changeset 0 3ee3dfdd8d69
child 16 99b535de1dda
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3ee3dfdd8d69
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Document class, CCalcDocument
    15 *                Derived from CEikDocument
    16 *                The history of inputted data is held.
    17 *                The memory of four-arithmetical-operations operation 
    18 *                or a calculation result is held.
    19 *                The last result and memory are saved at a file and 
    20 *                it restores.
    21 *
    22 */
    26 // INCLUDE FILES  
    27 #include    "CalcDoc.h"
    28 #include    "CalcEditline.h"
    29 #include    "CalcAppUi.h"
    30 #include    "CalcApp.h"
    31 #include	"CalcEnv.h"
    32 #include    "CalcHistory.h"
    33 #include	"e32math.h"
    34 #include <e32cmn.h>
    35 #include <s32file.h>
    36 // CONSTANTS
    37 const TReal64 KCalcDefaultMemory(0.0);
    38 const TReal64 KCalcDefaultLastResult(0.0);
    39 const TReal64 KCalcDefaultZero(1E-12);
    41 _LIT( KCalculatorFilename,"Calcsoft.ini");
    42 _LIT(KDelimiter, ":");
    44 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    46 // Two-phased constructor.
    47 CCalcDocument* CCalcDocument::NewL
    48                 (CEikApplication& aApp) 
    49     {
    50     CCalcDocument* self = new (ELeave) CCalcDocument(aApp);
    51     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    52     self->ConstructL();
    53     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    54     return self;
    55     }
    57 // Destructor
    58 CCalcDocument::~CCalcDocument()
    59     {
    60     delete iHistory;
    61     }
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    64 // CCalcDocument::CalculateAndAddHistoryL
    65 // This function is called when State is changed to State3 or State5. 
    66 // (other items were commented in a header).
    67 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    68 //
    69 TReal64 CCalcDocument::CalculateAndAddHistoryL
    70                    (TReal64 aOperand,
    71                     const TCalcEditLine& aLine)
    72     {
    73 	iProvisionalResult = CalculateL(aOperand, aLine.Operator()); 
    74 	iHistory->Add(aLine);       // Add a line to history.	
    75 	return iProvisionalResult;	
    76     }
    78 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    79 // CCalcDocument::CalculateAndNoHistoryL
    80 // This function is called when the calculations is not
    81 // written to the Outputsheet (sqrt and percent in some cases).
    82 // (other items were commented in a header).
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 TReal64 CCalcDocument::CalculateAndNoHistoryL
    86                    (TReal64 aOperand,
    87                     const TCalcEditLine& aLine)
    88 	{
    89 	TReal64 result = CalculateL(aOperand, aLine.Operator()); 
    90 	return result;
    91 	}
    93 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    94 // CCalcDocument::CalculateAndModifyHistoryL
    95 // This function is called when the output needs to be edited
    96 // before it is displayed in the Outputsheet. This function 
    97 // may call the CalculateL twice, because it may need to
    98 // calculate the percent first.
    99 // (other items were commented in a header).
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 TReal64 CCalcDocument::CalculateAndModifyHistoryL
   103                    (TReal64 aOperand,
   104                     TCalcEditLine& aLine,
   105 					TCalcEditLine::TCalcOperatorType aOperator)
   106 	{
   107 	if (aOperator == TCalcEditLine::ECalcMultiply)
   108 		iProvisionalResult = CalculateL(aOperand, aLine.Operator()); 
   109 	else
   110 		{
   111 		TReal64 iTempResult = CalculateL(aOperand, aLine.Operator()); 
   112 		iProvisionalResult = CalculateL(iTempResult, aOperator);
   113 		}
   115 	aLine.SetOperator(aOperator);
   116 	// Get the percent character from iCalcAppEnv (it uses the resource
   117 	// file to get the character).
   118 	TChar character((iCalcAppEnv->OutSheetOperator(TCalcEditLine::ECalcPercent))[0]);
   119 	aLine.AppendNumberStringL(character); // Add percent to the line
   120 	iHistory->Add(aLine);       // Add a line to history.	
   121 	return iProvisionalResult;
   122 	}
   124 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   125 // CCalcDocument::AddEqualLineAndUpdateLastResult
   126 // This is called when "Equal" command is selected. 
