changeset 0 951a5db380a0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/videoeditorengine/vedtranscoder/src/Ctrscaler.cpp	Fri Jan 29 14:08:33 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
+* Contributors:
+* Ixonos Plc
+* Description:  
+* Resampling framework for YUV 4.2.0.
+#include "ctrscaler.h"
+#include "ctrsettings.h"
+#include "ctrhwsettings.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+// Debug print macro
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    #include <e32svr.h>
+    #define PRINT(x) RDebug::Print x;
+    #define PRINT(x)
+// An assertion macro wrapper to clean up the code a bit
+#define VPASSERT(x) __ASSERT_DEBUG(x, User::Panic(_L("CTRScaler"), KErrAbort))
+// Macros for fixed point math
+#define FP_BITS         15      // Number of bits to use for FP decimals
+#define FP_FP(x)        (static_cast<TInt>((x) * 32768.0))
+#define FP_ONE          (1 << FP_BITS)
+#define FP_MUL(x,y)     (((x) * (y)) >> FP_BITS)
+#define FP_FRAC(x)      ((x) & (FP_ONE - 1))
+#define FP_INT(x)       ((x) >> FP_BITS)
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CTRScaler* CTRScaler::NewL()
+    {
+    // Standard two phase construction
+    CTRScaler* self = new (ELeave) CTRScaler();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::ConstructL()
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::CTRScaler
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    // Scaler does not perform any operation before initializing
+    iOperation = EOperationNone;
+    iTrgBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::~CTRScaler()
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::IsWideAspectRatio()
+// Checks if aspect ratio is wide
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CTRScaler::IsWideAspectRatio(TSize aSize)
+    {
+    return ( TReal(aSize.iWidth) / TReal(aSize.iHeight) ) > KTRWideThreshold;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::SetupScalerL
+// Sets the scaler options (src buffer, dest buffer (could be the same as a src), src resolution, trg resolution)
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::SetScalerOptionsL(TPtr8& aSrc, TPtr8& aTrg, TSize& aSrcSize, TSize& aTrgSize )
+    {
+    PRINT((_L("CTRScaler::SetScalerOptionsL, src = (%d, %d), trg = (%d, %d)"), 
+        aSrcSize.iWidth, aSrcSize.iHeight, aTrgSize.iWidth, aTrgSize.iHeight));
+    // Check settings
+    if ( ( !aSrc.Ptr() ) || ( !aTrg.Ptr() ) || 
+       ( aSrcSize.iWidth == 0) || ( aSrcSize.iHeight == 0 )   || 
+       ( aTrgSize.iWidth == 0) || ( aTrgSize.iHeight == 0 )   ||
+       ( aSrc.MaxLength() < ( aSrcSize.iWidth * aSrcSize.iHeight * 3 / 2 ) ) || 
+       ( aTrg.MaxLength() < ( aTrgSize.iWidth * aTrgSize.iHeight * 3 / 2 ) )
+        )
+        {
+        PRINT((_L("CTRScaler::SetupScalerL(), Given options are not supported")))
+        User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TReal remainder = 0.0;
+        iTrgBuffer = NULL;
+        // We don't support non-multiple output yet
+        Math::Mod( remainder, static_cast<TReal>(aTrgSize.iWidth), 4.0 );
+        if ( remainder == 0.0 )
+            {
+            Math::Mod( remainder, static_cast<TReal>(aTrgSize.iHeight), 4.0 );
+            }
+        if ( remainder != 0.0 )
+            {
+            PRINT((_L("CTRScaler::SetupScalerL(), Scaler does not support output resolution that is not multiple by 4")))
+            User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+            }
+        TSize targetSize = aTrgSize;
+        // check if black boxing is needed
+        TBool srcWide = IsWideAspectRatio(aSrcSize);
+        TBool dstWide = IsWideAspectRatio(aTrgSize);
+        iBlackBoxing = TSize(0,0);
+        TBool doScaling = ETrue;
+        if (srcWide != dstWide)
+            {
+                TSize resolution(0,0);
+                doScaling = GetIntermediateResolution(aSrcSize, aTrgSize, resolution, iBlackBoxing);
+                // Set the whole image to black
+                TUint yLength = aTrgSize.iWidth * aTrgSize.iHeight;
+		        TUint uvLength = yLength >> 1;
+                // Y
+        		TInt data = 0;
+        		TPtr8 tempPtr(0,0);        		
