changeset 0 96612d01cf9f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:96612d01cf9f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    header file for CIptvEpgDatabase class*
    15 */
    20 #ifndef __CIPTVEPGDATABASE_H__
    21 #define __CIPTVEPGDATABASE_H__
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32std.h>
    25 #include <badesca.h>    // CDesCArrayFlat (cannot be forward declarated)
    26 #include <d32dbms.h>    // RDbStoreDatabase
    27 #include <f32file.h>    // RFs
    28 #include <babackup.h>	// For MBackupObserver && CBaBackupSessionWrapper
    30 // CONSTANTS
    31 const TInt KCustomSqlLength = 256;
    32 const TInt KIptvEpgProgramMaxLength = 255;
    33 const TInt KIptvEpgChannelNameMaxLength = 255;
    34 const TInt KIptvEpgLogoPathMaxLength = 255;
    35 const TInt KIptvEpgUriMaxLength = 255;
    36 const TInt KIptvEpgDescrMaxLength = 255;
    37 // Channel table
    38 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelTable, 				"Channel" );   
    39 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelDbKeyCol, 				"Key" );
    41 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelIdCol,					"ChannelId" );
    42 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelServProviderIdCol,		"ServiceProviderId" );
    43 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelNameCol,				"ChannelName" );
    44 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelLogoPathCol,			"ChannelLogoPath" );
    45 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelDescriptionCol,		"ChannelDescription" );
    46 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelURICol,				"ChannelURI" );
    47 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelSDPCol,				"ChannelSDP" );
    48 _LIT( KIptvEpgChannelOrderCol,				"ChannelOrder" );
    50 // Program table
    51 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramTable, 				"ProgramEvent" );
    52 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramDbKeyCol, 				"Key" );
    53 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramIdCol,					"ProgramId" );
    54 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramChannelId,				"ProgramChannelId" );
    55 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramServProviderIdCol, 	"ServiceProviderId" );
    56 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramStartTimeCol,			"ProgramStartTime" );
    57 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramEndTimeCol,			"ProgramEndTime" );
    58 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramURICol,				"ProgramURI" );
    59 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramGenreCol,				"ProgramGenre" );
    60 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramNameCol,				"ProgramName" );
    61 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramDescriptionCol,		"ProgramDescription" );
    62 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramLanguageCol,			"ProgramLanguage" );
    63 _LIT( KIptvEpgProgramParentalRatingCol,		"ProgramParentalRating" );
    65 // Schedule table
    66 _LIT( KIptvEpgScheduleTable,				"Schedule" );
    67 _LIT( KIptvEpgScheduleTableKeyCol,			"ScheduleKey" );
    68 _LIT( KIptvEpgScheduleServiceProviderIdCol,	"ScheduleServiceProviderId" );
    69 _LIT( KIptvEpgScheduleChannelIdCol,			"ScheduleChannelId" );
    70 _LIT( KIptvEpgScheduleProgramIdCol,			"ScheduleProgramId" );
    71 _LIT( KIptvEpgScheduleStartTimeCol,			"ScheduleStartTime" );
    72 _LIT( KIptvEpgScheduleEndTimeCol,			"ScheduleEndTime" );
    74 // LatestEpgAvailable table
    75 _LIT( KIptvEpgLatestEpgAvailableTable,					"LatestEpgAvailable" );
    76 _LIT( KIptvEpgLatestEpgAvailableTableKeyCol,			"LatestEpgAvailableKey" );
    77 _LIT( KIptvEpgLatestEpgAvailableServiceProviderIdCol,	"LatestEpgAvailableServiceProviderId" );
    78 _LIT( KIptvEpgLatestEpgAvailableStartTimeCol,			"LatestEpgAvailableStartTime" );
    80 // Last modified table
    81 _LIT( KIptvEpgLastModifiedTable,			"LastModifiedMetadata" );
    82 _LIT( KIptvEpgLastModifiedTableKeyCol,		"LastModifiedMetadataKey" );
    83 _LIT( KIptvEpgLastModifiedTableServiceIdCol,"LastModifiedMetadataServiceId" );
    84 _LIT( KIptvEpgLastModifiedTableETagCol,		"LastModifiedMetadataETag" );
    85 _LIT( KIptvEpgLastModifiedTableTimeCol,		"LastModifiedMetadataTime" );
    90 class CIptvEpgChannel;
    91 class CIptvEpgProgram;
    92 class CIptvEpgSchedule;
    93 class CIptvEpgScheduleSearch;
    94 class CIptvEpgLatestEpgAvailable;
    95 class CIptvEpgProgramWithSchedule;
    97 /**
    98  * Class:       CIptvEpgDatabase
    99  *
   100  * Description: An instance of class CIptvEpgDatabase provides Epg
   101  *              database access: creating & manipulating Epg database
   102  *              files and database entries (channels, and programs).
