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   306           <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%">
   307             <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   308             size=4><STRONG>POLL </STRONG></FONT></P></TD>
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   310           width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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   319         <TR>
   320           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=black 
   321             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>What feature would 
   322             you most like to see on </STRONG></FONT></TD></TR>
   323         <TR>
   324           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0>
   325             <FORM action=/home/poll/savevote.php method=post>
   326             <CENTER><BR>
   327             <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=2>
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   329               <TR>
   330                 <TD><INPUT name=vote_for type=radio 
   331                   value="Public message boards"></TD>
   332                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   333                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   334                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Public message 
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   336               <TR>
   337                 <TD><INPUT name=vote_for type=radio value="Chat room"></TD>
   338                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   339                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   340                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Chat room</FONT> </TD>
   341               <TR>
   342                 <TD><INPUT name=vote_for type=radio 
   343                   value="Hardware/software auctions"></TD>
   344                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   345                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   346                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Hardware/software 
   347                   auctions</FONT> </TD>
   348               <TR>
   349                 <TD><INPUT name=vote_for type=radio value="WAP service"></TD>
   350                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   351                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   352                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>WAP service</FONT> 
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   362             <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=2>
   363               <TBODY>
   364               <TR>
   365                 <TD><INPUT class=input name=Vote type=submit value=Vote> 
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   367                 <TD>
   368                   <FORM action=/home/poll/ method=post><INPUT class=input name=Vote type=submit value=Results> 
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   371       <CENTER>
   372       <P align=center>
   373       <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%">
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   376           <TD align=right><IMG height=50 src="Neuon_files/left.gif" 
   377           width=44></TD>
   378           <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%">
   379             <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   380             size=4><STRONG>MAILING LIST </STRONG></FONT></P></TD>
   381           <TD align=left><IMG height=50 src="Neuon_files/right.gif" 
   382           width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
   383       <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=3 width="85%">
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   388         <TR>
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   390             width=1></TD></TR>
   391         <TR>
   392           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=black 
   393             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>If you would like 
   394             to be notified when NEUON release a new application (or update one 
   395             of your favourite existing applications), then please submit your 
   396             email address below </STRONG></FONT></TD></TR>
   397         <TR>
   398           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0>
   399             <FORM action=/phplib/maillist.php3 method=post><INPUT name=redirect 
   400             type=hidden value=/home/maillistadmin/> 
   401             <CENTER><BR>
   402             <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=2>
   403               <TBODY>
   404               <TR>
   405                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   406                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Type:</FONT></TD>
   407                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   408                 <TD><SELECT name=mailing_list_email size=1> <OPTION selected 
   409                     value="|NEUON Application Newsletter">App 
   410                     News</OPTION> <OPTION 
   411                     value="|NEUON OPX Newsletter">OPX 
   412                     News</OPTION></SELECT> </TD></TR>
   413               <TR>
   414                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   415                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Name:</FONT></TD>
   416                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   417                 <TD><INPUT name=name size=10></TD></TR>
   418               <TR>
   419                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   420                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>E-Mail:</FONT></TD>
   421                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   422                 <TD><INPUT name=email size=10></TD></TR>
   423               <TR>
   424                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   425                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Subscribe:</FONT></TD>
   426                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   427                 <TD><INPUT CHECKED name=type type=radio value=subscribe></TD></TR>
   428               <TR>
   429                 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black 
   430                   face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   431 size=1>Unsubscribe:</FONT></TD>
   432                 <TD width=10>&nbsp;</TD>
   433                 <TD><INPUT name=type type=radio 
   434               value=unsubscribe></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><FONT color=black 
   435             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1><STRONG><INPUT align=middle 
   436             alt=Send border=0 name=submit src="Neuon_files/send.gif" type=image 
   437             value=Send> </STRONG></FONT></CENTER></FORM>
   438             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>This 
   439             form will take some time to process, so please be patient. </STRONG>
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   453           <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%">
   454             <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
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   465             src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
   466         <TR>
   467           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   468             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nConvert v1.01 
   469             released</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   470         <TR>
   471           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   472             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>The latest version 
   473             of the only fully featured on-board conversion suite is now 
   474             available for download.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   475             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>nConvert is the only 
   476             program that offers bidirectional conversion of more than twenty 
   477             different document and graphics file formats, including RTF, Excel, 
   478             JPEG, MDB and HTML. <BR><BR>nConvert also provides an efficient and 
   479             easy to use interface to its powerful converters with features like 
