changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
child 7 fc3225a0ab43
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2e3d3ce01487
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "APGWGNAM.H"
    17 #include "APGSTD.H"
    18 #include "APGTASK.H"
    20 const TInt KUidBufLength=8;
    21 const TInt KMinWindowGroupNameLength=5/*delimiters+status)*/+KUidBufLength;
    22 const TInt KMaxWindowGroupNameLength=KMinWindowGroupNameLength+2*KMaxFileName;
    23 const TInt KMaxSearchStringLength=KMaxFileName+6/* 3*delim+3*wild */;
    24 typedef TBuf<KMaxSearchStringLength> TApaSearchString;
    26 _LIT(KDefaultWindowGroupName,"00\x00\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x0\x0");
    27 _LIT(KSearchAnyFile,"*");
    28 _LIT(KFormatStatus,"%02x");
    30 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName::~CApaWindowGroupName()
    31 /** Destructor.
    33 Frees resources owned by the object prior to its destruction. */
    34 	{	   
    35 	delete iBuf;
    36 	}
    38 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName* CApaWindowGroupName::New(const RWsSession& aWsSession, HBufC* aWgName)
    39 	//
    40 	// non leaving static initializer from full name - takes ownership
    42 	//
    43 /** Creates a window group name object and takes ownership of the heap descriptor 
    44 containing a name.
    46 The name must have valid format. Typically, this is an existing window group 
    47 name.
    49 Note that the function cannot leave.
    51 @param aWsSession A window server session.
    52 @param aWgName A heap descriptor containing a valid window group name. This 
    53 pointer must not be null, otherwise the function raises an APGRFX 3 panic.
    54 @return A pointer to the new window group name object. */
    55 	{
    56 	CApaWindowGroupName* This=NULL;
    57 	if (aWgName)
    58 		{
    59 		This=new CApaWindowGroupName(aWsSession);
    60 		if (This)
    61 			{
    62 			This->iBuf=aWgName;
    63 			This->GetStatusFromName();
    64 			}
    65 		}
    66 	else
    67 		Panic(EPanicNullWindowGroupName);
    68 	return This;
    69 	}
    71 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName* CApaWindowGroupName::NewL(const RWsSession& aWsSession)
    72 	//
    73 	// static initializer for blank window group name
    74 	//
    75 /** Creates a window group name object and assigns a default name to it.
    77 @param aWsSession A window server session.
    78 @return A pointer to the new window group name object. */
    79 	{
    80 	CApaWindowGroupName* This=NewLC(aWsSession);
    81 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    82 	return This;
    83 	}
    85 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName* CApaWindowGroupName::NewL(const RWsSession& aWsSession, TInt aWgId)
    86 	//
    87 	// static initializer for existing window group name given by aWgId
    88 	//
    89 /** Creates a window group name object and assigns to it the name taken from the 
    90 specified window group.
    92 @param aWsSession A window server session.
    93 @param aWgId The ID of a window group.
    94 @return A pointer to the new window group name object. */
    95 	{
    96 	CApaWindowGroupName* This=NewLC(aWsSession, aWgId);
    97 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    98 	return This;
    99 	}
   101 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName* CApaWindowGroupName::NewL(const RWsSession& aWsSession, const TDesC& aWgName)
   102 	//
   103 	// static initializer from full name
   105 	//
   106 /** Creates a window group name object and assigns to it the specified name.
   108 The name must have a valid format. Typically, this is an existing window group 
   109 name.
   111 @param aWsSession A window server session.
   112 @param aWgName A valid window group name.
   113 @return A pointer to the new window group name object. */
   114 	{
   115 	CApaWindowGroupName* This=NewLC(aWsSession, aWgName);
   116 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   117 	return This;
   118 	}
   120 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName* CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(const RWsSession& aWsSession)
   121 	//
   122 	// static initializer for blank window group name
   123 	//
   124 /** Creates a window group name object, assigns a default name to it, and puts 
   125 a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
   127 @param aWsSession A window server session. 
