author Mikael Laine <>
Fri, 29 Jan 2010 14:08:33 +0200
changeset 0 951a5db380a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Committing the Video Editor package under the Eclipse Public License

* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Ixonos Plc
* Description: 

// System includes
#include <aknviewappui.h>
#include <akntitle.h>
#include <aknnavi.h>        // CAknNavigationControlContainer
#include <aknnavide.h>      // CAknNavigationDecorator
#include <AknProgressDialog.h>      // CAknProgressDialog
#include <aknsoundsystem.h>         // CAknKeySoundSystem
#include <bautils.h>        // BaflUtils
#include <barsread.h>
#include <eikprogi.h>       // CEikProgressInfo
#include <manualvideoeditor.rsg>
#include <utf.h>        // CnvUtfConverter
#include <sendui.h>     // CSendAppUi
#include <SenduiMtmUids.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>   // StringLoader 
#include <CMessageData.h>
// User includes
#include "Manualvideoeditor.hrh"
#include "VeiAppUi.h"
#include "VeiSettings.h"
#include "VeiTrimForMmsView.h"
#include "VeiTrimForMmsContainer.h"
#include "VeiEditVideoLabelNavi.h"
#include "VideoEditorCommon.h"
#include "VeiTempMaker.h"
#include "VideoEditorCommon.h"
#include "VideoEditorDebugUtils.h"
#include "VeiErrorUi.h"

const TInt KVedVideoClipIndex( 0 );
const TInt KProgressNoteMaxValue( 100 );
const TInt KVedTrimForMmsDefaultCba( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK );

CVeiTrimForMmsView* CVeiTrimForMmsView::NewL( CSendUi& aSendAppUi )
    CVeiTrimForMmsView* self = CVeiTrimForMmsView::NewLC( aSendAppUi );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );

    return self;

CVeiTrimForMmsView* CVeiTrimForMmsView::NewLC( CSendUi& aSendAppUi )
    CVeiTrimForMmsView* self = new( ELeave )CVeiTrimForMmsView( aSendAppUi );
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );

    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor that can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::ConstructL()
    BaseConstructL( R_VEI_TRIM_FOR_MMS_VIEW );

    iErrorUi = CVeiErrorUI::NewL( *iCoeEnv );

    iTempMaker = CVeiTempMaker::NewL();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::CVeiTrimForMmsView( CSendUi& aSendAppUi )
// C++ default constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVeiTrimForMmsView::CVeiTrimForMmsView( CSendUi& aSendAppUi ): iSendAppUi( aSendAppUi )

    if ( iContainer )
        AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer );
        delete iContainer;
    if ( iNaviDecorator )
        delete iNaviDecorator;

    if ( iVedMovie )
        iVedMovie->UnregisterMovieObserver( this );
        delete iVedMovie;

    if ( iTempMaker )
        delete iTempMaker;
        iTempMaker = NULL;
    if ( iTempFile )
        TInt err = iEikonEnv->FsSession().Delete( *iTempFile );
        if ( err )
            // what to do when error occurs in destructor???

        delete iTempFile;

    delete iErrorUi;

    iProgressInfo = NULL;

TUid CVeiTrimForMmsView::Id()const
    return TUid::Uid( EVeiTrimForMmsView );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleCommandL: In" );

    TInt state;
    state = iContainer->PreviewState();

    switch ( aCommand )
         * Options -> Send via multimedia
        case EVeiCmdSendViaMms:
             * Options -> Preview
        case EVeiCmdPreview:
                if ( state == EIdle || state == EStop )
                    SetTrimStateL( EFullPreview );
            // Options -> Help
        case EVeiCmdTrimForMmsViewHelp:
                AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
             * Options -> Back
        case EAknSoftkeyBack:
                if ( state != EFullPreview )
                    SetTrimStateL( ESeek );
             * Adjust video length -> Ok
        case EAknSoftkeyOk:
                if ( state == EPause )
                    SetTrimStateL( ESeek );
                    iContainer->Stop( ETrue );
             * Adjust video length -> Cancel
        case EAknSoftkeyCancel:
                if ( state == EPause )
                    SetTrimStateL( ESeek );
                    iContainer->Stop( ETrue );
                AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );

