changeset 0 84ad3b177aa3
child 35 5c11946e75b3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pushmtm/MtmUiInc/PushMtmUi.h	Mon Mar 30 12:49:49 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Ui Mtm class declaration
+#ifndef PUSHMTMUI_H
+#define PUSHMTMUI_H
+#include <mtmuibas.h>
+* UI MTM for pushed messages.
+class CPushMtmUi: public CBaseMtmUi
+    {
+    public:     // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor (exported factory function).
+        * Leaves on failure.
+        * @param aBaseMtm The client MTM.
+        * @param aRegisteredMtmDll Registration data for the MTM DLL.
+        * @return The constructed UI.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static CPushMtmUi* NewL
+            ( CBaseMtm& aBaseMtm, CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CPushMtmUi();
+    private:  // Constructors 
+        /**
+        * Constructor.
+        * @param aBaseMtm The client MTM.
+        * @param aRegisteredMtmDll Registration data for the MTM DLL.
+        * @return The constructed UI.
+        */
+        CPushMtmUi( CBaseMtm& aBaseMtm, CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll );
+    private:  // New functions
+        /**
+        * Utility to set a TMsvLocalOperationProgress completed.
+        * @param aProgress Progress package buffer to set.
+        * @param aId Id to set in the buffer.
+        */
+        void SetProgressSuccess
+            ( TPckgBuf<TMsvLocalOperationProgress>& aProgress, TMsvId aId );
+        /**
+        * Create a CMsvCompletedOperation object.
+        * @param aObserverStatus Observer's status.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* CompletedOperationL( TRequestStatus& aObserverStatus );
+        /**
+        * Ensure that a service entry exists with which the settings can be 
+        * reached from a messaging application. It creates a service entry 
+        * if necessary.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void EnsureServiceEntryL() const;
+    private:  // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * Unsupported, leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aEntry (Unused) The data to be copied into the new entry.
+        * @param aParent (Unused) The parent of the new entry.
+        * @param aStatus (Unused) Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* CreateL(
+            const TMsvEntry& aEntry,
+            CMsvEntry& aParent,
+            TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+		// --------------------------------------------------
+        // --- Functions dependent on the current context ---
+		// --------------------------------------------------
+        /**
+        * Open the current context. If it is a KUidMsvMessageEntry then it is 
+        * equivalent to ViewL. If it is a KUidMsvServiceEntry then it is 
+        * equivalent to EditL. Otherwise it leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* OpenL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Close the current context. It does nothing just returns a completed 
+        * operation.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* CloseL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Edit the current context. For KUidMsvServiceEntry it executes the 
+        * "Service Settings" dialog. It returns a completed operation. For 
+        * other entry types it leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* EditL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * View the current context. Only for KUidMsvMessageEntry. It launches the 
+        * Push Viewer application embedded for SI and it lauches the viewer 
+        * application embedded for SP. For other entry types it leaves 
+        * with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* ViewL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+		// --------------------------------------------------
+        // -- Functions independent on the current context --
+		// --------------------------------------------------
+        // --- Actions upon message selections ---
+        // Selections must be in same folder and all of the correct MTM type.
+        // Context may change after calling these functions.
+        /**
+        * This function is supported only for one selected entry. If the selection 
+        * contains more than one entry then it leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @param aSelection Entry selection to operate on.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* OpenL
+            ( TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+        /**
+        * This function is supported only for one selected entry. If the selection 
+        * contains more than one entry then it leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * Close the first entry from the selection. It does nothing however.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @param aSelection Entry selection to operate on.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* CloseL
+            ( TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+        /**
+        * This function is supported only for one selected entry. If the selection 
+        * contains more than one entry then it leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * Edit the first selected entry.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @param aSelection Entry selection to operate on.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* EditL
+            ( TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+        /**
+        * This function is supported only for one selected entry. If the selection 
+        * contains more than one entry then it leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * View the first entry from the selection.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @param aSelection Entry selection to operate on.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* ViewL
+            ( TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+        /**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @param aSelection Entry selection to operate on.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* CancelL
+            ( TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+        // --- Deletion ---
+        /**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aSelection Entry selection to operate on.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* DeleteFromL
+            ( const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+		/**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aSelection (Unused) Entry selection to operate on. They must
+        * be children of the current context.