+        		tempPtr.Set(const_cast<TUint8*>(aTrg.Ptr()), yLength, yLength);        		
+        		tempPtr.Fill((TChar)data, yLength);
+        		// U,V        		
+        		data = 127;
+        		tempPtr.Set(const_cast<TUint8*>(aTrg.Ptr()) + yLength, uvLength, uvLength); 
+        		tempPtr.Fill((TChar)data, uvLength);                
+                aTrgSize = resolution;
+                PRINT((_L("CTRScaler::SetScalerOptionsL, blackboxing width = %d, height = %d"), iBlackBoxing.iWidth, iBlackBoxing.iHeight));
+            }
+        if ( !doScaling )
+            {
+            // No need to perform resampling operation, copy data with black boxing
+            iOperation = EOperationCopyWithBB;
+            }        
+        else if ( (aTrgSize.iWidth == aSrcSize.iWidth) && (aTrgSize.iHeight == aSrcSize.iHeight) )
+            {
+            // No need to perform resampling operation, just copy data
+            iOperation = EOperationCopy;
+            }
+        else if ( (aTrgSize.iWidth == aSrcSize.iWidth * 2) && (aTrgSize.iHeight == aSrcSize.iHeight * 2) )
+            {
+            // Resolution is doubled
+            iOperation = EDoubleSize;
+            }
+        else if ( (aTrgSize.iWidth * 2 == aSrcSize.iWidth) && (aTrgSize.iHeight * 2 == aSrcSize.iHeight) )
+            {
+            // Resolution is halved
+            iOperation = EHalveSize;
+            }
+        else if ( (aTrgSize.iWidth > aSrcSize.iWidth) && (aTrgSize.iHeight > aSrcSize.iHeight) )
+            {
+            // Resolution is increased
+            iOperation = EUpSampling;
+            }
+        else if ( (aTrgSize.iWidth < aSrcSize.iWidth) && (aTrgSize.iHeight < aSrcSize.iHeight) )
+            {
+            // Resolution is decreased
+            iOperation = EDownSampling;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // The image is streched ie. vertical resolution increases and horizontal decreases or vice versa
+            iOperation = EUpDownSampling;
+            }
+        // Set given settings
+        iSrc = const_cast<TUint8*>( aSrc.Ptr() );
+        iTrg = const_cast<TUint8*>( aTrg.Ptr() );
+        iSrcSize = aSrcSize;
+        iTrgSize = aTrgSize;
+        iSrcInit = iSrc;
+        iTrgInit = iTrg;
+        aTrgSize = targetSize;  // recover target size since it's a reference
+        iTrgDataSize = aTrgSize.iWidth * aTrgSize.iHeight * 3 / 2;
+        iTrgBuffer = &aTrg;
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::GetIntermediateResolution()
+// Calculates intermediate resolution for use with black boxing
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CTRScaler::GetIntermediateResolution(TSize aSrcSize, TSize aTrgSize, 
+                                           TSize& aTargetResolution, TSize& aBlackBoxing)
+    {
+    TSize resolution;
+    TBool doScaling = ETrue;
+    TBool srcWide = IsWideAspectRatio(aSrcSize);
+    TBool dstWide = IsWideAspectRatio(aTrgSize);
+    VPASSERT(srcWide != dstWide);
+    if (dstWide)
+        {
+        // Pillarboxing
+        // scale height to destination
+        TReal factor = TReal(aTrgSize.iHeight) / TReal(aSrcSize.iHeight);
+        resolution.iWidth = TInt( aSrcSize.iWidth * factor );
+        if (resolution.iWidth & 0x1 > 0)
+            resolution.iWidth++;
+        resolution.iHeight = aTrgSize.iHeight;
+        while ( (aTrgSize.iWidth - resolution.iWidth) % 4 != 0 )
+        {
+            resolution.iWidth += 2;
+        }
+        aBlackBoxing.iWidth = (aTrgSize.iWidth - resolution.iWidth) / 2;
+        if ( factor == 1.0 )
+            {
+            // source and destination heights are the same, 
+            // meaning source width is smaller and we don't
+            // have to scale, just do pillarboxing
+            doScaling = EFalse;
+            // set target width
+            resolution.iWidth = aTrgSize.iWidth;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Letterboxing
+        // scale width to destination
+        TReal factor = TReal(aTrgSize.iWidth) / TReal(aSrcSize.iWidth);                                
+        resolution.iHeight = TInt( aSrcSize.iHeight * factor );                
+        if (resolution.iHeight & 0x1 > 0)
+            resolution.iHeight++;
+        resolution.iWidth = aTrgSize.iWidth;
