changeset 18 bad0cc58d154
parent 17 30e048a7b597
child 19 c74b3d9f6b9e
--- a/eapol/eapol_framework/eapol_symbian/am/include/eapol_am_core_symbian.h	Thu Aug 19 09:58:27 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  EAP and WLAN authentication protocols.
-* %version: 11 %
-#if !defined(_EAPOL_AM_CORE_SYMBIAN_H_)
-#include <d32dbms.h>
-#include <wlanmgmtpacket.h> // For MWlanMgmtPacket
-#include <wdbifwlansettings.h>
-#include "abs_ethernet_core.h"
-#include "eapol_key_types.h"
-#include <EapType.h> // For TIndexType
-//#include "EapolTimer.h"
-#include <Eapol.h>
-class MEapolToWlmIf;
-class CEapType;
-class ethernet_core_c;
-class eap_am_tools_symbian_c;
-class eap_file_config_c;
-const TInt KMaxWPAPSKPasswordLength = 64;
-const TInt KWPAPSKLength = 32;
-class eapol_am_core_symbian_c
-:  public CActive, public abs_ethernet_core_c,
-	public abs_eap_base_timer_c
-	struct TPSKEntry {
-		TIndexType indexType;
-		TUint index;
-		TBuf8<KMaxSSIDLength> ssid;
-		TBuf8<KMaxWPAPSKPasswordLength> password;
-		TBuf8<KWPAPSKLength> psk;
-	};
-	virtual ~eapol_am_core_symbian_c();	
-	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	/* These are called from WLM via CEapol */
-	static eapol_am_core_symbian_c * NewL(
-		MEapolToWlmIf* const aPartner,
-		const bool aIsClient = ETrue,
-		const TUint aServerIndex = 0);
-	TInt Start( 
-		const TIndexType aIndexType, 
-		const TUint aIndex,
-		const TSSID& aSSID,
-		const TBool aWPAOverrideEnabled,
-		const TUint8* aWPAPSK,
-		const TUint aWPAPSKLength
-		);
-	TInt CompleteAssociation(
-		const TInt aResult,
-		const TMacAddress& aLocalAddress, 
-		const TMacAddress& aRemoteAddress,
-		const TUint8* const aReceivedWPAIE, // WLM must give only the WPA IE to EAPOL									        
-		const TUint aReceivedWPAIELength,
-		const TUint8* const aSentWPAIE,
-		const TUint aSentWPAIELength,
-		const TWPACipherSuite aGroupKeyCipherSuite,
-		const TWPACipherSuite aPairwiseKeyCipherSuite
-		);		
-	TInt Disassociated(); 
-	TInt ReceivePacket(
-		const TUint aLength, 
-		const TUint8* const aData);
-	TInt SendWPAMICFailureReport(
-		TBool aFatalMICFailure,
-		const TMICFailureType aMICFailureType); 	
-	/////////////////////////////////////////
-	/* These are called from ethernet_core */
-	/**
-	* Sends packet to lower layers
-	*/
-	eap_status_e packet_send(
-		const eap_am_network_id_c * const send_network_id,
-		eap_buf_chain_wr_c * const sent_packet,
-		const u32_t header_offset,
-		const u32_t data_length,
-		const u32_t buffer_length); 
-	u32_t get_header_offset(
-		u32_t * const MTU,
-		u32_t * const trailer_length);
-	eap_status_e eap_acknowledge(const eap_am_network_id_c * const receive_network_id); 
-	eap_status_e reassociate(
-			const eap_am_network_id_c * const send_network_id,
-			const eapol_key_authentication_type_e authentication_type,
-			const eap_variable_data_c * const PMKID,
-			const eap_variable_data_c * const WPXM_WPXK1,
-			const eap_variable_data_c * const WPXM_WPXK2);
-	/**
-	* Loads an EAP type plug-in.
-	* @param type Type to be loaded.
-	* @param partner Pointer to the partner class for the EAP type.
-	* @param eap_type The pointer for the loaded type should be set here.
-	* @param is_client_when_true Indicates whether the loaded EAP type should be client or server.
-	* @param receive_network_id Network address.
-	*/
-	eap_status_e load_module(
-		const eap_type_value_e type,
-		const eap_type_value_e /* tunneling_type */,
-		abs_eap_base_type_c * const partner,
-		eap_base_type_c ** const eap_type,
-		const bool is_client_when_true,
-		const eap_am_network_id_c * const receive_network_id);
-	eap_status_e unload_module(const eap_type_value_e type); 	
-	void set_is_valid();
-	bool get_is_valid();
-	void increment_authentication_counter();
-	u32_t get_authentication_counter();
-	bool get_is_client();
-	/**
-	* This does the initial configuration of the class.
-	*/
-	eap_status_e configure();
-	eap_status_e shutdown();
-	/**
-	* Reads a configuration parameter value from the database. 
-	* In Symbian this function is only a TRAP wrapper for read_configure_L.
-	*/
-	eap_status_e read_configure(
-		const eap_configuration_field_c * const field,
-		eap_variable_data_c * const data);
-	eap_status_e write_configure(
-		const eap_configuration_field_c * const field,
-		eap_variable_data_c * const data);
-	// See abs_eap_base_type_c::state_notification().