   128 @return A pointer to the new window group name object. */
   129 	{
   130 	CApaWindowGroupName* This=new(ELeave) CApaWindowGroupName(aWsSession);
   131 	CleanupStack::PushL(This);
   132 	This->DefaultConstructL();
   133 	return This;
   134 	}
   136 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName* CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(const RWsSession& aWsSession, TInt aWgId)
   137 	//
   138 	// static initializer for existing window group name given by aWgId
   139 	//
   140 /** Creates a window group name object, assigns to it the name taken from the specified 
   141 window group, and puts a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
   143 @param aWsSession A window server session.
   144 @param aWgId The ID of a window group.
   145 @return A pointer to the new window group name object. */
   146 	{
   147 	CApaWindowGroupName* This=new(ELeave) CApaWindowGroupName(aWsSession);
   148 	CleanupStack::PushL(This);
   149 	This->ConstructFromWgIdL(aWgId);
   150 	return This;
   151 	}
   153 EXPORT_C CApaWindowGroupName* CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(const RWsSession& aWsSession, const TDesC& aWgName)
   154 	//
   155 	// static initializer from full name
   157 	//
   158 /** Creates a window group name object, assigns to it the specified name, and puts 
   159 a pointer to the new object onto the cleanup stack.
   161 The name must have valid format. Typically, this is an existing window group 
   162 name.
   164 @param aWsSession A window server session.
   165 @param aWgName A valid window group name.
   166 @return A pointer to the new window group name object. */
   167 	{
   168 	CApaWindowGroupName* This=new(ELeave) CApaWindowGroupName(aWsSession);
   169 	CleanupStack::PushL(This);
   170 	This->iBuf=aWgName.AllocL();
   171 	This->GetStatusFromName();
   172 	return This;
   173 	}
   175 CApaWindowGroupName::CApaWindowGroupName(const RWsSession& aWsSession) 
   176 	: iWsSession(aWsSession)
   177 	//
   178 	// private c'tor 
   179 	//
   180 	{
   181 	}
   184 void CApaWindowGroupName::DefaultConstructL()
   185 	{
   186 	iStatus=0;
   187 	iBuf = KDefaultWindowGroupName().AllocL();
   188 	}	
   190 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::ConstructFromWgIdL(TInt aWgId)
   191 	//
   192 	// Allocate and format iBuf according to existing name given by aWgId
   193 	//
   194 /** Assigns to this object the name taken from the specified window group.
   196 Any previously existing name contained by this window group name object is 
   197 lost.
   199 If the specified window group does not exist or it has no name, then a default 
   200 name is assigned.
   202 @param aWgId The ID of a window group. */
   203 	{
   204 	delete iBuf;
   205 	iBuf=NULL;
   206 	if (aWgId>0)
   207 		{
   208 		TBuf<KMaxWindowGroupNameLength> name;
   209 		((RWsSession&)iWsSession).GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier(aWgId, name);
   210 		if (name.Length()==0) // name not set
   211 			DefaultConstructL();
   212 		else
   213 			{
   214 			iBuf=name.AllocL();
   215 			GetStatusFromName();
   216 			}
   217 		}
   218 	else
   219 		DefaultConstructL();
   220 	}
   222 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetWindowGroupNameL(const TDesC& aWgName)
   223 /** Sets the full window group name in this object.
   225 @param aWgName The full window group name. */
   226 	{
   227 	delete iBuf;
   228 	iBuf=NULL;
   229 	iBuf=aWgName.AllocL();
   230 	GetStatusFromName();
   231 	}
   233 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetWindowGroupName(HBufC* aWgName)
   234 /** Sets the full window group name in this object, taking ownership of the specified 
   235 heap descriptor.
   237 The function cannot leave.
   239 @param aWgName A heap descriptor containing the full window group name. The 
   240 pointer must not be null, otherwise the function raises a APGRFX 3 panic. */
   241 	{
   242 	if (aWgName)
   243 		{
   244 		if (iBuf != aWgName)
   245 			{
   246 			delete iBuf;
   247 			iBuf=aWgName;
   248 			}
   249 		GetStatusFromName();
   250 		}
   251 	else
   252 		Panic(EPanicNullWindowGroupName);
   253 	}
   255 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid(TUid aAppUid, RWsSession& aWsSession, TInt& aPrevWgId)
   256 /** Searches for the next window group by application UID.
