author Shabe Razvi <>
Wed, 14 Oct 2009 16:22:47 +0100
changeset 12 fcd4366c1e85
parent 10 4530440261a8
child 25 92a061761a7b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added tag PDK_3.0.a for changeset 16a119033e3e

* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Localized strings.


/*  Application related                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d:application name
#define qtn_apps_feeds_list      "Web Feeds"
//d:application name
#define qtn_apps_feeds_grid      "Web Feeds"

/*  Options Menu                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Menu text to update the selected feed.
#define qtn_feeds_update "Update"

//d: Menu text to update all feed.
#define qtn_feeds_update_all "Update All"

//d: Menu text for the manage sub-menu
#define qtn_feeds_manage "Manage"

//d: Menu text to open the associated web page in the browser.
#define qtn_feeds_open_full_story "Open Full Story"

/*  Manage Sub-Menu                                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Menu text to create a new feed.
#define qtn_feeds_new_feed "Add feed"

//d: Menu text to edit the current feed.
#define qtn_feeds_edit "Edit feed"

/*  Info Sub-Menu                                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Menu text to view the about info.
#define qtn_feeds_about "About"

/*  Folder View                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: The title of the folder-view when the top-level folder is showing.
#define qtn_feeds_folder_view_title "Web Feeds"

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: The text displayed in the folder view when there are no feeds or folders.
#define qtn_feeds_no_feeds "No Web Feeds"

/*  Feeds View                                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: The text string at the end of a feed that's associated with the
//d: item's full story -- the browser is launched when this text is selected.
#define qtn_feeds_feeds_view_see_full_story "See full story"

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: The default title of enclosures.  The title is used to display the
//d: the enclosure in content area of the Feeds View.
#define qtn_feeds_feeds_view_enclosure "Podcast"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Touch Toolbar Button strings
// -----------------------------------------------------------------

// Feeds Folder View Toolbar Strings
// Update Selected Feed
#define qtn_feeds_folder_update_selected_tt            "Update Selected Feed"

// Update All Feed
#define qtn_feeds_folder_update_all_tt                 "Update All Feeds"

// Open into article listing view
#define qtn_feeds_folder_open_tt                       "Open into article listing view"

// Feeds Topic View Toolbar Strings
// Update Feed
#define qtn_feeds_topic_update_tt                      "Update Feed"

// Back to Page
#define qtn_feeds_topic_back_to_page_tt                "Back to Page"

// Open into detail view
#define qtn_feeds_topic_open_tt                        "Open into detail view"

// Feeds Feed View Toolbar Strings
// Previous Article
#define qtn_feeds_feed_previous_article_tt             "Previous Article"

// Show Full Story
#define qtn_feeds_feed_show_full_story_tt              "Show Full Story"

// Next Article
#define qtn_feeds_feed_next_article_tt                 "Next Article"

/*  Wait Dialog                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Information text when a feed is updating.
#define qtn_feeds_updating_wait_dialog_text "Updating"

//d: Information text when a feed is opening.
#define qtn_feeds_opening_wait_dialog_text "Opening"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Information text when all feeds are updating.
#define qtn_feeds_updating_all_wait_dialog "Updating all feeds"

/*  Delete Dialog                                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Information text when the user chooses to delete a feed.
//d: The text follows this form, "Delete %U?", where %U is
//d: the name of the feed.
#define qtn_feeds_delete_dialog_text "Delete %U?"

//d: Information text when the user chooses to delete multiple feeds.
#define qtn_feeds_delete_multiple_dialog_text "Delete selected feeds?"

/*  Edit/Add Feed/Folder Dialog                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Header test for the feed's name.
#define qtn_feeds_name_dialog_text "Title"

//d: Header test for the feed's url.
#define qtn_feeds_url_dialog_text "Address"

//d: Text displayed in the New feed dialog.
#define qtn_feeds_new_feed_item "New feed"

//d:Header text for Automatic updating of web feeds
#define qtn_feeds_autoupdating_text "Automatic updating"

//d: Selectable text for the Automatic updating setting
//d: If Off is selected, automatic updating does not occur
//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_feeds_autoupdating_off "Off"

//d: Selectable text for the Automatic updating setting
//d: Autoupdating is done every 15 minutes
//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_feeds_val_updating_interval_15min "Every 15 minutes"

//d: Selectable text for the Automatic updating setting
//d: Autoupdating is done every hour
//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_feeds_val_updating_interval_hourly "Every hour"

//d: Selectable text for the Automatic updating setting
//d: Autoupdating is done every 4 hours
//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_feeds_val_updating_interval_4hours "Every 4 hours"

//d: Selectable text for the Automatic updating setting
//d: Autoupdating is done daily
//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_feeds_val_updating_interval_daily "Every day"

//d: Selectable text for the Automatic updating setting
//d: Autoupdating is done weekly
//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_feeds_val_updating_interval_weekly "Every week"

//d: When the user enables automatic updating of feeds, a confirmation query is displayed to the user
//d: noting that turning the feature on may cost them money
//l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_feeds_new_feed_dataquery_autoupdatewarn "Enabling automatic updating may increase your monthly phone bill"

/* Import/Export Feed Strings                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

//d: Menu text to import selected or marked feeds from a file
//l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_options_import_feeds    "Import Feeds"

//d: Popup waiting note when searching for feed files
//d: stored on the phone
//l: popup_note_wait_window
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_wait_searching_for_feeds    "Searching for feeds..."

