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9 content="Psion, Symbian, EPOC, SIBO, PDA, software, Series 5, Series 3, Series 3mx, Series 5mx, Siena, Revo, Series 7, Netbook, netbook, Series7, Series5, Series5mx, innovation, quality" |
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124 1.30</OPTION> <OPTION |
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128 1.00</OPTION> <OPTION |
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130 1.00</OPTION> <OPTION |
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165 | On an EPOC device this will appear as text, but on anything |
166 | else it will appear as images |
167 +====================================================================== |
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170 ======================================== |
172 ======================================== |
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281 height=31 name=contact src="Neuon_files/contact.gif" |
282 width=106></A><BR><A href="http://www.neuon.com/home/joinus/" |
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284 height=33 name=joinus src="Neuon_files/joinus.gif" |
285 width=106></A><BR><A |
286 href="http://www.neuon.com/home/register/" |
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288 height=31 name=register src="Neuon_files/register.gif" |
289 width=106></A><BR><A href="http://www.neuon.com/home/support/" |
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299 <CENTER> |
300 <P align=center> |
301 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%"> |
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303 <TR> |
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305 width=44></TD> |
306 <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%"> |
307 <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
308 size=4><STRONG>POLL </STRONG></FONT></P></TD> |
309 <TD align=left><IMG height=50 src="Neuon_files/right.gif" |
310 width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |
311 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=3 width="85%"> |
312 <TBODY> |
313 <TR> |
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315 width=1></TD></TR> |
316 <TR> |
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318 width=1></TD></TR> |
319 <TR> |
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321 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>What feature would |
322 you most like to see on neuon.com? </STRONG></FONT></TD></TR> |
323 <TR> |
324 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0> |
325 <FORM action=/home/poll/savevote.php method=post> |
326 <CENTER><BR> |
327 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=2> |
328 <TBODY> |
329 <TR> |
330 <TD><INPUT name=vote_for type=radio |
331 value="Public message boards"></TD> |
332 <TD width=10> </TD> |
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334 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Public message |
335 boards</FONT> </TD> |
336 <TR> |
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340 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Chat room</FONT> </TD> |
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343 value="Hardware/software auctions"></TD> |
344 <TD width=10> </TD> |
345 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black |
346 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Hardware/software |
347 auctions</FONT> </TD> |
348 <TR> |
349 <TD><INPUT name=vote_for type=radio value="WAP service"></TD> |
350 <TD width=10> </TD> |
351 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black |
352 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>WAP service</FONT> |
353 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |
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361 <BR> |
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364 <TR> |
365 <TD><INPUT class=input name=Vote type=submit value=Vote> |
366 </FORM></TD> |
367 <TD> |
368 <FORM action=/home/poll/ method=post><INPUT class=input name=Vote type=submit value=Results> |
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375 <TR> |
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382 width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |
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384 <TBODY> |
385 <TR> |
386 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
387 width=1></TD></TR> |
388 <TR> |
389 <TD bgColor=#5faad2><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
390 width=1></TD></TR> |
391 <TR> |
392 <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=black |
393 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>If you would like |
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395 of your favourite existing applications), then please submit your |
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400 type=hidden value=/home/maillistadmin/> |
401 <CENTER><BR> |
402 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=2> |
403 <TBODY> |
404 <TR> |
405 <TD bgColor=#bcdae9><FONT color=black |
406 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Type:</FONT></TD> |
407 <TD width=10> </TD> |
408 <TD><SELECT name=mailing_list_email size=1> <OPTION selected |
409 value="mailing.list-request@neuon.com|NEUON Application Newsletter">App |
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411 value="opx.list-request@neuon.com|NEUON OPX Newsletter">OPX |
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416 <TD width=10> </TD> |
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425 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>Subscribe:</FONT></TD> |
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437 value=Send> </STRONG></FONT></CENTER></FORM> |
438 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=1>This |
439 form will take some time to process, so please be patient. </STRONG> |
440 <P></P></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P></CENTER></TD><!-- |
441 +====================================================================== |
443 | This is the same regardless of browser type |
444 +====================================================================== |
445 --> |
446 <TD vAlign=top width="100%"> |
447 <DIV align=center> |
448 <CENTER> |
449 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%"> |
450 <TBODY> |
451 <TR> |
452 <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/left.gif" width=44></TD> |
453 <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%"> |
454 <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
456 <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/right.gif" |
457 width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |
458 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=3 width="85%"> |
459 <TBODY> |
460 <TR> |
461 <TD height=5><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
462 width=1></TD></TR> |
463 <TR> |
464 <TD bgColor=#5faad2><IMG border=0 height=1 |
465 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR> |
466 <TR> |
467 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
468 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nConvert v1.01 |
469 released</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
470 <TR> |
471 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
472 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>The latest version |
473 of the only fully featured on-board conversion suite is now |
474 available for download.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
475 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>nConvert is the only |
476 program that offers bidirectional conversion of more than twenty |
477 different document and graphics file formats, including RTF, Excel, |
