changeset 0 ed9695c8bcbe
child 3 b1602a5ab0a3
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ed9695c8bcbe
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Base class for video telephone popups
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include    <cvtlogger.h>
    20 #include    <aknutils.h>
    21 #include    <aknvolumepopup.h>
    22 #include    <fbs.h>
    24 #include    "cvtuipopupbase.h"
    25 #include    "mvtuicomponentmanager.h"
    26 #include    "mvtuicomponentstateobserver.h"
    27 #include    "VtUiPanic.h"
    28 #include    <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    29 #include    <videotelui.rsg>
    30 #include    <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
    32 // default time out time for popup
    33 const TInt KDefaultTimeOutTime = 2;  
    35 // max value for slider is 100 (100%)
    36 const TInt KMaxSliderValue = 100;  
    38 // Implementation of TVtUiBaseComponentState
    40 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 // TVtUiBaseComponentState::TVtUiBaseComponentState
    42 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 //
    44 TVtUiBaseComponentState::TVtUiBaseComponentState(
    45     MVtUiComponent& aComponent, TVtUiBlockListBitField aBitField  ) :
    46     TVtUiComponentState( aComponent, aBitField )
    47     {
    48     }
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // CVtUiPopupBase::~CVtUiPopupBase
    52 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 CVtUiPopupBase::~CVtUiPopupBase()
    55     {
    56     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.~CVtUiPopupBase" )
    57     if ( iPopup )
    58         {
    59         iPopup->CloseVolumePopup();
    60         }
    61      // unregister component change registration
    62     iComponentManager.ChangeComponentRegistration(
    63         iComponentState, MVtUiComponentManager::EUnregister );
    64     delete iPopup;
    65     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.~CVtUiPopupBase" )
    66     }
    68 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 // CVtUiPopupBase::ComponentId
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    72  MVtUiComponent::TComponentId CVtUiPopupBase::ComponentId() const
    73     {
    74     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.ComponentId" )
    75     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.ComponentId" )
    76     return iComponentId;
    77     }
    79 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 // CVtUiPopupBase::ComponentAsControl
    81 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 //
    83  CCoeControl* CVtUiPopupBase::ComponentAsControl()
    84     {
    85     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.ComponentAsControl" )
    86     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.ComponentAsControl" )
    87     return NULL;
    88     }
    90 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // CVtUiPopupBase::DoActivateL
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 void CVtUiPopupBase::DoActivateL()
    95     {
    96     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.DoActivateL" )
    97     User::LeaveIfError(
    98        iComponentManager.ChangeResourceChangeRegistration(
    99         *this, MVtUiComponentManager::ERegister ) );
   101     User::LeaveIfError( iComponentManager.ChangeKeyEventRegistration(
   102         *this, MVtUiComponentManager::ERegister ) );
   104     ShowPopupL();
   105     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.DoActivateL" )
   106     }
   108 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // CVtUiPopupBase::DoDeactivateL()
   110 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 //
   112 void CVtUiPopupBase::DoDeactivateL()
   113     {
   114     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.DoDeactivateL()" )
   115     iPopup->CloseVolumePopup();
   116     //notify observer that popup has been closed
   117     if ( iCompStateObserver )
   118         {
   119         iCompStateObserver->ComponenStateChangedL();
   120         }
   121     // unregister resource change registration
   122     iComponentManager.ChangeResourceChangeRegistration(
   123         *this, MVtUiComponentManager::EUnregister );
   125     iComponentManager.ChangeKeyEventRegistration(
   126         *this, MVtUiComponentManager::EUnregister );
   127     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.DoDeactivateL()" )
   128     }
   130 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 // CVtUiPopupBase::HandleResourceChangeL()
   132 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 //
   134 void CVtUiPopupBase::HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType )
   135     {
   136     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.HandleResourceChangeL()" )
   137     if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
   138         {
   139         iPopup->SetPosition( PopupPosition() );
   140         }
   141     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.HandleResourceChangeL()" )
   142     }
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CVtUiPopupBase::HandleControlEventL
   146 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 void CVtUiPopupBase::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* /*aControl*/,
   149     TCoeEvent aEventType )
   150     {
   151     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.HandleControlEventL" )
   152     if ( aEventType == EEventStateChanged )
   153         {
   154         // popup closed
   155         if( !IsPopUpVisible() )
   156             {
   157             ClosePopup();
   158             }
   159         }
   160     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.HandleControlEventL" )
   161     }
   163 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   164 // CVtUiPopupBase::OfferKeyEventL()
   165 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 //
   167 TKeyResponse CVtUiPopupBase::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aEvent,
   168     TEventCode aCode )
   169     {
   170     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.OfferKeyEventL" )
   171     TKeyResponse response( EKeyWasNotConsumed );
   172     // Don't  handle other types here
   173     if ( aCode != EEventKey )
   174         {
   175         return response;
   176         }
   178     if ( aEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow ||
   179             aEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow )
   180         {
   181         __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.OfferKeyEventL" )
   182         TInt step( 1 );
   183         if ( aEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow )
   184             {
   185             step = -step;
   186             }
   188         const TInt current( Value() );
