* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Interface to Browser for handling embedded video requests.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <npupp.h>
#include <pluginadapterinterface.h> // For base class MPluginNotifier
#include <aknnotewrappers.h> // For displaying note
#include <drmhelper.h>
#include <DRMCommon.h>
#include <cecombrowserplugininterface.h>
#include "BavpNPObject.h"
#include <rt_gesturehelper.h>
class CBavpView;
class CBavpController;
This class is specific to ECom Style Plugin.
This is used for passing plugin specific initialization information to and from
IMPORT_C NPError InitializeFuncs( NPPluginFuncs* aPpf );
const TInt KFirstBavpImplementationValue = 0x10282811;
const TInt KSecondBavpImplementationValue = 0x10282812;
const TInt KThirdBavpImplementationValue = 0x10282813;
const TInt KFourthBavpImplementationValue = 0x10282814;
* CBavpPluginEcomMain
* Used for passing plugin specific initialization information to and from browser.
* @lib npBrowserVideoPlugin.lib
* @since 3.2
class CBavpPluginEcomMain : public CEcomBrowserPluginInterface
public: // Methods from base classes
* Two-phased constructor.
static CBavpPluginEcomMain* NewL( TAny* aInitParam );
* Destructor
* Passed from the browser to the plugin and delcares what functions the browser
* makes available
NPNetscapeFuncs* Funcs() { return iNpf; }
// Default constructor
CBavpPluginEcomMain( NPNetscapeFuncs* aNpf );
// By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( NPPluginFuncs* aPluginFuncs );
// Netscape Function Pointer
NPNetscapeFuncs* iNpf;
* CBavpPlugin class
* Interfaces to Browser, used to pass information between browser and plugin
* @lib npBrowserVideoPlugin.lib
* @since 3.2
class CBavpPlugin : public CBase,
public MPluginNotifier
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CBavpPlugin* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CBavpPlugin();
public: // New methods
* SetWindowL
* @since 3.2
* @param MPluginAdapter *pluginAdapter: Pointer to Browser adapter class
* @param const TRect& aRect: rectangle representing current UI
* @return void
void SetWindowL( MPluginAdapter *pluginAdapter, NPWindow* aWindow, NPP aInstance );
* OpenAndPlayFileL
* @since 3.2
* @param const TDesC& aFileName: Name and path of file to be played
* @param const HBufC* originalFileName: name of the file to be played. added for scripting.
* @return void
void OpenAndPlayFileL( const TDesC& aFileName, const HBufC* originalFileName );
* OpenAndPlayUrlL
* @since 3.2
* @param const TDesC& aUrl: Name and path of uri to be played
* @return void
void OpenAndPlayUrlL( const TDesC& aUrl );
* Controller
* @since 5.0
* @param void
* @return controller
CBavpController* Controller() { return iBavpController; }
* SetNPObject
* iNPObject is a scriptable object
* @since 5.0
* @param BavpNPObject *aObj
* @return void
void SetNPObject( BavpNPObject* aObj ) { iNPObject = aObj; }
* NPObject
* return the scriptable object
* @since 5.0
* @param void
* @return BavpNPObject*
BavpNPObject* NPObject() const { return iNPObject; }
public: // New methods
* SetAccessPtId
* Set access pt id
* @since 3.2
* @param TUint aAccessPtId, sets the access pt id
* @return void
void SetAccessPtId( TUint aAccessPtId );
* SetVolumeAndLoop
* Set volume, loop, and infinite values
* @since 3.2
* @param TInt aVolume, the volume level from web page
* @param TInt aLoop, the loop count from web page
* @param TInt aInfiniteFlag, not used
* @return void
void SetVolumeAndLoop( TInt aVolume, TInt aLoop, TInt aInfiniteFlag );
* SetRtspUri
* Set Rtsp uri
* @since 3.2
* @param TInt aVolume, the volume level from web page
* @param TInt aLoop, the loop count from web page
* @param TInt aInfiniteFlag, not used
* @return void
void SetRtspUriL( const TDesC& aRtspUri );
public: // Methods from base classes
* From MPluginNotifier
* @since 3.2
* @param TNotificationType aCallType: Represents a type of notification from Browser
* @param void* aParam: Contains value corresponding to notification
* @return TInt: Error Code
TInt NotifyL( TNotificationType aCallType, void* aParam );
* Set the mime type
* The mimetype is returned from headers
* @param NPMIMEType type
* @return void
void SetMimeType(NPMIMEType type);
NPP getNPP() {return iNPP;}
NPNetscapeFuncs* getNPNFuncs();
TBool HandleGesture(void* aEvent);
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: // Data
// Initialize as false, then set it whenever error occurs
TBool iError;
private: // Data
// Interface to Browser
MPluginAdapter* iPluginAdapter;
// Audio or Video controller
CBavpController* iBavpController;
// CCoeControl interface
CBavpView* iBavpView;
BavpNPObject* iNPObject;
// Resource offset
TInt iResourceOffset;
// Src file scheme, which is changed by script in run time
HBufC* iFileName;
// Src RTSP scheme uri, which is used to start BavpController
HBufC* iRtspUrl;
// Access point id
TUint iAccessPtId;
// Value of the Volume embedded in the HTML file
TInt iVolume;
// Value of the Loop embedded in the HTML file
TInt iLoop;
// Flag indication if the loop is set to infinite
TBool iInfiniteFlag;
// DRM Helper instance to address the error case from the plugin level
CDRMHelper* iDrmHelper;
// Mime type. Added for scripting functionality
HBufC8* iMimeType;
Plugin API methods. Source located in CBavpApi.cpp
* Create a plugin.
NPError BavpNewp( NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode,
CDesCArray* argn, CDesCArray* argv, NPSavedData* saved );
* Wrapper the errors
void BavpConstructL( NPP aInstance, CDesCArray* argn, CDesCArray* argv );
* Destroy a plugin.
NPError BavpDestroy( NPP instance, NPSavedData** save );
* This is the parent window of a plugin.
NPError BavpSetwindow( NPP instance, NPWindow* window );
* A new data stream has been created for sending data to the plugin.
NPError BavpNewstream( NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream,
NPBool seekable, uint16* stype );
* A data stream has been terminated.
NPError BavpDestroystream( NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPReason reason );
* A data stream has been fully saved to a file.
void BavpAsfile( NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const TDesC& fname );
* Return the maximum number of bytes this plugin can accept from the stream.
int32 BavpWriteready( NPP instance, NPStream* stream );
* Receive more data - return number of bytes processed.
int32 BavpWrite( NPP instance, NPStream* stream,
int32 offset, int32 len, void* buffer );
* This is the URL being sensed.
void BavpUrlnotify( NPP instance, const TDesC8& url, NPReason reason,
void* notifyData );
* Generic hook to retrieve values/attributes from the plugin.
NPError BavpGetvalue( NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *ret_value );
* Generic hook to set values/attributes within the plugin.
NPError BavpSetvalue( NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *ret_value );
* Print
void BavpPrint( NPP instance, NPPrint* platformPrint );
* Event
int16 BavpEvent( NPP instance, void* event );
#endif // BAVPPLUGIN_H
// End of File