changeset 0 96612d01cf9f
child 22 839377eedc2b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:96612d01cf9f
     2 VCXCollectionMyVideos "20016B97" old
     3 // 0 is mapped to the VCXCollectionMyVideos constant
     4 //VCXCollectionMyVideos "0"
     6 VCXCollectionMusic "101FFC3A"
     7 VCXCollectionPodcast "101FFC3C"
     9 // Index, not id of the item. always same?
    10 // From vcxmyvideoscollection.hrh
    11 EVcxMyVideosAllVideos      0
    12 //EVcxMyVideosPlaylists
    13 EVcxMyVideosDownloads      1
    14 EVcxMyVideosTvRecordings   2
    15 EVcxMyVideosCapturedVideos 3 // NO SUPPORT ON UI
    16 EVcxMyVideosOther          4
    17 //EVcxMyVideosDownloadList   5 // NOT SUPPORTED
    19 // Download state
    20 EVcxMyVideosDlStateNone 0
    21 EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloading 1
    22 EVcxMyVideosDlStateFailed 2
    23 EVcxMyVideosDlStatePaused 3
    24 EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloaded 4
    26 // Origin
    27 EVcxMyVideosOriginOther 0
    28 EVcxMyVideosOriginCapturedWithCamera 1
    29 EVcxMyVideosOriginDownloaded 2
    30 EVcxMyVideosOriginSideLoaded 3 // sideloaded videos to actually to the first cat
    31 EVcxMyVideosOriginTvRecording 4
    33 // Sorting order
    34 EVcxMyVideosSortingNone 0
    35 EVcxMyVideosSortingId 1
    36 EVcxMyVideosSortingCreationDate 2
    37 EVcxMyVideosSortingModified 3
    38 EVcxMyVideosSortingName 4
    39 EVcxMyVideosSortingSize 5
    41 SIDELOADER_WAIT 25000
    43 MV_LOOP_COUNT 100
    45 // From CIptvTestVideoCreator.h
    46 IptvTestVideo3Gp            0       // Extension .3GP
    47 IptvTestVideo3Gp2           1       // Extension .3G2
    48 IptvTestVideoMp2            2       // Extension .MP2
    49 IptvTestVideoMpeg1          3       // Extension .MPG
    50 IptvTestVideoMpeg2          4       // Extension .MPG
    51 IptvTestVideoSuperVideoCd   5       // Extension .MPG
    52 IptvTestVideoMp3            6       // Extension .MP3
    53 IptvTestVideoAppleMpeg      7       // Extension .MP4
    54 IptvTestVideoMpeg4          8       // Extension .MP4
    55 IptvTestVideoMpegAvc        9       // Extension .MP4
    56 IptvTestVideoQuicktime      10      // Extension .MOV
    57 IptvTestVideoRealVideo      11      // Extension .RM
    58 IptvTestVideoAvi            12      // Extension .AVI
    59 IptvTestVideoWmv            13      // Extension .WMV
    60 IptvTestVideoAviAC3         14      // Extension .AVI
    62 PAUSE_SIDELOAD              30000   // 30 seconds
    63 PAUSE_SIDELOAD_LONG         60000   // a minute
    64 PAUSE_SIDELOAD_VERY_LONG    300000  // 10 minutes
    66 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageNotAccepted                    0
    68 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDlSucceeded                    1000
    69 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDlFailed                       1001
    70 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDlPaused                       1002
    71 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDlGeneral                      1003
    72 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDlRunning                      1020
    73 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDlCanceled                     1021
    74 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDlProgressed                   1022
    76 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCollectionMessageError         2000
    77 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCollectionOpened               2001
    78 KVCXMYVideosTestMessagePlaylistOpened                 2002
    79 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCollectionMedia                2003
    80 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCommandComplete                2004
    81 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageGotMediasByKMpxId              2005
    82 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageMoveResp                       2006
    83 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCopyResp                       2007
    84 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageListComplete                   2008
    85 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCopyOrMoveStarted              2009
    86 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDeleteStarted                  2010
    87 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageDeleteResp                     2011
    88 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCommandCanceled                2012
    90 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCollectionGeneral              3000
    91 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCollectionItemChanged          3001
    92 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageCollectionCategoryChanged      3002
    94 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageMpxItemInserted                4000
    95 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageMpxItemDeleted                 4001
    96 KVCXMYVideosTestMessageMpxItemModified                4002
    98 KVCXMyVideosTestMessageVideoListOrderChanged          5000
   100 KVCXMYVideosTestErrorDownloadNotFound                 10001
   101 KVCXMYVideosTestErrorFileNotFound                     10002
   103 10SECONDS 10
   104 30SECONDS 30
   105 1MINUTE 60
   106 2MINUTES 120
   107 5MINUTES 300
   108 10MINUTES 600
   109 15MINUTES 900
   110 30MINUTES 2300
   112 VCXMYVideosTest2kURL                                 "XXX2kURLXXX"
   113 VCXMYVideosTest1200charsURL                          "1kcharsurl"
   114 VCXMYVideosTest1kURL                                 "XXX1kURLXXX"
   115 VCXTestZeroUrl                                       "VcxTestZeroUrl"
   117 // Iap ID is 0
   118 VCXTestZeroIap                                       "VcxTestZeroIap"
   119 // Iap ID is 10001
   120 VCXTestInvalidIap                                    "VcxTestInvalidIap"
   123 // Attribute mapping IDs
   124 // MPX ID (BRIEF), TMPXItemId, iId2  - Ready only.
