changeset 48 8e6fa1719340
equal deleted inserted replaced
47:6385c4c93049 48:8e6fa1719340
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     Browser content view
    16 *
    17 *
    18 */
    22 #include <cdownloadmgruidownloadslist.h>
    23 #include <cdownloadmgruidownloadmenu.h>
    24 #include <FeatMgr.h>
    25 #include <irmsgtypeuid.h>
    26 #include <SenduiMtmUids.h>
    27 #include <IrcMTM.h>
    28 #include <EikMenuP.h>
    29 #include <internetconnectionmanager.h>
    30 #include <DocumentHandler.h>
    31 #include <apmstd.h>
    32 #include <aknnavi.h>
    33 #include <EIKSPANE.H>
    34 #include <aknnavide.h>
    35 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    36 #include <LayoutMetaData.cdl.h> // For Layout_Meta_Data landscape/portrait status
    38 #include <BrowserNG.rsg>
    39 #include <StringLoader.h>
    41 #include <aknviewappui.h>
    42 #include <aknlists.h>
    43 #include <akntitle.h>
    44 #include <aknPopup.h>
    45 #include <StringLoader.h>
    46 #include <uri16.h>
    47 #include <ApUtils.h>
    48 #include <btmsgtypeuid.h>
    49 #include "CommsModel.h"
    50 #include <AknNaviLabel.h>
    51 #include <FindItemMenu.h>
    52 #include <EIKMENUB.H>
    53 #include <avkon.hrh>
    55 #include <AknInfoPopupNoteController.h>
    56 #include <aknutils.h>
    57 #include <AknStylusPopUpMenu.h>
    59 #include <s32mem.h>
    60 #include <Uri16.h>
    62 #include "Browser.hrh"
    63 #include "BrowserContentView.h"
    64 #include "BrowserContentViewToolbar.h"
    65 #include "BrowserContentViewContainer.h"
    66 #include "BrowserContentViewZoomModeTimer.h"
    67 #include "BrowserBookmarksView.h"
    68 #include "CommonConstants.h"
    69 #include "BrowserAppUi.h"
    70 #include "BrowserGotoPane.h"
    71 #include "Preferences.h"
    72 #include "BrowserPreferences.h"
    73 #include "Display.h"
    74 #include <favouriteswapap.h>
    75 #include "BrowserBookmarksModel.h"
    76 #include "BrowserDialogs.h"
    77 #include "BrowserUtil.h"
    78 #include "BrowserBmOTABinSender.h"
    79 #include <FINDITEMMENU.RSG>
    80 #include "BrowserUiVariant.hrh"
    81 #include "BrowserAdaptiveListPopup.h"
    82 #include "BrowserApplication.h"
    83 #include "logger.h"
    84 #include <favouritesfile.h>
    85 #include "BrowserWindowManager.h"
    86 #include "BrowserWindow.h"
    87 #include "BrowserPopupEngine.h"
    89 #include <brctldialogsprovider.h>
    90 #include <browserdialogsprovider.h>
    91 #include <brctldefs.h>
    92 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    93 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
    94 #include <akntoolbarextension.h>
    95 #endif
    96 #include <akntouchpane.h>
    98 #include "BrowserShortcutKeyMap.h"
    99 _LIT( KSchemaIdentifier, "://" );
   100 const TInt KSchemaIdentifierLength = 3;
   102 // Time interval in milliseconds that status pane stays visible after download in fullscreen mode
   103 const TInt KFullScreenStatusPaneTimeout( 3 * 1000000 ); // 3 seconds
   105 const TInt KAutoFullScreenTimeout( 5 * 1000000 ); // 5 seconds
   107 const TInt KAutoFullScreenIdleTimeout( 10 * 1000000 ); // 10 seconds
   108 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   110 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 // CBrowserContentView::NewLC
   112 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 //
   114 CBrowserContentView* CBrowserContentView::NewLC( MApiProvider& aApiProvider,
   115                                                  TRect& aRect )
   116     {
   117     CBrowserContentView* view =
   118         new (ELeave) CBrowserContentView( aApiProvider );
   119     CleanupStack::PushL(view);
   120     view->ConstructL( aRect );
   122     return view;
   123     }
   125 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 // CBrowserContentView::CBrowserContentView
   127 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 //
   129 // Scroll indicators may become deprecated
   130 CBrowserContentView::CBrowserContentView( MApiProvider& aApiProvider ) :
   131     CBrowserViewBase( aApiProvider ),
   132     iZoomMode(EFalse),
   133     iContentFullScreenMode( EFalse ),
   134     iIsPluginFullScreenMode( EFalse),
   135     iWasContentFullScreenMode( EFalse ),
   136     iTitle( NULL )
   137     {
   138     iFindItemIsInProgress = EFalse;
   139     iWasInFeedsView = EFalse;
   140     iPenEnabled = AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled();
   141     iFullScreenBeforeEditModeEntry = EFalse;
   142     }
   145 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 // CBrowserContentView::Id
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 //
   149 TUid CBrowserContentView::Id() const
   150     {
   151     return KUidBrowserContentViewId;
   152     }
   155 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 // CBrowserContentView::~CBrowserContentView
   157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 CBrowserContentView::~CBrowserContentView()
   160     {
   161     delete iBrowserContentViewToolbar;
   162     delete iNaviDecorator;
   163     delete iBookmarksModel;
   164     delete iContainer;
   165     delete iEnteredKeyword;
   166     delete iTextZoomLevelArray;
   167     delete iFontSizeArray;
   168     delete iZoomModeTimer;
   169     iNaviPane = NULL;
   170     if ( iToolBarInfoNote )
   171         {
   172         iToolBarInfoNote->HideInfoPopupNote();
   173         }
   174     delete iToolBarInfoNote;
   175     delete iStylusPopupMenu;
   176     delete iPeriodic;
   177     delete iAutoFSPeriodic;
   178     delete iIdlePeriodic;
   179     delete iTitle;
   180     }
   183 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 // CBrowserContentView::ConstructL
   185 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 //
   187 void CBrowserContentView::ConstructL( TRect& aRect )
   188     {
   190     BaseConstructL( R_BROWSER_CONTENT_VIEW );
   192     ConstructMenuAndCbaEarlyL();
   194     iContainer = CBrowserContentViewContainer::NewL( this, ApiProvider() );
   196     iEnteredKeyword = NULL;
   198     // get the StatusPane pointer
   199     if ( !iNaviPane )
   200         {
   201         CEikStatusPane *sp = ((CAknAppUi*)iEikonEnv->EikAppUi())->StatusPane();
   202         // Fetch pointer to the default navi pane control
   203         iNaviPane =
   204             (CAknNavigationControlContainer*)sp->ControlL(
   205                                             TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidNavi) );
   206         }
   208     // Array for zoom levels (..., 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%,... )
   209     iTextZoomLevelArray = new( ELeave )CArrayFixFlat<TInt> ( 1 );
   210     // Array for zoom font sizes ( 1, 2, ... )
   211     iFontSizeArray = new( ELeave )CArrayFixFlat<TInt> ( 1 );
   213     // Get the possibile zoom levels
   214     GetTextZoomLevelsL();
   215     iZoomModeTimer = CBrowserContentViewZoomModeTimer::NewL( this );
   217     iToolBarInfoNote = CAknInfoPopupNoteController::NewL();
   218     HBufC* str = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_TOOLBAR);
   219     iToolBarInfoNote->SetTextL(*str);
   220     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   221     iBrowserContentViewToolbar = CBrowserContentViewToolbar::NewL(this);
   222     if (iPenEnabled)
   223         {
   224         Toolbar()->SetToolbarObserver(this);
   225         Toolbar()->SetFocusing(EFalse);
   226         ShowToolbarOnViewActivation(ETrue);
   227         }
   228     iShortcutKeyMap = NULL;
   229     iHistoryAtBeginning = EFalse;
   230     iHistoryAtEnd = EFalse;
   231     iZoomSliderVisible = EFalse;
   232     iPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle);
   233     iAutoFSPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle);
   234     iIdlePeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle);
   235     }
   237 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   238 // CBrowserContentView::HandleCommandL
   239 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 //
   241 void CBrowserContentView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
   242     {
   243     // Disabling FullScreen for non-touch devices, before processing some dialog-based shortcut and toolbar actions
   244     if ( !iPenEnabled && iContentFullScreenMode && ( ( aCommand == EWmlCmdFindKeyword ) ||
   245                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdHistory ) ||
   246                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdGoToAddress ) ||
   247                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdShowShortcutKeymap ) ||
   248                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdShowMiniature )||
   249                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdShowToolBar)) )
   250         {
   251         iWasContentFullScreenMode = iContentFullScreenMode;
   252         EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse );
   253         }
   255     // resume js timers 
   256     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL((TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandResumeScriptTimers );
   258 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   259     // Close the extended toolbar whenever any item on it is selected
   260     if ( iPenEnabled && Toolbar()->ToolbarExtension()->IsShown() )
   261         {
   262         Toolbar()->ToolbarExtension()->SetShown( EFalse );
   263         StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
   264         }
   265 #endif
   267 #ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
   268     // Handle the subscribe to submenu.
   269     TInt cmd = aCommand - TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase;
   271     if ((cmd >= TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdSubscribeToBase) &&
   272             (cmd < TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdPluginBase))
   273         {
   274             HandleSubscribeToL(cmd);
   275             return;
   276         }
   277 #endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
   279     if ( ( aCommand != EWmlCmdZoomSliderShow ) && ZoomSliderVisible() )
   280         {
   281         MakeZoomSliderVisibleL( EFalse );
   282         }
   283     switch ( aCommand )
   284         {
   285         case EWmlCmdSetAsHomePage:
   286             {
   287             HBufC* url = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl);
   288             if ( url && url->Length() && TBrowserDialogs::ConfirmQueryYesNoL(R_BROWSER_QUERY_SET_AS_HOME_PAGE))
   289                 {
   290                 ApiProvider().Preferences().SetHomePageUrlL(url->Des());
   291                 ApiProvider().Preferences().SetHomePageTypeL( EWmlSettingsHomePageAddress );
   292                 }
   293             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // url
   294             break;
   295             } 			      
   296         case EWmlCmdFavourites:
   297             {
   298             ApiProvider().SetViewToBeActivatedIfNeededL(
   299                 KUidBrowserBookmarksViewId );
   300             break;
   301             }
   303         case EWmlCmdHistory:
   304             {
   305             ViewHistoryL();
   306             break;
   307             }
   309         case EWmlCmdHistoryBack:
   310             {
   311             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   312                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandHistoryNavigateBack +
   313                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   314             UpdateTitleL( iApiProvider );
   315             break;
   316             }
   317         case EWmlCmdHistoryForward:
   318             {
   319             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   320                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandHistoryNavigateForward +
   321                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   322             UpdateTitleL( iApiProvider );
   323             break;
   324             }
   325 		// Set search pane active and then launch editor.	
   326         case EIsCmdSearchWeb:
   327             {
   329             CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = Cba()->Current();
   330             CEikCba* eikCba = static_cast<CEikCba*>( cba->ButtonGroup() );
   331             if( eikCba )
   332                 {
   333                 eikCba->EnableItemSpecificSoftkey( EFalse );
   334                 }
   335 #endif
   336             iContainer->GotoPane()->SetSearchPaneActiveL();
   337             LaunchGotoAddressEditorL();
   338             break;
   339             }
   340         case EWmlCmdGoToAddress:
   341 		case EWmlCmdGoToAddressAndSearch:
   342             {
   343 #ifdef BRDO_SINGLE_CLICK_ENABLED_FF            
   344             CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = Cba()->Current();
   345             CEikCba* eikCba = static_cast<CEikCba*>( cba->ButtonGroup() );
   346             if( eikCba )
   347                 {
   348                 eikCba->EnableItemSpecificSoftkey( EFalse );
   349                 }
   350 #endif  
   351 			iContainer->GotoPane()->SetGotoPaneActiveL();
   352             LaunchGotoAddressEditorL();
   354             // pause js timer to allow quicke vkb response
   355             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL((TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandPauseScriptTimers );
   356             break;
   357             }
   359         case EWmlCmdGotoPaneCancel:
   360             {
   361             CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer->GotoPane() );
   362             // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
   363             if (iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
   364                 {
   365                 iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
   366                 iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
   367                 }
   368             iContainer->ShutDownGotoURLEditorL();
   369             UpdateCbaL();
   370             if (iPenEnabled)
   371                 {
   372                 Toolbar()->SetDimmed(EFalse);
   373                 Toolbar()->DrawNow();
   374                 iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL();
   375                 }
   376             if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().FullScreen() == EWmlSettingsFullScreenFullScreen )
   377                 {
   378                 MakeCbaVisible( EFalse );
   379                 }
   380             if (iPenEnabled)
   381             	{
   382             	StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
   383             	}
   384         break;
   385         }
   387         case EWmlCmdGotoPaneGoTo:
   388             {
   389             HBufC* input = iContainer->GotoPane()->GetTextL();
   390 	    CleanupStack::PushL( input );
   391 	    if( iContainer->GotoPane()->GotoPaneActive() )
   392 	        {
   393             if ((input) && (input->CompareF(KWWWString)) && input->Length() )
   394                 {
   395                 if (iPenEnabled)
   396                     {
   397                     Toolbar()->SetDimmed(EFalse);
   398                     Toolbar()->DrawNow();
   399                     }
   400                 CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer->GotoPane() );
   401                 // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
   402                 if (iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
   403                     {
   404                     iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
   405                     iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
   406                     }
   407                 GotoUrlInGotoPaneL();
   408                 if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().FullScreen() == EWmlSettingsFullScreenFullScreen )
   409                     {
   410                     MakeCbaVisible( EFalse );
   411                     }
   412                 }
   413 	        }
   414 	    else 
   415 	        {
   416 	        // Search Editor was active, So launch Search application with 
   417 	        // search parameters and cancel editing of search and goto.