+        * @param aStatus (Unused) Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* UnDeleteFromL
+            ( const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /* *
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param (Unused) aService Service to delete.
+        * @param (Unused) aStatus Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* DeleteServiceL
+            ( const TMsvEntry& aService, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        // --- Message responding ---
+        /**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aDestination (Unused) The entry to which to assign the reply.
+        * @param aPartList (Unused) Parts to be contained in the reply.
+        * @param aStatus (Unused) Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* ReplyL(
+            TMsvId aDestination,
+            TMsvPartList aPartlist,
+            TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus );
+        /**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aDestination (Unused) The entry to which to assign the
+        * forwarded message.
+        * @param aPartList (Unused) Parts to be contained in the forwarded
+        * message.
+        * @param aStatus (Unused) Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* ForwardL(
+            TMsvId aDestination,
+            TMsvPartList aPartList,
+            TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus );
+        // --- Copy and move functions ---
+        // Context should be set to folder or entry of this MTM.
+        /**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aSelection (Unused) Entry selection to operate on. They all
+        * must have the same parent.
+        * @param aStatus (Unused) Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* CopyToL
+            ( const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /* *
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aSelection (Unused) Entry selection to operate on. They all
+        * must have the same parent.
+        * @param aStatus (Unused) Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* MoveToL
+            ( const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aSelection (Unused) Entry selection to operate on. They all
+        * must have the same parent.
+        * @param aTargetId (Unused) The ID of the entry to own the copies.
+        * @param aStatus (Unused) Completion status.
+        * @return (NULL) The operation object.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* CopyFromL(
+            const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+            TMsvId aTargetId,
+            TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * It does nothing just leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+        * @param aSelection Entry selection to operate on. They all
+        * must have the same parent.
+        * @param aTargetId The ID of the entry to move to.
+        * @param aStatus Completion status.
+        * @return The operation object.
+        */
+		CMsvOperation* MoveFromL(
+            const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+            TMsvId aTargetId,
+            TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Query if the MTM supports a particular (standard) capability.
+        * This feunction is also called by CPushMtmClient::QueryCapability.
+        * @param aCapability UID of capability to be queried.
+        * @param aResponse Response value.
+        * @return
+        * - KErrNone: aCapability is a recognized value
+        *   and a response is returned.
+        * - KErrNotSupported: aCapability is not a recognized value.
+        */
+        TInt QueryCapability( TUid aCapability, TInt& aResponse );
+        /**
+        * Invoke synchronous operation.
+        * Only KMtmUiMessagingInitialisation and 
+        * KMtmUiFunctionRestoreFactorySettings are supported.
+        * It will leave with KErrNotSupported otherwise.
+        * @param aFunctionId ID of the requested operation.
+        * @param aSelection Selection of message entries to operate on.
+        * @param aParameter Buffer containing input and output parameters.
+        * @return None.
+        * @throw KErrNotSupported The selected function is not supported.
+        */
+        void InvokeSyncFunctionL(
+            TInt aFunctionId,
+            const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+            TDes8& aParameter );
+		/**
+        * Invoke asynchronous operation.
+        * Supported operations:
+        * - KMtmUiFunctionMessageInfo  Launch message info dialog.
+        * - EPushMtmCmdLoadService     Handle the URL in SI (or SL).
+        * - EPushMtmCmdViewService     Render the content of the SP.
+        * - otherwise it calls CBaseMtmUi::InvokeAsyncFunctionL
+        * @param aFunctionId ID of the requested operation.
+        * @param aSelection Selection of message entries to operate on.
+        * @param aCompletionStatus Completion status.
+        * @param aParameter Buffer containing input and output parameters.
+        * @return
+        * - If successful, an asynchronously completing operation.
+        * - If failed, a completed operation, with status set to the
+        *   relevant error code.
+        * @throw KErrNotSupported The selected function is not supported.
+        */
+        CMsvOperation* InvokeAsyncFunctionL(
+            TInt aFunctionId,
+            const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+            TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus,
+            TDes8& aParameter );
+        /**
+        * Get the resource file name for this MTM UI.
+        */
+        void GetResourceFileName( TFileName& aFileName ) const;
+    };
+#endif // PUSHMTMUI_H
+// End of File