changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
child 1 c42dffbd5b4f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/source/xmlparser/xerces/include/xercesc/framework/XMLErrorCodes.hpp	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+// This file is generated, don't edit it!!
+#if !defined(ERRHEADER_XMLErrs)
+#define ERRHEADER_XMLErrs
+#include <xercesc/framework/XMLErrorReporter.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMError.hpp>
+class XMLErrs
+public :
+    enum Codes
+    {
+        NoError                            = 0
+      , W_LowBounds                        = 1
+      , NotationAlreadyExists              = 2
+      , AttListAlreadyExists               = 3
+      , ContradictoryEncoding              = 4
+      , UndeclaredElemInCM                 = 5
+      , UndeclaredElemInAttList            = 6
+      , XMLException_Warning               = 7
+      , W_HighBounds                       = 8
+      , E_LowBounds                        = 9
+      , FeatureUnsupported                 = 10
+      , TopLevelNoNameComplexType          = 11
+      , TopLevelNoNameAttribute            = 12
+      , NoNameRefAttribute                 = 13
+      , GlobalNoNameElement                = 14
+      , NoNameRefElement                   = 15
+      , NoNameRefGroup                     = 16
+      , NoNameRefAttGroup                  = 17
+      , AnonComplexTypeWithName            = 18
+      , AnonSimpleTypeWithName             = 19
+      , InvalidElementContent              = 20
+      , UntypedElement                     = 21
+      , SimpleTypeContentError             = 22
+      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInList           = 23
+      , ListUnionRestrictionError          = 24
+      , SimpleTypeDerivationByListError    = 25
+      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInRestriction    = 26
+      , DuplicateFacet                     = 27
+      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInUnion          = 28
+      , EmptySimpleTypeContent             = 29
+      , InvalidSimpleContent               = 30
+      , UnspecifiedBase                    = 31
+      , InvalidComplexContent              = 32
+      , SchemaElementContentError          = 33
+      , ContentError                       = 34
+      , UnknownSimpleType                  = 35
+      , UnknownComplexType                 = 36
+      , UnresolvedPrefix                   = 37
+      , RefElementNotFound                 = 38
+      , TypeNotFound                       = 39
+      , TopLevelAttributeNotFound          = 40
+      , InvalidChildInComplexType          = 41
+      , BaseTypeNotFound                   = 42
+      , NoAttributeInSchema                = 43
+      , DatatypeValidatorCreationError     = 44
+      , InvalidChildFollowingSimpleContent   = 45
+      , InvalidChildFollowingConplexContent   = 46
+      , InvalidComplexTypeBlockValue       = 47
+      , InvalidComplexTypeFinalValue       = 48
+      , AttributeDefaultFixedValue         = 49
+      , NotOptionalDefaultAttValue         = 50
+      , LocalAttributeWithNameRef          = 51
+      , GlobalAttributeWithNameRef         = 52
+      , DuplicateAttribute                 = 53
+      , AttributeWithTypeAndSimpleType     = 54
+      , AttributeSimpleTypeNotFound        = 55
+      , ElementWithFixedAndDefault         = 56
+      , DeclarationWithNameRef             = 57
+      , BadAttWithRef                      = 58
+      , InvalidDeclarationName             = 59
+      , GlobalElementWithRef               = 60
+      , ElementWithTypeAndAnonType         = 61
+      , NotSimpleOrMixedElement            = 62
+      , DisallowedSimpleTypeExtension      = 63
+      , InvalidSimpleContentBase           = 64
+      , InvalidComplexTypeBase             = 65
+      , InvalidChildInSimpleContent        = 66
+      , InvalidChildInComplexContent       = 67
+      , AnnotationError                    = 68
+      , DisallowedBaseDerivation           = 69
+      , SubstitutionRepeated               = 70
+      , UnionRepeated                      = 71
+      , ExtensionRepeated                  = 72
+      , ListRepeated                       = 73
+      , RestrictionRepeated                = 74
+      , InvalidBlockValue                  = 75
+      , InvalidFinalValue                  = 76
+      , InvalidSubstitutionGroupElement    = 77
+      , SubstitutionGroupTypeMismatch      = 78
+      , DuplicateElementDeclaration        = 79
+      , InvalidElementBlockValue           = 80
