--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/source/sisxlibrary/sisexpression.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "sisexpression.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include <hal_data.h>
+const SKeyword KVariables [] =
+ {
+ {L"MANUFACTURER", HALData::EManufacturer},
+ {L"MANUFACTURERHARDWAREREV", HALData::EManufacturerHardwareRev},
+ {L"MANUFACTURERSOFTWAREREV", HALData::EManufacturerSoftwareRev},
+ {L"MANUFACTURERSOFTWAREBUILD", HALData::EManufacturerSoftwareBuild},
+ {L"MODEL", HALData::EModel},
+ {L"MACHINEUID", HALData::EMachineUid},
+ {L"DEVICEFAMILY", HALData::EDeviceFamily},
+ {L"DEVICEFAMILYREV", HALData::EDeviceFamilyRev},
+ {L"CPU", HALData::ECPU},
+ {L"CPUARCH", HALData::ECPUArch},
+ {L"CPUSPEED", HALData::ECPUSpeed},
+ //{L"SystemStartupReason", HALData::ESystemStartupReason},
+ //{L"SystemException", HALData::ESystemException},
+ {L"SYSTEMTICKPERIOD", HALData::ESystemTickPeriod},
+ {L"MEMORYRAM", HALData::EMemoryRAM},
+ {L"MEMORYROM", HALData::EMemoryROM},
+ {L"MEMORYPAGESIZE", HALData::EMemoryPageSize},
+ //{L"PowerGood", HALData::EPowerGood},
+ //{L"PowerBatteryGood", HALData::EPowerBatteryGood},
+ {L"POWERBACKUP", HALData::EPowerBackup},
+ //{L"PowerBackupGood", HALData::EPowerBackupGood},
+ //{L"PowerExternal", HALData::EPowerExternal},
+ {L"KEYBOARD", HALData::EKeyboard},
+ {L"KEYBOARDDEVICEKEYS", HALData::EKeyboardDeviceKeys},
+ {L"KEYBOARDAPPKEYS", HALData::EKeyboardAppKeys},
+ {L"KEYBOARDCLICK", HALData::EKeyboardClick},
+ //{L"KeyboardClickState", HALData::EKeyboardClickState},
+ //{L"KeyboardClickVolume", HALData::EKeyboardClickVolume},
+ {L"KEYBOARDCLICKVOLUMEMAX", HALData::EKeyboardClickVolumeMax},
+ {L"DISPLAYXPIXELS", HALData::EDisplayXPixels},
+ {L"DISPLAYYPIXELS", HALData::EDisplayYPixels},
+ {L"DISPLAYXTWIPS", HALData::EDisplayXTwips},
+ {L"DISPLAYYTWIPS", HALData::EDisplayYTwips},
+ {L"DISPLAYCOLORS", HALData::EDisplayColors},
+ //{L"DisplayState", HALData::EDisplayState},
+ //{L"DisplayContrast", HALData::EDisplayContrast},
+ {L"DISPLAYCONTRASTMAX", HALData::EDisplayContrastMax},
+ {L"BACKLIGHT", HALData::EBacklight},
+ //{L"BacklightState", HALData::EBacklightState},
+ {L"PEN", HALData::EPen},
+ {L"PENX", HALData::EPenX},
+ {L"PENY", HALData::EPenY},
+ {L"PENDISPLAYON", HALData::EPenDisplayOn},
+ {L"PENCLICK", HALData::EPenClick},
+ //{L"PenClickState", HALData::EPenClickState},
+ //{L"PenClickVolume", HALData::EPenClickVolume},
+ {L"PENCLICKVOLUMEMAX", HALData::EPenClickVolumeMax},
+ {L"MOUSE", HALData::EMouse},
+ {L"MOUSEX", HALData::EMouseX},
+ {L"MOUSEY", HALData::EMouseY},
+ //{L"MouseState", HALData::EMouseState},
+ //{L"MouseSpeed", HALData::EMouseSpeed},
+ //{L"MouseAcceleration", HALData::EMouseAcceleration},
+ {L"MOUSEBUTTONS", HALData::EMouseButtons},
+ //{L"MouseButtonState", HALData::EMouseButtonState},
+ //{L"CaseState", HALData::ECaseState},
+ {L"CASESWITCH", HALData::ECaseSwitch},
+ //{L"CaseSwitchDisplayOn", HALData::ECaseSwitchDisplayOn},
+ //{L"CaseSwitchDisplayOff", HALData::ECaseSwitchDisplayOff},
+ {L"LEDS", HALData::ELEDs},
+ //{L"LEDmask", HALData::ELEDmask},
+ {L"INTEGRATEDPHONE", HALData::EIntegratedPhone},
+ {L"DISPLAYBRIGHTNESS", HALData::EDisplayBrightness},
+ {L"DISPLAYBRIGHTNESSMAX", HALData::EDisplayBrightnessMax},
+ {L"KEYBOARDBACKLIGHTSTATE", HALData::EKeyboardBacklightState},
