changeset 0 96612d01cf9f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:96612d01cf9f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Header file for CIptvServiceManagementClient class*
    15 */
    25 #include <e32base.h>
    26 #include "CIptvIapList.h"
    27 #include "CIptvTimer.h"
    28 #include "MIptvTimerObserver.h"
    30 #include "CIptvClientBase.h"
    31 #include "RIptvClientSession.h"
    32 #include "IptvClientServerCommon.h"
    33 #include "CIptvNetworkSelection.h"
    34 #include "CIptvSmEvent.h"
    35 #include "CIptvServices.h"
    36 #include "MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver.h"
    39 class CIptvSmClientSynchronizer;
    40 class CIptvService;
    41 class CIptvServices;
    42 class MIptvServiceManagementClient;
    43 class MIptvEvent;
    44 class CIptvEventListener;
    47 /**
    48 *  CIptvServiceManagementClient is the API object for IPTV Service database and Network Selection.\n
    49 *  Application must implement virtual callback functions from MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver class.\n
    50 *
    51 *  Instantiating of CIptvServiceManagementClient will start IPTV engine server if it is not running\n
    52 *  already.
    53 *
    54 *  Only one request pending per CIptvServiceManagementClient object is allowed simultaneously.\n
    55 *  There is no protocol involved in calling functions. Any request may be called anytime assuming\n
    56 *  that there is no other request pending already.\n
    57 *  After service shutdown, client may not call any API functions anymore for that\n
    58 *  CIptvServiceManagementClient object.\n
    59 *
    60 *  Example:\n
    61 *
    62 *   void CIptvClient::SomeFunc()\n
    63 *       {\n
    64 *       iIptvServiceManagementClient = CIptvServiceManagementClient::NewL(*this);\n							
    65 *       iIptvServiceManagementClient->GetAllServicesReq();\n
    66 *       }\n
    67 *                  
    68 *   void CIptvClient::GetAllServicesResp(MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus aRespStatus,\n
    69 *                                                  CDesC16ArraySeg* aServicesArray)\n
    70 *   {\n
    71 *    
    72 *   TInt i;\n
    73 *
    74 *   CIptvService* iptvService;\n
    75 *   iptvService = CIptvService::NewL();\n				
    76 *   CleanupStack::PushL(iptvService);\n
    77 *			
    78 *   for(i = 0; i < aServicesArray->MdcaCount(); i++)\n
    79 *      {\n
    80 *      iptvService->Set(aServicesArray->MdcaPoint(i));\n
    81 *      RDebug::Print(_L("Service: %S"), &(iptvService->GetName()));\n
    82 *      }\n
    83 *
    84 *   CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iptvService);\n
    85 *   delete aServicesArray;\n
    86 *
    87 *   delete iIptvServiceManagementClient;\n
    88 *   iIptvServiceManagementClient = NULL;\n
    89 *   }\n
    90 */
    91 class CIptvServiceManagementClient : public CIptvClientBase
    92     {
    93     public:
    95         /**
    96         * Flags used for limiting search from the database.
    97         */
    98         enum TSearchLimitFlag
    99             {
   100             ESelectedServices = ( 1 << 0 ),  // 1
   101             EMainServices     = ( 1 << 1 ),  // 2
   102             ESubServices      = ( 1 << 2 ),  // 4
   103             EVod              = ( 1 << 3 ),  // 8
   104             ELiveTv           = ( 1 << 4 ),  // 16
   105             EVodCast          = ( 1 << 5 ),  // 32
   106             EBrowser          = ( 1 << 6 ),  // 64
   107             EVideoRemote      = ( 1 << 7 ),  // 128
   108             EApplication      = ( 1 << 8 ),  // 256
   109             EMobileTv         = ( 1 << 9 ),  // 512
   110             EVodServices      = ( 1 << 10 ), // 1024
   111             EServiceGroup     = ( 1 << 11 ), // 2048
   112             EGroupedServices  = ( 1 << 12 ), // 4096
   113             EOther            = ( 1 << 13 )  // 8192
   114             };
   116         /**
   117         * Defines the sorting order of the search.
   118         */    
   119         enum TOrder
   120             {
   121             /**
   122             * Sort by creation date, ascending
   123             */
   124             EDateAscending = 0,
   126             /**
   127             * Sort by creation date, descending
   128             */
   129             EDateDescending,
   131             /**
   132             * Sort by display order, ascending
   133             */
   134             EDisplayOrderAscending,
   136             /**
   137             * Sort by display order, descending
   138             */
   139             EDisplayOrderDescending
   140             };
   142     private:
   144         /**
   145         * We have to know which service entity has the message pending
   146         * in order to send correct cancel message.
