changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #if !defined(__APA_INTERNAL_H__)
    18 #include "apainternal.h"
    19 #endif
    20 #include "apaidpartner.h"
    22 #include "APGTASK.H"
    23 #include "APGWGNAM.H"
    24 #include <w32std.h>
    27 //
    28 // class TApatask
    29 //
    33 EXPORT_C TApaTask::TApaTask(RWsSession& aWsSession)
    34 	: iWsSession(aWsSession), iWgId(0)
    35 /** Constructs an empty task object, taking a reference to a window server session.
    37 An object of this type is constructed by an instance of the TApaTaskList class.
    39 The object represents a task when it is assigned a task's window group ID.
    41 @param aWsSession The window server session.
    42 @see TApaTaskList */
    43 	{
    44 	}
    46 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::SetWgId(TInt aWgId)
    47 /** Sets this task's window group ID.
    49 @param aWgId The ID to be assigned. */
    50 	{
    51 	iWgId=aWgId;
    52 	}
    54 EXPORT_C TInt TApaTask::WgId() const
    55 /** Gets the ID of this task's window group.
    57 @return The window group ID. For an empty task object, this is zero. */
    58 	{
    59 	return iWgId;
    60 	}
    62 EXPORT_C TBool TApaTask::Exists() const
    63 /** Tests whether this TApaTask object is empty. This object represents the
    64 state of the task at the time at which it was constructed and is not subsequently
    65 updated. Therefore, this does not indicate that the task itself exists and should not 
    66 be used to test whether or not a particular task is running or not.
    68 @return True, if the task is not empty; false, otherwise.
    69 @see TApaTaskList::FindDoc()
    70 @see TApaTaskList::FindApp()
    71 @see TApaTaskList::FindByPos() */
    72 	{
    73 	return(iWgId>0);
    74 	}
    76 EXPORT_C TThreadId TApaTask::ThreadId() const
    77 /** Gets the ID of this task's thread
    79 @return The thread ID. */
    80 	{
    81 	TThreadId threadId;
    82 	if (iWsSession.GetWindowGroupClientThreadId(iWgId,threadId)==KErrNotFound)
    83 		{
    84 		threadId=TThreadId(KNullThreadId);
    85 		}
    86 	return(threadId);
    87 	}
    89 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::BringToForeground()
    90 /** Brings this task to the foreground.
    92 If the task uses the View architecture, then the task's top view is activated. */
    93 	{
    94 	iWsSession.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(iWgId,0);
    95 	SendSystemEvent(EApaSystemEventBroughtToForeground);
    96 	}
    98 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::SendToBackground()
    99 /** Sends this task to the background.
   101 The task whose window group is at the next ordinal position is brought up 
   102 to the foreground. In addition, the new foreground task's top view is activated, 
   103 if it uses the View architecture. */
   104 	{
   105 	iWsSession.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(iWgId,-1);
   106 	}
   108 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::EndTask()
   109 /** Requests normal closing of this task. 
   111 @capability PowerMgmt is required to close system tasks. */
   112 	{
   113 	RProcess client;
   114 	if (client.HasCapability(ECapabilityPowerMgmt))
   115 		{
   116 		SendSystemEvent(EApaSystemEventSecureShutdown, EEventPowerMgmt);
   117 		}
   119 	// Always send the old shutdown message for backward compatibility. Will not shut down system tasks.
   120 	SendSystemEvent(EApaSystemEventShutdown); 
   121 	}
   123 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::KillTask()
   124 /** Kills this task. 
   125 @capability PowerMgmt
   126 */
   127 	{
   128 	RThread thread;
   129 	TInt err=thread.Open(ThreadId());
   130 	if (!err)
   131 		{
   132 		RProcess process;
   133 		thread.Process(process);
   134 		process.Terminate(0);
   135 		process.Close();
   136 		thread.Close();
   137 		}
   138 	} //lint !e1762 Suppress Member function 'TApaTask::KillTask(void)' could be made const
   141 EXPORT_C TInt TApaTask::SwitchOpenFile(const TDesC& aFilename)
   142 /** Requests the task to close its existing document, and to open an existing document.
   144 An application (task) may handle the request by overriding CEikAppUi::OpenFileL() if required.
   146 @param aFilename The name of the document to be opened.
