changeset 25 7333d7932ef7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/installationservices/swcomponentregistry/inc_private/scrdatabase.h	Tue Aug 31 15:21:33 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* SCR Data Layer API which performs all interaction with the underlying database.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+namespace Usif
+	{
+	// Forward declarations
+	class CDatabaseImplementation;
+	class CStatementImplementation;
+	class CStatement;
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDatabase) : public CBase
+	/**
+		This class provides the means to connect the SCR database and execute all SQL statements.
+		It is intended to be used as a singleton instance by the SCR sessions. 
+	 */
+		{
+		friend class CStatement; // CStatement class needs to access CheckSqlErrCodeL
+	public:
+		/**
+		 	Creates a new database object with an handle to the given database file.
+			@param aDatabaseFile The database file handle.
+			@param aJournalNameZ The journal file handle.
+		 	@leave KErrNotFound The file opened is not a database file.
+		 	@leave KErrUnknown The database file is missing. 
+		 	@leave KErrCorrupt The database disk image is malformed.
+		 	@leave KErrNoMemory An attempt to allocate memory has failed.
+		 	@leave KErrInUse The database file is locked by another thread.
+		 	@leave KErrAccessDenied Unable to open the database file. Access permission may be denied.
+		 	@leave Or other system wide error codes
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C static CDatabase* NewL(RFile& aDatabaseFile, RFile& aJournalFile);
+		/**
+			Creates a new database object with an handle to the given database file and leaves
+			the newly created object on the cleanup stack.
+			@param aDatabaseFile The database file handle.
+			@param aJournalNameZ The journal file handle.
+		 	@see CDatabase::NewL
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C static CDatabase* NewLC(RFile& aDatabaseFile, RFile& aJournalFile);
+		/**
+			Destructor. The handle to the database file is closed.
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C ~CDatabase();
+		/**
+		    Prepares the provided SQL statement for execution and returns 
+		    the prepared statement object which can be executed later.  
+			The SQL statement must contain a single statement and end with semicolon(;).
+			@param aStatementStr The satement which will be prepared.
+			@return A pointer to the statement object which has got a handle to the result rows set.
+			        The returned object is left on the cleanup stack.
+			@leave KErrNotFound The database file could not be opened for some reason OR the table 
+			                    or the requested record could not be found OR the database is empty. 
+			@leave KErrCorrupt The database schema has changed.
+			@leave KErrNoMemory An attempt to allocate memory has failed OR some kind of disk I/O 
+			                    operation couldn't be performed (probably no space left on the disk)
+			                    OR the database is too big (larger than 2GB in size).
+			@leave KErrInUse A table in the database is locked.
+			@leave KErrOverflow Too much data(probably more than 1 megabyte in a single row).
+			@leave KErrCancel The operation in progress has been terminated externally.
+			@leave KErrNotSupported The library has been used incorrectly,
+			@leave KErrAbort Abort due to constraint violation.
+			@leave KErrArgument This error value indicates that there was an error in the SQL
+			                    statement that was passed into. Data type mismatch may have been
+			                    occurred OR the provided SQL was badly constructed OR contains 
+			                    more than one statement.
+			@leave KErrUnknown An internal error in the underlaying database engine occurred.
+			@leave KErrGeneral An unspecified error ocurred in the database engine.		
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C CStatement* PrepareStatementLC(const TDesC& aStatementStr);
+		/**
+			@return The row id of the most recent successful insert into the database from this connection.
+			@leave KErrNotFound If no successful inserts have ever occurred on this database connection.
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C TInt LastInsertedIdL();
+	private:
+		CDatabase();
+		void ConstructL(RFile& aDatabaseFile, RFile& aJournalFile);
+		void CheckSqlErrCodeL(TInt aErr);
+	private:
+		CDatabaseImplementation* iDbImpl;	///< Pointer to the database implementation object.
+		};
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CStatement) : public CBase
+	/**
+		An instance of this class is used to execute all types of SQL statements with or without
+		parameters. 
+	 */
+		{
+		friend class CDatabase; // Only CDatabase can construct an object of this class.
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C ~CStatement();
+		/** 
+		 	If the SQL statement being executed returns any data, this function makes
+		 	a new row of data ready for processing. The values may be accessed using
+		 	the column access functions (@see CStatement::StrColumnL and @see CStatement::IntColumnL).
+			When this function is called again to retrieve the next row of data, the previous row data
+			is not accessible any more.
+			If the caller wants to close the statement before retrieving all the rows, it needs to
+			just destroy the CStatement object.
+			@return Returns EFalse if no more rows are available. 
+			@leave Leaves with one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C TBool ProcessNextRowL();
+		/**
+			Eexecutes the prepared SQL statement. This function is appropriate to execute
+			SQL statements which do NOT return a result row set (e.g. INSERT and UPDATE).
+			If the SQL satetement contains parameters, the prepared statement can be bound
+			and executed many times.
+			@param aStatement The satement which will be executed.
+			@leave Leaves with one of the leave codes given in @see CStatement::PrepareStatementLC.
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C void ExecuteStatementL();
+		/**
+			Sets the parameter given with the index value to the specified 32-bit integer value.
+			A parameter value can be set:
+			- immediately after this object has been created
+			- after a call to @see CStatement::Reset 
+			@param aParameterIndex The index value identifying the parameter; the first parameter 
+			       has an index of 1.
+			@param The 32-bit integer value to be assigned to the parameter.
