changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
child 19 924385140d98
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/appfw/apparchitecture/apgrfx/APGCLI.CPP	Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1875 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// apgcli.cpp
+#include "../apserv/APSCLSV.H"
+#include "../apserv/apsserv.h"
+#if !defined(__APA_INTERNAL_H__)
+#include "apainternal.h"
+#if !defined(__APGICNFL_PARTNER_H__)
+#include "apgicnflpartner.h"
+#include "APGCLI.H"
+#include "APGSTD.H"
+#include "APGICNFL.H"
+#include "APGPRIV.H"
+#include "apprivate.h"
+const TUint KInitialIconBufSize = sizeof(TSize)*6 + sizeof(TInt);
+const TUint KInitialViewDataBufSize = sizeof(TApaAppViewInfo)*6 + sizeof(TInt);
+const TUint KInitialOwnedFilesBufSize = sizeof(TFileName)*6 + sizeof(TInt);
+const TUint KDefaultBufSize = 0x400;
+const TUint KAsyncMessageSlots = 4; // One slot each for, RApaLsSession::SetNotify, RApaLsSession::
+                                    // RegisterListPopulationCompleteObserver and RApaLsSession::NotifyOnDataMappingChange
+                                    // CAsyncFileRecognition::Start makes an asynch request of apparc server.
+extern void CleanupAppServiceArray(TAny* aServiceArray);
+IMPORT_C extern const TInt KMinApplicationStackSize;
+class MArrayFiller
+	{
+	virtual void AppendItemFromStreamL(RReadStream& aReadStream) = 0;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TSizeArrayFiller) : public MArrayFiller
+	{
+	inline TSizeArrayFiller(CArrayFixFlat<TSize>& aArray) : iArray(aArray) {}
+public: // from MArrayFiller
+	void AppendItemFromStreamL(RReadStream& aReadStream);
+	CArrayFixFlat<TSize>& iArray;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TViewDataArrayFiller) : public MArrayFiller
+	{
+	inline TViewDataArrayFiller(CApaAppViewArray& aArray) : iArray(aArray) {}
+public: // from MArrayFiller
+	void AppendItemFromStreamL(RReadStream& aReadStream);
+	CApaAppViewArray& iArray;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TDesCArrayFiller) : public MArrayFiller
+	{
+	inline TDesCArrayFiller(CDesCArray& aArray) : iArray(aArray) {}
+public: // from MArrayFiller
+	void AppendItemFromStreamL(RReadStream& aReadStream);
+	CDesCArray& iArray;
+	};
+// TSizeArrayFiller
+void TSizeArrayFiller::AppendItemFromStreamL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
+	{
+	TSize size;
+	size.iWidth = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+	size.iHeight= aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+	iArray.AppendL(size);
+	}
+// TViewDataArrayFiller
+void TViewDataArrayFiller::AppendItemFromStreamL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
+	{
+	TApaAppViewInfo info;
+	aReadStream >> info;
+	iArray.AppendL(info);
+	}
+// TDesCArrayFiller
+void TDesCArrayFiller::AppendItemFromStreamL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
+	{
+	TFileName info;
+	aReadStream >> info;
+	iArray.AppendL(info);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TUint MinApplicationStackSize()
+	{
+	return KMinApplicationStackSize;
+	}
+// class RApaLsSession
+EXPORT_C RApaLsSession::RApaLsSession()
+	: iExtension(NULL)
+	{}
+/** Connects a client to the application architecture server, creating a session 
+with it.
+@return KErrNone if successful; otherwise, one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::Connect()
+	{
+	TInt r=CreateSession(KAppListServerName,Version(),KAsyncMessageSlots);
+	return(r); 
+	}
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::Close()
+Closes the session. Needs to be called to avoid memory leaks.
+	{
+	CancelRecognizeFiles();
+	RHandleBase::Close();
+	}
+/** Gets the version of the application architecture server.
+@return The version number. 
+EXPORT_C TVersion RApaLsSession::Version(void) const
+	{
+	return(TVersion(KAppListServMajorVersionNumber,KAppListServMinorVersionNumber,KAppListServBuildVersionNumber));
+	}
+/** Gets the total number of applications.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+@param aCount On return, the total number of applications.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::AppCount(TInt& aCount) const
+	{
+	return DoAppCount(aCount, EAppListServAppCount);
+	}
+/** Gets the total number of embeddable applications.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+@param aCount On return, the total number of embeddable applications.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::EmbeddableAppCount(TInt& aCount) const
+	{
+	return DoAppCount(aCount, EAppListServEmbedCount);
+	}
+TInt RApaLsSession::DoAppCount(TInt& aCount,TInt aCommand) const
+// returns the number of embeddable apps in the server side list
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aCommand==EAppListServEmbedCount || aCommand==EAppListServAppCount,Panic(EDPanicWrongCommand));
+	const TInt returnValue = SendReceiveWithReconnect(aCommand,TIpcArgs());
+	if (returnValue < 0)
+		return returnValue;
+	aCount = returnValue;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting all applications in the cached list.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve all applications in the cached list.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAllApps() const
+	{
+	return GetAllApps(0);
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting all applications in the cached list.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve all applications supporting aScreenMode in the cached list.