   480             "ZIP + Email" and batch conversion. <BR><BR>This release provides 
   481             additional options for System file recognition as well as 
   482             improvements and additions to most converter plugins - full details 
   483             available from the application web page</FONT> 
   484             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   485             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find 
   486             out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   487             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   488             size=2><STRONG>[Wednesday 2nd May - <A 
   489             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   490             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   491         <TR>
   492           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   493             width=1></TD></TR>
   494         <TR>
   495           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   496             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nOrganiser v1.20 now 
   497             available</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   498         <TR>
   499           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   500             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>Dave Pearce's 
   501             nOrganiser is a "Today" style application with a combined view for 
   502             Agenda To-do items, Email inbox overview and Agenda's current 
   503             appointments - all easily accessible with full EPOC 
   504             integration.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   505             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>Included in this release 
   506             are many new features, including the ability to create Agenda 
   507             entries in the application itself and "Jotpad" feature for instant 
   508             graphical note taking.</FONT> 
   509             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   510             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find 
   511             out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   512             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   513             size=2><STRONG>[Wednesday 2nd May - <A 
   514             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   515             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   516         <TR>
   517           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   518             width=1></TD></TR>
   519         <TR>
   520           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   521             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nConvert version 1.00 
   522             now available</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   523         <TR>
   524           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   525             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>The latest version 
   526             of the only fully featured on-board conversion suite is now 
   527             available for download.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   528             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>nConvert is the only 
   529             program that offers bidirectional conversion of more than twenty 
   530             different document and graphics file formats, including RTF, Excel, 
   531             JPEG, MDB and HTML. <BR><BR>nConvert also provides an efficient and 
   532             easy to use interface to its powerful converters with features like 
   533             "ZIP + Email" and batch conversion. <BR><BR>This releases provides 
   534             updates and additions to many converters as well as adding new ones 
   535             - see the application web page for more details.</FONT> 
   536             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   537             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find 
   538             out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   539             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   540             size=2><STRONG>[Wednesday 25th April - <A 
   541             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   542             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   543         <TR>
   544           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   545             width=1></TD></TR>
   546         <TR>
   547           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   548             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>Q-Calc 2.2 now 
   549             available</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   550         <TR>
   551           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   552             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>The advanced 
   553             WYSIWYG scientific calculator and fast graphing tool by Graham Parks 
   554             has been updated.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   555             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>This release now adds, 
   556             amongst other things, complex number support through all areas of 
   557             the program, an improved user interface for some of the many 
   558             functions of the application, and enhanced graphing speed that tests 
   559             have shown to be up to four times faster than the 
   560             competition.</FONT> 
   561             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   562             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find 
   563             out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   564             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   565             size=2><STRONG>[Monday 2nd April - <A 
   566             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   567             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   568         <TR>
   569           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   570             width=1></TD></TR>
   571         <TR>
   572           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   573             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nArchive reviewed by 
   574   </STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   575         <TR>
   576           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   577             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>nArchive, the easy 
   578             to use and efficient application compression program has received 
   579             another highly positive review from </STRONG></FONT><FONT 
   580             color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   581             href=""></A></FONT> 
   582             <FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   583             size=2><STRONG>Read why the reviewer thinks it a must to have 
   584             permanently installed on your Psion.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT 
   585             color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>It was called a 
   586             "comprehensive utility with an intuitive interface" that was easy to 
   587             use, has excellent compression and could archive entire programs 
   588             with about 3 taps</FONT> <BR>
   589             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   590             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find 
   591             out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   592             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   593             size=2><STRONG>[Tuesday 27th March - <A 
   594             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   595             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   596         <TR>
   597           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   598             width=1></TD></TR>
   599         <TR>
   600           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   601             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nOrganiser v1.16 
   602             released</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   603         <TR>
   604           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   605             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>Today sees the 
   606             release of an update to Dave Pearce's excellent 'At a glance' 
