* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* installserver.exe Implementation of software install server
CAPABILITY TCB AllFiles ProtServ TrustedUI ReadUserData WriteDeviceData ReadDeviceData
target installserver.exe
targettype exe
EPOCHEAPSIZE 0x2000 0x400000
// UID is KAppinstInstallServer (270496405 - 0x101F7295)
UID 0x101F7295 0x101F7295
VENDORID 0x70000001
USERINCLUDE ../source/swis/server
USERINCLUDE ../source/plan
USERINCLUDE ../source/sisregistry/common
USERINCLUDE ../source/sisregistry/server
USERINCLUDE ../source/swiobserver/inc_private
USERINCLUDE ../inc/swi
SOURCEPATH ../source/swis/server
SOURCE e32main.cpp
SOURCE installserver.cpp
SOURCE statemachine.cpp
SOURCE installmachine.cpp
SOURCE uninstallmachine.cpp
// New additions for planning and plan processing
SOURCE prerequisiteschecker.cpp
SOURCE requisiteschecker.cpp
SOURCE postrequisiteschecker.cpp
SOURCE checkedversion.cpp
SOURCE planner.cpp
SOURCE installationplanner.cpp
SOURCE uninstallationplanner.cpp
SOURCE siscontentprovider.cpp
SOURCE expressionevaluator.cpp
SOURCE processor.cpp
SOURCE installationprocessor.cpp
SOURCE uninstallationprocessor.cpp
SOURCE restorecontroller.cpp
SOURCE restoremachine.cpp
SOURCE restoreprocessor.cpp
SOURCE fileextractor.cpp
SOURCE securitycheckutil.cpp
SOURCE sidcache.cpp
SOURCE securityinfo.cpp
SOURCE packageremover.cpp
SOURCE adornedutilities.cpp
SOURCE uninstallationnode.cpp
SOURCEPATH ../source/sisregistry/common
SOURCE globalidformat.cpp
SOURCEPATH ../source/swis/server
SOURCE registrywrapper.cpp
SOURCE installswtypehelper.cpp
// The following is also included in sishelper; to avoid creating a new
// shared DLL it is included here directly.
SOURCEPATH ../source/sishelper
SOURCE sishelperclient.cpp
SOURCE installprefs.cpp
#ifdef __SWI_LOGGING__
LIBRARY flogger.lib // Logging & tracing support -- To use define __SWI_LOGGING__ in the .hrh file
LIBRARY euser.lib
LIBRARY estor.lib
LIBRARY siscontroller.lib
LIBRARY uissclient.lib
LIBRARY sisresult.lib
LIBRARY efsrv.lib
LIBRARY ocspsupportclient.lib
LIBRARY scrclient.lib
LIBRARY stsclient.lib
LIBRARY swtypereginfo.lib
LIBRARY integrityservices.lib
LIBRARY securitymanager.lib
LIBRARY hal.lib
LIBRARY plan.lib
LIBRARY sisregistryclient.lib
LIBRARY swidataprovider.lib
LIBRARY sislauncherclient.lib
LIBRARY hash.lib
LIBRARY sectcbutil.lib
LIBRARY swiobserverclient.lib
LIBRARY swiobservedinfo.lib
#ifdef WINS
library emulator.lib
start wins
WIN32_LIBRARY kernel32.lib