+@param aScreenMode Only applications which define a view supporting aScreenMode
+will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp(). If an application does not
+define views in it's application information file, only screen mode 0 is supported.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAllApps(TInt aScreenMode) const
+	{
+	return GetFilteredApps(TApaAppCapability::EControlPanelItem, 0, aScreenMode); // exclude control panel apps
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting all embeddable applications from the cached list.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve embeddable applications in the cached list.
+Only applications which specify KAppEmbeddable or KAppEmbeddableOnly in their
+application information file will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp().
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetEmbeddableApps() const
+	{
+	return GetEmbeddableApps(0);
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting embeddable applications from the cached list
+that support the specified screen mode.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve embeddable applications in the cached list.
+Only applications which specify KAppEmbeddable or KAppEmbeddableOnly in their
+application information file will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp().
+@param aScreenMode Only embeddable applications which define a view supporting
+aScreenMode will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp(). If an application
+does not define views in it's application information file, only screen mode 0 is supported.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetEmbeddableApps(TInt aScreenMode) const
+	{
+	TApaEmbeddabilityFilter filter;
+	filter.AddEmbeddability(TApaAppCapability::EEmbeddable);
+	filter.AddEmbeddability(TApaAppCapability::EEmbeddableOnly);
+	return GetFilteredApps(filter, aScreenMode);
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting all applications matching aFilter in the
+cached list.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve all applications matching aFilter in the cached list.
+@param aFilter Defines the filter to be applied to the cached list.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps(const TApaEmbeddabilityFilter& aFilter) const
+	{
+	return GetFilteredApps(aFilter, 0);
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting all applications matching aFilter in the
+cached list.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve all applications matching aFilter in the cached list.
+@param aFilter Defines the filter to be applied to the cached list.
+@param aScreenMode Only applications which define a view supporting aScreenMode
+will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp(). If an application does not
+define views in it's application information file, only screen mode 0 is supported.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps(const TApaEmbeddabilityFilter& aFilter, TInt aScreenMode) const
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TApaEmbeddabilityFilter> filter(aFilter);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServInitFilteredEmbedList,TIpcArgs(aScreenMode,&filter));
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting all applications matching the specified
+application attributes.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve all applications matching the filter in the cached list.
+Attributes are defined by TApaAppCapability::TCapabilityAttribute
+@param aCapabilityAttributeMask Specifies the attributes whose values will be
+used to filter the cached list. If the mask specifies more than one attribute,
+all associated attribute values must match.
+@param aCapabilityAttributeValue Specifies the attribute values for each attribute
+identified by the mask.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+@see TCapabilityAttribute 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps(TUint aCapabilityAttributeMask, TUint aCapabilityAttributeValue) const
+	{
+	return GetFilteredApps(aCapabilityAttributeMask, aCapabilityAttributeValue, 0);
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting all applications matching the specified
+application attributes.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve all applications matching the filter in the cached list.
+Attributes are defined by TApaAppCapability::TCapabilityAttribute
+@param aCapabilityAttributeMask Specifies the attributes whose values will be
+used to filter the cached list. If the mask specifies more than one attribute,
+all associated attribute values must match.
+@param aCapabilityAttributeValue Specifies the attribute values for each attribute
+identified by the mask.
+@param aScreenMode Only applications which define a view supporting aScreenMode
+will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp(). If an application does not
+define views in it's application information file, only screen mode 0 is supported.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+@see TCapabilityAttribute 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetFilteredApps(TUint aCapabilityAttributeMask, TUint aCapabilityAttributeValue, TInt aScreenMode) const
+	{
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServInitAttrFilteredList,TIpcArgs(aScreenMode, aCapabilityAttributeMask, aCapabilityAttributeValue));
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting server applications in the cached list.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve server applications in the cached list.
+Only applications which specify one or more services in their application
+information file will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp().
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetServerApps(TUid aServiceUid) const
+	{
+	return GetServerApps(aServiceUid, 0);
+	}
+/** Initialises the process of getting server applications in the cached list.
+Control panel applications are excluded.
+A call to this function is followed by subsequent and repeated calls to GetNextApp() 
+to retrieve server applications in the cached list.
