# Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use warnings;
use Cwd; # for cwd
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
my $debug = 0;
my $allowRun = 1;
my $relType = "";
my $sisPath = "videoplayer\\tsrc\\testing\\sis";
my $certFile = "Nokia_RnDCert_02\.der";
my $keyFile = "Nokia_RnDCert_02\.key";
my $comment = ";TEMPCOMMENT ";
my @engineTests = (
my @unitTests = (
while(scalar(@ARGV) >= 1)
my $argument = shift(@ARGV);
if($argument eq "-sispath")
$sisPath = shift();
elsif($argument eq "-type")
$relType = shift();
elsif($argument eq "-norun")
$allowRun = 0;
elsif($argument eq "-debug")
$debug = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-help")
my $basepath = FindBasePath();
die("NO VIDEOAPP_DOMAIN FOLDER FOUND") if $basepath eq "";
print "CREATING ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\n" if $debug;
# if sispath doesn't contain files for signing, then search them under basepath
if ( !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}" and !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}" )
my @certfiles;
FindFiles($basepath, $certFile, 1, \@certfiles);
die("No $certFile found under ${basepath} !\n") if ( !$certfiles[0] );
my @keyfiles;
FindFiles($basepath, $keyFile, 1, \@keyfiles);
die("No $keyFile found under ${basepath} !\n") if ( !$keyfiles[0] );
print "COPYING $keyfiles[0] TO ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}\n" if $debug;
copy( $keyfiles[0], "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}" ) if $allowRun;
print "COPYING $keyfiles[0] TO ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}\n" if $debug;
copy( $certfiles[0], "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}" ) if $allowRun;
die("No $certFile found in ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\n") if ( !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${certFile}" );
die("No $keyFile found in ${basepath}\\${sisPath}\n") if ( !-e "${basepath}\\${sisPath}\\${keyFile}" );
foreach my $pkg ( @engineTests )
CreateSis( $basepath, $pkg, $sisPath, $relType );
foreach my $pkg ( @unitTests )
CreateSis( $basepath, $pkg, $sisPath, $relType );
# FindBasePath
sub FindBasePath
print ">> FindBasePath\n" if $debug;
$currpath = cwd;
$basepath = "";
my $domain = "VideoApp_Domain";
my $pos = rindex( $currpath, $domain );
if( $pos != -1 )
$basepath = "\\" . substr( $currpath, 3, $pos + length( $domain ) - 3 );
$basepath =~ s/\//\\/g;
print "BASEPATH FOUND: $basepath\n" if $debug;
print "<< FindBasePath (" . $basepath . ")\n" if $debug;
return $basepath;
# CreateSis
sub CreateSis
my ( $baseDir, $pkgPath, $targetDir, $relType ) = @_;
print ">>> CREATESIS\n" if $debug;
my $cmd = "";
print "baseDir: $baseDir\n" if $debug;
print "pkgPath: $pkgPath\n" if $debug;
print "targetDir: $targetDir\n" if $debug;
my $pos = rindex( $pkgPath, '\\' );
print "rindex: $pos\n" if $debug;
my $temppath = substr( $pkgPath, 0, $pos );
my $filename = substr( $pkgPath, $pos + 1, -4 );
# add type to the end of the filename
my $relfilename = $filename;
if( $relType ne "" )
$relfilename .= "_" . $relType;
print "path: $temppath\n" if $debug;
print "file: $filename\n" if $debug;
print "relfile: $relfilename\n" if $debug;
AddComment( "${filename}.pkg" ) if $allowRun;
if( $relType ne "" )
print "\nCREATE TEMPORARY PKG\n\n" if $debug;
CreatePkg( $filename, $relType );
$cmd = "call makesis ${relfilename}\.pkg ${relfilename}\.sis";
print $cmd . "\n" if $debug;
system($cmd) if $allowRun;
RemComment( "${filename}.pkg" ) if $allowRun;
copy( "${relfilename}\.sis", "${baseDir}\\${targetDir}\\${relfilename}\.sis" ) if $allowRun;
$cmd = "signsis ${relfilename}\.sis ${relfilename}\.sisx Nokia_RnDCert_02.der Nokia_RnDCert_02.key";
system($cmd) if $allowRun;
unlink ( "${relfilename}\.sis" ) if $allowRun;
print "<<< CREATESIS\n" if $debug;
# AddComment
sub AddComment
my ($file) = @_;
open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) or die ("Could not read file '$file'\n");
my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
open(FILE_HANDLE, ">$file") or die ("Could not write file '$file'\n");
foreach my $line ( @lines )
if( $line =~ /\.\.\/init\/testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\/cccccc00\.cre/i or
$line =~ /\.\.\\init\\testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\\cccccc00\.cre/i )
if( $line !~ /$comment/ )
print $line . "\n" if $debug;
$line = $comment . $line;
print $line . "\n" if $debug;
print FILE_HANDLE $line;
# RemComment
sub RemComment
my ($file) = @_;
open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) or die ("Could not read file '$file'\n");
my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
open(FILE_HANDLE, ">$file") or die ("Could not write file '$file'\n");
foreach my $line ( @lines )
if( $line =~ /\.\.\/init\/testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\/cccccc00\.cre/i or
$line =~ /\.\.\\init\\testframework\.ini/i or $line =~ /\\cccccc00\.cre/i )
if( $line =~ /$comment/ )
print $line . "\n" if $debug;
$line = substr( $line, length( $comment ) );
print $line . "\n" if $debug;
print FILE_HANDLE $line;
# CreatePkg
sub CreatePkg
my ($file, $type) = @_;
open(FILE_HANDLE, "${file}\.pkg") or die ("Could not read file '${file}\.pkg'\n");
my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
my $currenttype = "";
open(FILE_HANDLE, ">${file}_${type}\.pkg") or die ("Could not write file '${file}_${type}\.pkg'\n");
foreach my $line ( @lines )
if( $line =~ /\/armv5\/(\w+)\//i )
$currenttype = $1;
if( $currenttype ne $type )
print $line if $debug;
$line =~ s/\/$currenttype\//\/$type\//;
print $line if $debug;
print FILE_HANDLE $line;
# FindFiles
# Parameters:
# $goDir, where to start finding
# $fileSearch, filename search
# $searchType, 0 = fullname search, 1 = filetype search
# $refIncfiles, reference to array which will hold found files
sub FindFiles
my ($godir, $fileSearch, $searchType, $refIncfiles) = @_;
my $startDir = cwd;
chdir($godir) or die("Could not change dir to $godir");
#print("Now in: " . cwd . "\n");
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
foreach my $file(@filelist)
if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
if (-d $file)
FindFiles( $file, $fileSearch, $searchType, $refIncfiles);
} else
if( ($file =~ m/$fileSearch/i and $searchType == 0 ) or ($file =~ m/$fileSearch$/i and $searchType == 1 ) )
$file = cwd . "/" . $file;
push @$refIncfiles, $file;
chdir ($startDir) or die("Could not change dir to $startDir");
# ShowHelp
sub ShowHelp {
print <<USAGE_EOF;
This script will search the VideoApp_Domain root folder from current path.
if the root folder is not found, the script will exit. In any other case,
it creates sis packages for components.
Default path for sis-files is /videoplayer/tsrc/testing/sis.
-sispath path under videoapp_domain to copy sis files
-type wanted sisx type, urel or udeb
-debug show debug message
-norun do not run, for debugging purposes
-help You're reading it.