+        while ( (aTrgSize.iHeight - resolution.iHeight) % 4 != 0 )
+            {
+            resolution.iHeight += 2;
+            }                                    
+        aBlackBoxing.iHeight = (aTrgSize.iHeight - resolution.iHeight) / 2;
+        if ( factor == 1.0 )
+            {
+            // source and destination widths are the same, 
+            // meaning source height is smaller and we don't
+            // have to scale, just do letterboxing
+            doScaling = EFalse;
+            // set target height
+            resolution.iHeight = aTrgSize.iHeight;
+            }
+        }
+    PRINT((_L("CTRScaler::GetIntermediateResolution, resolution = (%d, %d), bb = (%d, %d)"), 
+        resolution.iWidth, resolution.iHeight, aBlackBoxing.iWidth, aBlackBoxing.iHeight));
+    aTargetResolution = resolution;
+    return doScaling;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::Scale()
+// Scale the image
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::Scale()
+    {
+    TSize srcSizeUV = TSize( iSrcSize.iWidth / 2, iSrcSize.iHeight / 2 );
+    TSize trgSizeUV = TSize( iTrgSize.iWidth / 2, iTrgSize.iHeight / 2 );
+    TSize blackBoxingUV = TSize( iBlackBoxing.iWidth / 2, iBlackBoxing.iHeight / 2 );
+    switch( iOperation )
+        {
+        case EOperationCopy:
+            {
+            // Src / Trg resolutions are the same, no needs to perform resampling
+            if ( iSrc != iTrg )
+                {
+                    // Copy data, if different memory areas are specified
+                    Mem::Copy( iTrg, iSrc, iTrgDataSize );            
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // The same memory fragment is specified for the output; Keep it without changes;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case EOperationCopyWithBB:
+            {                
+            // Copy with black boxing
+            CopyWithBlackBoxing(iSrcSize, iTrgSize, iBlackBoxing);
+            CopyWithBlackBoxing(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+            CopyWithBlackBoxing(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EDownSampling:
+            {
+            TInt error = KErrNoMemory;
+            // If scaling to less than 50% of the source size
+            if ( (iTrgSize.iWidth * 2 < iSrcSize.iWidth) && (iTrgSize.iHeight * 2 < iSrcSize.iHeight) )
+                {
+                // Try to do the scaling in two steps
+                TRAP( error, DoHalveAndBilinearResampleL() );
+                }
+            // If the above failed or scaling to 51% or higher        
+            if ( error != KErrNone )
+                {
+                // Resample the Y, U & V components
+                ResampleBilinear(iSrcSize, iTrgSize, iBlackBoxing);
+                ResampleBilinear(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+                ResampleBilinear(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case EUpSampling:
+        case EUpDownSampling:
+            {            
+            // Resample the Y, U & V components
+            ResampleBilinear(iSrcSize, iTrgSize, iBlackBoxing);
+            ResampleBilinear(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+            ResampleBilinear(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EDoubleSize:
+            {
+            // Resample the Y, U & V components to double size
+            ResampleDouble(iSrcSize, iTrgSize);
+            ResampleDouble(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV);
+            ResampleDouble(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EHalveSize:
+            {
+            // Resample the Y, U & V components to half size
+            ResampleHalve(iSrcSize, iTrgSize, iBlackBoxing);
+            ResampleHalve(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+            ResampleHalve(srcSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EOperationNone:
+            {
+            PRINT((_L("CTRScaler::Scale(), Scaler was not initialized yet to perform any operation")))
+            return;
+            }
+//            break;
+        default:
+            {
+            }
+        }