+Only applications which specify one or more services in their application
+information file will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp().
+@param aScreenMode Only server applications which define a view supporting
+aScreenMode will be returned by subsequent calls to GetNextApp(). If an application
+does not define views in its application information file, only screen mode 0 is supported.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetServerApps(TUid aServiceUid, TInt aScreenMode) const
+	{
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServInitServerAppList,TIpcArgs(aScreenMode, aServiceUid.iUid));
+	}
+/** Gets information about the next application or embeddable application from 
+the cached list.
+A sequence of calls to this function must always be preceded by a call to 
+one of GetAllApps(), GetEmbeddableApps() or GetFilteredApps().
+@param aInfo On return, contains application information.
+@return KErrNone if successful; ENoMoreAppsInList, if there are no more applications 
+in the list; EAppListInvalid if the server's initial population of the list has
+not completed; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetNextApp(TApaAppInfo& aInfo) const
+	{
+	return GetNextApp(aInfo,0);
+	}
+/** Gets information about the next application or embeddable application from 
+the cached list.
+A sequence of calls to this function must always be preceded by a call to 
+one of GetAllApps(), GetEmbeddableApps() or GetFilteredApps().
+@param aInfo On return, contains application information.
+@param aScreenMode This parameter is ignored.
+@return KErrNone if successful; ENoMoreAppsInList, if there are no more applications 
+in the list; EAppListInvalid if the server's initial population of the list has
+not completed; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetNextApp(TApaAppInfo& aInfo,TInt aScreenMode) const
+	{
+	TPckg<TApaAppInfo> info(aInfo);
+	TInt err = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServGetNextApp, TIpcArgs(aScreenMode,&info));
+	if (!err)
+		aInfo = info();
+	else if (err==KErrNotFound)
+		err = ENoMoreAppsInList;
+	else if (err==KErrCorrupt)
+		err = EAppListInvalid;
+	return err;
+	}
+/** Gets information about the application with the specified UID.
+@param aInfo On return, contains the application information, if an application 
+with the specified UID is found. If no matching application is found, then 
+this object is not changed.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@return KErrNone if successful; KErrNotFound if a matching entry could not be found; 
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppInfo(TApaAppInfo& aInfo, TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	TPckg<TApaAppInfo> info(aInfo);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServGetAppInfo, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid,&info));
+	} //lint !e1764 Suppress reference parameter 'aInfo' could be declared const ref
+/** Sets the short caption of the application.
+Overrides the short caption specified in the localizable resource file for this application.
+Short captions set using this API will only take effect until the next device reset.
+@param aShortCaption The short caption of the application. The maximum length allowed is KApaMaxAppCaption.
+@param aLanguage The language corresponding to the caption. If this is ELangNone the caption is used
+for all languages for which a language specific short caption has not been set.
+@param aAppUid The uid of the application.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::SetAppShortCaption(const TDesC& aShortCaption, TLanguage aLanguage, TUid aAppUid)
+	{
+	if (aShortCaption.Length() > KApaMaxAppCaption || aShortCaption.Length() == 0)
+		return KErrArgument;
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServSetAppShortCaption, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid, &aShortCaption, aLanguage));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** Gets the default screen-number of the application with the specified UID.
+@param aDefaultScreenNumber On return, contains the default screen-number, if an application 
+with the specified UID is found. If no matching application is found, then 
+this object is not changed.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@return KErrNone if successful; KErrNotFound if a matching entry could not be found; 
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetDefaultScreenNumber(TInt& aDefaultScreenNumber, TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	const TInt result = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServGetDefaultScreenNumber, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid));
+	if (result < 0)
+		return result;
+	aDefaultScreenNumber = result;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Gets the capabilities of the application with the specified UID.
+@param aCapabilityBuf A modifiable descriptor that, on return, contains the 
+application's capability information. The data returned in the descriptor 
+is mapped by the TApaAppCapability class. If no matching application is found, 
+then the content of this descriptor is not changed.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if no matching entry can be found; otherwise 
+one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppCapability(TDes8& aCapabilityBuf,TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServGetAppCapability,TIpcArgs(&aCapabilityBuf,aAppUid.iUid));
+	}
+/** Gets the UID of an application that can handle the specified data (MIME) type.
+If no application can be found, the function returns the UID of the preferred 
+default handler. If none of the default handlers can handle the data type, 
+then a NULL UID is returned.
+@param aDataType The data (MIME) type.