   418 	        if ( (input) && input->Length()  )
   419                {
   420                 if (iPenEnabled)
   421                   {
   422                   Toolbar()->SetDimmed(EFalse);
   423                   Toolbar()->DrawNow();
   424                   }
   426                 CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer->GotoPane() );
   427                 if ( iContainer->GotoPane() )
   428                     {
   429                     iContainer->ShutDownGotoURLEditorL();
   430                     LaunchSearchApplicationL( *input );
   431                     }
   432                 UpdateCbaL();
   433                 UpdateFullScreenL();
   434                }
   435 	        }
   436 	        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( input );
   437 			if (iPenEnabled)
   438               	{
   439                	StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
   440                 }
   441             break;
   442             }
   444         case EWmlCmdGotoPaneSelect:
   445             {
   446             // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
   447             if (iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
   448                 {
   449                 iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
   450                 iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
   451                 }
   452             // set LSK to GOTO now
   453             UpdateCbaL();
   454             break;
   455             }
   457        //adaptive popuplist
   458         case EWmlCmdOpenFolder:
   459             {
   460             if (iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
   461                 {
   462                 iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( EFalse );
   463                 }
   464             break;
   465             }
   467         case EAknSoftkeyCancel:
   468             {
   469             if ( isZoomMode() )
   470                 {
   471                 SaveCurrentZoomLevel(EFalse);
   472                 //reset the zooming to the original settings
   473                 SetZoomModeL( EFalse );
   474                 //Exit in zooming, enable the cursor
   475                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   476                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandZoomSliderHide +
   477                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   478                 }
   480             if (iSynchRequestViewIsUp)
   481                 {
   482                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandCancelFetch + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   483                 }
   484             else
   485                 {
   486                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandCancel + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   487                  }
   488             break;
   489             }
   491         case EWmlCmdSaveAsBookmark:
   492             {
   493             AddNewBookmarkL(EFalse);
   494             break;
   495             }
   497         // UI notifies the BrCtl which calls the DialogsProvider with a list of images
   498         case EWmlCmdShowImages:
   499             {
   500             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   501                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandShowImages +
   502                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   503             break;
   504             }
   506         case EWmlCmdShowMiniature:
   507             {
   508             if (ApiProvider().Preferences().UiLocalFeatureSupported( KBrowserGraphicalPage ) &&
   509             !ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->HasWMLContent(ETrue))
   510                 {
   511                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   512                                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandShowThumbnailView + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   513                 }
   514             break;
   515             }
   517         // Download Manager UI Library shows a list of ongoing downloads
   518         case EWmlCmdDownloads:
   519             {
   520             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   521                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandShowDownloads +
   522                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   523             break;
   524             }
   526         // Loads images on a page
   527         case EWmlCmdLoadImages:
   528             {
   529             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   530                                         (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandLoadImages +
   531                                         (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   532             ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->SetImagesLoaded(ETrue);
   533             break;
   534             }
   536         // UI notifies the BrCtl which calls the DialogsProvider to show the toolbar
   537         case EWmlCmdShowToolBar:
   538             {
   539             if ( !PenEnabled() && iApiProvider.Preferences().ShowToolbarOnOff() &&
   540                  !iApiProvider.WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() )
   541                 {
   542                 iToolBarInfoNote->ShowInfoPopupNote();
   543                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   544                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandShowToolBar +
   545                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   546                 }
   548             break;
   549             }
   550         //zoom in and set the cursor's position for non-touch
   551         case EWmlCmdZoomIn:
   552             {
   553             if ( ApiProvider().ContentDisplayed() && !ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() )
   554             {
   555                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   556                                 (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandZoomIn +
   557                                 (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   558                 ZoomImagesInL();
   559             }
   560             break;
   561             }
   563         //zoom out and set the cursor's position for non-touch
   564         case EWmlCmdZoomOut:
   565             {
   566             if ( ApiProvider().ContentDisplayed() && !ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() )
   567             {
   568                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   569                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandZoomOut +
   570                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   571                 ZoomImagesOutL();
   572             }
   573             break;
   574             }
   576         /* Zoom Mode currently disabled
   577         case EWmlCmdZoomMode:
   578             {
   579             // Disable the cursor: by using the zoom slider show cmd (temp)
   580             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   581                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandZoomSliderShow +
   582                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   584             // Disable any activated objects (i.e. plugins, input boxes)
   585             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   586                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandCancel +
   587                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   589             // Display softkeys if in full screen mode. i.e. go to normal screen
   590             if ( !iPenEnabled && iContentFullScreenMode )
   591                 {
   592                 iWasContentFullScreenMode = iContentFullScreenMode;
   593                 EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse );
   594                 }
   596             // Enter zoom mode
   597             ZoomModeImagesL();
   598             break;
   599             }
   600         */
   602         case EWmlCmdZoomSliderShow:
   603             {
   604             // Toggle displaying the zoom slider, when the zoom button
   605             // on toolbar is selected
   606             MakeZoomSliderVisibleL( !iZoomSliderVisible );
   607             break;
   608             }
   609         case EWmlCmdZoomSliderHide:
   610             {
   611             // Currently not used
   612             MakeZoomSliderVisibleL( EFalse );
   613             break;
   614             }
   616         // Find keyword commands
   617         case EWmlCmdFindKeyword:
   618             {
   619             LaunchFindKeywordEditorL();
   620             break;
   621             }
   623         case EWmlCmdFindKeywordPaneFind :
   624             {
   625             break;
   626             }
   628         case EWmlCmdFindKeywordPaneClose :
   629             {
   630             iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->ResetPrevText();
   631             CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer->FindKeywordPane() );
   632             // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
   633             iContainer->ShutDownFindKeywordEditorL();
   634             UpdateCbaL();
   635             if (iPenEnabled)
   636                 {
   637                 iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL();
   638                 }
   640             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   641                                         (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandClearFind +
   642                                         (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   644             if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().FullScreen() == EWmlSettingsFullScreenFullScreen )
   645                 {
   646                 MakeCbaVisible( EFalse );
   647                 }
   648             if (iPenEnabled)
   649 	            {
   650 	            StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
   651 	            }
   652             break;
   653             }
   655         case EWmlCmdFindNext :
   656             {
   657             // Find next keyword
   658             FindKeywordL( NULL, ETrue );
   659             break;
   660             }
   661         case EWmlCmdFindPrevious :
   662             {
   663             // Find previous keyword
   664             FindKeywordL( NULL, EFalse );
   665             break;
   666             }
   668         case EAknSoftkeySelect:
   669             {
   670             if( iHistoryViewIsUp )
   671                 {
   672                 if ( !iPenEnabled && iWasContentFullScreenMode && !iContentFullScreenMode )
   673                         {
   674                         EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue );
   675                         iWasContentFullScreenMode = EFalse;
   676                         }
   678                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   679                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandOpen + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   680                 }
   682             // Save zoom factor and quit the zoom mode
   683             if ( isZoomMode() )
   684                 {
   685                 SaveCurrentZoomLevel(ETrue);
   686                 // Disable the zoom mode
   687                 SetZoomModeL( EFalse );
   688                 // Return to full screen, if we were in full screen before
   689                 if ( !iPenEnabled && iWasContentFullScreenMode && !iContentFullScreenMode )
   690                     {
   691                     EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue );
   692                     iWasContentFullScreenMode = EFalse;
   693                     }
   694                 // Exiting zoom mode, enable the cursor
   695                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   696                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandZoomSliderHide +
   697                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   698                 }
   699             break;
   700             }
   701         case EAknSoftkeyOk:
   702             {
   703             if( iThumbnailViewIsUp )
   704                 {
   705                 if ( !iPenEnabled && iWasContentFullScreenMode && !iContentFullScreenMode )
   706                     {
   707                     EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue );
   708                     iWasContentFullScreenMode = EFalse;
   709                     }
   711                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   712                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandOpen + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   713                 }
   714             break;
   715             }
   717         case EAknSoftkeyClose:
   718             {
   719             if( iWasInFeedsView)
   720                 {
   721                 // FeedsView library
   723                 }
   724             else
   725                 {
   726                 if ( isZoomMode() )
   727                     {
   728                     SetZoomModeL( EFalse );
   729                     }
   730                 AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EWmlCmdCloseWindow );
   731                 }
   732             break;
   733             }
   735         case EWmlCmdSendAddressViaUnifiedMessage:
   736             {
   737             SendAddressL( );
   738             }
   739             break;
   741         case EWmlCmdBack:
   742             {
   743             if( iWasInFeedsView)
   744                 {
   745                 // FeedsView library
   747                 }
   748             else if( iImageMapActive )
   749                 {
   750                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   751                                         (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandBack +
   752                                         (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   753                 }
   754             else if( ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().NavigationAvailable(
   755                         TBrCtlDefs::ENavigationBack ) )
   756                 {
   757                 AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   758                 }
   759             else
   760                 {
   761                 AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EWmlCmdCloseWindow );
   762                 }
   763             break;
   764             }
   766         case EWmlCmdOneStepBack:
   767             {
   768             if( ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().NavigationAvailable(TBrCtlDefs::ENavigationBack ) )
   769                 {
   770                 AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   771                 }
   772             break;
   773             }
   775         case EAknCmdHelp:
   776             {
   777             if ( HELP )
   778                 {
   779                 AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EAknCmdHelp );
   780                 }
   781             break;
   782             }
   784         case EWmlCmdCancelFetch:
   785             {
   786             // give it to AppUi
   787             AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   788             break;
   789             }
   791         case EWmlCmdOpenLinkInNewWindow:
   792             {
   793             iApiProvider.BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   794                 (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandOpenNewWindow + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   795             break;
   796             }
   798         case EWmlCmdOpenLink:
   799             {
   800             iApiProvider.BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   801                 (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandOpen + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   802             break;
   803             }
   805         case EWmlCmdShowSubscribeList:
   806             {
   807             const RPointerArray<TBrCtlSubscribeTo>& subscribeToList = iApiProvider.BrCtlInterface().SubscribeToMenuItemsL();
   808             TInt len(subscribeToList.Count());
   809             if (len > 0)
   810                 {
   811                 CArrayFixFlat<TBrCtlSelectOptionData>* optList = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TBrCtlSelectOptionData>(10);
   812                 CleanupStack::PushL( optList );
   813                 HBufC* title = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_BROWSER_SUBSCRIBE_LIST);
   814                 TInt i;
   815                 for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
   816                     {
   817                     if(subscribeToList[i]->Title().Length())
   818                         {
   819                         TBrCtlSelectOptionData t(subscribeToList[i]->Title(), EFalse, EFalse, EFalse);
   820                         optList->AppendL(t);
   821                         }
   822                     else
   823                         {
   824                         TBrCtlSelectOptionData t(subscribeToList[i]->Url(), EFalse, EFalse, EFalse);
   825                         optList->AppendL(t);
   826                         }
   827                     }
   828                 TBool ret(ApiProvider().DialogsProvider().DialogSelectOptionL( *title, ESelectTypeNone, *optList));
   829                 if( ret )
   830                     {
   831                     TInt i;
   832                     for (i = 0; i < optList->Count(); i++)
   833                         {
   834                         if ((*optList)[i].IsSelected())
   835                             {
   836                             HandleSubscribeToL(subscribeToList[i]->CommandID() - TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase);
   837                             break;
   838                             }
   839                         }
   840                     }
   841                 optList->Reset();
   842                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // optList, title
   843                 }
   844             break;
   845             }
   847         case EWmlCmdHome:
   848             if (ApiProvider().Preferences().HomePageType() ==  EWmlSettingsHomePageAddress )
   849                 {
   850                 HBufC* url = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxHomePgUrlLength );
   851                 TPtr ptr( url->Des() );
   852                 User::LeaveIfError(ApiProvider().Preferences().HomePageUrlL( ptr ));
   853                 ApiProvider().FetchL( ptr );
   854                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // url
   855                 }
   856             else
   857                 {
   858                 HBufC* url = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl);
   859                 if ( url && url->Length() && TBrowserDialogs::ConfirmQueryYesNoL(R_BROWSER_QUERY_SET_AS_HOME_PAGE))
   860                     {
   861                     ApiProvider().Preferences().SetHomePageUrlL(url->Des());
   862                     ApiProvider().Preferences().SetHomePageTypeL( EWmlSettingsHomePageAddress );
   863                     }
   864                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // url
   865                 }
   866             break;
   868         case EWmlCmdGo:
   869             break;
   871         case EWmlCmdConfigureShortcutKeymap:
   872             {
   873             ApiProvider().SetViewToBeActivatedIfNeededL( KUidBrowserSettingsViewId, KUidSettingsGotoShortcutsGroup.iUid );
   874             break;
   875             }
   877         case EWmlCmdShowShortcutKeymap:
   878             {
   879             ShowKeymap();
   880             break;
   881             }
   883         case EWmlCmdHideShortcutKeymap:
   884             {
   885             HideKeymap();
   886             break;
   887             }
   889         case EWmlCmdOpenFeedsFolder:
   890             // Launch into feeds view, telling it that we came from content view
   891             ApiProvider().FeedsClientUtilities().ShowFolderViewL(KUidBrowserContentViewId);
   892             break;
   894         case EWmlCmdEnterFullScreenBrowsing:
   895             {
   896             if ( iPenEnabled )
   897                 {
   898                 EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue );
   899                 }
   900             else
   901                 {
   902                 if ( iContentFullScreenMode )
   903                     {
   904                     EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse );
   905                     }
   906                 else
   907                     {
   908                     EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue );
   909                     }
   910                 }
   911             break;
   912             }
   914         case EWmlCmdExitFullScreenBrowsing:
   915             EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse );
   916             break;
   918         default:
   919             {
   920             // DO element and toolbar commands are passed to BrCtl via AppUi
   921             AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   922             break;
   923             }
   924         }   // end of switch (aCommand)
   926     // Enabling FullScreen for non-touch devices, after processing some dialog-based shortcut and toolbar actions
   927     if ( !iPenEnabled && iWasContentFullScreenMode && !iContentFullScreenMode &&
   928                                                    ( ( aCommand == EWmlCmdFindKeywordPaneClose )  ||
   929                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdHideShortcutKeymap )  ||
   930                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdGotoPaneGoTo )  ||
   931                                                      ( aCommand == EWmlCmdGotoPaneCancel ) ||
   932                                                      ( aCommand == EAknSoftkeyCancel ) ) )
   933         {
   934         EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue );
   935         iWasContentFullScreenMode = EFalse;
   936         }
   937     }
   939 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   940 // CBrowserContentView::ViewHistoryL
   941 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 //
   943 void CBrowserContentView::ViewHistoryL()
   944     {
   945     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   946                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandShowHistory +
   947                                                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   948     }
   950 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   951 // CBrowserContentView::DoActivateL
   952 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   953 //
   954 void CBrowserContentView::DoActivateL(
   955                                       const TVwsViewId& /*aPrevViewId*/,
   956                                       TUid /*aCustomMessageId*/,
   957                                       const TDesC8& /*aCustomMessage*/ )
   958     {
   961     CBrowserAppUi* ui;
   963     ui = STATIC_CAST( CBrowserAppUi*, AppUi() );
   964     iPreviousViewID = ApiProvider().LastActiveViewId();
   965     if ( ui->LastActiveViewId() == KUidBrowserNullViewId )
   966         {
   967         //No view has been yet set as startup view -> use bookmarks view
   968         ui->SetLastActiveViewId ( KUidBrowserBookmarksViewId );
   969         ui->SetViewToBeActivatedIfNeededL( ui->LastActiveViewId() );
   970         ApiProvider().SetLastActiveViewId ( ui->LastActiveViewId() );
   971         }
   972     else
   973         {
   974         HandleStatusPaneCallBack();
   975         ApiProvider().SetLastActiveViewId(Id());
   976         }
   978     iContainer->ActivateL();
   980     AppUi()->AddToViewStackL( *this, iContainer );
   982     //Reset the title before updating the title in case of view activation
   983     delete iTitle;
   984     iTitle = NULL;
   986     ApiProvider().Display().FSPaneOnL( );
   987     ApiProvider().Display().SetGPRSIndicatorOnL();
   989     UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() );
   991     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().MakeVisible(ETrue);
   992     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandGainFocus +
   993                                                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase);
   995     if( ui->Connection().Connected() &&
   996         !ui->Preferences().HttpSecurityWarningsStatSupressed() )
   997         {
   998         // Update security indicators
   999         if ( ui->SomeItemsNotSecure() )
  1000             {
  1001             ui->Display().UpdateSecureIndicatorL( EAknIndicatorStateOff );
