--- a/browserui/browser/BrowserAppSrc/BrowserAppUi.cpp Mon Mar 15 12:40:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/browserui/browser/BrowserAppSrc/BrowserAppUi.cpp Wed Mar 31 21:35:49 2010 +0300
@@ -107,6 +107,12 @@
#include "BrowserPushMtmObserver.h"
+#include <iaupdate.h>
+#include <iaupdateparameters.h>
+#include <iaupdateresult.h>
const TUint KBookmarkId = 1;
const TUint KUrlId = 4;
@@ -124,6 +130,14 @@
const TInt KMinimumCDriveDiskSpace = 512 * 1024;
+const TInt KRetryConnectivityTimeout( 2*1000*1000 ); // 2 seconds
+const TUint KBrowser8xUID = 0x200267CC;
+_LIT( KUpdateFileName, "lastupdatechecked.txt" );
+const TInt64 KMaxTimeToPostponeUpdate = 604800000000;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -158,6 +172,10 @@
+ iFs.Close();
SetExitInProgress( ETrue );
@@ -234,6 +252,9 @@
LOG_WRITE( " iFavouritesSess.Close() deleted" );
+ CleanUpdateParams();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -264,11 +285,159 @@
iStartedUp = EFalse;
LOG_WRITE( "Browser started embedded" );
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
+ // Check updates from IAD, continue UI launching even if something fails there
+ TRAP_IGNORE( CheckUpdatesL() );
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL()
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL");
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL() entering" );
+ if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdIAUpdate ) )
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL() IAD Update supported" );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iUpdate = CIAUpdate::NewL( *this ) );
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL() IAD Update Client Created" );
+ if ( iUpdate )
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL() creating IAD Update paramentes" );
+ iParameters = CIAUpdateParameters::NewL();
+ // Search for updates using SIS package UID
+ iParameters->SetUid( TUid::Uid( KBrowser8xUID ) );
+ //check the updates
+ iUpdate->CheckUpdates( *iParameters );
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesL() exiting" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete
+// rest of the details commented in the header
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete( TInt aErrorCode, TInt aAvailableUpdates )
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete");
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - Entry" );
+ TInt err;
+ TBool result;
+ TBool showDialog = EFalse;
+ if ( aErrorCode == KErrNone )
+ {
+ if ( aAvailableUpdates > 0 )
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - update available" );
+ //Check if the file is available in folder or not
+ if(CheckUpdateFileAvailable())
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - update file available" );
+ TTime timenow;
+ timenow.HomeTime();
+ TInt64 time = timenow.Int64();
+ TInt64 dataValue = ReadUpdateFile();
+ //If the diference of the current time and the Previous Check time is more than 1 Week
+ //then show the dialog
+ if((time - dataValue)>KMaxTimeToPostponeUpdate)
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - diference of the current time and the time available in th file is more than 7 days" );
+ showDialog = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - update file is not available" );
+ showDialog = ETrue;
+ }
+ if(showDialog)
+ {
+ HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_INSTALL_ADDON_BROWSER);
+ HBufC* lsc_now = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_INSTALL_BROWSER_NOW);
+ HBufC* rsc_later = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_INSTALL_BROWSER_LATER);
+ TRAPD(err, result = iDialogsProvider->DialogConfirmL(_L(""),
+ *message,
+ *lsc_now,
+ *rsc_later));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //message, lsc_now, rsc_later
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( result ) // user selected NOW
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - if file exists, just delete it." );
+ // if file exists, just delete it.
+ DeleteUpdateFile();
+ iUpdate->ShowUpdates( *iParameters );
+ }
+ if ( !result ) // user selected LATER
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - create the file and store the current time." );
+ //create the file and store the current time.