   147 @return KErrNone, if the request was successfully sent to the task; otherwise one of the other
   148 system-wide error codes. */
   149 	{
   150 	TInt err=CheckSwitchFile();
   151 	if (!err)
   152 #if defined(_UNICODE)
   153 		{
   154 		TPtrC8 messageBuffer((TUint8*) aFilename.Ptr(),aFilename.Length()<<1);
   155 		err=SendMessage(KUidApaMessageSwitchOpenFile,messageBuffer);
   156 		}
   157 #else
   158 		err=SendMessage(KUidApaMessageSwitchOpenFile,aFilename);
   159 #endif
   160 	return err;
   161 	}
   163 EXPORT_C TInt TApaTask::SwitchCreateFile(const TDesC& aFilename)
   164 /** Requests the task to close its existing document, and to create and open a new 
   165 document.
   167 An application (task) may handle the request by overriding CEikAppUi::CreateFileL() if required.
   169 @param aFilename The name of the new document.
   170 @return KErrNone, if the request was successfully sent to the task; otherwise one of the other
   171 system-wide error codes. */
   172 	{
   173 	TInt err=CheckSwitchFile();
   174 	if (!err)
   175 #if defined(_UNICODE)
   176 		{
   177 		TPtrC8 messageBuffer((TUint8*) aFilename.Ptr(),aFilename.Length()<<1);
   178 		err=SendMessage(KUidApaMessageSwitchCreateFile,messageBuffer);
   179 		}
   180 #else
   181 		err=SendMessage(KUidApaMessageSwitchCreateFile,aFilename);
   182 #endif
   183 	return err;
   184 	}
   186 TInt TApaTask::CheckSwitchFile() const
   187 	//
   188 	// private - checks whether the task will respond to a switch files event
   189 	//
   190 	{
   191 	HBufC* buf=HBufC::NewMax(CApaWindowGroupName::EMaxLength);
   192 	if (!buf)
   193 		return KErrNoMemory;
   194 	TInt err=KErrNone;
   195 	TPtr des=buf->Des();
   196 	err=iWsSession.GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier(iWgId, des);
   197 	if (!err)
   198 		{
   199 		CApaWindowGroupName* wgName=CApaWindowGroupName::New(iWsSession, buf); // takes ownership (if it succeeds)
   200 		if (!wgName)
   201 			{
   202 			delete buf;
   203 			return KErrNoMemory;
   204 			}
   205 		if (wgName->IsBusy())
   206 			err=KErrNotReady;
   207 		if (!(wgName->RespondsToSwitchFilesEvent()))
   208 			err=KErrNotSupported;
   209 		delete wgName;
   210 		}
   211 	else
   212 		delete buf;
   213 	return err;   
   214 	}
   216 EXPORT_C TInt TApaTask::SendMessage(TUid aUid,const TDesC8& aParams)
   217 /** Sends a message to this task's window group.
   219 The message is handled by the UI framework, specifically by CEikAppUI::ProcessMessageL(). 
   222 @param aUid The UID identifying the message. By default, the UI framework 
   223 recognizes only two messages, KUidApaMessageSwitchOpenFileValue and KUidApaMessageSwitchCreateFileValue.
   224 @param aParams The message. The format and meaning of the message depends on 
   225 the specific type as identified by the UID.
   226 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, one of the other system-wide error 
   227 codes.
   228 @see CEikAppUi::ProcessMessageL()
   229 @see TEventCode
   230 @see TWsEvent
   231 @see RWindowGroup::FetchMessage() */
   232 	{
   233 	return iWsSession.SendMessageToWindowGroup(iWgId,aUid,aParams);
   234 	}
   236 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::SendKey(TInt aKeyCode,TInt aModifiers)
   237 /** Sends a key event encapsulating the specified character code and specified modifier 
   238 keys state to the task's window group.
   240 Key events are handled by the UI framework, specifically by CCoeAppui::HandleWsEventL().
   242 @capability SwEvent
   243 @param aKeyCode The character code.
   244 @param aModifiers State of the modifier keys. 
   245 @see CCoeAppUi::HandleWsEventL() */
   246 	{
   247 	TKeyEvent key;
   248 	key.iCode=aKeyCode;
   249 	key.iModifiers=aModifiers;
   250 	key.iRepeats=0;
   251 	key.iScanCode=0;
   252 	SendKey(key);
   253 	}
   255 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::SendKey(const TKeyEvent& aKey)
   256 /** Sends the specified key event to the task's window group.
   258 Key events are handled by the UI framework, specifically by CCoeAppui::HandleWsEventL().
   260 @capability SwEvent
   261 @param aKey The key event.
   262 @see CCoeAppUi::HandleWsEventL()
   263 @see TKeyEvent */
   264 	{
   265 	TWsEvent event;
   266 	event.SetType(EEventKey);
   267 	*event.Key()=aKey;
   268 	event.SetTimeNow();
   269 	iWsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup(iWgId,event);
   270 	}
   272 EXPORT_C void TApaTask::SendSystemEvent(TApaSystemEvent aEvent)
   273 /** Sends a system event to this task's window group.