+ {L"ACCESSORYPOWER", HALData::EAccessoryPower},
+ {L"SYSTEMDRIVE", HALData::ESystemDrive},
+ {L"FPHARDWARE", HALData::EHardwareFloatingPoint},
+ {L"NUMHALATTRIBUTES", HALData::ENumHalAttributes},
+ {L"REMOTEINSTALL", EVarRemoteInstall},
+ {NULL, 0}
+ };
+struct TExpressionFeatures
+ {
+ bool iLeftNeeded;
+ bool iRightNeeded;
+ bool iStringNeeded;
+ bool iNumberNeeded;
+ const wchar_t* iName;
+ };
+static TExpressionFeatures expressionFeatures[] =
+ {
+ // Left Right String Number Name
+ {true, true, false, false, L"=" }, //EBinOpEqual
+ {true, true, false, false, L"<>" }, //EBinOpNotEqual
+ {true, true, false, false, L">" }, //EBinOpGreaterThan
+ {true, true, false, false, L"<" }, //EBinOpLessThan
+ {true, true, false, false, L">=" }, //EBinOpGreaterThanOrEqual
+ {true, true, false, false, L"<=" }, //EBinOpLessThanOrEqual
+ {true, true, false, false, L"AND" }, //ELogOpAnd
+ {true, true, false, false, L"OR" }, //ELogOpOr
+ {false, true, false, false, L"NOT" }, //EUnaryOpNot
+ {false, false, true, false, L"exists" }, //EFuncExists
+ {true, true, false, false, L"appprop" }, //EFuncAppProperties
+ {false, true, false, false, L"package" }, //EFuncDevProperties
+ {false, false, true, false, L"" }, //EPrimTypeString
+ {false, false, false, true, L"option" }, //EPrimTypeOption
+ {false, false, false, true, L"" }, //EPrimTypeVariable
+ {false, false, false, true, L"" } //EPrimTypeNumber
+ };
+TExpressionFeatures* findExpressionFeature (TUint32 aOperator)
+ {
+ if(aOperator <= CSISExpression::EOpNone ||aOperator >= CSISExpression::EOpUnknown)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &expressionFeatures[aOperator-1];
+ }
+void CSISExpression::InsertMembers ()
+ {
+ InsertMember (iOperator);
+ InsertMember (iInteger);
+ InsertMember (iString);
+ InsertMember (iLeaf);
+ }
+CSISExpression::CSISExpression (const CSISExpression& aExpression) :
+ CStructure <CSISFieldRoot::ESISExpression> (aExpression),
+ iOperator (aExpression.iOperator),
+ iInteger (aExpression.iInteger),
+ iString (aExpression.iString),
+ iLeaf (aExpression.iLeaf)
+ {
+ InsertMembers ();
+ }
+void CSISExpression::Verify (const TUint32 aLanguages) const
+ {
+ CStructure <CSISFieldRoot::ESISExpression>::Verify (aLanguages);
+ assert (iLeaf.size () < 3);
+ CSISException::ThrowIf ( static_cast <TOperator> (iOperator.Value ()) > EOpUnknown,
+ CSISException::EVerification,
+ "illegal or unknown operator");
+ }
+CSISExpression& CSISExpression::operator = (const CSISExpression& aExpression)
+ {
+ iOperator = aExpression.iOperator;
+ iInteger = aExpression.iInteger;
+ iString = aExpression.iString;
+ iLeaf.clear ();
+ iLeaf.assign (aExpression.iLeaf.begin (), aExpression.iLeaf.end ());
+ return *this;
+ }
+void CSISExpression::SetOperator (const TOperator aOperator, const CSISExpression& aLHS)
+ {
+ switch (aOperator)
+ {
+ case EBinOpEqual :
+ case EBinOpNotEqual :
+ case EBinOpGreaterThan :
+ case EBinOpLessThan :
+ case EBinOpGreaterThanOrEqual :
+ case EBinOpLessThanOrEqual :
+ case ELogOpAnd :
+ case ELogOpOr :
+ case EFuncAppProperties :
+ {
+ AddLeaf (aLHS);
+ AddLeaf ();
+ break;
+ }
+ case EUnaryOpNot :
+ case EFuncDevProperties :
+ {
+ AddLeaf (aLHS);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPrimTypeString :
+ case EFuncExists :
+ {
+ iString.SetRequired(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPrimTypeVariable :
