changeset 24 f15ac8e65a02
parent 23 890b5dd735f8
child 25 779871d1e4f4
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:890b5dd735f8 24:f15ac8e65a02
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of the CVtUiContextControl control class.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include    "CVtUiContextControl.h"
    22 #include    "VtUiLayout.h"
    23 #include    <AknsUtils.h>
    24 #include    <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    25 #include    <cvtlogger.h>
    26 #include    <featmgr.h>
    27 #include    "CVtUiAppUi.h"
    28 #include    "tvtuistates.h"
    29 #include    "tVtuifeaturevariation.h"
    30 #include    "CVtUiMainControl.h"
    33 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34 // CVtUiContextControl::NewL
    35 // Constructor that may leave.
    36 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 //
    38 CVtUiContextControl* CVtUiContextControl::NewL(
    39     CVtUiBitmapManager& aBitmapManager, CVtUiAppUi& aAppUi,
    40     TVtUiStates& aUiStates)
    41     {
    42     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.NewL" )
    43     CVtUiContextControl* self = new ( ELeave ) CVtUiContextControl(
    44         aBitmapManager, aAppUi, aUiStates );
    45     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    46     self->ConstructL();
    47     CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
    48     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.NewL" )
    49     return self;
    50     }
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 // CVtUiContextControl::~CVtUiContextControl
    54 // Destructor.
    55 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 //
    57 CVtUiContextControl::~CVtUiContextControl()
    58     {
    59     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.~" )
    60     BitmapManager().RemoveBitmap( iBackgroundId );
    61     BitmapManager().RemoveBitmap( iBlindId );
    62     BitmapManager().RemoveBitmap( iBlindMaskId );
    63     if ( iAppUi.EventMonitor() )
    64         {
    65         iAppUi.EventMonitor()->RemoveObserver( this );
    66         }
    67     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.~" )
    68     }
    70 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // CVtUiContextControl::HandlePointerEventL
    72 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 //
    74 void CVtUiContextControl::HandlePointerEventL(
    75     const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
    76     {
    77     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.HandlePointerEventL" )
    78     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtr  ok= %d", iOkToSwapOnButtonUp )
    79     if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
    80         {
    81         __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtr.Position.iX = %d", aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX )
    82         __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtr.Position.iY = %d", aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY )
    83         if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
    84             {
    85             TRect window( Size() );
    86             if ( !window.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) || 
    87                     iAppUi.MainControl().IsMainControlPointerEvent() )
    88                 {
    89                 __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtr.Button1Down outside" )
    90                 // Down outside of Ctx ctrl, set inside false
    91                 iPointerButton1DownInside = EFalse;
    92                 }
    93             else
    94                 {
    95                 __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtrButton1Down inside" )
    96                 // Only true here
    97                 iPointerButton1DownInside = ETrue;
    98                 }
    99             }
   100         else if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
   101             {
   102             TRect window( Size() );
   103             if ( !window.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) ||
   104                     iAppUi.MainControl().IsMainControlPointerEvent() )
   105                 {
   106                 __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtr.Button1Up outside" )
   108                 // Up outside of Ctx ctrl, set inside false
   109                 iPointerButton1DownInside = EFalse;
   111                 iOkToSwapOnButtonUp = ETrue;
   112                 SetGloballyCapturing( EFalse );
   113                 SetPointerCapture( EFalse ); 
   114                 }
   115             else if( iOkToSwapOnButtonUp )
   116                 {
   117                 __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtr.Button1Up inside" )
   118                  if ( !iUiStates.IsWhiteBalanceModeOn() &&
   119                       !iUiStates.IsColorToneModeOn() &&
   120                       !iUiStates.IsZoomModeOn() &&
   121                       !iUiStates.IsCaptureModeOn() &&
   122                       !iUiStates.IsContrastModeOn() &&
   123                       !iUiStates.IsBrightnessModeOn() &&
   124                       !iUiStates.IsVolumeModeOn() )
   125                         {
   126                         if ( !iPointerButton1DownInside ||
   127                                 !( iAppUi.CanSwapImagePlaces() ) )
   128                             {
   129                             // Set the flag back
   130                             iPointerButton1DownInside = EFalse;
   131                             return;
   132                             }
   133                         // Set the flag back
   134                         iPointerButton1DownInside = EFalse;
