changeset 48 8e6fa1719340
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/browserui/browser/BrowserAppSrc/BrowserSpecialLoadObserver.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:31:04 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Handle special load events such as network connection,
+*                deal with non-http or non-html requests
+#include <browser_platform_variant.hrh>
+#include "BrowserContentView.h"  // not used, to be removed
+#include "BrowserSpecialLoadObserver.h"
+#include "BrowserLoadObserver.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "BrowserAppDocument.h"
+#include "ApiProvider.h"
+#include "Preferences.h"
+#include "BrowserUIVariant.hrh"
+#include "Display.h"
+#include "BrowserAppUi.h"
+#include "BrowserWindow.h"
+#include "BrowserWindowManager.h"
+#include "CommonConstants.h"
+#ifdef __WINS__
+    #include <commdb.h>
+    #include <aknselectionlist.h>
+    #include <AknLists.h>
+#endif // __WINS__
+#include <DocumentHandler.h>
+#include <mconnection.h>  // for MConnection
+#include <schemehandler.h>
+#include <BrowserNG.rsg>
+#include <FeatMgr.h>
+#include <AiwGenericParam.h>
+#include <aknnavi.h>
+const TInt KMaxDocHandlerUrlLen = 255;
+#include <CmApplicationSettingsUi.h>
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::NewL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver* CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::NewL(
+        MApiProvider& aApiProvider,
+        CBrowserWindow* aWindow,
+        CEikDocument* aDocument,
+        CBrowserContentView* aContentView )
+    {
+    CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver* self = 
+        new (ELeave) CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver(
+            aApiProvider, aWindow, aDocument, aContentView );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( );
+    CleanupStack::Pop();  // self
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::~CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    delete iSchemeHandler;
+    delete iDocHandler;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+        MApiProvider& aApiProvider,
+        CBrowserWindow* aWindow,
+        CEikDocument* aDocument,
+        CBrowserContentView* aContentView ) : 
+    iApiProvider( &aApiProvider ),
+    iWindow( aWindow ),
+    iDocument( aDocument ),
+    iSchemeHandler( NULL ),
+    iContentView( aContentView ),
+    iSchemeProcessing( EFalse ),
+    iLongZeroStartup( EFalse ),
+    iConnectionStarted( EFalse )
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::ConstructL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::ConstructL()
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::NetworkConnectionNeededL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::NetworkConnectionNeededL(
+        TInt* aConnectionPtr,
+        TInt* aSockSvrHandle,
+        TBool* aNewConn,
+        TApBearerType* aBearerType )
+    {
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aConnectionPtr != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aSockSvrHandle != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aNewConn != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aBearerType != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+	TBool retryFlag = CBrowserAppUi::Static()->GetRetryFlag();
+	if( retryFlag )
+	    {
+	    BROWSER_LOG((_L("Retry is in progress")));
+	    return;
+	    }
+    iApiProvider->SetProgressShown( ETrue );
+    TBool query( EFalse );
+    if( iApiProvider->Connection().Connected() )
+        {
+        TInt a( iWindow->WindowId() );
+		BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "already connected, WindowId: %d" ), a ) );
+        *aConnectionPtr = (TInt) &iApiProvider->Connection().Connection();
+        *aSockSvrHandle = iApiProvider->Connection().SocketServer().Handle();
+        *aNewConn = EFalse;
+        *aBearerType = iApiProvider->Connection().CurrentBearerTypeL();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+		BROWSER_LOG((_L("not connected.")));
+        *aNewConn = ETrue;
+        TBool isValid( EFalse );
+        TUint32 ap( 0 );
+        TInt err( KErrNone );
+		BROWSER_LOG((_L("AP selectionMode: %d."),
+    	iApiProvider->Preferences().AccessPointSelectionMode() ));
+       //determine the type of connection
+        switch (iApiProvider->Preferences().AccessPointSelectionMode() )
+        	{
+        	case EAlwaysAsk:
+        		{
+	            BROWSER_LOG((_L("always ask.")));
+	            // Always ask
+	            isValid = ETrue;
+	        	break;	
+        		}
+        	case EDestination:
+        		{
+                isValid = ETrue;  // force to show LAN connection dialog
+#ifdef __WINS__
+                query = ETrue;  // disable connection query dialog
+#endif  // __WINS__
+                // for bug fix MLAN-7EKFV4, if bookmark has defined its AP, use it