  1002             }
  1003         else
  1004             {
  1005             ui->Display().UpdateSecureIndicatorL(
  1006                                 ui->LoadObserver().LoadStatus(
  1007                                 CBrowserLoadObserver::ELoadStatusSecurePage ) ?
  1008                             EAknIndicatorStateOn : EAknIndicatorStateOff );
  1009             }
  1010         }
  1011     UpdateCbaL();
  1012     if(KeymapIsUp())
  1013         {
  1014         RedrawKeymap();
  1015         }
  1017 	if (iPenEnabled)
  1018 		{
  1019 		StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
  1020 		}
  1021     iContainer->SetRect(ClientRect());
  1022 PERFLOG_STOP_WRITE("ContentView::DoActivate")
  1023     }
  1026 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1027 // CBrowserContentView::UpdateFullScreenL
  1028 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1029 //
  1030 void CBrowserContentView::UpdateFullScreenL()
  1031     {
  1032     TVwsViewId activeViewId;
  1033     if ( AppUi()->GetActiveViewId( activeViewId ) == KErrNone )
  1034         {
  1035         if ( activeViewId.iViewUid == KUidBrowserContentViewId )
  1036             { 
  1037             if ( iContentFullScreenMode )
  1038                 {
  1039                 SetContentContainerRect();
  1040                 if (iPenEnabled)
  1041                     {
  1042 					Toolbar()->SetToolbarVisibility( EFalse, EFalse );
  1043                     Toolbar()->MakeVisible( EFalse );
  1044                     }
  1045                 if(Cba()->IsVisible())
  1046                 {
  1047                 Cba()->MakeVisible( EFalse );
  1048                 UpdateCbaL();
  1049                 }
  1050                 if (!ApiProvider().Fetching())
  1051                     {
  1052                     if(StatusPane()->IsVisible())
  1053                         {
  1054                         StatusPane()->MakeVisible(EFalse);
  1055                         }
  1056                     }
  1057                 else
  1058                     {
  1059                     if(!StatusPane()->IsVisible())
  1060                         {
  1061                         ShowFsStatusPane(ETrue);
  1062                         }
  1063                     }
  1064                 }
  1065             else
  1066                 {
  1067                 Cba()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  1068                 StatusPane()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  1069                 }
  1071             ApiProvider().Display().FSPaneOnL( );
  1072             ApiProvider().Display().SetGPRSIndicatorOnL();
  1074             //Reset the title before updating the title in case of view activation
  1075             delete iTitle;
  1076             iTitle = NULL;
  1077             UpdateTitleL(ApiProvider());
  1078             ApiProvider().Display().RestoreTitleL();
  1079             StatusPane()->ApplyCurrentSettingsL();
  1080             }
  1081         }
  1082     }
  1084 TRect CBrowserContentView::ResizeClientRect()
  1085     {
  1086     TRect clientRect = ClientRect();
  1088     if(iContentFullScreenMode &&  (Toolbar() && Toolbar()->IsVisible()) && Cba()->IsVisible()) 
  1089         {
  1090         TRect screenRect;
  1091         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow, screenRect);
  1092         clientRect = screenRect;
  1093         }
  1095     if (Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() &&
  1096         (StatusPane() && StatusPane()->IsVisible()) && !Cba()->IsVisible() && IsForeground())
  1097         {
  1098         TRect screenRect;
  1099         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenRect);
  1100         clientRect.iBr.iY = screenRect.iBr.iY;
  1102         }
  1104     return clientRect;
  1105     }
  1107 void CBrowserContentView::SetContentContainerRect()
  1108     {
  1109     TRect clientRect = ResizeClientRect();
  1110     iContainer->SetRect(clientRect);
  1111     }
  1113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1114 // CBrowserContentView::SetFullScreenOffL
  1115 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1116 //
  1117 void CBrowserContentView::SetFullScreenOffL()
  1118     {
  1119     TVwsViewId activeViewId;
  1120     if ( AppUi()->GetActiveViewId( activeViewId ) == KErrNone )
  1121         {
  1122         Cba()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  1123         UpdateCbaL();
  1124         if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  1125 	        StatusPane()->SwitchLayoutL(R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL);
  1126         StatusPane()->ApplyCurrentSettingsL();
  1127         StatusPane()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  1128         iContainer->SetRect( ClientRect() );
  1129         }
  1130     }
  1132 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1133 // CBrowserContentView::SetZoomLevelL
  1134 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1135 //
  1136 void CBrowserContentView::SetZoomLevelL()
  1137     {
  1138         // Get the current index of the array.
  1139         iCurrentZoomLevel = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().
  1140         BrowserSettingL(TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex);
  1141     }
  1143 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1144 // CBrowserContentView::DoDeactivate
  1145 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1146 //
  1147 void CBrowserContentView::DoDeactivate()
  1148     {
  1149     if ( !ApiProvider().ExitInProgress() )
  1150         {
  1151         TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlElementType focusedElementType =
  1152                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().FocusedElementType();
  1153         if (focusedElementType == TBrCtlDefs::EElementActivatedInputBox)
  1154             {
  1155             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandAccept +
  1156                                  (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
  1157             }
  1158         TRAP_IGNORE( ApiProvider().Display().UpdateSecureIndicatorL(
  1159             EAknIndicatorStateOff ));
  1160         iContainer->SetFocus( EFalse );
  1162         EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse);
  1164         TRAP_IGNORE( ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
  1165             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandLoseFocus +
  1166             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase ) );
  1167         ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().MakeVisible(EFalse);
  1168         }
  1170     AppUi()->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iContainer );
  1171     }
  1173 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1174 // CBrowserContentView::CommandSetResourceIdL
  1175 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1176 //
  1177 TInt CBrowserContentView::CommandSetResourceIdL()
  1178     {
  1179     LOG_ENTERFN("ContentView::CommandSetResourceIdL");
  1181     // default case for normal screen
  1182     TInt result( R_BROWSER_DEFAULT_BUTTONS );
  1184     // default case for full screen
  1185     if ( iContentFullScreenMode )
  1186         {
  1187         result = R_BROWSER_SOFTKEYS_EXIT_FULL_SCREEN;
  1188         }
  1189     if ( isZoomMode() )
  1190         {
  1192         }
  1193     if( KeymapIsUp() )
  1194         {
  1196         }
  1197     if( iHistoryViewIsUp )
  1198         {
  1200         }
  1201     if( iPluginPlayerIsUp )
  1202         {
  1203         return R_BROWSER_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL;
  1204         }
  1205     if( iSmartTextViewIsUp )
  1206         {
  1207         return R_INPUT_ELEMENT_BUTTONS;
  1208         }
  1209     if( iThumbnailViewIsUp )
  1210         {
  1212         }
  1213     if( iImageMapActive )
  1214         {
  1215         return R_BROWSER_DEFAULT_BUTTONS;
  1216         }
  1217     if( iSynchRequestViewIsUp )
  1218         {
  1219         if ( !iContentFullScreenMode )
  1220             {
  1221             result = R_BROWSER_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL;
  1222             }
  1223         return result;
  1224         }
  1226     if( iContainer->GotoPane()->IsVisible() )
  1227         // when goto pane is up there is no focusable element or active fetching
  1228         // process in place
  1229         {
  1230         if( iContainer->GotoPane()->SearchPaneActive() )
  1231             {
  1233             }
  1234         else
  1235             {
  1236             //check wheter there is an active popuplist
  1237             if( (iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL) &&
  1238                        ( iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->IsOpenDirToShow() ))
  1239                 {
  1241                 }
  1242             else if(iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() &&
  1243                     iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->IsPoppedUp() &&
  1244                     !iPenEnabled)
  1245                 {
  1246                 // LSK Select is only for non-touch devices
  1247                 result =  R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_CBA_GOTO_PANE_SELECT_CANCEL;
  1248                 }
  1249             else
  1250                 {
  1251                 result =  R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_CBA_GOTO_PANE_GOTO_CANCEL;
  1252                 }
  1253             }
  1254         }
  1255     else if ( iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->IsVisible() )
  1256         {
  1258         }
  1259     else if ( ApiProvider().Fetching() )
  1260         {
  1261         if ( !iContentFullScreenMode )
  1262             {
  1263             // Enable Options menu during download can be done here
  1264             // otherwise use defualt Full Screen buttons
  1265             result = R_BROWSER_OPTIONS_MENU_DURING_DOWNLOAD;
  1266             }
  1267         }
  1268     else
  1269         {
  1270         TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlElementType elementtype =
  1271             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().FocusedElementType();
  1272         if( elementtype == TBrCtlDefs::EElementActivatedObjectBox )
  1273             {
  1274             if ( !iContentFullScreenMode )
  1275                 {
  1276                 result = R_INPUT_ELEMENT_BUTTONS;
  1277                 }
  1278             }
  1279         else if ( !ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().NavigationAvailable(
  1280                 TBrCtlDefs::ENavigationBack ) )
  1281             // at the beginning of the  history list
  1282             {
  1283             if ( !iContentFullScreenMode )
  1284                 {
  1285                 // Options + Close
  1287                 }
  1288             }
  1289         }
  1290 BROWSER_LOG( ( _L(" ContentView's buttons:%d"), result ) );
  1291     return result;
  1292     }
  1294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1295 // CBrowserContentView::ProcessCommandL
  1296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1297 //
  1298 void CBrowserContentView::ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand)
  1299     {
  1300     CBrowserViewBase::ProcessCommandL( aCommand );
  1301     }
  1303 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1304 // CBrowserContentView::DynInitMenuPaneL
  1305 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1306 void CBrowserContentView::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId,
  1307                                             CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
  1308     {
  1309     LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserContentView::DynInitMenuPaneL");
  1310     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMenuPane, Util::Panic(Util::EUninitializedData));
  1312     // pasue js timers
  1313     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL((TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandPauseScriptTimers );
  1315     if ( aResourceId == R_MENU_PANE )
  1316         {
  1317         // web feeds
  1318         #ifndef __RSS_FEEDS
  1319         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdShowSubscribeList, ETrue );
  1320         #else
  1321         const RPointerArray<TBrCtlSubscribeTo>& items = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().SubscribeToMenuItemsL();
  1322         if ( items.Count() == 0 )
  1323             {
  1324             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdShowSubscribeList, ETrue );
  1325             }
  1326         #endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
  1328         // downloads
  1329         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDownloads,
  1330             !ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().BrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsNumOfDownloads ) );
  1332         // If we have a touch device, check to see if the zoom slider is up, if so disable
  1333         if ( PenEnabled() && ZoomSliderVisible() )
  1334             {
  1335             MakeZoomSliderVisibleL( EFalse );
  1336             }
  1338         // find
  1339         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdFindNext, ETrue );
  1340         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdFindPrevious, ETrue );
  1342 /*
  1343         // help menu sub-menu - depending if Independent Application Update is available
  1344         if (BRDO_BROWSER_UPDATE_UI_FF)
  1345            {
  1346            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdHelp, ETrue );
  1347            }
  1348         else
  1349            {
  1350            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdHelpMenu, ETrue );
  1351            }
  1352 */
  1353         if ( iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->IsVisible() )
  1354             {
  1355             CEikMenuPaneItem::SData menuFindNext =
  1356                 aMenuPane->ItemData( EWmlCmdFindNext );
  1357             CEikMenuPaneItem::SData menuFindPrevious =
  1358                 aMenuPane->ItemData( EWmlCmdFindPrevious );
  1360             // Delete all menu items
  1361             aMenuPane->DeleteBetweenMenuItems( 0,
  1362             aMenuPane->NumberOfItemsInPane() - 1 );
  1364             aMenuPane->AddMenuItemL( menuFindNext );
  1365             aMenuPane->AddMenuItemL( menuFindPrevious );
  1366             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdFindNext, EFalse );
  1367             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdFindPrevious, EFalse );
  1368             return;
  1369             }
  1371         // wml option menu items
  1372         if ( ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().WMLOptionMenuItemsL()->Count() < 1 )
  1373             {
  1374             // there isn't DO element, or only the first one with PREV exist
  1375             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdServiceOptions, ETrue );
  1376             }
  1378         // find window
  1379         if (ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode())
  1380             {
  1381             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EWmlCmdFindKeyword, ETrue);
  1382             }
  1384         // shortcut key map
  1385         if (PenEnabled() || ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn())
  1386             {
  1387             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdShowShortcutKeymap, ETrue);
  1388             }
  1390         // BrCtl adds menu items to UI options menu list
  1391         ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().AddOptionMenuItemsL( *aMenuPane, aResourceId );
  1392         }
  1393     else if ( aResourceId == R_DO_ELEMENTS )
  1394         {
  1395         RPointerArray<TBrCtlWmlServiceOption>* wmlElements;
  1396         wmlElements = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().WMLOptionMenuItemsL();
  1398         for ( TInt i=0; i<wmlElements->Count(); i++ )
  1399             {
  1400             TBrCtlWmlServiceOption* option = (*wmlElements)[i];
  1401             if ( option != NULL)
  1402                 {
  1403                 CEikMenuPaneItem::SData item;
  1404                 item.iText.Copy( option->Text() );
  1405                 item.iCommandId = option->ElemID();
  1406                 item.iFlags = 0;
  1407                 item.iCascadeId = 0;
  1408                 aMenuPane->InsertMenuItemL(item, 0);
  1409                 }
  1410             }
  1411         }
  1412     else if ( aResourceId == R_GOTO_SUBMENU )
  1413         {
  1414         // back to page
  1415         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBackToPage, ETrue );
  1417         // bookmarks/webfeeds
  1418         if( ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() )
  1419             {
  1420             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdFavourites, ETrue );
  1421             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdOpenFeedsFolder, ETrue );
  1422             }
  1424         // home
  1425         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdLaunchHomePage, ApiProvider().IsLaunchHomePageDimmedL() );
  1426         //search 
  1427          if ( ! ApiProvider().Preferences().SearchFeature() )
  1428              {
  1429              aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EIsCmdSearchWeb, ETrue );