   135                         iAppUi.HandleCommandL( EVtUiCmdSwapImagesPlaces );
   136                         }
   137                 }
   138             else
   139                 {
   140                 __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.HandlePtr.Button1Up inside" )
   141                 SetGloballyCapturing( EFalse );
   142                 SetPointerCapture( EFalse); 
   143                 iOkToSwapOnButtonUp = ETrue;
   144                 // Set the flag back
   145                 iPointerButton1DownInside = EFalse;
   146                 }
   147             }
   148         }
   149     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.HandlePointerEventL" )
   150     }
   152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 // CVtUiContextControl::HandleSizeChanged
   154 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 //
   156 void CVtUiContextControl::HandleSizeChanged()
   157     {
   158     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.HandleSizeChanged" )
   159     TRect screen;
   160     VtUiLayout::GetApplicationParentRect( screen );
   162     TAknWindowLineLayout control;
   163     VtUiLayout::GetFirstWindowBackgroundLayout( control );
   164     TAknLayoutRect backLayout;
   165     backLayout.LayoutRect( screen, control );
   166     BitmapManager().SetSize( iBackgroundId, backLayout.Rect().Size() );
   168     const TPoint positionRelativeToScreen( -PositionRelativeToScreen() );
   170     VtUiLayout::GetFirstWindowStreamDisabledIconLayout( control );
   171     TAknLayoutRect blindLayout;
   172     blindLayout.LayoutRect( screen, control );
   173     iBlindRect = blindLayout.Rect();
   174     iBlindRect.Move( positionRelativeToScreen );
   175     BitmapManager().SetSize( iBlindId, iBlindRect.Size() );
   176     BitmapManager().SetSize( iBlindMaskId, iBlindRect.Size() );
   178     VtUiLayout::GetFirstWindowStreamLayout( control );
   179     TAknLayoutRect streamLayout;
   180     streamLayout.LayoutRect( screen, control );
   181     iStreamRect = streamLayout.Rect();
   182     iStreamRect.Move( positionRelativeToScreen ) ;
   183     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.HandleSizeChanged" )
   184     }
   186 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 // CVtUiContextControl::StreamBlitPosition
   188 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //
   190 TPoint CVtUiContextControl::StreamBlitPosition() const
   191     {
   192     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.StreamBlitPosition" )
   193     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.StreamBlitPosition" )
   194     return iStreamRect.iTl;
   195     }
   197 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // CVtUiContextControl::StreamClippingRect
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 //
   201 TRect CVtUiContextControl::StreamClippingRect() const
   202     {
   203     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.StreamClippingRect" )
   204     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.StreamClippingRect" )
   205     return iStreamRect;
   206     }
   208 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 // CVtUiContextControl::DrawColoredBackground
   210 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 //
   212 void CVtUiContextControl::DrawColoredBackground( CWindowGc& aGc ) const
   213     {
   214     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.DrawColoredBackground" )
   215     CVtUiVideoControlBase::DrawColoredBackground( aGc );
   216     // Draw background image
   217     CFbsBitmap* bg = NULL;
   218     CFbsBitmap* bgMask = NULL;
   219     BitmapManager().GetBitmaps( iBackgroundId, bg, bgMask );
   220     if ( bg )
   221         {
   222         const TPoint origin;
   223         const TRect rect( origin, bg->SizeInPixels() );
   224         if ( bgMask )
   225             {
   226             aGc.BitBltMasked( origin, bg, rect, bgMask, ETrue );
   227             }
   228         else
   229             {
   230             aGc.BitBlt( origin, bg );
   231             }
   232         }
   233     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.DrawColoredBackground" )
   234     }
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 // CVtUiContextControl::BlindImage
   238 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   239 //
   240 CFbsBitmap* CVtUiContextControl::BlindImage() const
   241     {
   242     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.BlindImage" )
   243     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.BlindImage" )
   244     return Bitmap( iBlindId );
   245     }
   247 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   248 // CVtUiContextControl::BlindMask
   249 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   250 //
   251 CFbsBitmap* CVtUiContextControl::BlindMask() const
   252     {
   253     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.BlindImage" )
   254     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.BlindImage" )
   255     return Bitmap( iBlindMaskId );
   256     }
   258 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   259 // CVtUiContextControl::BlindBlitPosition
   260 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 //
   262 TPoint CVtUiContextControl::BlindBlitPosition() const
   263     {
   264     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.BlindBlitPosition" )
   265     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.BlindBlitPosition" )
   266     return iBlindRect.iTl;
   267     }
   269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   270 // CVtUiContextControl::CVtUiContextControl
   271 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   272 // might leave.
