author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 09 Jun 2010 09:44:23 +0300
changeset 16 67eb01668b0e
parent 8 ce5ada96ab30
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201021 Kit: 2010123


EFalse 0
ETrue  1

ENoPath 0
EAddPath 1

ELocalFile     0
ESdpFile       1
ERamFile       2
EUrl           3
EAsxFile       4          
EMultiLinkFile 5 

StandAlone 0
Embedded 1

DownloadId_1 3
DownloadId_2 5

SameFile 0
NewFile 1
NewFileAfterError 2



LocalLinks     0
StreamingLinks 1

EPlayerChanged 10

UseName 0
UseHandle 1

EPathChanged 4
EMcPathChangedByOpen 0

EMcItemOpened 0
EMcContainerOpened 1

ViewDepth_1 1
ViewDepth_2 2

ENoMsg -5
ENotification 1
EMatrix 4

ELaunchVideo 1
EOpenVideoStorage 2
EOpenInternetVideos 3

EApaCommandTail 0
EApaCommandOpen 1
EApaCommandRun  2

KErrNotFound -1
KErrCancel -3

EMulti  0
ESingle 1

EUndefined 0
EDefined   1


//  Test the terminate message from the Generic Param List
title 1) AppUiEngine Generic Parameters - Terminate
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest CreateGenericParametersTerminate
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle local.3gp EAddPath ELocalFile
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the embedded PDL test cases
//  - Launch an embedded PDL playback
//  - Handle a message from the Browser for the same clip
//  - Handle a message from the Browser to play a new download
//  - Handle a message to clear the PDL information
//  - Handle a message from the Browser to play a new download
title 2) AppUiEngine Embedded PDL
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest OpenFileEmbeddedPdl DownloadId_1 local.3gp EAddPath
enginetest HandleMessageEmbeddedPdl SameFile
enginetest HandleMessageEmbeddedPdl NewFile DownloadId_2 local.3gp EAddPath
enginetest ClearPdlInformation
enginetest HandleMessageEmbeddedPdl NewFileAfterError DownloadId_2 local.3gp EAddPath
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the OpenFile with a file handle API
//  - No GenericParameters
//  - Launch an embedded SDP file
title 3) AppUiEngine OpenFile w/ File Handle - SDP
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle sdp_test.sdp EAddPath ESdpFile AP_USEDEFAULT
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the OpenFile with a file handle API
//  - No GenericParameters
//  - Launch an embedded RAM file with streaming links 
title 4) AppUiEngine OpenFile w/ File Handle - RAM file
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle test_streaming.ram EAddPath ERamFile AP_USEDEFAULT StreamingLinks
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the OpenFile with a file handle API
//  - No GenericParameters
//  - Launch an embedded RAM file with local links 
title 5) AppUiEngine OpenFile w/ File Handle - RAM file
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle test_local.ram EAddPath ERamFile AP_USEDEFAULT LocalLinks
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the Access Point Selection with OpenFile file handle API
//  - GenericParameters with WLAN Access Point
//  - Launch an embedded SDP file
//  - WLAN access point should be used
title 6) AppUiEngine Access Point Selection 
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest SetGenericParamAccessPoint AP_WLAN_1
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle sdp_test.sdp EAddPath ESdpFile AP_WLAN_1
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the Access Point Selection with OpenFile file handle API
//  - GenericParameters with GPRS Access Point
//  - Launch an embedded SDP file
//  - GPRS access point should be used
title 7) AppUiEngine Access Point Selection
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest SetGenericParamAccessPoint AP_GPRS_2
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle sdp_test.sdp EAddPath ESdpFile AP_GPRS_2
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the OpenFile with a file name API
//  - Launch a local clip
title 8) AppUiEngine OpenFile w/ File Name - Local
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest OpenFile UseName local.3gp EAddPath ELocalFile
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the OpenFile with a file name API
//  - No GenericParameters
//  - Launch an SDP file
title 9) AppUiEngine OpenFile w/ File Name - SDP
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest OpenFile UseName sdp_test.sdp EAddPath ESdpFile AP_USEDEFAULT
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the OpenFile with a file name API
//  - No GenericParameters
//  - Launch an RAM file with streaming links 
title 10) AppUiEngine OpenFile w/ File Name - RAM file
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine Embedded
enginetest OpenFile UseName test_streaming.ram EAddPath ERamFile AP_USEDEFAULT StreamingLinks
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the StartStandAloneL method
title 11) AppUiEngine StartStandAloneL
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest StartStandAlone
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the HandleCollectionMessage method