   189         TInt value( current + step );
   191         TInt maxValue;
   192         TInt minValue;
   193         iPopup->GetRange( minValue, maxValue );
   195         __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.OfferKeyEventL iPopup minValue = %d",
   196                 minValue )
   197         __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.OfferKeyEventL iPopup maxValue = %d",
   198                 maxValue )
   200         minValue = minValue / iScalingConstant;
   201         value = Max( minValue, Min( value, iStepCount ) );
   202         if ( value != current )
   203             {
   204             __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.OfferKeyEventL Volume value = %d",
   205                     value )
   206             SetValue( value );
   207             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   208             }
   209         ShowPopupL();
   210         }
   211     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtUiPopupBase.OfferKeyEventL %d", response )
   212     return response;
   213     }
   215 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetObserver()
   217 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   218 //
   219 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetObserver( MVtUiComponentStateObserver& aCompStateObserver )
   220     {
   221     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetObserver()" )
   222     iCompStateObserver = &aCompStateObserver;
   223     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetObserver()" )
   224     }
   226 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   227 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetValueType()
   228 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 //
   230 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetValueType( TInt aValueType )
   231     {
   232     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetValueType" )
   233     iPopup->SetValueType( aValueType );
   234     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetValueType" )
   235     }
   237 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   238 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetPermanenVisibility()
   239 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 //
   241 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetPermanenVisibility( TBool aPermanent )
   242     {
   243     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetPermanenVisibility" )
   244     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase = %d", aPermanent  );
   245     const TInt longPeriod( 86400 ); // 24 h
   246     if ( aPermanent ) 
   247         {
   248         iPopup->SetTimeOutAsSecond( longPeriod );
   249         iPopup->ClosePopupWhenTappedOutside( !aPermanent );
   250         }
   251      else
   252         {
   253         iPopup->ClosePopupWhenTappedOutside( !aPermanent );
   254         iPopup->SetTimeOutAsSecond( iTimeOutTime );
   255         }
   256      __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetPermanenVisibility" )
   257     }
   259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 // CVtUiPopupBase::CVtUiPopupBase
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 //
   263 CVtUiPopupBase::CVtUiPopupBase(  MVtUiComponentManager& aComponentManager,
   264   TVtUiBlockListBitField aBitField, TComponentId aComponentId ) :
   265   iComponentManager ( aComponentManager ), iComponentState( *this, aBitField ),
   266   iComponentId( aComponentId ), iScalingConstant( 1 )
   267     {
   268     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.CVtUiPopupBase" )
   269     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.CVtUiPopupBase" )
   270     }
   272 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // CVtUiPopupBase::BaseConstructL
   274 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 //
   276 void CVtUiPopupBase::BaseConstructL()
   277     {
   278     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.BaseConstructL" )
   279     iPopup = CAknVolumePopup::NewL( NULL, ETrue );
   280     iPopup->SetObserver( this );
   282     // Initialized to 2 seconds
   283     iTimeOutTime = KDefaultTimeOutTime;
   285     // set position
   286     iPopup->SetPosition( PopupPosition() );
   288     User::LeaveIfError(
   289         iComponentManager.ChangeComponentRegistration(
   290         iComponentState, MVtUiComponentManager::ERegister ) );
   291     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.BaseConstructL" )
   292     }
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CVtUiPopupBase::ShowPopupL
   296 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 void  CVtUiPopupBase::ShowPopupL()
   299     {
   300     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.ShowPopupL" )
   301     iPopup->ShowVolumePopupL();
   302     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.ShowPopupL" )
   303     }
   305 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   306 // CVtUiPopupBase::OpenPopupL
   307 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   308 //
   309 void CVtUiPopupBase::OpenPopupL()
   310     {
   311     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.OpenPopupL" )
   312     TRAPD( error,
   313         iComponentManager.RequestActivationL( ComponentId() ) );
   314     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.OpenPopupL reqAct=%d", error );
   315     User::LeaveIfError( error );
   316     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.OpenPopupL" )
   317     }
   319 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 // CVtUiPopupBase::ClosePopup
   321 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 //
   323 void CVtUiPopupBase::ClosePopup()
   324     {
   325     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.ClosePopup" )
   326     TInt error( KErrNone );
   327     TRAP( error, iComponentManager.DeActivateComponentL( ComponentId() ) );
   328     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtUiPopupBase.ClosePopup %d", error )
   329     }
   331 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetTimeOut
   333 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   334 //
   335 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetTimeOut( TInt aTime )
   336     {
   337     iTimeOutTime = aTime;
   338     iPopup->SetTimeOutAsSecond( aTime );
   339     }
   341 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   342 // CVtUiPopupBase::IsPopUpVisible
   343 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   344 //
   345 TBool CVtUiPopupBase::IsPopUpVisible()
   346     {
   347     return iPopup->IsVisible();
   348     }
   350 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   351 // CVtUiPopupBase::PopupPosition