+ WriteUpdateFile();
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - update available" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - no update available" );
+ // The answer was 'Later'. CIAUpdate object could be deleted
+ CleanUpdateParams();
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdatesComplete - Exit" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::CleanUpdateParams
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserAppUi::CleanUpdateParams()
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::CleanUpdateParams");
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CleanUpdateParams() entering" );
+ if(iUpdate)
+ {
+ delete iUpdate;
+ iUpdate = NULL;
+ }
+ if(iParameters)
+ {
+ delete iParameters;
+ iParameters = NULL;
+ }
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CleanUpdateParams() exiting" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::UpdateComplete
+// rest of the details commented in the header
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserAppUi::UpdateComplete( TInt aErrorCode, CIAUpdateResult* aResult )
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::UpdateComplete");
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::UpdateComplete - Entry" );
+ delete aResult; // Ownership was transferred, so this must be deleted by the client
+ CleanUpdateParams();
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::UpdateComplete - Exit" );
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBrowserAppUi::InitBrowser()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -362,6 +531,10 @@
iConnStageNotifier = CConnectionStageNotifierWCB::NewL();
+ //this is required, browser's connection oberver should be hit first. (incase of netscape plgins, transactions will be closed.)
+ iConnStageNotifier->SetPriority(CActive::EPriorityHigh);
PERFLOG_STOP_WRITE("\t StageNotif NewL");
BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "StageNofier up" ) ) );
@@ -483,6 +656,9 @@
iPushMtmObserver = CBrowserPushMtmObserver::NewL( this );
+ iRetryConnectivity = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
} //if (iStartedUp)
@@ -1274,12 +1450,6 @@
(Preferences().AccessPointSelectionMode() == EAlwaysAsk) )
iRequestedAp = Preferences().DefaultAccessPoint();
-#ifdef BRDO_OCC_ENABLED_FF //Setting ap should not be taken if OCC is enabled, instead bookmark ap should be taken
-#ifndef __WINS__
- iRequestedAp = aAccessPoint.ApId();
- BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "Bookmark Iap id : %d" ), iRequestedAp ) );
else if ( Preferences().AccessPointSelectionMode() == EDestination )
@@ -2375,6 +2545,8 @@
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " CBrowserAppUi::ConnNeededStatusL First Stop Connection Observer" ) ) );
+ StopConnectionObserving(); //Need to stop the connection observer first
if ( !iConnStageNotifier->IsActive() )
@@ -2382,8 +2554,9 @@
BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " CBrowserAppUi::ConnNeededStatusL Starting Connection Observer" ) ) );
TName* connectionName = Connection().ConnectionNameL();
CleanupStack::PushL( connectionName );
- iConnStageNotifier->StartNotificationL(
- connectionName, KConnectionUninitialised, this);
+ iConnStageNotifier->StartNotificationL(connectionName, KLinkLayerClosed, this);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //connectionName
@@ -2432,7 +2605,88 @@
return buf;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserContentView::SetRetryFlag
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserAppUi::SetRetryFlag(TBool flag)
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::SetRetryFlag");
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L(" CBrowserAppUi::SetRetryFlag flag: %d"), flag ) );
+ reConnectivityFlag = flag;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserContentView::GetRetryFlag
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TBool CBrowserAppUi::GetRetryFlag()
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::GetRetryFlag");
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L(" CBrowserAppUi::GetRetryFlag flag: %d"), reConnectivityFlag ) );
+ return reConnectivityFlag;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserContentView::RetryConnectivity
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CBrowserAppUi::RetryConnectivity(TAny* aCBrowserAppUi)
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::RetryConnectivity");
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aCBrowserAppUi, Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ));
+ TInt err = ((CBrowserAppUi*)aCBrowserAppUi)->RetryInternetConnection();
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L(" CBrowserAppUi::RetryConnectivity Error: %d"), err ) );
+ return err;
+ }
+TInt CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection()
+ {
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection");
+ //First cancel the timer
+ if ( iRetryConnectivity && iRetryConnectivity->IsActive() )
+ {
+ iRetryConnectivity->Cancel();
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection Timer Cancelled successfully " ) ) );
+ }
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if ( !iConnection->Connected() )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( err = iConnection->StartConnectionL( ETrue ) );
+ }
+ if( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection Connection restablished successfully " ) ) );
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection UNSET retry flags " ) ) );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandUnSetRetryConnectivityFlag + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase ) );
+ SetRetryFlag(EFalse);
+ TRAP_IGNORE(ConnNeededStatusL(err)); //Start the observer again
+ TRAP_IGNORE( BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandRetryTransactions + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase ) );
+ //Let download manager knows about this new connection
+ TRAP_IGNORE( BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandConnToDownloadManager + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection Connection failed " ) ) );
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection unset retry flags " ) ) );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandUnSetRetryConnectivityFlag + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase ) );
+ SetRetryFlag(EFalse);
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::RetryInternetConnection clear queued transactions " ) ) );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandClearQuedTransactions + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase ) );
+ Display().StopProgressAnimationL(); //Stop Progress animation
+ iDialogsProvider->UploadProgressNoteL(0, 0, ETrue, (MBrowserDialogsProviderObserver *)this ); //Close the uploading dialog.