   127 // (other items were commented in a header).
   128 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   129 //
   130 void CCalcDocument::AddEqualLineAndUpdateLastResultL()
   131     {
   132     TCalcEditLine line;
   133     line.SetOperator(TCalcEditLine::ECalcEqual);
   134     line.SetNumber(iProvisionalResult);
   135     iHistory->Add(line);         // Add a line to history.
   136     iLastResult = iProvisionalResult;
   137     SaveStateL();
   138     }
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   141 // CCalcDocument::AddEmptyLine
   142 // Add a empty line
   143 // (other items were commented in a header).
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   145 //
   146 void CCalcDocument::AddEmptyLine()
   147     {
   148     TCalcEditLine line;
   149     iHistory->Add(line);       
   150     }
   152 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   153 // CCalcDocument::MemorySave
   154 // Save a memory from value of current editor.
   155 // (other items were commented in a header).
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   157 //
   158 void CCalcDocument::MemorySaveL
   159                    (TReal64 aNewMemory)
   160     {
   161     iMemory = aNewMemory;
   162     SaveStateL();
   163     }
   166 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   167 // CCalcDocument::HasMemory
   168 // Check memory non-zero.
   169 // (other items were commented in a header).
   170 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   171 //
   172 TBool CCalcDocument::HasMemory() const
   173     {
   174     return (iMemory != 0.0);
   175     }
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   178 // CCalcDocument::Memory
   179 // Return memory.
   180 // (other items were commented in a header).
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   182 //
   183 TReal64 CCalcDocument::Memory() const
   184     {
   185     return (iMemory);
   186     }
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   189 // CCalcDocument::MemoryClear
   190 // Clear memory.
   191 // (other items were commented in a header).
   192 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   193 //
   194 void CCalcDocument::MemoryClearL()
   195     {
   196     iMemory = 0.0;
   197     SaveStateL(); 	
   198     }
   200 // ----------------------------------------------------
   201 // CCalcDocument::LastResult
   202 // Return Last result.
   203 // (other items were commented in a header).
   204 // ----------------------------------------------------
   205 //
   206 TReal64 CCalcDocument::LastResult() const
   207     {
   208     return (iLastResult);
   209     }
   211 // ----------------------------------------------------
   212 // CCalcDocument::ProvisionalResult
   213 // Return provisional result
   214 // (other items were commented in a header).
   215 // ----------------------------------------------------
   216 //
   217 TReal64 CCalcDocument::ProvisionalResult() const
   218     {
   219     return iProvisionalResult;
   220     }
   223 // ----------------------------------------------------
   224 // CCalcDocument::History
   225 // Return CCalcHistory class.
   226 // (other items were commented in a header).
   227 // ----------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 CCalcHistory* CCalcDocument::History() const
   230     {
   231     return iHistory;
   232     }
   235 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   236 // might leave.
   237 //
   238 CCalcDocument::CCalcDocument
   239                (CEikApplication& aApp) 
   240               : CEikDocument(aApp)
   241     {
   242     }
   244 // Second phase constructor.
   245 void CCalcDocument::ConstructL()
   246     {
   247     iHistory = new (ELeave) CCalcHistory();
   248     }
   250 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   251 // CCalcDocument::CalculateL
   252 // Calculate result
   253 // Leave may occur, causes KErrOverflow or KErrDivideByZero.
   254 // (other items were commented in a header).