+@param aAppUid On return, the UID of the application that can handle the data 
+(MIME) type; this may be NULL.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::AppForDataType(const TDataType& aDataType, TUid& aAppUid) const
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TDataType> dataType(aDataType);
+	TPckg<TUid> uid(aAppUid);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServAppForDataType,TIpcArgs(&dataType,&uid));
+	} //lint !e1764 Suppress reference parameter 'aAppUid' could be declared const ref
+/** Gets the available icon sizes for the application with the specified UID.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aArrayToFill On return, the array contains all of the available icon 
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if no matching application can 
+be found; KErrNotSupported, if the application provides icons in non-MBM format;
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppIconSizes(TUid aAppUid, CArrayFixFlat<TSize>& aArrayToFill) const
+	{
+	TRAPD(error, DoGetAppIconSizesL(aAppUid,aArrayToFill));
+	return error;
+	}
+void RApaLsSession::DoGetAppIconSizesL(TUid aAppUid, CArrayFixFlat<TSize>& aArrayToFill) const
+	{
+	TSizeArrayFiller arrayFiller(aArrayToFill);
+	FetchArrayL(arrayFiller, aAppUid, EAppListServGetAppIconSizes, KInitialIconBufSize);
+	}
+This method implementes a generic mechanism for retrieving data items from the AppArc server.
+The data items can be either TSize, TApaAppViewInfo, or TDesC (see MArrayFiller).
+void RApaLsSession::FetchArrayL(MArrayFiller& aArray, TUid aAppUid, TInt aOpcode, TInt aInitialBufSize) const
+	{
+	// Create a buffer to recieve the data in
+	CBufFlat* buffer = CBufFlat::NewL(aInitialBufSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+	// Set its size and create a pointer for writing to it
+	buffer->ExpandL(0,aInitialBufSize);
+	TPtr8 bufPtr = buffer->Ptr(0);
+	// Get the data from the AppArc server
+	const TInt sizeRequired = SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode,TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid,buffer->Size(),&bufPtr));
+	User::LeaveIfError(sizeRequired); 	// Negative values are error codes
+	if (sizeRequired > 0)	// If the initial buffer was too small...
+		{
+		// (This should really never happen - the code below is a backup for release builds only
+		ASSERT(0); // so panic any debug builds)
+		// ...create a bigger one and try again
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+		buffer = CBufFlat::NewL(sizeRequired);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+		buffer->ExpandL(0, sizeRequired);
+		bufPtr.Set(buffer->Ptr(0));
+		User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid, buffer->Size(), &bufPtr)));
+		}
+	// Create a read stream for reading from the buffer	
+	RBufReadStream readStream;
+	CleanupClosePushL(readStream);
+	readStream.Open(*buffer);
+	// Get the item count from the stream and popoulate the array
+	const TInt count = readStream.ReadUint32L();
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+		aArray.AppendItemFromStreamL(readStream);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&readStream);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+	}
+/** Gets the nearest matching application icon for the application with the specified 
+The function gets the icon whose size matches the specified size. If there 
+is no exact match, then the function gets the closest smaller icon.
+This function should be used in preference to the TInt GetAppIcon(TUid,TInt,CApaMaskedBitmap&); 
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aSize The required size of the icon.
+@param aAppBitmap On return, the application icon.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if a matching entry could not be found, or no 
+icon equal to or smaller than the specified size can be found; KErrNotSupported, if the
+application provides icons in non-MBM format; otherwise one of the other system wide
+error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon(TUid aAppUid, TSize aSize, CApaMaskedBitmap& aAppBitmap) const
+	{
+	SReturnData_AppIconByUidAndSize returnData = {0,0};
+	TPckg<SReturnData_AppIconByUidAndSize> returnData_asDescriptor(returnData);
+	TInt error = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServAppIconByUidAndSize, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid,aSize.iWidth,aSize.iHeight,&returnData_asDescriptor));
+	if (!error)
+		{
+		error = aAppBitmap.Duplicate(returnData.iIcon);
+		if (!error)
+			error = aAppBitmap.Mask()->Duplicate(returnData.iIconMask);
+		}
+	return error;
+	}
+ gets the bitmap handles from the Server, forms these up into a CApaMaskedBitmap
+Sets aAppBitmap to be the small, medium or large app icon of the app with uid 
+aAppUid, when aSize=0, 1 or 2 respectively.
+Panics the caller if a different index is specified.
+The overload which takes a TSize should be used instead.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aSize The required size of the icon.