    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleCommandL: Out" );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL()
//  Function for handling the Send Via Multimedia command.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL()
    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL: In" );

    // Start processing the trimmed video
    // Possible leave codes:
    //	- KErrNoMemory if memory allocation fails
    //	- KErrAccessDenied if the file access is denied
    //	- KErrDiskFull if the disk is full
    //	- KErrWrite if not all data could be written
    //	- KErrBadName if the filename is bad
    //  - KErrDirFull if the directory is full
    // : If video clip is already processed and frame is in same position
    //       do not reprocess the movie.


    TBool fileExists( ETrue );
    RFs& fs = iEikonEnv->FsSession();

    if ( iTempFile )
        fileExists = BaflUtils::FileExists( fs, * iTempFile );

    if ( !fileExists || ( !iTempFile ) || iProcessNeeded )

        if ( iTempFile && fileExists )
            User::LeaveIfError( fs.Delete( *iTempFile ));
            delete iTempFile;
            iTempFile = NULL;

        iTempFile = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );

        // @: check the quality setting. should we set it here to MMS compatible?

        // Quality is taken from settings and set to engine.
        ReadSettingsL( iMovieSaveSettings );

        iTempMaker->GenerateTempFileName( *iTempFile, iMovieSaveSettings.MemoryInUse(), iVedMovie->Format());

        TEntry fileinfo;
        // Rename movie from xxxx.$$$ to defaultfilename from settingsview.
        // looks better in attachment list..

        // Get default movie name from settings view
        TPtr temppeet = iTempFile->Des();
        TParse parse;

        parse.Set( iMovieSaveSettings.DefaultVideoName(), &temppeet, NULL );

        TFileName orgPathAndName = parse.FullName();

        //		TVedVideoFormat movieQuality = iVedMovie->Format();

        orgPathAndName.Replace( orgPathAndName.Length() - 4, 4, KExt3gp );

        fs.Replace( *iTempFile, orgPathAndName );
        iTempFile->Des() = orgPathAndName;
        fs.Entry( *iTempFile, fileinfo );

        iVedMovie->SetQuality( CVedMovie::EQualityMMSInteroperability );
        LOGFMT( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL: 1, iTempFile:%S", iTempFile );
        TRAPD( processError, iVedMovie->ProcessL( *iTempFile, * this ));
        LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL: 2" );
        if ( processError == KErrNone )
            // Text for the progress note is loaded from TBUF resource
            HBufC* noteText;
            noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_VED_PROCESSING_FOR_MMS, iEikonEnv );

            // Construct and execute progress note.
            iProgressNote = new( ELeave )CAknProgressDialog( REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog** , &iProgressNote ), ETrue );
            iProgressNote->PrepareLC( R_VEI_PROGRESS_NOTE );
            iProgressNote->SetTextL( *noteText );

            iProgressInfo = iProgressNote->GetProgressInfoL();
            iProgressInfo->SetFinalValue( KProgressNoteMaxValue );


            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText ); // Pop and destroy the text
            // : add error handling here


        RFs shareFServer;
        LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL: shareFServer connect." );

        User::LeaveIfError( shareFServer.Connect());

        RFile openFileHandle;

        TInt err = openFileHandle.Open( shareFServer, * iTempFile, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly );
        if ( KErrNone != err )
            LOGFMT( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL: Could not open file %S with EFileShareReadersOnly. Trying EFileShareAny", iTempFile );
            User::LeaveIfError( openFileHandle.Open( shareFServer, * iTempFile, EFileRead | EFileShareAny ));

        CMessageData* messageData = CMessageData::NewLC();

        messageData->AppendAttachmentHandleL( openFileHandle );

        iSendAppUi.CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmMmsUid, messageData, KNullUid, EFalse );

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messageData );

        LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL: shareFServer closed." );

    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSendViaMultimediaL: Out" );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSoftkeyBackL()
    // Compare previous view's application uid to video editor uid.
    if ( iPreviousViewId.iAppUid == KUidVideoEditor )
        CEikStatusPane* statusPane = AppUi()->StatusPane();
        TUid naviPaneUid = TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidNavi ); // Navi pane UID

