--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/test/tinterpretsis/preparesis.pl Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use Cwd;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy; # for future portability
+# Note that although Win32 internally will quite happily accept
+# forward slashes as directory separators, both cmd.exe and
+# makesis.exe/signsis.exe interpret these as option separators,
+# so use backslashes when calling these programs.
+die "EPOCROOT not defined" if !defined ($ENV{EPOCROOT});
+my $makesis = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\tools\\makesis.exe";
+my $signsis = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\tools\\signsis.exe";
+if ( ! -x $makesis || ! -x $signsis ) {
+ die "$makesis and $signsis are not executable";
+my %opt;
+getopts( "vch:", \%opt ) or usage();
+my $platform = lc($ARGV[0]);
+my $configuration = lc($ARGV[1]);
+my $packagedir = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\pkg";
+my $builddir = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\sis_${platform}_${configuration}";
+my $log = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\logfile.txt";
+usage() if $opt{h};
+clean() if $opt{c};
+usage() if !defined($ARGV[0]) || !defined($ARGV[1]);
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub usage() {
+ print STDERR << "EOF";
+ usage: $0 [-hcv] <platform> <udeb|urel>
+ -h : this (help) message
+ -v : verbose output
+ -c : clean up signed .sis files
+ exit;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub clean() {
+ foreach my $file (getFiles($builddir, "\.pkg\$")) { unlink("$builddir/$file"); }
+ foreach my $file (getFiles($builddir, "\.sis\$")) { unlink("$builddir/$file"); }
+ exit;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub mtime($) {
+ my ($file) = shift;
+ my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,
+ $size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
+ $mtime = 0 if ! defined( $mtime );
+ return $mtime;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Return an array of files matching a regexp in a directory
+sub getFiles($$) {
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my $regfiles = shift;
+ my @files;
+ if ( opendir DIR, $dir ) {
+ @files = grep (/$regfiles/, readdir(DIR));
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ return @files;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Edit a file
+sub EditFile ($$) {
+ my ($file, $coderef) = @_;
+ local $_ = ReadFile($file);
+ &$coderef();
+ WriteFile($file, $_);
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Read the contents of a file into a string and return it
+sub ReadFile ($) {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open FILE, "<$file" or die "Can't read from $file: $!";
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $data = <FILE>;
+ close FILE;
+ return $data;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Replace a file with a string
+sub WriteFile ($$) {
+ my ($file, $data) = @_;
+ # Ensure directory exists
+ if ($file =~ basename($1) && ! -e $1) {
+ mkdir($1);
+ }
+ system("attrib -r $file");
+ open FILE, ">$file" or die "Can't write to $file: $!";
+ print FILE $data;
+ close FILE;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+print "\nBuilding test executables for $platform $configuration configuration\n\n";
+if ($platform =~ /armv5/i)
+ mkdir("/epoc32/winscw/c/tswi/tinterpretsis/data/armv5/");
+print "Processing files in directory: $builddir\n\n";
+foreach my $file ( getFiles( $packagedir, "\.pkg\$" )) {
+ # Copy package files to builddir if not present or package more recent.
+ # Some package files are re-written with platform, config and builddir.
+ #
+ if ( mtime("$packagedir/$file") > mtime("$builddir/$file") )
+ {
+ print "Copying $packagedir/$file to $builddir/$file and re-writing\n" if $opt{v};
+ copy("$packagedir/$file", "$builddir/$file");
+ # replace <PLATFORM> with the platform and <CFG> with the configuration
+ EditFile("$builddir/$file" , sub { s/<PLATFORM>/$platform/gm;
+ s/<CONFIGURATION>/$configuration/gm;
+ s/<BUILD>/$builddir/gm; });
+ }
+ # Run makesis/signsis if needed on package files
+ #
+ $file =~ s/\.pkg//;
+ if ( mtime("$builddir/$file.sis") < mtime("$builddir/$file.pkg")
+ || mtime("$builddir/$file.sis") < mtime("$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\certs\\default.cer")
+ || mtime("$builddir/$file.sis") < mtime("$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\certs\\default.key")
+ || mtime("$builddir/$file.sis") < mtime($makesis)
+ || mtime("$builddir/$file.sis") < mtime($signsis))
+ {
+ # build sis file
+ system ("$makesis $builddir\\$file.pkg $builddir\\$file-tmp.sis");
+ print ("$makesis $builddir\\$file.pkg $builddir\\$file-tmp.sis\n") if $opt{v};
+ system("$signsis -s $builddir\\$file-tmp.sis $builddir\\$file.sis $ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\certs\\default.cer $ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\certs\\default.key");
+ print ("$signsis -s $builddir\\$file-tmp.sis $builddir\\$file.sis $ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\certs\\default.cer $ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsis\\certs\\default.key\n") if $opt{v};
+ print "\n" if $opt{v};
+ } else {
+ print ("$builddir/$file.sis is up-to-date\n");
+ }
+ # If the package file contains the string "CREATE_UNSIGNED_SIS"
+ # copy the unsigned sis file too. Note that these SIS files are
+ # not currently added to the ROM, since we can't change the
+ # swipolicy file on the fly on the ROM.