  1430              }
  1431         }
  1432     else if ( aResourceId == R_PAGEACTIONS_SUBMENU )
  1433         {
  1434         // bookmark
  1435         if ( ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() && CBrowserAppUi::Static()->IsEmbeddedInOperatorMenu() )
  1436             {
  1437             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSaveAsBookmark, ETrue );
  1438             }
  1439         HBufC *pageUrl = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC( TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl );
  1440         if( ( pageUrl == NULL ) || ( pageUrl->Length() == 0 ) )
  1441             {
  1442             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSaveAsBookmark, ETrue );
  1443             }
  1444         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pageUrl );
  1446         // send
  1447         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendBookmarkViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1449         if (ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn())
  1450             {
  1451             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendAddressViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1452             }
  1454         // set as home page
  1455         //aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetAsHomePage, ETrue);
  1458         // pop-up blocking
  1459         if ( ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() || ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode())
  1460             {
  1461             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBlockPopups, ETrue );
  1462             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAllowPopups, ETrue );
  1463             }
  1464         else
  1465             {
  1466             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBlockPopups, EFalse );
  1467             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAllowPopups, EFalse );
  1469             if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().PopupBlocking())
  1470                 {
  1471                 HBufC* url = ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC( TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl );
  1472                 TBool dimAllow = EFalse;
  1473                 if( url )
  1474                     {
  1475                     // 'Allow Popups' needed if the current URL is not on the whitelist
  1476                     TRAPD( errWhite, dimAllow = ApiProvider().PopupEngine().IsUrlOnWhiteListL( *url ););
  1477                     // Error handling
  1478                     if ( !errWhite )
  1479                         {
  1480                         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBlockPopups, !dimAllow );
  1481                         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAllowPopups, dimAllow );
  1482                         }
  1483                     }
  1484                 // else no url (strange case), so no popup specific menuitem
  1485                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( url );
  1486                 }
  1487                 else
  1488                   {
  1489                   //not shown any popupblocks related menu items when it's setting noblock
  1490                   aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBlockPopups, ETrue );
  1491                   aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAllowPopups, ETrue );
  1492                   }
  1493             }
  1494         }
  1495     else if ( aResourceId == R_VIEW_SUBMENU )
  1496         {
  1497         // toolbar
  1498         if ( !PenEnabled() && iApiProvider.Preferences().ShowToolbarOnOff() )
  1499             {
  1500             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdShowToolBar, ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() );
  1501             }
  1502         else
  1503             {
  1504             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdShowToolBar, ETrue);
  1505             }
  1507         // disable fullscreen mode for touch only -- which has auto fullscreen now
  1508         if (iPenEnabled)
  1509             {
  1510             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EWmlCmdEnterFullScreenBrowsing, ETrue);
  1511             }
  1513         // rotate
  1514         if (!ApiProvider().Preferences().RotateDisplay() )
  1515             {
  1516             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdRotateDisplay, ETrue );
  1517             }
  1519         // page overview
  1520         if ( !ApiProvider().Preferences().UiLocalFeatureSupported( KBrowserGraphicalPage ) ||
  1521              ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() )
  1522             {
  1523             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdShowMiniature, ETrue);
  1524             }
  1526         // show images
  1527         if( !ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().ImageCountL() )
  1528             {
  1529             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdShowImages, ETrue );
  1530             }
  1532         // load images
  1533         if (( ApiProvider().Preferences().AutoLoadContent() == EWmlSettingsAutoloadImagesNoFlash) ||
  1534               (ApiProvider().Preferences().AutoLoadContent() == EWmlSettingsAutoloadAll) ||
  1535               ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->HasLoadedImages() )
  1536             {
  1537             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdLoadImages, ETrue );
  1538             }
  1540         // window
  1541         if ( !ApiProvider().Preferences().UiLocalFeatureSupported( KBrowserMultipleWindows ) ||
  1542              ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() ||
  1543              ApiProvider().WindowMgr().WindowCount() < 2)
  1544             {
  1545             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSwitchWindow, ETrue );
  1546             }
  1547         }
  1548     }
  1550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1551 // CBrowserContentView::CheckForEmptyWindowsMenuL
  1552 // Checks for the existence of Windows Submenu Items return true if no submenu items exist
  1553 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1554 //
  1555 TBool CBrowserContentView::CheckForEmptyWindowsMenuL(TWindowsMenuItemsDimCheck* aWindowMenuItems)
  1556     {
  1558     __ASSERT_DEBUG( (aWindowMenuItems != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ));
  1560     // 'OpenLinkInNewWindow is not available for 'non-anchor' elements or
  1561     // if current page has wml content.
  1562     //TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlElementType elementtype =
  1563     //    ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().FocusedElementType();
  1565     // The commented part below enables the "Open link in new window" option.
  1566     // Currently the option is permanently dimmed
  1567     // UI change request AHUN-6U3NT4, S60 bug AHUN-6UYT6N
  1568     aWindowMenuItems->dimOpenInNewWin =  ETrue; /*( (elementtype != TBrCtlDefs::EElementAnchor) ||
  1569                          (ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->HasWMLContent(EFalse)) ); */
  1572     // Multiple Windows Supported
  1573     if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().UiLocalFeatureSupported(
  1574                                                     KBrowserMultipleWindows ) )
  1575         {
  1576         TInt winCount = ApiProvider().WindowMgr().WindowCount();
  1578         // 'Close Window' & Switch Window needed if are 2+ open windows
  1579         if ( winCount > 1 )
  1580             {
  1581             aWindowMenuItems->dimCloseWin = EFalse;
  1582             // don't allow window switching if current window has wml.  must close this window first
  1583             aWindowMenuItems->dimSwitchWin = ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->HasWMLContent(EFalse /*is any page wml?*/);//EFalse;
  1584             }
  1586         // Pop-up blocking is enabled
  1587         if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().PopupBlocking() )
  1588             {
  1589             //---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1590             // Popup Blocking Menu items
  1591             HBufC* url = ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->
  1592                 BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC( TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl );
  1593             if( url )
  1594                 {
  1595                 // 'Allow Popups' needed if the current URL is not on the whitelist
  1596                 TRAPD( errWhite,
  1597                 aWindowMenuItems->dimAllowPopups = ApiProvider().PopupEngine().IsUrlOnWhiteListL( *url );
  1598                             );
  1599                 // Error handling
  1600                 if ( errWhite )
  1601                     {
  1602                     // Better to have the menu item than not
  1603                     aWindowMenuItems->dimAllowPopups = aWindowMenuItems->dimBlockPopups = EFalse;
  1604                     }
  1605                 else
  1606                     {
  1607                     aWindowMenuItems->dimBlockPopups = !aWindowMenuItems->dimAllowPopups;
  1608                     }
  1609                 }
  1610             // else no url (strange case), so no popup specific menuitem
  1612             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( url );
  1613             }
  1614         //=========================================================================
  1615         }
  1616     return (aWindowMenuItems->dimOpenInNewWin &&
  1617             aWindowMenuItems->dimSwitchWin &&
  1618             aWindowMenuItems->dimCloseWin &&
  1619             aWindowMenuItems->dimAllowPopups &&
  1620             aWindowMenuItems->dimBlockPopups);
  1621     }
  1624 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1625 // CBrowserContentView::DimMultipleWindowsMenuItems
  1626 // Dims the items of the windows submenu according to aWindowMenuItems
  1627 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1628 //
  1629 void CBrowserContentView::DimMultipleWindowsMenuItems( CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane, TWindowsMenuItemsDimCheck aWindowMenuItems )
  1630     {
  1631     aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdOpenLinkInNewWindow, aWindowMenuItems.dimOpenInNewWin );
  1632     aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSwitchWindow,  aWindowMenuItems.dimSwitchWin );
  1633     aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdCloseWindow,   aWindowMenuItems.dimCloseWin );
  1634     aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAllowPopups,   aWindowMenuItems.dimAllowPopups );
  1635     aMenuPane.SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBlockPopups,   aWindowMenuItems.dimBlockPopups );
  1636     }
  1638 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1639 // CBrowserContentView::OptionListInit
  1640 // Callback - we should initialize the list of DO elements
  1641 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1642 //
  1643 void CBrowserContentView::OptionListInitL()
  1644     {
  1645     }
  1647 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1648 // CBrowserContentView::HandleGotoPaneEventL
  1649 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1650 //
  1651 void CBrowserContentView::HandleGotoPaneEventL(
  1652                                                CBrowserGotoPane* /*aGotoPane*/,
  1653                                                MGotoPaneObserver::TEvent aEvent )
  1654     {
  1655     switch ( aEvent )
  1656         {
  1657         case MGotoPaneObserver::EEventEnterKeyPressed:
  1658             {
  1659              if( !MenuBar()->MenuPane()->IsVisible() )
  1660                 {
  1661                 if (iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
  1662                     {
  1663                     if ( iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->IsOpenDirToShow() )
  1664                         {
  1665                         HandleCommandL( EWmlCmdOpenFolder );
  1666                         }
  1667                     else
  1668                         {
  1669                         HandleCommandL( EWmlCmdGotoPaneGoTo );
  1670                         }
  1671                     }
  1672                 }
  1673             break;
  1674             }
  1676         default:
  1677             {
  1678             break;
  1679             }
  1680         }
  1681     }
  1684 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1685 // CBrowserContentView::OnScreenPosition
  1686 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1687 //
  1688 TPoint CBrowserContentView::OnScreenPosition()
  1689     {
  1690     TRect rect = AppUi()->ApplicationRect();
  1691     TPoint point (rect.iTl);
  1692     if (iPenEnabled)
  1693         {
  1694         if (AppUi()->TouchPane())
  1695             {
  1696             TRect touchRect = AppUi()->TouchPane()->Rect();
  1697             if (touchRect.iTl == rect.iTl)
  1698                 {
  1699                 if (touchRect.Width() > touchRect.Height()) // Horizontal, on top
  1700                     {
  1701                     point = TPoint(rect.iTl.iX, touchRect.iBr.iY);
  1702                     }
  1703                 else // Vertical, on the left
  1704                     {
  1705                     point = TPoint(touchRect.iBr.iX, rect.iTl.iY);
  1706                     }
  1707                 }
  1708             }
  1709         }
  1710     return point;
  1711     }
  1713 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1714 // CBrowserContentView::GotoUrlInGotoPaneL
  1715 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1716 //
  1717 void CBrowserContentView::GotoUrlInGotoPaneL()
  1718     {
  1719     if ( iContainer->GotoPane() )
  1720         {
  1721         HBufC* url  = iContainer->GotoPane()->GetTextL(); // the url
  1722         if( url )
  1723             {
  1724             iContainer->ShutDownGotoURLEditorL();
  1726             TFavouritesWapAp accessPoint;
  1727             // if current ap exists then use it. other ways use default ap.
  1728             if( ApiProvider().Connection().CurrentAPId() )
  1729                 {
  1730                 TUint apId = ApiProvider().Connection().CurrentAPId();
  1731                 apId = Util::WapIdFromIapIdL( ApiProvider(), apId );
  1732                 accessPoint.SetApId( apId );
  1733                 }
  1734             else
  1735                 {
  1736                 accessPoint.SetApId(
  1737                 ApiProvider().Preferences().DefaultAccessPoint() );
  1738                 }
  1739             UpdateCbaL();
  1740             UpdateFullScreenL();
  1742             ApiProvider().FetchL(   url->Des(),
  1743                                     KNullDesC,
  1744                                     KNullDesC,
  1745                                     accessPoint,
  1746                                     CBrowserLoadObserver::ELoadUrlTypeOther );
  1748             }
  1749         else  // no URL entered
  1750             {
  1751             iContainer->ShutDownGotoURLEditorL();
  1752             UpdateCbaL();
  1753             UpdateFullScreenL();
  1754             }
  1755         }
  1756     }
  1758 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1759 // CBrowserContentView::UpdateGotoPaneL
  1760 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1761 //
  1762 void CBrowserContentView::UpdateGotoPaneL()
  1763     {
  1764     // Reset goto pane content
  1765     if( AUTOCOMP ) //ask the feature manager
  1766         {
  1767         //2.1 does not put http:// there
  1768         iContainer->GotoPane()->SetTextL( KNullDesC );
  1769         }
  1770     else
  1771         {
  1772         //2.0 does need http://
  1773         iContainer->GotoPane()->SetTextL( KHttpString );
  1774         }
  1775     }
  1777 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1778 // CBrowserContentView::LaunchGotoAddressEditorL
  1779 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1780 //
  1781 void CBrowserContentView::LaunchGotoAddressEditorL()
  1782     {
  1783     // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
  1784     if (iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
  1785         {
  1786         iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
  1787         iContainer->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
  1788         }
  1790     if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().FullScreen() == EWmlSettingsFullScreenFullScreen )
  1791         {
  1792         MakeCbaVisible( ETrue );
  1793         }
  1795     CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer->GotoPane() );
  1796     CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->AddToStackL( iContainer->GotoPane(), ECoeStackPriorityMenu );
  1797     iContainer->GotoPane()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  1798     HBufC* url = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(
  1799             TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl );
  1800     if ( url && url->Length() )
  1801        {
  1802             iContainer->GotoPane()->SetTextL(*url);
  1803             iContainer->GotoPane()->SelectAllL();
  1804        }
  1805     else
  1806         {
  1807             // nor url; use default name.
