* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable: 4786)
#endif // _MSC_VER
// Note: This file may contain code to generate corrupt files for test purposes.
// Such code is excluded from production builds by use of compiler defines;
// it is recommended that such code should be removed if this code is ever published publicly.
#include "sisfiledescription.h"
#include "sisdataunit.h"
#include <string>
#include "utility_interface.h"
#include "siscontents.h"
static std::wstring aOption1;
// This table must remain sorted by identifier name, since the search routine
// assumes that it is sorted.
static const SIdentifierTable KOptions [] =
{ L"FA", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionForceAbort },
{ L"FF", CSISFileDescription::EOpInstall, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"FILE", CSISFileDescription::EOpInstall, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"FILEMIME", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType },
{ L"FILENULL", CSISFileDescription::EOpNull, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"FILERUN", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"FILETEXT", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"FM", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType },
{ L"FN", CSISFileDescription::EOpNull, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"FORCEABORT", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionForceAbort },
{ L"FR", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"FT", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"MF", 0, 0 },
{ L"MODIFIABLE", 0, 0 },
{ L"RA", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionAfterInstall },
{ L"RB", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionInstall | CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionUninstall },
{ L"RBS", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionBeforeShutdown },
{ L"RI", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionInstall },
{ L"RR", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionUninstall },
{ L"RS", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionSendEnd },
{ L"RUNAFTERINSTALL", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionAfterInstall },
{ L"RUNBEFORESHUTDOWN", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionBeforeShutdown },
{ L"RUNBOTH", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionInstall | CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionUninstall },
{ L"RUNINSTALL", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionInstall },
{ L"RUNREMOVE", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionUninstall },
{ L"RUNSENDEND", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionSendEnd },
{ L"RUNWAITEND", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionWaitEnd },
{ L"RW", CSISFileDescription::EOpRun, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionWaitEnd },
{ L"TA", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionAbortIfNo },
{ L"TC", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"TE", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionExitIfNo },
{ L"TEXTABORT", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionAbortIfNo },
{ L"TEXTCONTINUE", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileNone },
{ L"TEXTEXIT", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionExitIfNo },
{ L"TEXTSKIP", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionSkipIfNo },
{ L"TS", CSISFileDescription::EOpText, CSISFileDescription::EInstFileTextOptionSkipIfNo },
{ L"VERIFY", CSISFileDescription::EOpInstall, CSISFileDescription::EInstVerifyOnRestore },
{ L"VR", CSISFileDescription::EOpInstall, CSISFileDescription::EInstVerifyOnRestore },
{ NULL, 0, 0 }
static const SKeyword1 KEscSymbols [] =
{ L"?"},
{ L"*"},
{ L"\""},
{ L":"},
{ L"|"},
{ L"/"},
void CSISFileDescription::InsertMembers ()
InsertMember (iTarget);
InsertMember (iMimeType);
InsertMember (iCapabilities);
InsertMember (iHash);
InsertMember (iOperation);
InsertMember (iOperationOptions);
InsertMember (iLength);
InsertMember (iUncompressedLength);
InsertMember (iFileIndex);
CSISFileDescription::CSISFileDescription (const CSISFileDescription& aInitialiser) :
CStructure <CSISFieldRoot::ESISFileDescription> (aInitialiser),
iTarget (aInitialiser.iTarget),
iMimeType (aInitialiser.iMimeType),
iCapabilities (aInitialiser.iCapabilities),
iOperation (aInitialiser.iOperation),
iOperationOptions (aInitialiser.iOperationOptions),
iHash (aInitialiser.iHash),
iLength (aInitialiser.iLength),
iUncompressedLength (aInitialiser.iUncompressedLength),
iFileIndex (aInitialiser.iFileIndex)
InsertMembers ();
CSISFileDescription::TSISInstOption CSISFileDescription::InterpretOption (const std::wstring& aOption)
aOption1 = aOption;
int index = SearchSortedUCTable (KOptions, aOption);
CSISException::ThrowIf (index < 0, CSISException::ESyntax, L"unknown option: " + aOption);
if (KOptions [index].iDeprecated)
SISLogger::Log(L"Option ");
SISLogger::Log(L" ignored.\n");
CSISException::ThrowIf ((iOperation > EOpNone) && (iOperation != KOptions [index].iValue),
L"incompatible option: " + aOption);
iOperation |= KOptions [index].iValue;
iOperationOptions |= KOptions [index].iSubValue;
// in order to be approximately backwards compatible - RUNAFTERINSTALL implies RUNINSTALL. SWI
// will run after install if it understands the new flag, or at install if it doesn't.
