changeset 0 96612d01cf9f
child 6 7d91903f795f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/videoplayback/videohelix/src/mpxvideodlmgrif.cpp	Mon Jan 18 20:21:12 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implementation of CMPXVideoDownloadMgrInterface class.
+// Version : %version: 21 %
+#include <MMFROPCustomCommandConstants.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerframework.h>
+#include <mpxplaybackpluginobserver.h>
+#include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
+#include <mpxcommandgeneraldefs.h>
+#include <pathinfo.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <driveinfo.h>
+#include "mpxvideoplaybackcontroller.h"
+#include "mpxvideodlmgrif.h"
+#include "mpxvideodrmhelper.h"
+#include <mpxvideoplaybackdefs.h>
+#include "mpxvideo_debug.h"
+CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::NewL( CMPXVideoPlaybackController* aController )
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::NewL()"));
+    CMPXVideoDlMgrIf* self = new (ELeave) CMPXVideoDlMgrIf();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aController );
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConstructL( CMPXVideoPlaybackController* aController )
+    iController = aController;
+    iUpdateDownload = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
+    : iDlId(KErrNotFound)
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::~CMPXVideoDlMgrIf()"));
+    //
+    //  Check if we need to move the clip or remove PDL flag from download
+    //
+    HandleClose();
+    //
+    //  Close the connection to the Download Manager
+    //  if one has been established
+    //
+    if ( iDlMgrConnected )
+    {
+        iDlMgr.Close();
+        iDlMgrConnected = EFalse;
+    }
+    if ( iUpdateDownload->IsActive() )
+    {
+        iUpdateDownload->Cancel();
+    }
+    delete iUpdateDownload;
+    if ( iClipName )
+    {
+        delete iClipName;
+        iClipName = NULL;
+    }
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConnectToDownloadL( CMPXCommand& aCmd )
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConnectToDownloadL()"));
+    //
+    //  Retrieve the download id from the message
+    //
+    TInt downloadId = *aCmd.Value<TInt>( KMPXCommandPlaybackPDTransactionID );
+    TPtrC fileName( aCmd.ValueText( KMPXMediaVideoPlaybackFileName ) );
+    iMovePdlFile = *aCmd.Value<TInt>( KMPXMediaVideoMovePdlFile );
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConnectToDownloadL(%S, %d)"), &fileName, downloadId );
+    if ( iClipName )
+    {
+        delete iClipName;
+        iClipName = NULL;
+    }
+    iClipName = fileName.AllocL();
+    //
+    //  A new download id has been sent.  Reset member variables
+    //
+    iMoveNeeded    = EFalse;
+    iCurrentDl     = NULL;
+    iDlId          = downloadId;
+    iPlayerOpened  = EFalse;
+    iDlTotalSize   = 0;
+    iDownloadProgress = 0;
+    iCodDownload   = EFalse;
+    if ( iDlMgrConnected )
+    {
+        iDlMgr.Close();
+        iDlMgrConnected = EFalse;
+    }
+    if ( iDlId != KErrNotFound )
+    {
+        const TUid KUidLWPlayer = { 0x102824CD };
+        //
+        //  Connect to the Download Manager
+        //
+        iDlMgr.ConnectL( KUidLWPlayer, *this, EFalse );
+        iDlMgrConnected = ETrue;
+        //
+        //  Attach to the download id
+        //
+        RHttpDownload& newDownload = iDlMgr.AttachToDownloadL( iDlId );
+        //
+        //  Update the members with the current download info
+        //
+        iCurrentDl = &newDownload;
+        //
+        //  Set the progressive download attribute on the download
+        //
+        iCurrentDl->SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrProgressive, ETrue );
+        iCurrentDl->SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, EFalse );
+        //a temp hack until dl manager has a fix for this
+        TInt32 activeDownload( 0 );
+        iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrActiveDownload, activeDownload );
+        iCurrentDl->SetIntAttribute( EDlAttrActivePlayedDownload, activeDownload );
+        //
+        //  Set the Local File attribute
+        //
+        iCurrentDl->SetStringAttribute( EDlAttrLocalFileName, iClipName->Des() );
+        TInt32 dlState;
+        //
+        //  Get the state, downloaded and total size of the download and save it
+        //
+        iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrLength, iDlTotalSize );
+        iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize, iDownloadProgress );
+        iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, dlState );
+        MPX_DEBUG(_L("   dlSize = %d, currentSize = %d, state = %d"),
+            iDlTotalSize, iDownloadProgress, dlState );
+        ConvertDMgrStatetoMpxState( dlState );
+        if ( iDownloadState == EPbDlStateDownloadCompleted )
+        {
+            HandleDownloadComplete();
+        }
+        MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConnectToDownloadL() Download State = %d Total Size=%d"),
+            iDownloadState, iDlTotalSize);
+    }
+CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleDMgrEventL( RHttpDownload& aDownload, THttpDownloadEvent aEvent )
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleDMgrEventL()"),
+                   _L("iDownloadState = %d iProgressState = %d"),
+                    aEvent.iDownloadState, aEvent.iProgressState );
+    TMPXPlaybackPdDownloadState prevDownloadState = iDownloadState;
+    if ( &aDownload == iCurrentDl )
+    {
+        switch ( aEvent.iDownloadState )
+        {
+            case EHttpDlInprogress:
+            {
+                iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloading;
+                switch ( aEvent.iProgressState )
+                {
+                    case EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived:
+                    {
