changeset 3 e0b5df5c0969
parent 0 951a5db380a0
child 5 4c409de21d23
--- a/videoeditorengine/audioeditorengine/inc/AudSong.h	Fri Jan 29 14:08:33 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
-* Contributors:
-* Ixonos Plc
-* Description:  
-#ifndef __AUDSONG_H__
-#define __AUDSONG_H__
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <f32file.h>
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include "AudCommon.h"
-#include "AudObservers.h"
-// define _WRITE_OUTPUT_TO_FILE_ if you want audio engine to write its output to a file
-//#define _WRITE_OUTPUT_TO_FILE_;
-*    Forward declarations.
-class MAudVisualizationObserver;
-class MAudSongProcessingObserver;
-class CAudSongProcessOperation;
-class CAudSongVisualizationOperation;
-class MAudSongObserver;
-class CAudClipInfo;
-class MAudClipInfoObserver;
-class CAudSongAddClipOperation;
-class CAudProcessor;
-// constants that represent special parameter values
-// clip end time (used when setting cutOut-times)
-const TInt KClipEndTime = -1;
-// KAllTrackIndices represents all tracks in ClipCount()-function
-const TInt KAllTrackIndices = -1;
-// Let audio engine to decide the bitrate
-const TInt KAudBitRateDefault = -1;
-* Audio song, which consists of zero or more audio clips
-* @see  CAudClip
-class CAudSong : public CBase
-    {
-    /* Constructors. */
-    /**
-    * Constructs a new empty CAudSong object. May leave if no resources are available.
-    * 
-    * Possible leave codes:
-    *    - <code>KErrNoMemory</code> if memory allocation fails
-    *
-    * @param aFs  file server session to use to lock the audio
-    *             clip files of the new song; or NULL to not to lock the files
-    * @return  pointer to a new CAudSong instance
-    */
-    IMPORT_C static CAudSong* NewL(RFs *aFs);
-    /**
-    * Constructs a new empty CAudSong object and leaves the object in the cleanup stack.
-    * 
-    * Possible leave codes:
-    *    - <code>KErrNoMemory</code> if memory allocation fails
-    * 
-    * @param aFs  file server session to use to lock the audio
-    *             clip files of the new song; or NULL to not to lock the files
-    * @return  pointer to a new CAudSong instance
-    */
-    IMPORT_C static CAudSong* NewLC(RFs *aFs);
-    /**
-    * Destroys the object and releases all resources.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual ~CAudSong();
-    /* Property methods. */
-    /**
-    * Returns an estimate of the total size of this song.
-    * 
-    * @return  size estimate in bytes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetSizeEstimateL() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns an estimate of the size of this song between the given time interval.
-    * 
-    * @param aStartTime Beginning of the time interval
-    * @param aEndTime End of the time interval
-    * @return size estimate in bytes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetFrameSizeEstimateL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aStartTime, 
-                                        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aEndTime) const;
-    /**
-    * Returns the properties of this song.
-    * 
-    * @return  output file properties
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TAudFileProperties OutputFileProperties() const;
-    /**
-    *
-    * Generates decoder specific info needed for MP4
-    * Caller is responsible for releasing aDecSpecInfo in the case ETrue is returned
-    *
-    * @param aMaxSize    maximum aDecSpecInfo size allowed    
-    *
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool GetMP4DecoderSpecificInfoLC(HBufC8*& aDecSpecInfo, TInt aMaxSize) const;
-    /**
-    * Get processing time estimate based on trial. Asynchronous version, requires observer.
-    *
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool GetTimeEstimateL(MAudTimeEstimateObserver& aObserver,
-                                    TAudType aAudType,
-                                    TInt aSamplingRate,
-                                    TChannelMode aChannelMode,
-                                    TInt aBitRate = -1);
-    /**
-    * Get processing time estimate based on hardcoded constants. Synchronous version.
-    *
-    * @return   estimated processing time for the song
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds GetTimeEstimateL();
-    /**
-    * Get the frame duration in microseconds. 
-    *
-    * @return   frame duration in microseconds
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetFrameDurationMicro();
-    /* Audio clip management methods. */
-    /**
-    * Returns the number of audio clips in this song on a certain track.
-    *
-    * @param   aTrackIndex track index
-    *
-    * @return  number of audio clips on a defined track
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt ClipCount(TInt aTrackIndex = 0) const;
-    /** 
-    * Returns the audio clip at the specified index. 
-    * Panics with code <code>EAudioClipIllegalIndex</code> if the clip index is invalid.
-    *
-    * @param aIndex            index of the clip on the certain track
-    * @param aTrackIndex    index of the track
-    *
-    * @return  clip at the specified index.