+                if ( iApiProvider->RequestedAp() != KWmlNoDefaultAccessPoint )
+                    {
+                    #ifndef __WINS__
+                                        ap = Util::IapIdFromWapIdL(
+                                            *iApiProvider, iApiProvider->RequestedAp() );
+				                        BROWSER_LOG((_L("ap: %d"), ap));
+                    #else  // __WINS__
+                                        // On WINS no need to convert the AP ID
+                                        ap = iApiProvider->RequestedAp();
+                    #endif // __WINS__
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetRequestedAP( ap );
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetConnectionType( EConnectionMethod );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    TUint32 snapId = iApiProvider->Preferences().DefaultSnapId();
+                    //connection type is destination nw 
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetConnectionType( EDestination );
+                    //set snap id
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetRequestedSnap( snapId );        		        		
+                    }
+                break;	
+        		}
+        	case EConnectionMethod:
+        		{
+        		BROWSER_LOG((_L("user defined.")));
+                // User defined
+                TRAP( err, isValid = Util::CheckApValidityL( *iApiProvider, 
+                    iApiProvider->RequestedAp() ));
+			    BROWSER_LOG((_L("isValid 1: %d"), isValid));
+			    BROWSER_LOG((_L("err: %d"), err));
+                if( isValid )
+                    {  // valid AP, get it
+#ifndef __WINS__
+                    ap = Util::IapIdFromWapIdL(
+                        *iApiProvider, iApiProvider->RequestedAp() );
+				    BROWSER_LOG((_L("ap: %d"), ap));
+#else  // __WINS__
+                    // On WINS no need to convert the AP ID
+                    ap = iApiProvider->RequestedAp();
+#endif // __WINS__
+                    }
+                else if( err == KErrNone )
+                    {  // still try to get AP
+                    TUint apUid = iApiProvider->Preferences().DefaultAccessPoint();
+				    BROWSER_LOG((_L("apUid: %d"), apUid));
+                    if ( apUid == KWmlNoDefaultAccessPoint )
+                        {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+                        query = ETrue;  // disable connection query dialog
+                        isValid = ETrue;  // force to show LAN connection dialog
+#else  // __WINS__
+						BROWSER_LOG((_L("StartPrefView.")));
+                        //  there are no AP, show preferences view without always ask
+                        isValid  = iApiProvider->StartPreferencesViewL( EShowDestinations | EShowConnectionMethods );
+                        if( isValid )
+                            {
+                            if( iApiProvider->Preferences().AccessPointSelectionMode() == EConnectionMethod )
+                                {
+                       		    ap = iApiProvider->Preferences().DefaultAccessPoint();
+                                }
+                            // else if EDestination, user choosed SNAP in preference view
+                            }
+#endif  // __WINS__
+                        }
+                    }
+                //set connection type and AP or SNAP Id                     
+                if( iApiProvider->Preferences().AccessPointSelectionMode() == EDestination )
+                    {
+                    TUint32 snapId = iApiProvider->Preferences().DefaultSnapId();
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetConnectionType( EDestination );
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetRequestedSnap( snapId );        		        		
+                    }
+                else // EConnectionMethod
+                    {
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetRequestedAP( ap );
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetConnectionType( EConnectionMethod );
+                    }
+        		break;	
+        		}
+        	default:
+        		{
+        		BROWSER_LOG((_L("wrong type of connection")));	
+        		}
+        	} //switch
+		BROWSER_LOG((_L("isValid 2: %d"), isValid));
+        if( isValid )
+            {
+            iConnectionCancelled = EFalse;
+            if( !iApiProvider->Connection().Connected() )
+                {
+                iApiProvider->Connection().SetRequestedAP( ap );
+                TBool startPage = iWindow->LoadObserver().LoadUrlType() == 
+                                    CBrowserLoadObserver::ELoadUrlTypeStartPage;
+                TBool noConnDlgs = !iApiProvider->Preferences().ShowConnectionDialogs();
+                // Disable connection dialogs if...