+                        if ( ! iUpdateDownload->IsActive() )
+                        {
+                            iUpdateDownload->Start(
+                                    TCallBack( CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadProgress, this ) );
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case EHttpProgCodLoadEnd:
+                    {
+                        //
+                        //  Set the member variable identifying this
+                        //  as a COD download and handle the completion
+                        //  of the download
+                        //
+                        iCodDownload = ETrue;
+                        HandleDownloadComplete();
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case EHttpProgMovingContentFile:
+                    {
+                        //
+                        //   Moving Started
+                        //
+                        MPX_DEBUG( _L("    Moving of file started"));
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case EHttpProgContentFileMoved:
+                    case EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged:
+                    {
+                        //
+                        //  Move has completed, check error status
+                        //
+                        CheckForMoveError();
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case EHttpDlPaused:
+            {
+                iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadPaused;
+                break;
+            }
+            case EHttpDlCompleted:
+            {
+                iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadCompleted;
+                switch ( aEvent.iProgressState )
+                {
+                    case EHttpProgNone:
+                    {
+                        //
+                        //  Ignore this event since COD downloads send this
+                        //  event after we have already moved the file.
+                        //
+                        if ( ! iCodDownload )
+                        {
+                            HandleDownloadComplete();
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case EHttpProgMovingContentFile:
+                    {
+                        //
+                        //   Moving Started
+                        //
+                        MPX_DEBUG( _L("    Moving of file started"));
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case EHttpProgContentFileMoved:
+                    case EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged:
+                    {
+                        //
+                        //  Move has completed, check error status
+                        //
+                        CheckForMoveError();
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case EHttpDlFailed:
+            case EHttpDlMediaRemoved:
+            case EHttpDlDeleted:
+            case EHttpDlDeleting:
+            {
+                iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadCanceled;
+                //
+                //  Disconnect from the current download and Download Manager
+                //
+                iCurrentDl = NULL;
+                iDlId = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+            case EHttpDlMoved:
+            case EHttpDlCreated:
+            case EHttpContentTypeReceived:
+            case EHttpDlMediaInserted:
+            case EHttpDlPausable:
+            case EHttpDlNonPausable:
+            case EHttpDlAlreadyRunning:
+            default:
+                break;
+        };
+        if ( prevDownloadState != iDownloadState )
+        {
+            //
+            //  Signal the view that the download state has changed
+            //
+            iController->iMPXPluginObs->HandlePluginEvent(
+                MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPDownloadStateChanged,
+                iDownloadState,
+                KErrNone );
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleDMgrEventL() Message for different Download"));
+    }
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::DoUpdateDownloadProgress()"));
+    //
+    //  Check if the current download is valid before updating
+    //
+    if ( iCurrentDl )
+    {
+        iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize, iDownloadProgress );
+        MPX_DEBUG(_L("   dlSize = %d, currentSize = %d"), iDlTotalSize, iDownloadProgress );
+        //
+        //  Update the size once the controller is initialized
+        //
+        if ( iController->iState->IsInitialized() )
+        {
+            iController->iMPXPluginObs->HandlePluginEvent(
+                MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPDownloadPositionChanged,
+                iDownloadProgress,
+                KErrNone );
+            //
+            //  Update the playback engine with the current downloaded size
+            //  Helix needs this to handle reading past current file size
+            //
+            HandleCustomCommand( EMMFROPControllerSetDownloadSize, iDownloadProgress );
+        }
+    }
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::DoHandleOpenComplete()"));
+    if ( iCurrentDl )
+    {
+        //
+        //  Set the player opened flag so messages can be sent to the
+        //  video playback engine
+        //
+        iPlayerOpened = ETrue;
+        //
+        //  Do not enable progressive download on the playback engine
+        //  if the download isn't active
+        //
+        if ( iDownloadState == EPbDlStateDownloading || iDownloadState == EPbDlStateDownloadPaused )
+        {
+            //
+            //  Send the download id to Helix to trigger progressive
+            //  download mode for the Helix engine
+            //
+            TInt error = HandleCustomCommand( EMMFROPControllerSetDownloadID, iDlId );
