changeset 47 6385c4c93049
parent 46 4baee4f15982
child 48 8e6fa1719340
--- a/browserui/browser/BrowserAppInc/BrowserAppUi.h	Thu Aug 19 09:57:56 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1145 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Header file for CBrowserAppUi
-#include <browser_platform_variant.hrh>
-#include <aknviewappui.h>
-#include <connectionobservers.h>	// CHG!
-#include <apgcli.h>
-#include "ApiProvider.h"
-#include "BrowserBuild.h"
-#include "WmlBrowserBuild.h"
-#include <recenturlstore.h>
-#include <favouritesdb.h>
-#include <downloadedcontenthandler.h>
-#include "WindowInfoProvider.h"
-#include <browseroverriddensettings.h>
-#include <iaupdateobserver.h>
-class CBrowserViewBase;
-class MCommsModel;
-class CBrowserCommsModel;
-class CBrowserPreferences;
-class CWmlBrowserBmOTABinSender;
-class CBrowserContentView;
-class CBrowserSoftkeysObserver;
-class CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver;
-class CBrowserAsyncExit;
-class CBrowserLauncherService;
-// Multiple Windows Support
-class CBrowserPopupEngine;
-class CBrowserWindow;
-class CBrowserWindowManager;
-class CBrowserBookmarksView;
-#ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
-	class CFeedsClientUtilities;
-#endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
-// BROWSER UI KNOWN mime types
-_LIT(KOPMLMimeType,      "text/x-opml");
-_LIT(KMimeTypeAppXML,    "application/xml");
-_LIT(KMimeTypeTextXML,   "text/xml");
-_LIT(KMimeTypeCapsTextXML,   "Text/xml");
-_LIT(KMimeTypeRSS,       "application/rss+xml");
-_LIT(KMimeTypeAtom,      "application/atom+xml");
-_LIT(KMimeTypeRDF,       "application/rdf+xml");
-class CBrowserPushMtmObserver;
-class CIAUpdate; 
-class CIAUpdateParameters;
-*  CBrowserAppUi.
-*  @lib
-*  @since Series 60 1.2 
-class CBrowserAppUi : public CAknViewAppUi,
-                      public MApiProvider,
-                      public MConnectionStageObserver,
-                      public MDownloadedContentHandler,
-                      public MWindowInfoProvider
-                     ,public MIAUpdateObserver
-					#endif
-    {
-    public:     // Constructors and destructor
-        /**
-        * Default constructor.
-        */
-        CBrowserAppUi();
-        /**
-        * Destructor.
-        */
-        ~CBrowserAppUi();
-    public:
-#if defined(__S60_50__)
-        /**
-        * Handling the system Event.
-        * @since Series 60 1.2
-        * @param aEvent The System event passed.
-        */
-        void HandleSystemEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent);
-        /**
-        * Get the active view.
-		* @since Series 60 1.2
-        * @return The current view.
-        */
-        CBrowserViewBase* ActiveView();
-        /**
-        * Checking if user wants to disconnect.
-		* @since Series 60 1.2
-        * @param aUserInitiated it can be closed by user or the system.
-        */
-        void ExitBrowser( TBool aUserInitiated );
-        /**
-        * Calls views' method (ALWAYS changes the view's CBA).
-		* @since Series 60 1.2
-        */
-        void UpdateCbaL();
-        /**
-        * Handles commandline parameters.
-		* @since Series 60 1.2
-        * @param aDocumentName Parameter string
-        * @param aDoFetch Indicates that this function shoud fetch the given
-        *                 URL. This parameter is required and used 
-        *                 by new embedding architecture.
-        */
-        void ParseAndProcessParametersL( const TDesC8& aDocumentName, TBool aDoFetch = ETrue );
-        /**
-        * Wait a while, contentview initializing itself
-		* @since Series 60 3.2
-        */
-        void WaitCVInit();
-        /**
-        * Set flag to ETrue if called from another application.
-		* @since Series 60 1.2
-        * @param aValue Is browser called from some another App.
-        */
-        void SetCalledFromAnotherApp( TBool aValue );
-        /**
-        * Get flag if called from another application.
-		* @since Series 60 3.1
-		* @return Etrue if browser is called from some another App.