-	void state_notification(const abs_eap_state_notification_c * const state);
-	eap_status_e set_timer(
-		abs_eap_base_timer_c * const p_initializer, 
-		const u32_t p_id, 
-		void * const p_data,
-		const u32_t p_time_ms);
-	eap_status_e cancel_timer(
-		abs_eap_base_timer_c * const p_initializer, 
-		const u32_t p_id);
-	eap_status_e cancel_all_timers();
-	eap_status_e check_is_valid_eap_type(const eap_type_value_e eap_type);
-	eap_status_e packet_data_crypto_keys(
-		const eap_am_network_id_c * const send_network_id,
-		const eap_variable_data_c * const master_session_key);
-	/**
-	* Forwards the keys to lower layer (= WLM).
-	*/
-	eap_status_e packet_data_session_key(
-		const eap_am_network_id_c * const send_network_id,
-		const eapol_session_key_c * const key);
-	/**
-	* Packet mangling routine for testing.
-	*/
-	eap_status_e timer_expired(const u32_t id, void *data);
-	eap_status_e timer_delete_data(const u32_t id, void *data);
-	eap_status_e get_eap_type_list(
-		eap_array_c<eap_type_value_e> * const eap_type_list);
-	eap_status_e add_rogue_ap(eap_array_c<eap_rogue_ap_entry_c> & rogue_ap_list);
-	eapol_am_core_symbian_c(
-		MEapolToWlmIf * const aPartner,
-		const bool is_client_when_true,
-		const TUint aServerIndex);
-	void ConstructL();
-	void RunL();
-	void DoCancel();
-	eap_status_e random_error(
-		eap_buf_chain_wr_c * const sent_packet,
-		const bool forse_error,
-		const u32_t packet_index);
-	/**
-	* Tries to open EAPOL parameter database.
-	*/
-	void TryOpenDatabaseL(RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase, RDbs& aSession);
-	/**
-	* Opening function for EAPOL parameter database.
-	*/
-	void OpenDatabaseL(RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase, RDbs& aSession);
-	void read_configureL(eap_config_string field,
-										const u32_t field_length,
-										eap_variable_data_c * const data);	
-	void ReadEAPSettingsL();
-	void SetToTopPriorityL(const TEap* const aEapType);
-	eap_status_e create_upper_stack();
-	void RetrievePSKL(TPSKEntry& entry);
-	void SavePSKL(TPSKEntry& entry);
-	RDbs m_session;
-	RDbNamedDatabase m_database;
-	/// Pointer to the lower layer in the stack
-	MEapolToWlmIf* m_partner;
-	/// Pointer to the upper layer in the stack
-	ethernet_core_c* m_ethernet_core;
-	/// Pointer to the tools class
-	eap_am_tools_symbian_c* m_am_tools;
-	bool m_enable_random_errors;
-	u32_t m_error_probability;
-	u32_t m_generate_multiple_error_packets;
-	u32_t m_authentication_counter;
-	u32_t m_successful_authentications;
-	u32_t m_failed_authentications;
-	bool m_is_valid;
-	bool m_is_client;	
-	/// Array for storing the loaded EAP types.
-	RPointerArray<CEapType> m_plugin_if_array;
-	/// Array which corresponds with m_plugin_if_array and indicates the types of the loaded EAP types.
-	RArray<eap_type_value_e> m_eap_type_array;
-	/// EAP configuration data from CommDb
-	TEapArray m_iap_eap_array;
-	TUint m_eap_index;
-	/// Indicates the bearer type
-	TIndexType m_index_type;
-	/// Indicates the service index in CommDb
-	TUint m_index;
-	u32_t m_packet_index;
-	bool m_manipulate_ethernet_header;
-	bool m_send_original_packet_first;
-	bool m_authentication_indication_sent;
-	bool m_unicast_wep_key_received;
-	bool m_broadcast_wep_key_received;
-	bool m_block_packet_sends_and_notifications;
-	bool m_success_indication_sent;
-	bool m_first_authentication;
-	bool m_self_disassociated;
-	TAuthenticationMode m_802_11_authentication_mode;
-	EWlanSecurityMode m_security_mode;
-	eap_variable_data_c * m_wpa_preshared_key;
-	eap_variable_data_c * m_ssid;
-	eap_am_network_id_c* m_receive_network_id;
-	eap_variable_data_c * m_wpa_psk_password_override;
-	bool m_wpa_override_enabled;
-	bool m_wpa_psk_mode_allowed;
-	bool m_wpa_psk_mode_active;	
-	bool m_stack_marked_to_be_deleted;
-	TMacAddress m_local_address;
-	TMacAddress m_remote_address;
-	const TUint8* m_received_wpa_ie;
-	TUint m_received_wpa_ie_length;
-	const TUint8* m_sent_wpa_ie;
-	TUint m_sent_wpa_ie_length;
-	TWPACipherSuite m_group_key_cipher_suite;
-	TWPACipherSuite m_pairwise_key_cipher_suite;
-	bool m_active_type_is_leap;
-	eap_file_config_c* m_fileconfig;
-	//--------------------------------------------------
-}; // class eapol_am_core_symbian_c
-#endif //#if !defined(_EAPOL_AM_CORE_SYMBIAN_H_)
-// End of file