   103  *
   104  * Database definition:     
   105  *
   106  *              The Epg database contains one table as follows:
   107  *
   108  *              Table name: Channel
   109  *              	Column:				Type:			Length (bytes):   Desc:
   110  *                	------				-----          	-----------       -----
   111  *                 	Key                	EDbColUint32
   112  *					ChannelId			EDbColInt64
   113  *					ServiceProviderId	EDbColUint32
   114  *					ChannelName			EDbColText
   115  *					ChannelLogoPath		EDbColText
   116  *					ChannelDescription	EDbColText
   117  *					ChannelURI			EDbColText
   118  *					ChannelSDP			EDbColLongText
   119  *					ChannelOrder		EDbColUint32
   120  *
   121  *
   122  *              There is also index for Channel table with name "ChannelIndex".
   123  *				It consists of Key column.
   124  *
   125  *              Index provides quick find.
   126  *
   127  *
   128  * Database definition:
   129  *
   130  *              The Epg database contains one table as follows:
   131  *
   132  *              Table name: ProgramEvent
   133  *                 	Column:         		Type:         Length (bytes): Desc:
   134  *                 	------              	-----         -----------     -----
   135  *                 	Key                 	EDbColUint32
   136  *					ProgramId				EDbColInt64
   137  * 					ProgramChannelId		EDbColInt64
   138  *					ServiceProviderId		EDbColUint32
   139  *					ProgramStartTime		EDbColDateTime
   140  *					ProgramEndTime			EDbColDateTime
   141  *					ProgramURI				EDbColText
   142  *					ProgramSDP				EDbColLongText
   143  *					ProgramGenre			EDbColText
   144  *					ProgramName				EDbColText
   145  *					ProgramDescription		EDbColText
   146  *					ProgramLanguage			EDbColText
   147  *					ProgramParentalRating	EDbColText
   148  *
   149  *
   150  *              There is also index for Program table with name "ProgramIndex".
   151  *				It consists of Key column.
   152  *
   153  *              Index provides quick find.
   154  *
   155  * Database definition:
   156  *				The epg database contains one table as follows:
   157  *				Table name: Last modified
   158  *              Table name: ChannelProgram
   159  *                 	Column:             Type:          	Length (bytes): Desc:
   160  *                 	------              -----          	-----------     -----
   161  *                 	ServiceId           EDbColUint32   	
   162  *                 	LastModifedDateTime EDbColText
   163  *                 	ETag			 	EDbColText
   164  *
   165  * Database definition:
   166  *
   167  *              The Epg database contains one table as follows:
   168  *
   169  *              Table name: ChannelProgram
   170  *                 	Column:             Type:          	Length (bytes): Desc:
   171  *                 	------              -----          	-----------     -----
   172  *                 	ChannelKey          EDbColUint32   	4
   173  *                 	ProgramKey          EDbColUint32   	4
   174  *
   175  * 
   176  */
   177 class CIptvEpgDatabase : public CBase, public MBackupObserver
   178     {
   179     public:
   180     /**
   181     *	Enumeration for the database class internal state.
   182     */
   183     enum TIptvEpgDatabaseInternalState
   184     	{
   185     	EReady = 0, 	// This class is ready to be used
   186     	EBackup			// Database backup is ongoing -> no interaction allowed
   187     	};
   189     public:  // Constructors and destructor
   191          /**
   192          * Two-phased constructor.
   193          * @param 
   194          */
   195         IMPORT_C static CIptvEpgDatabase* NewL( const TFileName& aDbFile );
   197         /**
   198          * Destructor.