+@param aAppBitmap On return, the application icon.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if a matching entry could not be found, or no 
+icon equal to or smaller than the specified size can be found; KErrNotSupported, if the 
+application provides icons in non-MBM format, otherwise one of the other system wide 
+error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon(TUid aAppUid, TInt aSize, CApaMaskedBitmap& aAppBitmap) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((aSize>=0) && (aSize<3), Panic(EDPanicBadIconSize));
+	SReturnData_AppIconByUid returnData = {0,0};
+	TPckg<SReturnData_AppIconByUid> returnData_asDescriptor(returnData);
+	TInt error = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServAppIconByUid,TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid,aSize,&returnData_asDescriptor));
+	if (!error)
+		{
+		error = aAppBitmap.Duplicate(returnData.iIcon);
+		if (!error)
+			error = aAppBitmap.Mask()->Duplicate(returnData.iIconMask);
+		}
+	return error;
+	}
+/** Gets an open shareable read only file handle to the application icon file for the 
+application with the specified UID. 
+An icon file can only be defined by applications providing an application registration file.
+An icon file may be in any graphics format and contain one or more icons.
+On entering this function, aFile must be non-open. It is recommended that aFile is 
+pushed onto the cleanup-stack (via CleanupClosePushL()) before this function is called.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aFile On return, a read only open file handle to the icon file.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if a matching application could not be found, 
+or an icon filename was not defined; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+@see GetAppIcon 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon(TUid aAppUid, RFile& aFile) const 
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFile.SubSessionHandle() == KNullHandle, Panic(EDPanicHandleAlreadySet));
+	TPckgBuf<TInt> fileHandle;
+	TInt sessionHandleOrErrorCode = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServAppIconFileHandle, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid, &fileHandle));
+	if (sessionHandleOrErrorCode >= KErrNone)
+	    {
+	    sessionHandleOrErrorCode = aFile.AdoptFromServer(sessionHandleOrErrorCode, fileHandle());
+	    }
+	return sessionHandleOrErrorCode;
+	}   
+/** Gets the data (MIME) type of the data in the specified file and gets the UID 
+of an application that can handle this type.
+@param aFileName The name of the file containing the data.
+@param aAppUid On return, the UID of the application that can handle the data 
+(MIME) type; this may be NULL.
+@param aDataType On return, the data (MIME) type.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+codes. */
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::AppForDocument(const TDesC& aFileName, TUid& aAppUid, TDataType& aDataType) const
+	{
+	return DoAppForDocumentOptionallySpecifyingService(aFileName, TUid::Null(), aAppUid, aDataType, EAppListServAppForDocument);
+	}
+/** Gets the data (MIME) type of the data in the specified file and gets the UID 
+of an application that can handle this type.
+@param aFile The file containing the data. Before this function can be called,
+the file server session which owns this file handle must first be marked as shareable by 
+calling RFs::ShareProtected().
+@param aAppUid On return, the UID of the application that can handle the data 
+(MIME) type; this may be NULL.
+@param aDataType On return, the data (MIME) type.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::AppForDocument(const RFile& aFile, TUid& aAppUid, TDataType& aDataType) const
+	{
+	return DoAppForDocumentOptionallySpecifyingService(aFile, TUid::Null(), aAppUid, aDataType, EAppListServAppForDocumentPassedByFileHandle);
+	}
+/** Tests whether the file is a native executable (DLL or EXE).
+@param aFileName The name of the file containing the data.
+@param aProgram On return, true, if the file contains application code; false, 
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::IsProgram(const TDesC& aFileName, TBool& aProgram) const
+	{
+	_LIT(KLitSysBin, "\\sys\\bin\\");
+	aProgram=(TParsePtrC(aFileName).Path().CompareF(KLitSysBin)==0);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Gets the preferred number of bytes of data to read from a file for the purpose 
+of recognizing the data type.
+This should be used to determine the size of buffer to pass to the 3-parameter 
+overload of RecognizeData() or to the 4-parameter overload of RecognizeSpecificData().
+@param aPreferredBufSize On return, contains either the largest buffer size required 
+by any of the currently installed data-recognizers, or the value that would be 
+returned by GetMaxDataBufSize(), whichever is less.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+@see GetMaxDataBufSize() */
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetPreferredBufSize(TInt& aPreferredBufSize) const
+	{
+	const TInt preferredBufSize = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServPreferredBufSize, TIpcArgs());
+	if (preferredBufSize < KErrNone)
+		return preferredBufSize; // it's an error
+	aPreferredBufSize = preferredBufSize;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Gets the maximum size of the data that can be read from a file for the purpose 
+of recognizing the data type.
+To determine the size of buffer to pass to the 3-parameter overload of RecognizeData() 
+or to the 4-parameter overload of RecognizeSpecificData(), use GetPreferredBufSize() 
+rather than this function.
+@param aBufSize On return, contains the maximum size.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+@see SetMaxDataBufSize()
+@see GetPreferredBufSize() */
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetMaxDataBufSize(TInt& aBufSize) const
+	{
+	const TInt returnValue = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServGetBufSize, TIpcArgs());
+	if (returnValue < 0)
+		return returnValue;
+	aBufSize = returnValue;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Sets the maximum size of the data that can be read from a file for the purpose 
+of recognizing the data type.