+    // Recover source and target data pointers
+    iSrc = iSrcInit;
+    iTrg = iTrgInit;
+    // Set Dsc length
+    if (iTrgBuffer)
+        {
+        iTrgBuffer->SetLength(iTrgDataSize);
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::CopyWithBlackBoxing()
+// Copies frame to target buffer applying black borders
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::CopyWithBlackBoxing(TSize& aSrcSize, TSize& aTrgSize, TSize& aBlackBoxing)
+    if (aBlackBoxing.iHeight != 0)
+        {
+        TInt copyLength = aSrcSize.iWidth * aSrcSize.iHeight;
+        iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iHeight * aTrgSize.iWidth;
+        Mem::Copy(iTrg, iSrc, copyLength);
+        iTrg += copyLength;
+        iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iHeight * aTrgSize.iWidth;                                        
+        iSrc += copyLength;
+        } 
+    else if (aBlackBoxing.iWidth != 0)
+        {
+        TInt i;
+        iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iWidth;
+        for (i = 0; i < iTrgSize.iHeight; i++)
+            {
+            // copy one row
+            Mem::Copy(iTrg, iSrc, aSrcSize.iWidth);
+            iSrc += aSrcSize.iWidth;
+            iTrg += aSrcSize.iWidth;
+            iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iWidth * 2;
+            }
+        // subtract the width of one pillar
+        iTrg -= aBlackBoxing.iWidth;
+        }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::DoHalveAndBilinearResampleL()
+// First resamples an image to half size and then uses bilinear resample to
+// scale it to requested size.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::DoHalveAndBilinearResampleL()
+    {
+    // Make sure the scale factor is correct
+    VPASSERT( (iTrgSize.iWidth * 2 < iSrcSize.iWidth) &&
+              (iTrgSize.iHeight * 2 < iSrcSize.iHeight) );
+    TSize srcSizeUV = TSize( iSrcSize.iWidth / 2, iSrcSize.iHeight / 2 );
+    TSize trgSizeUV = TSize( iTrgSize.iWidth / 2, iTrgSize.iHeight / 2 );
+    TSize blackBoxingUV = TSize( iBlackBoxing.iWidth / 2, iBlackBoxing.iHeight / 2 );
+    // Calculate the size for the temporary image where we store the intermediate result         
+    TSize tempSize = TSize( iSrcSize.iWidth / 2, iSrcSize.iHeight / 2 );
+    TSize tempSizeUV = TSize( tempSize.iWidth / 2, tempSize.iHeight / 2 );
+    // Allocate memory for the temporary image
+    TUint8* tempBuffer = (TUint8*) User::AllocLC(tempSize.iWidth * tempSize.iHeight * 3 / 2);
+    // Set the temporary image as the target
+    iTrg = tempBuffer;
+    TSize zeroBlackBox = TSize(0,0);
+    // Resample the Y, U & V components to half size
+    ResampleHalve(iSrcSize, tempSize, zeroBlackBox);
+    ResampleHalve(srcSizeUV, tempSizeUV, zeroBlackBox);
+    ResampleHalve(srcSizeUV, tempSizeUV, zeroBlackBox);
+    // Set the temporary image as the source and recover the original target
+    iSrc = tempBuffer;
+    iTrg = iTrgInit;
+    // Resample the Y, U & V components
+    ResampleBilinear(tempSize, iTrgSize, iBlackBoxing);
+    ResampleBilinear(tempSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+    ResampleBilinear(tempSizeUV, trgSizeUV, blackBoxingUV);
+    // Release the temporary buffer
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuffer);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::ResampleBilinear()
+// Resamples an image with bilinear filtering. The target pixel is generated by
+// linearly interpolating the four nearest source pixels in x- and y-directions.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::ResampleBilinear(TSize& aSrcSize, TSize& aTrgSize, TSize& aBlackBoxing)
+    {
+    TInt i = 0, j = 0;
+    TInt x = 0, y = 0;
+    TInt fx = 0, fy = 0;
+    TInt weightFactor = 0;
+    // Pointers to the source memory
+    TUint8* srcRowPosition = 0;
+    TUint8* srcPixelPosition = 0;
+    // Calculate the scale factor using the max indices of the source and target images
+    TReal scaleX = TReal(aSrcSize.iWidth - 1) / TReal(aTrgSize.iWidth - 1);
+    TReal scaleY = TReal(aSrcSize.iHeight - 1) / TReal(aTrgSize.iHeight - 1);
+    // Convert the scale factor to fixed point
+    iScaleXInt = FP_FP(scaleX) - 1;     // subtract 1 so we don't go outside the source image