-        */
-        TBool CalledFromAnotherApp();
-        /**
-        * Override CAknViewAppUi::ProcessCommandL.  Calls CAknAppUi::StopDisplayingMenuBar() before iView one.
-		* @since Series 60 
-        * @param aCommand GUI command
-        */
-        void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand);
-        /** 
-        * Get the instance of the browser UI.
-		* @since Series 60 1.2
-        * @return The browser UI.
-        */
-        static CBrowserAppUi* Static();
-        /**
-        * Contentview.
-		* @since Series 60 1.2
-        */
-        CBrowserContentView* ContentView() const;
-        /**
-		* Check Operator Menu or Video Services status
-		* @since Series 60 2.0
-		* @return ETrue if browser is running in Operator Menu or Video Services app
-		*/
-		TBool IsEmbeddedInOperatorMenu() const;
-		/**
-		* Check if avkon appshutter is running
-		* @since Series60 2.0
-		* @return ETrue if avkon appshutter is running
-		*/
-		TBool IsAppShutterActive() const;
-		/**
-		* Returns value of iSomeItemsNotSecure member 
-		* @since Series60 2.0
-		* @return ETrue if some items is unsecure in page
-		*/
-        TBool SomeItemsNotSecure() const;
-        /**
-        * Fetch the home page
-        */
-        void FetchHomePageL();
-        /**
-        * Check if the application is in foreground
-        * @return ETrue if application is in foreground
-        */
-        inline TBool IsForeGround() const
-            { return iIsForeground; }
-        /**
-        * Sets a private status to indicate that Browser has to use
-        * a special exiting method.
-        */
-        inline void SetExitFromEmbeddedMode( TBool aFlag )
-            { iExitFromEmbeddedMode = aFlag; }
-        /**
-        * Sets a the uid of the embedding application if the
-        * Browser is embedded.
-        */
-        inline void SetEmbeddingAppliacationUid( TUid aEmbeddingApplicationUid )
-        	{ iEmbeddingApplicationUid = aEmbeddingApplicationUid; }
-        inline void SetBrowserLauncherService( CBrowserLauncherService* aBrowserLauncherService )
-            { iBrowserLauncherService = aBrowserLauncherService; }
-        inline CBrowserLauncherService* BrowserLauncherService() const
-            { return iBrowserLauncherService; }
-        void CloseWindowL( TInt aWindowId = 0 );
-        inline CBrowserBookmarksView* GetBookmarksView()
-            { return iBookmarksView; }
-        void OpenLinkInNewWindowL( const CFavouritesItem& aBookmarkItem );
-        /**
-        * Launching HomePage (AP home page, or user-defined home page).
-        */
-        void LaunchHomePageL();
-        /**
-        * Set home page found flag
-        * @param aPgNotFoundFlag: indicate if home page is found or not.
-        */
-        void SetPgNotFound(TBool aPgNotFoundFlag) {iPgNotFound = aPgNotFoundFlag;};
-        /**
-        * Catch any key presses that are Application wide.  Called from OfferKeyEventL() in view containers
-        * @param aKeyEvent: 
-        * @param aType:
-        */
-		TKeyResponse OfferApplicationSpecificKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
-        /**
-        * Sets requested AP.
-        * @param aAp the AP to use when connectionneeded is called.
-        */
-        void SetRequestedAP( TInt aAp );
- 		/**
-        * Gets the currently focused image, and saves it to Gallery.
-        */
-        void SaveFocusedImageToGalleryL();
-        /**
-        * Check if shutdown was requested.
-        * @return ETrue if shutdown was requested.
-        */
-        TBool IsShutdownRequested() const;
-        /**
-        * Check if a progress bar is shown.
-        * @return ETrue if progress bar is shown.
-        */
-        TBool IsProgressShown() const;
-        /**
-        * Sets prograss bar showing status.
