changeset 0 96612d01cf9f
child 16 67eb01668b0e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:96612d01cf9f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Categories related functionality*
    15 */
    23 // INCLUDES
    25 #include <vcxmyvideosdefs.h>
    28 class CMPXMedia;
    29 class CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin;
    31 // CONSTANTS
    35 /**
    36 * MPX My Videos collection categories implementation.
    37 *
    38 * @lib mpxmyvideoscollectionplugin.lib
    39 */
    40 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVcxMyVideosCategories) : CBase
    41     {    
    42     public: // Constructors and destructor
    44         /**
    45         * Two-phased constructor
    46         * @return object constructed
    47         */
    48         static CVcxMyVideosCategories* NewL ( CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin& aCollection );
    50         /**
    51         * Destructor
    52         */
    53         virtual ~CVcxMyVideosCategories();
    55         /**
    56         * Creates Media container with categories.
    57         */
    58         CMPXMedia* CreateCategoryListL();
    60     public: // new methods
    62         /**
    63         * When CVcxMyVideosVideoCache::iCache->iVideoList is grown (appended),
    64         * this is called to update category attributes.
    65         *
    66         * @param aVideoList          Current video list cache.
    67         * @param aNewItemsStartIndex Start position of new items.
    68         */
    69         void UpdateCategoriesL( CMPXMedia& aVideoList, TInt aNewItemsStartIndex );
    71         /**
    72         * Called after video is added to iCollection.iCache.
    73         * Updates category variables accordingly.
    74         * Modify events to iCollection.iMessageList are added, but the list
    75         * is not sent.
    76         *
    77         * @param aMdsId Item which was added.
    78         */
    79         void VideoAddedL( TUint32 aMdsId );
    82         /**
    83         * Called after video is added to iCollection.iCache.
    84         * Updates category variables accordingly.
    85         * Modify events to iCollection.iMessageList are added, but the list
    86         * is not sent.
    87         *
    88         * @param aVideo Item which was added.
    89         */
    90         void VideoAddedL( CMPXMedia& aVideo );
    92         /**
    93         * Called after videos are added to iCollection.iCache.
    94         * Updates category variables accordingly.
    95         * Modify events to iCollection.iMessageList are added, but the list
    96         * is not sent.
    97         *
    98         * @param aIds Items which were added.
    99         */
   100         void VideosAddedL( RArray<TUint32>& aIds );
   102         /**
   103         * Called just _before_ video is removed from iCollection.iCache.
   104         * Updates category variables accordingly.
   105         * Modify events to iCollection.iMessageList are added, but the list
   106         * is not sent.
   107         *
   108         * @param aMdsId Item which is being removed.
   109         */
   110         void VideoRemovedL( TUint32 aMdsId );
   112         /**
   113         * Called just _before_ video is removed from iCollection.iCache.
   114         * Updates category variables accordingly.
   115         * Modify events to iCollection.iMessageList are added, but the list
   116         * is not sent.
   117         *
   118         * @param aVideo Item which is being removed.
   119         */
   120         void VideoRemovedL( CMPXMedia& aVideo );
   122         /**
   123         * Called just _before_ videos are removed from iCollection.iCache.
   124         * Updates category variables accordingly.
   125         * Modify events to iCollection.iMessageList are added, but the list
   126         * is not sent.
   127         *
   128         * @param aIds Items which are being removed.
   129         */
   130         void VideosRemovedL( RArray<TUint32>& aIds );
   132         /**
   133         * Resets video counters to 0 from categories. Does not
   134         * send events.
   135         */
   136         void ResetVideoCountersL();
   138         /**
   139         * Updates categories' New Video Name fields.
   140         * Sends iCollection.iMessageList if any of the categories is modified.
   141         */
   142         void UpdateCategoriesNewVideoNamesL();
   145         /**
   146         * Called when video is updated in a way it affects New Video Name (and date) in category.
   147         * This updates the category accordinly. This function adds modify events to
   148         * collections message list if category is edited. Does not flush the message list.
   149         *
   150         * @param aVideo     Video which was changed.
   151         * @param aModified  Set to ETrue if categories were modified.
   152         */
   153         void UpdateCategoryNewVideoNameAndDateL( CMPXMedia& aVideo, TBool& aModified );
   155         /**
   156         * Called when items New Video Flag is updated in iCollection.iCache.