-    */    
-    IMPORT_C CAudClip* Clip(TInt aIndex, TInt aTrackIndex = 0) const;
-    /** 
-    * Adds the specified audio clip to this song. Asynchronous operation
-    * CAudSongObserver::NotifyClipAdded or CAudSongObserver::NotifyClipAddingFailed
-    * is called once the operation has completed.
-    *
-    * Possible leave codes:
-    *    - <code>KErrNoMemory</code> if memory allocation fails
-    *    - <code>KErrNotSupported</code> if audio format is not supported
-    *
-    * @param aFileName   file name of the clip to add
-    * @param aStartTime  start time of the clip in song timebase
-    * @param aTrackIndex track index. Used to categorize clips.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void AddClipL(const TDesC& aFileName,
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aStartTime, TInt aTrackIndex = 0,
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aCutInTime = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0),
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aCutOutTime = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(KClipEndTime));
-    /** 
-    * Removes the audio clip at the specified index from this song.
-    * Panics with code <code>USER-130</code> if the clip index is invalid.
-    *
-    * @param aIndex  index of the clip to be removed
-    * @param aTrackIndex track index
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void RemoveClip(TInt aIndex, TInt aTrackIndex = 0);
-    /** 
-    * Removes all audio clips and clears all effects
-    *
-    * @param aNotify ETrue if observer should be notified
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void Reset(TBool aNotify);
-    /**
-    *
-    * Sets the duration of the output clip
-    * If necessary, silence is generated in the end
-    *
-    * @param    aDuration    output clip length in microseconds
-    * 
-    * @return    ETrue if a new duration was set, EFalse otherwise
-    *
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool SetDuration(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aDuration);
-    /* Processing methods. */
-    /**
-    * Removes a dynamic level mark in a song. 
-    * Panics with code <code>EAudioClipIllegalIndex</code> 
-    * if the clip index is invalid.
-    *
-    * @param    aIndex index of the removed mark in this song
-    * @return  ETrue if mark was removed, EFalse otherwise
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool RemoveDynamicLevelMark(TInt aIndex);
-    /**
-    * Sets an output file format
-    *
-    * NOTE: only the following combinations are allowed: 
-    * AMR: single channel, 8000 Hz, 12000 kbps
-    *
-    * AAC/16kHz mono/stereo 
-    * AAC/48kHz mono/stereo
-    *
-    * @return   ETrue if format was successfully changed, 
-    *             EFalse if format cannot be set
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool SetOutputFileFormat(TAudType aAudType,
-                                        TInt aSamplingRate,
-                                        TChannelMode aChannelMode,
-                                        TInt aBitRate = KAudBitRateDefault);
-    /**
-    * Checks if given properties are supported
-    *
-    *
-    * @param    aProperties audio properties
-    * @return   ETrue if properties are supported
-    *           EFalse if not
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool AreOutputPropertiesSupported(const TAudFileProperties& aProperties );
-    /*
-    * Processing methods
-    */
-    /**
-    * Starts a synchronous audio processing operation. After calling this function
-    * the current song can be processed frame by frame by calling ProcessPieceL-function
-    * Panics with 
-    * <code>TAudPanic::ESongEmpty</code> if there are no clips 
-    * in the song.
-    *     
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool SyncStartProcessingL();
-    /**
-    * Processes synchronously next audio frame and passes it to the caller. 
-    * If a processing operation has not been started, panic 
-    * <code>TAudPanic::ESongProcessingNotRunning</code> is raised.
-    *
-    * Possibly leave codes:
-    *    - <code>KErrNoMemory</code> if memory allocation fails
-    *
-    * NOTE: This function allocates memory and the caller is responsible for
-    * releasing it.
-    *
-    * @param aFrame        pointer to a processed audio frame. Has to be deleted
-    *                    when not needed anymore.
-    * @param aDuration    Duration of processed audio frame in microseconds 
-    *                    after decoding
-    * 
-    * @return ETrue        Processing operation completed, no more frames to be processed. 
-    *                    No memory allocated.
-    *          EFalse    Processing operation not completed. Last processed frame stored
-    *                    in <code>aFrame</code>. Memory allocated for the processed frame
-    *                      
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool SyncProcessFrameL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aProgress, 
-                                TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration);
-    /**
-    * Cancels the processing operation. Used for only synchronous processing 
-    * operations. If an operation is not running, 
-    * panic <code>TAudPanic::ESongProcessingNotRunning</code> is raised
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SyncCancelProcess();
-    /* Observer methods. */
-    /**
-     * Registers a song observer. Panics with panic code 
-     * <code>ESongObserverAlreadyRegistered</code> if the song observer is 
-     * already registered.
