changeset 23 befca0ec475f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tsrc/testing/tools/siscreator.pl	Wed Sep 01 12:30:28 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+use warnings;
+use Cwd; # for cwd
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path;
+my $debug = 0;
+my $allowRun = 1;
+my $relType = "";
+my $sisPath = "videoplayer\\tsrc\\testing\\sis";
+my $certFile = "Nokia_RnDCert_02\.der";
+my $keyFile = "Nokia_RnDCert_02\.key";
+my $comment = ";TEMPCOMMENT ";
+my @engineTests = (
+		"videoplayer\\tsrc\\testing\\sis\\fusion_engine_tests.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\mediasettings\\mediasettingsengine\\tsrc\\mediasettingsenginetest\\group\\mpxmediasettingsenginetest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\mediasettings\\videoplayersettingsengine\\tsrc\\vpsettingsenginetest\\group\\vcxnssettingsenginetest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\videocollection\\mpxmyvideoscollection\\tsrc\\mpxmvcolltest\\group\\VCXMyVideosCollectionPluginTest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\videoplayer_plat\\videoplayer_startup_api\\tsrc\\group\\VideoPlayerStartupApiTest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\videoplayer_plat\\video_player_file_details_dialog_api\\tsrc\\group\\ui_FileDetailsDialogtest.pkg",
+		"videoutils\\videoutils_plat\\videoscheduler_api\\tsrc\\group\\videoscheduler_apitest.pkg",
+		"videoutils\\videoutils_plat\\videoconnutility_api\\tsrc\\group\\videoconnutility_apitest.pkg"
+	);
+my @unitTests = (
+		"videoplayer\\videoplayback\\videohelix\\tsrc\\ut_videohelixtest\\group\\videohelixtest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\videoplayback\\videoplaybackcontrols\\tsrc\\videoplaybackcontrols_test\\group\\videoplaybackcontrolstest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\videoplayback\\videoplaybackviews\\tsrc\\ut_userinputhandlertest\\group\\userinputhandlertest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\videoplayerapp\\mpxvideoplayer\\tsrc\\ut_mpxvideoplayertest\\group\\mpxvideoplayertest.pkg",
+		"videoplayer\\videocollection\\hgmyvideos\\tsrc\\ut_vcxhgmyvideosmainview\\group\\VcxHgMyVideosMainViewTest.pkg"
+	);
+while(scalar(@ARGV) >= 1)
+	my $argument = shift(@ARGV);
+	if($argument eq "-sispath")
+	{
+		$sisPath = shift();
+	}
+	elsif($argument eq "-type")
+	{
+		$relType = shift();
+	}
+	elsif($argument eq "-norun")
+	{
+		$allowRun = 0;
+	}
+	elsif($argument eq "-debug")
+	{
+		$debug = 1;
+	}
+	elsif($argument eq "-help")
+	{
+		ShowHelp();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ShowHelp();
+	}
+my $basepath = FindBasePath();
+die("NO VIDEOAPP_DOMAIN FOLDER FOUND") if $basepath eq "";
+print "CREATING ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\n" if $debug;
+# if sispath doesn't contain files for signing, then search them under basepath
+if ( !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}" and !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}" )
+	my @certfiles;
+	FindFiles($basepath, $certFile, 1, \@certfiles);
+	die("No $certFile found under ${basepath} !\n") if ( !$certfiles[0] );
+	my @keyfiles;
+	FindFiles($basepath, $keyFile, 1, \@keyfiles);
+	die("No $keyFile found under ${basepath} !\n") if ( !$keyfiles[0] );
+	print "COPYING $keyfiles[0] TO ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}\n" if $debug;
+	copy( $keyfiles[0], "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}" ) if $allowRun;
+	print "COPYING $keyfiles[0] TO ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}\n" if $debug;
+	copy( $certfiles[0], "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}" ) if $allowRun;
+die("No $certFile found in ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\n") if ( !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}" );
+die("No $keyFile found in ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\n") if ( !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}" );
+foreach my $pkg ( @engineTests )
+    CreateSis( $basepath, $pkg, $sisPath, $relType );
+foreach my $pkg ( @unitTests )
+    CreateSis( $basepath, $pkg, $sisPath, $relType );
+# FindBasePath
+sub FindBasePath
+	print ">> FindBasePath\n" if $debug;
+	$currpath = cwd;
+	$basepath = "";
+	my $domain = "VideoApp_Domain";
+	my $pos = rindex( $currpath, $domain );
+	if( $pos != -1 )
+	{
+		$basepath = "\\" . substr( $currpath, 3, $pos + length( $domain ) - 3 );
+		$basepath =~ s/\//\\/g;
+	  print "BASEPATH FOUND: $basepath\n" if $debug;
+	}
+	print "<< FindBasePath (" . $basepath . ")\n" if $debug;
+	return $basepath;
+# CreateSis
+sub CreateSis
+	my ( $baseDir, $pkgPath, $targetDir, $relType ) = @_;
+	print ">>> CREATESIS\n" if $debug;
+	my $cmd = "";
+	print "baseDir: $baseDir\n" if $debug;
+	print "pkgPath: $pkgPath\n" if $debug;
+	print "targetDir: $targetDir\n" if $debug;
+	my $pos = rindex( $pkgPath, '\\' );
+	print "rindex: $pos\n" if $debug;