+            if ( error == KErrNone )
+            {
+                iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize, iDownloadProgress );
+                //
+                //  Update Helix with the current downloaded size
+                //  Helix needs this to handle reading past current file size
+                //
+                error = HandleCustomCommand( EMMFROPControllerSetDownloadSize, iDownloadProgress );
+            }
+            //
+            //  Update download size for DRM protected clips
+            //
+            MPX_TRAPD( updateError, UpdateDownloadSizeL() );
+        }
+    }
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::CheckForMoveError()"));
+    TInt32 errorId = KErrNone;
+    TInt32 globalErrorId = KErrNone;
+    iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrErrorId, errorId );
+    iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrGlobalErrorId, globalErrorId );
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("    Moving complete - error = %d global error = %d"), errorId, globalErrorId );
+    //
+    //  Move Complete
+    //
+    iMoveNeeded = EFalse;
+    iDownloadState = EPbDlStateNotDownloading;
+TInt CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleCustomCommand( TUint32 aCommand, TUint32 aCmdValue )
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleCustomCommand()"),
+                   _L(" aCommand = %d, aCmdValue = %d)"), aCommand, aCmdValue );
+    TUint result = KErrNone;
+    //
+    //  Block custom commands for progressive download if the player has not been opened
+    //
+    if ( iPlayerOpened )
+    {
+        TPckgBuf<TUint> cmdValue( aCmdValue );
+        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg dest( KUidInterfaceMMFROPController );
+        TPckgBuf<TMMFMessageDestination> message( dest );
+        result = iController->iPlayer->CustomCommandSync( dest, aCommand, cmdValue, KNullDesC8 );
+        MPX_DEBUG(_L("    Engine CustomCommand retCode = %d"), result);
+    }
+    return result;
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleDownloadComplete()
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleDownloadComplete()"));
+    iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadCompleted;
+    //
+    //  Since the download is complete, download should be moved
+    //
+    if ( iMovePdlFile )
+    {
+        iMoveNeeded = ETrue;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //
+        //  Disconnect from the current download since move is not required
+        //
+        iCurrentDl = NULL;
+        iDlId = 0;
+    }
+    //
+    //  If the update CIdle object is active, cancel it since the download
+    //  is complete and we are updating the values.
+    //
+    if ( iUpdateDownload->IsActive() )
+    {
+        iUpdateDownload->Cancel();
+    }
+    //
+    //  Notify the player and the UI view that the download is complete
+    //
+    HandleCustomCommand( EMMFROPControllerSetDownloadComplete, ETrue );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadProgress
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadProgress( TAny* aPtr )
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadProgress()"));
+    static_cast<CMPXVideoDlMgrIf*>(aPtr)->DoUpdateDownloadProgress();
+    return KErrNone;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::GetPdlStatusL
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::GetPdlStatusL( CMPXCommand& aCmd )
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::GetPdlStatusL()"));
+    if ( iCurrentDl )
+    {
+        iCurrentDl->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize, iDownloadProgress );
+    }
+    aCmd.SetTObjectValueL<TMPXPlaybackPdDownloadState>( KMPXCommandPlaybackPDState,
+                                                        iDownloadState );
+    //
+    //  If download is complete, ensure that the size is 100%
+    //
+    if ( iDownloadState == EPbDlStateDownloadCompleted )
+    {
+        aCmd.SetTObjectValueL<TInt>( KMPXCommandPlaybackPDDownloadedBytes, iDlTotalSize );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        aCmd.SetTObjectValueL<TInt>( KMPXCommandPlaybackPDDownloadedBytes, iDownloadProgress );
+    }
+    aCmd.SetTObjectValueL<TInt>( KMPXCommandPlaybackPDTotalBytes, iDlTotalSize );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//   CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::CalculateDestinationFileNameL()
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::CalculateDestinationFileNameL()
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::CalculateDestinationFileNameL()"));
+    //
+    //  We will try to move the file to the video path of the same
+    //  drive where the download manager has saved it
+    //
+    TParsePtrC origFilePath( iClipName->Des() );
+    DriveInfo::TDriveArray driveArray;
+    TInt drive = 0;
+    RFs::CharToDrive( origFilePath.Drive()[0], drive );
+    User::LeaveIfError( PathInfo::GetFullPath( iDestinationFileName, drive, PathInfo::EVideosPath ) );
+    TParsePtrC phoneRoot( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() );
+    TParsePtrC mmcRoot( PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath() );
+    if ( origFilePath.Drive() == phoneRoot.Drive() )
+    {
+        iDestinationFileName = phoneRoot.DriveAndPath();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        iDestinationFileName = mmcRoot.DriveAndPath();
+    }
+    iDestinationFileName += PathInfo::VideosPath();
+    iDestinationFileName += origFilePath.NameAndExt();
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//   CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleClose
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleClose()
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::HandleClose()"));
+    //
+    //  Before we move any files, the controller in uninitialized.