        CAknNavigationControlContainer* naviContainer = ( CAknNavigationControlContainer* )statusPane->ControlL( naviPaneUid );
        naviContainer->Pop( iNaviDecorator );

        // Activate previous local view.
        AppUi()->ActivateLocalViewL( iPreviousViewId.iViewUid );
        // Exit video editor
        AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EEikCmdExit );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSoftkeyOkL()
    // Set CBA labels back to view default
    Cba()->SetCommandSetL( KVedTrimForMmsDefaultCba );


void CVeiTrimForMmsView::CmdSoftkeyCancelL()
    // Set CBA labels back to view default
    Cba()->SetCommandSetL( KVedTrimForMmsDefaultCba );


void CVeiTrimForMmsView::DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId, 
                                      TUid  /*aCustomMessageId*/, 
                                      const TDesC8& aCustomMessage )
    if ( !iContainer )
        iPreviousViewId = aPrevViewId; // Save the previous view id

        // Disable left and right navi-key sounds


        STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , 
                     iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->SetState( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi::EStateTrimForMmsView );

        TFileName inputFileName;
        CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( inputFileName, aCustomMessage );

        if ( !iVedMovie )
            iVedMovie = CVedMovie::NewL( NULL );
            iVedMovie->RegisterMovieObserverL( this );
            iVedMovie->InsertVideoClipL( inputFileName, KVedVideoClipIndex );
            iVedMovie->SetQuality( CVedMovie::EQualityMMSInteroperability );

        iContainer = CVeiTrimForMmsContainer::NewL( AppUi()->ClientRect(), * iVedMovie, * this );
        iContainer->SetMopParent( this );

        AppUi()->AddToStackL( *this, iContainer );


void CVeiTrimForMmsView::DoDeactivate()
    if ( iContainer )
        AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer );
        delete iContainer;
        iContainer = NULL;

        if ( iVedMovie )
            iVedMovie->UnregisterMovieObserver( this );
            delete iVedMovie;
            iVedMovie = NULL;

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::PushKeySoundL( const TInt aResourceId )const
    CAknKeySoundSystem* aknKeySoundSystem = AppUi()->KeySounds();
    aknKeySoundSystem->PushContextL( aResourceId );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::PopKeySound()const

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::SetTitlePaneTextL()const
    TUid titleUid;
    titleUid.iUid = EEikStatusPaneUidTitle;

    CEikStatusPane* statusPane = AppUi()->StatusPane();

    CEikStatusPaneBase::TPaneCapabilities titlePaneCap = statusPane->PaneCapabilities( titleUid );

    if ( titlePaneCap.IsPresent() && titlePaneCap.IsAppOwned())
        CAknTitlePane* titlePane = ( CAknTitlePane* )statusPane->ControlL( titleUid );

        TResourceReader reader;
        iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, R_VEI_TRIM_FOR_MMS_VIEW_TITLE_NAME );
        titlePane->SetFromResourceL( reader );

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //reader


void CVeiTrimForMmsView::CreateNaviPaneL()
    TUid naviPaneUid = TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidNavi ); // Navi pane UID

    CEikStatusPane* statusPane = AppUi()->StatusPane(); // Get status pane

    CEikStatusPaneBase::TPaneCapabilities naviPaneCap = statusPane->PaneCapabilities( naviPaneUid );

    if ( naviPaneCap.IsPresent() && naviPaneCap.IsAppOwned())
        CAknNavigationControlContainer* naviContainer = ( CAknNavigationControlContainer* )statusPane->ControlL( naviPaneUid );

        CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* editvideolabelnavi = CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi::NewLC();
        editvideolabelnavi->SetState( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi::EStateInitializing );

        iNaviDecorator = CAknNavigationDecorator::NewL( naviContainer, editvideolabelnavi, CAknNavigationDecorator::ENotSpecified );
        CleanupStack::Pop( editvideolabelnavi );

        iNaviDecorator->SetContainerWindowL( *naviContainer );
        iNaviDecorator->MakeScrollButtonVisible( EFalse );

        naviContainer->PushL( *iNaviDecorator );


void CVeiTrimForMmsView::UpdateNaviPaneSize()
    if ( iContainer )
        iVedMovie->VideoClipSetCutInTime( KVedVideoClipIndex, iContainer->CutInTime());
        iVedMovie->VideoClipSetCutOutTime( KVedVideoClipIndex, iContainer->CutOutTime());