   157         * This function updates video counters only, no New Video Name.
   158         *
   159         * @param aOldFlags  Items flags before update.
   160         * @param aNewFlags  Items flags after update.
   161         * @param aOrigin    Which origin is affected.
   162         * @param aModified  Set to ETrue if category counters were edited and events
   163         *                   were added to message list. This does not flush the message list.
   164         */
   165         void NewVideoFlagChangedL( TUint32 aOldFlags, TUint32 aNewFlags,
   166                 TUint8 aOrigin, TBool& aModified );        
   168         /**
   169         * Checks in which categories the video belongs to and sends modified events for them.
   170         *
   171         * @param aVideo             Video which was modified.
   172         * @param aFlushMessageList  If ETrue, then the collections message list is sent to clients.
   173         * @param aExtraInfo         Extra information about the event, this value is written to
   174         *                           KVcxMediaMyVideosInt32Value attribute. If aExtraInfo
   175         *                           is 0, nothing is written.
   176         */
   177         void GenerateCategoryModifiedEventL( CMPXMedia& aVideo, TBool aFlushMessageList,
   178                 TInt32 aExtraInfo = 0 );
   180         /**
   181         * Called when videos origin is changed in iCollection.iCache.
   182         * Updates category variables and sends necessarry events.
   183         *
   184         * @param aVideo       Video which is changed, flags variable is read from here.
   185         * @param aPrevOrigin  Previous origin.
   186         * @param aNewOrigin   New origin.
   187         */
   188         void OriginChangedL( CMPXMedia& aVideo, TUint8 aPrevOrigin, TUint8 aNewOrigin );
   190     private:
   191         /**
   192         * Constructor
   193         */
   194         CVcxMyVideosCategories( CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin& aCollectionPlugin );
   196         /**
   197         * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
   198         */
   199         void ConstructL ();
   201         /**
   202         * Creates CMPXMedia object with category values and appends it to
   203         * aCategoryArray.
   204         *
   205         * @param aTitle         Category title.
   206         * @param aId            Collection item ID
   207         * @param aCategoryArray New CMPXMedia category object is appended here. 
   208         */
   209         void AppendCategoryToArrayL( const TDesC& aTitle, TMPXItemId aId,
   210                 CMPXMediaArray& aCategoryArray );
   212         /**
   213         * Updates video counts in categories.
   214         *
   215         * @param aCategoryArray       Category array, provided as function parameter since the
   216         *                             calling function already has it available.
   217         * @param aVideosIncrements    How many new items were added to each category.
   218         * @param aNewVideosIncrements How many videos with new flag were added to each category.
   219         */
   220         void UpdateVideosCountL( CMPXMediaArray& aCategoryArray,
   221                 RArray<TInt>& aVideosIncrements, RArray<TInt>& aNewVideosIncrements );
   223         /**
   224         * Increases/decreases aCountAttribute in aCategory. Adds event to
   225         * iCollection.iMessageList if category is modified. aEventInfo is written
   226         * to event's extra info. Does not flush iCollection.iMessageList.
   227         *
   228         * @param aCategory       Category being modified.
   229         * @param aIncrement      This is added to category's current attribute value.
   230         * @param aCountAttribute Attribute ID.
   231         * @param aEventInfo      This is written to generated event's extra info attribute.
   232         * 
   233         */
   234         void UpdateVideosCountL( CMPXMedia& aCategory, TInt aIncrement, TMPXAttributeData aCountAttribute,
   235                 TInt aEventInfo );
   237         /**
   238         * aVideo is added(or removed) to aCategory. Updates category variables accordingly. 
   239         *
   240         * @param aCategory      Category
   241         * @param aCategoryIndex Category index in iList
   242         * @param aAdded         ETrue if aVideo was added to iList, EFalse if being removedo.
   243         */
   244         void UpdateCategoryL( CMPXMedia& aCategory, TInt aCategoryIndex,
   245                 CMPXMedia& aVideo, TBool aAdded );
   247         /**
   248         * Adds aAddition to aAttribute in aCategory.
   249         *
   250         * @param aCategory  Category to modify.
   251         * @param aAddition  How much increase/decrease the attribute.
   252         * @param aAttribute Which attribute to modify.