if (KOptions [index].iSubValue & CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionAfterInstall)
iOperationOptions |= CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionInstall;
return static_cast <CSISFileDescription::TSISInstOption> (iOperationOptions.Value ());
void CSISFileDescription::MakeNeat ()
CStructure <CSISFieldRoot::ESISFileDescription>::MakeNeat ();
std::wstring strTemp = iTarget.GetString();
// The hashes of files in \sys and \resource MUST be checked at restore time.
// N.B. SWI checks the hashes of these files regardless of the value of this flag. This
// is just set for consistency.
if ((strTemp.find(L"\\sys\\",0) == 2) || (strTemp.find(L"\\resource\\",0) == 2))
iOperationOptions = iOperationOptions |= EInstVerifyOnRestore;
// If the package file specifies run by mime type but doesn't specify whether
// it should be run on install or uninstall, then default to install as per
// the old installer.
if ((iOperationOptions & EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType) &&
! (iOperationOptions & (EInstFileRunOptionInstall | EInstFileRunOptionUninstall)))
iOperationOptions |= EInstFileRunOptionInstall;
void CSISFileDescription::Verify (const TUint32 aLanguages) const
CStructure <CSISFieldRoot::ESISFileDescription>::Verify (aLanguages);
CSISException::ThrowIf (iOperation >= EOpIllegal, CSISException::EVerification, "unsupported installation operation");
CSISException::ThrowIf (((iOperation & EOpInstall) != 0) && (iTarget.size () == 0),
"installation requires a target file");
CSISException::ThrowIf (((iOperationOptions & EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType) != 0) && (iMimeType.size () == 0),
"run by MIME Type requires a MIME type");
std::wstring destinationFile (iTarget.GetString());
if (iTarget.size () > 0)
if(destinationFile[1] != ':')
throw CSISException (CSISException::EInvalidDestination, "Invalid destination path check : is missing");
if(destinationFile[2] != '\\')
throw CSISException (CSISException::EInvalidDestination, "Invalid destination path check \\ is missing");
// Check whether the first character is either an alphabet or '!' or '$'(represents system drive).
if(!(isalpha(destinationFile[0])) && (destinationFile[0] !='!') && (destinationFile[0] != SYSTEMDRIVE ))
throw CSISException (CSISException::EInvalidDestination, "Invalid destination path check drive or ! is missing");
// Check for double dot paths in filename
CSISException::ThrowIf ((-1 != destinationFile.find(L"\\..\\")),
CSISException::EInvalidDestination, "File paths may not contain '..'");
unsigned int temp1 = destinationFile.find_last_of(L"\\" ,iTarget.size ());
std::wstring destinationFileName(destinationFile.substr(temp1 + 1,iTarget.size ()));
// Check if install-file (exe or dll) contain non ASCII characters
int size = iTarget.size();
if(iTarget.size() >= 10)
std::wstring destinationFilePath (destinationFile.substr(0,10));
// Check for :\sys\bin after converting array in uppercase
for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
destinationFilePath[i] = toupper(destinationFilePath[i]);
if(destinationFilePath.find(L":\\SYS\\BIN") != std::string::npos )
//For ROM stub file , if makesis encounters a wildcard in the file under \\sys\\bin directoy,
//throw a warning as described below
if (CSISContents::IsStub() && ((destinationFileName.find(L"*") != std::string::npos) || (destinationFileName.find(L"?") != std::string::npos)))
//iWarningFlag is added so that makesis can generate the warning at the first occurance of wildcard,
// if there are many executables in the ROM stub sis file with wildcards.