   147         */
   148         enum TRequestPendingFor
   149             {
   150             ENoRequestPending = 0,
   151             EServerRequestPending,
   152             EServiceManagerRequestPending,
   153             ENetworkSelectionRequestPending
   154             };
   156     public: // Constructors and destructors
   157         /**
   158         * Two-phased constructor.
   159         * Creates a CIptvServiceManagementClient object using two phase construction,
   160         * and return a pointer to the created object.
   161         * @param aClient A reference to client.
   162         * @return        A pointer to the created instance of CIptvServiceManagementClient.
   163         */
   164         IMPORT_C static CIptvServiceManagementClient* NewL(MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver& aClient);
   166         /**
   167         * Destructor.
   168         * Destroys the object and releases all memory objects.
   169         */
   170         IMPORT_C virtual ~CIptvServiceManagementClient();
   172     public: // New functions
   174         /**
   175          * Adds a new entry to Services database asynchronously.
   176          * AddServiceResp is the callback function.
   177          *
   178          * @param aService Service data which is added to database.
   179          * @return         KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   180          *                 system-wide error code otherwise.
   181          */
   182         IMPORT_C TInt AddServiceReqL(CIptvService& aService);
   184         /**
   185          * Adds a new entry to Services database synchronously.
   186          *
   187          * @param aService    Service data which is added to database.
   188          * @param aRespStatus Status of the operation.
   189          * @return            Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   190          *                    system-wide error code otherwise. If != KErrNone, aRespStatus
   191          *                    doesn't contain valid data.
   192          */
   193         IMPORT_C TInt AddServiceL(CIptvService& aService,
   194 		                              MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   196         /**
   197          * Updates existing entry in Services database asynchronously.
   198          * Every item in CIptvService class is compared with database values,
   199          * if they differ the database value is changed.
   200          * If entry does not exist, EServiceNotFound error is given in UpdateServiceResp
   201          * callback function argument.
   202          * @param aService New service data
   203          * @return         Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   204          *                 system-wide error code otherwise.
   205          */
   206         IMPORT_C TInt UpdateServiceReqL(CIptvService& aService);
   208         /**
   209          * Updates existing entry in Services database synchronously.
   210          * If entry does not exist, EServiceNotFound error is given in aRespStatus.
   211          * @param aService    New service data
   212          * @param aRespStatus Status of the operation.
   213          * @return            Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   214          *                    System-wide error code otherwise. If != KErrNone, aRespStatus
   215          *                    doesn't contain valid data.
   216          */
   217         IMPORT_C TInt UpdateServiceL(CIptvService& aService,
   218                                      MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   220         /**
   221          * Gets services from the database asynchronously.
   222          * GetServicesResp is the callback function.
   223          * @param aSearchLimitFlags Indicates how the search is limited. Flags can be
   224          *                          combined with "or" -operation. 0 returns all services.
   225          * @param aOrder            Order in which the services are returned.
   226          * @return                  Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   227          *                          system-wide error code otherwise.
   228          */
   229         IMPORT_C TInt GetServicesReqL(TUint32 aSearchLimitFlags, TOrder aOrder);
   231         /**
   232          * Gets services from database synchronously.
   233          * @param aSearchLimitFlags Indicates how the search is limited, ie only services which have the feature
   234          *                          flag set are included in the search. See TSearchLimitFlag
   235          *                          for bit values, flags can be combined with "or" -operation.
   236          *                          0 returns all services.
   237          * @param aOrder            Order in which the services are returned.
   238          * @param aServicesArray    Contains array of pointers to descriptors.
   239          *                          aServicesArray ownership is transferred to caller, ie client
   240          *                          is responsible for freeing the array.
   241          *                          Array elements are binary descriptors built with CIptvService::GetL() method.
   242          *                          CIptvService::SetL() method can be used to init CIptvService class with
   243          *                          array element data. Client should ensure that aServicesArray pointer
   244          *                          does not point to reserved memory when calling this method, since the pointer
   245          *                          will be overwritten.
   246          *                          In case of error, aServicesArray is set to NULL.
   247          * @param aRespStatus       ESucceeded is returned even if no matching
   248          *                          services were found. In that case the aServicesArray contains
   249          *                          empty array. If aRespStatus != ESucceeded, aServicesArray
   250          *                          pointer is NULL.
   251          * @return                  Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   252          *                          system-wide error code otherwise. If != KErrNone, aServicesArray
   253          *                          and aRespStatus do not contain valid data.