+ case EPrimTypeOption :
+ case EPrimTypeNumber :
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default :
+ {
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ }
+ iOperator = aOperator;
+ assert (iLeaf.size () < 3);
+ }
+void CSISExpression::SetLanguageComparision (const TInt32 aValue)
+ {
+ AddLeaf ();
+ AddLeaf ();
+ LHS ().SetOperator (EPrimTypeVariable);
+ LHS ().SetLanguage ();
+ RHS ().SetOperator (EPrimTypeNumber);
+ RHS ().SetNumeric (aValue);
+ iOperator = EBinOpEqual;
+ }
+void CSISExpression::SetLanguage ()
+ {
+ iOperator = EPrimTypeVariable;
+ iInteger = EVarLanguage;
+ }
+void CSISExpression::SetVariable (const std::wstring& aIdentifier)
+ {
+ SetOperator (CSISExpression::EPrimTypeVariable);
+ SetValue (static_cast <TUint32> (IdentifyUCKeyword (KVariables, aIdentifier, L"unknown variable")));
+ }
+void CSISExpression::AddPackageEntry(std::wostream& aStream, bool aVerbose) const
+ {
+ TExpressionFeatures* features = findExpressionFeature (iOperator);
+ if(NULL == features)
+ {
+ aStream << L"UNKNOWN";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (features->iLeftNeeded)
+ {
+ aStream << L"(";
+ if(iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists)
+ {
+ aStream << L"\"";
+ }
+ LHS().AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
+ if(iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists)
+ {
+ aStream << L"\"";
+ }
+ aStream << L")";
+ }
+ std::wstring versionStr = iString.GetString().substr(0,KFuncVersionPrefix.length());
+ std::wstring supportedLanguageStr = iString.GetString().substr(0,KFuncSupportedLanguagePrefix.length());
+ if((iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists) && (versionStr == KFuncVersionPrefix))
+ {
+ WriteVersionCondition (aStream, aVerbose);
+ }
+ else if ((iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists) && (supportedLanguageStr == KFuncSupportedLanguagePrefix))
+ {
+ WriteSupportedLanguageCondition (aStream, aVerbose);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aStream << features->iName;
+ }
+ if (features->iRightNeeded)
+ {
+ aStream << L"(";
+ if(iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists)
+ {
+ aStream << L"\"";
+ }
+ RHS().AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
+ if(iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists)
+ {
+ aStream << L"\"";
+ }
+ aStream << L")";
+ }
+ if (features->iStringNeeded)
+ {
+ if(((iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists) && (versionStr != KFuncVersionPrefix)) && ((iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists) && (supportedLanguageStr != KFuncSupportedLanguagePrefix)))
+ {
+ aStream << L"(";
+ if(iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists)
+ {
+ aStream << L"\"";
+ }
+ iString.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
+ if(iOperator.Value() == EFuncExists)
+ {
+ aStream << L"\"";
+ }
+ aStream << L")";
+ }
+ }
+ if (features->iNumberNeeded)
+ {
+ if(iOperator.Value() == EPrimTypeVariable)
+ {
+ if(iInteger.Value() == EVarLanguage)
+ {
+ aStream << L"LANGUAGE";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; KVariables[i].iName != NULL; ++i)
+ {
+ if (KVariables[i].iId == iInteger)
+ {
+ aStream << KVariables[i].iName;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aStream << iInteger;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CSISExpression::WriteVersionCondition(std::basic_ostream<wchar_t>& aStream, bool aVerbose) const