478 JPEG, MDB and HTML. <BR><BR>nConvert also provides an efficient and |
479 easy to use interface to its powerful converters with features like |
480 "ZIP + Email" and batch conversion. <BR><BR>This release provides |
481 additional options for System file recognition as well as |
482 improvements and additions to most converter plugins - full details |
483 available from the application web page</FONT> |
484 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
485 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nconvert/">- Find |
486 out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
487 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
488 size=2><STRONG>[Wednesday 2nd May - <A |
489 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
490 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
491 <TR> |
492 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
493 width=1></TD></TR> |
494 <TR> |
495 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
496 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nOrganiser v1.20 now |
497 available</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
498 <TR> |
499 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
500 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>Dave Pearce's |
501 nOrganiser is a "Today" style application with a combined view for |
502 Agenda To-do items, Email inbox overview and Agenda's current |
503 appointments - all easily accessible with full EPOC |
504 integration.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
505 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>Included in this release |
506 are many new features, including the ability to create Agenda |
507 entries in the application itself and "Jotpad" feature for instant |
508 graphical note taking.</FONT> |
509 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
510 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/norganiser">- Find |
511 out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
512 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
513 size=2><STRONG>[Wednesday 2nd May - <A |
514 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
515 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
516 <TR> |
517 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
518 width=1></TD></TR> |
519 <TR> |
520 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
521 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nConvert version 1.00 |
522 now available</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
523 <TR> |
524 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
525 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>The latest version |
526 of the only fully featured on-board conversion suite is now |
527 available for download.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
528 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>nConvert is the only |
529 program that offers bidirectional conversion of more than twenty |
530 different document and graphics file formats, including RTF, Excel, |
531 JPEG, MDB and HTML. <BR><BR>nConvert also provides an efficient and |
532 easy to use interface to its powerful converters with features like |
533 "ZIP + Email" and batch conversion. <BR><BR>This releases provides |
534 updates and additions to many converters as well as adding new ones |
535 - see the application web page for more details.</FONT> |
536 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
537 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nconvert/">- Find |
538 out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
539 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
540 size=2><STRONG>[Wednesday 25th April - <A |
541 href="mailto:nconvert@neuon.com">nconvert@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
542 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
543 <TR> |
544 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
545 width=1></TD></TR> |
546 <TR> |
547 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
548 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>Q-Calc 2.2 now |
549 available</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
550 <TR> |
551 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
552 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>The advanced |
553 WYSIWYG scientific calculator and fast graphing tool by Graham Parks |
554 has been updated.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
555 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>This release now adds, |
556 amongst other things, complex number support through all areas of |
557 the program, an improved user interface for some of the many |
558 functions of the application, and enhanced graphing speed that tests |
559 have shown to be up to four times faster than the |
560 competition.</FONT> |
561 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
562 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/q-calc/">- Find |
563 out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
564 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
565 size=2><STRONG>[Monday 2nd April - <A |
566 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
567 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
568 <TR> |
569 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
570 width=1></TD></TR> |
571 <TR> |
572 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
573 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nArchive reviewed by |
574 PsionStyle.co.uk</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
575 <TR> |
576 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
577 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>nArchive, the easy |
578 to use and efficient application compression program has received |
579 another highly positive review from </STRONG></FONT><FONT |
580 color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A |
581 href="http://www.psionstyle.co.uk/">PsionStyle.co.uk.</A></FONT> |
582 <FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
583 size=2><STRONG>Read why the reviewer thinks it a must to have |
584 permanently installed on your Psion.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT |
585 color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>It was called a |
586 "comprehensive utility with an intuitive interface" that was easy to |
587 use, has excellent compression and could archive entire programs |
588 with about 3 taps</FONT> <BR> |
589 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
590 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/narchive/">- Find |
591 out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
592 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
593 size=2><STRONG>[Tuesday 27th March - <A |
594 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
595 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
596 <TR> |
597 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
598 width=1></TD></TR> |
599 <TR> |
600 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
601 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nOrganiser v1.16 |
602 released</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
603 <TR> |
604 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
605 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>Today sees the |
606 release of an update to Dave Pearce's excellent 'At a glance' |
607 application, nOrganiser.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
608 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>This version features a |
609 number of compatibility updates as well as a few minor feature |
610 tweaks.</FONT> |