+      , InvalidElementFinalValue           = 81
+      , InvalidAttValue                    = 82
+      , AttributeRefContentError           = 83
+      , DuplicateRefAttribute              = 84
+      , ForbiddenDerivationByRestriction   = 85
+      , ForbiddenDerivationByExtension     = 86
+      , BaseNotComplexType                 = 87
+      , ImportNamespaceDifference          = 88
+      , ImportRootError                    = 89
+      , DeclarationNoSchemaLocation        = 90
+      , IncludeNamespaceDifference         = 91
+      , OnlyAnnotationExpected             = 92
+      , InvalidAttributeContent            = 93
+      , AttributeRequired                  = 94
+      , AttributeDisallowed                = 95
+      , InvalidMin2MaxOccurs               = 96
+      , AnyAttributeContentError           = 97
+      , NoNameGlobalElement                = 98
+      , NoCircularDefinition               = 99
+      , DuplicateGlobalType                = 100
+      , DuplicateGlobalDeclaration         = 101
+      , WS_CollapseExpected                = 102
+      , Import_1_1                         = 103
+      , Import_1_2                         = 104
+      , ElemIDValueConstraint              = 105
+      , NoNotationType                     = 106
+      , EmptiableMixedContent              = 107
+      , EmptyComplexRestrictionDerivation   = 108
+      , MixedOrElementOnly                 = 109
+      , InvalidContentRestriction          = 110
+      , ForbiddenDerivation                = 111
+      , AtomicItemType                     = 112
+      , MemberTypeNoUnion                  = 113
+      , GroupContentError                  = 114
+      , AttGroupContentError               = 115
+      , MinMaxOnGroupChild                 = 116
+      , DeclarationNotFound                = 117
+      , AllContentLimited                  = 118
+      , BadMinMaxAllCT                     = 119
+      , BadMinMaxAllElem                   = 120
+      , NoCircularAttGroup                 = 121
+      , DuplicateAttInDerivation           = 122
+      , NotExpressibleWildCardIntersection   = 123
+      , BadAttDerivation_1                 = 124
+      , BadAttDerivation_2                 = 125
+      , BadAttDerivation_3                 = 126
+      , BadAttDerivation_4                 = 127
+      , BadAttDerivation_5                 = 128
+      , BadAttDerivation_6                 = 129
+      , BadAttDerivation_7                 = 130
+      , BadAttDerivation_8                 = 131
+      , BadAttDerivation_9                 = 132
+      , AllContentError                    = 133
+      , RedefineNamespaceDifference        = 134
+      , Redefine_InvalidSimpleType         = 135
+      , Redefine_InvalidSimpleTypeBase     = 136
+      , Redefine_InvalidComplexType        = 137
+      , Redefine_InvalidComplexTypeBase    = 138
+      , Redefine_InvalidGroupMinMax        = 139
+      , Redefine_DeclarationNotFound       = 140
+      , Redefine_GroupRefCount             = 141
+      , Redefine_AttGroupRefCount          = 142
+      , Redefine_InvalidChild              = 143
+      , Notation_InvalidDecl               = 144
+      , Notation_DeclNotFound              = 145
+      , IC_DuplicateDecl                   = 146
+      , IC_BadContent                      = 147
+      , IC_KeyRefReferNotFound             = 148
+      , IC_KeyRefCardinality               = 149
+      , IC_XPathExprMissing                = 150
+      , AttUseCorrect                      = 151
+      , AttDeclPropCorrect3                = 152
+      , AttDeclPropCorrect5                = 153
+      , AttGrpPropCorrect3                 = 154
+      , InvalidTargetNSValue               = 155
+      , DisplayErrorMessage                = 156
+      , XMLException_Error                 = 157
+      , InvalidRedefine                    = 158
+      , InvalidNSReference                 = 159
+      , NotAllContent                      = 160
+      , InvalidAnnotationContent           = 161
+      , InvalidFacetName                   = 162
+      , InvalidXMLSchemaRoot               = 163
+      , CircularSubsGroup                  = 164
+      , SubsGroupMemberAbstract            = 165
+      , ELTSchemaNS                        = 166
+      , InvalidAttTNS                      = 167
+      , NSDeclInvalid                      = 168
+      , DOMLevel1Node                      = 169
+      , E_HighBounds                       = 170
+      , F_LowBounds                        = 171