  1808             // set "http://www." per Browser UI spec
  1809             iContainer->GotoPane()->SetTextL(KWWWString  );
  1810         }
  1811     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // url
  1812     iContainer->GotoPane()->SetFocus( ETrue );
  1813     UpdateCbaL();
  1815     if (iPenEnabled)
  1816         {
  1817         Toolbar()->SetDimmed(ETrue);
  1818         Toolbar()->DrawNow();
  1819         }
  1821     }
  1824 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1825 // CBrowserContentView::LaunchFindKeywordEditorL
  1826 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1827 //
  1828 void CBrowserContentView::LaunchFindKeywordEditorL()
  1829     {
  1830     // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
  1831     if (iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
  1832         {
  1833         iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
  1834         iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
  1835         }
  1837     if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().FullScreen() == EWmlSettingsFullScreenFullScreen )
  1838         {
  1839         MakeCbaVisible( ETrue );
  1840         }
  1842     CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer->FindKeywordPane() );
  1843     CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->AddToStackL( iContainer->FindKeywordPane(), ECoeStackPriorityMenu );
  1844     iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  1845     iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->SetFocus( ETrue );
  1846     UpdateCbaL();
  1847     if (iPenEnabled)
  1848         {
  1849 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  1850         Toolbar()->ToolbarExtension()->SetShown(EFalse);
  1851 #endif
  1852         iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL();
  1853         }
  1854     }
  1856 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1857 // CBrowserContentView::UpdateTitleL
  1858 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1859 //
  1860 void CBrowserContentView::UpdateTitleL( MApiProvider& aApiProvider )
  1861     {
  1862     HBufC* title = aApiProvider.BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(
  1863         TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoTitle );
  1864     if ( title && title->Length() )
  1865         {
  1866             if( !iTitle || (iTitle && (iTitle->Des().Compare( title->Des())!= 0)))
  1867               {
  1868               delete iTitle;
  1869               iTitle = title->Des().AllocL();
  1870               aApiProvider.Display().SetTitleL( title->Des() );
  1871               }
  1872         }
  1873     else
  1874         {
  1876         TInt offset = 0;
  1877         HBufC* titleUrl = aApiProvider.BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(
  1878             TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl );
  1879         if( titleUrl == NULL )  // is this really possible?
  1880             {
  1881             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( titleUrl );
  1882             titleUrl = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
  1883             }
  1884         offset = titleUrl->Find( KSchemaIdentifier );
  1885         if(offset != KErrNotFound )
  1886             {
  1887             titleUrl->Des().Delete(0,offset + KSchemaIdentifierLength);
  1888             }
  1889         aApiProvider.Display().SetTitleL( titleUrl->Des() );
  1890         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( );  // titleUrl
  1891         }
  1893     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // title
  1894     }
  1896 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1897 // CBrowserContentView::AddNewBookmarkL
  1898 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1899 //
  1900 void CBrowserContentView::AddNewBookmarkL( TBool aAsLastVisited, HBufC* aUrl )
  1901     {
  1902     TInt pop = 0;
  1903     HBufC* cardTitle = NULL;
  1904     TPtrC cardTitlePtr( KNullDesC );
  1906     // Make a bookmark model.
  1907     iBookmarksModel = CBrowserBookmarksModel::NewL(ApiProvider());
  1909     // Create a bookmark item.
  1910     CFavouritesItem* item = CFavouritesItem::NewLC();
  1912     HBufC* theUrl = NULL;
  1913     if (aUrl == NULL)
  1914         {
  1915         // Set URL.
  1916         theUrl = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC( TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl );
  1917         if( !theUrl || !theUrl->Length() )
  1918             {
  1919             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( theUrl );
  1920             theUrl = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
  1921             }
  1922         pop++;
  1923         // Get the title
  1924         cardTitle = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoTitle );
  1925         pop++;
  1926         }
  1927     else
  1928         {
  1929         theUrl = aUrl;
  1930         }
  1932     if ( cardTitle )
  1933         {
  1934         cardTitle->Des().Trim();
  1935         cardTitlePtr.Set( cardTitle->Des() );
  1936         }
  1938     if ( cardTitlePtr.Length() )
  1939         {
  1940         // Current card has non-empty title, use that as bookmark name.
  1941         item->SetNameL( cardTitlePtr.Left(KFavouritesMaxName) );
  1942         }
  1943     else
  1944         {
  1945         // Get the URL
  1946         HBufC* url = theUrl->AllocLC();
  1947         pop++;
  1949         if ( url && url->Length() )
  1950             {
  1951             TUriParser16 urlParser;
  1952             urlParser.Parse(*url);
  1953             url->Des().SetLength( 0 );
  1954             url->Des().Append( urlParser.Extract( EUriHost) );
  1955             url->Des().Append( urlParser.Extract( EUriPath ) );
  1956             item->SetNameL( url->Left(KFavouritesMaxName) );
  1957             }
  1958         else
  1959             {
  1960             // No title, nor url; use default name.
  1961             iBookmarksModel->SetNameToDefaultL( *item );
  1962             }
  1963         }
  1965     // set url, username, password
  1966     Util::RetreiveUsernameAndPasswordFromUrlL( *theUrl, *item );
  1967     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pop);  // url, cardTitle, theUrl
  1969     item->SetParentFolder( KFavouritesRootUid );
  1971     // Set WAP AP.
  1972     TFavouritesWapAp ap;    // default AP
  1973     item->SetWapAp( ap );
  1975     if ( aAsLastVisited )
  1976         {
  1977         iBookmarksModel->SetLastVisitedL( *item, EFalse,
  1978         CBrowserFavouritesModel::EAutoRename );
  1979         }
  1981     else
  1982         {
  1983         HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_WML_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME );
  1984         TBuf<KBrowserMaxPrompt+1> retString;
  1985         retString.Copy( item->Name() );
  1987         TBool queryName = ETrue;
  1988         while( queryName )
  1989             {
  1990             TInt result = TBrowserDialogs::DialogPromptReqL(
  1991                 prompt->Des(),
  1992                 &retString,
  1993                 EFalse,
  1994                 KFavouritesMaxBookmarkNameDefine );
  1995             if( result )
  1996                 {
  1997                 item->SetNameL(retString.Left(KFavouritesMaxName));
  1998                 TInt err = iBookmarksModel->AddL(
  1999                     *item,
  2000                     ETrue,
  2001                     CBrowserFavouritesModel::EDontRename );
  2002                 if ( !err )
  2003                     {
  2004                     TBrowserDialogs::InfoNoteL(
  2005                                 R_BROWSER_OK_NOTE,
  2006                                 iBookmarksModel->StringResourceId
  2007                                 ( *item, CBrowserFavouritesModel::ESaved ) );
  2008                     queryName = EFalse;
  2009                     AddBMUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL( item->Uid() );
  2011                     // To retain FavIcon in iconDatabase, we need to reference icon bitmap reference at least once
  2012                     HBufC* url = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl);
  2013                     CGulIcon *icon = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().GetBitmapData(*url, TBrCtlDefs::EBitmapFavicon);
  2014                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //url
  2015                     delete icon;
  2016                     }
  2017                 else if( KErrAlreadyExists == err )
  2018                     {
  2019                     TBrowserDialogs::InfoNoteL(
  2020                             R_BROWSER_INFO_NOTE, R_WML_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE );
  2021                     }
  2022                 else
  2023                     {
  2024                     TBrowserDialogs::ErrorNoteL(
  2025                         iBookmarksModel->StringResourceId(
  2026                         *item,
  2027                         CBrowserFavouritesModel::ENotSaved ) );
  2029                     }
  2030                 }
  2031             else
  2032                 queryName = EFalse;
  2033             }
  2034         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // prompt
  2035         }
  2037     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();   // item
  2039     delete iBookmarksModel;
  2040     iBookmarksModel = NULL;
  2041     }
  2043 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2044 // CBrowserContentView::AddBMUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL
  2045 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2046 //
  2047 void CBrowserContentView::AddBMUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL(const TInt aUid )
  2048     {
  2049     CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* orderArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(KGranularityHigh);
  2050     CleanupStack::PushL( orderArray );
  2052     CBrowserBookmarksOrder* currentOrder = CBrowserBookmarksOrder::NewLC();
  2053     if ( iBookmarksModel->Database().GetData( KFavouritesRootUid ,*currentOrder ) == KErrNone)
  2054         {
  2055         if ( currentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder().Count() > 0 )
  2056             {
  2057             orderArray->AppendL( &( currentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder()[0] ),
  2058                 currentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder().Count() );
  2059             }
  2060         }
  2061     iBookmarksModel->AddUidToLastPlaceL(aUid, orderArray, currentOrder );
  2062     currentOrder->SetBookMarksOrderL( *orderArray );
  2063     iBookmarksModel->Database().SetData( KFavouritesRootUid ,*currentOrder );
  2064     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );// currentOrder, orderArray
  2065     }
  2067 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2068 // CBrowserContentView::SendAddressL
  2069 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2070 //
  2071 void CBrowserContentView::SendAddressL( )
  2072     {
  2073     HBufC* url = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC( TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoUrl );
  2074     if( url == NULL )
  2075         {
  2076         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( url );  // remove previous
  2077         url = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
  2078         }
  2080 #ifndef _BOOKMARK_SENT_ASCII
  2081     if( url->Length() <= KMaxUrlLenghtInOTA )
  2082 #endif  // _BOOKMARK_SENT_ASCII
  2083         {
  2084         HBufC* title = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC( TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoTitle );
  2085         if( title == NULL )
  2086             {
  2087             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );  // remove previous
  2088             title = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
  2089             }
  2091         //CBrowserAppUi* ui = reinterpret_cast<CBrowserAppUi*>(AppUi());
  2092         MBmOTABinSender& sender = ApiProvider().BmOTABinSenderL();
  2094         sender.ResetAndDestroy();
  2095         sender.AppendL( url->Des(), title->Des() );
  2096         sender.SendAddressL( );
  2097         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );  // title
  2098         }
  2099 #ifndef _BOOKMARK_SENT_ASCII
  2100     else
  2101         {
  2102 #pragma message ( __FILE__ ": Length of bookmark addr cannot exceed 255bytes!")