   258 A running application, also known as a task, is associated with a window group. 
   259 The function searches for the next task running the specified application, 
   260 and returns its associated window group ID.
   262 @param aAppUid The application specific UID.
   263 @param aWsSession A window server session.
   264 @param aPrevWgId On entry, the previous window group ID. On return, the next 
   265 window group ID. On first call to this function pass a zero value. When there 
   266 are no more matching window groups, contains KErrNotFound. */
   267 	{
   268 	TBuf<20> match(KSearchAnyFile);	// status
   269 	match.Append(0);
   270 	TBuf<8> uidBuf;
   271 	//Type casting the Uid (which is TInt) to TUint to perform proper conversion
   272 	//when aAppUid.iUid is negative.
   273 	uidBuf.Num(TUint(aAppUid.iUid), EHex);
   274 	match.Append(uidBuf);  // uid
   275 	match.Append(0);
   276 	match.Append('*');	// caption
   277 	match.Append(0);	
   278 	match.Append('*');	// docname
   279 	aPrevWgId=aWsSession.FindWindowGroupIdentifier(aPrevWgId, match, 0);
   280 	}
   282 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::FindByCaption(const TDesC& aCaption, RWsSession& aWsSession, TInt& aPrevWgId)
   283 /** Searches for the next window group by caption.
   285 A running application, also known as a task, is associated with a window group. 
   286 The function searches for the next task having the specified caption, and 
   287 returns its associated window group ID.
   289 @param aCaption The caption.
   290 @param aWsSession A window server session.
   291 @param aPrevWgId On entry, the previous window group ID. On return, the next 
   292 window group ID. On first call to this function pass a zero value. When there 
   293 are no more matching window groups, contains KErrNotFound. */
   294 	{
   295 	TApaSearchString match(KSearchAnyFile); // status
   296 	match.Append(0);
   297 	match.Append('*'); // uid
   298 	match.Append(0);
   299 	match.Append(aCaption);	 // caption
   300 	match.Append(0);
   301 	match.Append('*'); //doc name
   302 	aPrevWgId=aWsSession.FindWindowGroupIdentifier(aPrevWgId, match, 0);
   303 	}
   305 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::FindByDocName(const TDesC& aDocName, RWsSession& aWsSession, TInt& aPrevWgId)
   306 /** Searches for the next window group by document name.
   308 A running application, also known as a task, is associated with a window group. 
   309 The function searches for the next task handling the specified document, and 
   310 returns its associated window group ID.
   312 @param aDocName The name of the document.
   313 @param aWsSession A window server session.
   314 @param aPrevWgId On entry, the previous window group ID. On return, the next 
   315 window group ID. On first call to this function pass a zero value. When there 
   316 are no more matching window groups, contains KErrNotFound. */
   317 	{
   318 	TApaSearchString match(KSearchAnyFile); // status
   319 	match.Append(0);
   320 	match.Append('*'); // uid
   321 	match.Append(0);
   322 	match.Append('*'); // caption
   323 	match.Append(0);
   324 	match.Append(aDocName);
   325 	aPrevWgId=aWsSession.FindWindowGroupIdentifier(aPrevWgId, match, 0);
   326 	}
   328 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetBusy(TBool aBusy)
   329 /** Sets the task's busy status in this object.
   331 @param aBusy ETrue, marks the task as busy; EFalse, marks the task as not 
   332 busy.
   333 @see CEikonEnv::SetBusy() */
   334 	{
   335 	iStatus&=(~EBusy);
   336 	if (aBusy)
   337 		iStatus|=EBusy;
   338 	WriteStatusToName();
   339 	}
   341 EXPORT_C TBool CApaWindowGroupName::IsBusy() const
   342 /** Tests whether the task is marked as busy.
   344 @return True, if the task is marked as busy; false, otherwise.
