changeset 16 67eb01668b0e
parent 15 8f0df5c82986
child 18 baf439b22ddd
--- a/videocollection/mpxmyvideoscollection/download/src/vcxmyvideosdownloadutil.cpp	Tue May 25 12:44:54 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1354 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-#include <mpxlog.h>
-#include <utf.h>
-#include <mpxmediacontainerdefs.h>
-#include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
-#include <mpxcollectionpluginobserver.h>
-#include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
-#include <mpxcommandgeneraldefs.h>
-#include <mpxcollectioncommanddefs.h>
-#include "vcxmyvideosdownloadutil.h" //this has to be before vcxconnectionutility.h
-#include <ipvideo/vcxconnectionutility.h>
-#include <vcxmyvideosdefs.h>
-#include <vcxmyvideosuids.h>
-#include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
-#include <MediatorEventProvider.h>
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include "vcxmyvideosdrivemonitor.h"
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlCreatedDes, "DlCreated");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlInprogressDes, "DlInprogress");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlPausedDes, "DlPaused");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlCompletedDes, "DlCompleted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlFailedDes, "DlFailed");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlMovedDes, "DlMoved");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlMediaRemovedDes, "DlMediaRemoved");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlMediaInsertedDes, "DlMediaInserted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlPausableDes, "DlPausable");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlNonPausableDes, "DlNonPausable");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlDeletedDes, "DlDeleted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlAlreadyRunningDes, "DlAlreadyRunning");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlDeletingDes, "DlDeleting");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlMultipleMOStartedDes, "DlMultipleMOStarted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlMultipleMOCompletedDes, "DlMultipleMOCompleted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpDlMultipleMOFailedDes, "DlMultipleMOFailed");
-_LIT(KVcxUnknownStateDes, "UnknownStateDes");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgNoneDes, "ProgNone");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpStartedDes, "Started");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgCreatingConnectionDes, "ProgCreatingConnection");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgConnectionNeededDes, "ProgConnectionNeeded");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgConnectedDes, "ProgConnected");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgConnectionSuspendedDes, "ProgConnectionSuspended");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgDisconnectedDes, "ProgDisconnected");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgDownloadStartedDes, "ProgDownloadStarted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpContentTypeRequestedDes, "ContentTypeRequested");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpContentTypeReceivedDes, "ContentTypeReceived");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgSubmitIssuedDes, "ProgSubmitIssued");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgResponseHeaderReceivedDes, "ProgResponseHeaderReceived");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgResponseBodyReceivedDes, "ProgResponseBodyReceived");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgRedirectedPermanentlyDes, "ProgRedirectedPermanently");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgRedirectedTemporarilyDes, "ProgRedirectedTemporarily");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgDlNameChangedDes, "ProgDlNameChanged");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgContentTypeChangedDes, "ProgContentTypeChanged");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgCodDescriptorDownloadedDes, "ProgCodDescriptorDownloaded");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgCodDownloadStartedDes, "ProgCodDownloadStarted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgCodDescriptorAcceptedDes, "ProgCodDescriptorAccepted");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgCodLoadEndDes, "ProgCodLoadEnd");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgSupportedMultiPartDes, "ProgSupportedMultiPart");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgMovingContentFileDes, "ProgMovingContentFile");
-_LIT(KVcxHttpProgContentFileMovedDes, "ProgContentFileMoved");
-_LIT(KVcxUnknownProgressDes, "UnknownProgress");
-const TInt KMaxPathLength = 255;
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionDcf, ".dcf" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionOcf, ".odf" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionDm, ".dm" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionMp4, ".mp4" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionMpeg4, ".mpeg4" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionM4v, ".m4v" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtension3gpp, ".3gpp" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtension3gp, ".3gp" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionRm, ".rm" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionMpg4, ".mpg4" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionRmvb, ".rmvb" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtension3g2, ".3g2" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionWmv, ".wmv" );
-_LIT( KVcxExtensionAsf, ".asf" );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil* CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NewL(
-    MVcxMyVideosDownloadUtilObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NewL");
-    CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil* self = new (ELeave) CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil( aObserver, aFs );
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    return self;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::~CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil");
-    iDownloadManager.Disconnect(); //disconnects all downloads and puts them to pause
-    iDownloadManager.Close();
-    delete iDownloadDeleteTimer;
-    iDownloadsToDelete.Close();
-    iDeleteContent.Close();
-    if ( iConnUtil )
-        {
-        iConnUtil->RemoveObserver( this );
-        iConnUtil->DecreaseReferenceCount();
-        }
-    delete iMediatorEventProvider;
-    delete iDownloadProgressTimer;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        MVcxMyVideosDownloadUtilObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs )
-: iObserver( aObserver ), iFs( aFs )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil");
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::ConstructL ()
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::ConstructL");
-    TUid uid = TUid::Uid( KVcxUidMyVideosMpxCollection );
-    iDownloadManager.ConnectL( uid, *this, ETrue );
-    iDownloadDeleteTimer = CVcxMyVideosTimer::NewL( 0, *this );
-    iDownloadProgressTimer = CVcxMyVideosTimer::NewL( 0, *this );
-    iDownloadsToDelete.Reset();
-    iDeleteContent.Reset();
-    iConnUtil = CVcxConnectionUtility::InstanceL();
-    iConnUtil->RegisterObserverL( this ); 
-    iMediatorEventProvider = CMediatorEventProvider::NewL();
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::StartDownloadL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::StartDownloadL( CMPXMedia& aDownload )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::StartDownloadL");
-    // Requesting a new connection, update state
-    iRoamingOngoing = EFalse;
-    TInt err( KErrNone );
-    TUint32 iap( 0 );
-    iap = *(aDownload.Value<TUint>( KVcxMediaMyVideosIapId ));
-    if( !iap )
-        {
-        // no iap gotten yet. Use connectionutility to get one
-        err = iConnUtil->GetIap( iap, EFalse );
-        if( err != KErrNone || iap == 0 )
-            {
-            MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: failed to get IAP from connectionutility: %d", err);
-            User::Leave( KErrCancel );
-            }        
-        }
-    //if not set, the default is used from commsdb
-    if ( iap != iCurrentIap )
-        {
-        err = iDownloadManager.SetIntAttribute( EDlMgrIap, iap );
-        }
-    iCurrentIap = iap;
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: failed to set IAP: %d", err);
-        }
-    TMPXItemId mpxId = aDownload.ValueTObjectL<TMPXItemId>( KMPXMediaGeneralId );
-    MPX_DEBUG2( "URL      = %S", &(aDownload.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosRemoteUrl )) );
-    MPX_DEBUG2( "Username = %S", &(aDownload.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosUsername )) );
-    MPX_DEBUG2( "Password = %S", &(aDownload.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosPassword )) );
-    MPX_DEBUG2( "Filename = %S", &(aDownload.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralUri )) );
-    MPX_DEBUG2( "IAP ID   = %d", *(aDownload.Value<TUint>( KVcxMediaMyVideosIapId )) );
-    MPX_DEBUG2( "MDS ID   = %d", mpxId.iId1 );
-    iUrl.Copy( aDownload.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosRemoteUrl ) );
-    TInt32 downloadId = 0;
-    // try to get download id from the download request
-    if ( aDownload.IsSupported(KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadId) )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: dl id is supported");
-        downloadId = static_cast<TInt32>(
-            aDownload.ValueTObjectL<TUint32>( KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadId ));
-        if ( downloadId != 0 )
-            {
-            MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: dl id found -> resuming download");
-            } 
-        }
-    if ( downloadId == 0 )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: creating download");
-        RHttpDownload& dl =  iDownloadManager.CreateDownloadL( iUrl );
-        dl.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrId, downloadId );
-        }
-    RHttpDownload* download = Download( downloadId );
-    if ( !download )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: no download found");
-        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
-        }
-    CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(iUserName,
-            aDownload.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosUsername ) );
-    CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(iPassword,
-            aDownload.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosPassword ) );    
-    download->SetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename,
-            aDownload.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralUri ) );        
-    download->SetStringAttribute( EDlAttrUsername, iUserName );
-    download->SetStringAttribute( EDlAttrPassword, iPassword );
-    download->SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, EFalse) ;
-    download->SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrNoContentTypeCheck, ETrue );
-    err = download->Start();
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: could not start download: %d", err);
-        }
-    aDownload.SetTObjectValueL<TUint32>( KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadId, downloadId );
-    if( !err )
-        {
-        NotifyDownloadStarted();
-        StartProgressTimer();
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::PauseDownload
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::PauseDownload( TUint32 aDownloadId )
-    {
-    RHttpDownload* download = Download( aDownloadId );
-    if ( !download )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: no download found");
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-    return download->Pause();    
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::HandleDMgrEventL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::HandleDMgrEventL( RHttpDownload& aDownload,
-    THttpDownloadEvent aEvent )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::HandleDMgrEventL");
-    TInt32 downloadId;
-    aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrId, downloadId );
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    MPX_DEBUG4("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::HandleDMgrEventL(DL ID: %d, %S, %S)",
-            downloadId,
-            &GetS60DlProgressDes(aEvent.iProgressState),
-            &GetS60DlStateDes(aEvent.iDownloadState));
-    if ( aEvent.iProgressState == EHttpContentTypeReceived )
-        {
-        const TInt debugBufMaxSize = 255;
-        TBuf<debugBufMaxSize> contentType;
-        aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrContentType, contentType );
-        MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: Content type = %S", &contentType);
-        }
-    TInt8 progress( 0 );
-    TUint64 downloaded( 0 );
-    TInt32 remoteFileSize;
-    aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrLength, remoteFileSize );
-    if ( remoteFileSize > 0 )
-        {
-        TBool silent;
-        aDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, silent );
-        TBool progressive;
-        aDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrProgressive, progressive );        
-        if ( !silent && !progressive )
-            {
-            // remote file size received, we can set download to silent mode.