-     *
-     * @param aObserver  observer that will receive the events
-     */
-    IMPORT_C void RegisterSongObserverL(MAudSongObserver* aObserver);
-    /**
-     * Unregisters a song observer. Panics with panic code 
-     * <code>ESongObserverNotRegistered</code> if the song observer is not registered.
-     *
-     * @param aObserver  observer to be unregistered
-     */
-    IMPORT_C void UnregisterSongObserver(MAudSongObserver* aObserver);
-    /** 
-    * Adds the specified audio clip to this song. Asynchronous operation
-    * CAudSongObserver::NotifyClipAdded or CAudSongObserver::NotifyClipAddingFailed
-    * is called once the operation has completed.
-    *
-    * Possible leave codes:
-    *    - <code>KErrNoMemory</code> if memory allocation fails
-    *    - <code>KErrNotSupported</code> if audio format is not supported
-    *
-    * @param aFileHandle file handle of the clip to add
-    * @param aStartTime  start time of the clip in song timebase
-    * @param aTrackIndex track index. Used to categorize clips.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void AddClipL(RFile* aFileHandle,
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aStartTime, TInt aTrackIndex = 0,
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aCutInTime = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0),
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aCutOutTime = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(KClipEndTime));
-    // C++ constructor
-    CAudSong(RFs *aFs);
-    // functions for keeping clip indexes and arrays up to date
-    void UpdateClipIndexes();
-    void UpdateClipArray();
-    /**
-    * Returns a track domain clip index
-    * of the clip whose song doman index is <code>aIndex</code>
-    */
-    TInt Index2IndexOnTrack(TInt aIndex);
-    /*
-    * Returns a song domain clip index
-    */
-    TInt FindClipIndexOnSong(const CAudClip* aClip) const;
-    /*
-    * ConstructL
-    */
-    void ConstructL();
-    // Member variables
-    // File server session.
-    RFs* iFs;
-    // Audio clip array.
-    RPointerArray<CAudClip> iClipArray;
-    // Marks used for manual level controlling
-    RPointerArray<TAudDynamicLevelMark> iDynamicLevelMarkArray;
-    // Properties of the output file.
-    TAudFileProperties* iProperties;
-    // Duration of the song
-    // if iSongDuration is greater than the cut out time of the last output clip,
-    // silence is generated in the end
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iSongDuration;
-    // a flag to indicate whether the user has set the duration manually
-    // if not, the duration is the cutOutTime of the last input clip
-    TBool iSongDurationManuallySet;
-    // Observer array of the song class.
-    RPointerArray<MAudSongObserver> iObserverArray;
-    // Normalizing of this audio clip.
-    // If ETrue, the song as a whole is to be normalized
-    TBool iNormalize;
-    // process operation owned by this
-    CAudSongProcessOperation* iProcessOperation;
-    // clip adding operation owned by this
-    CAudSongAddClipOperation* iAddOperation;
-    // song visualization operation owned by this
-    CAudSongVisualizationOperation* iVisualizationOperation;
-    // Notifications to fire callbacks to all registered listeners -------->
-    void FireClipAdded(CAudSong* aSong, CAudClip* aClip, TInt aIndex, TInt aTrackIndex);
-    void FireClipAddingFailed(CAudSong* aSong, TInt aError, TInt aTrackIndex);
-    void FireClipRemoved(CAudSong* aSong, TInt aIndex, TInt aTrackIndex);
-    void FireClipIndicesChanged(CAudSong* aSong, TInt aOldIndex, 
-                                     TInt aNewIndex, TInt aTrackIndex);
-    void FireClipTimingsChanged(CAudSong* aSong, CAudClip* aClip);
-    void FireDynamicLevelMarkInserted(CAudSong& aSong, 
-        TAudDynamicLevelMark& aMark, 
-        TInt aIndex);
-    void FireDynamicLevelMarkInserted(CAudClip& aClip, 
-        TAudDynamicLevelMark& aMark, 
-        TInt aIndex);
-    void FireDynamicLevelMarkRemoved(CAudSong& aSong, TInt aIndex);
-    void FireDynamicLevelMarkRemoved(CAudClip& aClip, TInt aIndex);
-    void FireSongReseted(CAudSong& aSong);
-    void FireClipReseted(CAudClip& aClip);
-    // <------------ Notifications to fire callbacks to all registered listeners
-    friend class CAudSongAddClipOperation;
-    friend class CAudClip;
-    friend class CAudProcessorImpl;
-    TBool iFileOpen;
-    RFs iDebFs;
-    RFile iAudioFile;
-    RFile iTextFile;
-    };
-// Abstract interface class to get events from audio processor
-class MProcProcessObserver 
-    {
-    /**
-     * Called to notify that a new audio processing operation has been started. 
-     *
-     */
-    virtual void NotifyAudioProcessingStartedL() = 0;
-    /**
-     * Called to inform about the current progress of the audio processing operation.