  2103         _LIT( KErrMsg, "URL address of bookmark is too long. It cannot be sent.");
  2105         TBrowserDialogs::ErrorNoteL( KErrMsg );
  2106         }
  2107 #endif  // _BOOKMARK_SENT_ASCII
  2108     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( url );  // url
  2109     }
  2112 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2113 // CBrowserContentView::UpdateOptionMenuItemLabelL
  2114 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2115 //
  2116 void CBrowserContentView::UpdateOptionMenuItemLabelL(CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, const TInt aCommandId, const TInt aResourceId)
  2117     {
  2119      __ASSERT_DEBUG( (aMenuPane != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ));
  2121     HBufC* browserLabel = CCoeEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(aResourceId);
  2122     aMenuPane->SetItemTextL(aCommandId, *browserLabel);
  2123     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
  2124     }
  2127 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2128 // CBrowserContentView::DoSearchL
  2129 // Do search for specified items in current page
  2130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2131 //
  2132 void CBrowserContentView::DoSearchL(
  2133                             CFindItemEngine::TFindItemSearchCase aSearchCase )
  2134     {
  2135     HBufC* findText = NULL;
  2136     findText = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().PageInfoLC(
  2137                                                 TBrCtlDefs::EPageInfoContent );
  2138     if( findText == NULL )
  2139         {
  2140         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( findText );
  2141         return;
  2142         }
  2144     if( findText->Length() != 0 )
  2145         {
  2147         TPtr findTextDes = findText->Des();
  2149         for( int i = 0; i < findText->Length(); ++i )
  2150             {
  2151             if( (*findText)[i] == TUint16( 0x0a ) )
  2152                 {
  2153                 findTextDes[i] = TUint16( CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter );
  2154                 }
  2156             else if( (*findText)[i] == TUint16( CEditableText::ETabCharacter ) )
  2157                 {
  2158                 findTextDes[i] = TUint16( CEditableText::ESpace );
  2159                 }
  2160             else if( (*findText)[i] == TUint16( CEditableText::ELineBreak ) )
  2161                 {
  2162                 findTextDes[i] = TUint16( CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter );
  2163                 }
  2164             }
  2165         }
  2167     SetFullScreenOffL();
  2168     CFindItemDialog* dialog =  CFindItemDialog::NewL( *findText, aSearchCase );
  2169     dialog->ExecuteLD();
  2170     UpdateFullScreenL();
  2171     UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() );
  2173     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( findText );
  2174     }
  2177 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2178 // CBrowserContentView::SetLastVisitedBookmarkL
  2179 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2180 //
  2181 void CBrowserContentView::SetLastVisitedBookmarkL()
  2182     {
  2183     AddNewBookmarkL( ETrue );
  2184     }
  2186 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2187 // CBrowserContentView::UpdateNaviPaneL
  2188 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2189 //
  2190 void CBrowserContentView::UpdateNaviPaneL( TDesC& aStatusMsg )
  2191     {
  2192     //Set text that will be shown in navipane
  2193     iStatusMsg.Des().Copy(aStatusMsg.Left(KStatusMessageMaxLength));//Might be longer than iStatusMsg
  2194     SetNavipaneViewL();
  2195     }
  2197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2198 // CBrowserContentView::SetNavipaneViewL
  2199 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2200 //
  2201 void CBrowserContentView::SetNavipaneViewL()
  2202     {
  2203     TVwsViewId activeViewId;
  2204     if ( AppUi()->GetActiveViewId( activeViewId ) == KErrNone )
  2205         {
  2206         if ( (activeViewId.iViewUid == KUidBrowserContentViewId) )
  2207             {
  2208             if (!iNaviDecorator)
  2209                 {
  2210                 delete iNaviDecorator;
  2211                 iNaviDecorator = NULL;
  2213                 if( iNaviPane )
  2214                     {
  2215                     if (iStatusMsg.Length())
  2216                         {
  2217                         iNaviDecorator = iNaviPane->CreateNavigationLabelL(
  2218                             iStatusMsg );
  2219                         }
  2220                     else
  2221                         {
  2222                         iNaviDecorator = iNaviPane->CreateNavigationLabelL(_L(""));
  2223                         }
  2224                     iNaviPane->PushL( *iNaviDecorator );    
  2225                     }                
  2226                 }
  2227             else
  2228                 {
  2229                 CAknNaviLabel* naviLabel = STATIC_CAST( CAknNaviLabel*,
  2230                     iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl());
  2231                 naviLabel->SetTextL(iStatusMsg);
  2232                 // make sure at top and redraw
  2233                 iNaviPane->PushL( *iNaviDecorator );
  2234                 }
  2236             iNaviDecorator->MakeScrollButtonVisible(ETrue);
  2237             }
  2238         }
  2239     }
  2241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2242 // CBrowserContentView::FindItemIsInProgress
  2243 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2244 //
  2245 TBool CBrowserContentView::FindItemIsInProgress()
  2246     {
  2247     return iFindItemIsInProgress;
  2248     }
  2250 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2251 //  CBrowserContentView::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange
  2252 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2253 //
  2254 void CBrowserContentView::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange()
  2255     {
  2256     SetContentContainerRect();
  2257     }
  2259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2260 // CBrowserContentView::StateChanged
  2261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2262 //
  2263 void CBrowserContentView::StateChanged(
  2264         TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlState aState,
  2265         TInt aValue )
  2266     {
  2267 LOG_ENTERFN(" CBrowserContentView::StateChanged" );
  2268 LOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" state: %d", aState );
  2269 LOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" value: %d", aValue );
  2270     switch(aState)
  2271         {
  2272         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateImageMapView:
  2273             {
  2274             iImageMapActive = (TBool) aValue;
  2275             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2276             break;
  2277             }
  2278         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateHistoryView:
  2279             {
  2280             iHistoryViewIsUp = (TBool) aValue;
  2281             iHistoryAtBeginning = EFalse;
  2282             iHistoryAtEnd = EFalse;
  2283             if ( iPenEnabled )
  2284                 {
  2285                 TRAP_IGNORE( iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL() );
  2286                 }
  2287             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2288             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() ) );
  2289 			if (iPenEnabled)
  2290 				{
  2291 	            StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
  2292 				}
  2293             break;
  2294             }
  2295         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateThumbnailView:
  2296             {
  2297             iThumbnailViewIsUp = (TBool) aValue;
  2298             if ( iPenEnabled )
  2299                 {
  2300                 TRAP_IGNORE( iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL() );
  2301                 }
  2302             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2303             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() ) );
  2304 			if (iPenEnabled)
  2305 				{
  2306 	            StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
  2307 				}
  2308             break;
  2309             }
  2310         case TBrCtlDefs::EStatePluginPlayer:
  2311             {
  2312             iPluginPlayerIsUp = (TBool) aValue;
  2313             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2314             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() ) );
  2315             break;
  2316             }
  2317         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateSmartTextView:
  2318             {
  2319             iSmartTextViewIsUp = (TBool) aValue;
  2320             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2321             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() ) );
  2322             break;
  2323             }
  2324         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateToolBarMode:
  2325             {
  2326             if(!aValue)
  2327                 {
  2328                 TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2329                 }
  2330             break;
  2331             }
  2332         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateScriptLog:
  2333             {
  2334             TRAP_IGNORE( ApiProvider().Preferences().SetScriptLogL( aValue ) );
  2335             break;
  2336             }
  2337         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateZoomSliderMode:
  2338             {
  2339             if ( aValue )
  2340                 {
  2341                 iZoomSliderVisible = ETrue;
  2342                 }
  2343             else
  2344                 {
  2345                 iZoomSliderVisible = EFalse;
  2346 				if (iPenEnabled)
  2347 					{
  2348 	    	        StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
  2349 					}
  2350                 }
  2351             // Inform Toolbar of this fact
  2352             if ( iPenEnabled )
  2353                 {
  2354                 TRAP_IGNORE( iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL() );
  2355                 }
  2356             break;
  2357             }
  2358         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateFullscreenBrowsing:
  2359             {
  2360             if (!iPenEnabled && IsEditMode())
  2361                 {
  2362                 if (!aValue)
  2363                     { // exit fullscreen so remember what to go back to after edit mode is exited
  2364                     iFullScreenBeforeEditModeEntry = iContentFullScreenMode;
  2365                     TRAP_IGNORE( EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse ) );
  2366                     }
  2367                 else if (aValue && iFullScreenBeforeEditModeEntry)
  2368                     {
  2369                     TRAP_IGNORE( EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue ) );
  2370                     }
  2371                 }
  2372             else if (!aValue)
  2373                 {
  2374                     TRAP_IGNORE( EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse ) );
  2375                 }
  2376             break;
  2377             }
  2378         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateHistoryBeginning:
  2379             {
  2380             if(aValue)
  2381                 {
  2382                 iHistoryAtBeginning = ETrue;
  2383                 }
  2384             else
  2385                 {
  2386                 iHistoryAtBeginning = EFalse;
  2387                 }
  2388             if (iPenEnabled)
  2389                 {
  2390                 TRAP_IGNORE( iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL() );
  2391                 }
  2392             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() ) );
  2393             break;
  2394             }
  2395         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateHistoryEnd:
  2396             {
  2397             if(aValue)
  2398                 {
  2399                 iHistoryAtEnd = ETrue;
  2400                 }
  2401             else
  2402                 {
  2403                 iHistoryAtEnd = EFalse;
  2404                 }
  2405             if (iPenEnabled)
  2406                 {
  2407                 TRAP_IGNORE( iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL() );
  2408                 }
  2409             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() ) );
  2410             break;
  2411             }
  2412         case TBrCtlDefs::EStateSynchRequestMode:
  2413             {
  2414             iSynchRequestViewIsUp = (TBool) aValue;
  2415             if (iPenEnabled)
  2416                 {
  2417                 TRAP_IGNORE( iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL() );
  2418                 }
  2419             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2420             TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateTitleL( ApiProvider() ) );
  2421             break;
  2422             }
  2423         case TBrCtlDefs::EStatePluginFullScreen:
  2424             HandlePluginFullScreen((TBool) aValue);
  2425             break;
  2426         default:
  2427             break;
  2428         }
  2430     ApiProvider().WindowMgr().SetCurrentWindowViewState(aState, aValue);
  2431     if (iPenEnabled && ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode())
  2432     	{
  2433         EnableFullScreenModeL( EFalse );
  2434     	}
  2436     }
  2438 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2439 // CBrowserContentView::HandleCommandL
  2440 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2441 //
  2442 void CBrowserContentView::HandleCommandL(
  2443     TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlClientCommands aCommand,
  2444     const CArrayFix<TPtrC>& /*aAttributesNames*/,
  2445     const CArrayFix<TPtrC>& aAttributeValues)
  2446     {
  2448     // resume js timers
  2449     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL((TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandResumeScriptTimers );
  2451     switch(aCommand)
  2452         {
  2453         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandLaunchFindKeyword:
  2454             {
  2455             // Find Keyword not initiated from options menu so don't set menupane to visible.
  2456             LaunchFindKeywordEditorL();
  2457             MenuBar()->MenuPane()->MakeVisible(EFalse);
  2458             break;
  2459             }
  2460         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandGotoWebAddress:
  2461             {
  2462             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdGoToAddress);
  2463             break;
  2464             }
  2466         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandSaveAsBookmark:
  2467             {
  2468             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdSaveAsBookmark);
  2469             break;
  2470             }
  2472         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandManageBookmarks:
  2473             {
  2474             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdFavourites);
  2475             break;
  2476             }
  2478         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandZoomIn:
  2479             {
  2480             ZoomImagesInL();
  2481             break;
  2482             }
  2484         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandZoomOut:
  2485             {
  2486             ZoomImagesOutL();
  2487             break;
  2488             }
  2490         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandZoomMode:
  2491             {
  2492             ZoomModeImagesL();
  2493             break;
  2494             }
  2496         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandGoToHompage:
  2497             {
  2498             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdLaunchHomePage);
  2499             break;
  2500             }
  2501         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandRotateScreen:
  2502             {
  2503             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdRotateDisplay);
  2504             break;
  2505             }
  2506         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandSavePage:
  2507             {
  2508             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdSavePage);
  2509             break;
  2510             }
  2511         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandSwitchWindow:
  2512             {
  2513             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdSwitchWindow);
  2514             break;
  2515             }
  2516         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandShowHelp:
  2517             {
  2518             HandleCommandL(EAknCmdHelp);
  2519             break;
  2520             }
  2522         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandToolbarConfigure:
  2523             {
  2524             // open settings view in toolbar group
  2525             AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EWmlCmdPreferencesToolbar );
  2526             break;
  2527             }
  2529         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandToolbarShowKeymap:
  2530             {
  2531             ShowKeymap();
  2532             break;
  2533             }
  2535         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandSubscribeToFeeds:
  2536             {
  2537 #ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
  2538             const TPtrC16  name(aAttributeValues.At(0));
  2539             const TPtrC16  url(aAttributeValues.At(1));
  2541             ApiProvider().SetLastActiveViewId( KUidBrowserFeedsFolderViewId );
  2542             ApiProvider().FeedsClientUtilities().SubscribeToL( name, url );
  2543             // switch back to FeedsView, so change layout
  2544             SetFullScreenOffL();
  2545 #endif
  2546             break;
  2547             }
  2549         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandShowContextMenu:
  2550             {
  2551             // Get ElementType
  2552             const TPtrC elTypePtr(aAttributeValues.At(0));
  2553             TLex lex(elTypePtr);
  2554             TInt elType;
  2555             TInt resourceId = 0;
  2556             if (lex.Val(elType) == KErrNone)
  2557                 {
  2558                 switch (elType)
  2559                     {
  2560                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementNone:
  2561                         resourceId = R_BROWSER_EMPTY_SPACE_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU;
  2562                         break;
  2563                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementAnchor:
  2564                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementTelAnchor:
  2565                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementMailtoAnchor:
  2566                         resourceId = R_BROWSER_ANCHOR_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU;
  2567                         break;
  2568                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementSmartLinkTel:
  2569                         resourceId = R_BROWSER_PHONE_NUMBER_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU;
  2570                         break;
  2571                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementSmartLinkEmail:
  2572                         resourceId = R_BROWSER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU;
  2573                         break;
  2574                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementImageBox:
  2575                         resourceId = R_BROWSER_IMAGE_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU;
  2576                         break;
  2577                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementBrokenImage:
  2578                         if (ApiProvider().Preferences().AutoLoadContent() == EWmlSettingsAutoloadText)
  2579                             {
  2580                             if (ApiProvider().FlashPresent())
  2581                                 {
  2582                                 resourceId = R_BROWSER_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU_WITH_FLASH;
  2583                                 }
  2584                             else
  2585                                 {
  2586                                 resourceId = R_BROWSER_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU_NO_FLASH;
  2587                                 }
  2588                             }
  2589                         break;
  2590                     case TBrCtlDefs::EElementAreaBox:
  2591                         resourceId = R_BROWSER_IMAGEMAP_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU;
  2592                         break;
  2593                     default:
  2594                         break;
  2595                     }
  2596                 if (resourceId != 0)
  2597                     {
  2598                     TPoint point;
  2599                     // Get point X
  2600                     const TPtrC xPtr(aAttributeValues.At(1));
  2601                     lex.Assign(xPtr);
  2602                     lex.Val(point.iX);
  2603                     // Get point Y
  2604                     const TPtrC yPtr(aAttributeValues.At(2));
  2605                     lex.Assign(yPtr);
  2606                     lex.Val(point.iY);
  2608                     delete iStylusPopupMenu;
  2609                     iStylusPopupMenu = NULL;
  2610                     iStylusPopupMenu = CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL( this, point);
  2611                     TResourceReader rr;
  2612                     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC(rr, resourceId);
  2613                     iStylusPopupMenu->ConstructFromResourceL( rr );
  2614                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // resource reader
  2615                     iStylusPopupMenu->SetPosition( point);
  2616                     iStylusPopupMenu->ShowMenu();
  2617                     }
  2618                 }
  2619             break;
  2620             }
  2622         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandToolbarSettings:
  2623             {
  2624             // Launch Settings View
  2625             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdPreferences);
  2626             break;
  2627             }
  2629         case TBrCtlDefs::EClientCommandFullScreen:
  2630             {
  2631             HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdEnterFullScreenBrowsing);
  2632             break;
  2633             }
  2635         default:
  2636             break;
  2637         }
  2638     }
  2640 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2641 // CBrowserContentView::HandleSubscribeToL
  2642 // Handles a selection from the subscribe to sub-menu.
  2643 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2644 //
  2645 void CBrowserContentView::HandleSubscribeToL( TInt aCommand )
  2646     {
  2647 #ifndef __RSS_FEEDS
  2648     (void) aCommand;
  2649 #else  // __RSS_FEEDS
  2650     TInt index;
  2652     // Get the corresponding feed info.
  2653     const RPointerArray<TBrCtlSubscribeTo>& items = ApiProvider().