-            MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: setting download %d to silent mode", downloadId);
-            aDownload.SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, ETrue );
-            }
-        if ( silent && progressive )
-            {
-            aDownload.SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, EFalse );
-            }
-        progress = DownloadProgress( aDownload, downloaded, EFalse );
-        }
-    TVcxMyVideosDownloadState state;
-    switch ( aEvent.iDownloadState )
-        {
-        case EHttpDlPaused:
-            {
-            state = EVcxMyVideosDlStatePaused;
-            iObserver.HandleDlEvent( state, static_cast<TUint32>(downloadId),
-                    progress, downloaded, 0, 0 );
-            NotifyIfNoActiveDownloads();
-            StopProgressTimer();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHttpDlCompleted:
-        case EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted:
-            state = EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloaded;
-            iObserver.HandleDlEvent(
-                    state, static_cast<TUint32>(downloadId), progress, downloaded, 0, 0 );
-            DeleteDownloadAsync( downloadId, EFalse /* dont delete content */ );
-            StopProgressTimer();
-            break;
-        case EHttpDlFailed:
-        case EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed:
-            {
-            TInt32 errorId;
-            TInt32 globalErrorId;
-            aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrErrorId, errorId );
-            aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrGlobalErrorId, globalErrorId );
-            MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: DL error ID: %d", errorId);
-            MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: DL global error ID: %d", globalErrorId);
-            state = EVcxMyVideosDlStateFailed;
-            iObserver.HandleDlEvent(
-                    state,
-                    static_cast<TUint32>(downloadId),
-                    progress,
-                    downloaded,
-                    errorId,
-                    globalErrorId );
-            NotifyIfNoActiveDownloads();
-            StopProgressTimer();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHttpDlCreated:            
-        case EHttpDlInprogress:           
-        case EHttpDlMultipleMOStarted:
-            iObserver.HandleDlEvent( EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloading,
-                    static_cast<TUint32>(downloadId), progress, downloaded, 0, 0 );
-            StartProgressTimer();
-            break;       
-        /// Download is going to be deleted. Cancel or download complete will trigger this.
-        case EHttpDlDeleting:
-        /// Download is deleted from another client instance. Normally not received, included here just to be sure.
-        case EHttpDlDeleted:
-            {
-            NotifyIfNoActiveDownloads();
-            StopProgressTimer();
-            }
-            break;
-        /// download is moved from one client instance to another one.
-        case EHttpDlMoved:
-        /// MMC card or other storage media is removed from the phone.
-        case EHttpDlMediaRemoved:
-        /** MMC card or other storage media inserted and 
-        * downloaded content file found on it. 
-        * If MMC card inserted, but (partially) downloaded content file 
-        * is not found on it, download is failed with error reason
-        * EContentFileIntegrity. */
-        case EHttpDlMediaInserted:
-        /** Download process can be paused again. This event only occurs after
-        * EHttpDlNonPausable. */
-        case EHttpDlPausable:
-        /// Download process cannot be paused, or the content will be lost.