-        * @param ETrue to show, EFalse to hide the progress bar
-        */
-        void SetProgressShown( TBool aProgressShown );
-		/** 
-		* Check if RFile content should be handled
-		* by BrowserUI rather than sent off to BrCtl
-		* @return ETrue if it should be handled by BrowserUI
-		* @param an RFile filehandle, and an allocated buffer to hold
-		*   discovered mime type
-		*/
-		TBool CBrowserAppUi::RecognizeUiFileL( RFile& aFileHandle, TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength>& aDataTypeDes );
-		/** 
-		* Confirm with the user that a file should be handled by
-		* BrowserUI according to it's mime type with appropriate
-		* dialogs, etc. The name is used for the dialogs
-		* @return ETrue if yes, EFalse otherwise
-		* @param a filename to be shown in dialog, and a mime type
-		*   to switch on so we can show different dialogs in different situations 
-		*/
-		TBool ConfirmUiHandlingL( TFileName& aFilename, TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength>& aDataTypeDes );
-		/** 
-		* Given a file handle (RFile) and a file path,
-		* copy the contents of the RFile to the file path given
-		* @return void
-		* @param a filehandle RFile, and a path to copy the contents to
-		*/ 
-		void CopyUiRFileToFileL( RFile& aFile, const TDesC& aFilepath );
-		/** 
-		* Handle a file that BrowserUi can process (as opposed to
-		* BrCtl)
-		* This will also setup views accordingly (the setup may be different from the HandleUiDownload case)
-		* @return void
-		* @param the full path of the filename to be handled and the mime type
-		*   so that handling can be different for different mime types
-		*/
-		void HandleUiFileL( TFileName& aFilepath, TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength>& aDataTypeDes );
-		/** 
-		* Handle a file that BrowserUi can process that is downloaded from the content view
-		* This will also setup views accordingly (the setup may be different from the HandleUiFile case)
-		* @return void
-		* @param the full path of the filename to be handled and the mime type
-		*   so that handling can be different for different mime types
-		*/
-		void HandleUiDownloadL( TFileName& aFilepath, TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength>& aDataTypeDes );
-		/**
-		* Launch the browser so that it starts directly into the feeds view
-		* @return void
-		* @param none
-		*/
-		void LaunchIntoFeedsL();
-    public: // From CEikAppUi
-        /**
-        * Handles user commands.
-        * @param aCommand Command to be handled.
-        */
-        void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
-        void HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent,CCoeControl* aDestination);
-    public: // Functions from MApiProvider
-        /**
-        * Returns reference to the implementation of MDisplay.
-        * @return An implementation of MDisplay.
-        */
-        MDisplay& Display() const;
-        /**
-        * Returns a reference to the implementaion of MConnection,
-        * through wich some high-level connection specific data can be set.
-        * @return reference to MConnection object.
-        */
-        MConnection& Connection( ) const;
-        /**
-        * Returns reference to the implementation of MPrefences.
-        * @return An implementation of MPrefences.
-        */
-        MPreferences& Preferences() const;
-        /**
-        * Returns reference to the implementation of MCommsModel.
-        * @return An implementation of MCommsModel.
-        */
-        MCommsModel& CommsModel() const;
-        /**
-        * Returns reference to the CBrCtlInterface
-		* @return A reference to CBrCtlInterface
-        */
-		CBrCtlInterface& BrCtlInterface() const;
-		/**
-        * Returns reference to CBrowserLoadObserver.
-        * @return An implementation of MBrCtlLoadEventObserver
-        */
-		CBrowserLoadObserver& LoadObserver() const;
-	    /**
-        * Returns reference to CBrowserLoadObserver.
-        * @return An implementation of MBrCtlLoadEventObserver
-        */
-		CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver& SpecialLoadObserver() const;
-		CBrowserSoftkeysObserver& SoftkeysObserver() const;
-		/**
-        * Returns reference to CBrowserDialogsProvider.
-        * @return An implementation of MBrCtlDialogsProvider
-        */
-		CBrowserDialogsProvider& DialogsProvider() const;
-        CBrowserPopupEngine& PopupEngine() const;
-        /**
-        * Returns reference to the implementation of MBmOTABinSender.
-        * @return An implementation of MBmOTABinSender.
-        */
-        MBmOTABinSender& BmOTABinSenderL();
-        /**
-        * Returns reference to the implementation of MStartPageHandler.
-        * @return An implementation of MStartPageHandler.