+			@leave Leaves with one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC 
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C void BindIntL(TInt aParameterIndex, TInt aParameterValue);
+		/**
+			Sets the parameter given with the index value to the specified 64-bit integer value.
+			A parameter value can be set:
+			- immediately after this object has been created
+			- after a call to @see CStatement::Reset 
+			@param aParameterIndex The index value identifying the parameter; the first parameter 
+			       has an index of 1.
+			@param The 64-bit integer value to be assigned to the parameter.
+			@leave Leaves with one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC 
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C void BindInt64L(TInt aParameterIndex, TInt64 aParameterValue);
+		/**
+			Sets the parameter given with the index value to the specified 16-bit descriptor.
+			A parameter value can be set:
+			- immediately after this object has been created
+			- after a call to @see CStatement::Reset 
+			@param aParameterIndex The index value identifying the parameter; the first parameter 
+			       has an index of 1.
+			@param aParameterStr The 16-bit descriptor whose content is to be assigned to the parameter.
+			@leave KErrArgument If the input string's length is more than 512 characters
+			@leave Leaves with one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC 
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C void BindStrL(TInt aParameterIndex, const TDesC &aParameterStr);
+		/**
+			Sets the parameter given with the index value to the specified 8-bit descriptor.
+			A parameter value can be set:
+			- immediately after this object has been created
+			- after a call to @see CStatement::Reset 
+			@param aParameterIndex The index value identifying the parameter; the first parameter 
+			       has an index of 1.
+			@param aParameterStr The 8-bit descriptor whose content is to be assigned to the parameter.
+			@leave KErrArgument If the input string's length is more than 512 characters			
+			@leave Leaves with one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC 
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C void BindBinaryL(TInt aParameterIndex, const TDesC8 &aParameterStr);		
+		/**
+            Sets the parameter given with the index value to the specified 8-bit descriptor.
+            A parameter value can be set:
+            - immediately after this object has been created
+            - after a call to @see CStatement::Reset
+            @param aParameterIndex The index value identifying the parameter; the first parameter 
+                   has an index of 1.
+            @param aParameterStr The 8-bit descriptor whose content is to be assigned to the parameter.
+            @param aCustomLength The maximum characters allowed
+            @leave KErrArgument If the input string's length is more than aCustomLength            
+            @leave Leaves with one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC 
+         */
+		IMPORT_C void BindBinaryL(TInt aParameterIndex, const TDesC8 &aParameterStr, TUint aCustomLength);
+		/** 
+			Retrieves the value of a string column. The caller must know the string column index.
+			In addition, the caller must make the copy if they want to process multiple rows at once.
+			@param aColIdx The index of the column in the result set.
+			@return The string value of the column given.
+			@leave KErrArgument The supplied column index is not valid or its type is not string.
+			@leave Or one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C TPtrC StrColumnL(TInt aColIdx) const;
+		/** 
+			Retrieves the value of a raw binary data column. The caller must know the column index.
+			In addition, the caller must make the copy if they want to process multiple rows at once.
+			@param aColIdx The index of the column in the result set.
+			@return The binary value of the column given.
+			@leave KErrArgument The supplied column index is not valid or its type is not string.
+			@leave Or one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C TPtrC8 BinaryColumnL(TInt aColIdx) const;		
+		/** 
+			Retrieves the value of a integer column. The caller must know the integer column index.
+			The return value is 64-bit integer.
+			@param aColIdx The index of the column in the result set.
+			@return The integer value of the column given.
+			@leave KErrArgument The supplied column index is not valid or its type is not integer.
+			@leave Or one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C TInt64 Int64ColumnL(TInt aColIdx) const;
+		/** 
+			Retrieves the value of an integer column. The caller must know the integer column index.
+			The return value is 32-bit integer. 
+			@param aColIdx The index of the column in the result set.
+			@return The integer value of the column given.
+			@leave KErrArgument The supplied column index is not valid or its type is not integer.
+			@leave Or one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C TInt IntColumnL(TInt aColIdx) const;
+		/**
+			Resets this SQL statement object to its initial state and makes it ready to be executed again.
+			Any SQL statement parameters that had values bound to them, retain their values.
+			If this object processes a parameterised SQL statement, then the parameter values 
+			can be bound after the call to Reset().
+			@leave Leaves with one of the error codes listed in @see CDatabase::PerformStatementLC
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C void ResetL();
+		/**
+			Returns whether the specified field (column) of a row is NULL.
+			Note that if the field is NULL, it does NOT mean that the corresponding fields of 
+			other rows are NULL as well.
+			@param aColIdx The index of the column in the result set.
+			@return ETrue, if the field is NULL, otherwise EFalse.
+			@leave KErrArgument The supplied column index is not valid.
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C TBool IsFieldNullL(TInt aColIdx) const;
+	private:
+		/**
+			Creates a new CStatement object on the heap.
+			@param aDb Refrence to the database object.
+			@param aStmtImpl Pointer to the statement implementation. The ownership is also passed
+			                 to the CStatement object.
+			@return The newly created CStatement object.
+		 */
+		static CStatement* NewL(const CDatabase& aDb, CStatementImplementation* aStmtImpl);
+		CStatement(const CDatabase& aDb, CStatementImplementation* aStmtImpl);
+		void ValidateRequestedColumnL(TInt aColIdx, TInt& aColumnType) const;
+	private:
+		const CDatabase& iDb; ///< Reference to the database object which creates this statement object.
+		CStatementImplementation* iStmtImpl; ///< Pointer to the SQL statement implementation
+		};	
+	} // namespace Usif