   254          */
   255         IMPORT_C TInt GetServicesL(TUint32 aSearchLimitFlags,
   256                                    TOrder aOrder,
   257                                    CDesC8ArraySeg*& aServicesArray,
   258                                    MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   260         /**
   261          * Gets service entries from Services database asynchronously.
   262          * Services whos ID are between aStartId and aEndId are returned.
   263          * This method is not meant for searching the database, one should know
   264          * service ids already when issuing the call.
   265          * GetServicesResp is the callback function.
   266 		     * @param aStartId Unique ID of the first service to be fetched.
   267 		     * @param aEndId   Unique ID of the last service to be fetched.
   268          * @return         Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   269          *                 system-wide error code otherwise.
   270          */
   271         IMPORT_C TInt GetServicesReqL(TUint32 aStartId, TUint32 aEndId);
   273         /**
   274          * Gets service entries from Services database synchronously.
   275          * Services whos ID are between aStartId and aEndId are returned.
   276          * This method is not meant for searching the database, one should know
   277          * service ids already when issuing the call.
   278          * @param aStartId       Unique ID of the first service to be fetched.
   279          * @param aEndId         Unique ID of the last service to be fetched.
   280          * @param aServicesArray Contains array of pointers to descriptors.
   281          *                       aServicesArray ownership is transferred to caller, ie application
   282          *                       is responsible for freeing the array.
   283          *                       Array elements are binary descriptors built with CIptvService::GetL() method.
   284          *                       CIptvService::SetL() method can be used to init CIptvService class with
   285          *                       array element data. Client should ensure that aServicesArray pointer
   286          *                       does not point to reserved memory when calling this method, since the pointer
   287          *                       will be overwritten.
   288          *                       In case of error, aServicesArray is set to NULL.
   289          * @param aRespStatus    ESucceeded is returned even if no matching
   290          *                       services were found. In that case the aServicesArray contains
   291          *                       empty array. If aRespStatus != ESucceeded, the aServicesArray
   292          *                       pointer is NULL.
   293          * @return Returns       KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   294          *                       system-wide error code otherwise. If != KErrNone, aServicesArray and
   295          *                       aRespStatus do not contain valid data.
   296          */
   297         IMPORT_C TInt GetServicesL(TUint32 aStartId,
   298                                    TUint32 aEndId,
   299                                    CDesC8ArraySeg*& aServicesArray,
   300                                    MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   303         /**
   304          * Deletes entry from Service database asynchronously.
   305          * If entry is not found, ESucceeded is still returned
   306          * in aRespStatus.
   307          * DeleteServiceResp is the callback function.
   308          *
   309          * @param aId Unique ID of the service to delete.
   310          * @return    Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   311          *            System-wide error code otherwise.
   312          */
   313         IMPORT_C TInt DeleteServiceReqL(TUint32 aId);
   315         /**
   316          * Deletes entry from Service database synchronously.
   317          * If entry is not found, ESucceeded is still returned
   318          * in aRespStatus.
   319          *
   320          * @param aId         Unique ID of the service to delete.
   321          * @param aRespStatus Status of the operation.
   322          * @return            Returns KErrNone if request was sent to server successfully,
   323          *                    System-wide error code otherwise. If != KErrNone, aRespStatus
   324          *                    doesn't contain valid data.
   325          */
   326         IMPORT_C TInt DeleteServiceL(TUint32 aId,
   327                                      MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   329         /**
   330          * Gets services by provider ID synchronously.
   331          *
   332          * @param aProviderId Provider ID in Services database.  
   333          * @param aServices   All services which provider ID match, will be written here.
   334          * @return            Returns KErrNone if operation was successful,
   335          *                    system-wide error code otherwise. If != KErrNone, aServices
   336          *                    does not contain valid data.
   337          */
   338         IMPORT_C TInt GetServicesL(const TDesC& aProviderId,
   339                                    CIptvServices& aServices);
   341         /**
   342          * Sets IAP list to every service asynchronously.
   343          * SetAllIapsResp is the callback function.
   344          * Not supported currently.
   345          *
   346          * @param aIapList            IAP list to be written to all service records.
   347          * @param aIgnoreReadOnlyFlag If ETrue the read only flag has no effect on Service DB,
   348          *                            ie. all services are changed.
   349          */
   350         IMPORT_C void SetAllIapsReqL(CIptvIapList& aIapList, TBool aIgnoreReadOnlyFlag);
   352         /**
   353          * Sets IAP list to every service synchronously.
   354          * Not supported.
   355          *
   356          * @param aIapList            IAP list to be written to all service records.