-        */
-        CBrowserWindowManager& WindowMgr() const;
-        /**
-        *
-        */
-        inline TBool StartedUp() const { return iStartedUp; };
-        /**
-        *
-        */
-        void ConnNeededStatusL( TInt aErr );
-        /**
-        * Checks the last used AP.
-        * @return the Id of the last used AP.
-        */
-        inline TUint32 RequestedAp() const { return iRequestedAp; }
-        /**
-        * In some cases it's not permitted to cancel fetching process.
-        * @return ETrue if cancelling fetch is allowed, otherwise EFalse.
-        */
-        TBool IsCancelFetchAllowed() const;
-        /**
-        * Sets uid which should be activated if needed.
-        * If not, it activates view immediately.
-        * @param aUid Uid of the view.
-        * @param aMessageId Id of the message.
-        */
-        void SetViewToBeActivatedIfNeededL( TUid aUid, TInt aMessageId = 0 );
-        /**
-        * Returns the Uid of the last visited Uid.
-        * @return Uid of the last used view.
-        */
-        TUid LastActiveViewId() const;
-        /**
-        * Sets uid of the last used view.
-        * @param aUid Uid of the latest used view.
-        */
-        void SetLastActiveViewId( TUid aUid );
-        /**
-        * Gets uid of the current view.
-        * @param none
-        * @return TUid of the current view
-        */
-        TUid GetCurrentViewId() const 
-            {
-            return iCurrentView;
-            }
-        /**
-        * Set the View for in which the last CBA update was made
-        * @since 5.0
-        */
-        void SetLastCBAUpdateView( TUid aView ) { iLastCBAUpdateView = aView; }
-        /**
-        * Get the view in which the last CBA update was made
-        * @since 5.0
-        * @return TUid of last view for which CBA was updated
-        */
-        TUid GetLastCBAUpdateView() { return iLastCBAUpdateView; }
-        /**
-        * Tells if Browser is in the middle of a shutdown process.
-        * @return ETrue if the app is being closed, otherwise with EFalse.
-        */
-        TBool ExitInProgress() const;
-        /**
-        * Sets a flag in Browser to indicate shutdown process.
-        * @param aValue ETrue if exit process will be started, otherwise EFalse.
-        */
-        void SetExitInProgress( TBool aValue );
-        /**
-        * Is Browser connection procedure ongoing or not.
-        * @return ETrue if connection procedure is ongoing, otherwise EFalse.
-        */
-        TBool IsConnecting() const;
-        /**
-        * Updates progress bar in contentview.
-        * @param aStatusMsg Progress bar text.
-        */
-        void UpdateNaviPaneL( TDesC& aStatusMsg );
-        /**
-        * Set view to return to when closing the content view.
-        * @since Series60 1.2
-        * @param aUid View uid
-        */
-        void SetViewToReturnOnClose( TUid const &aUid );
-        /**
-        * Close the content view by activating the bookmarks view
-        * @since Series60 1.2
-        */
-        void CloseContentViewL();
-		/**
-        * Tells if Browser is in the embedded mode
-        * @return ETrue if the Browser is in the embedded mode, 
-        * otherwise with EFalse.
-		*/
-		TBool IsEmbeddedModeOn() const;
-        /**
-        * Starts prefrences view if no valid ap 
-        * @since Series60 2.0
-        * @return ETrue if access point has been set otherwise EFalse.
-        */
-        TBool StartPreferencesViewL( TUint aListItems );
-		/**
-        * Gives back a pointer to the Recent Url Store
-        * @return iRecentUrlStore
-		*/
-        CRecentUrlStore* RecentUrlStore();
-		/**
-        * Returns ETrue if at least one page has been loaded.
-        * @return   ETrue if at least one page has been loaded.\n
-        *           EFalse if no pages has been loaded.
-        */
-        TBool IsPageLoaded();
-		/**
-        * Returns fetching status.
-        * @return   ETrue if there is a fetch going on.\n 
-        *           EFalse otherwise.
-        */
-        TBool Fetching() const;
-        /**
-        * Checks if the content of a new page is displayed.
-        * @return ETrue if the content is displayed.
-        *         EFalse otherwise.