+                TBool disableConnDlgs = 
+                        query ||
+                        startPage ||    // ...the load type is StartPage
+                        noConnDlgs ||   // ...connection dialogs setting = OFF
+                        LongZeroStartup();  // ...Browser started with long zero keypress
+                SetLongZeroStartup( EFalse );
+				BROWSER_LOG((_L("StartConnection params, query: %d, temp: %d"), query, disableConnDlgs));
+                iConnectionStarted = ETrue; // is true when connection request submited.
+#ifndef __WINS__
+                TUint32 bookmarkIap( 0 );
+                //If bookmark has defined its AP, use it
+                if ( iApiProvider->RequestedAp() != KWmlNoDefaultAccessPoint )
+                    {
+                    bookmarkIap = Util::IapIdFromWapIdL( *iApiProvider, iApiProvider->RequestedAp() );
+                    BROWSER_LOG((_L("Bookmark Iap: %d"), bookmarkIap));
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetRequestedAP( bookmarkIap );
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetConnectionType( EConnectionMethod );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    iApiProvider->Connection().SetRequestedAP( bookmarkIap );
+                    BROWSER_LOG((_L("Setting Bookmark Iap: %d"), bookmarkIap));
+                    }
+                // might leave, don't TRAP. OK.
+                err = iApiProvider->Connection().StartConnectionL( disableConnDlgs );
+                iConnectionStarted = EFalse; // is false when connection response completed.
+                }
+            // during StartConnectionL user pressing "Stop" can cancel
+            if (iConnectionCancelled)
+                {
+                err = KErrCancel;
+                }
+            BROWSER_LOG((_L("err after StartConnection: %d"), err));
+            if( err == KErrNone )
+                {
+                *aConnectionPtr = (TInt) &iApiProvider->Connection().Connection();
+                *aSockSvrHandle = iApiProvider->Connection().SocketServer().Handle();
+                *aBearerType = iApiProvider->Connection().CurrentBearerTypeL();
+                }
+            CBrowserAppUi::Static()->ConnNeededStatusL( err );
+            if (( err == KErrCancel ) && !iApiProvider->IsPageLoaded())
+                {                
+	          	// Close Browser's Content View window if connection setup is cancelled to avoid a blank white screen
+                //  ** Don't do this is page was previously loaded and is visible to user.
+				// ALSO, if feeds are enabled, don't close the window if coming from feeds folder view
+				// or in topic or feed views
+				// *** Changing back to CloseContentView as a part of the new Browser exit functionality				   
+#ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
+ 				TUid previousViewID = iApiProvider->LastActiveViewId();
+                if( (previousViewID != KUidBrowserFeedsFolderViewId) &&
+                	(previousViewID != KUidBrowserFeedsTopicViewId) &&
+                	(previousViewID != KUidBrowserFeedsFeedViewId) )
+                	{
+                	iApiProvider->Display().NaviPaneL()->Pop();
+        	        CBrowserAppUi::Static()->CloseContentViewL();
+                	}
+#else //__RSS_FEEDS           
+                CBrowserAppUi::Static()->CloseContentViewL();
+#endif //__RSS_FEEDS
+                }
+            else if( err == KErrGeneral )
+                {
+                if( !iApiProvider->Preferences().HttpSecurityWarningsStatSupressed() )
+                    {
+                    iWindow->Display().UpdateSecureIndicatorL(
+                        EAknIndicatorStateOff );
+                    }
+                }
+            // user might cancel, pass result to BrowserEngine
+            User::LeaveIfError( err );
+            iApiProvider->Display().StartProgressAnimationL();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            User::LeaveIfError( err );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::DoHandleRequestL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::DoHandleRequestL
+    ( RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray )
+    {
+    LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleRequestL");
+    if( !iSchemeProcessing )
+        {
+        iSchemeProcessing = ETrue;
+        TBool paramFound( EFalse );
+        TPtrC requestUrl = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+            EParamRequestUrl, 
+            aTypeArray,
+            aDesArray, 
+            paramFound );
+        __ASSERT_DEBUG( paramFound, Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamRequestUrl: %S" ), &requestUrl ) );