611 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
612 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/norganiser/">- |
613 Find out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
614 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
615 size=2><STRONG>[Thursday 15th February - <A |
616 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
617 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
618 <TR> |
619 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
620 width=1></TD></TR> |
621 <TR> |
622 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
623 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>RevoWorld review |
624 nArchive 1.01</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
625 <TR> |
626 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
627 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>RevoWorld have a |
628 glowing review of Graham Parks' compression tool, |
629 nArchive.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
630 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>To read the review, follow |
631 </FONT><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A |
632 href="http://www.revoworld.com/">this link</A></FONT> <FONT |
633 color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>to the |
634 RevoWorld website, or hit the 'Find out more here' link |
635 below.</FONT> <BR><BR> |
636 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
637 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/narchive/">- Find |
638 out more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
639 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
640 size=2><STRONG>[Thursday 15th February - <A |
641 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
642 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
643 <TR> |
644 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
645 width=1></TD></TR> |
646 <TR> |
647 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
648 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>Excellent review of |
649 nICQ</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
650 <TR> |
651 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
652 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>nICQ has received |
653 an EPOC City 10/10 award.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
654 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>You can read the |
655 review</FONT> <FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
656 size=2><A |
657 href="http://www.epoccity.com/reviewshow.php3?reviewid=300035">here</A></FONT> |
658 <FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>or |
659 download nICQ using the link below.</FONT> <BR> |
660 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
661 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nicq/">- Find out |
662 more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
663 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
664 size=2><STRONG>[Saturday 20th January - <A |
665 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
666 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
667 <TR> |
668 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
669 width=1></TD></TR> |
670 <TR> |
671 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
672 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>nICQ updated, now |
673 V1.24</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
674 <TR> |
675 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG>nICQ is an EPOC |
677 instant message client, similar in operation to its desktop |
678 counterparts and therefore presents a simple and effective user |
679 interface offering fast and easy all-purpose |
680 communication.</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR><FONT color=black |
681 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2>Version 1.24 adds support |
682 for the Opera web browser, improves internet communications |
683 reliability and extends message logging.</FONT> |
684 <P><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
685 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nicq/">- Find out |
686 more here - </A></STRONG></FONT> |
687 <P><FONT color=#004676 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
688 size=2><STRONG>[Thursday 18th January - <A |
689 href="mailto:webmaster@neuon.com">webmaster@neuon.com</A></STRONG> |
690 </FONT></P></TD></TR> |
691 <TR> |
692 <TD height=10><IMG border=0 height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
693 width=1></TD></TR> |
694 <TR> |
695 <TD bgColor=#5faad2><IMG border=0 height=1 |
696 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR> |
697 <TR> |
698 <TD bgColor=#91bed9 height=26 width="100%"><FONT color=black |
699 face="verdana, helvetica" size=3><STRONG><U>Other recent |
700 news</STRONG></U> </FONT></TD></TR> |
701 <TR> |
702 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0 width="100%"><BR><FONT color=black |
703 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A |
704 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/pacman/">Pacman 2.5 released</A> - |
705 Tuesday 16th January</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT color=black |
706 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A |
707 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/pacman/">Jerome Dern's excellent |
708 version of the classic 'Pacman' is reviewed on EPOC City</A> - |
709 Sunday 17th December</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT color=black |
710 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A |
711 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/narchive/">Graham Parks' nArchive |
712 1.01 now available</A> - Saturday 9th December</STRONG> |
713 </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
714 size=2><STRONG><A |
715 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/norganiser/">nOrganiser public beta |
716 4 released</A> - Sunday 19th November</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT |
717 color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A |
718 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/narchive/">nArchive V1.00 now |
719 available</A> - Friday 3rd November</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT |
720 color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A |
721 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nconvert/">nConvert Beta 5 - The |
722 premiere EPOC conversion suite</A> - Monday 30th October</STRONG> |
723 </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
724 size=2><STRONG><A href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/quiklist/">New |
725 beta releases of Quiklist available</A> - Sunday 29th |
726 October</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT color=black |
727 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A |
728 href="http://www.geek.com/hwswrev/psion/pacman/index.htm">PacMan |
729 awarded Geek.com Pick!</A> - Wednesday 25th October</STRONG> |
730 </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
731 size=2><STRONG><A |
732 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/norganiser/">nOrganiser public beta |
733 3 now available</A> - Wednesday 11th October</STRONG> |
734 </FONT><BR><FONT color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
735 size=2><STRONG><A |
736 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/quiklist/">Quiklist 3.10 now |
737 available</A> - Wednesday 4th October</STRONG> </FONT><BR><FONT |
738 color=black face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><STRONG><A |
739 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nrscutil/">nRSCUtil 1.00 |