-     *
-     * @param aPercentage  percentage of the operation completed, must be 
-       *                     in range 0..100
-     */
-    virtual void NotifyAudioProcessingProgressed(TInt aPercentage) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Called to notify that the song processing operation has been completed. 
-    * 
-    * @param aError  error code why the operation was completed. 
-    *                <code>KErrNone</code> if the operation was completed 
-    *                successfully.
-    */
-    virtual void NotifyAudioProcessingCompleted(TInt aError) = 0;
-    };
-* Internal class for processing a song.
-class CAudSongProcessOperation : public CBase, public MProcProcessObserver, public MAudTimeEstimateObserver
-    {
-    static CAudSongProcessOperation* NewL(CAudSong* aSong);
-    // From MProcProcessObserver
-    void NotifyAudioProcessingStartedL();
-    void NotifyAudioProcessingProgressed(TInt aPercentage);
-    void NotifyAudioProcessingCompleted(TInt aError);
-    // From // MAudTimeEstimateObserver
-    void NotifyTimeEstimateReady(TInt64 aTimeEstimate);
-    /**
-    * Starts asyncronous processing a song
-    * 
-    * Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
-    *
-    * Possible panic code
-    * <code>ESongProcessingOperationAlreadyRunning</code>
-    *
-    * @param    aFileName    output file name
-    * @param    aObserver    an observer to be notified of progress
-    * @param    aPriority    priority of audio processing operation
-    */
-    void StartASyncProcL(const TDesC& aFileName, 
-        MAudSongProcessingObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
-    /**
-    * Starts syncronous song processing
-    * 
-    * Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
-    *
-    * Possible panic code
-    * <code>ESongProcessingOperationAlreadyRunning</code>
-    *
-    */
-    TBool StartSyncProcL();
-    /**
-    * Processes synchronously next audio frame and passes it to the caller. 
-    * If a processing operation has not been started, panic 
-    * <code>TAudPanic::ESongProcessingNotRunning</code> is raised.
-    *
-    * Possibly leave codes:
-    *    - <code>KErrNoMemory</code> if memory allocation fails
-    *
-    * NOTE: This function allocates memory and the caller is responsible for
-    * releasing it.
-    *
-    * @param aFrame        pointer to a processed audio frame. Has to be deleted
-    *                    when not needed anymore.
-    * @param aDuration    Duration of processed audio frame in microseconds 
-    *                    after decoding
-    * 
-    * @return ETrue        Processing operation completed, no more frames to be processed. 
-    *                    No memory allocated.
-    *          EFalse    Processing operation not completed. Last processed frame stored
-    *                    in <code>aFrame</code>. Memory allocated for the processed frame
-    *                      
-    */
-    TBool ProcessSyncPieceL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aProgress,
-                                       TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration);
-    /**
-    * Cancels both syncronous and and asyncronous song processing operation and deletes the output file
-    *
-    * Possible panic code
-    * <code>ESongProcessingOperationNotRunning</code>
-    *
-    */
-    void Cancel();
-    TBool GetTimeEstimateL(MAudTimeEstimateObserver& aTEObserver);
-    CAudSongProcessOperation(CAudSong* aSong);
-    void ConstructL();
-    virtual ~CAudSongProcessOperation();
-   /* 
-    * Member Variables
-    */
-    // song
-    CAudSong *iSong;
-    // song processing observer
-    MAudSongProcessingObserver* iObserver;
-    // time estimate observer
-    MAudTimeEstimateObserver* iTEObserver;
-    // A flag that indicates whether this song has changed since
-    // the last processing
-    TBool iChanged;
-    // processor owned by this
-    CAudProcessor* iProcessor;
-    friend class CAudSong;
-    };
-* Internal class for adding clips.
-class CAudSongAddClipOperation : public CBase, public MAudClipInfoObserver 
-    {
-    /*
-    * Constuctor & destructor
-    */
-    static CAudSongAddClipOperation* NewL(CAudSong* aSong);
-    virtual ~CAudSongAddClipOperation();
-    /*
-    * From base class MAudClipInfoObserver
-    */
-    virtual void NotifyClipInfoReady(CAudClipInfo& aInfo, 
-        TInt aError);
-    /*
-    * ConstructL
-    */
-    void ConstructL();
-    /*
-    * C++ constructor
-    */
-    CAudSongAddClipOperation(CAudSong* aSong);
-    /*
-    * Completes add clip operation
-    */
-    void CompleteAddClipOperation();
-    // song
-    CAudSong* iSong;
-    // clip that we are trying to add
-    CAudClip* iClip;
-    // error possible caught by callback function NotifyClipInfoReady
-    TInt iError;
-    friend class CAudSong;
-    };