+        // pass to the CSchemaHandler             
+        CSchemeHandler* newSH = CSchemeHandler::NewL( requestUrl );
+        delete iSchemeHandler;
+        iSchemeHandler = newSH;
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " iSchemeHandler OK" ) ) );
+        // construct the current accesspoint
+        // if it's connected, always add it 
+        if ( iApiProvider->Connection().Connected() )
+            {
+            CAiwGenericParamList* paramsList = CAiwGenericParamList::NewL();
+            CleanupStack::PushL(paramsList);
+        	TInt32 ap = iApiProvider->Connection().CurrentAPId(); 
+        	TAiwVariant paramVariant (ap);
+        	TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamAccessPoint, paramVariant );
+        	paramsList->AppendL (genericParam );
+		    // set the parameter
+     	    iSchemeHandler->SetParameterList( paramsList );
+         	CleanupStack::Pop();
+            }
+        iSchemeHandler->Observer( this );
+        iSchemeHandler->HandleUrlEmbeddedL();
+        }
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleRequestL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleRequestL
+    ( RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray )
+    {
+    TBool ret( ETrue );
+    TRAPD( err, DoHandleRequestL( aTypeArray, aDesArray ) );
+    if( KErrNone != err )
+        {
+        iSchemeProcessing = EFalse;
+        User::Leave( err );
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleDownloadL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleDownloadL
+    ( RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray )
+    {
+    LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleDownloadL");
+    TBool downloadHandled = EFalse;
+#ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
+	// Check to see if this is content to be handled by UI (rss or opml)
+	//
+    if (HandleUiContentL(aTypeArray, aDesArray))
+    	{
+    	return ETrue;
+    	}
+#endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
+    CBrowserAppDocument* appDoc = STATIC_CAST( CBrowserAppDocument*, iDocument );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( (appDoc != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+    if ( appDoc->IsContentHandlerRegistered() )
+        {
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( "Calling file handler." ) ) );
+        TBool paramFound( EFalse );
+        TPtrC fileName = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+                            EParamLocalFileName, 
+                            aTypeArray,
+                            aDesArray, 
+                            paramFound );
+        __ASSERT_DEBUG( paramFound, Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+        if ( fileName.Length() == 0 )
+            {
+            // May be a Rights Object download - 
+            // no downloaded file, nothing to open/handle/pass to BrowserLauncher client.
+            BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " Empty fileName" ) ) );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            CAiwGenericParamList* genericParamList = 
+                BrCtlParamList2GenericParamListL( aTypeArray, aDesArray );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( genericParamList );
+            // Forward the file to the registered handler.
+            TBool continueBrowsing( EFalse );
+            downloadHandled = CBrowserAppUi::Static()->HandleContentL
+                             ( fileName, *genericParamList, continueBrowsing );
+            BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " downloadHandled: %d, continueBrowsing: %d" ),
+                downloadHandled, continueBrowsing ) );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( genericParamList ); // genericParamList
+            if ( downloadHandled )
+                {
+                // We can delete the file now.
+                RFs fs;
+                User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
+                CleanupClosePushL( fs );
+                fs.Delete( fileName ); // Return value is ignored.
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fs ); // fs
+                }
+            if ( !continueBrowsing )
+                {
+                iApiProvider->SetExitFromEmbeddedMode( ETrue );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // No handler registered.
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " No handler registered." ) ) );
+        }
+    // If the download (file) was not handled, 
+    //   the BrowserUI handles it with Document Handler.
+    if ( !downloadHandled )
+        {
+        // This content must be handled by BrowserUI - Browser Control cannot handle it.