+      , EntityExpansionLimitExceeded       = 172
+      , ExpectedCommentOrCDATA             = 173
+      , ExpectedAttrName                   = 174
+      , ExpectedNotationName               = 175
+      , NoRepInMixed                       = 176
+      , BadDefAttrDecl                     = 177
+      , ExpectedDefAttrDecl                = 178
+      , AttListSyntaxError                 = 179
+      , ExpectedEqSign                     = 180
+      , DupAttrName                        = 181
+      , BadIdForXMLLangAttr                = 182
+      , ExpectedElementName                = 183
+      , MustStartWithXMLDecl               = 184
+      , CommentsMustStartWith              = 185
+      , InvalidDocumentStructure           = 186
+      , ExpectedDeclString                 = 187
+      , BadXMLVersion                      = 188
+      , UnsupportedXMLVersion              = 189
+      , UnterminatedXMLDecl                = 190
+      , BadXMLEncoding                     = 191
+      , BadStandalone                      = 192
+      , UnterminatedComment                = 193
+      , PINameExpected                     = 194
+      , UnterminatedPI                     = 195
+      , InvalidCharacter                   = 196
+      , UnexpectedTextBeforeRoot           = 197
+      , UnterminatedStartTag               = 198
+      , ExpectedAttrValue                  = 199
+      , UnterminatedEndTag                 = 200
+      , ExpectedAttributeType              = 201
+      , ExpectedEndOfTagX                  = 202
+      , ExpectedMarkup                     = 203
+      , NotValidAfterContent               = 204
+      , ExpectedComment                    = 205
+      , ExpectedCommentOrPI                = 206
+      , ExpectedWhitespace                 = 207
+      , NoRootElemInDOCTYPE                = 208
+      , ExpectedQuotedString               = 209
+      , ExpectedPublicId                   = 210
+      , InvalidPublicIdChar                = 211
+      , UnterminatedDOCTYPE                = 212
+      , InvalidCharacterInIntSubset        = 213
+      , ExpectedCDATA                      = 214
+      , InvalidInitialNameChar             = 215
+      , InvalidNameChar                    = 216
+      , UnexpectedWhitespace               = 217
+      , InvalidCharacterInAttrValue        = 218
+      , ExpectedMarkupDecl                 = 219
+      , TextDeclNotLegalHere               = 220
+      , ConditionalSectInIntSubset         = 221
+      , ExpectedPEName                     = 222
+      , UnterminatedEntityDecl             = 223
+      , InvalidCharacterRef                = 224
+      , UnterminatedCharRef                = 225
+      , ExpectedEntityRefName              = 226
+      , EntityNotFound                     = 227
+      , NoUnparsedEntityRefs               = 228
+      , UnterminatedEntityRef              = 229
+      , RecursiveEntity                    = 230
+      , PartialMarkupInEntity              = 231
+      , UnterminatedElementDecl            = 232
+      , ExpectedContentSpecExpr            = 233
+      , ExpectedAsterisk                   = 234
+      , UnterminatedContentModel           = 235
+      , ExpectedSystemId                   = 236
+      , ExpectedSystemOrPublicId           = 237
+      , UnterminatedNotationDecl           = 238
+      , ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf              = 239
+      , ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen         = 240
+      , ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen            = 241
+      , ExpectedEnumValue                  = 242
+      , ExpectedEnumSepOrParen             = 243
+      , UnterminatedEntityLiteral          = 244
+      , MoreEndThanStartTags               = 245
+      , ExpectedOpenParen                  = 246
+      , AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag              = 247
+      , BracketInAttrValue                 = 248
+      , Expected2ndSurrogateChar           = 249
+      , ExpectedEndOfConditional           = 250
+      , ExpectedIncOrIgn                   = 251
+      , ExpectedINCLUDEBracket             = 252
+      , ExpectedTextDecl                   = 253
+      , ExpectedXMLDecl                    = 254
+      , UnexpectedEOE                      = 255
+      , PEPropogated                       = 256
+      , ExtraCloseSquare                   = 257
+      , PERefInMarkupInIntSubset           = 258
+      , EntityPropogated                   = 259
+      , ExpectedNumericalCharRef           = 260
