--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vtengines/videoteleng/Src/Media/CVtEngDrawDSA.cpp Mon Nov 23 14:47:47 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Remote video handler.
+#include "CVtEngDrawDSA.h"
+#include "CVtEngEventManager.h"
+#include "VtEngPanic.h"
+#include "MVtEngFrameObserver.h"
+#include "CVtEngSettings.h"
+#include "VtEngUtils.h"
+#include <videotelephonyvariant.hrh>
+#include <tdisplaysinkparamsdsa.h>
+#include <cvtlogger.h>
+// Default display mode.
+const TDisplayMode KVtEngDefaultDisplayMode( EColor64K );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::NewL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CVtEngDrawDSA* CVtEngDrawDSA::NewL(
+ MDisplaySinkObserver* aObserver )
+ {
+ CVtEngDrawDSA* self = new ( ELeave ) CVtEngDrawDSA( aObserver );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( );
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::~CVtEngDrawDSA
+// Destructor. Cannot leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ delete iBitmap1;
+ delete iBitmap2;
+ if ( iImageScaler )
+ {
+ iImageScaler->Release();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::CVtEngDrawDSA
+// C++ constructor. Cannot leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CVtEngDrawDSA::CVtEngDrawDSA( MDisplaySinkObserver* aObserver ) :
+ CVtEngDraw( aObserver ), iBitmapSetAvail( ETrue )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseConstructL
+// Base construction.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseConstructL( )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseConstructL" )
+ TSize vtEngRemoteVideoDefaultSize( KVtEngRemoteVideoDefaultWidth,
+ KVtEngRemoteVideoDefaultHeight );
+ iBitmap1 = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iBitmap1->Create(
+ vtEngRemoteVideoDefaultSize, KVtEngDefaultDisplayMode ) );
+ iBitmap2 = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iBitmap2->Create(
+ vtEngRemoteVideoDefaultSize, KVtEngDefaultDisplayMode ) );
+ iImageScaler = VtEngScalerFactory::CreateScalerL( *this );
+ "RVD.ConL scaler ok %d", iImageScaler != NULL )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseConstructL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::CreateSinkL
+// Instantiates display sink.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MDisplaySink* CVtEngDrawDSA::CreateSinkL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).CreateSinkL" )
+ TDisplaySinkParamsDSA params;
+ GetSinkParams( params );
+ MDisplaySink* sink = ::CreateSinkL( params, KNullDesC8 );
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "RVD(DSA).CreateSinkL flags=%d", params.iFlags )
+ return sink;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseDoCancel
+// DoCancel for derived class.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseDoCancel()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseDoCancel" )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseDoCancel" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseVerifyConfigL
+// Checks current configuration against DSA implementation.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseVerifyConfigL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseVerifyConfigL" )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseVerifyConfigL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRestartL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRestartL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseRestartL" )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseRestartL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseAbortNow
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseAbortNow()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseAbortNow" )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseAbortNow" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseStartDrawL
+// Starts the drawing.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseStartDrawL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseStartDrawL" )
+ if ( iDSA )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EReadyInternal );
+ if ( !IsActive() )
+ {
+ Activate();
+ iDisplaySink->SetBitmapAvailable( MDisplaySink::EFirstBitmap );
+ "RVD(DSA).BaseStartDrawL bmp avail done" )
+ iWatcher->Start( KVtEngWatcherTimeout, KVtEngWatcherTimeout,
+ iCallback );
+ }
+ SetFlag( ERemoteVideoDrawing );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseStartDrawL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseStopDraw
+// Stop the drawing.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseStopDraw()
+ {
+ // Cancel the timer in any case.
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseStopDraw" )
+ iWatcher->Cancel();
+ if ( iDSA )
+ {
+ ClearFlag( ERemoteVideoDrawing | EStarted );
+ iDSA->Cancel();
+ }
+ // Stop also scaling
+ if ( iImageScaler )
+ {
+ iImageScaler->Cancel();
+ }
+ Cancel();
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseStopDraw" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseSetConfigL
+// Sets new configuration.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseSetConfigL( const TVtEngRenderConfig& aConfig )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseSetConfigL" )
+ Mem::FillZ( &iConfig, sizeof( TVtEngRenderConfigDSA ) );
+ iConfig = aConfig;
+ ConfigUpdatedL();
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseSetConfigL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseSetUIForegroundL
+// Sets UI foreground status.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseSetUIForegroundL( TBool aForeground )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseSetUIForegroundL" )
+ if ( aForeground )
+ {
+ TBool wasSentToBackground( IsFlag( ESentToBackground ) );
+ SetFlag( EFlagUIForeground );
+ ClearFlag( ESentToBackground );
+ if ( wasSentToBackground )
+ {
+ BaseRefreshBitmapsL();
+ Restart( RDirectScreenAccess::ETerminateCancel );
+ BaseStartDrawL();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BaseStopDraw();
+ ClearFlag( EFlagUIForeground );
+ SetFlag( ESentToBackground );
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseSetUIForegroundL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseVideoFrameSizeChangedL
+// Called when incoming frame buffer size changes.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseVideoFrameSizeChangedL( const TSize& /*aTo*/ )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseVideoFrameSizeChangedL" )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseVideoFrameSizeChangedL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRequestLastFrame
+// Request update last remote video frame through MVtEngFrameObserver::vtSetFrame
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRequestLastFrame()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseRequestLastFrame" )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseRequestLastFrame" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::Config
+// Returns current configuration.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TVtEngRenderConfig& CVtEngDrawDSA::Config()
+ {
+ return iConfig;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::RunL
+// CActive heir execution method.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::RunL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_MEDIA, " bmpNo=%d", iBitmapNo )
+ iBitmapNo = iStatus.Int() == 0 ?