   275 Events are handled by the UI framework, specifically by CEikAppUi::HandleSystemEventL().
   277 @capability SwEvent
   278 @param aEvent The event type.
   279 @see CEikAppUi
   280 @see CCoeAppUi::HandleSystemEventL()
   281 @see TApaSystemEvent */
   282 	{
   283 	SendSystemEvent(aEvent, EEventUser); 
   284 	}
   286 void TApaTask::SendSystemEvent(TApaSystemEvent aEvent, TEventCode aType)
   287 /** 
   288 @internalTechnology
   289 */
   290 	{
   291 	TWsEvent event;
   292 	event.SetType(aType);
   293 	*(TApaSystemEvent*)(event.EventData())=aEvent;
   294 	event.SetTimeNow();
   295 	iWsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup(iWgId,event);
   296 	}
   298 //
   299 // class TApaTaskList
   300 //
   304 EXPORT_C TApaTaskList::TApaTaskList(RWsSession& aWsSession)
   305 	: iWsSession(aWsSession)
   306 /** Constructs the task list object, taking a reference to a window server session.
   308 @param aWsSession The window server session. */
   309 	{
   310 	}
   312 EXPORT_C TApaTask TApaTaskList::FindApp(const TDesC& aAppName)
   313 /** Searches for a task that has the specified caption.
   315 The result of the search depends on the number of tasks that have the specified 
   316 caption.
   318 If there is only one task, then that task is returned.
   320 If there is more than one task, then the task returned depends on whether 
   321 the first one found is in the foreground:
   323 if the first task found is in the foreground, then the task returned by this 
   324 function is the one with the highest window group ordinal value, i.e. the 
   325 task which is furthest from the foreground.
   327 if the first task found is not in the foreground, then that is the task that 
   328 is returned.
   330 If no matching task is found, then the object returned is an empty task, and 
   331 calling TApaTask::Exists() on it returns false.
   333 @param aAppName The caption.
   334 @return A task having the specified caption, or an empty task. */
   335 	{
   336 	TApaTask task(iWsSession);
   337 	TInt wgId=0;
   338 	TInt matchId=0;
   339 	TInt fgWgId=FindByPos(0).WgId();
   340 	CApaWindowGroupName::FindByCaption(aAppName, iWsSession, wgId);
   341 	if (wgId==fgWgId)
   342 		{
   343 		while (wgId>=0)
   344 			{
   345 			matchId=wgId;
   346 			CApaWindowGroupName::FindByCaption(aAppName, iWsSession, wgId);
   347 			}
   348 		}
   349 	else 
   350 		matchId=wgId;
   351 	task.SetWgId(matchId);
   352 	return(task);
   353 	}
   355 EXPORT_C TApaTask TApaTaskList::FindDoc(const TDesC& aDocName)
   356 /** Searches for the task that is handling the specified document.
   358 @param aDocName The name of the document.
   359 @return The task that is handling the specified document. If no such task exists, 
   360 then this is an empty task, i.e. a subsequent call to TApaTask::Exists() returns 
   361 false. */
   362 	{
   363 	TInt wgId=0;
   364 	CApaWindowGroupName::FindByDocName(aDocName, iWsSession, wgId);
   365 	TApaTask task(iWsSession);
   366 	task.SetWgId(wgId);
   367 	return(task);
   368 	}
   370 EXPORT_C TApaTask TApaTaskList::FindByPos(TInt aPos)
   371 /** Searches for a task by the ordinal position of its window group.
   373 @param aPos The ordinal position of a task's window group. A zero value refers 
   374 to the foreground task.