   345 @see CEikonEnv::IsBusy() */
   346 	{
   347 	return iStatus&EBusy;
   348 	}
   350 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetSystem(TBool aSystem)
   351 /** Sets the task's system status in this object.
   353 @param aSystem ETrue, marks the task as a system task; EFalse, marks the task 
   354 as not a system task.
   355 @see CEikonEnv::SetSystem() */
   356 	{
   357 	iStatus&=(~ESystem);
   358 	if (aSystem)
   359 		iStatus|=ESystem;
   360 	WriteStatusToName();
   361 	}
   363 EXPORT_C TBool CApaWindowGroupName::IsSystem() const
   364 /** Tests whether the task is marked as a system task.
   366 @return True, if the task is marked as a system task; false, otherwise. 
   367 @see CEikonEnv::IsSystem() */
   368 	{
   369 	return iStatus&ESystem;
   370 	}
   372 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetDocNameIsAFile(TBool aDocNameIsAFile)
   373 /** Sets the document name status in this object.
   375 @param aDocNameIsAFile ETrue, the document name is a filename; EFalse, the 
   376 document name is not a filename.
   377 @see CEikonEnv::SetDocNameIsAFile() */
   378 	{
   379 	iStatus&=(~EDocNameNotAFile);
   380 	if (!aDocNameIsAFile)
   381 		iStatus|=EDocNameNotAFile;
   382 	WriteStatusToName();
   383 	}
   385 EXPORT_C TBool CApaWindowGroupName::DocNameIsAFile() const
   386 /** Tests whether the document name is a file.
   388 @return True, if the document name is a file; false, otherwise.
   389 @see CEikonEnv::DocNameIsAFile() */
   390 	{
   391 	return !(iStatus&EDocNameNotAFile);
   392 	}
   394 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetRespondsToShutdownEvent(TBool aRespondsToShutdownEvent)
   395 /** Sets the task's shutdown handling status in this object.
   397 @param aRespondsToShutdownEvent ETrue, if the task can deal with a shutdown 
   398 request; EFalse, if the task cannot deal with a shutdown request.
   399 @see CEikonEnv::SetRespondsToShutdownEvent() */
   400 	{
   401 	iStatus&=(~EDoesNotRespondToShutdownEvent);
   402 	if (!aRespondsToShutdownEvent)
   403 		iStatus|=EDoesNotRespondToShutdownEvent;
   404 	WriteStatusToName();
   405 	}
   407 EXPORT_C TBool CApaWindowGroupName::RespondsToShutdownEvent() const
   408 /** Tests whether the task can deal with a request to shutdown.
   410 @return True, if the task can deal with a request to shutdown; false, otherwise. 
   412 @see CEikonEnv::RespondsToShutdownEvent() */
   413 	{
   414 	return !(iStatus&EDoesNotRespondToShutdownEvent);
   415 	}
   417 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent(TBool aRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent)
   418 /** Sets the task's switch file handling status in this object.
   420 @param aRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent ETrue, if the task can deal with a request 
   421 to switch file; EFalse, if the task cannot deal with with a request to switch 
   422 files.
   423 @see CEikonEnv::SetRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent() */
   424 	{
   425 	iStatus&=(~EDoesNotRespondToSwitchFilesEvent);
   426 	if (!aRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent)
   427 		iStatus|=EDoesNotRespondToSwitchFilesEvent;
   428 	WriteStatusToName();
   429 	}
   431 EXPORT_C TBool CApaWindowGroupName::RespondsToSwitchFilesEvent() const
   432 /** Tests whether the task can deal with a request to switch files.
   434 @return True, if the task can deal with a request to switch files; false otherwise.
   435 @see CEikonEnv::RespondsToSwitchFilesEvent() */
   436 	{
   437 	return !(iStatus&EDoesNotRespondToSwitchFilesEvent);
   438 	}
   440 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetHidden(TBool aIsHidden)
   441 /** Marks the task as hidden.