+The value is not used when the client explicitly supplies a buffer, for example 
+in calls to RecognizeData() and RecognizeSpecificData(), but is used in the 
+implementation of functions such as StartDocument() and CreateDocument().
+Unless explicitly set, a default value of KApaAppListServMaxBuffer is used.
+@param aBufSize The maximum size of data to be read.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+@see CreateDocument()
+@see StartDocument()
+@see RecognizeData()
+@see RecognizeSpecificData() 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::SetMaxDataBufSize(TInt aBufSize)
+	{
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServSetBufSize,TIpcArgs(aBufSize));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** Gets the icon for the specified view published by the application that has 
+the specified UID.
+The icon returned is that which is closest in size to the specified size.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aViewUid The UID identifying the view.
+@param aSize The requested size of the icon.
+@param aViewBitmap On return, the icon that is closest in size to the requested 
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if no matching application nor matching view 
+can be found; KErrNotSupported, if the application provides icons in non-MBM format;
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppViewIcon(TUid aAppUid, TUid aViewUid, const TSize& aSize, CApaMaskedBitmap& aViewBitmap) const
+	{
+	const TApaAppViewIconSizeData appViewIconSizeData(aAppUid, aViewUid, aSize);
+	const TPckgC<TApaAppViewIconSizeData> inputData(appViewIconSizeData);
+	SReturnData_ViewIconByUidAndSize returnData = {0,0};
+	TPckg<SReturnData_ViewIconByUidAndSize> returnData_asDescriptor(returnData);
+	TInt error = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServViewIconByUidAndSize,TIpcArgs(&inputData,&returnData_asDescriptor));
+	if (!error)
+		{
+		error = aViewBitmap.Duplicate(returnData.iIcon);
+		if (!error)
+			error = aViewBitmap.Mask()->Duplicate(returnData.iIconMask);
+		}
+	return error;
+	}
+/** Gets the views published by the application that has the specified UID.
+Information on each view is contained in a TApaAppViewInfo object, and this 
+set of objects is put into the array supplied by the caller.
+@param aAppViews On return, the array contains information on all of the views 
+published by the specified application.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if no matching application can 
+be found; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see TApaAppViewInfo 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppViews(CApaAppViewArray& aAppViews, TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	TRAPD(error,DoGetAppViewsL(aAppViews,aAppUid));
+	return error;
+	}
+void RApaLsSession::DoGetAppViewsL(CApaAppViewArray& aArrayToFill, TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	TViewDataArrayFiller arrayFiller(aArrayToFill);
+	FetchArrayL(arrayFiller, aAppUid, EAppListServGetAppViews, KInitialViewDataBufSize);
+	}
+/** Gets the list of file names for which the application with the specified 
+UID claims ownership.
+The list is written to a descriptor array supplied by the caller.
+Note that if the function fails due to lack of memory, the array is left in 
+an undefined state.
+@param aAppOwnedFiles On return, the descriptor array contains the file names.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if no matching application can 
+be found; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppOwnedFiles(CDesCArray& aAppOwnedFiles, TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	TRAPD(error,DoGetAppOwnedFilesL(aAppOwnedFiles,aAppUid));
+	return error;
+	}
+/** Gets the number of icons defined by the app that has the specified UID
+Applications that don't define icons in their application information file will
+return an aCount value of zero when this function is called.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID
+@param aCount On return, contains the number of icons defined by the application
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if a matching application could not be found;
+KErrNotSupported, if the application provides icons in non-MBM format; otherwise one of 
+the other system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::NumberOfOwnDefinedIcons(TUid aAppUid, TInt& aCount) const
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg;
+	const TInt err = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServNumberOfOwnDefinedIcons,TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid,&pckg));
+	if (!err)
+		aCount = pckg();
+	return err;
+	}
+/** Gets the full filename of a file containing application icons for the
+application with the specified UID.
+An icon file can only be defined by applications providing an application registration file.
+An icon file may be in any graphics format and contain one or more icons.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aFullFileName On return, the full filename of a file containing one or more
+application icons. Returns a pointer to the filename and transfers ownership to the caller.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if a matching application could not be found,
+or an icon filename was not defined; KErrNotSupported, if the application does not
+provide an application registration file; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppIcon(TUid aAppUid, HBufC*& aFullFileName) const
+	{
+	TFileName fileName;
+	TPckg<TFileName> filenamePckg(fileName);
+	const TInt err = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServAppIconFileName, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid, &filenamePckg));
+	if (!err)
+		{
+		HBufC* fullFileName = HBufC::New(fileName.Length());
+		if (fullFileName == NULL)
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+		else
+			{
+			*fullFileName = fileName;
+			aFullFileName = fullFileName; // ownership transferred to caller
+			}
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+/** Gets the full filename of a file containing view-specific icons for the application
+with the specified UID and view.