   199          */
   200         virtual ~CIptvEpgDatabase();
   202     public: // From MBackupObserver
   203     	/**
   204     	*	Method to get called when file that this class has registered
   205     	*	to observe for backup is to be affected with backup operation.
   206     	*	This method is also called when it's allowed to re-open the
   207     	*	file for read/write.
   208     	*	@param	aFileName	Name of the file that needs to be closed
   209     	*						or can be re-opened
   210     	*	@param	aFlags		Flags identifying the operation to be happen
   211     	*	@return	None
   212     	*/
   213     	void ChangeFileLockL( const TDesC& aFileName, TFileLockFlags aFlags );    
   215 	public: // Public API for database operations
   217         /**
   218          *	Get channels.
   219          *
   220 		 *  @param  aServiceProviderId 	Service provider id.
   221          *	@param	aResultArray		Array of channels.         
   222          */
   223         IMPORT_C void GetChannelsL( const TUint32 aServiceProviderId, 
   224 									RPointerArray<CIptvEpgChannel>* 
   225 									aResultArray );
   227         /**
   228          *	Get programs.
   229          *
   230 		 *  @param aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   231 		 *  @param aChannelKey      Channel id.
   232          *							aResultArray.
   233          *	@param 	aResultArray    Array where found results are put.
   234          */
   235         IMPORT_C void GetProgramsByChannelIdL( 
   236 											const TUint32 aServiceProviderId, 
   237 											const TInt64 aChannelKey,
   238         				   					RPointerArray<CIptvEpgProgram>* 
   239 											aResultArray );
   241         /**
   242          *	Get next program by channel.
   243          *
   244 		 *  @param aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   245 		 *  @param aChannelKey Channel id.
   246          *	@param aRefTime reference time 
   247          *	@return CIptvEpgSchedule* the found schedule
   248          */									
   249 		IMPORT_C CIptvEpgSchedule* GetNextProgramL( 
   250 								const TUint32 aServiceProviderId,
   251 								const TInt64 aChannelKey,
   252 								const TTime& aRefTime );
   254 		/**
   255          *	Get schedules (for search) by service id. 
   256          *
   257 		 *  @param aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   258 		 *							aResultArray.
   259          *	@param 	aResultArray    Array where found results are put.
   260          *	@return                 None
   261          */
   262         IMPORT_C void GetSchedulesByServiceIdL( 
   263 					const TUint32 aServiceProviderId, 
   264 					RPointerArray<CIptvEpgScheduleSearch>* aResultArray );
   266         /**
   267          *	Get programs.
   268          *
   269 		 *  @param aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   270 		 *  @param aChannelKey      Channel id.
   271          *							aResultArray.
   272          *	@param 	aResultArray    Array where found results are put.
   273          *	@return                 None
   274          */
   275         IMPORT_C void GetSchedulesByChannelIdL( 
   276 											const TUint32 aServiceProviderId, 
   277 											const TInt64 aChannelKey,
   278         				   					RPointerArray<CIptvEpgSchedule>* aResultArray );
   279         /**
   280          *	Get the programs for that channel and day
   281          *
   282 		 *  @param aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   283 		 *  @param aChannelKey        Channel id.							
   284          *	@param aStartTime         start of the day
   285          *	@param 	aResultArray      Array where found results are put.
   286          *	@return 				  None 
   287          *	                  
   288          */					
   289 		IMPORT_C void GetSchedulesByChannelAndDayL( 
   290 								const TUint32 aServiceProviderId,
   291 								const TInt64 aChannelKey,
   292 								const TTime& aStartTime,
   293 								RPointerArray<CIptvEpgSchedule>* aResultArray );
   296         /**
   297          *	Get the program that covers the given start time
   298          *  in its time duration
   299          *
   300 		 *  @param aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   301 		 *  @param aChannelKey        Channel id.							
