changeset 18 bad0cc58d154
parent 17 30e048a7b597
child 19 c74b3d9f6b9e
--- a/wlansecuritysettings/wpasecuritysettingsui/inc/WPASecuritySettingsDlg.h	Thu Aug 19 09:58:27 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Declares dialog. 
-* %version: tr1cfwln#21 %
-// Members to be showed in the setting pages
-enum TWpaMember
-    {
-    EWpaMode,           // WPA mode
-    EWpaEapConfig,      // EAP Plugin configuration
-    EWpaWpa2Only,       // Wpa2 only mode
-    EWpaPreSharedKey,    // Pre-shared key
-    EWpaUnencryptedConn
-    };
-#include <AknDialog.h>
-#include <eiklbo.h>
-#include <aknlists.h>
-#include <commsdat.h>
-#include <commsdat.h>
-#include <commsdat_partner.h>
-#include "WPASecuritySettingsImpl.h"
-class CAknTitlePane;
-class CWPASecuritySettingsImpl;
-class CEAPPluginConfigurationIf;
-* CWPASecuritySettingsDlg dialog class
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CWPASecuritySettingsDlg ) : public CAknDialog, 
-                                               public MEikListBoxObserver
-    {
-    public: // Constructors and destructor
-        /**
-        * Create and launch dialog.
-        * @param aSecuritySettings Security settings
-        * @param aTitle Title of the dialog
-        * @return The ID of the button that closed the dialog
-        */
-        TInt ConstructAndRunLD( CWPASecuritySettingsImpl* aSecuritySettings,
-                                const TDesC& aTitle );
-        /**
-        * Two-phase construction.
-        * @param aEventStore A reference to hold the events happened
-        * @param aIapId Id of the IAP.
-        * @param aPlugin The EAP Configuration plugin.
-        * @return The constructed CWPASecuritySettingsDlg object.
-        */
-        static CWPASecuritySettingsDlg* NewL( TInt& aEventStore, 
-                                          const TUint32 aIapId,
-                                          CEAPPluginConfigurationIf* aPlugin );
-        /**
-        * Destructor.
-        */
-        ~CWPASecuritySettingsDlg();
-	protected:
-        /**
-        * Constructor.
-        * @param aEventStore A reference to hold the events happened
-        * @param aIapId Id of the IAP.
-        * @param aPlugin The EAP Configuration plugin.
-        */
-        CWPASecuritySettingsDlg( TInt& aEventStore, const TUint32 aIapId,
-                                 CEAPPluginConfigurationIf* aPlugin );
-    public:     // Functions from base classes
-        /**
-        * Handle key events. 
-        * @param aKeyEvent: key event
-        * @param aType: type of event
-        * @return The key response, if it was consumed or not. 
-        */
-		TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-                                     TEventCode aType );
-	private:    // Functions from base classes
-        /**
-        * This function is called by the dialog framework before the dialog is 
-        * sized and laid out.
-        */
-        virtual void PreLayoutDynInitL();
-        /**
-        * Handles a dialog button press for the specified button 
-        * @param aButtonId  The ID of the button that was activated.
-        * @return   ETrue to validate and exit the dialog, 
-        *           EFalse to keep the dialog active
-        */
-        TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
-		/**
-        * Processes user commands.
-        * @param aCommandId ID of the command to respond to. 
-        */
-		virtual void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
-		/**
-        * Handles list box events.
-        * @param aListBox   The originating list box. 
-        * @param aEventType A code for the event.
-        */
-		void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, 
-                                  TListBoxEvent aEventType );
-        /**
-        * Get help context.
-        * @param aContext Help context is returned here.
-        */
-        void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
-        /**
-        * Initialize menu pane.
-        * @param aResourceId Menu pane resource id.
-        * @param CEikMenuPane Menu pane.