   125 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralId 1
   126 // Descriptor, contains video name (BRIEF)
   127 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralTitle 2
   128 // Descriptor, description of the video
   129 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralComment 3
   130 //  Descriptor. File path. (BRIEF)
   131 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralUri 4
   132 //  TInt, size in bytes. (BRIEF, OBSOLETE)
   133 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralSize 5
   134 //	TInt64, size in bytes. (BRIEF)
   135 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralExtSizeInt64 6
   136 // TInt64 - Ready only.
   137 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralDate 7
   138 //  TUint32
   139 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralFlags 8
   140 //  Descriptor
   141 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralCopyright 9
   142 // Descriptor - Ready only.
   143 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralMimeType 10
   144 // TInt64
   145 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosModifiedDate 11
   146 // TInt32, Age profile / rating age. (BRIEF)
   147 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosAgeProfile 12
   148 // Descriptor
   149 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosAudioLanguage 13
   150 // Descriptor
   151 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosAuthor 14
   152 // TUint8, The origin of the object, see values from TVcxMyVideosOrigin.
   153 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosOrigin 15
   154 // TReal32, duration of the video (play time).
   155 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosDuration 16
   156 // TReal32, last playback position in seconds.
   157 EVcxTestMapping_KMPXMediaGeneralLastPlaybackPosition 17
   158 // TUint32. Download ID in Download Manager, 0 means none.
   159 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadId 18
   161 // Rest are not saved into MDS
   163 //Descriptor. remote url. (BRIEF)
   164 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosRemoteUrl 19
   165 // TUint8, download state, see values from TVcxMyVideosDownloadState. (BRIEF)
   166 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadState 20
   167 // TUint32, IAP ID in CommsDb.
   168 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosIapId 21
   169 // Descriptor. Username. This is used in KVcxCommandMyVideosStartDownload only.
   170 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosUsername 22
   171 // Descriptor. Password. This is used in KVcxCommandMyVideosStartDownload only.
   172 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosPassword 23
   173 // TUint. My Videos command/message ID. Used when sending commands to my videos collection
   174 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosCommandId 24
   175 // TInt8. Download progress. My Videos collection updates this value when download is
   176 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadProgress 25
   177 // TUint32, This attribute is only used in category items. Indicates how many items are under it.
   178 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosCategoryItemCount 26
   179 //  TUint32. This attribute is only used in category items. Indicates how many new items are under it.
   180 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosCategoryNewItemCount 27
   182 // Same as before modified date but when used will set the time to current
   183 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosModifiedDateCurrent 28
   184 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosCategoryNewItemName 29
   185 EVcxTestMapping_KVcxMediaMyVideosAudioFourCc 30
   187 // Flags
   188 // New video flag.
   189 EVcxMyVideosVideoNew                1
   190 // Scheduled flag, not downloaded yet.
   191 EVcxMyVideosVideoScheduledDownload  2
   192 // Deletion warning flag.
   193 EVcxMyVideosVideoDeleteWarning      4
   194 // Protection flag.
   195 EVcxMyVideosVideoProtected          8
   196 // DRM protection flag.
   197 EVcxMyVideosVideoDrmProtected       16
   198 // Video located at the memorycard flag.
   199 EVcxMyVideosVideoMemoryCard         32
   200 // Preview, not full clip.
   201 EVcxMyVideosVideoPreview            64
   202 // Recording partially failed  // DUPLICATE in harvesterrtpmetadatarader.h
   203 EVcxMyVideosVideoRecPartiallyFailed 128
   204 // Recording failed  // DUPLICATE in harvesterrtpmetadatarader.h
   205 EVcxMyVideosVideoRecFailed          256
   206 EVcxMyVideosServiceHasReadOnlyIap   512
   207 // Set to indicate that there is no UI present, used in KVcxCommandMyVideosStartDownload command only
   208 EVcxMyVideosSilent                  1024
   211 FREESPACE_100KB                     102400
   212 FREESPACE_500KB                     512000
   213 FREESPACE_4MBPLUS100KB              4296704
   214 FREESPACE_1MB                       1024000
   215 FREESPACE_2MB                       2048000
   216 FREESPACE_5MB                       5120000
   217 FREESPACE_10MB                      10240000
   219 //
   220 SERVICE_1                          "NokiaVideos"
   221 //
   222 SERVICE_2                          "Enginetestingfeed"
   223 //
   224 SERVICE_MISCVIDEOS                          "Miscvideos"
   225 //
   226 SERVICE_SMALLVIDEOS                "SmallVideos"
   229 KVcxNsMpxEventDownloadStarted            1
   230 KVcxNsMpxEventAllDownloadsEnded          2
   231 KVcxNsMpxEventDownloadCompleted          4 
   232 KVcxNsMpxEventNewVideosCountDecreased    5