static bool aWarningFlag = false;
if (!aWarningFlag)
SISLogger::Log(L"Warning: Executables should be included explicitly (without wildcards),to enable SID checks to work as expected.\n");
aWarningFlag = true;
int temp = 0;
for (int x = 0; x< iTarget.size () ;x++)
if(destinationFile[x] == '\\')
temp = x;
for(x = temp; x < iTarget.size (); x++)
throw CSISException (CSISException::EInvalidDestination, "File name contain non ascii characters");
std::wstring destinationFile1 (destinationFile.substr(2,temp1-1));
const SKeyword1* index = NULL;
for (index = &KEscSymbols[0]; index -> iName != NULL ; index++)
for (int x = 0; x <= temp1-2 ;x++)
if ((destinationFile1.find(index -> iName) != std::string::npos))
throw CSISException (CSISException::EInvalidDestination, "File paths may not contain \"<>'/");
for (index = &KEscSymbols[0]; index -> iName != NULL ; index++)
for (int x = 0; x< (iTarget.size() - (temp1+1)) ;x++)
if (destinationFileName.find(index -> iName) != std::string::npos)
#ifdef SIGNSIS
if(index -> iName == (L"*"))
// Allow wildchars in ROM stub sis files
if (CSISContents::IsStub() && ((index -> iName == (L"*")) || (index -> iName == (L"?"))) )
// Allow * for FN case, ex: ""-"c:\*", FN
else if((index -> iName == (L"*")) && (iOperation & EOpNull))
throw CSISException (CSISException::EInvalidDestination, "File paths may not contain \"<>'/");
int nNo = 0;
if ((iOperationOptions & EInstFileTextOptionSkipIfNo) != 0)
if ((iOperationOptions & EInstFileTextOptionAbortIfNo) != 0)
if ((iOperationOptions & EInstFileTextOptionExitIfNo) != 0)
if ((iOperationOptions & EInstFileTextOptionForceAbort) != 0)
CSISException::ThrowIf (nNo > 1,
"Skip If No, Abort If No, Exit If No and ForceAbort options incompatible");
CSISException::ThrowIf (((iOperationOptions & EInstFileRunOptionWaitEnd) != 0) && ((iOperationOptions & EInstFileRunOptionSendEnd) != 0),
"Wait End and Send End are incompatible");
std::string CSISFileDescription::Name () const
return "File Description";
void CSISFileDescription::SetHash(const TUint8* aHash, TUint32 aHashSize)
iHash.SetHash(aHash, aHashSize);
void CSISFileDescription::SetHash (const CSISHash& aHash)
iHash = aHash;
void CSISFileDescription::ExtractCapabilities(const std::wstring& aFileName)
if (CSISFieldRoot::IsBugToBeCreated(CSISFieldRoot::EBugEmptyCaps))
// don't store exe capabilities in the controller
void CSISFileDescription::AddPackageEntry(std::wostream& aStream, bool aVerbose) const
aStream <<L";";
iTarget.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
aStream << std::endl << L"; File length " << iLength << L" (" << iUncompressedLength << L")" << std::endl;
iCapabilities.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
iHash.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
const wchar_t* fileName = GetFileName();
aStream <<std::endl <<L"\"" << fileName << L"\"";
delete[] const_cast<wchar_t*>(fileName);
aStream << L"-";
aStream << L"\"";
iTarget.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
aStream << L"\"";
TUint32 operation = (TUint32) iOperation;
TUint32 options = (TUint32) iOperationOptions;
if (((operation & EOpInstall) || (operation & EOpRun)) && (options & EInstVerifyOnRestore))
options &= ~EInstVerifyOnRestore;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"VERIFY":L"VR");
if (operation & EOpInstall)
operation &= ~EOpInstall;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"FILE":L"FF");
if (operation & EOpRun)
operation &= ~EOpRun;