   357          * @param aIgnoreReadOnlyFlag If ETrue the read only flag has no effect on Service DB,
   358          *                            ie. all services are changed.
   359          */
   360         IMPORT_C void SetAllIapsL(CIptvIapList& aIapList,
   361                                   TBool aIgnoreReadOnlyFlag,
   362                                   MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   364         /* Network selection API */
   366         /**
   367          * Sets IAP aIapId to be used for all services.
   368          * This setting is valid for the server lifetime.
   369          * This function is synchronous.
   370          *
   371          * @param aIapId                  IAP ID to be used.
   372          * @param aServiceId.             Service ID in Services database.
   373          * @param aSetToDefaultForService If ETrue, then the IAP is written to Service database
   374          *                                (only to aServiceId) and it lasts over reboots.
   375          * @param aRespStatus             Status of the operation.
   376          */
   377         IMPORT_C void SetUsedIapL(TUint32 aIapId,
   378                                   TUint32 aServiceId,
   379                                   TBool aSetToDefaultForService,
   380                                   CIptvNetworkSelection::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   382         /**
   383          * Clears used IAP from Network Selection, set previosly with SetUsedIapL
   384          * method.
   385          * Function is synchronous.
   386          *
   387          * @return System-wide error code.
   388          */        
   389         IMPORT_C TInt ClearUsedIap();
   391         /**
   392          * Gets IAP ID which is used when connecting to aServiceId.
   393          * Function is asynchronous, GetUsedIapResp is the callback function.
   394          *
   395          * @param aServiceId
   396          */        
   397         IMPORT_C void GetUsedIapReqL(TUint32 aServiceId);
   399         /**
   400          * Gets IAP ID which is used when connecting to aServiceId.
   401          * Warning, this might block a few seconds since it involves WLAN scan,
   402          * use GetUsedIapReqL if this is a problem.
   403          * Function is synchronous.
   404          *
   405          * @param aServiceId            Service ID in Services database.
   406          * @param aIapId                IAP ID in CommsDb.
   407          * @param aIapName              IAP name is written here, KIptvNsIapNameMaxLength is the max length.
   408          * @param aConnectionPermission This is valid only if aIapId is valid.
   409          * @param aRespStatus           If != ESucceeded, aIapId, aIapName and aConnectionPermission
   410          *                              do not contain valid data.
   411          */        
   412         IMPORT_C void GetUsedIapL( TUint32 aServiceId,
   413                                    TUint32& aIapId,
   414                                    TDes& aIapName,
   415                                    CIptvNetworkSelection::TConnectionPermission& aConnectionPermission,
   416                                    CIptvNetworkSelection::TRespStatus& aRespStatus );
   418         /**
   419          * Gets connection permission status for aIapId.
   420          * Function is synchronous.
   421          *
   422          * @param aIapId                IAP ID in CommsDb.
   423          * @param aConnectionPermission Connection permission status is written here.
   424          * @param aRespStatus           Status of the operation.
   425          */
   426         IMPORT_C void IsConnectionAllowedL(TUint32 aIapId,
   427                                            CIptvNetworkSelection::TConnectionPermission& aConnectionPermission,
   428                                            CIptvNetworkSelection::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   429         /**
   430          * Sets connection permission status for the connection type used
   431          * by aIapId.
   432          * Function is synchronous.
   433          *
   434          * @param aConnectionAllowed If ETrue, then connection will be allowed, not allowed otherwise.
   435          * @param aIapId             IAP ID in CommsDb, used for getting the connection type: WLAN, GPRS/CSD.
   436          * @param aRespStatus        Status of the operation.
   437          */
   438         IMPORT_C void SetConnectionAllowedL(TBool aConnectionAllowed,
   439                                             TUint32 aIapId,
   440                                             CIptvNetworkSelection::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   442        /* Server Control API */
   444         /**
   445          * This function is not supported. It does not close the server.
   446          * ServerShutdownResp is the callback function.
   447          *
   448          * @return System-wide error code.
   449          */
   450         IMPORT_C TInt ServerShutdownReq();
   452         /**
   453          * This function is not supported. It does not close the server.
   454          *
   455          * @param aRespStatus Status of the operation.
   456          * @return            System-wide error code. If != KErrNone, aRespStatus
   457          *                    doesn't contain valid data.
   458          */
   459         IMPORT_C TInt ServerShutdown(MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus& aRespStatus);
   461         /**
   462          * Cancels the pending asynchronous request synchronously.
   463          * This method always succees. If there was asynchronous request pending, after
   464          * this call it is gone and a new asynchronous
   465          * request may be sent immedetially.