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::SetNaviPaneSizeLabelL( const TInt& aSizeInBytes )
    STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->SetSizeLabelL( aSizeInBytes );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::SetNaviPaneDurationLabelL( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime )
    STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->SetDurationLabelL( aTime.Int64());

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::UpdateNaviPaneL( const TInt& aSizeInBytes, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime )
    TInt maxMmsSize = STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->GetMaxMmsSize();

    // Navipanes MMS icon control. 
    if ( aSizeInBytes < maxMmsSize )
        STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->SetMmsAvailableL( ETrue );
        STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->SetMmsAvailableL( EFalse );

    STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->SetSizeLabelL( aSizeInBytes );

    STATIC_CAST( CVeiEditVideoLabelNavi* , iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl())->SetDurationLabelL( aTime.Int64());

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
    LOGFMT( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleResourceChange() In, aType:%d", aType );

    if ( KAknsMessageSkinChange == aType && iNaviDecorator )
        // Handle skin change in the navi label controls - they do not receive 
        // it automatically since they are not in the control stack
        CCoeControl* navi = iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl();
        if ( navi )
            navi->HandleResourceChange( aType );

    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleResourceChange() Out" );

// ============= MVedMovieProcessingObserver FUNCTIONS START ==================

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingStartedL( CVedMovie& aMovie )
// Called to notify that a new movie processing operation has been started.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingStartedL( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/ ){}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingProgressed( CVedMovie& aMovie,
//                                                      TInt aPercentage )
// Called to inform about the current progress of the movie processing
// operation.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingProgressed( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/, TInt aPercentage )
    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingProgressed(): In" );

    // Increment the progress bar.
    iProgressInfo->SetAndDraw( aPercentage );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingCompleted( CVedMovie& aMovie,
//                                                     TInt aError )
// Called to notify that the movie processing operation has been completed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingCompleted( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/, TInt aError )
    LOGFMT( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingCompleted(): In, aError:%d", aError );

    if ( !aError )
        ProcessNeeded( EFalse );

    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iProgressNote, User::Panic( _L( "CVeiTrimForMmsView" ), 1 ) );

    // Draw the progress bar to 100%.
    iProgressInfo->SetAndDraw( 100 );

    // Delete the note.
    TRAP_IGNORE( iProgressNote->ProcessFinishedL());

    RFs shareFServer;
    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingCompleted: shareFServer connect." );

    User::LeaveIfError( shareFServer.Connect());

    RFile openFileHandle;

    TInt err = openFileHandle.Open( shareFServer, * iTempFile, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly );
    if ( KErrNone != err )
        LOGFMT( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingCompleted: Could not open file %S with EFileShareReadersOnly. Trying EFileShareAny", iTempFile );
        User::LeaveIfError( openFileHandle.Open( shareFServer, * iTempFile, EFileRead | EFileShareAny ));

    CMessageData* messageData = CMessageData::NewLC();
    messageData->AppendAttachmentHandleL( openFileHandle );

    iSendAppUi.CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmMmsUid, messageData, KNullUid, EFalse );

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messageData );


    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingCompleted: shareFServer closed." );
    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieProcessingCompleted(): Out" );

// ============== MVedMovieProcessingObserver FUNCTIONS END ===================

 * Called to notify that a new video clip has been successfully
 * added to the movie. Note that the indices and the start and end times
 * of the video clips after the new clip have also changed as a result.
 * Note that the transitions may also have changed. 
 * @param aMovie  movie
 * @param aIndex  index of video clip in movie
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipAdded( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/, TInt  /*aIndex*/ )
    ProcessNeeded( ETrue );