-        case EHttpDlNonPausable:
-        /// Download is started when it's already progressing
-        case EHttpDlAlreadyRunning:
-        /// Internally used download event. Do NOT deal with them
-        case EHttpDlCancelTransaction:
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::Download
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RHttpDownload* CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::Download( TUint32 aDownloadId )
-    {
-    if ( aDownloadId == 0 )
-        {
-        return NULL;
-        }
-    TInt count = iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads().Count();
-    TInt i;
-    TInt32 downloadId;
-    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-        {
-        iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads()[i]->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrId, downloadId );
-        if ( downloadId == aDownloadId )
-            {
-            return iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads()[i];
-            }
-        }
-    MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: no download found with %d ID", aDownloadId);        
-    return NULL;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::Download
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RHttpDownload* CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::Download( const TDesC& aFileName )
-    {    
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::Download()");
-    TInt count = iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads().Count();
-    TInt i;
-    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-        {
-        const TInt KMaxFileNameLength = 256;
-        TBuf<KMaxFileNameLength> fileName;
-        iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads()[i]->GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, fileName );
-        MPX_DEBUG3("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: download[%d] filename = %S", i, &fileName);        
-        if ( aFileName == fileName )
-            {
-            return iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads()[i];
-            }
-        }
-    MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: no download found with %S filename", &aFileName);        
-    return NULL;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::Downloads
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-const CDownloadArray& CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::Downloads()
-    {    
-    return iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::CancelDownload
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::CancelDownload( TInt32 aId, TBool aDeleteContent )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::CancelDownload");
-    if ( iDownloadManager.CurrentDownloads().Count() < 1 )
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-    RHttpDownload* download = Download( aId );
-    if ( !download )
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-    MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: setting download to non silent mode");
-    download->SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, EFalse );
-    if ( aDeleteContent )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: deleting content");
-        download->Reset();
-        }
-    MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: deleting download from dl manager");
-    download->Delete();
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL()
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL");
-    iDownloadManager.Disconnect();
-    iRoamingOngoing = ETrue;
-    return ETrue;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::IapChangedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void  CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::IapChangedL()
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::IapChangedL");	
-    if ( !iRoamingOngoing )
-        {
-		// This is not roaming situation, must not call GetIap()
-        return;
-        }
-    iRoamingOngoing = EFalse;
-    TUint32 iap( 0 );
-    TInt err = iConnUtil->GetIap( iap, EFalse );
-    if ( err == KErrNone )
-        {
-        iDownloadManager.SetIntAttribute( EDlMgrIap, iap );
-        // Since download pause state is always result of download manager, not from user,
-        // we can resume all
-        iDownloadManager.StartAll();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::IapChangedL failed to get IAP from connectionutility: %d", err); 
-        }
-    }   
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GetDownloadState
-// Gets MPX/MDS version of the download state.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GetDownloadState(
-        RHttpDownload& aDownload,
-        TVcxMyVideosDownloadState& aDownloadState )
-    {
-    TInt32 dlStateInDlManager;
-    aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, dlStateInDlManager );
-    switch( dlStateInDlManager )
-        {
-        case EHttpDlPaused:
-            aDownloadState = EVcxMyVideosDlStatePaused;
-            break;
-        case EHttpDlCompleted:
-            aDownloadState = EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloaded;
-            break;
-        case EHttpDlFailed:
-            aDownloadState = EVcxMyVideosDlStateFailed;
-            break;
-        case EHttpDlCreated:            
-        case EHttpDlInprogress:
-            aDownloadState = EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloading;
-            break;
-        default:
-            aDownloadState = EVcxMyVideosDlStateNone;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::DownloadProgress
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt8 CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::DownloadProgress( RHttpDownload& aDownload, TUint64& aDownloaded,
-                                                   TBool aAllowSilentReset )
-    {
-    TInt64 downloaded;
-    TInt32 fullSize;
-    TBool isProgressive;
-    aDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrProgressive, isProgressive );
-    if ( isProgressive )
-        {
-        // this doesn't work if download is in silent mode
-        // unless it is in progressive mode
-        TInt32 downloaded32;
-        aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize, downloaded32 );
-        downloaded  = downloaded32;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        const TInt KMaxFileNameLength = 256;
-        TBuf<KMaxFileNameLength> fileName;
-        aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, fileName );
-        TEntry entry;
-        TInt err = iFs.Entry( fileName, entry );
-        if ( err != KErrNone )
-            {
-            MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: Could not find file entry.");
-            aDownloaded = 0;
-            return 0;
-            }
-        downloaded = entry.iSize;
-        }
-    aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrLength, fullSize );
-    if( aAllowSilentReset && fullSize == KErrNotFound )
-        {    
-        TBool silent;
-        aDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, silent ) ;
-        if ( silent )
-            {
-            // if file size has corrupted, remove silent mode so that
-            // HandleDlMgrEvent can refresh size. This happens, in case
-            // we resume dl which have to start from the beginning
-            aDownload.SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, EFalse );            
-            }
-        }
-    TInt64 progress64( 0 );
-    aDownloaded = downloaded;
-    TInt64 fullsize64( fullSize );
-    if ( fullsize64 > 0 )
-        {
-        progress64 = 100 * aDownloaded / fullsize64;
-        }
-    return static_cast<TInt8>( progress64 );
-    }
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GetS60DlStateDes
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TDesC& CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GetS60DlStateDes( TInt32 aState )
-    {
-    switch ( aState )
-        {
-        case EHttpDlCreated:
-            return KVcxHttpDlCreatedDes;
-        case EHttpDlInprogress:
-            return KVcxHttpDlInprogressDes;
-        case EHttpDlPaused:
-            return KVcxHttpDlPausedDes;
-        case EHttpDlCompleted:
-            return KVcxHttpDlCompletedDes;
-        case EHttpDlFailed:
-            return KVcxHttpDlFailedDes;
-        case EHttpDlMoved:
-            return KVcxHttpDlMovedDes;
-        case EHttpDlMediaRemoved:
-            return KVcxHttpDlMediaRemovedDes;
-        case EHttpDlMediaInserted:
-            return KVcxHttpDlMediaInsertedDes;
-        case EHttpDlPausable:
-            return KVcxHttpDlPausableDes;
-        case EHttpDlNonPausable:
-            return KVcxHttpDlNonPausableDes;
-        case EHttpDlDeleted:
-            return KVcxHttpDlDeletedDes;
-        case EHttpDlAlreadyRunning:
-            return KVcxHttpDlAlreadyRunningDes;
-        case EHttpDlDeleting:
-            return KVcxHttpDlDeletingDes;
-        case EHttpDlMultipleMOStarted:
-            return KVcxHttpDlMultipleMOStartedDes;
-        case EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted:
-            return KVcxHttpDlMultipleMOCompletedDes;
-        case EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed:
-            return KVcxHttpDlMultipleMOFailedDes;
-        default:
-            return KVcxUnknownStateDes;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GetS60DlProgressDes
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TDesC& CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GetS60DlProgressDes( TInt32 aProgress )
-    {
-    switch ( aProgress )
-        {
-        case EHttpProgNone:
-            return KVcxHttpProgNoneDes;
-        case EHttpStarted:
-            return KVcxHttpStartedDes;
-        case EHttpProgCreatingConnection:
-            return KVcxHttpProgCreatingConnectionDes;
-        case EHttpProgConnectionNeeded:
-            return KVcxHttpProgConnectionNeededDes;
-        case EHttpProgConnected:
-            return KVcxHttpProgConnectedDes;
-        case EHttpProgConnectionSuspended:
-            return KVcxHttpProgConnectionSuspendedDes;
-        case EHttpProgDisconnected:
-            return KVcxHttpProgDisconnectedDes;
-        case EHttpProgDownloadStarted:
-            return KVcxHttpProgDownloadStartedDes;
-        case EHttpContentTypeRequested:
-            return KVcxHttpContentTypeRequestedDes;
-        case EHttpContentTypeReceived:
-            return KVcxHttpContentTypeReceivedDes;
-        case EHttpProgSubmitIssued:
-            return KVcxHttpProgSubmitIssuedDes;
-        case EHttpProgResponseHeaderReceived:
-            return KVcxHttpProgResponseHeaderReceivedDes;
-        case EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived:
-            return KVcxHttpProgResponseBodyReceivedDes;
-        case EHttpProgRedirectedPermanently:
-            return KVcxHttpProgRedirectedPermanentlyDes;
-        case EHttpProgRedirectedTemporarily:
-            return KVcxHttpProgRedirectedTemporarilyDes;
-        case EHttpProgDlNameChanged:
-            return KVcxHttpProgDlNameChangedDes;
-        case EHttpProgContentTypeChanged:
-            return KVcxHttpProgContentTypeChangedDes;
-        case EHttpProgCodDescriptorDownloaded:
-            return KVcxHttpProgCodDescriptorDownloadedDes;
-        case EHttpProgCodDownloadStarted:
-            return KVcxHttpProgCodDownloadStartedDes;
-        case EHttpProgCodDescriptorAccepted:
-            return KVcxHttpProgCodDescriptorAcceptedDes;
-        case EHttpProgCodLoadEnd:
-            return KVcxHttpProgCodLoadEndDes;
-        case EHttpProgSupportedMultiPart:
-            return KVcxHttpProgSupportedMultiPartDes;
-        case EHttpProgMovingContentFile:
-            return KVcxHttpProgMovingContentFileDes;
-        case EHttpProgContentFileMoved:
-            return KVcxHttpProgContentFileMovedDes;
-        default:
-            return KVcxUnknownProgressDes;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::DeleteDownloadAsync
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::DeleteDownloadAsync( TInt32 aDownloadId, TBool aDeleteContent )
-    {
-    iDownloadsToDelete.Append( aDownloadId );
-    iDeleteContent.Append( aDeleteContent );
-    if ( !iDownloadDeleteTimer->IsActive() )
-        {
-        iDownloadDeleteTimer->After( 0 );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::TimerExpired
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::TimerExpired( CVcxMyVideosTimer* aTimer )
-    {
-    if ( aTimer == iDownloadDeleteTimer )
-        {
-        for ( TInt i = 0; i < iDownloadsToDelete.Count(); i++ )
-            {
-            CancelDownload( iDownloadsToDelete[i], iDeleteContent[i] );
-            }
-        iDownloadsToDelete.Reset();
-        iDeleteContent.Reset();
-        return;
-        }
-    if ( aTimer == iDownloadProgressTimer )
-        {
-        const CDownloadArray& downloads = Downloads();
-        TInt count( downloads.Count() );
-        TInt32 downloadId;
-        TInt8 progress( 0 );
-        TUint64 downloaded;
-        TVcxMyVideosDownloadState downloadState;
-        for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-            {
-            GetDownloadState( *(downloads[i]), downloadState );
-            if ( downloadState == EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloading || 
-                 downloadState == EVcxMyVideosDlStatePaused )
-                {
-                downloads[i]->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrId, downloadId );
-                progress = DownloadProgress( *(downloads[i]), downloaded, 
-                                            ( downloadState == EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloading ) );
-                iObserver.HandleDlEvent( downloadState,
-                    static_cast<TUint32>(downloadId), progress, downloaded, 0, 0 );
-                }
-            }
-        NotifyIfNoActiveDownloads(); // Handles connection lost etc. state updates correctly.
-        StartProgressTimer();
-        return;
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::ClearOrphanDownloadsL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::ClearOrphanDownloadsL( CMPXMedia& aVideoList )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::ClearOrphanDownloadsL");
-    const CDownloadArray& downloads = Downloads();
-    CMPXMediaArray* videoArray = aVideoList.Value<CMPXMediaArray>(
-                                KMPXMediaArrayContents);    
-    TBool found;
-    TInt32 downloadId;
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < downloads.Count(); i++ )
-        {
-        downloads[i]->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrId, downloadId );
-        found = EFalse;
-        for ( TInt j = 0; j < videoArray->Count(); j++ )
-            {
-            if ( (*videoArray)[j]->IsSupported( KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadId ))
-                {
-                if ( (*videoArray)[j]->ValueTObjectL<TUint32>( KVcxMediaMyVideosDownloadId ) ==
-                        downloadId )
-                    {
-                    found = ETrue;
-                    break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        if ( !found )
-            {
-            MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: download id (%d) not found from MPX/MDS, deleting download!", downloadId );
-            CancelDownload( downloadId, ETrue /* delete content */);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyDownloadStarted
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyDownloadStarted()
-    {
-    iMediatorEventProvider->RaiseEvent( TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorDomain ),
-                                        TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorCategory ), 
-                                        KVcxNsMpxEventDownloadStarted ,
-                                        TVersion( KVcxNsMpxEventVersion, 0, 0 ),
-                                        KNullDesC8() );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyIfNoActiveDownloads
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyIfNoActiveDownloads()
-    {
-    if ( !ActiveDownloadCount() )
-        {
-        iMediatorEventProvider->RaiseEvent( TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorDomain ),
-                                            TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorCategory ), 
-                                            KVcxNsMpxEventAllDownloadsEnded,