   352 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   353 //
   354 TPoint CVtUiPopupBase::PopupPosition() const
   355     {
   356     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.PopupPosition" )
   357     TRect mainPaneRect;
   358     TAknWindowLineLayout popupLineLayout;
   359     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPaneRect );
   360     if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
   361         {
   362         popupLineLayout =
   363             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::aid_placing_vt_slider_lsc().LayoutLine();
   364         }
   365     else
   366         {
   367         popupLineLayout = 
   368             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::aid_placing_vt_slider_prt().LayoutLine();
   369         }
   371     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
   372     layoutRect.LayoutRect( mainPaneRect, popupLineLayout );
   373     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.PopupPosition" )
   374     return layoutRect.Rect().iTl;
   375     }
   377 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetPopupValue
   379 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 //
   381 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetPopupValue( TInt aValue )
   382     {
   383     iPopup->SetValue( aValue * iScalingConstant );
   384     }
   386 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   387 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetAdjustRange
   388 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   389 //
   390 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetAdjustRange( TInt aMinValue, TInt aMaxValue,
   391     TInt aStepCount )
   392     {
   393     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetAdjustRange" )
   394     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMinValue <= aMaxValue &&
   395         ( aMaxValue - aMinValue ) >= aStepCount &&
   396         aStepCount > 0, VtUiPanic::Panic( EVtUiPanicOutOfRange ) );
   398     // store stepcount
   399     iStepCount = aStepCount;
   401     // Aknvolumepopup does not do any scaling i.e max value
   402     // must be 100 or otherwise the per cent value is not shown right.
   403     // Scaling constant is used to multiple max value to be 100.
   404     iScalingConstant = KMaxSliderValue / aMaxValue;
   405     iPopup->SetRange( aMinValue, KMaxSliderValue );
   406     TInt stepSize = KMaxSliderValue / aStepCount;
   407     iPopup->SetStepSize( stepSize );
   408     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetAdjustRange" )
   409     }
   411 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   412 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetValue
   413 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 //
   415 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetValue( TInt aValue )
   416     {
   417     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetValue" )
   418     SetPopupValue( aValue ); 
   419     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetValue %d", Value() )
   420     }
   422  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 // CVtUiPopupBase::ScaleAndSetValue
   424 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 //
   426  void CVtUiPopupBase::ScaleAndSetValue( TInt aValue )
   427     {
   428     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.ScaleAndSetValue" )
   429     SetPopupValue( SliderValueWithScaling( aValue ) );
   430     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtUiPopupBase.ScaleAndSetValue %d", Value() )
   431     }
   433 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   434 // CVtUiPopupBase::ScaledValue
   435 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 //
   437  TInt CVtUiPopupBase::ScaledValue() const
   438     {
   439     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.ScaledValue" )
   440      TInt value = Value() * ( iMax-iMin ) / iStepCount + iMin;
   441     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtUiPopupBase.ScaledValue %d", value )    
   442     return value;
   443     }
   445 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 // CVtUiPopupBase::SliderValueWithScaling
   447 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 //
   449  TInt CVtUiPopupBase::SliderValueWithScaling( TInt aValue) const
   450     {
   451     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.SliderValueWithScaling" )
   452     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.aValue=%d", aValue )
   453     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.iStepCount=%d", iStepCount )
   454     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase.iMax=%d", iMax )
   456     if ( iMax == aValue)
   457         {
   458         return iStepCount;
   459         }
   460     else if ( iMin == aValue )
   461         {
   462         return 0;
   463         }
   464     TInt modValue = iStepCount * ( aValue - iMin) % ( iMax - iMin );        
   465     TInt value = iStepCount * ( aValue - iMin) / ( iMax - iMin ); 
   467     if ( modValue >  ( iMax - iMin ) / 2 )
   468         {
   469         value++;
   470         }
   472     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtUiPopupBase.SliderValueWithScaling %d", value )    
   473     return value;
   474     }
   476 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 // CVtUiPopupBase::SetMinAndMaxValues
   478 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 //
   480 void CVtUiPopupBase::SetMinAndMaxValues( TInt aMin, TInt aMax )
   481     {
   482      __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetMaxAndMinValues" )
   483      __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase..aMax=%d", aMax )
   484      __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CVtUiPopupBase..aMinV=%d", aMin )
   485     iMax = aMax;
   486     iMin = aMin;
   487     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.SetMaxAndMinValues " ) 
   488     }
   490 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   491 // CVtUiPopupBase::Value
   492 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   493 //
   494 TInt CVtUiPopupBase::Value() const
   495     {
   496     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.Value" )
   497     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtUiPopupBase.Value %d", iPopup->Value() )
   498     return iPopup->Value() / iScalingConstant;
   499     }
   501 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 // CVtUiPopupBase::UpdatePopupL
   503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 //
   505 void CVtUiPopupBase::UpdatePopupL()
   506     {
   507     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiPopupBase.UpdatePopupL" )
   508     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiPopupBase.UpdatePopupL " ) 
   509     }