740 released</A> - Friday 22nd September</STRONG> </FONT><BR> |
741 <P></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></CENTER></TD><!-- |
742 +====================================================================== |
744 | This is now shown on EPOC machines |
745 +====================================================================== |
746 --> |
747 <TD vAlign=top width="20%"> |
748 <DIV align=center> |
749 <CENTER> |
750 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%"> |
751 <TBODY> |
752 <TR> |
753 <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/left.gif" width=44></TD> |
754 <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%"> |
755 <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
756 size=4><STRONG>APPS</STRONG> </FONT></P></TD> |
757 <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/right.gif" |
758 width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |
759 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=3> |
760 <TBODY> |
761 <TR> |
762 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
763 width=1></TD></TR> |
764 <TR> |
765 <TD bgColor=#5faad2><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
766 width=1></TD></TR> |
767 <TR> |
768 <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" |
769 size=2><U><STRONG>Utilities</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR> |
770 <TR> |
771 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black |
772 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A |
773 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/doodler/">Doodler</A><BR><A |
774 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/hotkeys/">HotKeys</A><BR><A |
775 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/marker/">Marker</A><BR><A |
776 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/merlin/">Merlin</A><BR><A |
777 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nightkeys/">Nightkeys</A><BR><A |
778 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nomore/">NoMore</A><BR><A |
779 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/q-calc/">Q-Calc</A><BR><A |
780 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/quiklist/">Quiklist</A><BR><A |
781 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/recycle/">Recycle</A><BR><A |
782 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/soundoff/">Sound Off</A><BR><A |
783 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/theslink/">ThesLink</A><BR><A |
784 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/narchive/">nArchive</A><BR><A |
785 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nconvert/">nConvert</A><BR><A |
786 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/norganiser/">nOrganiser</A><BR><A |
787 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nsketch/">nSketch</A><BR><A |
788 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nswitcher/">nSwitcher</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR> |
789 <TR> |
790 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
791 width=1></TD></TR> |
792 <TR> |
793 <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" |
794 size=2><U><STRONG>Games</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR> |
795 <TR> |
796 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black |
797 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A |
798 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/asteroids/">Asteroids</A><BR><A |
799 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/blobs/">Blobs</A><BR><A |
800 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/castleiii/">Castle III</A><BR><A |
801 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/chainreaction/">Chain |
802 Reaction</A><BR><A |
803 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/daleks/">Daleks</A><BR><A |
804 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/matience/">Matience</A><BR><A |
805 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/pacman/">PacMan</A><BR><A |
806 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/rally/">Rally</A><BR><A |
807 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/tilefall/">TileFall</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR> |
808 <TR> |
809 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
810 width=1></TD></TR> |
811 <TR> |
812 <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" |
813 size=2><U><STRONG>Internet</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR> |
814 <TR> |
815 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black |
816 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A |
817 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/alternet/">AlterNet</A><BR><A |
818 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nftp/">nFTP</A><BR><A |
819 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nicq/">nICQ</A><BR><A |
820 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nirc/">nIRC</A><BR><A |
821 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nwebmanager/">nWebManager</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR> |
822 <TR> |
823 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
824 width=1></TD></TR> |
825 <TR> |
826 <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" |
827 size=2><U><STRONG>Misc</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR> |
828 <TR> |
829 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black |
830 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A |
831 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/vpm/">VPM</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR> |
832 <TR> |
833 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
834 width=1></TD></TR> |
835 <TR> |
836 <TD bgColor=#91bed9><FONT color=#000000 face="verdana, helvetica" |
837 size=2><U><STRONG>Development</STRONG></U></FONT></TD></TR> |
838 <TR> |
839 <TD bgColor=#d2e6f0><FONT color=black |
840 face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" size=2><A |
841 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/cascade/">Cascade</A><BR><A |
842 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/hexeditor/">HexEditor</A><BR><A |
843 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/ndirnav/">nDirNav</A><BR><A |
844 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nedit/">nEdit</A><BR><A |
845 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nlistbox/">nListBox</A><BR><A |
846 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nmpd/">nMPD</A><BR><A |
847 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/noplplus/">nOPLPlus</A><BR><A |
848 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nrscutil/">nRSCUtil</A><BR><A |
849 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nsisutil/">nSISUtil</A><BR><A |
850 href="http://www.neuon.com/apps/nscrollbar/">nScrollbar</A><BR></FONT><BR></TD></TR> |
851 <TR> |
852 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
853 width=1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |
854 <DIV align=center> |
855 <CENTER> |
856 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%"> |
857 <TBODY> |
858 <TR> |
859 <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/left.gif" width=44></TD> |
860 <TD bgColor=#005a87 width="100%"> |
861 <P align=center><FONT color=white face="geneva, verdana, helvetica" |
862 size=4><STRONG>LINKS</STRONG> </FONT></P></TD> |
863 <TD><IMG border=0 height=50 src="Neuon_files/right.gif" |
864 width=44></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |
865 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=3> |
866 <TBODY> |
867 <TR> |
868 <TD height=5><IMG height=1 src="Neuon_files/spacer.gif" |
869 width=1></TD></TR> |
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