-                                            TVersion( KVcxNsMpxEventVersion, 0, 0 ),
-                                            KNullDesC8() );
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyDownloadCompleted
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyDownloadCompleted( const TDesC8& aMsg )
-    {
-    iMediatorEventProvider->RaiseEvent( TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorDomain ),
-                                        TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorCategory ), 
-                                        KVcxNsMpxEventDownloadCompleted,
-                                        TVersion( KVcxNsMpxEventVersion, 0, 0 ),
-                                        aMsg );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyNewVideosCountDecreased
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::NotifyNewVideosCountDecreased( const TDesC8& aMsg )
-    {
-    iMediatorEventProvider->RaiseEvent( TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorDomain ),
-                                        TUid::Uid( KVcxNsMpxMediatorCategory ), 
-                                        KVcxNsMpxEventNewVideosCountDecreased,
-                                        TVersion( KVcxNsMpxEventVersion, 0, 0 ),
-                                        aMsg );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::ActiveDownloadCount
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt32 CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::ActiveDownloadCount()
-    {
-    const CDownloadArray& dlarray = Downloads();
-    TInt32 dlCount( 0 );
-    TVcxMyVideosDownloadState state;
-    for ( TInt i = dlarray.Count() - 1; i >=0; i-- )
-        {
-        GetDownloadState( *(dlarray[i]), state );
-        if( state == EVcxMyVideosDlStateDownloading )
-            {
-            dlCount++;
-            }
-        }
-    return dlCount;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::CreateFilePathL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::CreateFilePathL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::CreateFilePathL");
-    HBufC* path = HBufC::NewL( KMaxPathLength );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( path ); // 1->
-    TPtr pathPtr( path->Des() );
-    UsedMemoryDesL(); // generates new value to iUsedMemoryDrivePath
-    iSubDir.Zero();
-    TInt counter = 0;
-    GeneratePathL( aMedia, pathPtr, counter );
-    while( BaflUtils::FileExists( iFs, pathPtr ) )
-        {
-        GeneratePathL( aMedia, pathPtr, ++counter );                
-        }
-    TText badChar( ' ' );
-    TInt badCharLoc( KErrNotFound );
-    while ( ! iFs.IsValidName( pathPtr, badChar ) )
-        {
-        if ( badChar != ' ' )
-            {
-            badCharLoc = pathPtr.LocateReverse( badChar );
-            if ( KErrNotFound != badCharLoc )
-                {
-                pathPtr[badCharLoc] = '_';
-                }
-            }
-        // Note, for some reason File Server's IsValidName() returns EFalse if there
-        // is question mark as last character of string, but fails to return the
-        // correct character in parameter badChar. Must get past that to avoid never
-        // ending loop. Reported to symbian with EJSI-7LZG8C.
-        else
-            {
-            for ( TInt i = 0; i < pathPtr.Length(); i++ )
-                {
-                if ( pathPtr[i] == '?' || pathPtr[i] == '*' )
-                    {
-                    pathPtr[i] = '_';
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: path = %S", path);
-    CleanupStack::Pop( path ); // <-1
-    return path;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GeneratePathL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GeneratePathL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia, TDes& aPath, TInt aCounter )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::GeneratePathL");
-    _LIT( KBasePathNormal, "\\My Videos\\Downloads\\" );
-    _LIT( KBasePathSystemDrive, "\\Data\\My Videos\\Downloads\\" );
-    aPath.Zero();
-    aPath = iUsedMemoryDrivePath;
-    if ( iUsedDrive == iFs.GetSystemDrive() )
-        {
-        aPath.Append( KBasePathSystemDrive );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        aPath.Append( KBasePathNormal );
-        }
-    if ( iSubDir.Length() == 0 )
-        {
-        FindSubDirL( aPath ); // recalculates iSubDir
-        }
-    aPath.Append( iSubDir );
-    TPtrC title( aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ) );
-    if ( title.Length() == 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT( KNameless, "Default");
-        aPath.Append( KNameless );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        const TInt KVcxMaxCounterAndExtension( 12 ); // 6 + 6
-        TInt maxTitle = aPath.MaxLength() - aPath.Length() - KVcxMaxCounterAndExtension;
-        aPath.Append( title.Left( title.Length() <= maxTitle ? title.Length() : maxTitle ) );
-        }
-    //001-009
-    //010-099
-    if ( aCounter > 0 )
-        {    
-        if ( aCounter < 10 )
-            {
-            aPath.Append( _L("_(00") );
-            }
-        else if ( aCounter > 9 && aCounter < 100 )
-            {
-            aPath.Append( _L("_(0") );
-            }
-        TBuf<8> buf;
-        buf.Format( _L("%d)"), aCounter );
-        aPath.Append( buf );
-        }
-    // The algorithm is not final, this is the best we can do with current SW.
-    // See errors EJSI-7LZHLU, EJSI-7M2BW7, EJSI-7M2HMV.
