changeset 0 96612d01cf9f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/videofeeds/clientapi/inc/CIptvVodContentClient.h	Mon Jan 18 20:21:12 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    VoD ECG content API*
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "CIptvUtil.h"
+#include "MIptvVodContent.h"
+#include "CIptvService.h"
+#include "RIptvClientSession.h"
+class CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails;
+class CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails;
+class CIptvVodContentContentFullDetails;
+class MIptvVodContentClientObserver;
+class CIptvVodContentUpdateObserver;
+class CIptvMediaContent;
+class TIptvRssSearchQuery;
+class CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId;
+*  VoD ECG content API
+*  @lib IptvClientApi.lib
+*  @since Engine 1.0
+class CIptvVodContentClient : public CActive, MIptvVodContent
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        static IMPORT_C CIptvVodContentClient* NewL(TIptvServiceId aServiceId, MIptvVodContentClientObserver& aClientObserver );
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        static IMPORT_C CIptvVodContentClient* NewLC(TIptvServiceId aServiceId, MIptvVodContentClientObserver& aClientObserver );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CIptvVodContentClient();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Get list of ECG categories. 
+        * The order of categories is defined by database originated from service provider.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @param    aParentCategoryId   Points to category ID which sub-categories should be listed. Use KIptvVodContentCategoryRootId if the root is referenced.
+        * @param    aCategoryList       Reference to a array where pointer to created category list is returned.
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetEcgCategoryListL(TIptvCategoryId aParentCategoryId, RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails>& aCategoryList);
+        /**
+        * Get full detais of one category item.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0 Notice! In Engine 1.1 CIptvVodContentCategoryFullDetails class is removed! There is only one category class CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails.
+        * @param    aCategoryId         Selected category ID identifier.
+        * @param    aCategory           Reference to a full details data returned.
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetCategoryDetailsL(TIptvCategoryId aCategoryId, CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails& aCategory);
+        /**
+        * Get parent category ID identifier. 
+        * This method allows application to browse toward root category, then two consecutive calls are needed.
+        * Note that root is KIptvVodContentCategoryRootId.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @param    aCategoryId         Points to category ID which parent category is requested.
+        * @param    aParentId           Reference to returned parend ID.
+        * @return                       Error code.        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetParentCategoryL(TIptvCategoryId aCategoryId, TIptvCategoryId& aParentId);
+        /**
+        * Get list of ECG contents in the specified category in order defined by database originated from service provider.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @param    aCategoryId         Selected category ID identifier. Use KIptvVodContentCategoryRootId if the root is referenced.
+        * @param    aSearchString       A search string used to filter contents search. If empty string, no filtering issued.
+        * @param    aFrom               The start index for listed contents.
+        * @param    aAmount             Amount of content elementes to be listes. If zero, all starting from aFrom.
+        * @param    aTotalAmount        Reference to a variable where total amount of content is returned.
+        * @param    aEcgList            Reference to list of returned items.
+        * @return                       Error code.        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetEcgListL(TIptvCategoryId aCategoryId, TDesC& aSearchString, TUint32 aFrom, TUint32 aAmount, TUint32& aTotalAmount, RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails>& aEcgList);
+        /**
+        * Get list of all ECG contents in alphabetical order.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @param    aSearchString       A search string used to filter contents search. If empty string, no filtering issued.
+        * @param    aFrom               The start index for listed contents.
+        * @param    aAmount             Amount of content elementes to be listes. If zero, all starting from aFrom.
+        * @param    aTotalAmount        Reference to a variable where total amount of content is returned.
+        * @param    aEcgList            Reference to list of returned items.
+        * @return                       Error code.        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetEcgAllListL(TDesC& aSearchString, TUint32 aFrom, TUint32 aAmount, TUint32& aTotalAmount, RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails>& aEcgList);
+        /**
+        * Get full detais of one content item.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @param    aContentId          Selected content ID identifier.
+        * @param    aContentFullDetails Reference to returned full details data.
+        * @return                       Error code.        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetContentDetailsL(TIptvContentId aContentId, CIptvVodContentContentFullDetails& aContentFullDetails);
+        /**
+        * Set IAP for service.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @param    aIap                Internet access point.
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt SetIapL(const TUint32 aIap);
+        /**
+        * Update Ecg.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt UpdateEcgL();
+        /**
+        * Verify service group.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt CheckGroupL();
+        /**
+        * Get time when service was last updated.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.0
+        * @param    aTime               Reference to TTime object when DB was last updated.
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetUpdateTimeL(TTime& aTime);
+        /** 
+        * Get content access objects belonging to given content.
+        * @since                        Engine 1.1
+        * @param    aContentId          Content ID.
+        * @param    aCAList             Content access list.
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt GetContentAccessListL(TUint32 aContentId, RPointerArray<CIptvMediaContent>& aCAList);
+        /** 
+        * Set last play position to content access.
+        * @since    Engine 1.1
+        * @param    aContentId          Content id
+        * @param    aIndex              Content access index (id).
+        * @param    aPosition           Position.
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt SetLastPositionL(TUint32 aContentId, TUint32 aIndex, TUint32 aPosition);
+        /** 
+        * Start search operation initiated by the UI
+        * @since
+        * @param    aQuery	Query containing the keyword used for search
+        * @return	One of the Symbian error codes.
+        */
+		IMPORT_C TInt Search( TIptvRssSearchQuery& aQuery );
+        /** 
+        * Cancel currently active search operation if any.
+        * @since
+        * @param    None
+        * @return	One of the Symbian error codes.
+        */
+		IMPORT_C TInt CancelSearch();
+        /** 
+        * Set Mpx media id to content.
+        * @param    aContentId          Content id
+        * @param    aCaIndex            Content access index
+        * @param    aMpxId              Mpx id.