+    iScaleYInt = FP_FP(scaleY) - 1;
+    if ( aBlackBoxing.iWidth != 0 )
+        {
+        // increment target pointer over first 'pillar'
+        iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iWidth;
+        }
+    else if ( aBlackBoxing.iHeight != 0 )
+        {
+        // increment target pointer over top letterboxed area
+        iTrg += aTrgSize.iWidth * aBlackBoxing.iHeight;
+        }
+    // Loop target rows
+    for( i = 0, y = 0; i < aTrgSize.iHeight; i++ )
+        {
+        // Calculate the row position of the source        
+        srcRowPosition = iSrc + FP_INT(y) * aSrcSize.iWidth;
+        fy = FP_FRAC(y);    // Fractational part of the row position
+        // Loop target columns
+        for( j = 0, x = 0; j < aTrgSize.iWidth; j++ )
+            {
+            // Calculate the pixel position in the source            
+            srcPixelPosition = srcRowPosition + FP_INT(x);
+            // Calculate the weight factor for blending
+            fx = FP_FRAC(x); 
+            weightFactor = FP_MUL(fx, fy);
+            // Blend using the four nearest pixels
+            *(iTrg) = FP_INT(
+                *(srcPixelPosition) * (weightFactor + FP_ONE - fx - fy) + 
+                *(srcPixelPosition + 1) * (fx - weightFactor) + 
+                *(srcPixelPosition + aSrcSize.iWidth) * (fy - weightFactor) +
+                *(srcPixelPosition + 1 + aSrcSize.iWidth) * weightFactor );
+            iTrg++;             // Move on to the next target pixel
+            x += iScaleXInt;    // Calculate the column for the next source pixel
+            }
+        y += iScaleYInt;        // Calculate the row for the next source pixels
+        if ( aBlackBoxing.iWidth != 0 )
+            {
+            // increment target pointer over two pillars, one at the end of this row, 
+            // other one at the beginning of the next row
+            iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iWidth * 2;
+            }
+        }
+    // Update pointers 
+    iSrc += aSrcSize.iWidth * aSrcSize.iHeight;
+    if ( aBlackBoxing.iWidth != 0 )
+        {
+        // subtract the width of one pillar
+        iTrg -= aBlackBoxing.iWidth;
+        }
+    else if ( aBlackBoxing.iHeight != 0 )
+        {
+        // increment over bottom letterboxed area
+        iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iHeight * aTrgSize.iWidth;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::ResampleHalve()
+// Resamples an image to half size. For each target pixel a 2x2 pixel area is
+// read from the source and blended together to produce the target color.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::ResampleHalve(TSize& aSrcSize, TSize& aTrgSize, TSize& aBlackBoxing)
+    {
+    TInt i = 0, j = 0;
+    // Make sure the scale factor is correct
+    VPASSERT( (aTrgSize.iWidth * 2 == aSrcSize.iWidth) &&
+              (aTrgSize.iHeight * 2 == aSrcSize.iHeight) );
+    if ( aBlackBoxing.iHeight != 0 )
+        {
+        // increment target pointer over top letterboxed area
+        iTrg += aTrgSize.iWidth * aBlackBoxing.iHeight;
+        }          
+    // Loop target rows
+    for( i = 0; i < aTrgSize.iHeight; i++ )
+        {
+        // Loop target columns    
+        for( j = 0; j < aTrgSize.iWidth; j++ )
+            {
+            // Calculate the target pixel by blending the 4 nearest source pixels          
+            *(iTrg) = (
+                *(iSrc) +
+                *(iSrc + 1) +
+                *(iSrc + aSrcSize.iWidth) +
+                *(iSrc + 1 + aSrcSize.iWidth)
+                ) >> 2;  // divide by 4
+            iTrg++;     // Move on to the next target pixel
+            iSrc += 2;  // Sample every second column from the source
+            }
+        iSrc += aSrcSize.iWidth;    // Sample every second row from the source
+        }
+    if ( aBlackBoxing.iHeight != 0 )
+        {
+        // increment over bottom letterboxed area
+        iTrg += aBlackBoxing.iHeight * aTrgSize.iWidth;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::ResampleDouble()
+// Resamples an image to double size. A 2x2 pixel area is generated using