   273 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274 //
   275 CVtUiContextControl::CVtUiContextControl(
   276         CVtUiBitmapManager& aBitmapManager,
   277         CVtUiAppUi& aAppUi,
   278         TVtUiStates& aUiStates )
   279     : CVtUiVideoControlBase( aBitmapManager ),
   280       iAppUi( aAppUi ),
   281       iUiStates( aUiStates )
   282     {
   283     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.ctor" )
   284     SetRenderingHint( ENoWaitingText );
   285     SetRenderingHint( EColoredBackground );
   286     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.ctor" )
   287     }
   289 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 // CVtUiContextControl::ConstructL
   291 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
   292 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 //
   294 void CVtUiContextControl::ConstructL()
   295     {
   296     __VTPRINTENTER( "CtxCtrl.ConstructL" )
   297     BaseConstructL();
   298     iBackgroundId =
   299         BitmapManager().AddBitmapsL(
   300             EVtUiBitmap_qgn_graf_call_video_out_bg,
   301             EVtUiBitmap_qgn_graf_call_video_out_bg_mask,
   302             EFalse );
   303     BitmapManager().SetAspectRatio( iBackgroundId, EFalse );
   304     iBlindId =
   305         BitmapManager().AddBitmapL(
   306             EVtUiBitmap_qgn_indi_call_video_blind_out,
   307             EFalse );
   308     BitmapManager().SetAspectRatio( iBlindId, EFalse );
   309     iBlindMaskId =
   310         BitmapManager().AddBitmapL(
   311             EVtUiBitmap_qgn_indi_call_video_blind_out_mask_icon,
   312             EFalse );
   313     BitmapManager().SetAspectRatio( iBlindMaskId, EFalse );
   314     SetNonFocusing();
   315     if ( iAppUi.EventMonitor() )
   316         {
   317         iAppUi.EventMonitor()->AddObserverL( this );
   318         }
   320     iOkToSwapOnButtonUp = ETrue;
   322     ClaimPointerGrab( ETrue );
   324     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CtxCtrl.ConstructL" )
   325     }
   327 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   328 // CVtUiContextControl::HandleWsEventL
   329 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 //
   331 void CVtUiContextControl::HandleWsEventL( const TWsEvent& aEvent,
   332     CCoeControl* aDestination )
   333     {
   334     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiContextControl.HandleWsEventL" )
   335     if( aEvent.Type() == EEventPointer )
   336         {
   337         // Touch outside of volume popup, close volume popup
   338         if ( aEvent.Pointer()->iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
   339             {
   340             __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.WsEvent.Button1Down inside" )
   341             iOkToSwapOnButtonUp = !iUiStates.IsZoomModeOn() &&
   342                     !iUiStates.IsContrastModeOn() &&
   343                     !iUiStates.IsBrightnessModeOn() &&
   344                     !iUiStates.IsVolumeModeOn();
   346             if( iUiStates.IsZoomModeOn() && iUiStates.IsCaptureModeOn() )
   347                 {
   348                 iOkToSwapOnButtonUp = ETrue;
   349                 }            
   351             if ( aDestination == this )
   352                 {
   353                 iOkToSwapOnButtonUp = !iUiStates.IsZoomModeOn() &&
   354                     !iUiStates.IsCaptureModeOn() &&
   355                     !iUiStates.IsContrastModeOn() &&
   356                     !iUiStates.IsBrightnessModeOn() &&
   357                     !iUiStates.IsVolumeModeOn();
   358                     SetGloballyCapturing( ETrue );
   359                     SetPointerCapture( ETrue ); 
   360                 }
   361             }
   362         else if ( aEvent.Pointer()->iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
   363             {
   364             __VTPRINT( DEBUG_GEN, "CtxCtrl.WsEvent.Button1Up inside" )
   365             }
   366         }
   367     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiContextControl.HandleWsEventL" )
   368     }
   370 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 // CVtUiContextControl::LayoutRemoteVideo
   372 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   373 //
   374 void CVtUiContextControl::LayoutRemoteVideo()
   375     {
   376     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtUiContextControl.LayoutRemoteVideo" )
   377     if ( NULL != iRemoteVideoControl && iRemoteVideoControl->IsVisible() )
   378         {
   379         TRect rectRemoteVideo(StreamClippingRect());
   380         rectRemoteVideo.Move(PositionRelativeToScreen());
   381         iRemoteVideoControl->SetExtent(rectRemoteVideo.iTl,rectRemoteVideo.Size());        
   382         }
   383     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtUiContextControl.LayoutRemoteVideo" )
   384     }
   385 //  End of File