRamp( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration );
* Stops the ongoing playback operation.
void Stop();
* Pauses the ongoing playback operation
void Pause();
* Returns the current volume setting.
* @return Volume
TInt Volume();
public: // Functions from base classes
* From MDevSoundObserver::InitializeComplete
* Handles initialization completion event from DevSound.
* Called InitializeL() function completes.
* @param "TInt aError"
* Error code. KErrNone if successful. Other values are possible
* indicating a problem initializing CMMFDevSound object.
void InitializeComplete( TInt aError );
* From MDevSoundObserver::ToneFinished
* Handles tone play completion event.
* Called when an attempt to play tone has
* completed, successfully or otherwise.
* @param "TInt aError"
* Error code. The status of tone playback. KErrUnderflow playing of
* the tone is complete. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is in use by
* another higher priority client. KErrCancel playing of the audio
* sample is stopped by DevSound client another higher priority client.
void ToneFinished( TInt aError );
* From MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeFilled
* Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event.
* CMMFDevSound object calls this method when and where it needs data for
* playing or converting. The observer should notify CMMFDevSound object as
* quickly as possible after the data is read into buffer, aBuffer by calling
* PlayData(), otherwise the implementation might callback method PlayError()
* on derived class object with error code KErrUnderflow.
* @param "CMMFBuffer* aBuffer"
* Buffer into which data should be read. The amount of data that is
* needed is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
void BufferToBeFilled( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer );
* From MDevSoundObserver::PlayError
* Handles play completion or cancel event.
* Called when an attempt to play audio sample
* has completed, successfully or otherwise.
* @param "TInt aError"
* Error code. The status of playback. KErrUnderflow playing of the
* audio sample is complete. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is in
* use by another higher priority client.
void PlayError( TInt aError );
* From MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeEmptied
* Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event.
* Called when the buffer, aBuffer gets filled
* while recording or converting. The observer should notify CMMFDevSound
* object as quickly as possible after data in the buffer is processed by
* calling RecordData(), otherwise the implementation might callback
* method RecordError() on derived class object with error code KErrOverflow.
* @param "CMMFBuffer* aBuffer"
* Buffer containing processed (recorded or converted) data. The amount
* of data that is available is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
void BufferToBeEmptied( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer );
* From MDevSoundObserver::RecordError
* Handles record completion or cancel event.
* Called when an attempt to record audio sample
* has completed, successfully or otherwise.
* @param "TInt aError"
* Error code. The status of recording. KErrOverflow audio devices
* runs out of internal buffer. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is
* in use by another higher priority client.
void RecordError( TInt aError );
* From MDevSoundObserver::ConvertError
* Handles conversion completion or cancel event.
* Called when an attempt to convert data from
* source format to destination format has completed,
* successfully or otherwise.
* @param "TInt aError"
* Error code. KErrCancel conversion operation is cancelled. KErrNone
* conversion is complete. Other values are possible indicating a
* problem converting data.
void ConvertError( TInt aError );
* From MDevSoundObserver::DeviceMessage
* Handles device event.
* Called when a message is received from the
* audio hardware device.
* @param "aMessageType"
* Defines the type of message. Used to determine how to
* interpret the contents of aMsg.
* @param "aMsg"
* Message that is packed in the Descriptor format.
void DeviceMessage( TUid aMessageType, const TDesC8& aMsg );
* From MDevSoundObserver::SendEventToClient
* Handles policy request completion event.
* Called when an attempt to acquire sound
* device is rejected by audio policy server.
* @param "const TMMFEvent& aEvent"
void SendEventToClient( const TMMFEvent& aEvent );
* C++ default constructor.
CDevTTSAudio( MDevTTSAudioObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
private: // Data
// Observer
MDevTTSAudioObserver& iObserver;
// DevSound
CMMFDevSound* iDevsound;
// Used for setting audio routing
CAudioOutput* iAudioOutput;
// DevSound capabilities
TMMFCapabilities iDevCap;
// Buffer which is being filled
CMMFBuffer* iBuffer;
// Numerical value of the priority setting
TInt iPriority;
// DevSound priority settings
TMMFPrioritySettings iAudioPriority;
// Current balance
TInt iBalance;
// Current volume
TInt iVolume;
// End of File