+A file containing view-specific icons can only be defined by applications providing
+an application registration file.
+A view icon file may be in any graphics format and contain one or more view icons.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aViewUid The UID identifying the view.
+@param aFullFileName On return, the full filename of a file containing one or more
+view icons. Returns a pointer to the filename and transfers ownership to the caller.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if no matching application nor matching view
+could be found, or a view icon filename was not defined; KErrNotSupported, if the application
+does not provide an application registration file; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppViewIcon(TUid aAppUid, TUid aViewUid, HBufC*& aFullFileName) const
+	{
+	TFileName fileName;
+	TPckg<TFileName> filenamePckg(fileName);
+	const TInt err = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServAppViewIconFileName, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid, aViewUid.iUid, &filenamePckg));
+	if (!err)
+		{
+		HBufC* fullFileName = HBufC::New(fileName.Length());
+		if (fullFileName == NULL)
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+		else
+			{
+			*fullFileName = fileName;
+			aFullFileName = fullFileName; // ownership transferred to caller
+			}
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+/** Changes an existing data type mapping, or adds a new one.
+If the data type is not currently mapped, a new mapping is added. 
+If the data type is mapped, its mapping is replaced.
+@capability WriteDeviceData Prevent addition of data type mappings by malicious programs.
+@param aDataType A new or existing data type.
+@param aPriority The priority with which the application handles the data type.
+@param aUid The UID of the application to associate with the data type.
+@return KErrNone on success, or a system-wide error code. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::InsertDataMapping(const TDataType& aDataType, TDataTypePriority aPriority, TUid aUid)
+	{
+	return InsertDataMapping(aDataType, aPriority, aUid, KOpenServiceUid);
+	}
+/** Changes an existing data type mapping, or adds a new one.
+If the data type is not currently mapped, a new mapping is added. 
+If the data type is mapped, its mapping is replaced.
+@capability WriteDeviceData Prevent addition of data type mappings by malicious programs.
+@param aDataType A new or existing data type.
+@param aPriority The priority with which the application handles the data type.
+@param aUid The UID of the application to associate with the data type.
+@param aServiceUid The UID of the service.
+@return KErrNone on success, or a system-wide error code. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::InsertDataMapping(const TDataType& aDataType, TDataTypePriority aPriority, 
+	TUid aUid, TUid aServiceUid)
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TDataType> dataType(aDataType);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListInsertDataMapping, 
+		TIpcArgs(&dataType, TInt(aPriority), aUid.iUid, aServiceUid.iUid));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** Changes an existing data type mapping, or adds a new one.
+If the data type is not currently mapped, it is added.
+If the data type is mapped with a priority lower than aPriority, the new mapping replaces the existing one. 
+Otherwise, no change is made.
+@capability WriteDeviceData Prevent addition of data type mappings by malicious programs.
+@param aDataType A new or existing data type.
+@param aPriority The priority with which the application handles the data type.
+@param aUid The UID of the application to associate with the data type.
+@param aInserted Non-zero if the new mapping was added or an existing mapping replaced, zero otherwise.
+@return KErrNone on success, or a system-wide error code. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::InsertDataMappingIfHigher(const TDataType& aDataType, TDataTypePriority aPriority, TUid aUid, TBool& aInserted)
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TBool> inserted(EFalse);
+	const TPckgC<TDataType> dataType(aDataType);
+	const TInt err = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListInsertDataMappingIfHigher, TIpcArgs(&dataType, TInt(aPriority), aUid.iUid, &inserted));
+	if(!err)
+		aInserted = inserted();
+	return err;
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** Removes an existing user mapping between an application and data-type made through InsertDataMapping() or InsertDataMappingIfHigher().
+@capability WriteDeviceData Prevent removal of data type mappings by malicious programs.
+@param aDataType Data type whose mapping should be removed.
+@panic USER 0 The specified data type cannot be found. Debug builds only.
+@return KErrNone on success, or a system-wide error code. 
+@see InsertDataMapping()
+@see InsertDataMappingIfHigher()
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::DeleteDataMapping(const TDataType& aDataType)
+	{
+	return DeleteDataMapping(aDataType, KOpenServiceUid);
+	}
+/** Removes an existing data type mapping.
+@capability WriteDeviceData Prevent removal of data type mappings by malicious programs.
+@param aDataType Data type whose mapping should be removed.