if (options & EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType)
options &= ~EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"FILEMIME, ":L"FM,\" ");
iMimeType.AddPackageEntry(aStream, aVerbose);
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"FILERUN":L"FR");
if (options & (EInstFileRunOptionInstall&EInstFileRunOptionUninstall))
options &= ~(EInstFileRunOptionInstall&EInstFileRunOptionUninstall);
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"RUNBOTH":L"RB");
if (options & EInstFileRunOptionInstall)
options &= ~EInstFileRunOptionInstall;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"RUNINSTALL":L"RI");
if (options & EInstFileRunOptionUninstall)
options &= ~EInstFileRunOptionUninstall;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"RUNREMOVE":L"RR");
if (options & EInstFileRunOptionBeforeShutdown)
options &= ~EInstFileRunOptionBeforeShutdown;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"RUNBEFORESHUTDOWN":L"RBS");
if (options & EInstFileRunOptionWaitEnd)
options &= ~EInstFileRunOptionWaitEnd;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"RUNWAITEND":L"RW");
if (options & EInstFileRunOptionSendEnd)
options &= ~EInstFileRunOptionSendEnd;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"RUNSENDEND":L"RS");
if (options & EInstFileRunOptionAfterInstall)
options &= ~EInstFileRunOptionAfterInstall;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"RUNAFTERINSTALL":L"RA");
if (operation & EOpText)
operation &= ~EOpText;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"FILETEXT":L"FT");
if (options & EInstFileTextOptionContinue)
options &= ~EInstFileTextOptionContinue;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"TEXTCONTINUE":L"TC");
if (options & EInstFileTextOptionSkipIfNo)
options &= ~EInstFileTextOptionSkipIfNo;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"TEXTSKIP":L"TS");
if (options & EInstFileTextOptionAbortIfNo)
options &= ~EInstFileTextOptionAbortIfNo;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"TEXTABORT":L"TA");
if (options & EInstFileTextOptionExitIfNo)
options &= ~EInstFileTextOptionExitIfNo;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"TEXTEXIT":L"TE");
if (options & EInstFileTextOptionForceAbort)
options &= ~EInstFileTextOptionForceAbort;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"FORCEABORT":L"FA");
if (operation & EOpNull)
operation &=~EOpNull;
aStream << L", " << (aVerbose?L"FILENULL":L"FN");
aStream << std::endl;
if (aVerbose && operation)
aStream << L"; (warning: unparsed operation(s) on preceding line" << std::endl;
if (aVerbose && options)
aStream << L"; (warning: unparsed option(s) on preceding line" << std::endl;
const wchar_t* CSISFileDescription::GetFileName() const
// Using actual iFileIndex rather than iFileNum because source file might be
// the same for several targets and hence has an index different from simple
// sequentual ordinal value
wchar_t* fileName = new wchar_t[30];
#ifdef _MSC_VER
swprintf(fileName, L"file%d", iFileIndex.Value());
swprintf(fileName, 30, L"file%d", iFileIndex.Value());
#endif //_MSC_VER
return fileName;
void CSISFileDescription::CreateDefects ()
if (CSISFieldRoot::IsBugToBeCreated (CSISFieldRoot::EBugInvalidValues))
iOperation = rand ();
if (CSISFieldRoot::IsBugToBeCreated (CSISFieldRoot::EBugInvalidValues))
iOperationOptions = rand ();
if (CSISFieldRoot::IsBugToBeCreated (CSISFieldRoot::EBugInvalidValues))
iFileIndex = rand ();