   443 In general, tasks marked as hidden do not appear in tasklists. 
   444 Specifically, TApaTask::FindByPos() will ignore any tasks marked as hidden.
   446 @param aIsHidden ETrue if the task is to be marked as hidden; EFalse if not. */
   447 	{
   448 	iStatus&=(~EIsHidden);
   449 	if (aIsHidden)
   450 		iStatus|=EIsHidden;
   451 	WriteStatusToName();
   452 	}
   454 EXPORT_C TBool CApaWindowGroupName::Hidden() const
   455 /** Tests whether the task is marked as hidden.
   457 @return True if the task is hidden; false otherwise. */
   458 	{
   459 	return (iStatus&EIsHidden);
   460 	}
   462 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetAppReady(TBool aIsReady)
   463 /** Sets the task as ready.
   465 @param aIsReady ETrue if the task is to be marked as ready; EFalse if not. */
   466 	{
   467 	iStatus&=(~EAppReady);
   468 	if (aIsReady)
   469 		iStatus|=EAppReady;
   470 	WriteStatusToName();
   471 	}
   473 EXPORT_C TBool CApaWindowGroupName::IsAppReady() const
   474 /** Tests whether the task is marked as ready.
   476 @return True if the task is ready; false otherwise. */
   477 	{
   478 	return (iStatus&EAppReady);
   479 	}
   481 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetAppUid(TUid aAppUid)
   482 /** Sets the specified UID into the window group name in this object.
   484 @param aAppUid The application specific UID. */
   485 	{
   486 	TInt start=FindDelimiter(EEndStatus);
   487 	if (start>0)
   488 		{
   489 		start++;
   490 		TInt end=FindDelimiter(EEndUid);
   491 		if (end>0)
   492 			{
   493 			TBuf<KUidBufLength> uidBuf;
   494 		 	//Type casting the Uid (which is TInt) to TUint to perform proper conversion
   495 			//when aAppUid.iUid is negative.
   496 			uidBuf.Num(TUint(aAppUid.iUid), EHex);
   497 			TPtr des=iBuf->Des();
   498 			des.Replace(start, end-start, uidBuf);
   499 			}
   500 		}
   501 	}
   504 EXPORT_C TUid CApaWindowGroupName::AppUid() const
   505 /** Gets the UID of the task's application.
   507 @return The application specific UID. If the format of the window group name 
   508 is not recognized, then this is zero. */
   509 	{
   510 	TUid uid=TUid::Null();
   511 	TInt start=FindDelimiter(EEndStatus);
   512 	if (start>0)
   513 		{
   514 		start++;
   515 		TInt end=FindDelimiter(EEndUid);
   516 		if ((end-start) == KUidBufLength)
   517 			{
   518 			TBuf<KUidBufLength> uidBuf=iBuf->Mid(start, end-start);
   519 			TLex lex(uidBuf);
   520 			TUint32 val = 0;
   521 			lex.Val(val, EHex); //Ignoring error code since we anyways have to return null uid if this returns an error.
   522 			uid.iUid = val;
   523 			}
   524 		}
   525 	return uid;
   526 	}
   528 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetCaptionL(const TDesC& aCaption)
   529 /** Sets the specified caption into the window group name in this object.
   531 @param aCaption The caption. */
   532 	{	 
   533 	TInt start=FindDelimiter(EEndUid);
   534 	if (start>0)
   535 		{
   536 		start++;
   537 		TInt end=FindDelimiter(EEndCaption);
   538 		if (end>0)
   539 			{
   540 			TInt length=end-start;
   541 			ReAllocIfNecessaryL(aCaption.Length()-length);
   542 			TPtr des=iBuf->Des();
   543 			des.Replace(start, length, aCaption);
   544 			}
   545 		}
   546 	}
   548 EXPORT_C TPtrC CApaWindowGroupName::Caption() const
   549 /** Gets the task's caption.