   253         */
   254         void AddToTUint32AttributeL( CMPXMedia& aCategory, TInt aAddition,
   255                 TMPXAttributeData aAttribute );
   257         /**
   258         * Returns the corresponding category index in category list (=iList) for aOrigin.
   259         * Notice that category index is the same as categorys MPXIDs iId1 value.
   260         * They should be kept the same.
   261         *
   262         * @param aOrigin  Origin, see values from TVcxMyVideosOrigin, if -1 given, then
   263         *                 index for All category is returned.
   264         * @return         Index in category list (=iList)
   265         */
   266         TInt CategoryIndex( TInt aOrigin );
   268         /**
   269         * Updates categorys New Video Name and Creation date fields. Sets aModified to
   270         * ETrue if value is changed, also adds modify event to event list,
   271         * but does not send it.
   272         *
   273         * @param aOrigin     Identifies the category, -1 is used for All category.
   274         * @param aModified   Set to ETrue if category item is modified. Otherwise
   275         *                    the value is not touched.
   276         * @param aIgnoredIds Items with these MDS ids are ignored on the update.
   277         *                    Usefull if items are being deleted but are still on the
   278         *                    video list.
   279         */
   280         void UpdateCategoryNewVideoNameAndDateL( TInt aOrigin, TBool& aModified, RArray<TUint32>& aIgnoredIds );
   282         /**
   283         * Goes through aVideoList and checks all videos which have new video
   284         * flag set and returns the latest ones name. Pointer to latest video
   285         * object is written to aNewVideo.
   286         *
   287         * @param aVideoList  Video list
   288         * @param aOrigin     Can be used to filter search. Only items which have
   289         *                    matching origin are included to the operation.
   290         *                    If -1, then all items are included.
   291         * @param aIgnoredIds Items with these MDS ids are ignored on the update.
   292         *                    Usefull if items are being deleted but are still on the
   293         *                    video list.
   294         * @param aNewVideo   Pointer to media object containing the new video name is
   295         *                    written here. NULL is written if not found. Ownership
   296         *                    does not move (stays in aVideoList).
   297         *                   
   298         */
   299         const TDesC& CalculateNewVideoNameL( CMPXMedia& aVideoList, TInt aOrigin,
   300                 RArray<TUint32>& aIgnoredIds, CMPXMedia*& aNewVideo );
   302         /**
   303         * Video was added or is being removed in iCollection.iCache. Update
   304         * Categories accordingly.
   305         *
   306         * @param aMdsId Item which was added or removed.
   307         * @param aAdded ETrue if add operation, EFalse if remove.
   308         */
   309         void VideoAddedOrRemovedL( TUint32 aMdsId, TBool aAdded );
   311         /**
   312         * Video was added or is being removed in iCollection.iCache. Update
   313         * Categories accordingly.
   314         *
   315         * @param aVideo Item which was added or removed.
   316         * @param aAdded ETrue if add operation, EFalse if remove.
   317         */
   318         void VideoAddedOrRemovedL( CMPXMedia& aVideo, TBool aAdded );
   320         /**
   321         * Videos were added or are being removed in iCollection.iCache. Update
   322         * Categories accordingly.
   323         *
   324         * @param aIds Items which were added or are being removed.
   325         * @param aAdded ETrue if add operation, EFalse if remove.
   326         */
   327         void VideosAddedOrRemovedL( RArray<TUint32>& aIds, TBool aAdded );
   329         /**
   330         * Resets iModifiedCategories
   331         */
   332         void ResetModifiedCategoriesArray();
   334         /**
   335         * Creates events from iModifiedCategories and adds them
   336         * to iCollection.iMessageList. Does not send.
   337         */
   338         void AddEventsFromModifiedCategoriesArrayL();
   340     public:
   342         /**
   343         * Contains category list, this is kept in memory to speed things up.
   344         * Own.
   345         */
   346         CMPXMedia* iList;
   348         /**
   349         * Media array of iList, owned by iList.
   350         */
   351         CMPXMediaArray* iListArray;
   353     private:
   355         /**
   356         * Owner of this object.
   357         */
   358         CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin& iCollection;
   360         /**
   361         * Array containing boolean for each category, if set ETrue, then modified event
   362         * has been added for the category (to iCollection.iMessageList).
   363         */
   364         RArray<TBool> iModifiedCategories;
   366     };