+ {
+ std::wstring parseString = iString.GetString().substr(KFuncVersionPrefix.length());
+ std::wstring outputArgs;
+ try
+ {
+ // *** Parse Package UID Argument ***
+ std::wstring packageUidStr;
+ if(!ExtractNextToken(parseString,packageUidStr))
+ {
+ throw "Failed to Parse Package UID";
+ }
+ // Package UID format checking
+ packageUidStr[1] = tolower(packageUidStr[1]);
+ if(packageUidStr.find(L"0x") != 0 || packageUidStr.length() != 10)
+ {
+ throw "Invalid Package UID Format";
+ }
+ // Check that the UID string can be converted to Hexadecimal
+ if(!IsHexadecimal(packageUidStr.substr(2)))
+ {
+ throw "Package UID contains non hexadecimal characters";
+ }
+ // Update Condition Output
+ outputArgs.append(packageUidStr);
+ outputArgs.append(L",");
+ // *** Parse Relational Operator ***
+ std::wstring relationOpStr;
+ if(!ExtractNextToken(parseString,relationOpStr))
+ {
+ throw "Failed to Parse the Relational Operator";
+ }
+ // Update the condition argument string as necessary depending on the operator code
+ if(relationOpStr == L"ET")
+ {
+ outputArgs.append(L"=");
+ }
+ else if(relationOpStr == L"LT")
+ {
+ outputArgs.append(L"<");
+ }
+ else if(relationOpStr == L"LE")
+ {
+ outputArgs.append(L"<=");
+ }
+ else if(relationOpStr == L"GT")
+ {
+ outputArgs.append(L">");
+ }
+ else if(relationOpStr == L"GE")
+ {
+ outputArgs.append(L">=");
+ }
+ else if(relationOpStr == L"NE")
+ {
+ outputArgs.append(L"<>");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the operator is not recognised, throw an exception
+ throw "Invalid Relational Operator";
+ }
+ // Update Condition Output
+ outputArgs.append(L",");
+ // *** Parse Major Version Component ***
+ std::wstring vMajorStr;
+ if(!ExtractNextToken(parseString,vMajorStr))
+ {
+ throw "Failed to parse the MAJOR version component";
+ }
+ // Check and convert the wstring to an integer
+ TInt vMajor;
+ if(!IsDecimal(vMajorStr,vMajor))
+ {
+ throw "MAJOR version component contains non numeric characters (0-9)";
+ }
+ // Check the Major component value lies within range
+ if(vMajor < 0 || vMajor > 127)
+ {
+ throw "MAJOR version component out of range (0 - 127)";
+ }
+ // Update Condition Output
+ outputArgs.append(vMajorStr);
+ outputArgs.append(L",");
+ // *** Parse Minor Version Component ***
+ std::wstring vMinorStr;
+ if(!ExtractNextToken(parseString,vMinorStr))
+ {
+ throw "Failed to parse the MINOR version component";
+ }
+ // Check and convert the wstring to an integer
+ TInt vMinor;
+ if(!IsDecimal(vMinorStr,vMinor))
+ {
+ throw "MINOR version component contains non numeric characters (0-9)";
+ }
+ // Check the Minor component value lies within range
+ if(vMinor < 0 || vMinor > 99)
+ {
+ throw "MINOR version component out of range (0 - 99)";
+ }
+ // Update Condition Output
+ outputArgs.append(vMinorStr);
+ outputArgs.append(L",");
+ // *** Parse Build Version Component ***
+ std::wstring vBuildStr(parseString);
+ // Check and convert the wstring to an integer
+ TInt vBuild;
+ if(!IsDecimal(vBuildStr,vBuild))
+ {
+ throw "BUILD version component contains non numeric characters (0-9)";
+ }
+ // Check the Build component value lies within range
+ if(vBuild < 0 || vBuild > 32767)
+ {
+ throw "BUILD version component out of range (0 - 32767)";