//d: When the search for feeds has completed, a header
//d: over the list of results
//l: heading_pane_t1
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_popup_title_feeds_files_found    "Feeds Files Found:"

//d: When the search for feeds has completed, if no
//d: feeds are found on the device, this error is shown
//l: popup_note_window/opt1
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_feeds_no_feeds_found_on_device    "No feeds found on device"

//d: A wait screen for when the phone is importing a feed file
//l: popup_note_wait_window
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_wait_importing_feeds    "Importing Feeds..."

//d: Menu text to export selected or marked feeds to a file
//l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_options_export_feeds    "Send"

//d: When exporting some feeds to a file, header on a popup
//d: asking the user to name the file
//l: popup_query_data_window/opt1
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_feeds_name_exported_file    "Name the file to be sent:"

//d: When exporting some feeds to a file, if the
//l: popup_note_window
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_feeds_export_opml_title_needed  "You must enter a name for the file."

//d: Wait window as feeds are exported into a file
//l: popup_note_wait_window
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_wait_processing "Processing..."

//d: Confirmation to import feeds from an OPML file
//d: that has been downloaded or received from another application
//d: The %U referes to the filename of the OPML file
//l: popup_note_window
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_feeds_query_import_now  "Import feeds from %U now?"

/*  Error Strings                                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when the user
//d: doesn't include a title when editing or adding a feed.
#define qtn_feeds_title_needed "Title needed"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when the user
//d: doesn't include a url when editing or adding a feed.
#define qtn_feeds_address_needed "Address needed"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when the user
//d: enters a single quote character anywhere in the feed title.
#define qtn_feeds_title_single_quote_not_allowed "Single quote character (’) is not allowed in the title"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when the user
//d: tries to add the same feed a second time.
//d: %U is the name of the feed.
#define qtn_feeds_duplicate_feed_error_dialog_text "%U already subscribed"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when the user
//d: tries to add/edit a feed that has a non-unique title.
#define qtn_feeds_duplicate_title_error_dialog_text "Title must be unique"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed is malformed(corrupted/empty).
#define qtn_feeds_malformed_dialog_text "Feed cannot be processed"

//d: Information text for the main pane.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed couldn't be fetched from the network.
#define qtn_feeds_network_error_main_pane_text "Couldn't update feed"

//d: Information text for the main pane.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed is malformed.
#define qtn_feeds_malformed_main_pane_text "Can't process feed"

//d: Information text for the main pane.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed is in an unsupported format.
#define qtn_feeds_unsupported_main_pane_text "Feed format is not supported"

//d: Information text for the main pane.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed has invalid URL.
#define qtn_feeds_invalid_url_main_pane_text "Invalid web address"

//d: Information text for the main pane.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed fails for some other reason.
#define qtn_feeds_general_error_main_pane_text "An unkown error occurred"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed fails for some other reason.
#define qtn_feeds_general_error_dialog_text "An unkown error occurred"

//d: Information text for the error dialog. Displayed when an OPML file
//d: somehow gets deleted after it is found and displayed in the list, and the 
#define qtn_feeds_malformed_dialog_text "Can't process feed"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed is in an unsupported format.
#define qtn_feeds_unsupported_dialog_text "Feed format is not supported"
//d: user then tries to select and import it.
#define qtn_feeds_file_not_found_dialog_text "File Not Found"

/*  Misc Strings                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d: Text displayed in the Topic-View when an item's name isn't available.
#define qtn_feeds_unnamed_item "Unnamed item"

/*  Strings copied from wmlBrowser.loc                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//d:DO element menu item
#define text_wml_option_back      "Back"

//d:Menu item in Bookmarks View: activate highlighted bookmark
#define qtn_wmlbm_load_bm         "Activate"

// WmlBrowser Settings/Session listbox items

//d:Browser settings session list item texts
#define qtn_wmls_session_info             "Session info"

//d:Format title text in session view.
#define qtn_wmls_ses_view_ap              "Access point name:"

//d:Browser settings session list item texts
#define qtn_wmls_ses_view_bearer_type           "Bearer type:"

//d:Browser settings session list item texts
#define qtn_wmls_ses_view_max_speed            "Max. connection speed:"

//d:Text in About Product information note's heading
#define qtn_browsers_title_about "Name and Version"

//d:Text in About Product information note, the first %U is the browser version number, the second is the Browser build number
#define qtn_browsers_about_version_label "Version: %0U (%1U)"

//d:Browser settings session list item texts
#define qtn_browser_set_bearer_hscsd            "HSCSD"

//d: Information text for the error dialog.  Displayed when a requested
//d: feed couldn't be fetched from the network.
#define qtn_feeds_network_error_dialog_text "Couldn't update feed"