title 12) AppUiEngine HandleCollectionMessage
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest HandleCollectionMessage EPathChanged EMcPathChangedByOpen EMcItemOpened 
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the HandleCollectionMedia method
title 13) AppUiEngine HandleCollectionMedia
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest HandleCollectionMedia local.3gp EAddPath
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the HandleSoftKeyBackL Method
//  - Set the view depth to 1
//  - Call HandleSoftKeyL
//  - AppUi should receive and exit
//  - Set the view depth to 2
//  - Call HandleSoftKeyL
//  - AppUi should StepBackCollectionPathL
title 14) AppUiEngine HandleSoftkeyBackL
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest HandleSoftkeyBack ViewDepth_1
waittestclass enginetest
enginetest HandleSoftkeyBack ViewDepth_2
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test HandleOpenL Method with Playlist
//  - Create a Playlist
//  - Call HandleOpenL
//  - PlaybackUtility should receive InitL with Playlist
title 15) AppUiEngine HandleOpenPlaylist
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest StartStandAlone
enginetest HandleOpenPlaylist
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test HandleOpenL Method with CMPXMedia
//  - Create CMPXMedia
//  - Call HandleOpenL
//  - CollectionUtility should receive OpenL with new collection path
title 16) AppUiEngine HandleOpenMedia
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest StartStandAlone
enginetest HandleOpenMedia
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test HandleViewActivation
//  - No callback is received
title 17) AppUiEngine HandleViewActivation
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest StartStandAlone
enginetest HandleViewActivation
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test ProcessCommandParametersL
//  - Call ProcessCommandParameters with a tail
//      - View Utility receives view activation
//      - file exists is false
//  - Call ProcessCommandParameters without a tail
//      - Open with run command
//          - stand alone player is started
//          - file exists is false
//      - Open with document name and streaming link
//          - file exists is true
//      - Open with document name and local file
//          - file exists is true
//      - Open with document name and file that doesn't exist
//          - file exists is false
title 18) AppUiEngine ProcessCommandParameters
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest ProcessCommandParameters EApaCommandRun
enginetest ProcessCommandParameters EApaCommandOpen rtsp:\/\/stream.3gp ENoPath ETrue
enginetest ProcessCommandParameters EApaCommandOpen local.3gp EAddPath ETrue
enginetest ProcessCommandParameters EApaCommandOpen badname.3gp EAddPath EFalse
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test Playlist functionality
//  Open Multilink ram file 
//  HandleCollectionMessage for playlist 
title 19) AppUiEngine HandleCollectionMessage RAM Playlist 
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle test_multilocal.ram EAddPath EMultiLinkFile AP_USEDEFAULT LocalLinks 
enginetest HandleCollectionMessage EPathChanged EMcPathChangedByOpen EMcContainerOpened
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test Playlist functionality
//  Open Multilink ASX file 
//  HandleCollectionMessage for playlist 
title 20) AppUiEngine HandleCollectionMessage ASX Playlist 
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle test_multilink_v2.asx EAddPath EMultiLinkFile AP_USEDEFAULT StreamingLinks 
enginetest HandleCollectionMessage EPathChanged EMcPathChangedByOpen EMcContainerOpened
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test Playlist functionality
//  Open Multilink ASX file 
//  HandleCollectionMessage for playlist 
title 21) AppUiEngine UpdatePbPluginMediaL ASX V3 
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest OpenFile UseHandle test_seekSingle_v3.asx EAddPath EAsxFile AP_USEDEFAULT StreamingLinks 
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test OpenMediaL functionality
//  Open valid Media  
title 22) AppUiEngine OpenMediaL 
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest OpenMedia local.3gp EAddPath
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test OpenMediaL functionality
//  Open bad Media  
title 23) AppUiEngine OpenMediaL bad file path
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest OpenMedia no_existing_file.ram EAddPath
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test View Depth functionality
title 24) AppUiEngine GetView Depth
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest GetViewDepth ViewDepth_2
delete enginetest
pause 1000

//  Test the Video Center PDL test cases
//  - Launch a stand alone instance of engine
//  - Handle a message to start feeds PDL playback
title 25) AppUiEngine Feeds PDL
create mpxvideoplayertest enginetest
enginetest CreateEngine StandAlone
enginetest HandleCollectionMedia local.3gp EAddPath DownloadId_1 
delete enginetest
pause 1000