+    //  Set the player opened to false
+    //
+    iPlayerOpened  = EFalse;
+    TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
+    //
+    //  Download may have already been moved.  Check for a current download.
+    //
+    if ( iCurrentDl )
+    {
+        //
+        //  Check if the plugin should move the file and a move is needed
+        //
+        if ( iMoveNeeded )
+        {
+            MPX_TRAPD(err, CalculateDestinationFileNameL());
+            if (err == KErrNone)
+            {
+                errorCode =
+                    iCurrentDl->SetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, iDestinationFileName );
+                MPX_DEBUG(_L(
+                    "CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::MoveDownloadedFile() SetStringAtt err = %d"), errorCode );
+                if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
+                {
+                    errorCode = iCurrentDl->Move();
+                }
+                MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::MoveDownloadedFile() Move err = %d"), errorCode );
+            }
+            MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::MoveDownloadedFile() Calc Dest Filename err = %d"), err );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //
+            //  Move has been called but we have not completed downloading
+            //  the file.  We are going to clear the progressive download
+            //  flag and the current download variable
+            //
+            errorCode = iCurrentDl->SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrProgressive, EFalse );
+            iCurrentDl = NULL;
+            MPX_DEBUG(_L(
+                "CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::MoveDownloadedFile() Removing PD attr retCode=%d"), errorCode);
+        }
+    }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//   CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::GetDownloadRatio
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TReal CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::GetDownloadRatio()
+    TReal downloadRatio = (TReal)iDownloadProgress / (TReal)iDlTotalSize;
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::GetDownloadRatio(%f)"), downloadRatio);
+    return downloadRatio;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//   CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::IsDownloadPaused
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::IsDownloadPaused()
+    TBool paused = ( iDownloadState == EPbDlStateDownloadPaused );
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::GetDownloadRatio(%d)"), paused);
+    return paused;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//   CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConvertDMgrStatetoMpxState
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConvertDMgrStatetoMpxState( TInt32 aDMgrState )
+    MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::ConvertDMgrStatetoMpxState(%d)"), aDMgrState);
+    switch ( aDMgrState )
+    {
+        case EHttpDlInprogress:
+        case EHttpDlCreated:
+        {
+            iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloading;
+            break;
+        }
+        case EHttpDlPaused:
+        case EHttpDlNonPausableNetworkLoss:
+        {
+            iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadPaused;
+            break;
+        }
+        case EHttpDlCompleted:
+        {
+            iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadCompleted;
+            break;
+        }
+        case EHttpDlFailed:
+        {
+            iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadError;
+            break;
+        }
+        case EHttpDlDeleted:
+        case EHttpDlDeleting:
+        {
+            iDownloadState = EPbDlStateDownloadCanceled;
+            break;
+        }
+        case EHttpDlMoved:
+        case EHttpDlMediaRemoved:
+        case EHttpDlMediaInserted:
+        case EHttpDlPausable:
+        case EHttpDlNonPausable:
+        case EHttpDlAlreadyRunning:
+        case EHttpDlCancelTransaction:
+        default:
+        {
+            iDownloadState = EPbDlStateNotDownloading;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//   CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadSizeL
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadSizeL()
+    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadSizeL()"));
+    if ( iController->iDrmHelper->IsProtected( iController->iFileHandle ) )
+    {
+        MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadSizeL() download is DRM protected"));
+        ContentAccess::CContent* content =
+            ContentAccess::CContent::NewLC( iController->iFileHandle );
+        ContentAccess::CData* data = content->OpenContentL( ContentAccess::EPeek );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( data );
+        TInt drmSize;
+        data->DataSizeL( drmSize );
+        MPX_DEBUG(_L("CMPXVideoDlMgrIf::UpdateDownloadSizeL()    DlMgr Size = %d, DRM Size = %d"),
+            iDlTotalSize, drmSize );
+        iDlTotalSize = drmSize;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );  // data & content
+    }
+//  EOF