changeset 11 493058e57c8c
parent 0 9736f095102e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildverification/smoketest/autorom/readme.txt	Wed Sep 01 12:30:50 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+24/11/2008 - Temporary AutoRom solution
+The code in this directory is temporary code which enables smoke testing while a fully automated replacement for testdriver is being implemented.
+The code changes made are:
+Additon of directory common\testtools\smoketest\autorom containing the files:
+build_smoketest_code.mbc, smoketests.oby, smoketests.bat, dummytest.txt, autoexec.bat, smoketest_romspec_9.5.xml, smoketest_romspec_9.5.xml and smoketest_romspec_future.xml
+The autorom building is invoked by changes to 
+( <!--Build Smoke test auto roms (temp) -->
+<Execute Component="Build code for auto roms (Temp)" Cwd="%BuildDir%\src\common\testtools\smoketest\autorom\" CommandLine="metabld build_smoketest_code.mbc > %LogsDir%\smoketest_autorom_build.log"/>
+<Execute Component="Build Smoketest Auto Roms (Temp)" Cwd="%BuildDir%\src\cedar\generic\base\e32\rombuild\" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\cedar\generic\tools\romkit\utils\ -romspec %SourceDir%\common\testtools\smoketest\autorom\smoketest_romspec_9.6.xml -logdir %LogsDir% -buildnum %BuildNumber%_smoketest_autorom_temp"/>)
+Location of Roms
+The resulting roms can be found in :
+H4 Core : h4hrp_smoketest_autorom_temp.img
+H4 Rofs : h4hrp_smoketest_autorom_temp.rofs.img
+H6 Core : h6_smoketest_autorom_temp.img
+H6 Rofs : h6_smoketest_autorom_temp.rofs.img
+Naviengine :  NE1S_smoketest_autorom_temp.img
+Location of build logs
+The log for building the smoketest code is located in:
+The rom building logs can be found in :
+Executing the smoke tests
+Put the roms onto an MMC card in the normal way. Tests will execute automatically and write results to the MMC card (E:\testresults)
+Retrieve the results from the MMC card.
+Check that all tests have passed by checking each html results file in testresults.
+Update the ESR with the results.