+        OpenFileEmbeddedL( aTypeArray, aDesArray );
+        downloadHandled = ETrue;
+        }
+    BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " downloadHandled: [%d]" ), (TInt)downloadHandled ) );
+    return downloadHandled;
+    }
+#ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleUiContentL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleUiContentL( 
+                         RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, 
+                         CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray ) const
+    {
+    TDataType dataType;
+    TBool contentTypeFound( EFalse );
+    TBool urlFound( EFalse );
+    TBool fileFound( EFalse );
+    TBool result( EFalse );
+    TPtrC receivedContentType = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+        EParamReceivedContentType, 
+        aTypeArray,
+        aDesArray, 
+        contentTypeFound );
+    TPtrC url = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+        EParamRequestUrl, 
+        aTypeArray,
+        aDesArray, 
+        urlFound );
+    TPtrC fileName = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+    	EParamLocalFileName, 
+        aTypeArray,
+        aDesArray, 
+        fileFound );
+    // Compare returns 0 if the strings are the same
+    if ((receivedContentType.Compare(KMimeTypeAppXML) == 0) || 
+          (receivedContentType.Compare(KMimeTypeTextXML) == 0) ||
+          (receivedContentType.Compare(KMimeTypeRSS) == 0) ||
+          (receivedContentType.Compare(KMimeTypeAtom) == 0) ||
+          (receivedContentType.Compare(KMimeTypeRDF) == 0) ||
+          (receivedContentType.Compare(KOPMLMimeType) == 0) ||
+          //++PK added check for Text/xml content-type, only T is in caps, should make string check case insensitive
+          (receivedContentType.Compare(KMimeTypeCapsTextXML) == 0)
+          //++PK
+          )
+    	{
+    	if (fileFound)
+    		{
+    		RFs             rfs;
+    		RFile           rfile;
+    		// Open the file.
+    		User::LeaveIfError(rfs.Connect());
+    		CleanupClosePushL(rfs);
+			TInt fileResult( rfile.Open( rfs, fileName, EFileRead ) );
+    		// file open doesn't succeeded
+    		User::LeaveIfError( fileResult );
+    		if( fileResult == KErrNone )
+        		{
+        		CleanupClosePushL( rfile );
+    			TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength> dataTypeDes;
+                TBool   deleteOpml = EFalse;
+    			if(CBrowserAppUi::Static()->RecognizeUiFileL(rfile, dataTypeDes))
+    				{
+					TFileName fileNameBuf = TFileName(fileName);
+					TFileName truncFileName;
+					User::LeaveIfError( rfile.Name(truncFileName) );    				
+    				// Confirm with user that we want to handle it
+    				if(CBrowserAppUi::Static()->ConfirmUiHandlingL(truncFileName, dataTypeDes))
+    					{  					
+						// Have AppUI decide what to do with it, what view, etc.
+    					CBrowserAppUi::Static()->HandleUiDownloadL(fileNameBuf, dataTypeDes);
+    					}
+                    else
+                        {
+                        deleteOpml = ETrue;
+                        }
+    				result = ETrue;
+       				}
+                // delete the downloaded file if it is not handled
+                if(deleteOpml && (dataTypeDes.Compare(KOPMLMimeType) == 0 ))
+                    {
+                    rfs.Delete(fileName);
+                    }       			
+        		}
+    	    // If open file was handled, skip sending to feeds engine
+    	    // otherwise, pass it on
+    	    if(!result)
+    		   {
+    		   TInt fileSize;
+    		   // Read the file from the beginning into a buffer
+    		   User::LeaveIfError(rfile.Size(fileSize));
+    		   HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(fileSize);
+    		   TPtr8 bufferPtr(buffer->Des());
+    		   TInt startPos = 0;
+    		   User::LeaveIfError(rfile.Read(startPos, bufferPtr, fileSize));
+    		   _LIT8( searchTag1, "<feed" ); //Atom 1.0 Feed
+    		   _LIT8( searchTag2, "<rdf" );  //RSS 1.0 Feed
+    		   _LIT8( searchTag3, "<rss" );  //RSS 2.0 Feed
+    		   if( ( bufferPtr.FindF( searchTag1 ) != KErrNotFound ) || (bufferPtr.FindF( searchTag2 ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
+    		       (bufferPtr.FindF( searchTag3 ) != KErrNotFound ) )
+    		       {    
+    		        // Launch the Feeds Engine only when xml file contain atleast one of the above mentioned feeds tag 
+			        iContentView->HandleSubscribeToWithUrlL(url);
+			       }
+    		   else
+    		      {
+    		       //Delete the file, if it is not fwd to Feeds Engine, As displaying of xml files is not supported.  
