author Mikael Laine <>
Fri, 29 Jan 2010 14:08:33 +0200
changeset 0 951a5db380a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Committing the Video Editor package under the Eclipse Public License

* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Ixonos Plc
* Description:  


// System includes
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include <eikappui.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <vedcommon.h>

// User includes
#include "VeiTempMaker.h"
#include "VideoEditorCommon.h"
#include "VeiSettings.h"
#include "VideoEditorDebugUtils.h"

EXPORT_C CVeiTempMaker* CVeiTempMaker::NewL()
    CVeiTempMaker* self = NewLC();
    return self;

EXPORT_C CVeiTempMaker* CVeiTempMaker::NewLC()
    CVeiTempMaker* self = new (ELeave) CVeiTempMaker();
    return self;

void CVeiTempMaker::ConstructL()


EXPORT_C CVeiTempMaker::~CVeiTempMaker()

EXPORT_C void CVeiTempMaker::EmptyTempFolder() const
	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::EmptyTempFolder(): In");

	TRAP_IGNORE( DoEmptyTempFolderL() );

	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::EmptyTempFolder(): Out");

void CVeiTempMaker::DoEmptyTempFolderL() const
	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::DoEmptyTempFolderL(): In");

	RFs&	fs = CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession();

	CFileMan* fileManager = CFileMan::NewL( fs );
	CleanupStack::PushL( fileManager );
	TFileName tempDir;
	// First try to delete from Phone Memory
	TBool dirExists = GetTempPath( CAknMemorySelectionDialog::EPhoneMemory, tempDir );
	if ( dirExists )
		LOGFMT(KVideoEditorLogFile, "\tFolder \"%S\" exists...Deleting...", &tempDir);
		fileManager->RmDir( tempDir );
	// ..then from MMC
	dirExists = GetTempPath( CAknMemorySelectionDialog::EMemoryCard, tempDir );
	if ( dirExists )
		LOGFMT(KVideoEditorLogFile, "\tFolder \"%S\" exists...Deleting...", &tempDir);
		fileManager->RmDir( tempDir );

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileManager );

	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::DoEmptyTempFolderL(): Out");

EXPORT_C void CVeiTempMaker::GenerateTempFileName( 
	HBufC& aTempPathAndName, 
	CAknMemorySelectionDialog::TMemory aMemory,
	TVedVideoFormat aVideoFormat,
	TBool aExtAMR ) const
	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::GenerateTempFileName(): In");

	RFs&	fs = CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession();

// Parse tempPath. MMC or memoryroot
	TFileName tempPath;
	RFile temp;
// Temp files are processed to \\data\\videos\\[application uid]\\[random name]
	TBool tempFolderExists = GetTempPath( aMemory, tempPath );
	if ( !tempFolderExists )
		fs.MkDirAll( tempPath );
		fs.SetAtt( tempPath, KEntryAttHidden, KEntryAttDir );
	TUint32 randomName;

	randomName = Math::Random();
	tempPath.AppendNum( randomName, EHex );
	if ( aExtAMR )
		tempPath.Append( KExtAmr );
	else if ( aVideoFormat == EVedVideoFormatMP4 )
		tempPath.Append( KExtMp4 );
		tempPath.Append( KExt3gp );

	temp.Create( fs, tempPath, EFileWrite );

	aTempPathAndName = tempPath;

	LOGFMT(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::GenerateTempFileName(): Out: %S", &tempPath);
TBool CVeiTempMaker::GetTempPath( const CAknMemorySelectionDialog::TMemory& aMemory, TDes& aTempPath ) const
	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::GetTempPath: In");

	if ( aMemory == CAknMemorySelectionDialog::EPhoneMemory )
		aTempPath = PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath();
		aTempPath = PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath();
	aTempPath.Append( PathInfo::VideosPath() ); 	
	aTempPath.AppendNum( KUidVideoEditor.iUid, EHex );

	LOGFMT(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::GetTempPath: Out: %S", &aTempPath);

	return BaflUtils::FolderExists( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(), aTempPath );

/*void CVeiTempMaker::ListFilesL(const TDesC& aFindFromDir, const TDesC& aWriteResultTo) const
	LOGFMT(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::ListFiles(): In, aFindFromDir:%S", &aFindFromDir);
	CDir* dir = NULL;
	//RFile file;
	RFs fileSession;
	TInt err = fileSession.Connect();	

//	err = file.Replace(fileSession, aWriteResultTo, EFileWrite);


	//_LIT8(KNewLine, "\r\n");
	//TBuf8<255> buf8;
	TBuf<KMaxFileName> buf;
	TFileName fileName;
	fileSession.GetDir(fileName, KEntryAttNormal, ESortNone, dir);
	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::ListFiles(): 2");
	if (dir)

		for(TInt index=0; index < dir->Count(); index++)
			LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::ListFiles(): 3 in loop");

			LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::ListFiles(): 4 in loop");

			LOGFMT(KVideoEditorLogFile, "%S", &((*dir)[index].iName));			


		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dir );	
	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::ListFiles(): 5");
	//CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( file );	
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileSession );	
	LOG(KVideoEditorLogFile, "CVeiTempMaker::ListFiles(): Out");

// End of File