+ MDisplaySink::ESecondBitmap :
+ MDisplaySink::EFirstBitmap ;
+ iBitmapSetAvail = EFalse;
+ TBool dropFrame( EFalse );
+ if ( !iDSUpdated )
+ {
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).RunL !Updated" )
+ dropFrame = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if ( !IsFlag( EFlagUIForeground ) )
+ {
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).RunL !Flag( EFlagUIForeground )" )
+ dropFrame = ETrue;
+ }
+ if ( dropFrame )
+ {
+ iBitmapSetAvail = ETrue;
+ Activate();
+ iDisplaySink->SetBitmapAvailable( iBitmapNo );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Image received, reset counter.
+ iCheckpoint = KVtEngWatcherThreshold;
+ __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).RunL iStatus=%d", iStatus.Int() )
+ if ( iStatus >= KErrNone )
+ {
+ __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).RunL flags=%d", iFlags )
+ TBool firstFrame( !IsFlag ( EFirstFrameReceived ) );
+ SetFlag( EFirstFrameReceived );
+ // Remote video is about to start?
+ if ( !IsFlag( EStarted ) && IsFlag( EReadyInternal ) )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EStarted );
+ iDSA->StartL();
+ if ( !iConfig.iClipRect.IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EReadyForeground );
+ iDSA->Gc()->SetClippingRect( iConfig.iClipRect );
+ }
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).RunL notify rvd start" )
+ //CVtEngEventManager::NotifyEvent( KVtEngRemoteVideoStarted );
+ }
+ if ( firstFrame )
+ {
+ CVtEngEventManager::NotifyEvent( KVtEngRemoteVideoStarted );
+ }
+ if ( IsFlag( EStarted ) )
+ {
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).RunL refresh" )
+ BaseRefreshL();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD.RunL notify rvd problem" )
+ CVtEngEventManager::NotifyEvent( KVtEngRemoteRenderingProblem );
+ return;
+ }
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD.RunL setting active" )
+ Activate();
+ // Set bitmap only if not to be scaled
+ if( !iImageScaler )
+ {
+ if ( !iBitmapSetAvail )
+ {
+ iDisplaySink->SetBitmapAvailable( iBitmapNo );
+ iBitmapSetAvail = ETrue;
+ }
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).ScalingCompleted set bmp available" )
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::ScalingCompleted
+// Callback to receive scaled images.
+// Draws received image.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::ScalingCompleted(
+ CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
+ TInt aError )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).ScalingCompleted" )
+ __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).ScalingReady %d", aError )
+ __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).ScalingReady image %d", aBitmap ? 1 : 0 )
+ if ( aError == KErrNone &&
+ aBitmap != NULL )
+ {
+ DrawBitmap( *aBitmap );
+ if ( !iBitmapSetAvail )
+ {
+ // Set bitmap available if not already set
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).ScalingCompleted set bmp available" )
+ Activate();
+ iDisplaySink->SetBitmapAvailable( iBitmapNo );
+ iBitmapSetAvail = ETrue;
+ }
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).ScalingCompleted available?" )
+ }
+ else if ( aError != KErrCancel )
+ {
+ // Notification of failed scaling.