+    		       rfs.Delete(fileName);
+    		      }
+    		   result = ETrue;  
+    		   CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //buffer
+    		   }
+    	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //rfile
+    	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //rfs
+    		}
+    	}
+    return result;
+    }
+#endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::BrCtlParamList2GenericParamListL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CAiwGenericParamList* CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::BrCtlParamList2GenericParamListL( 
+                         RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, 
+                         CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray ) const
+    {
+    LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::BrCtlParamList2GenericParamListL");
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aTypeArray != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aDesArray != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+    //Creating generic param list
+    CAiwGenericParamList* genericParamList = CAiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+    for( TInt j = 0; j < aTypeArray->Count(); j++ )
+        {
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " iter: %d" ), j ) );
+        TBool paramFound( EFalse );
+        const TUint paramType = (*aTypeArray)[j];
+        TPtrC param = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+                                 paramType, 
+                                 aTypeArray,
+                                 aDesArray, 
+                                 paramFound );
+        __ASSERT_DEBUG( paramFound, Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " Type:  %d, Value: %S" ), paramType, &param ) );
+        switch( paramType )
+            {
+            case EParamRequestUrl:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamRequestUrl" ) ) );
+                // limit url to 255 char's or DocHandler panics!
+                TAiwVariant paramVariant( param.Left( KMaxDocHandlerUrlLen ) );
+                TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamURL, 
+                                               paramVariant );
+                genericParamList->AppendL( genericParam );
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamRealm:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamRealm" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamUsername:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamUsername" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamPassword:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamPassword" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamProxyUsername:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamProxyUsername" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamProxyPassword:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamProxyPassword" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamRawRequestHeader:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamRawRequestHeader" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamReceivedContentType:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamReceivedContentType" ) ) );
+                // The expected content type should override the response header's
+                // content type => don't use EParamReceivedContentType if 
+                // EParamExpectedContentType is set!
+                TBool expectedContentTypeFound( EFalse );
+                ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+                                                 EParamExpectedContentType, 
+                                                 aTypeArray,
+                                                 aDesArray, 
+                                                 expectedContentTypeFound );
+                if ( !expectedContentTypeFound )
+                    {
+                    // Using EParamReceivedContentType
+                    BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamExpectedContentType not found" ) ) );
+                    TAiwVariant paramVariant( param );
+                    TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamMIMEType, 
+                                                   paramVariant );
+                    genericParamList->AppendL( genericParam );
+                    }
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamExpectedContentType:
+                {
+                // Overrides EParamReceivedContentType!
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamExpectedContentType" ) ) );
+                TAiwVariant paramVariant( param );
+                TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamMIMEType, 
+                                               paramVariant );
+                genericParamList->AppendL( genericParam );
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamTotalContentLength:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamTotalContentLength" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamReceivedContent:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamReceivedContent" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamRawResponseHeader:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamRawResponseHeader" ) ) );
+                // No corresponding generic param!