+        * @return                       Error code.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt SetMpxIdL( TUint32 aContentId,
+                                 TUint32 aCaIndex,
+                                 TUint32 aMpxId );
+        /**
+         * Reset global Id.
+         *
+         * @param aFileId    Global file id to be reset.
+         * @param aServiceId Service id.
+         */
+        IMPORT_C void ResetGlobalId(
+            CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId& aFileId,
+            TUint32 aServiceId );
+        /**
+         * Check if automatic update is needed for  
+         * contents.
+         * @param On return, ETrue if update is needed. 
+         *        Otherwise EFalse
+         * 
+         * @return One of the Symbian error codes.
+         */
+        IMPORT_C TInt UpdateAvailableL( TBool& aAvailable );
+        /**
+         * Cancel ecg update.
+         */
+        IMPORT_C void CancelUpdate();
+    private:
+        /**
+        * From CActive, handles an active object’s request completion event
+        */
+        void RunL();
+        /**
+        * From CActive, implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
+        * This function is called as part of the active object’s Cancel().
+        */
+        void DoCancel();
+    private:
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CIptvVodContentClient(TIptvServiceId aServiceId, MIptvVodContentClientObserver& aClientObserver);
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+        /**
+        * Send size request to server.
+        */
+        void SendSizeRequestL(TInt aMessage, TUint32 aParam, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+        /**
+        * Send size request to server.
+        */
+        void SendSizeRequestL( TInt aMessage,
+                               TUint32 aUintParam1,
+                               TUint32 aUintParam2,
+                               const TDesC& aDesCParam,
+                               TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Send size request to server.
+        */
+        void SendSizeRequestL( TInt aMessage,
+                               TUint32 aUintParam1,
+                               TUint32 aUintParam2,
+                               TUint32 aUintParam3,
+                               const TDesC& aDesCParam,
+                               TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Send request to server.
+        *
+        * @param aMessage Message to send.
+        * @param aFileIdParam Message parameter, global file Id.
+        * @param aUintParam   Message parameter, TUint32.
+        * @return KErrNone or one of system wide error codes.
+        */         
+        TInt SendRequestL(
+            TInt aMessage,
+            CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId& aFileIdParam,
+            TUint32 aUintParam);
+        /**
+        * Send request to server.
+        */
+        void SendRequestL(TInt aMessage, TUint32 aParam, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+        /**
+        * Handle category list size request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetEcgCategoryListSizeReqL();
+        /**
+        * Handle category list data request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetEcgCategoryListDataReqL(RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails>& aCategoryList);        
+        /**
+        * Handle category details size request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetCategoryDetailsSizeReqL();
+        /**
+        * Handle category details data request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetCategoryDetailsDataReqL(CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails& aCategory);
+        /**
+        * Handle get parent category request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetParentCategoryReqL(TIptvCategoryId& aParentId);
+        /**
+        * Handle get ecg list size request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetEcgListSizeReqL();
+        /**
+        * Handle get ecg list data request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetEcgListDataReqL(TUint32& aTotalAmount, RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails>& aEcgList);
+        /**
+        * Handle get ecg all list size request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetEcgAllListSizeReqL();
+        /**
+        * Handle get ecg all list data request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetEcgAllListDataReqL(TUint32& aTotalAmount, RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails>& aEcgList);
+        /**
+        * Handle content details size request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetContentDetailsSizeReqL();
+        /**
+        * Handle content details data request.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetContentDetailsDataReqL(CIptvVodContentContentFullDetails& aContentFullDetails);
+        /**
+        * Send cancel request.
+        */
+        void SendCancelRequest();
+        /**
+        * Send cancel update request.
+        */
+        void SendCancelUpdateRequest();
+        /**
+        * Handle update time.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentGetUpdateTimeL( TTime& aTime );
+        /**
+        * Send get update time request.
+        */
+        void SendUpdateTimeRequestL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * CleanupL
+        */
+        void CleanupL();            
+        void HandleVodContentGetCAListSizeReqL();
+        void HandleVodContentGetCAListDataReqL(RPointerArray<CIptvMediaContent>& aCAList);
+        void SendLastPositionL(TInt aMessage, TUint32 aContentId, TUint32 aIndex, TUint32 aPosition, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+        /**
+        * Write mpx id to ecg database.
+        * @param    aContentId          Content id
+        * @param    aCaIndex            Content access index
+        * @param    aMpxId              Mpx id.
+        * @param    aStatus             Request status.
+        */
+        void SendMpxIdL( TInt aMessage, 
+                         TUint32 aContentId, 
+                         TUint32 aCaIndex, 
+                         TUint32 aMpxId, 
+                         TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Send update check request.
+        *
+        */
+        void SendUpdateCheckRequestL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Handle vod content update check 
+        * @param aAvailable On return, ETrue if update is available and needed,
+        * otherwise EFalse.
+        */
+        void HandleVodContentUpdateCheckL( TBool& aAvailable );
+    private:    // Data
+        // Reference to observer class implemented by the application.
+        MIptvVodContentClientObserver& iClientObserver;
+        /**
+        * iSession, the server session.
+        */
+        RIptvClientSession iSession;
+        /**
+        * iMsg Heap object to restore memory for IPC messaging.
+        */
+        HBufC8* iMsg;
+        /**
+        * iMsgPtr Passed to RIptvClientSession object to store the sent and received data.
+        * Points to iData heap object.
+        */
+        TPtr8 iMsgPtr;		                
+        /**
+        * Service ID.
+        */
+        TIptvServiceId iServiceId;        
+        /**
+        * Pointer to CIptvVodContentUpdateObserver.
+        */    
+        CIptvVodContentUpdateObserver* iObserver;
+    };