   607             application, nOrganiser.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   608             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>This version features a 
   609             number of compatibility updates as well as a few minor feature 
   610             tweaks.</FONT> 
   611             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   612             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- 
   613             Find out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   614             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   615             size=2><STRONG>[Thursday 15th February - <A 
   616             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   617             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   618         <TR>
   619           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   620             width=1></TD></TR>
   621         <TR>
   622           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   623             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>RevoWorld review 
   624             nArchive 1.01</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   625         <TR>
   626           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   627             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>RevoWorld have a 
   628             glowing review of Graham Parks' compression tool, 
   629             nArchive.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   630             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>To read the review, follow 
   631             </FONT><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   632             href="">this link</A></FONT> <FONT 
   633             color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>to the 
   634             RevoWorld website, or hit the 'Find out more here' link 
   635             below.</FONT> <BR><BR>
   636             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   637             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find 
   638             out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   639             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   640             size=2><STRONG>[Thursday 15th February - <A 
   641             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   642             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   643         <TR>
   644           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   645             width=1></TD></TR>
   646         <TR>
   647           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   648             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>Excellent review of 
   649             nICQ</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   650         <TR>
   651           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   652             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>nICQ has received 
   653             an EPOC City 10/10 award.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   654             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>You can read the 
   655             review</FONT> <FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   656             size=2><A 
   657             href="">here</A></FONT> 
   658             <FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>or 
   659             download nICQ using the link below.</FONT> <BR>
   660             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   661             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find out 
   662             more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   663             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   664             size=2><STRONG>[Saturday 20th January - <A 
   665             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   666             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   667         <TR>
   668           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   669             width=1></TD></TR>
   670         <TR>
   671           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   672             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nICQ updated, now 
   673             V1.24</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   674         <TR>
   675           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   676             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>nICQ is an EPOC 
   677             instant message client, similar in operation to its desktop 
   678             counterparts and therefore presents a simple and effective user 
   679             interface offering fast and easy all-purpose 
   680             communication.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black 
   681             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>Version 1.24 adds support 
   682             for the Opera web browser, improves internet communications 
   683             reliability and extends message logging.</FONT> 
   684             <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   685             size=2><STRONG><A href="">- Find out 
   686             more here - </A></STRONG></FONT>
   687             <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   688             size=2><STRONG>[Thursday 18th January - <A 
   689             href=""></A></STRONG> 
   690             </FONT></P></TD></TR>
   691         <TR>
   692           <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   693             width=1></TD></TR>
   694         <TR>
   695           <TD bgColor=#5faad2><IMG border=0 height=1 
   696             src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
   697         <TR>
   698           <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black 
   699             face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>Other recent 
   700             news</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR>
   701         <TR>
   702           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black 
   703             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A 
   704             href="">Pacman 2.5 released</A> - 
   705             Tuesday 16th January</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT color=black 
   706             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A 
   707             href="">Jerome Dern's excellent 
   708             version of the classic 'Pacman' is reviewed on EPOC City</A> - 
   709             Sunday 17th December</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT color=black 
   710             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A 
   711             href="">Graham Parks' nArchive 
   712             1.01 now available</A> - Saturday 9th December</STRONG> 
   713             </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   714             size=2><STRONG><A 
   715             href="">nOrganiser public beta 
   716             4 released</A> - Sunday 19th November</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT 
   717             color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A 
   718             href="">nArchive V1.00 now 
   719             available</A> - Friday 3rd November</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT 
   720             color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A 
   721             href="">nConvert Beta 5 - The 
   722             premiere EPOC conversion suite</A> - Monday 30th October</STRONG> 
   723             </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   724             size=2><STRONG><A href="">New 
   725             beta releases of Quiklist available</A> - Sunday 29th 
   726             October</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT color=black 
   727             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A 
   728             href="">PacMan 
   729             awarded Pick!</A> - Wednesday 25th October</STRONG> 
   730             </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   731             size=2><STRONG><A 
   732             href="">nOrganiser public beta 
   733             3 now available</A> - Wednesday 11th October</STRONG> 
   734             </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   735             size=2><STRONG><A 
   736             href="">Quiklist 3.10 now 
   737             available</A> - Wednesday 4th October</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT 