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamLocalFileName:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamLocalFileName" ) ) );
+                TAiwVariant paramVariant( param );
+                TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamFile, 
+                                               paramVariant );
+                genericParamList->AppendL( genericParam );
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamCharset:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamCharset" ) ) );
+                TAiwVariant paramVariant( param );
+                TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamCharSet, 
+                                               paramVariant );
+                genericParamList->AppendL( genericParam );
+                break;
+                }
+            case EParamRefererHeader:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " EParamRefererHeader" ) ) );
+                TAiwVariant paramVariant( param );
+                TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamReferringURI, 
+                                               paramVariant );
+                genericParamList->AppendL( genericParam );
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " Unexpected argument" ) ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // Always add the access point, if currently connected
+    if( iApiProvider->Connection().Connected() )
+        {
+        TInt32 ap = iApiProvider->Connection().CurrentAPId();
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " IAP: %d" ), ap ) );
+        TAiwVariant paramVariant( ap );
+        TAiwGenericParam genericParam( EGenericParamAccessPoint, 
+                                       paramVariant );
+        genericParamList->AppendL( genericParam );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::Pop( genericParamList ); // genericParamList
+    return genericParamList;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::ExtractBrCtlParam()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TPtrC CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::ExtractBrCtlParam
+    ( TUint aParamTypeToFind,
+      RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, 
+      CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray, 
+      TBool& aParamFound ) const
+    {
+    LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::ExtractBrCtlParam");
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aTypeArray != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aDesArray != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+    // initialize output parameter
+    aParamFound = EFalse;
+    TPtrC16 retParamValue;
+    for( TInt j = 0; j < aTypeArray->Count(); j++ )
+        {
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " iter: %d" ), j ) );
+        const TUint paramType = (*aTypeArray)[j];
+        if ( aParamTypeToFind == paramType )
+            {
+            // That's we need
+            retParamValue.Set( aDesArray->MdcaPoint(j) );
+            aParamFound = ETrue; // Indicate it in the out param
+            BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " Type:  %d, Value: %S" ), paramType, &retParamValue ) );
+            break; // break the loop - we found it
+            }
+        }
+    return retParamValue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::IsSelfDownloadContentTypeL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::IsSelfDownloadContentTypeL
+    ( RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, 
+      CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray ) const
+    {
+    LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::IsSelfDownloadContentTypeL");
+    TBool isSelfDownloadContentType = EFalse;
+    // First get the download's content type (mime type)
+    TBool paramFound( EFalse );
+    TPtrC contentType = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+                        EParamReceivedContentType, 
+                        aTypeArray,
+                        aDesArray, 
+                        paramFound );
+    if ( !paramFound )
+        {
+        isSelfDownloadContentType = EFalse;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " contentType: [%S]" ), &contentType ) );
+        // Then check, if it is in SelfDownloadContentTypes
+        TInt cTLength = contentType.Length();
+        TPtrC selfDownloadCTs = iApiProvider->Preferences().SelfDownloadContentTypesL();
+        TInt idx = KErrNotFound;
+        idx = selfDownloadCTs.FindF( contentType );
+        const TChar KBrowserSpecLoadObsSemicolon = ';';
+        while( idx != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            // check for ';' on the left KSemicolon
+            if ( idx == 0 || selfDownloadCTs[ idx - 1 ] == KBrowserSpecLoadObsSemicolon )
+                {
+                // check for ';' on the right
+                idx += cTLength;
+                if ( idx == selfDownloadCTs.Length() || selfDownloadCTs[ idx ] == KBrowserSpecLoadObsSemicolon )
+                    {
+                    isSelfDownloadContentType = ETrue;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }
+            selfDownloadCTs.Set( selfDownloadCTs.Mid( idx ) );
+            idx = selfDownloadCTs.FindF( contentType );
+            }
+        }
+    BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " isSelfDownloadContentType: %d" ), isSelfDownloadContentType ) );
+    return isSelfDownloadContentType;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::OpenFileEmbeddedL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::OpenFileEmbeddedL
+    ( RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, 
+      CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray )
+    {
+    LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::OpenFileEmbeddedL");
+    CDocumentHandler* newDocHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewL();
+    delete iDocHandler;
+    iDocHandler = newDocHandler;
+    iDocHandler->SetExitObserver( this );
+    TBool paramFound( EFalse );
+    TPtrC fileName = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+                        EParamLocalFileName, 
+                        aTypeArray,
+                        aDesArray, 
+                        paramFound );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( paramFound, Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ) );
+    TPtrC contentType = ExtractBrCtlParam( 
+                        EParamReceivedContentType, 
+                        aTypeArray,
+                        aDesArray, 
+                        paramFound );
+    HBufC8* contentType8 = 0;
+    if ( !paramFound )
+        {
+        contentType8 = KNullDesC8().AllocLC();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " contentType: [%S]" ), &contentType ) );
+        contentType8 = HBufC8::NewLC( contentType.Length() );
+        // 16 bit buffer copied into 8 bit buffer.