-        * (useful for zooming while page is loading)
-        */
-        TBool ContentDisplayed() const;
-       /**
-        * Sets the content displayed status
-        * (useful for zooming while page is loading)
-        */
-        void SetContentDisplayed( TBool aValue );
-        /**
-        * Initiate fetching of bookmark.
-        * @param aBookmarkUid  Uid of bookmark to fetch.
-        */
-        void FetchBookmarkL( TInt aBookmarkUid );
-		/**
-        * Initiate fetching of bookmark.
-        * @param aBookmarkItem Bookmark item to fetch.
-        */
-        void FetchBookmarkL( const CFavouritesItem& aBookmarkItem );
-		/**
-        * Initiate fetching of URL.
-        * @param aUrl URL to fetch.
-        * @param aUserName User name.
-        * @param aPassword Password.
-        * @param aAccessPoint AccessPoint.
-        */
-        void FetchL
-            (
-            const TDesC& aUrl,
-            const TDesC& aUserName,
-            const TDesC& aPassword,
-            const TFavouritesWapAp& aAccessPoint,
-            CBrowserLoadObserver::TBrowserLoadUrlType aUrlType
-                = CBrowserLoadObserver::ELoadUrlTypeOther
-            );
-        /**
-        * Initiate fetching of URL with default AP, empty username and password.
-        * @param aUrl URL to fetch.
-        */
-        void FetchL( const TDesC& aUrl, CBrowserLoadObserver::TBrowserLoadUrlType aUrlType
-            = CBrowserLoadObserver::ELoadUrlTypeOther );
-		/**
-        * Cancel fetching.
-        */
-        void CancelFetch( TBool aIsUserInitiated = EFalse );
-		/**
-		* Starts animation.
-		*/
-		void StartProgressAnimationL();
-		/**
-		* Stops animation.
-		*/
-		void StopProgressAnimationL();
-		/*
-		* Return True if browser was launched especially into feeds view
-		*/
-		TBool BrowserWasLaunchedIntoFeeds() { return(iOverriddenLaunchContextId == EBrowserContextIdFeeds); }
-		/*
-		* record the overridden launch context id
-		*/
-		void SetOverriddenLaunchContextId(TUint aId) { iOverriddenLaunchContextId = aId; }
-#ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
-        /**
-        * Returns reference to FeedsClientUtilities.
-        */
-        CFeedsClientUtilities& FeedsClientUtilities() const;
-#endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
- 		/**
-        * Returns the Uid of the previous active view from the view history.
-        * @return Uid of the previous active view.
-        */
-		TUid GetPreviousViewFromViewHistory();
-        /**
-        * Return if Flash plugin is present in the system or not
-        * @param none
-        * @return TBool
-        */
-        TBool FlashPresent( );
-		/**
-		* Check state of LaunchHomePage command for dimmed state in options menu and shortcut keymap
-		* @return ETrue is LaunchHomePage command should be dimmed in options menu and shortcut keymap
-		*         EFalse otherwise
-		* @param none
-		*/		
-		TBool IsLaunchHomePageDimmedL(); 
-		/**
-		* Check from CCoeAppUi if a Dialog or Menu is diplayed on top of the view
-		* @return ETrue if Dialog or Menu is displayed
-		*         EFalse otherwise
-		* @param none
-		*/		
-		TBool IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog();
-		/**
-		* Function to complete the delayed intialization of Browser
-		* @return ETrue if initialization was successful
-		*         EFalse otherwise
-		* @param none
-		*/	
-        TBool CompleteDelayedInit();  
-    public:  // from MWindowInfoProvider
-        HBufC* CreateWindowInfoLC( const CBrowserWindow& aWindow ) ;
-        void SwitchWindowL();
-		/**
-		* Initializes the browser, if it is in embedded mode.
-		* In embedded mode the browser is initialized later, not when it
-		* is constructed. First the browser must wait for the embedding
-		* application to send the startup parameters, and only after that
-		* can be initialized. This method is required and used by new
-		* embedding architecture.
-		*/       
-		void InitBrowserL(); 
-        /* This method is used for normal startup and when the first view is Bookmarks. 
-         * In order to show the Bookmarks view, initialize only bookmarks and delay the
-         * remaining initialization. 