+ }
+ // Update Condition Output
+ outputArgs.append(vBuildStr);
+ // Output the successfully parsed version condition to the stream
+ aStream << L"version(";
+ aStream << outputArgs;
+ aStream << L")";
+ }
+ catch(const char* aWarnMsg)
+ {
+ // Convert Char* into a wstring
+ TInt bufferLength = strlen(aWarnMsg);
+ wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[bufferLength+1];
+ mbstowcs(buffer,aWarnMsg,bufferLength+1);
+ std::wstring msgString(buffer);
+ delete buffer;
+ // Output the condition as an exists statement and comment warnings to the stream
+ aStream << L"exists(\"";
+ iString.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
+ aStream << L"\")" << std::endl;
+ aStream << L"; warning: \"VERSION\" condition output as \"EXISTS\"" << std::endl;
+ aStream << L"; " << msgString;
+ }
+ }
+bool CSISExpression::ExtractNextToken(std::wstring& aParseString, std::wstring& aTokenString)
+ {
+ TInt separatorPosition = aParseString.find(L",");
+ // Check that a separator was located within the parse string
+ if(separatorPosition == -1 || separatorPosition > aParseString.length()-1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set the extracted token string and remove the token from the parse string
+ aTokenString = aParseString.substr(0,separatorPosition);
+ aParseString = aParseString.substr(separatorPosition + 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+bool CSISExpression::IsHexadecimal(const std::wstring& aString)
+ {
+ TUint32 i;
+ return IsHexadecimal(aString,i);
+ }
+bool CSISExpression::IsHexadecimal(const std::wstring& aString, TUint32& aHexValue)
+ {
+ if(aString.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::wistringstream wStrStream(aString);
+ if((wStrStream >> std::hex >> aHexValue) && wStrStream.eof())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+bool CSISExpression::IsDecimal(const std::wstring& aString, TInt& aDecimalValue)
+ {
+ if(aString.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::wistringstream wStrStream(aString);
+ if((wStrStream >> std::dec >> aDecimalValue) && wStrStream.eof())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+void CSISExpression::WriteSupportedLanguageCondition(std::basic_ostream<wchar_t>& aStream, bool aVerbose) const
+ {
+ std::wstring parseString = iString.GetString().substr(KFuncSupportedLanguagePrefix.length());
+ std::wstring outputArgs;
+ try
+ {
+ // Check and convert the wstring to an integer
+ TInt vLanguageId;
+ if(!IsDecimal(parseString,vLanguageId))
+ {
+ throw "Supported_Language option contains non-numeric value";
+ }
+ // Output the successfully parsed version condition to the stream
+ aStream << L"Supported_Language = ";
+ aStream << vLanguageId;
+ }
+ catch(const char* aWarnMsg)
+ {
+ // Convert Char* into a wstring
+ TInt bufferLength = strlen(aWarnMsg);
+ wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[bufferLength+1];
+ mbstowcs(buffer,aWarnMsg,bufferLength+1);
+ std::wstring msgString(buffer);
+ delete buffer;
+ // Output the condition as an exists statement and comment warnings to the stream
+ aStream << L"exists(\"";
+ iString.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
+ aStream << L"\")" << std::endl;
+ aStream << L"; warning: \"Supported_Language\" condition output as \"EXISTS\"" << std::endl;
+ aStream << L"; " << msgString;
+ }
+ }