  2654             BrCtlInterface().SubscribeToMenuItemsL();
  2656     index = aCommand - TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdSubscribeToBase;
  2657     if ((index >= 0) && (index < items.Count()))
  2658         {
  2659         const TPtrC16  name(items[index]->Title());
  2660         const TPtrC16  url(items[index]->Url());
  2662         ApiProvider().SetLastActiveViewId( KUidBrowserFeedsFolderViewId );
  2663         ApiProvider().FeedsClientUtilities().SubscribeToL( name, url );
  2664         // switch back to FeedsView, so change layout
  2665         SetFullScreenOffL();
  2666         }
  2667 #endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
  2668     }
  2670 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2671 // CBrowserContentView::HandleSubscribeToUrlL
  2672 // Handles subscribing to a feed from a ur
  2673 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2674 //
  2675 void CBrowserContentView::HandleSubscribeToWithUrlL( TPtrC aUrl )
  2676     {
  2677 #ifndef __RSS_FEEDS
  2678     (void) aUrl;
  2679 #else  // __RSS_FEEDS
  2681     ApiProvider().SetLastActiveViewId( KUidBrowserFeedsFolderViewId );
  2683     //Get the 'Title' info by comparing aUrl with the url's populated in array 'items'
  2684     const RPointerArray<TBrCtlSubscribeTo>& items = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().SubscribeToMenuItemsL();
  2685     TInt index = 0;
  2686     TInt itemCount = items.Count();
  2688     while (itemCount != 0 && index < itemCount)
  2689         {
  2690         if (!(aUrl.Compare(items[index]->Url())))
  2691             {
  2692             break;
  2693             }
  2694         else
  2695             {
  2696             index++;
  2697             }
  2698         }
  2701     if (itemCount == 0 || index >= itemCount )
  2702         {
  2703         ApiProvider().FeedsClientUtilities().SubscribeToL( KNullDesC, aUrl );
  2704         }
  2705     else
  2706         {
  2707         const TPtrC16  name(items[index]->Title());
  2708         ApiProvider().FeedsClientUtilities().SubscribeToL(name , aUrl );
  2709         }
  2711 #endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
  2712     }
  2714 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2715 // CBrowserContentView::DynInitToolbarL
  2716 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2717 //
  2718 void CBrowserContentView::DynInitToolbarL( TInt /*aResourceId*/, CAknToolbar* /*aToolbar*/ )
  2719     {
  2720     // If we have a touch device, check to see if the zoom slider is up,
  2721     // if displayed, close it, so the extended toolbar shows without the
  2722     // zoomslider displaying on top of it.
  2723     if ( PenEnabled() && ZoomSliderVisible() )
  2724         {
  2725         MakeZoomSliderVisibleL( EFalse );
  2726         }
  2728     if ( iPenEnabled )
  2729         {
  2730         iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL() ;
  2731         }
  2732     }
  2734 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2735 // CBrowserContentView::WindowEventHandlerL
  2736 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2737 //
  2738 void CBrowserContentView::WindowEventHandlerL( TWindowEvent /*aEvent*/, TInt aWindowId )
  2739     {
  2740     if ( aWindowId == ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WindowId() )
  2741         {
  2742         if ( iPenEnabled )
  2743             {
  2744             iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL();
  2745             }
  2746         }
  2747     }
  2749 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2750 // CBrowserContentView::IsHistoryViewUp
  2751 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2752 //
  2753 TBool CBrowserContentView::IsHistoryViewUp()
  2754     {
  2755     return iHistoryViewIsUp;
  2756     }
  2758 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2759 // CBrowserContentView::IsHistoryAtBeginning
  2760 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2761 //
  2762 TBool CBrowserContentView::IsHistoryAtBeginning()
  2763     {
  2764     return iHistoryAtBeginning;
  2765     }
  2767 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2768 // CBrowserContentView::IsHistoryAtEnd
  2769 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2770 //
  2771 TBool CBrowserContentView::IsHistoryAtEnd()
  2772     {
  2773     return iHistoryAtEnd;
  2774     }
  2777 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2778 // CBrowserContentView::FindKeywordL
  2779 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2780 //
  2781 void CBrowserContentView::FindKeywordL( HBufC* aFindString, TBool aFindDirection )
  2782     {
  2783     TInt findResponse = 0;
  2785     if ( aFindString )
  2786         {
  2787         // Find string
  2788         delete iEnteredKeyword;
  2789         iEnteredKeyword = NULL;
  2790         iEnteredKeyword = aFindString;
  2791         findResponse = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().FindKeyword( iEnteredKeyword->Des() );
  2792         }
  2793     else
  2794         {
  2795         // Search next/previous
  2796         findResponse = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().FindKeywordAgain( aFindDirection );
  2797         }
  2799     HBufC* toolTipText = NULL;
  2801     switch ( findResponse )
  2802         {
  2803         case TBrCtlDefs::EFindNoMatches:
  2804             toolTipText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_BROWSER_KEYWORD_FIND_NO_MATCHES );
  2805             break;
  2806         case TBrCtlDefs::EFindWrapAround:
  2807             toolTipText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_BROWSER_KEYWORD_FIND_WRAPAROUND );
  2808             break;
  2809         case TBrCtlDefs::EFindAllMatches:
  2810             toolTipText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_BROWSER_KEYWORD_FIND_ALL_CONTENT_SEARCHED );
  2811             break;
  2812         }
  2814     // Show the result of the search.
  2815     if ( toolTipText )
  2816         {
  2817         ApiProvider().DialogsProvider().ShowTooltipL( *toolTipText );
  2818         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( toolTipText );
  2819         }
  2821     }
  2823 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2824 // CBrowserContentView::HandleClientRectChange
  2825 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2826 //
  2827 void CBrowserContentView::HandleClientRectChange()
  2828     {
  2829     if( iContainer )
  2830         {
  2831         iContainer->HandleResourceChange(KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch);
  2832         UpdateFullScreenL();
  2833         if(KeymapIsUp())
  2834             {
  2835             RedrawKeymap();
  2836             }
  2837         }
  2838     }
  2840 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2841 // CBrowserContentView::SetZoomModeL
  2842 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2843 //
  2844 void CBrowserContentView::SetZoomModeL( TBool aZoomMode )
  2845     {
  2846     // if ( !ApiProvider().Fetching() )
  2847     if (ApiProvider().ContentDisplayed())
  2848         {
  2849         iZoomMode = aZoomMode;
  2850         TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateCbaL() );
  2851         if ( aZoomMode )
  2852             {
  2853             // Show the current zoom level in tooltip
  2854             SetZoomLevelTitleTextL( R_BROWSER_ZOOM_LEVEL);
  2855             //MakeZoomSliderVisibleL( ETrue );
  2856             }
  2857         }
  2858     }
  2860 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2861 // CBrowserContentView::MakeZoomSliderVisibleL
  2862 // Informs Browser Control if the Zoom Slider should be visible or not.
  2863 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2864 //
  2865 void CBrowserContentView::MakeZoomSliderVisibleL( TBool aVisible )
  2866     {
  2867     if ( aVisible && !iZoomSliderVisible )
  2868         {
  2869         // If the page is being fetched then don't show the zoom slider
  2870         if ( ApiProvider().ContentDisplayed())
  2871             {
  2872             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
  2873                                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandZoomSliderShow +
  2874                                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
  2875             iZoomSliderVisible = ETrue;
  2876             }
  2877         }
  2878     // Set the zoom slider to invisible only if the toggle is false,
  2879     // and the zoom slider used to be visible
  2880     else if (!aVisible && iZoomSliderVisible )
  2881         {
  2882         ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
  2883                                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandZoomSliderHide +
  2884                                     (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
  2885         iZoomSliderVisible = EFalse;
  2886         }
  2888         if ( iPenEnabled )
  2889             {
  2890             iBrowserContentViewToolbar->UpdateButtonsStateL();
  2891             }
  2892     }
  2894 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2895 // CBrowserContentView::ZoomImagesInL
  2896 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2897 //
  2898 void CBrowserContentView::ZoomImagesInL( TInt aDuration )
  2899     {
  2900         if ( ApiProvider().ContentDisplayed() && !ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() )
  2901         {
  2902             iZoomLevelArray = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().ZoomLevels();
  2904             // Change zoom level
  2905             ZoomImagesL( 1, 0, iZoomLevelArray->Count()-2, aDuration );
  2906         }
  2907     }
  2909 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2910 // CBrowserContentView::ZoomImagesOutL
  2911 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2912 //
  2913 void CBrowserContentView::ZoomImagesOutL( TInt aDuration )
  2914     {
  2915         if ( ApiProvider().ContentDisplayed() && !ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() )
  2916         {
  2917         iZoomLevelArray = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().ZoomLevels();
  2919         // Change zoom level
  2920         ZoomImagesL( -1, 1, iZoomLevelArray->Count()-1, aDuration );
  2921         }
  2922     }
  2924 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2925 // CBrowserContentView::ZoomModeImagesL
  2926 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2927 //
  2928 void CBrowserContentView::ZoomModeImagesL()
  2929     {
  2930     if ( ApiProvider().ContentDisplayed() && !ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode() )
  2931         {
  2932         // Retrieve the current zooming index value
  2933         iCurrentZoomLevel = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().BrowserSettingL(
  2934                                 TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex );
  2935         iSavedZoomLevel = iCurrentZoomLevel;
  2937         // Toggle current zoom mode. Zoom Mode allows the user to change
  2938         // the zoom level using the navikey or HW zoom key
  2939         SetZoomModeL( ETrue );
  2940         }
  2941     }
  2943 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2944 // CBrowserContentView::ZoomImagesL
  2945 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2946 //
  2947 void CBrowserContentView::ZoomImagesL( TInt aDirection, TUint aLow,
  2948                                        TUint aHigh, TInt aDuration )
  2949     {
  2950     // Retrieve the current zooming index value, it takes effect right away
  2951     iCurrentZoomLevel = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().BrowserSettingL(
  2952                             TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex );
  2953     TInt currentZoomIndex = FindCurrentZoomIndex(iCurrentZoomLevel);
  2955     // Zoom can be increment, decrement or a direct change to a specific value.
  2956     if ( currentZoomIndex >= aLow && currentZoomIndex <= aHigh )
  2957         {
  2958         // Set current zoom level.
  2959         currentZoomIndex += aDirection;
  2960         iCurrentZoomLevel = (*iZoomLevelArray)[currentZoomIndex];
  2962         // Set actual zoom level.
  2963         ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().SetBrowserSettingL(
  2964             TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex, iCurrentZoomLevel );
  2966         // Retrieve the current zooming index value, because each page has its
  2967         // minimum zoom level, if smaller than it, engine will ignore
  2968         // so we have to retrieve the correct zoom level
  2969         iCurrentZoomLevel = ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().BrowserSettingL(
  2970                                 TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex );
  2971         }
  2973     // Display the zoom indicator
  2974     if ( currentZoomIndex <= 0 )
  2975         {
  2976         // Display minimum zoom indicator, it will dismiss after aDuration
  2977         SetZoomLevelTitleTextL( R_BROWSER_ZOOM_LEVEL_MIN, aDuration );
  2978         }
  2979     else if ( currentZoomIndex >= iZoomLevelArray->Count()-1 )
  2980         {
  2981         TInt arrayCount =  iZoomLevelArray->Count()-1;
  2982         // Display maximum zoom indicator, it will dismiss after aDuration
  2983         SetZoomLevelTitleTextL( R_BROWSER_ZOOM_LEVEL_MAX, aDuration );
  2984         }
  2985     else
  2986         {
  2987         // Display zoom percentage indicator, it will dismiss after aDuration
  2988         // We turned off displaying zoom indicator for each level
  2989         // SetZoomLevelTitleTextL( R_BROWSER_ZOOM_LEVEL, aDuration );
  2990         }
  2991     }
  2993 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2994 // SaveCurrentZoomLevel
  2995 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2996 void CBrowserContentView::SaveCurrentZoomLevel(TBool saveZoom)
  2997 {
  2998     if (saveZoom)
  2999         {
  3000         //save the current zoom level by clicking softkey to confirm
  3001         ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().SetBrowserSettingL(
  3002             TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex, iCurrentZoomLevel );
  3003         }
  3004     else
  3005         {
  3006         iCurrentZoomLevel = iSavedZoomLevel;
  3007         ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().SetBrowserSettingL(
  3008             TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex, iCurrentZoomLevel );
  3009         }
  3010 }
  3012 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3013 // FindCurrentZoomIndex
  3014 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3015 TInt CBrowserContentView::FindCurrentZoomIndex(TInt aCurrentZoomLevel)
  3016 {
  3017 	TInt index = -1;
  3018 	for ( index = 0; index<iZoomLevelArray->Count()-1; index++)
  3019 	{
  3020 	   if (aCurrentZoomLevel <=(*iZoomLevelArray)[index] )
  3021 		{
  3022 			break;
  3023 		}
  3024 	}
  3025 	return index;
  3026 }
  3028 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3029 // CBrowserContentView::SetZoomLevelTitleTextL
  3030 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3031 //
  3032 void CBrowserContentView::SetZoomLevelTitleTextL( TInt aResourceId, TInt aDuration )
  3033     {
  3034     HBufC* zoomLevelFormat = NULL;
  3036     if ( aResourceId == R_BROWSER_ZOOM_LEVEL_MIN ||
  3037          aResourceId == R_BROWSER_ZOOM_LEVEL_MAX )
  3038         {
  3039         // Display the zoom max or min string
  3040         zoomLevelFormat = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceId );
  3042         // Show zoom indicator for aDuration seconds
  3043         ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->ChangeTitlePaneTextUntilL( zoomLevelFormat->Des(), aDuration );
  3045         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // zoomLevelFormat
  3046         }
  3047     }
  3049 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3050 // CBrowserContentView::GetTextZoomLevelsL
  3051 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3052 //
  3053 void CBrowserContentView::GetTextZoomLevelsL( )
  3054     {
  3055     // Creating the text level
  3056     // Levels must be equal to TFontSize, with step percent 25% or 50%
  3057     // depending on chinese build.
  3058     // This is a temporary solution until make sure if engine
  3059     // provides text zoom levels. So it is currently hardcoded.