-         */
-		void InitBookmarksL();
-        /* This method is used for normal startup and when the first view is Bookmarks. 
-         * This method includes intialization stuff which are not necessary for Bookmarks
-         * view. This is done using async CIdle approach. 
-         */
-		void DelayedInitL();		
-        /**
-        * From CAknViewAppUi, CEikAppUi
-        * Handles changes in keyboard focus when an 
-        * application switches to foreground
-        * @param aForeground Is foreground event?
-        */
-        void HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
-			public: // From MDownloadedContentHandler
-        virtual TBool HandleContentL( const TDesC& aFileName, 
-                                      const CAiwGenericParamList& aParamList, 
-                                      TBool& aContinue );
-        virtual TAny* DownloadedContentHandlerReserved1( TAny* /*aAnyParam*/ );
-        void SetContentHandlingResult( TBool aClientWantsToContinue, TBool aWasContentHandled );
-        /**
-        * Loads the defined search page into content view.
-        */
-        void LoadSearchPageL();
-        // This member is public, so BrowserLauncher.dll can close the browser.
-        CBrowserAsyncExit *iBrowserAsyncExit;
-    public:
-        void StopConnectionObserving();
-        //Retry flags
-        void SetRetryFlag(TBool flag);
-        TBool GetRetryFlag();
-	private:    
-        /**
-        *Callback for late constructing of the SendUi in idle
-        *Needed to provide better response time for the user
-        *@return  Returns 0
-        */
-        static TInt DelayedSendUiConstructL(TAny* aCBrowserAppUi);
-        /**
-        * Calls ProcessCommandParametersL with the given parameters.
-        * @param aParams startup parameter (will be casted).
-        * @return Returns 0 (called only once).
-        */
-        //static TInt DelayedProcessParametersL( TAny* aParams );
-        /**
-        * Callback function for CIdle. Calls DoStopDelay.
-        * @param aCBrowserAppUi 
-        * @return Returns 0 (called only once).
-        */
-        static TInt StopDelay( TAny* aCBrowserAppUi);
-        /**
-        * Stops CActiveSchedulerWait loop started 
-        * by ParseAndProcessParametersL().
-        */
-        void DoStopDelay();
-        /**
-        *Construct SendUI now
-        */
-        void DoConstructSendUiL();
-        /*
-        * Changes the connection
-        * @param 
-        * @return None.
-        */
-        void ChangeConnectionL();
-        /*
-        * send disconnect event to multiple windows
-        */
-        void SendDisconnectEventL();
-        /**
-        * Check if Flash plugin is present in the system or not
-        * @param none
-        * @return TBool
-        */
-        TBool CheckFlashPresent( );
-        /**
-        * Checks if a HomePage will be launched
-        * @param none
-        * @return TBool - ETrue if no homepage will be launched otherwise return EFalse
-        */
-        TBool NoHomePageToBeLaunchedL();
-        /**
-        * Show the name of browser and version of the browser
-        * @param none
-        */
-		void ShowNameAndVersionL();
-		/**
-		* There's a homepage to be launched so start in content view
-		* [Convenience function that gets used in 2 places]
-        * @param none
-        */		
-		void StartFetchHomePageL();		
-        TBool IsSameWinApp(TUid aMessageUid);
-        //For Call back for reconnectivity
-        static TInt RetryConnectivity(TAny* aCBrowserAppUi);
-        TInt RetryInternetConnection();		
-        void CheckOccConnectionStage();
-		/**
-        * Check updates
-        */
-        void CheckUpdatesL(); 
-        /**
-        * Clean IAD update parameters
-        */
-        void CleanUpdateParams(); 
-        /**
-        * This callback function is called when the update checking operation has completed.
-        *
-        * @param aErrorCode The error code of the observed update operation.
-        *                   KErrNone for successful completion,
-        *                   otherwise a system wide error code.
-        * @param aAvailableUpdates Number of the updates that were found available.
-        */
-        void CheckUpdatesComplete( TInt aErrorCode, TInt aAvailableUpdates );
-        /**
-        * This callback function is called when an update operation has completed.
-        *
-        * @param aErrorCode The error code of the completed update operation.