+      , ExpectedOpenSquareBracket          = 261
+      , BadSequenceInCharData              = 262
+      , IllegalSequenceInComment           = 263
+      , UnterminatedCDATASection           = 264
+      , ExpectedNDATA                      = 265
+      , NDATANotValidForPE                 = 266
+      , HexRadixMustBeLowerCase            = 267
+      , DeclStringRep                      = 268
+      , DeclStringsInWrongOrder            = 269
+      , NoExtRefsInAttValue                = 270
+      , XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase             = 271
+      , ExpectedEntityValue                = 272
+      , BadDigitForRadix                   = 273
+      , EndedWithTagsOnStack               = 274
+      , AmbiguousContentModel              = 275
+      , NestedCDATA                        = 276
+      , UnknownPrefix                      = 277
+      , PartialTagMarkupError              = 278
+      , EmptyMainEntity                    = 279
+      , CDATAOutsideOfContent              = 280
+      , OnlyCharRefsAllowedHere            = 281
+      , Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar         = 282
+      , NoPIStartsWithXML                  = 283
+      , XMLDeclMustBeFirst                 = 284
+      , XMLVersionRequired                 = 285
+      , StandaloneNotLegal                 = 286
+      , EncodingRequired                   = 287
+      , TooManyColonsInName                = 288
+      , InvalidColonPos                    = 289
+      , ColonNotLegalWithNS                = 290
+      , SysException                       = 291
+      , XMLException_Fatal                 = 292
+      , UnexpectedEOF                      = 293
+      , UnexpectedError                    = 294
+      , BadSchemaLocation                  = 295
+      , NoGrammarResolver                  = 296
+      , SchemaScanFatalError               = 297
+      , IllegalRefInStandalone             = 298
+      , PEBetweenDecl                      = 299
+      , NoEmptyStrNamespace                = 300
+      , NoUseOfxmlnsAsPrefix               = 301
+      , NoUseOfxmlnsURI                    = 302
+      , PrefixXMLNotMatchXMLURI            = 303
+      , XMLURINotMatchXMLPrefix            = 304
+      , NoXMLNSAsElementPrefix             = 305
+      , CT_SimpleTypeChildRequired         = 306
+      , InvalidRootElemInDOCTYPE           = 307
+      , InvalidElementName                 = 308
+      , InvalidAttrName                    = 309
+      , InvalidEntityRefName               = 310
+      , DuplicateDocTypeDecl               = 311
+      , F_HighBounds                       = 312
+    };
+    static bool isFatal(const XMLErrs::Codes toCheck)
+    {
+        return ((toCheck >= F_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= F_HighBounds));
+    }
+    static bool isWarning(const XMLErrs::Codes toCheck)
+    {
+        return ((toCheck >= W_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= W_HighBounds));
+    }
+    static bool isError(const XMLErrs::Codes toCheck)
+    {
+        return ((toCheck >= E_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= E_HighBounds));
+    }
+    static XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes errorType(const XMLErrs::Codes toCheck)
+    {
+       if ((toCheck >= W_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= W_HighBounds))
+           return XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Warning;
+       else if ((toCheck >= F_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= F_HighBounds))
+            return XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Fatal;
+       else if ((toCheck >= E_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= E_HighBounds))
+            return XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Error;
+       return XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes_Unknown;
+    }
+    static DOMError::ErrorSeverity  DOMErrorType(const XMLErrs::Codes toCheck)
+    {
+       if ((toCheck >= W_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= W_HighBounds))
+           return DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_WARNING;
+       else if ((toCheck >= F_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= F_HighBounds))
+            return DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR;
+       else return DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_ERROR;
+    }
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    XMLErrs();