   255 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   256 //
   257 TReal64 CCalcDocument::CalculateL
   258         (TReal64 aOperand,
   259          TCalcEditLine::TCalcOperatorType aOperator) 
   260     {
   261     TReal64  result(iProvisionalResult);
   263     switch (aOperator)
   264         {
   265         case  TCalcEditLine::ECalcAdd:
   266             {
   267             result += aOperand;
   268             break;
   269             }
   270         case  TCalcEditLine::ECalcSubtract:
   271             {
   272             result -= aOperand;
   273             if( Abs(result)<= KCalcDefaultZero )
   274             	{
   275             	result = 0;
   276             	}
   277             break;
   278             }
   279         case  TCalcEditLine::ECalcMultiply:
   280             {
   281             result *= aOperand;
   282             break;
   283             }
   284         case  TCalcEditLine::ECalcDivide:
   285             {
   286             if ( aOperand == 0 )
   287                 {
   288                 iCCalcView->UpdateState( CCalcView::EOperator );
   289                 User::Leave(KErrDivideByZero); //  Error causes
   290                 }
   291             else
   292                 {
   293                 result /= aOperand;
   294                 }
   295             break;
   296             }
   297 		case TCalcEditLine::ECalcSqrt:
   298 			{
   299 			if ( aOperand < 0 )
   300 				{
   301                 User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //  Error causes
   302                 }
   303 			else
   304 				Math::Sqrt(result, aOperand);
   305 			break;
   306 			}
   307 		case TCalcEditLine::ECalcPercent:
   308 			{
   309 			result = (result * aOperand) / 100;
   310 			break;
   311 			}
   312         case  TCalcEditLine::ECalcOperatorNone:
   313             {
   314             result = aOperand;
   315             break;
   316             }
   317         default:
   318             {
   319             break;
   320             }
   321         }
   322     //  Check Result. If overflow, Leave occurs.
   323     CheckResultL(&result);
   325     // Overflow do not occur
   326     return  result;
   327     }
   330 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   331 // CCalcDocument::CheckResultL
   332 // Check overflow and underflow  
   333 // Leave may occur, causes KErrOverflow.
   334 // (other items were commented in a header).
   335 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   336 //
   337 void CCalcDocument::CheckResultL
   338                    (TReal64* aResult)    
   339     {
   340     // Set data format 
   341     TRealFormat realFormat(KCalcMaxNumberWidth, KCalcMaxDigits);  
   342     if ( *aResult >= 0 )
   343         {
   344         realFormat.iWidth--;
   345         }
   346     realFormat.iType = KRealFormatNoExponent;
   347     realFormat.iTriLen = 0;  //  Delimit character is nothing
   348     TLocale locale;
   349     TChar separator(locale.DecimalSeparator());
   351     realFormat.iPoint = separator;
   353     TBuf<KCalcMaxNumberWidth> buffer;  
   354     TInt code = buffer.Num(*aResult, realFormat);
   356     if(KErrOverflow == code || KErrUnderflow == code)
   357 	    {
   358 	    TRealFormat realFormat(KCalcMaxNumberWidth);  
   359 	    if ( *aResult >= 0 )
   360 	        {
   361 	        realFormat.iWidth--;
   362 	        }
   363 	    realFormat.iType = KRealFormatExponent;
   364 	    realFormat.iPlaces = 3;
   365 	    realFormat.iTriLen = 0;  //  Delimit character is nothing
   366 	    TLocale locale;
   367 	    TChar separator(locale.DecimalSeparator());
   369 	    realFormat.iPoint = separator;
   371 	    TBuf<KCalcMaxNumberWidth> buffer;  
   372 	    code = buffer.Num(*aResult, realFormat);
   373 	    }
   375 	switch (code)
   376         {
   377         case KErrOverflow:
   378             {
   379             User::Leave(KErrOverflow);  
   380             break;
   381             }
   382         case KErrUnderflow:
   383             {
   384             *aResult = 0.0;
   385             break;
   386             }
   387         default:
   388             {
   389             break;
   390             }
   391         }
   393     }
   396 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   397 // CCalcDocument::ExternalizeL
   398 // Externalising of the last result and memory.
   399 // (other items were commented in a header).
   400 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   401 //
   402 void CCalcDocument::ExternalizeL
   403         (RWriteStream& aStream) const 
   404     {
   405     aStream.WriteReal64L(iLastResult);  // Write last result
   406     aStream.WriteReal64L(iMemory);      // Write memory
   407     }
   409 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   410 // CCalcDocument::InternalizeL
   411 // Internalising of the last result and memory.
   412 // (other items were commented in a header).
   413 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   414 //
   415 void CCalcDocument::InternalizeL
   416         (RReadStream& aStream) 
   417     {
   418     iLastResult = aStream.ReadReal64L();    // Read last result
   419     iMemory = aStream.ReadReal64L();        // Read memory
   421     // If read value is out of range, 
   422     // memory is replaced to default one.