-        *                   KErrNone for successful completion,
-        *                   otherwise a system wide error code.
-        * @param aResult Details about the completed update operation.
-        *                Ownership is transferred.
-        */
-        void UpdateComplete( TInt aErrorCode, CIAUpdateResult* aResultDetails );
-		/**
-        * This callback function is called when an update query operation has completed.
-        *
-        * @param aErrorCode The error code of the observed query operation.
-        *                   KErrNone for successful completion,
-        *                   otherwise a system wide error code.
-        * @param aUpdateNow ETrue informs that an update operation should be started.
-        *                   EFalse informs that there is no need to start an update
-        *                   operation.
-        */
-        void UpdateQueryComplete( TInt aErrorCode, TBool aUpdateNow ){return;}
-        /**
-        * This function is checking the existence of the file containing last update time
-        * @param None
-        * @return TBool.
-        */
-        TBool CheckUpdateFileAvailable();
-        /**
-        * This function is deleting of the file(if exist) containing last update time
-        * @param None
-        * @return None.
-        */
-        void DeleteUpdateFile();
-        /**
-        * This function is will write the current time in file
-        * @param None
-        * @return None.
-        */
-        void WriteUpdateFile();
-        /**
-        * This function will read the content of the file if it exists
-        * @param None
-        * @return TBool.
-        */
-        TInt64 ReadUpdateFile();
-        /**
-        * Callback function to complete the IAD udated check on CIdle::RunL
-        * @param None
-        * @return TBool.
-        */
-        static TInt CompleteIADUpdateCallback( TAny* aBrowserAppUi );
-	protected:
-        /**
-        * Symbian OS constructor.
-        */
-        void ConstructL();
-        /**
-        * Sends Browser to the background. The task whose window group 
-        * is at the next ordinal position is brought up to the foreground.
-        */
-        void SendBrowserToBackground();
-        /**
-        *
-        */
-        void DelayedConstructL();
-        /**
-        * Clear the cache.
-        */
-        void ClearTheCacheL(TBool afterQuery = EFalse, TBool aShowDoneNote = ETrue);
-        /**
-        * Delete cookies.
-        */
-        void DeleteCookiesL();
-        /**
-        * Delete Form and Password Data
-        * @param aShowPromptAndComplete - show confirmation prompt and completion info note if True
-        */
-        void ClearFormAndPasswdDataL(TBool aShowPromptAndComplete);
-        /**
-        * Clear History of all open windows
-        */
-        void CBrowserAppUi::ClearHistoryL();
-        /**
-        * Prompt before clearing history
-        */
-        void CBrowserAppUi::ClearHistoryWithPromptL();
-        /**
-        * Clear All Privacy Data
-        */
-        void CBrowserAppUi::ClearAllPrivacyL();
-        /**
-        * Disconnect.
-        */
-        void DisconnectL();
-		/**
-		* Updates the soft keys. Previously a callback in ViewShellObserver
-		*/
-		void UpdateSoftKeys();
-        /**
-        * Logs a record of opened pages to Recent Url Store
-        */
-		void LogAccessToRecentUrlL( CBrCtlInterface& aBrCtlInterface );
-        /**
-        * Logs a record of requested pages to Recent Url Store
-        */
-		void LogRequestedPageToRecentUrlL( const TDesC& aUrl );
-        /**
-        * Load previous page from history (back button)
-        * @since Series60 1.2
-        */
-        void HistoryLoadPrevious();
-        /**
-        * Load next page from history (forward button)
-        * @since Series60 1.2
-        */
-        void HistoryLoadNext();
-        /**
-        * Creating a full url containing username, password, 
-        * server domain and document path.
-        * @return buffer pointing to the url
-        */
-        HBufC* CreateFullUrlLC( const TDesC& aUrl,
-                                const TDesC& aUsername,
-                                const TDesC& aPassword );
-    protected:  // from MConnectionStageObserver
-        /**
-        * Connection stage achieved. 
-        */
-        void ConnectionStageAchievedL();
-    protected:  // From CAknViewAppUi, CEikAppUi
-        /**
-        * Processes shell commands.
-        * @param aCommand Command to process.