+ if (grep(/CREATE_UNSIGNED_SIS/, ReadFile("$builddir/$file.pkg")))
+ {
+ rename("$builddir/$file-tmp.sis", "$builddir/$file-unsigned.sis");
+ } else {
+ unlink("$builddir/$file-tmp.sis");
+ }
+# Keep original method names for ease of merging/compatibility
+sub SignFile($$$$) { SignFileLen(1, @_); }
+sub SignFile2($$$$) { SignFileLen(2, @_); }
+sub SignFileLen($$$$$)
+ my ($len, $infile, $outfile, $signwith, $iby) = @_;
+ my $certpath="$ENV{'SECURITYSOURCEDIR'}\\installationservices\\switestfw\\testcertificates\\swi\\test\\tsisfile\\data\\signedsis";
+ my $keypath = "$ENV{'SECURITYSOURCEDIR'}\\installationservices\\swi\\test\\tsisfile\\data\\signedsis";
+ my $sispath=$builddir;
+ my $type="rsa";
+ if ($signwith =~ /DSA/i) {
+ $type="dsa";
+ }
+ my $pemfile = "$certpath\\$signwith\\cert_chain_$type\_len$len\\chain_$type\_len$len.cert.pem ";
+ my $keyfile = "$keypath\\$signwith\\cert_chain_$type\_len$len\\" . $type . "$len.key";
+ # If infile, keyfile, pemfile or signsis.exe is more recent than
+ # outfile, or outfile is non-existent then sign the sis file.
+ #
+ if ( mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$sispath/$infile")
+ || mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$signsis")
+ || mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$pemfile")
+ || mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$keyfile")) {
+ printf("\t$infile with $signwith to $outfile\n");
+ my $cmd = "$signsis -s $sispath\\$infile $sispath\\$outfile $pemfile $keyfile";
+ system($cmd);
+ print "$cmd\n\n" if $opt{v};
+ } else {
+ print("$sispath/$outfile is up-to-date\n");
+ }
+sub SignFileWithSpecifiedCert($$$$$)
+ my ($infile, $outfile, $signcert, $signkey, $iby) = @_;
+ my $certpath="$ENV{'SECURITYSOURCEDIR'}\\installationservices\\switestfw\\testcertificates\\swi\\test\\tsisfile\\data\\signedsis";
+ my $keypath = "$ENV{'SECURITYSOURCEDIR'}\\installationservices\\swi\\test\\tsisfile\\data\\signedsis";
+ if ($signkey =~ /\.pem$/)
+ {
+ $keypath = "$ENV{'SECURITYSOURCEDIR'}\\installationservices\\switestfw\\testcertificates\\swi\\test\\tsisfile\\data\\signedsis";
+ }
+ my $sispath=$builddir;
+ if ( mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$sispath/$infile")
+ || mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$signsis")
+ || mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$keypath/$signkey")
+ || mtime("$sispath/$outfile") < mtime("$certpath/$signcert")) {
+ printf("\t$infile with $signcert and $signkey to $outfile\n");
+ my $cmd = "$signsis -s $sispath\\$infile $sispath\\$outfile $certpath\\$signcert $keypath\\$signkey";
+ system($cmd);
+ print "$cmd\n\n" if $opt{v};
+ } else {
+ print("$sispath/$outfile is up-to-date\n");
+ }
+# Sign the files as necessary for the following tests
+printf("Signing files...\n");
+SignFile("exe.sis", "exe_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("dll_exe_dup_sid.sis", "dll_exe_dup_sid_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("dll_dll_dup_sid.sis", "dll_dll_dup_sid_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("eclipse.sis", "eclipse_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("partial.sis", "partial_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("patch.sis", "patch_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("overwrite.sis", "overwrite_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("private_fail.sis", "private_fail_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("duplicate_sid.sis", "duplicate_sid_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("depend1.sis", "depend1_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("depend2.sis", "depend2_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("depend3.sis", "depend3_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("depend4.sis", "depend4_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("depend5.sis", "depend5_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("depend6.sis", "depend6_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("functions_base.sis", "functions_base_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("functions.sis", "functions_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("stub_file_depend.sis", "stub_file_depend_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("fn_flag.sis", "fn_flag_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+SignFile("testconfig.sis", "testconfig_s.sis", "Root5CA",\*iby);
+# DEF070572 - SIS files signed by multiple chains to test OCSP result dialog
+#SignFileWithSpecifiedCert("tswinocapability_Root5.sis", "testocspresultdialog_a.sis", "SymbianTestRootExpiredCARSA\\cacert.pem", "SymbianTestRootExpiredCARSA\\cakey.pem", \*iby);
+#SignFileWithSpecifiedCert("testocspresultdialog_a.sis", "testocspresultdialog_b.sis", "..\\..\\..\\tdevcerts\\SymbianTestRootCARSA_OCSP\\SymbianTestRootCARSA\\certs\\revoked_user_caps.cert.pem", "..\\..\\..\\tdevcerts\\SymbianTestRootCARSA_OCSP\\SymbianTestRootCARSA\\certs\\revoked_user_caps.key.pem", \*iby);