* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header file of CIAUpdateLoader class
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <ncdloadnodeoperationobserver.h>
#include "iaupdateoperationinfo.h"
class MNcdProvider;
class MNcdNode;
class MNcdNodeContainer;
class MNcdLoadNodeOperation;
class MNcdQuery;
class MIAUpdateLoaderObserver;
* CIAUpdateLoader provides functions to load node hierarchy from
* the internet server.
class CIAUpdateLoader : public CBase,
public MNcdLoadNodeOperationObserver
* @param aProvider NCD Engine provider
* @param aObserver Observer whose callbacks are called when operations
* progress.
* @return CIAUpdateLoader* Newly created object.
* Ownership is transferred.
static CIAUpdateLoader* NewLC( MNcdProvider& aProvider,
MIAUpdateLoaderObserver& aObserver );
* @see CIAUpdateLoader::NewLC
static CIAUpdateLoader* NewL( MNcdProvider& aProvider,
MIAUpdateLoaderObserver& aObserver );
* Destructor
virtual ~CIAUpdateLoader();
* This function can be used to check if the root node is expired.
* If ETrue is returned, then CDB connection is also required to
* update the root when nodes are loaded.
* @return TBool ETrue, if root is expired. Else, EFalse.
TBool RootExpiredL() const;
* LoadNodesL()
* Loads the whole node hierarchy.
* @note Load for the root is done only if the root is not
* in initilized state. This way CDB connections, that can be
* a bottle neck with massive amount of connections, are minimized
* and the server side has power to define CDB connection rate.
* @note Even if root would not be refreshed because it is already
* initialized, the hierarchy below it is always refreshed when
* this function is called -- even if the nodes were in initialized
* state.
void LoadNodesL();
* Cancels the possible on going operations.
void Cancel();
* @note If this flag is set to ETrue, it means that a correct child count
* is not requested from the server for the parent folder. Therefore, in every
* request all the children are requested. This way parent folder does not need
* to be refreshed to get a correct child count before downloading its children.
* @note If a correct child count is required by NCD Engine, then
* this value is resetted back to EFalse when operation flow progresses.
* EFalse is a default value for this.
* @param aOptimize ETrue means that skip child count requests.
* EFalse means that requests are sent in a normal way.
void SetSkipChildCountRefresh( TBool aSkip );
public: // MNcdLoadNodeOperationObserver
* @see MNcdLoadNodeOperationObserver::NodesUpdated
virtual void NodesUpdated( MNcdLoadNodeOperation& aOperation,
RCatalogsArray< MNcdNode >& aNodes );
* @see MNcdLoadNodeOperationObserver::QueryReceived
virtual void QueryReceived( MNcdLoadNodeOperation& aOperation,
MNcdQuery* aQuery );
* @see MNcdLoadNodeOperationObserver::OperationComplete
virtual void OperationComplete( MNcdLoadNodeOperation& aOperation,
TInt aError );
private: // methods
// Prevent these if not implemented
CIAUpdateLoader( const CIAUpdateLoader& aObject );
CIAUpdateLoader& operator =( const CIAUpdateLoader& aObject );
* C++ constructor
CIAUpdateLoader( MNcdProvider& aProvider,
MIAUpdateLoaderObserver& aObserver);
* 2nd phase contructorC++ constructor
void ConstructL();
* LoadRootL
* Loads the root node if it is not in initialized state.
* Also, loads the required node hierarchy below root in
* all the cases -- even if those nodes were in initialized
* state.
void LoadRootL();
* Loads children of the parent container one by one.
* This is used if the child containers should be first
* updated before loading their children.
* @param aParentContainer Container whose child containers will
* be loaded.
void LoadChildContainersL( MNcdNodeContainer& aParentContainer );
* Load container and the required hierarchy below it.
* @note This function should not be used for the root node.
* Instead, use LoadRootL if the refresh should be started
* from the root.
* @note When this function is called, first load is made
* for the container itself and then load children function
* is used fo its children. By calling load first, we can be
* sure that the container itself has the latest data before
* updating its children.
* @param aContainer Parent container.
void LoadContainerL( MNcdNodeContainer& aContainer );
* Load children of the given container, but not the container itself.
* @note This function should not be used to load children of the root.
* Instead, use LoadRootL or LoadChildContainersL for that. Root is an
* exception and should be handled as such.
* @param aContainer Parent container.
void LoadChildrenL( MNcdNodeContainer& aContainer );
* @note This function is provided for special optimization
* of the amount of server requests. This can be used if all
* the children of the container should be downloaded and
* a specially defined value is used for child counts instead
* of requesting the correct count value firts from the server.
* @see CIAUpdateLoader::LoadAllChildrenL
void LoadAllChildrenL( MNcdNodeContainer& aContainer );
* This is used to load grand children of the container.
* Dependening on the aPreviousOperationType, children
* are loaded as a group or one by one.
* @param aContainer Container whose children of children will be
* loaded.
* @param aPreviousOperationType Previously completed operation.
* Describes what kind of operation for the child container should
* be created.
void LoadChildrenOfChildrenL(
MNcdNodeContainer& aContainer,
TIAUpdateOperationInfo::TOperationType aPreviousOperationType );
* @param aContainer Container to which the load operation is directed.
* @param aOperationType Describes what kind of operation for the
* container should be created.
void StartLoadOperationL(
MNcdNodeContainer& aContainer,
TIAUpdateOperationInfo::TOperationType aOperationType );
* Starts next level of node loading for the container if necessary.
* @param aNode Node that should be a container. Its children will be
* loaded in next round if necessary.
* @param aPrviousOperationType Operation type of the previous round.
void NextLoadLoopL(
MNcdNode& aNode,
TIAUpdateOperationInfo::TOperationType aPreviousOperationType );
private: // data
// Not owned by this class object.
MNcdProvider& iProvider;
MIAUpdateLoaderObserver& iObserver;
// Information about started operations.
RArray< TIAUpdateOperationInfo > iOperations;
// ETrue if cancellation of operations is going on.
TBool iCancelling;
// This will contain the error code that is
// given for the observer when operation completes.
TInt iErrorCode;
// This flag informs if child counts should be refreshed
// from server before children are downloaded. This can be
// used to skip unwanted refresh requests to the server.
TBool iSkipChildCountRefresh;