   302          *	@param aStartTime 
   303          *	@return CIptvEpgSchedule*		  the found schedule  
   304          *	                  
   305          */	
   308 		IMPORT_C CIptvEpgSchedule* GetProgramByTimeL(
   309 												  const TUint32 aServiceProviderId, 
   310 												  const TInt64 aChannelKey,
   311 												  const TTime& aStartTime
   312 												   );										
   313 		/**
   314 		*	Get channel specified by id
   315 		*	@param	aService		Service provider id
   316 		*	@param	aChannel	    Channel id
   317 		*	@return	CIptvEpgChannel or NULL if not found
   318 		*/
   319         IMPORT_C CIptvEpgChannel* GetChannelL( TInt aService,
   320         								       TInt64 aChannel );	
   321 		/**
   322 		*	Get latest schedule time in db
   323 		*	@param	aService		Service provider id
   324 		*   @param  aLatestScheduleTime, returns this
   325 		*	@return	Latest schedule time in database.
   326 		*/        								       
   327 		IMPORT_C TTime GetLatestScheduleTimeL( const TUint32 aServiceId );        								       									  
   329 		/**
   330 		*	Inserts or updates given channel to the database.
   331 		*	Each channel must have unique id inside one serivice providers
   332 		*	list of channels. Therefore is aChannel.iChannelId is found from
   333 		*	database and that database entry has aChannel.iServiceProviderId
   334 		*	existing data is update. Otherwise aChannel is added to the
   335 		*	database.
   336 		*	@param	aChannel	Object containing data to be inserted or
   337 		*						updated to the database
   338 		*	@param	aChannelKey	On return contains unique database id of
   339 		*						inserted or updated database entry
   340 		*/        
   341 		IMPORT_C void InsertOrUpdateChannelL( const CIptvEpgChannel& aChannel,
   342 											  TUint32& aChannelKey );
   344         /**
   345         *	Delete channel from the database. This causes all programs which 
   346 		*	has	aChannelId in the program table to be deleted as well.
   347 		*   @param  aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   348         *	@param	aChannelId	Channel id of the channel to be deleted
   349         *	@return	None
   350         */
   351         IMPORT_C void DeleteChannelL( const TUint32 aServiceProviderId,
   352 									  const TInt64 aChannelId );
   354         /**
   355         *	Inserts or updates given program to the database.
   356         *	Each program must have unique program id inside a channel. This
   357         *	function tries to find an entry from database which has
   358         *	aProgram.iProgramId and aProgram.iChannelId. If one is found from
   359         *	the database, then database is updated, otherwise new entry is
   360         *	made.
   361         *	@param	aProgram	Class containing the program data to be
   362         *						added or updated
   363 		*	@param	aProgramKey	On return contains unique database id of
   364 		*						inserted or updated database entry
   365         */
   366         IMPORT_C void InsertOrUpdateProgramL( const CIptvEpgProgram& aProgram,
   367         									  TUint32& aProgramKey );
   369 		IMPORT_C void InsertOrUpdateScheduleL( 
   370 								const CIptvEpgSchedule& aSchedule );
   371         /**
   372         *	Inserts or updates given latestEpgAvailable info to the database.
   373         *	@param	aLatestEpgAvailable	
   374 		*	@param	aInsert	boolean to decide insert or update
   375         */		
   376 		IMPORT_C void InsertOrUpdateLatestEpgAvailableL
   377 									( CIptvEpgLatestEpgAvailable& aLatestEpgAvailable );
   379         /**
   380         *	Delete program from the database.
   381 		*   @param  aServiceProviderId Service provider id.
   382         *	@param	aProgramId	Id of the program to be deleted from 
   383 		*			program table
   384         *	@return	None
   385         */
   386         IMPORT_C void DeleteProgramL( const TUint32 aServiceProviderId,
   387 									  const TInt64 aProgramId );
   389 		/**
   390          * Update channel order.
   391 		 *
   392          * @param aServiceId		 	Service provider id.
   393          * @param aChannelId           	Channel id.
   394 		 * @param aOrder				New order number.
   395 		 */
   396         IMPORT_C void UpdateChannelOrderL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
   397 										   const TInt64  aChannelId,
   398 										   const TUint32 aOrder );
   400 		/**
   401          * Update channel icon path.
   402 		 *
   403          * @param aServiceId		 	Service provider id.
   404          * @param aChannelId           	Channel id.
   405 		 * @param aIconPath				New icon path
   406 		 */
   407         IMPORT_C void UpdateChannelIconPathL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
   408 										   	  const TInt64  aChannelId,
   409 										   	  const TDesC&  aIconPath );
   410 		/**
   411          * Gets the schedules by program id
   412 		 *
   413          * @param aServiceId		 	Service provider id.