   375 @return The task at the specified position. If there is no task at the specified 
   376 position, or the specified position is invalid, then the object returned is 
   377 an empty task, and calling TApaTask::Exists() on it returns false. */
   378 	{
   379 	TApaTask task(iWsSession);
   380 	TRAP_IGNORE(FindByPosL(task,aPos));
   381 	return(task);
   382 	}
   384 void TApaTaskList::FindByPosL(TApaTask& aTask,TInt aPos)
   385 	{
   386 	TInt wgId=0;
   387 	const TInt count=iWsSession.NumWindowGroups(0);
   388 	if (count)
   389 		{
   390 		CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* wgIdArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(count);
   391 		CleanupStack::PushL(wgIdArray);
   392 		CApaWindowGroupName* wgName=CApaWindowGroupName::NewL(iWsSession);
   393 		CleanupStack::PushL(wgName);
   394 		User::LeaveIfError(iWsSession.WindowGroupList(0,wgIdArray)); // priority 0 == mostly normal apps but some may be hidden window groups
   396 		for (TInt ii=0; ii<wgIdArray->Count(); ii++) // must ask for count each time as this may change
   397 			{ 
   398 			wgId=(*wgIdArray)[ii];
   399 			wgName->ConstructFromWgIdL(wgId);
   400 			if(wgName->Hidden())
   401 				{
   402 				wgIdArray->Delete(ii--); // array element removed so now need to do this index again
   403 				}
   404 			}
   406 		if (aPos>=count || aPos<0)
   407 			aPos=count-1;
   409 		if(aPos<wgIdArray->Count())
   410 			wgId=(*wgIdArray)[aPos];
   412 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);	// wgIdArray, wgName
   413 		}
   414 	aTask.SetWgId(wgId);
   415 	}
   418 EXPORT_C TApaTask TApaTaskList::FindApp(TUid aAppUid)
   419 /** Searches for a task running the specified application.
   421 The result of the search depends on the number of tasks that are running the 
   422 specified application.
   424 If there is only one task, then that task is returned.
   426 If there is more than one task, then the task returned depends on whether 
   427 the first one found is in the foreground:
   429 if the first task found is in the foreground, then the task returned by this 
   430 function is the one with the highest window group ordinal value, i.e. the 
   431 task which is furthest from the foreground.
   433 if the first task found is not in the foreground, then that is the task that 
   434 is returned.
   436 If no matching task is found, then the object returned is an empty task, and 
   437 calling TApaTask::Exists() on it returns false.
   439 @param aAppUid The application specific UID.
   440 @return A task having the specified caption, or an empty task. */
   441 	{
   442 	TApaTask task(iWsSession);
   443 	TInt wgId=0;
   444 	TInt matchId=0;
   445 	TInt fgWgId=FindByPos(0).WgId();
   446 	CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid(aAppUid,iWsSession,wgId);
   447 	if (wgId==fgWgId)
   448 		{
   449 		while (wgId>=0)
   450 			{
   451 			matchId=wgId;
   452 			CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid(aAppUid,iWsSession,wgId);
   453 			}
   454 		}
   455 	else 
   456 		matchId=wgId;
   457 	task.SetWgId(matchId);
   458 	return task;
   459 	}
   461 EXPORT_C TInt TApaTaskList::CycleTasks(TUid aAppUid,TCycleDirection aDirection)
   462 /** Brings the next task in the set of tasks running the specified application to 
   463 the foreground.
   465 If there is only one task, then no change occurs.
   467 If the foremost task in the set is not the foreground task, then this is made 
   468 the foreground task.
   470 Thereafter, successive calls to this function bring the next task in the set 
   471 to the foreground. The direction of the cycling can be specified and has the 
   472 following effect:
   474 for the forwards direction, the foreground task is sent to the background; 
   475 the next foremost task is made the foreground task.
   477 for the backwards direction, the task with the highest window group ordinal 
   478 value, i.e. the task in the set which is furthest from the foreground, is 
   479 brought to the foreground. The task that was the foremost task in the set 
   480 is moved back by one position.
   482 If the task brought to the foreground uses the View architecture, then the 
   483 its top view is activated.
   485 @param aAppUid The application specific UID. 
   486 @param aDirection The direction of cycling.
   487 @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if there are no tasks running 
   488 the specified application. */
   489 	{
   490 	TInt sendToBgWgId=KErrNotFound;
   491 	TInt wgId=0;
   492 	TInt fgWgId=FindByPos(0).WgId();
   493 	CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid(aAppUid,iWsSession,wgId);
   494 	TInt matchId=wgId;
   495 	if (wgId==fgWgId)											// If first match is at foreground
   496 		{
   497 		if (aDirection==EBackwards)
   498 			{
   499 			while (wgId>=0)										// Go for last match
   500 				{
   501 				matchId=wgId;
   502 				CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid(aAppUid,iWsSession,wgId);
   503 				}
   504 			}
   505 		else
   506 			{
   507 			CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid(aAppUid,iWsSession,wgId);
   508 			if (wgId<0)											// If no other match
   509 				return KErrNone;
   510 			sendToBgWgId=matchId;
   511 			matchId=wgId;										// Go for second match
   512 			}
   513 		}
   514 	if (matchId>=0)
   515 		{
   516 		iWsSession.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(matchId,0);
   517 		if (sendToBgWgId>=0)
   518 			iWsSession.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(sendToBgWgId,-1);	// Send it to background
   519 		return KErrNone;
   520 		}
   521 	return KErrNotFound;
   522 	}