   738             color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A 
   739             href="">nRSCUtil 1.00 
   740             released</A> - Friday 22nd September</STRONG> </FONT><BR>
   741             <P></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></CENTER></TD><!--
   742 	+======================================================================
   744 	|	This is now shown on EPOC machines
   745 	+======================================================================
   746 	-->
   747     <TD vAlign=top width="20%">
   748       <DIV align=center>
   749       <CENTER>
   750       <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%">
   751         <TBODY>
   752         <TR>
   753           <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/left.gif" width=44></TD>
   754           <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%">
   755             <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   756             size=4><STRONG>APPS</STRONG> </FONT></P></TD>
   757           <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/right.gif" 
   758         width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
   759       <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=3>
   760         <TBODY>
   761         <TR>
   762           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   763         width=1></TD></TR>
   764         <TR>
   765           <TD bgColor=#5faad2><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   766             width=1></TD></TR>
   767         <TR>
   768           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" 
   769             size=2><U><STRONG>Utilities</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR>
   770         <TR>
   771           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black 
   772             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   773             href="">Doodler</A><BR><A 
   774             href="">HotKeys</A><BR><A 
   775             href="">Marker</A><BR><A 
   776             href="">Merlin</A><BR><A 
   777             href="">Nightkeys</A><BR><A 
   778             href="">NoMore</A><BR><A 
   779             href="">Q-Calc</A><BR><A 
   780             href="">Quiklist</A><BR><A 
   781             href="">Recycle</A><BR><A 
   782             href="">Sound Off</A><BR><A 
   783             href="">ThesLink</A><BR><A 
   784             href="">nArchive</A><BR><A 
   785             href="">nConvert</A><BR><A 
   786             href="">nOrganiser</A><BR><A 
   787             href="">nSketch</A><BR><A 
   788             href="">nSwitcher</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR>
   789         <TR>
   790           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   791         width=1></TD></TR>
   792         <TR>
   793           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" 
   794             size=2><U><STRONG>Games</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR>
   795         <TR>
   796           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black 
   797             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   798             href="">Asteroids</A><BR><A 
   799             href="">Blobs</A><BR><A 
   800             href="">Castle III</A><BR><A 
   801             href="">Chain 
   802             Reaction</A><BR><A 
   803             href="">Daleks</A><BR><A 
   804             href="">Matience</A><BR><A 
   805             href="">PacMan</A><BR><A 
   806             href="">Rally</A><BR><A 
   807             href="">TileFall</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR>
   808         <TR>
   809           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   810         width=1></TD></TR>
   811         <TR>
   812           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" 
   813             size=2><U><STRONG>Internet</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR>
   814         <TR>
   815           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black 
   816             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   817             href="">AlterNet</A><BR><A 
   818             href="">nFTP</A><BR><A 
   819             href="">nICQ</A><BR><A 
   820             href="">nIRC</A><BR><A 
   821             href="">nWebManager</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR>
   822         <TR>
   823           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   824         width=1></TD></TR>
   825         <TR>
   826           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" 
   827             size=2><U><STRONG>Misc</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR>
   828         <TR>
   829           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black 
   830             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   831             href="">VPM</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR>
   832         <TR>
   833           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   834         width=1></TD></TR>
   835         <TR>
   836           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" 
   837             size=2><U><STRONG>Development</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR>
   838         <TR>
   839           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black 
   840             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   841             href="">Cascade</A><BR><A 
   842             href="">HexEditor</A><BR><A 
   843             href="">nDirNav</A><BR><A 
   844             href="">nEdit</A><BR><A 
   845             href="">nListBox</A><BR><A 
   846             href="">nMPD</A><BR><A 
   847             href="">nOPLPlus</A><BR><A 
   848             href="">nRSCUtil</A><BR><A 
   849             href="">nSISUtil</A><BR><A 
   850             href="">nScrollbar</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR>
   851         <TR>
   852           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   853         width=1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
   854       <DIV align=center>
   855       <CENTER>
   856       <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%">
   857         <TBODY>
   858         <TR>
   859           <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/left.gif" width=44></TD>
   860           <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%">
   861             <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" 
   862             size=4><STRONG>LINKS</STRONG> </FONT></P></TD>
   863           <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/right.gif" 
   864         width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
   865       <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=3>
   866         <TBODY>
   867         <TR>
   868           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   869         width=1></TD></TR>
   870         <TR>
   871           <TD bgColor=#5faad2><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   872             width=1></TD></TR>
   873         <TR>
   874           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" 
   875             size=2><U><STRONG>Internal Links</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR>
   876         <TR>
   877           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black 
   878             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   879             href="">ICQ User List</A><BR><A 
   880             href="">Installation</A><BR><A 
   881             href="">Mailing 
   882             List</A><BR><A href="">Poll</A><BR><A 
   883             href="">Register</A><BR><A 
   884             href="">Tech 
   885             Support</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR>
   886         <TR>
   887           <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" 
   888         width=1></TD></TR>
   889         <TR>
   890           <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" 
   891             size=2><U><STRONG>External Links</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR>
   892         <TR>
   893           <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black 
   894             face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A 
   895             href="">Adam Dawes.Com</A><BR><A 
   896             href="">Cosmic</A><BR><A 
   897             href="">EPOC City</A><BR><A 
   898             href="">EPOC Gamer</A><BR><A 
   899             href="">EpocNews</A><BR><A 
   900             href="">EpocZone</A><BR><A 
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