+        contentType8->Des().Copy( contentType );
+        }
+    TDataType dataType( *contentType8 );
+    CAiwGenericParamList* genericParamList = 
+        BrCtlParamList2GenericParamListL( aTypeArray, aDesArray );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( genericParamList );
+    // File is not yet saved to target folder.
+    TBool allowSave( ETrue );
+    TAiwVariant allowSaveVariant( allowSave );
+    TAiwGenericParam genericParamAllowSave
+                     ( EGenericParamAllowSave, allowSaveVariant );
+    genericParamList->AppendL( genericParamAllowSave );
+    // Set EGenericParamAllowMove - we encourage handlers to apply 
+    // move instead of copy for the file.
+    TBool allowMove( ETrue );
+    TAiwVariant allowMoveVariant( allowMove );
+    TAiwGenericParam genericParamAllowMove
+                     ( EGenericParamAllowMove, allowMoveVariant );
+    genericParamList->AppendL( genericParamAllowMove );
+    RFile tempFile; 
+    iDocHandler->OpenTempFileL( fileName, tempFile );
+    CleanupClosePushL( tempFile );
+    /*TInt err = */iDocHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL( tempFile, 
+                                          dataType, 
+                                          *genericParamList );
+    //BROWSER_LOG( ( _L( " err: %d" ), err ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tempFile ); // tempFile
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( genericParamList ); // genericParamList
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentType8 ); // contentType8
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleServerAppExit()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::HandleServerAppExit( TInt /*aReason*/ )
+    {
+    iSchemeProcessing = EFalse;
+    }
+#ifdef __WINS__
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::AskIapIdL(TUint32& aId)
+// Ask IAP id from the user
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CBrowserSpecialLoadObserver::AskIapIdL( TUint32& aId )
+    {
+    CCommsDatabase* TheDb;
+    TInt res;
+    TBuf<40> name;
+    TUint32 id;
+    RArray<TUint32> idArray; 
+    CDesCArrayFlat* items = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(16);
+    CleanupStack::PushL( items );  // 1
+    // Get IAP names and ids from the database
+    TheDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeIAP );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( TheDb );  // 2
+    TheDb->ShowHiddenRecords();
+    CCommsDbTableView* view = TheDb->OpenTableLC( TPtrC( IAP ) );  // 3
+    res = view->GotoFirstRecord();
+    while( !res )
+        {
+        view->ReadTextL( TPtrC( COMMDB_NAME ), name );
+        view->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), id );
+        idArray.Insert( id, 0 );
+        items->InsertL( 0, name );
+        res = view->GotoNextRecord();
+        RDebug::Print(_L("IAP name, id: %S, %d"), &name, id );
+        }
+    // Create listbox and PUSH it.
+    CEikTextListBox* list = new (ELeave) CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( list );  // 4
+    // Create popup list and PUSH it.
+    CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL(
+        AknPopupLayouts::EMenuWindow);
+    CleanupStack::PushL( popupList );  // 5
+    // initialize listbox.
+    list->ConstructL(popupList, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect);
+    list->CreateScrollBarFrameL(ETrue);
+    list->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
+        CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
+        CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
+    // Set listitems.
+    CTextListBoxModel* model = list->Model();
+    model->SetItemTextArray( items );
+    model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
+    // Set title
+    popupList->SetTitleL( _L( "Select IAP:" ) );
+    // Show popup list.
+    TInt popupOk = popupList->ExecuteLD();
+    if( popupOk )
+        {
+        TInt index = list->CurrentItemIndex();
+        aId = idArray[index];
+        }
+    CleanupStack::Pop( popupList );       // popuplist
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list );  // list
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );  // view
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( TheDb ); // TheDb
+    CleanupStack::Pop( items );           // items CTextListBoxModel* model owns it
+    idArray.Close();
+    items = NULL;
+    return popupOk;
+    }
+#endif // __WINS__
+// End of file