   414          * @param aChannelKey           Channel id.
   415 		 * @param aProgId				program id
   416 		 * @param aResultArray
   417 		 */										   	  
   418 		IMPORT_C void GetSchedulesByProgIdL( 
   419 								const TUint32 aServiceProviderId,
   420 								const TInt64 aChannelKey,
   421 								const TInt64 aProgId,
   422 								RPointerArray<CIptvEpgSchedule>* aResultArray );
   424 		/**
   425 		* Clear service specific EPG data from database.
   426 		* @param aServiceId Service id.
   427 		*/
   428 		IMPORT_C void ClearServiceEPGDataL( const TUint32 aServiceId );
   431         /**
   432          * Add new channel to database.
   433          *
   434          * @param aChannel             Reference to CIptvMulticastChannel 
   435 		 *							   object. 
   436          * @param aChannelKey          New channel key value is inserted to 
   437 		 *							   aChannelKey.
   438          */
   439         IMPORT_C void AddChannelL( const CIptvEpgChannel& aChannel, 
   440 								   TUint32& aChannelKey );
   442 		IMPORT_C void AddChannelsL( const RPointerArray<CIptvEpgChannel>& aChannels,
   443 									TUint32& aChannelKey );
   445 		/**
   446          * Add new program to database.
   447          *
   448          * @param aProgram             Reference to CIptvMulticastProgram 
   449 		 *							   object.
   450          * @param aProgramKey          New program key value
   451          */
   452         IMPORT_C void AddProgramL( const CIptvEpgProgram& aProgram, 
   453 						  TUint32& aProgramKey );
   455 		IMPORT_C void AddProgramsL( const RPointerArray<CIptvEpgProgram>& aPrograms );
   458 		IMPORT_C void AddProgramWithScheduleL( CIptvEpgProgramWithSchedule& aProgramWithSchedule,
   459 											   TUint32& aProgramKey );
   461 		IMPORT_C void AddProgramsWithSchedulesL(
   462 				const RPointerArray<CIptvEpgProgramWithSchedule>& aProgramsWithSchedules );
   464 		/**
   465 		*	Add schedule
   466 		*	@param	aSchedule	Schedule information to be added to the database
   467 		*	@return	None
   468 		*/
   469 		IMPORT_C void AddScheduleL( const CIptvEpgSchedule& aSchedule );
   471 		IMPORT_C void AddSchedulesL( const RPointerArray<CIptvEpgSchedule>& aSchedules );
   473 		/**
   474 		* Get single program entry.
   475 		* @param aServiceProviderId Service id.
   476 		* @param aChannelId Channel id.
   477 		* @param aProgramId Program id.
   478 		* @return Found program entry or NULL if not found. NULL also returned
   479 		* if iLocalState == EBackup. Ownership is
   480 		* transferred to the caller.
   481 		*/
   482 		IMPORT_C CIptvEpgSchedule* GetProgramL( const TUint32 aServiceProviderId,
   483 												const TInt64 aChannelId,
   484 												const TInt64 aProgramId );
   485 		/*
   486 		*	Getter method for ETag and last modified date and time for the given service
   487 		*	@param	aServiceId				Service that we are looking for
   488 		*									last modified data
   489 		*	@param	aETag					On return contains the retrieved
   490 		*									etag value from the db
   491 		*	@param	aLastModifiedDateTime	On return contains the retrieved
   492 		*									last modified value from db
   493 		*	@return	None
   494 		*/
   495 		IMPORT_C void GetLastModifiedDataL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
   496 											TDes& aETag,
   497 											TDes& aLastModifiedDateTime );
   499 		/**
   500 		*	Setter method for last modified data to the database
   501 		*	@param	aServiceId				Id of the service we are assigning the
   502 		*									last modified data values
   503 		*	@param	aETag					ETag value to be stored to the db
   504 		*	@param	aLastModifiedDateTime	Last modified data to be stored to the db.