-    //
-    TBool extFound( EFalse );
-    TInt extPos = aMedia.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosRemoteUrl ).LocateReverse('.');
-    if ( extPos != KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        TPtrC extension( aMedia.ValueText( KVcxMediaMyVideosRemoteUrl ).Mid( extPos ) );
-        TInt extensionLength( KErrNotFound );
-        if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionDcf ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionDcf().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionOcf ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionOcf().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionDm ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionDm().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionMp4 ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionMp4().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionMpeg4 ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionMpeg4().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionM4v ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionM4v().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtension3gpp ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtension3gpp().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtension3gp ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtension3gp().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionRm ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionRm().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionMpg4 ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionMpg4().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionRmvb ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionRmvb().Length();
-            }
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtension3g2 ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtension3g2().Length();
-            }    
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionWmv ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionWmv().Length();
-            }    
-        else if ( extension.FindF( KVcxExtensionAsf ) == 0 )
-            {
-            extensionLength = KVcxExtensionAsf().Length();
-            }            
-        if ( extensionLength > 0 )
-            {
-            // Remove possible extra characters after actual extension.
-            if ( extension.Length() > extensionLength )
-                {
-                extension.Set( extension.Left( extensionLength ) );
-                }
-            extFound = ETrue;
-            aPath.Append( extension );
-            }
-        }
-    if ( ! extFound )
-        {
-        aPath.Append( KVcxExtensionMp4 );
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::FindSubDirL
-// Finds subdir and stores it to iSubDir
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::FindSubDirL( const TDesC& aPath )
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::FindSubDirL");
-    MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: aPath = %S", &aPath);
-    _LIT(KSubDirFormatterDes, "%d\\");
-    TBuf<KMaxPathLength> path;
-    TBuf<KVcxMaxSubDirsLength> foundSubDirs;
-    TBuf<KVcxMaxSubDirLength> currentSubDir;
-    //search subdirs
-    TBool found;
-    TInt subDirCounter;
-    TInt fileCount = 0;
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < KVcxSubDirLevels; i++ )
-        {
-        found         = EFalse;
-        subDirCounter = 1;
-        while( !found )
-            {
-            currentSubDir.Format( KSubDirFormatterDes, subDirCounter );
-            path.Zero();
-            path.Append( aPath ); 
-            path.Append( foundSubDirs ); 
-            path.Append( currentSubDir );        
-            MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: testing path: %S", &path);
-            fileCount = FileCountL( path );
-            MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: file count = %d", fileCount);
-            if ( fileCount < KVcxMaxItemsInDir )
-                {
-                found = ETrue;
-                foundSubDirs.Append( currentSubDir );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                subDirCounter++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    iSubDir = foundSubDirs;       
-    MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: calling ensurepath for %S", &path);
-    BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL( iFs, path );
-    MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: iSubDir = %S", &iSubDir);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::FileCount
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::FileCountL( const TDesC& aPath )
-    {
-    TInt count = 0; // return 0 in case of fail
-    CDir* dir = NULL;
-    TInt err = iFs.GetDir( aPath, KEntryAttNormal | KEntryAttMatchMask, ESortBySize, dir );
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG2("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: GetDir failed: %d", err);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        count = dir->Count();
-        }
-    delete dir;
-    return count;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::UsedMemoryDesL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TDesC& CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::UsedMemoryDesL()
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::UsedMemoryDesL");
-    CVcxMyVideosDriveMonitor* driveMonitor = CVcxMyVideosDriveMonitor::NewL( iFs );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( driveMonitor ); // 1->
-    driveMonitor->GetUsedMemoryL( iUsedDrive );    
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( driveMonitor ); // <-1
-    TInt driveChar = 'a' + iUsedDrive;
-    iUsedMemoryDrivePath.Zero();
-    iUsedMemoryDrivePath.Append( driveChar );
-    _LIT(KColon, ":"); 
-    iUsedMemoryDrivePath.Append( KColon );
-    return iUsedMemoryDrivePath;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::StopProgressTimer
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::StopProgressTimer()
-    {
-    if ( ActiveDownloadCount() == 0 )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: stopped iDownloadProgressTimer");
-        iDownloadProgressTimer->Cancel();
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::StartProgressTimer
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil::StartProgressTimer()
-    {
-    if ( !iDownloadProgressTimer->IsActive() && ActiveDownloadCount() > 0 )
-        {
-        MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxMyVideosDownloadUtil:: started iDownloadProgressTimer");
-        iDownloadProgressTimer->After( 3000000 );
-        }
-    }