 * Called to notify that adding a new video clip to the movie has failed.
 * Possible error codes:
 *	- <code>KErrNotFound</code> if there is no file with the specified name
 *    in the specified directory (but the directory exists)
 *	- <code>KErrPathNotFound</code> if the specified directory
 *    does not exist
 *	- <code>KErrUnknown</code> if the specified file is of unknown format
 *	- <code>KErrNotSupported</code> if the format of the file is recognized but
 *    adding it to the movie is not supported (e.g., it is of different resolution
 *    or format than the other clips)
 * @param aMovie  movie
 * @param aError  one of the system wide error codes
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipAddingFailed( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aError*/ )
    User::Panic( _L( "MmsView" ), 20 );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipRemoved( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/, TInt  /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipIndicesChanged( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aOldIndex*/, TInt /*aNewIndex*/ ){}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipTimingsChanged( CVedMovie& aMovie, 
//                                                    TInt aIndex )
// Called to notify that the timings (that is, the cut in or cut out time or
// the speed and consequently the end time, edited duration, and possibly audio
// settings) of a video clip have changed (but the index of the clip has 
// not changed). Note that the start and end times of the video clips 
// after the changed clip have also changed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipTimingsChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aIndex*/ )
    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipTimingsChanged()" );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipColorEffectChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipAudioSettingsChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipGeneratorSettingsChanged( CVedMovie&  /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipDescriptiveNameChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyStartTransitionEffectChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMiddleTransitionEffectChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyEndTransitionEffectChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyAudioClipAdded( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt  /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyAudioClipAddingFailed( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aError*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyAudioClipRemoved( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt  /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyAudioClipIndicesChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aOldIndex*/, TInt /*aNewIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyAudioClipTimingsChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieQualityChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieReseted( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyMovieOutputParametersChanged( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyAudioClipDynamicLevelMarkInserted( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aClipIndex*/, TInt /*aMarkIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyAudioClipDynamicLevelMarkRemoved( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aClipIndex*/, TInt /*aMarkIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipDynamicLevelMarkInserted( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aClipIndex*/, TInt /*aMarkIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::NotifyVideoClipDynamicLevelMarkRemoved( CVedMovie& /*aMovie*/, TInt /*aClipIndex*/, TInt /*aMarkIndex*/ ){}

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::PlayPreviewL()
    TRect rect( AppUi()->ApplicationRect());
    iContainer->SetRect( rect );

    iContainer->PlayL( iVedMovie->VideoClipInfo( 0 )->FileName(), rect );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange()
    if ( iContainer )
        iContainer->SetRect( AppUi()->ClientRect());


void CVeiTrimForMmsView::SetTrimStateL( TTrimState aState )
    iTrimState = aState;
    CEikStatusPane* statusPane;
    CAknTitlePane* titlePane;

    TResourceReader reader1;

    switch ( iTrimState )
        case EFullPreview:

            Cba()->SetCommandSetL( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_EMPTY );


        case ESeek:
            iContainer->SetRect( AppUi()->ClientRect());
            statusPane = (( CAknAppUi* )iEikonEnv->EikAppUi())->StatusPane();

            titlePane = ( CAknTitlePane* )statusPane->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ));
            iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader1, R_VEI_TRIM_FOR_MMS_VIEW_TITLE_NAME );
            titlePane->SetFromResourceL( reader1 );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //reader1

            Cba()->SetCommandSetL( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK );




void CVeiTrimForMmsView::DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId )
    if ( aButtonId != EAknSoftkeyDone )
    iProgressInfo = NULL;

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::ProcessNeeded( TBool aProcessNeed )
    iProcessNeeded = aProcessNeed;

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( const TInt aError )const
    iErrorUi->ShowGlobalErrorNote( aError );

void CVeiTrimForMmsView::ReadSettingsL( TVeiSettings& aSettings )const
    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::ReadSettingsL: in" );

    STATIC_CAST( CVeiAppUi* , AppUi())->ReadSettingsL( aSettings );

    LOG( KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTrimForMmsView::ReadSettingsL: out" );

// End of File