+ CVtEngEventManager::NotifyEvent( KVtEngRemoteRenderingProblem );
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA, "RVD(DSA).ScalingReady problems" )
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "RVD(DSA).ScalingCompleted err=%d", aError )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRefreshL
+// If using scaler, start the scaling otherwise draw a bitmap.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRefreshL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshL" )
+ if ( iConfig.iWindow )
+ {
+ if ( IsFlag( EReady ) && IsFlag( EFirstFrameReceived ) &&
+ IsFlag( EFlagUIForeground ) )
+ {
+ CFbsBitmap* current = iBitmapNo != 0 ? iBitmap1 : iBitmap2;
+ if ( current )
+ {
+ if ( iImageScaler )
+ {
+ "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshL scaling" )
+ TInt index = 0;
+ if ( current == iBitmap2 )
+ {
+ index = 1;
+ }
+ iImageScaler->Cancel();
+ iImageScaler->ScaleL( index );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DrawBitmap( *current );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRefreshBitmapsL
+// Refreshes bitmaps sizes and display mode if needed.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::BaseRefreshBitmapsL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshBitmapsL" )
+ const TDisplayMode currentMode( iConfig.iWsSreenDevice->DisplayMode() );
+ TBool refreshDisplayMode = EFalse;
+ TSize newSize( KVtEngRemoteVideoDefaultWidth,
+ KVtEngRemoteVideoDefaultHeight );
+ // Use new size if supplied
+ if ( iSourceSize.iHeight > 0 && iSourceSize.iWidth > 0 )
+ {
+ newSize = iSourceSize;
+ iSourceSize.iHeight = 0;
+ iSourceSize.iWidth = 0;
+ }
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA , "================== RVD.RFBM ==================" )
+ __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_MEDIA , " newSize.iWidth: %d", newSize.iWidth)
+ __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_MEDIA , " newSize.iHeight: %d ", newSize.iHeight )
+ __VTPRINT( DEBUG_MEDIA , "================== RVD.RFBM ==================" )
+ TBool refreshSize = EFalse;
+ if ( iBitmap1 )
+ {
+ refreshDisplayMode = ( iBitmap1->DisplayMode() != currentMode );
+ refreshSize = ( newSize != iBitmap1->SizeInPixels() );
+ }
+ // Delete and create the bitmaps
+ if ( refreshDisplayMode || refreshSize || !iBitmap1 || !iBitmap2 )
+ {
+ "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshBitmapsL bmp create" )
+ if ( iImageScaler )
+ {
+ iImageScaler->Cancel();
+ }
+ iConfig.iObserver->vtSetFrame(
+ MVtEngFrameObserver::ERemoteVideoFrame, 0 );
+ delete iBitmap1;
+ iBitmap1 = NULL;
+ delete iBitmap2;
+ iBitmap2 = NULL;
+ iBitmap1 = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iBitmap1->Create(
+ newSize, currentMode ) );
+ iBitmap2 = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iBitmap2->Create(
+ newSize, currentMode ) );
+ ClearFlag( EFirstFrameReceived );
+ }
+ // set the params for DS
+ TDisplaySinkParamsDSA params;
+ GetSinkParams( params );
+ // Update the scaler
+ if ( iImageScaler )
+ {
+ // Try to configure first, if returns true
+ // configure again
+ "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshBitmapsL cnfg" )
+ iImageScaler->ConfigureL( currentMode,
+ iConfig.iRect.Size(), params.iBitmap1Handle,
+ params.iBitmap2Handle );
+ if ( IsFlag( EFirstFrameReceived ) )
+ {
+ "CVtEngDrawDSA::RefreshBitmapsL RFR" )
+ BaseRefreshL();
+ }
+ }
+ "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshBitmapsL USP" )
+ "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshBitmapsL USP flag" )
+ iDisplaySink->UpdateSinkParamsL( params, iDSUpdated );
+ Activate();
+ iDisplaySink->SetBitmapAvailable( MDisplaySink::EFirstBitmap );
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).BaseRefreshBitmapsL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::DrawBitmap
+// Draws bitmap
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::DrawBitmap( CFbsBitmap& aBitmap )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).DrawBitmap" )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aBitmap.Handle(),
+ Panic( EVtEngPanicInvalidBitmapHandle ) );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDSA, Panic( EVtEngPanicInvalidPointer ) );
+ iDSA->Gc()->SetFaded( iConfig.iWindow->IsFaded() );
+ iDSA->Gc()->BitBlt( iConfig.iRect.iTl, &aBitmap );
+ iDSA->ScreenDevice()->Update();
+ iConfig.iObserver->vtSetFrame( MVtEngFrameObserver::ERemoteVideoFrame,
+ &aBitmap );
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "RVD(DSA).DrawBitmap h=%d", aBitmap.Handle() )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngDrawDSA::GetSinkParams
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngDrawDSA::GetSinkParams( TDisplaySinkParamsDSA& aSinkParams )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "RVD(DSA).GetSinkParams" )
+ aSinkParams.iThreadId = RThread().Id();
+ aSinkParams.iRequestStatusPtr = &iStatus;
+ aSinkParams.iObserver = iObserver;
+ aSinkParams.iBitmap1Handle = iBitmap1->Handle();
+ aSinkParams.iBitmap2Handle = iBitmap2->Handle();
+ aSinkParams.iFlags = TDisplaySinkParams::EDisplaySinkDSA;
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "RVD(DSA).GetSinkParams" )
+ }
+// End of File