   466          */
   467         IMPORT_C void CancelRequest() ;
   469         /**
   470         * From MIptvEventListenerObserver. MIptvEvent is converted to CIptvSmEvent
   471         * and sent to iClient.HandleSmEvent(). 
   472         * @param aEvent Event.
   473         */        
   474         void HandleEvent(MIptvEvent& aEvent);
   476     protected: // Functions from base classes
   478         /**
   479          * From CActive, RunL.
   480          * Callback function.
   481          * Invoked to handle responses from the server.
   482          */
   483         void RunL();
   485         /**
   486          * From CActive, DoCancel.
   487          * Cancels any outstanding operation.
   488          */
   489         void DoCancel();
   491     private:
   493         /**
   494         * Default C++ constructor.
   495         * @param aClient pointer to client, no ownership is transferred.
   496         */
   497         IMPORT_C CIptvServiceManagementClient(MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver& aClient);
   499         /**
   500         * Performs the second phase construction of a
   501         * CIptvRequestHandler object.
   502         */
   503         void ConstructL();
   505         /**
   506         * Handles EIptvEngineSmGetServicesSizeResp,\n
   507         * and EIptvEngineSmGetServicesUsingIdSizeResp messages.\n
   508         * @param aMsgId identifies which message completed.
   509         */
   510         void HandleGetServicesSizeRespL(TUint8 aMsgId);
   512         /**
   513         * Handles EIptvEngineSmGetServicesDataResp,\n
   514         * and EIptvEngineSmGetServicesUsingIdDataResp messages.\n
   515         * @param aMsgId identifies which of the three message completed.
   516         */
   517         void HandleGetServicesDataRespL(TUint8 aMsgId);
   519         /**
   520         * Gets resp status from ipc message buffer.
   521         */
   522         MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver::TRespStatus GetRespStatusL();
   524         /**
   525         * Builds IPC msg which is sent to server in service adding.
   526         */
   527         void BuildAddServiceReqL(CIptvService& aService);
   529         /**
   530         * Builds IPC msg which is sent to server in service updating.
   531         */
   532         void BuildUpdateServiceReqL(CIptvService& aService);
   534         /**
   535         * Builds GetServicesSizeReq IPC msg.
   536         */
   537         void BuildGetServicesSizeReqL(TUint32 aSearchLimitFlags,
   538                                       TOrder aOrder);
   540         /**
   541          * Internalizes GetServicesDataResp IPC message and builds CDesC8ArraySeg* of it.
   542          */
   543         CDesC8ArraySeg* InternalizeGetServicesDataRespL();
   545         /**
   546         * Builds DeleteServiceReq IPC msg.
   547         */
   548         void BuildDeleteServiceReqL(TUint32 aId);
   550         /**
   551         * Builds GetServicesUsingIndexSizeReq IPC msg.
   552         */
   553         void BuildGetServicesUsingIndexSizeReqL(TUint32 aStartId, TUint32 aEndId);
   555         /**
   556         * Builds GetUsedIapReq IPC msg.
   557         *
   558         * @param aServiceId Service id which is wished to connect.
   559         */        
   560         void BuildGetUsedIapReqL( TUint32 aServiceId );
   562         /**
   563         * Handles GetUsedIapResp from the server, fills all parameters.
   564         */
   565         void HandleGetUsedIapRespL( TUint32& aIapId,
   566                                     TDes& aIapName,
   567                                     CIptvNetworkSelection::TConnectionPermission& aConnectionPermission,
   568                                     TUint8& aWlanGprs,
   569                                     CIptvNetworkSelection::TRespStatus& aRespStatus );
   571     private: // Data
   573         /**
   574         * A client which is making the requests.
   575         */        
   576         MIptvServiceManagementClientObserver& iClient;
   578         /**
   579         * iMsg Heap object to restore memory for IPC messaging.
   580         */
   581         HBufC8* iMsg;
   583         /**
   584         * Passed to RIptvClientSession object to store the sent and received data.
   585         * Points to iMsg heap object.
   586         */
   587         TPtr8                      iMsgPtr;
   589         /**
   590         * Used to store information or which entity has the message pending.
   591         * This information is needed when doing cancel.
   592         */
   593         TRequestPendingFor         iRequestPendingFor;
   595         /**
   596         * Used to store the resp op-code, so we know in RunL which request
   597         * completed.
   598         */
   599         TInt                       iResponseMsgId;
   601         /**
   602         * Listens events from the server side (CIptvEventGenerator sends them).
   603         */
   604         CIptvEventListener*        iEventListener;
   606     };
   611 // End of File