   505 		*									This value can be something like:
   506 		*									"Sun, 23 Jan 2007 08:20:37 GMT"
   507 		*	@return	None
   508 		*/
   509 		IMPORT_C void SetLastModifiedDataL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
   510 											const TDesC& aETag,
   511 											const TDesC& aLastModifiedDateTime );
   513     private:
   514         /**
   515         *	Constructor
   516         *	@param	aDbFile		Filename of the database to be used
   517         */
   518         CIptvEpgDatabase( const TFileName& aDbFile );
   520         /**
   521         *	Symbian second phase constructor. All code that might leave
   522         *	during construction is placed in here.
   523         *	@param	None
   524         *	@return	None
   525         */
   526     	void ConstructL();
   528         /**
   529         *	Removes all rows from channel table  in the epg database
   530 		*   using given service id.
   531         *	@param	aServiceId Service id.
   532         *	@return	None
   533         */
   534         void ClearChannelTableL( const TUint32 aServiceId );
   537 		/**
   538         *	Removes all service specific rows from program table in 
   539 		*   the epg database.
   540         *	@param	aServiceId Service id.
   541         *	@return	None
   542         */
   543         void ClearProgramTableL( const TUint32 aServiceId );
   545 		/**
   546         *	Removes all service specific rows from schedule table in 
   547 		*   the epg database.
   548         *	@param	aServiceId Service id.
   549         *	@return	None
   550         */
   551         void ClearScheduleTableL( const TUint32 aServiceId );
   554 		/**
   555         *	Removes all service specific rows from latest epg table in 
   556 		*   the epg database.
   557         *	@param	aServiceId Service id.
   558         *	@return	None
   559         */
   560         void ClearLatestEpgTableL( const TUint32 aServiceId );
   562 		/**
   563 		*	Removes all service specific rows from last modified table.
   564 		*	@param	aServiceId	Service id which rows are to be removed
   565 		*	@return	None
   566 		*/
   567 		void ClearLastModifiedTableL( const TUint32 aServiceId );
   569 		/**
   570 		*	Add LatestEpgAvailable
   571 		*	@param	aLatestEpgAvailable	LatestEpgAvailable for a service information 
   572 		*   to be added to the database
   573 		*	@return	None
   574 		*/
   575 		void AddLatestEpgAvailableL( CIptvEpgLatestEpgAvailable& aLatestEpgAvailable );
   577     	/**
   578     	* Create channel table
   579     	*/
   580     	void CreateChannelTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
   582     	/**
   583     	* Create program table
   584     	*/
   585     	void CreateProgramTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase) const;
   587     	/**
   588     	*	Create last modified table. This table consist of service id, ETag value
   589     	*	and last modified date (ETag and last modified are optional values)
   590     	*	@param	aDatabase	Reference to the database where the table is
   591     	*						created.
   592     	*	@return	None
   593     	*/
   594     	void CreateLastModifiedTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
   596     	/**
   597     	* Create ChannelProgram table
   598     	*/
   599     	void CreateChannelProgramTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
   601     	/**
   602     	* Create Schedule table
   603     	*/
   604     	void CreateScheduleTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
   606     	/**
   607     	* Create LatestEpgAvailable table
   608     	*/    	
   609     	void CreateLatestEpgAvailableTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
   611     	/**
   612     	*	Gets each and every row from view and parses the data to result 
   613 		*	array. If aResultArray is NULL, this function leaves with 
   614 		*	KErrArgument.
   615     	*	@param	aSqlStatement	SQL statement to be used for database.
   616     	*	@param	aResultArray	Array where parsed database stuff is 
   617 		*   put into.
   618     	*	@return	None
   619     	*/
   620     	void FetchProgramsFromTableL( const TDesC& aSqlStatement,
   621     						RPointerArray<CIptvEpgProgram>* aResultArray );
   624 		/**
   625     	*	Gets program names and program ids from program table.
   626 		*	If aResultArray is NULL, this function leaves with 
   627 		*	KErrArgument.
   628     	*	@param	aSqlStatement	SQL statement to be used for database.
   629     	*	@param	aResultArray	Array where parsed database stuff is 
   630 		*   put into.
   631     	*	@return	None
   632     	*/
   633 		void FetchProgramNamesFromTableL( const TDesC& aSqlStatement,
   634 							RPointerArray<CIptvEpgProgram>* aResultArray );				
   635     	/**
   636     	*	Gets each and every row from view and parses the data to result 
   637 		*	array. If aResultArray is NULL, this function leaves with 
   638 		*	KErrArgument.