   423     TRAPD(error, CheckResultL(&iMemory));
   424     if (error == KErrOverflow)
   425         {
   426         iMemory = KCalcDefaultMemory;
   427         }
   429     // If read value is out of range, 
   430     // last result is replaced to default one.
   431     TRAP(error, CheckResultL(&iLastResult));
   432     if (error == KErrOverflow)
   433         {
   434         iLastResult = KCalcDefaultLastResult;
   435         }
   437     }
   439 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   440 // CCalcDocument::CreateAppUiL
   441 // This function is called when Calculator application is opened. 
   442 // (other items were commented in a header).
   443 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   444 //
   445 CEikAppUi* CCalcDocument::CreateAppUiL()
   446     {
   447     return new (ELeave) CCalcAppUi;
   448     }
   450 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   451 // CCalcDocument::SaveStateL
   452 // Store memory and last result
   453 // (other items were commented in a header).
   454 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   455 //
   456 void CCalcDocument::SaveStateL()
   457 {
   458 		RFileWriteStream out;
   459 		RFs fileSession;
   461 		User::LeaveIfError(fileSession.Connect());
   462     	CleanupClosePushL(fileSession);
   464     	TFileName filePath;
   465 		TBuf<1> tempDes;
   466 		TChar driveChar;
   468     	User::LeaveIfError(fileSession.PrivatePath(filePath));
   469     	fileSession.DriveToChar(KDefaultDrive, driveChar);
   470     	tempDes.Append(driveChar);
   471     	filePath.Insert(0,KDelimiter);
   472     	filePath.Insert(0,tempDes);
   473     	filePath.Append(KCalculatorFilename);
   475     	TInt err( out.Replace( fileSession, filePath,EFileWrite ) );
   477 	if( !err )
   478 		{
   479 		TRAP( err, ExternalizeL( out ) );
   481 		out.Close();
   482 		}
   484   	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   486 }
   488  // ---------------------------------------------------------
   489 // CCalcDocument::LoadStateL
   490 // Restore memory and last result
   491 // This function is called when document file exists. 
   492 // (other items were commented in a header).
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   494 //   
   495     void CCalcDocument::LoadStateL()
   496     {
   497     	RFileReadStream in;
   498     	RFs fileSession;
   500     	User::LeaveIfError(fileSession.Connect());
   501     	CleanupClosePushL(fileSession);
   503 		TFileName filePath;
   504 		TBuf<1> tempDes;
   505 		TChar driveChar;
   506     	User::LeaveIfError(fileSession.PrivatePath(filePath));
   507     	fileSession.DriveToChar(KDefaultDrive, driveChar);
   508     	tempDes.Append(driveChar);
   509     	filePath.Insert(0,KDelimiter);
   510     	filePath.Insert(0,tempDes);
   511     	filePath.Append(KCalculatorFilename);
   513 		TInt err( in.Open( fileSession, filePath,
   514 			EFileRead ) );
   516 	if( !err )
   517 		{
   518 		TRAPD(readErr,InternalizeL( in ) );
   520 		if ( readErr )
   521         {
   522         // Internalizing fails.
   523         iMemory = KCalcDefaultMemory;         // Reset memoey
   524         iLastResult = KCalcDefaultLastResult; // Reset last result
   525         }
   527 		in.Close();
   528 		}
   529 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   531         SetChanged(EFalse);
   533     }
   535 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   536 // CCalcDocument::SetAppEnv
   537 // This function is used to receive a pointer to the
   538 // CCalcAppEnv.
   539 // (other items were commented in a header).
   540 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   541 //
   542 void CCalcDocument::SetAppEnv(CCalcAppEnv* aCalcAppEnv)
   543 	{
   544 		iCalcAppEnv = aCalcAppEnv;
   545 	}
   547 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   548 // CCalcDocument::SetCalcView
   549 // This function is used to receive a pointer to the
   550 // SetCalcView.
   551 // (other items were commented in a header).
   552 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   553 //
   554 void CCalcDocument::SetCalcView( CCalcView* aCCalcView )
   555     {
   556     iCCalcView = aCCalcView;
   557     }
   558 //  End of File