+// the four nearest pixels from the source and written to the target image.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTRScaler::ResampleDouble(TSize& aSrcSize, TSize& aTrgSize)
+    {
+    TInt i = 0, j = 0;
+    // Make sure the scale factor is correct
+    VPASSERT( (aTrgSize.iWidth == aSrcSize.iWidth * 2) &&
+              (aTrgSize.iHeight == aSrcSize.iHeight * 2) );
+    // Generate 2x2 target pixels in each loop
+    // Loop every second target row
+    for( i = 0; i < aTrgSize.iHeight - 2; i += 2 )
+        {
+        // Loop every second target column      
+        for( j = 0; j < aTrgSize.iWidth - 2; j += 2 )
+            {
+            // Top-left pixel: Copy as it is
+            *(iTrg) = *(iSrc);
+            // Top-right pixel: Blend the pixels on the left and right
+            *(iTrg + 1) = (*(iSrc) + *(iSrc + 1)) >> 1; 
+            // Bottom-left pixel: Blend the above and below pixels
+            *(iTrg + aTrgSize.iWidth) = (*(iSrc) + *(iSrc + aSrcSize.iWidth)) >> 1;
+            // Bottom-right pixel: Blend the four nearest pixels
+            *(iTrg + 1 + aTrgSize.iWidth) = (
+                *(iSrc) +
+                *(iSrc + 1) +
+                *(iSrc + aSrcSize.iWidth) +
+                *(iSrc + 1 + aSrcSize.iWidth)
+                ) >> 2;
+            iTrg += 2;      // Move on to the next 2x2 group of pixels
+            iSrc++;         // Sample the next pixel from source       
+            }
+        // The last 2x2 pixels on this row need to be handled separately
+        // Top-left and top-right pixels: Copy as it is
+        *(iTrg) = *(iTrg + 1) = *(iSrc);
+        // Bottom-left and bottom-right pixels: Blend the above and below pixels
+        *(iTrg + aTrgSize.iWidth) = *(iTrg + 1 + aTrgSize.iWidth) = (
+            *(iSrc) +
+            *(iSrc + aSrcSize.iWidth)
+            ) >> 1;
+        iTrg += 2 + aTrgSize.iWidth;        // Move on to the beginning of the next row
+        iSrc++;                             // Sample the next pixel from source   
+        }
+    // Handle the last row    
+    for( j = 0; j < aTrgSize.iWidth - 2; j += 2 )
+        {
+        // Top-left and bottom-left pixels: Copy as it is
+        *(iTrg) = *(iTrg + aTrgSize.iWidth) = *(iSrc);
+        // Top-right and bottom-right pixels: Blend the pixels on the left and right
+        *(iTrg + 1) = *(iTrg + 1 + aTrgSize.iWidth) = (
+            *(iSrc) +
+            *(iSrc + 1)
+            ) >> 1;
+        iTrg += 2;      // Move on to the next 2x2 group of pixels
+        iSrc++;         // Sample the next pixel from source               
+        }
+    // Handle the last 2x2 group of pixels  
+    // Copy all four pixels
+    *(iTrg) = *(iTrg + 1) = *(iTrg + aTrgSize.iWidth) = *(iTrg + 1 + aTrgSize.iWidth) = *(iSrc);
+    // Update pointers to the beginning of the next image
+    iTrg += 2 + aTrgSize.iWidth;
+    iSrc++;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CTRScaler::EstimateResampleFrameTime
+// Returns a time estimate of how long it takes to resample a frame
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TReal CTRScaler::EstimateResampleFrameTime(const TTRVideoFormat& aInput, const TTRVideoFormat& aOutput)
+    {
+    // Assume bilinear filtering is used by default
+    TReal time = KTRResampleTimeFactorBilinear;
+    if ( (aOutput.iSize.iWidth == aInput.iSize.iWidth) && (aOutput.iSize.iHeight == aInput.iSize.iHeight) )
+        {
+        // No need for resampling
+        return 0.0;
+        }
+    else if ( (aOutput.iSize.iWidth == aInput.iSize.iWidth * 2) && (aOutput.iSize.iHeight == aInput.iSize.iHeight * 2) )
+        {
+        // Resolution is doubled
+        time = KTRResampleTimeFactorDouble;
+        }
+    else if ( (aOutput.iSize.iWidth * 2 == aInput.iSize.iWidth) && (aOutput.iSize.iHeight * 2 == aInput.iSize.iHeight) )
+        {
+        // Resolution is halved
+        time = KTRResampleTimeFactorHalve;
+        }
+    // Multiply the time by the resolution of the output frame
+    time *= static_cast<TReal>(aOutput.iSize.iWidth + aOutput.iSize.iHeight) * KTRTimeFactorScale;
+    PRINT((_L("CTRScaler::EstimateResampleFrameTime(), resample frame time: %.2f"), time))
+    return time;
+    }
+// End of file