   639     	*	@param	aSqlStatement	SQL statement to be used for database.
   640     	*	@param	aResultArray	Array where parsed database stuff is 
   641 		*   put into.
   642     	*	@return	None
   643     	*/
   644     	void FetchSchedulesFromTableL( const TDesC& aSqlStatement,
   645     						RPointerArray<CIptvEpgSchedule>* aResultArray );    	
   648 		/**
   649     	*	Gets rows from schedule table using given sql statement and puts
   650 		*   results to aResultArray. If aResultArray is NULL, this function 
   651 		*   leaves with KErrArgument.
   652     	*	@param	aSqlStatement	SQL statement to be used for database.
   653     	*	@param	aResultArray	Array where parsed database stuff is 
   654 		*   put into.
   655     	*	@return	None
   656     	*/	
   657 		void FetchSearchSchedulesFromTableL( 
   658 						const TDesC& aSqlStatement,
   659 						RPointerArray<CIptvEpgScheduleSearch>* aResultArray );
   661         /**
   662          *	Get channels. The actual workhorse. Called from public
   663          *  channel-getting methods. 
   664          *
   665 		 *  @param  aQuery              Contains SQL that is supposed to return the channels
   666          *	@param	aResultArray		Array of channels.         
   667          */
   668         void DoGetChannelsL( const TDesC& aQuery, 
   669 						     RPointerArray<CIptvEpgChannel>* 
   670 							 aResultArray );
   672         /**
   673          * 
   674          * Create new database if DB file is not found. 
   675          */
   676         void CreateDbL();
   678         /**        
   679          * Creates session to iptv database
   680          */
   681         void CreateMulticastDbSessionL();
   683         /**        
   684          * Closes the session to iptv database
   685          */
   686         void CloseMulticastDbSession();
   688 		/**
   689 		 * Update channel order numbers so that they are consistent.
   690 		 * @param aServiceProviderId Service id.
   691 		 */
   692 		void UpdateChannelOrdersL( const TUint32 aServiceProviderId );
   694     	/**
   695 		*   Method for deleting all schedule data for given channel. 
   696     	*	@param	aChannel	Specifies the channel whose schedules will be
   697     	*                       thrown away. 
   698     	*	@return	None
   699     	*/
   700     	void RemoveScheduledDataFromChannelL( const CIptvEpgChannel& aChannel );
   702 		/**
   703 		* Get program names and program ids using service id.		
   704 		* @param aServiceProviderId Service ID.
   705 		* @param aResultArray Array where results are put.
   706 		*/
   707 		void GetProgramNamesByServiceIdL( const TUint32 aServiceProviderId, 
   708 									  RPointerArray<CIptvEpgProgram>* 
   709 									    aResultArray );
   711 	private: 
   713         /**               
   714          * Initialise database   
   715          */     
   716         void InitDbL();
   718         /**
   719         * Construct SQL-query strings
   720         */
   721         void MakeSqlStrings();
   723         /**
   724         *	Method to check iStatus state to see if we are having backup
   725         *	in progress. If that's the case then we'll put CActiveSchedulerWait
   726         *	on and wait until backup has been finished. Otherwise this method
   727         *	does nothing.
   728         *	@param	None
   729         *	@return	None
   730         */
   731         void CheckBackupStatus();
   733     private:
   735 		/** File server session is connected in construction and closed in
   736 			destruction */
   737     	RFs              iFsSession;
   739     	/** File name of the database which to handle */
   740 		TFileName        iDbFile;
   742         /** Multicast DB session */
   743         RDbs iMulticastDbSession;
   745         /** Multicast database */
   746         RDbNamedDatabase iMulticastDb;
   748         /** Channel SQL-query string */
   749         TBuf<KCustomSqlLength> iSqlChannel;
   751         /* Program SQL-query string */
   752         TBuf<KCustomSqlLength> iSqlProgram;
   754 		/* Backup session to observer starting/ending backup operation */
   755         CBaBackupSessionWrapper* iBackupWrapper;
   757         /* Current state of this object */
   758         TIptvEpgDatabaseInternalState iLocalState;
   760         CActiveSchedulerWait* iActiveWait;
   761     };
   763 #endif // __CIPTVEPGDATABASE_H__
   765 // End of File