+ iDialogsProvider->CancelAll(); //connection has been lost, so cancel the authentication dialog.
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBrowserAppUi::ConnectionStageAchievedL()
@@ -2440,6 +2694,24 @@
void CBrowserAppUi::ConnectionStageAchievedL()
+ LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserAppUi::ConnectionStageAchievedL");
+ //Disconnect first
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::ConnectionStageAchievedL Disconnecting..." ) ) );
+ iConnection->Disconnect();
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::ConnectionStageAchievedL Some transactions are on-going. Need to reconnect. " ) ) );
+ BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "CBrowserAppUi::ConnectionStageAchievedL Set retry flags " ) ) );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandSetRetryConnectivityFlag + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase ) );
+ SetRetryFlag(ETrue);
+ if( iRetryConnectivity && iRetryConnectivity->IsActive())
+ {
+ iRetryConnectivity->Cancel();
+ }
+ iRetryConnectivity->Start(KRetryConnectivityTimeout, 0,TCallBack(RetryConnectivity,this));
// this function is called only when network is lost
// because we set notifier for KAgentUnconnected only
@@ -2456,6 +2728,7 @@
// not needed as by that point HTTPSession was already shutdown by executing disconnect menu option
// will cause a crash when user tries to quickly reconnect right after disconnecting, as HTTP session
// is starting to initialize, while this call is trying to close it.
@@ -4205,5 +4478,102 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdateFileAvailable
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdateFileAvailable()
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> privatePath;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> updateFileName;
+ iFs.PrivatePath( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Copy( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Append( KUpdateFileName );
+ RFile updatefile;
+ TInt err = updatefile.Open( iFs, updateFileName, EFileRead );
+ if ( err == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdateFileAvailable - update file not available" );
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::CheckUpdateFileAvailable - update file available" );
+ updatefile.Close();
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::WriteUpdateFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserAppUi::WriteUpdateFile()
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> privatePath;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> updateFileName;
+ iFs.PrivatePath( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Copy( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Append( KUpdateFileName );
+ RFile updatefile;
+ TInt err = updatefile.Open( iFs, updateFileName, EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive );
+ if(err == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::WriteUpdateFile - update file not available so create it" );
+ err = updatefile.Create( iFs, updateFileName, EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive );
+ }
+ //Get the current time
+ TTime timenow;
+ timenow.HomeTime();
+ TInt64 time = timenow.Int64();
+ TBuf8<50> data;
+ data.AppendNum(time);
+ LOG_WRITE( "CBrowserAppUi::WriteUpdateFile - write the current time in update file" );
+ updatefile.Write(data);
+ updatefile.Close();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::DeleteUpdateFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserAppUi::DeleteUpdateFile()
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> privatePath;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> updateFileName;
+ iFs.PrivatePath( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Copy( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Append( KUpdateFileName );
+ iFs.Delete(updateFileName);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserAppUi::ReadUpdateFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TInt64 CBrowserAppUi::ReadUpdateFile()
+ {
+ TBool returnvalue = ETrue;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> privatePath;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> updateFileName;
+ //Get the private path then append the filename
+ iFs.PrivatePath( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Copy( privatePath );
+ updateFileName.Append( KUpdateFileName );
+ RFile updatefile;
+ TInt err = updatefile.Open( iFs, updateFileName, EFileRead );
+ TInt64 dataValue = 0;
+ //If file is found
+ if ( err != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ TBuf8<50> readBuf;
+ err = updatefile.Read(readBuf);
+ updatefile.Close();
+ if((err == KErrNone) && (readBuf.Length()>NULL))
+ {
+ //Convert from TBuf8 to TInt64
+ TLex8 lex(readBuf);
+ lex.Val(dataValue);
+ }
+ }
+ return dataValue;
+ }
// End of File