+	my $temppath = substr( $pkgPath, 0, $pos );
+	my $filename = substr( $pkgPath, $pos + 1, -4 );
+	# add type to the end of the filename
+	my $relfilename = $filename;
+	if( $relType ne "" )
+	{
+		$relfilename .= "_" . $relType;
+	}
+	print "path: $temppath\n" if $debug;
+	print "file: $filename\n" if $debug;
+	print "relfile: $relfilename\n" if $debug;
+	chdir("${basepath}\\${temppath}");
+	AddComment( "${filename}.pkg" ) if $allowRun;
+	if( $relType ne "" )
+	{
+		print "\nCREATE TEMPORARY PKG\n\n" if $debug;
+		CreatePkg( $filename, $relType );
+	}
+	$cmd = "call makesis ${relfilename}\.pkg ${relfilename}\.sis";	
+	print $cmd . "\n" if $debug;
+	system($cmd) if $allowRun;
+	RemComment( "${filename}.pkg" ) if $allowRun;
+	copy( "${relfilename}\.sis", "${baseDir}\\${targetDir}\\${relfilename}\.sis" ) if $allowRun;
+	chdir("${baseDir}\\${targetDir}");
+	$cmd = "signsis ${relfilename}\.sis ${relfilename}\.sisx Nokia_RnDCert_02.der Nokia_RnDCert_02.key";
+	system($cmd) if $allowRun;
+	unlink ( "${relfilename}\.sis" ) if $allowRun;
+	print "<<< CREATESIS\n" if $debug;
+# AddComment
+sub AddComment
+	my ($file) = @_;
+	open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) or die ("Could not read file '$file'\n");
+	my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
+	close(FILE_HANDLE);
+  open(FILE_HANDLE, ">$file") or die ("Could not write file '$file'\n");
+  foreach my $line ( @lines )
+  {
+	  if( $line =~ /\.\.\/init\/testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\/cccccc00\.cre/i or
+	      $line =~ /\.\.\\init\\testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\\cccccc00\.cre/i )
+	  {
+	    if( $line !~ /$comment/ )
+	    {
+	    	print $line . "\n" if $debug;
+				$line = $comment . $line;
+				print $line . "\n" if $debug;
+			}
+	  }
+	  print FILE_HANDLE $line;
+  }	    
+  close(FILE_HANDLE);
+# RemComment
+sub RemComment
+	my ($file) = @_;
+	open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) or die ("Could not read file '$file'\n");
+	my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
+	close(FILE_HANDLE);
+  open(FILE_HANDLE, ">$file") or die ("Could not write file '$file'\n");
+  foreach my $line ( @lines )
+  {
+	  if( $line =~ /\.\.\/init\/testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\/cccccc00\.cre/i or
+	      $line =~ /\.\.\\init\\testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\\cccccc00\.cre/i )
+	  {
+	    if( $line =~ /$comment/ )
+	    {
+	    	print $line . "\n" if $debug;
+	    	$line = substr( $line, length( $comment ) );
+	    	print $line . "\n" if $debug;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  print FILE_HANDLE $line;
+  }	    
+  close(FILE_HANDLE);
+# CreatePkg
+sub CreatePkg
+	my ($file, $type) = @_;
+	open(FILE_HANDLE, "${file}\.pkg") or die ("Could not read file '${file}\.pkg'\n");
+	my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
+	close(FILE_HANDLE);
+	my $currenttype = "";
+  open(FILE_HANDLE, ">${file}_${type}\.pkg") or die ("Could not write file '${file}_${type}\.pkg'\n");
+  foreach my $line ( @lines )
+  {
+	  if( $line =~ /\/armv5\/(\w+)\//i )
+	  {
+	  	$currenttype = $1;
+	  	if( $currenttype ne $type )
+	  	{
+	  		print $line if $debug;
+	  		$line =~ s/\/$currenttype\//\/$type\//;
+	  		print $line if $debug;
+	  	}
+	  }
+	  print FILE_HANDLE $line;
+  }	    
+  close(FILE_HANDLE);
+# FindFiles
+# Parameters:
+#	$goDir, where to start finding
+#	$fileSearch, filename search
+#	$searchType, 0 = fullname search, 1 = filetype search
+#	$refIncfiles, reference to array which will hold found files
+sub FindFiles
+	my ($godir, $fileSearch, $searchType, $refIncfiles) = @_;
+	my $startDir = cwd;
+	chdir($godir) or die("Could not change dir to $godir");
+	#print("Now in: " . cwd . "\n");
+	opendir(DIR, ".");
+	my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
+	closedir(DIR);
+	foreach my $file(@filelist)
+	{
+		if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
+		if (-d $file)
+		{
+		 	FindFiles( $file, $fileSearch, $searchType, $refIncfiles);
+		} else
+		{
+			if( ($file =~ m/$fileSearch/i and $searchType == 0 ) or ($file =~ m/$fileSearch$/i and $searchType == 1 ) )
+			{
+				$file = cwd . "/" . $file;
+				push @$refIncfiles, $file;
+				#print("$file\n");
+				;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	chdir ($startDir) or die("Could not change dir to $startDir");
+# ShowHelp
+sub ShowHelp {
+print <<USAGE_EOF;
+This script will search the VideoApp_Domain root folder from current path.
+if the root folder is not found, the script will exit. In any other case,
+it creates sis packages for components. 
+Default path for sis-files is /videoplayer/tsrc/testing/sis.
+-sispath    path under videoapp_domain to copy sis files
+-type       wanted sisx type, urel or udeb
+-debug      show debug message
+-norun      do not run, for debugging purposes
+-help       You're reading it.
+	exit();
\ No newline at end of file