-        */
-        void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
-    protected:  // New functions
-        /**
-        * Handles listbox data change
-        */
-        void HandleListboxDataChangeL();
-        /**
-        * Fills up the listbox with data
-        * @param aItemArray Array where to add the elements
-        * @param arr        Array to be used as list elements
-        * @param aRes       Array of resource IDs to be used for the 
-        *                   elements of arr
-        */
-        void FillListWithDataL( CDesCArrayFlat& aItemArray, 
-                                const TWpaMember& arr, const TInt* aRes );
-        /**
-        * Updates one 'textual' listbox item for the given member
-        * @param aMember    Value specifying which member has to be added to 
-        *                   the list
-        * @param aRes       Resource ID for the 'title text' for this member
-        * @param aPos       The current position of the item in the list
-        */
-        void UpdateTextualListBoxItemL( TWpaMember aMember, TInt aRes, 
-                                        TInt aPos );
-        /**
-        * Creates one 'textual' listbox item for the given member
-        * @param aMember    Value specifying which member has to be added to
-        *                   the list
-        * @param aRes       Resource ID for the 'title text' for this member
-        * @return The created listbox item text.
-        */
-        HBufC* CreateTextualListBoxItemL( TWpaMember aMember, TInt aRes );
-        /**
-        * Changes one setting. The setting, which is
-        * highlighted as current in the listbox is changed.
-        * @param aQuick ETrue if the setting is "two-choices", and can be 
-        *               automatically changed, without showing the list of 
-        *               elements
-        */
-        void ChangeSettingsL( TBool aQuick );
-        /**
-        * Shows a popup setting page (radio buttons) for the given member
-        * @param aDataMember    The member which needs to be changed
-        * @return   A boolean indicating whether the current setting
-        *           has been changed or not.
-        */
-        TBool ShowPopupSettingPageL( TWpaMember aDataMember );
-        /**
-        * Shows a popup text setting page for the given member
-        * @return   A boolean indicating whether the current setting
-        *           has been changed or not.
-        */
-        TBool ShowPopupTextSettingPageL();
-        /**
-        * Fills up a pop-up radio button setting page with the currently
-        * valid and available choices for the given member.
-        * @param aData      The member whose new setting is needed
-        * @param aCurrvalue The current value of the setting
-        * @return   An array of choices for the given member, pushed to the 
-        *           CleanupStack.
-        */
-        CDesCArrayFlat* FillPopupSettingPageLC( TWpaMember aData,
-                                                TInt& aCurrvalue );
-        /**
-        * Updates the given member's data with the new setting from the setting
-        * page.
-        * @param aData      The member to update
-        * @param aCurrvalue The new value
-        * @return   A boolean indicating if the value is actually changed
-        */
-        TBool UpdateFromPopupSettingPage( TWpaMember aData, TBool aCurrvalue );
-        /**
-        * Cleanup for the iEapConfigActive semaphore flag
-        * @since S60 5.0
-        * @param aPtr Pointer to this class
-        */
-        static void ResetEapConfigFlag( TAny* aPtr );
-        /**
-        * @see CEikDialog
-        */
-        void HandleDialogPageEventL( TInt aEventID );
-    private: //data
-        // Stores the name of the connection, to be showed as the title.
-      	TBuf<CommsDat::KMaxTextLength> iConnectionName;
-        // Title pane. Not owned.
-        CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane;
-        // Pointer to the old title. Owned.
-        HBufC* iOldTitleText;
-        // Owned through resources, destroyed automatically by the dialog.
-        CAknSettingStyleListBox* iList;
-        // Array of the items. Not owned.
-        CDesCArrayFlat* iItemArray;
-        // Fields of the main view. Not owned.
-        TWpaMember* iFieldsMain;
-        // Titles of the main view. Not owned.
-        TInt* iTitlesMain;
-        // Pointer to the WPA Security Settings. Not owned.
-        CWPASecuritySettingsImpl* iSecuritySettings;
-        // To hold the events. Not owned.
-        TInt* iEventStore;
-        // The Id of the AP.
-        TUint32 iIapId;
-        // The EAP Configuration plugin. Not owned.
-        CEAPPluginConfigurationIf* iPlugin;
-        // Indicates whether the EAP plugin configuration is active
-        TBool iEapConfigActive;
-        TBuf8<KWLANEAPLISTLENGTH> iEnabledPluginList;
-        TBuf8<KWLANEAPLISTLENGTH> iDisabledPluginList;
-    };
-// End of File