   551 @return A non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the caption. If the 
   552 format of the window group name is not recognized, then this is a zero length 
   553 descriptor. */
   554 	{
   555 	TInt start=FindDelimiter(EEndUid);
   556 	if (start>0)
   557 		{
   558 		start++;
   559 		TInt end=FindDelimiter(EEndCaption);
   560 		if (end>0)
   561 			return iBuf->Mid(start, end-start);
   562 		}
   563 	return TPtrC(); // error
   564 	}
   566 EXPORT_C void CApaWindowGroupName::SetDocNameL(const TDesC& aDocName)
   567 /** Sets the specified document name into the window group name in this object.
   569 @param aDocName The document name. */
   570 	{
   571 	TInt start=FindDelimiter(EEndCaption);
   572 	if (start>0)
   573 		{
   574 		start++;
   575 		TInt end=iBuf->Length();
   576 		if (end>0)
   577 			{
   578 			TInt length=end-start;
   579 			ReAllocIfNecessaryL(aDocName.Length()-length);
   580 			TPtr des=iBuf->Des();
   581 			des.Replace(start, length, aDocName);
   582 			}
   583 		}
   584 	}
   586 EXPORT_C TPtrC CApaWindowGroupName::DocName() const
   587 /** Gets the name of the document that the task is handling.
   589 @return A non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the document name. 
   590 If the format of the window group name is not recognized, then this is a zero 
   591 length descriptor. */
   592 	{
   593 	TInt start=FindDelimiter(EEndCaption);
   594 	if (start>0)
   595 		{
   596 		start++;
   597 		TInt end=iBuf->Length();
   598 		if (end>0)
   599 			return iBuf->Mid(start, end-start);
   600 		}
   601 	return TPtrC(); // error
   602 	}
   604 EXPORT_C TInt CApaWindowGroupName::SetWindowGroupName(RWindowGroup& aGroupWin) const
   605 	//
   606 	// Set aGroupWin's name to the current name in iBuf (returns WServ error code)
   607 	//
   608 /** Sets the window group name contained by this object into the specified window 
   609 group.
   611 @param aGroupWin The window group.
   612 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, one of the other system-wide error 
   613 codes. */
   614 	{
   615 	return aGroupWin.SetName(*iBuf);
   616 	}
   618 EXPORT_C TPtrC CApaWindowGroupName::WindowGroupName() const
   619 /** Gets the full window group name.
   621 @return A non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the full window group 
   622 name. */
   623 	{
   624 	return *iBuf;
   625 	}
   627 void CApaWindowGroupName::WriteStatusToName()
   628 	//
   629 	// replaces two digit hex number at front of iBuf by iStatus 
   630 	//
   631 	{
   632 	TBuf<2> status;
   633 	status.Format(KFormatStatus, iStatus);
   634 	TPtr des=iBuf->Des();
   635 	des.Replace(0,2,status);
   636 	}
   638 void CApaWindowGroupName::GetStatusFromName()
   639 	//
   640 	// Extracts the two digit hex number at front of iBuf into iStatus 
   641 	//
   642 	{
   643 	TBuf<2> status=iBuf->Left(2);
   644 	TLex lex(status);
   645 	lex.Val(iStatus, EHex);
   646 	}
   648 TInt CApaWindowGroupName::FindDelimiter(TApaDelimiter aDelim) const
   649 	//
   650 	// returns the pos of aDelim or KErrNotFound
   651 	//
   652 	{
   653 	TInt pos=-1;
   654 	TInt length=iBuf->Length();
   655 	for (TInt i=0; i<aDelim; i++)
   656 		{
   657 		TInt nextPos=(iBuf->Right(length-pos-1)).Locate(0);
   658 		if (nextPos<0)
   659 			return KErrNotFound;
   660 		pos=pos+nextPos+1;
   661 		}
   662 	return pos;
   663 	}
   665 void CApaWindowGroupName::ReAllocIfNecessaryL(TInt aExtraLengthReqd)
   666 	//
   667 	// Reallocates iBuf if currentLength+extraLength<totalLength
   668 	//
   669 	{
   670 	TInt existing=iBuf->Length();
   671 	TInt total=existing+aExtraLengthReqd;
   672 	if (total>iBuf->Des().MaxLength())
   673 		iBuf=iBuf->ReAllocL(total);
   674 	}