  3060     //------
  3061     // China build has only three font sizes:
  3062     // 0, 2, 4 (all small, normal, all large)
  3063     TInt fontSize = 0;
  3064     if ( !AVKONAPAC )
  3065         {
  3066         // font sizes 0,1,2,3,4
  3067         for ( TInt level = 50; level <= 150; level = level + 25 )
  3068             {
  3069             iTextZoomLevelArray->AppendL( level );
  3070             iFontSizeArray->AppendL( fontSize );
  3071             fontSize++;
  3072             }
  3073         }
  3074     else
  3075         {
  3076         // font sizes 0,2,4
  3077         for ( TInt level = 50; level <= 150; level = level + 50 )
  3078             {
  3079             iTextZoomLevelArray->AppendL( level );
  3080             iFontSizeArray->AppendL( fontSize );
  3081             fontSize = fontSize + 2;
  3082             }
  3083         }
  3085     // Get initial text zoom level index, bt comparing
  3086     // the preferences value, with the one in iFontSizeArray,
  3087     // and get the index (i)
  3088     TBool found = EFalse;
  3089     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iFontSizeArray->Count(); i++ )
  3090         {
  3091         if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().FontSize() == (*iFontSizeArray)[i] )
  3092             {
  3093             iCurrentTextZoomLevelIndex = i;
  3094             found = ETrue;
  3095             }
  3096         }
  3097     // If the initial font size value is not found, then the cenrep
  3098     // default is not right, by default initial cenrep font size value
  3099     // should be 0,2,4. So general, and chinese values are the same.
  3100     // Because if for example default cenrep value of font size is 1,
  3101     // then that is not supported in chinese build.
  3102     // General font size values are: 0,1,2,3,4
  3103     // Chinese font size values are: 0,2,4
  3104     if ( !found )
  3105         {
  3106         User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
  3107         }
  3108     }
  3110 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3111 // CBrowserContentView::KeymapIsUp
  3112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3113 //
  3114 TBool CBrowserContentView::KeymapIsUp()
  3115     {
  3116     return (iShortcutKeyMap != NULL);
  3117     }
  3119 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3120 // CBrowserContentView::isZoomMode
  3121 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3122 //
  3123 TBool CBrowserContentView::isZoomMode()
  3124     {
  3125     // Zoom Mode currently disabled
  3126     // return iZoomMode;
  3127     return EFalse;
  3128     }
  3130 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3131 // CBrowserContentView::ShowKeymap
  3132 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3133 //
  3134 void CBrowserContentView::ShowKeymap()
  3135     {
  3136     iShortcutKeyMap = CBrowserShortcutKeyMap::NewL(iContainer, iApiProvider);
  3137     UpdateCbaL();
  3138     }
  3140 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3141 // CBrowserContentView::HideKeymap
  3142 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3143 //
  3144 void CBrowserContentView::HideKeymap()
  3145     {
  3146     delete(iShortcutKeyMap);
  3147     iShortcutKeyMap = NULL;
  3148     TRAP_IGNORE(UpdateCbaL());
  3149     TRAP_IGNORE(UpdateFullScreenL());
  3150     }
  3152 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3153 // CBrowserContentView::RedrawKeymap
  3154 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3155 //
  3156 void CBrowserContentView::RedrawKeymap()
  3157     {
  3158     HideKeymap();
  3159     ShowKeymap();
  3160     }
  3162 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3163 // CBrowserContentView::EnableFullScreenModeL
  3164 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3165 //
  3166 void CBrowserContentView::EnableFullScreenModeL( TBool aEnableFullScreen )
  3167     {
  3168     if( iContentFullScreenMode == aEnableFullScreen )
  3169         return;
  3171     TInt command( KErrNotFound );
  3172     if ( aEnableFullScreen )
  3173         {
  3174         iContentFullScreenMode = ETrue;
  3175         UpdateFullScreenL();
  3176         command = TBrCtlDefs::ECommandEnterFullscreenBrowsing;
  3177         }
  3178     else
  3179         {
  3180         if (iPenEnabled)
  3181             {
  3182             Toolbar()->SetToolbarVisibility( ETrue, EFalse );
  3183             }
  3184         iContentFullScreenMode = EFalse;
  3185         SetFullScreenOffL();
  3186         command = TBrCtlDefs::ECommandLeaveFullscreenBrowsing;
  3187         if (iPenEnabled)
  3188         	{
  3189         	StartAutoFullScreenIdleTimer();
  3190         	}
  3191         }
  3192     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
  3193         command + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
  3194     }
  3196 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3197 // CBrowserContentView::HandlePluginFullScreen
  3198 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3199 //
  3200 void CBrowserContentView::HandlePluginFullScreen(TBool aFullScreen)
  3201 {
  3202   iIsPluginFullScreenMode = aFullScreen;
  3203   if (aFullScreen) {
  3204   	if (AppUi()->Orientation() != CAknAppUiBase::EAppUiOrientationLandscape) {
  3205       iOrientation = AppUi()->Orientation();
  3206       TRAP_IGNORE(AppUi()->SetOrientationL(CAknAppUiBase::EAppUiOrientationLandscape));
  3207     }
  3208     if (iPenEnabled) {
  3209       Toolbar()->SetToolbarVisibility( EFalse, EFalse );
  3210     }
  3211     iContentFullScreenMode = ETrue;
  3212     UpdateFullScreenL();
  3213   }
  3214   else {
  3215         TInt command( KErrNotFound );
  3216         command = TBrCtlDefs::ECommandLeaveFullscreenBrowsing;
  3217         ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
  3218             command + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
  3219     TRAP_IGNORE(AppUi()->SetOrientationL(iOrientation));
  3220     if (iPenEnabled) {
  3221       Toolbar()->SetToolbarVisibility( ETrue, EFalse );
  3222     }
  3223     iContentFullScreenMode = EFalse;
  3224     SetFullScreenOffL();
  3225         if (iPenEnabled)
  3226            {
  3227            StartAutoFullScreenIdleTimer();
  3228   }
  3229         }
  3230 }
  3232 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3233 // CBrowserContentView::ShowFsStatusPane
  3234 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3235 //
  3236 void CBrowserContentView::ShowFsStatusPane(TBool aShow)
  3237     {
  3239     if (aShow)
  3240         {
  3241 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  3242         if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  3243            StatusPane()->SwitchLayoutL(R_AVKON_WIDESCREEN_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL_FLAT_NO_SOFTKEYS);
  3244 #endif
  3245         StatusPane()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  3247         SetContentContainerRect();
  3249         // Remove any timer that has already been set
  3250         if ( iPeriodic )
  3251             {
  3252             iPeriodic->Cancel();
  3253             }
  3254         }
  3255     else
  3256         {
  3257         // Kick off timer for 3 seconds before hiding status pane again
  3258         if ( iPeriodic )
  3259             {
  3260                 iPeriodic->Cancel();
  3261             }
  3262         iPeriodic->Start(KFullScreenStatusPaneTimeout, 0,TCallBack(CallHideFsStatusPane,this));
  3263         }
  3264     }
  3266 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3267 // CBrowserContentView::CallHideFsStatusPane
  3268 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3269 TInt CBrowserContentView::CallHideFsStatusPane(TAny* aCBrowserContentView)
  3270     {
  3271     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aCBrowserContentView, Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ));
  3272     TRAP_IGNORE(
  3273                 ((CBrowserContentView*)aCBrowserContentView)->HideFsStatusPane();
  3274                 );
  3275     return KErrNone;
  3276     }
  3278 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3279 // CBrowserContentView::HideFsStatusPane
  3280 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3281 void CBrowserContentView::HideFsStatusPane()
  3282     {
  3283     iPeriodic->Cancel();
  3284     if (iContentFullScreenMode && ApiProvider().LastActiveViewId() == KUidBrowserContentViewId )
  3285         {
  3286         StatusPane()->MakeVisible( EFalse );
  3288         SetContentContainerRect();
  3289         }
  3290     }
  3291 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3292 // CBrowserContentView::StartAutoFullScreenTimer
  3293 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3294 //
  3295 void CBrowserContentView::StartAutoFullScreenTimer()
  3296 	{
  3297     SuspendAutoFullScreenIdleTimer();
  3298     if ( iAutoFSPeriodic )
  3299         {
  3300             iAutoFSPeriodic->Cancel();
  3301         }
  3302     iAutoFSPeriodic->Start(KAutoFullScreenTimeout, 0,TCallBack(CallActivateAutoFullScreen,this));
  3304 	}
  3306 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3307 // CBrowserContentView::StartAutoFullScreenIdleTimer
  3308 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3309 //
  3310 void CBrowserContentView::StartAutoFullScreenIdleTimer()
  3311 	{
  3312     if ( iIdlePeriodic )
  3313         {
  3314             iIdlePeriodic->Cancel();
  3315         }
  3316     iIdlePeriodic->Start(KAutoFullScreenIdleTimeout, 0,TCallBack(CallActivateAutoFullScreen,this));
  3318 	}
  3320 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3321 // CBrowserContentView::SuspendAutoFullScreenTimer
  3322 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3323 //
  3324 void CBrowserContentView::SuspendAutoFullScreenTimer()
  3325 	{
  3326     if ( iAutoFSPeriodic )
  3327         {
  3328             iAutoFSPeriodic->Cancel();
  3329         }
  3330 	}
  3332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3333 // CBrowserContentView::SuspendAutoFullScreenIdleTimer
  3334 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3335 //
  3336 void CBrowserContentView::SuspendAutoFullScreenIdleTimer()
  3337 	{
  3338     if ( iIdlePeriodic )
  3339         {
  3340             iIdlePeriodic->Cancel();
  3341         }
  3342 	}
  3345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3346 // CBrowserContentView::CallSwitchToAutoFullScreen
  3347 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3348 //
  3349 TInt CBrowserContentView::CallActivateAutoFullScreen(TAny* aCBrowserContentView)
  3350     {
  3351     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aCBrowserContentView, Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ));
  3352     TRAP_IGNORE(
  3353                 ((CBrowserContentView*)aCBrowserContentView)->ActivateAutoFullScreenMode();
  3354                 );
  3355     return KErrNone;
  3356     }
  3358 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3359 // CBrowserContentView::ActivateAutoFullScreen
  3360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3361 void CBrowserContentView::ActivateAutoFullScreenMode()
  3362     {
  3363     if ( iAutoFSPeriodic )
  3364         {
  3365             iAutoFSPeriodic->Cancel();
  3366         }
  3367     if ( iIdlePeriodic )
  3368         {
  3369             iIdlePeriodic->Cancel();
  3370         }
  3372     if (  ApiProvider().LastActiveViewId() == KUidBrowserContentViewId )
  3373     	{
  3374     	if( IsForeground()
  3375     		&& ApiProvider().LoadObserver().ContentDisplayed()
  3376     		&& !iZoomSliderVisible
  3377     		&& !iHistoryViewIsUp
  3378     		&& !iContainer->GotoPane()->IsVisible()
  3379 			&& !iContainer->FindKeywordPane()->IsVisible()
  3380 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  3381 			&& !Toolbar()->ToolbarExtension()->IsShown()
  3382 #endif
  3383 		 	&& !iThumbnailViewIsUp
  3384 		 	&& !iOptionsMenuActive
  3385 		 	&& !ApiProvider().IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog()
  3386 			&& !ApiProvider().WindowMgr().CurrentWindow()->WMLMode()
  3387 			&& !iIsPluginFullScreenMode)
  3388     		{
  3389 			EnableFullScreenModeL( ETrue);
  3390 			}
  3391 		else
  3392 			{
  3393 			if (iIsPluginFullScreenMode || !IsForeground())
  3394 				{
  3395 				//Hide the FullscreenExit Button
  3396 					ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
  3397 						TBrCtlDefs::ECommandLeaveFullscreenBrowsing
  3398 						+ (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
  3399 				}
  3400 			StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
  3401 			}
  3402     	}
  3403     }
  3405 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3406 // CBrowserContentView::SetEmphasis
  3407 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3409 void CBrowserContentView::SetEmphasis(CCoeControl* aMenuControl, TBool aEmphasis)
  3410 	{
  3411 	if (iPenEnabled)
  3412 		{
  3413 		if(aEmphasis)
  3414 			{
  3415 			iOptionsMenuActive = ETrue;
  3416 			SuspendAutoFullScreenTimer();
  3417 			}
  3418 		else
  3419 			{
  3420 			iOptionsMenuActive = EFalse;
  3421 			StartAutoFullScreenTimer();
  3422 			}
  3423 		}
  3424 	CAknView::SetEmphasis(aMenuControl, aEmphasis);
  3425 	}
  3427 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3428 // CBrowserContentView::IsEditMode
  3429 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3430 TBool CBrowserContentView::IsEditMode()
  3431 	{
  3432 	TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlElementType focusedElementType =
  3433                 ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().FocusedElementType();
  3435 	TBool retVal = ((focusedElementType == TBrCtlDefs:: EElementActivatedInputBox) ||
  3436                     (focusedElementType == TBrCtlDefs:: EElementInputBox) ||
  3437                     (focusedElementType == TBrCtlDefs:: EElementTextAreaBox));
  3438 	return  (retVal);
  3439 	}
  3441 void  CBrowserContentView::HandleStatusPaneCallBack()
  3442     {
  3443     TVwsViewId activeViewId;
  3444     TBool resIdChanged(EFalse);
  3445     TInt resId = StatusPane()->CurrentLayoutResId();
  3447     if ( AppUi()->GetActiveViewId( activeViewId ) == KErrNone )
  3448         {
  3449         if ( activeViewId.iViewUid == KUidBrowserContentViewId )
  3450             {
  3451             if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  3452                 {
  3453                 resIdChanged = resId != R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL;
  3454                 StatusPane()->SwitchLayoutL(R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL);
  3455                 }
  3456             else //Portrait
  3457                 {
  3458                 resIdChanged = resId != R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_SMALL;
  3459                 StatusPane()->SwitchLayoutL(R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_SMALL);
  3460                 }
  3461             }
  3462         }
  3463     if(resIdChanged)
  3464     SetContentContainerRect();
  3465 }
  3467 // End of File