-        * @return //TODO
-        */
-        TBool ProcessCommandParametersL(TApaCommand aCommand,TFileName& /*aDocumentName*/,const TDesC8& /*aTail*/ );
-        /**
-        * Handle the external message.
-        * @param aClientHandleOfTargetWindowGroup Handle.
-        * @param aMessageUid Message id.
-        * @param aMessageParameters Message parameters.
-        * @return Response to the message.
-        */
-        MCoeMessageObserver::TMessageResponse HandleMessageL( TUint32 aClientHandleOfTargetWindowGroup,
-                                                              TUid aMessageUid,
-                                                              const TDesC8& aMessageParameters );
-        /**
-        * Handles screen resolution changes
-        */
-        void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
-		/**
-        * Handles application specific events like OOM from window server.
-        * @param aEventType The type of event.
-        * @param aWsEvent window server event.
-        * @return Key response.
-        */
-		void HandleApplicationSpecificEventL(TInt aEventType, const TWsEvent& aWsEvent);
-    private:
-        TUint32 iRequestedAp;
-        TBool iCalledFromAnotherApp;
-        TBool iIsForeground;
-        TUid iViewToBeActivatedIfNeeded;
-        TUid iViewToReturnOnClose;
-        TUid iLastViewId;
-        TBool iSecureSiteVisited;
-        CWmlBrowserBmOTABinSender* iSender;
-        CConnectionStageNotifierWCB* iConnStageNotifier;
-        CIdle* iIdle;   // at construction phase
-        CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
-        TBool   iExitInProgress;
-        RSocketServ iSockServSess;
-        TBool iShutdownRequested;
-		TBool iHTTPSecurityIndicatorSupressed;
-		CRecentUrlStore* iRecentUrlStore;
-		TInt iParametrizedLaunchInProgress;  //ETrue when launch with parameters is in idling
-        TBool iExitFromEmbeddedMode;
-        // Flag to indicate that real downloading is
-        // going on ( we are not loading from cache )
-        TBool iShowProgress;
-        TBool iLongZeroPressed;
-        TBool iStartedUp;
-        TBool iFeatureManager;
-        TBool iUserExit;
-		TBool iPgNotFound;
-        TBool iSuppressAlwaysAsk;
-        TBool iFlashPresent;
-        TBool iSpecialSchemeinAddress;
-        RFavouritesSession iFavouritesSess;
-        // The Uid of the embedding application.
-        TUid iEmbeddingApplicationUid;
-		TUid iPreviousView;
-		TUid iCurrentView;		
-		// Uid for tracking what view the last CBA update was made under,
-		// used to avoid extraneous updates
-		TUid iLastCBAUpdateView;		
-        // Observing changes in PushMtm
-        CBrowserPushMtmObserver* iPushMtmObserver; // owned
-		// Record browser launch's overridden context id
-		TUint iOverriddenLaunchContextId;
-		TBool iBrowserAlreadyRunning; 
-        CPeriodic *iRetryConnectivity;
-        TBool reConnectivityFlag;
-        CIAUpdate* iUpdate;  
-        CIAUpdateParameters* iParameters; 
-        RFs iFs;
-        CIdle* iDelayedUpdate;
-        TBool iSameWinApp;
-        TInt iWindowIdFromFromExternApp;
-	protected:
-		CBrowserCommsModel* iCommsModel;
-        CBrowserPreferences* iPreferences;
-        MConnection* iConnection;
-		CBrowserDialogsProvider* iDialogsProvider;
-        mutable CBrowserPopupEngine* iPopupEngine;
-        CBrowserLauncherService* iBrowserLauncherService; // Not owned
-        CActiveSchedulerWait iLauncherServiceWait;
-		TBool iClientWantsToContinue;
-		TBool iWasContentHandled;
-        RArray<TUint>* iZoomLevelArray;
-        TUint iCurrentZoomLevelIndex;
-        TUint iCurrentZoomLevel;
-        CBrowserWindowManager* iWindowManager;
-		CIdle* iLateSendUi;
-		CBrowserBookmarksView* iBookmarksView; // not owned
-#ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
-		CFeedsClientUtilities* iFeedsClientUtilities;
-#endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
-    };
-// End of File