+@param aServiceUid The UID of the service.
+@panic USER 0 The specified data type cannot be found. Debug builds only.
+@return KErrNone on success, or a system-wide error code. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::DeleteDataMapping(const TDataType& aDataType, TUid aServiceUid)
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TDataType> dataType(aDataType);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListDeleteDataMapping, TIpcArgs(&dataType, aServiceUid.iUid));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** Gets the application associated with the data type and the service uid from
+the datatype store. 
+The function will only look into the datatype store and will not use the 
+default type associations. This is different from the AppForDataTypeAndService() function.
+@param aDataType The data (MIME) type.
+@param aAppUid On return, the UID of the application that can handle the data 
+(MIME) type; this may be NULL.
+@param aServiceUid The UID of the service.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppByDataType(const TDataType& aDataType, TUid aServiceUid, TUid& aAppUid) const
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TDataType> dataType(aDataType);
+	TPckg<TUid> uid(aAppUid);
+	const TInt returnValue = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServGetAppByDataType,TIpcArgs(&dataType, aServiceUid.iUid, &uid));
+	if (returnValue < 0)
+		return returnValue;
+	return (aAppUid == KNullUid ? KErrNotFound : KErrNone);
+	} //lint !e1764 Suppress reference parameter 'aAppUid' could be declared const ref
+/** Determines the current language an application is using to display its
+user interface.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aLanguage On return, the application language.  
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNotFound, if a matching application could not be found; 
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::ApplicationLanguage(TUid aAppUid, TLanguage& aLanguage) const
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TLanguage> pckg;
+	const TInt err = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServApplicationLanguage, TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid, &pckg));
+	if (!err)
+		aLanguage = pckg();
+	return err;
+	}
+/** Gets the services implemented by the application that has the specified
+application UID.
+The returned CApaAppServiceInfoArray object contains an array of TApaAppServiceInfo objects.
+Information on each service implementation is contained in a TApaAppServiceInfo object.
+TApaAppServiceInfo::Uid() returns the service UID of the service implemented by the
+specified application UID.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@return A pointer to a CApaAppServiceInfoArray object left on the cleanup stack.
+@leave KErrNotFound No matching application can be found, or a matching application
+does not implement any services.
+@leave KErrNotSupported The specified application does not provide an application
+registration file.
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
+@see CApaAppServiceInfoArray::Array()
+@see TApaAppServiceInfo
+EXPORT_C CApaAppServiceInfoArray* RApaLsSession::GetAppServicesLC(TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>* serviceArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>(4);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupAppServiceArray, serviceArray));
+	CBufBase* buffer = GetServiceBufferLC(EAppListServGetAppServices, aAppUid);
+	RBufReadStream readStream(*buffer);
+	readStream >> *serviceArray;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(serviceArray);
+	CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl* wrapper = CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl::NewL(serviceArray); // takes ownership of serviceArray
+	CleanupStack::PushL(wrapper);
+	return wrapper;
+	}
+CBufBase* RApaLsSession::GetServiceBufferLC(TInt aOpcode, TUid aUid1, TUid aUid2/*=KNullUid*/) const
+	{
+	CBufFlat* buffer=CBufFlat::NewL(KDefaultBufSize); // allocate buffer with a default size that should be large enough in most cases
+	CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+	buffer->ExpandL(0,KDefaultBufSize);
+	TPtr8 bufPtr=buffer->Ptr(0);
+	const TInt sizeRequired=User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode,TIpcArgs(aUid1.iUid,aUid2.iUid,buffer->Size(),&bufPtr)));
+	if (sizeRequired>0)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+		buffer=CBufFlat::NewL(sizeRequired);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+		buffer->ExpandL(0,sizeRequired);
+		bufPtr.Set(buffer->Ptr(0));
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+		const TInt check=
+		User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode,TIpcArgs(aUid1.iUid,aUid2.iUid,0,&bufPtr)));
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(check==0,User::Invariant());
+		}
+	return buffer;
+	}
+CBufBase* RApaLsSession::GetServiceBufferLC(TInt aOpcode, TUid aUid1, const TDataType& aDataType) const
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TDataType> dataType(aDataType);
+	CBufFlat* buffer=CBufFlat::NewL(KDefaultBufSize); // allocate buffer with a default size that should be large enough in most cases
+	CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+	buffer->ExpandL(0,KDefaultBufSize);
+	TPtr8 bufPtr=buffer->Ptr(0);
+	const TInt sizeRequired=User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode,TIpcArgs(aUid1.iUid,&dataType,buffer->Size(),&bufPtr)));
+	if (sizeRequired>0)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+		buffer=CBufFlat::NewL(sizeRequired);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+		buffer->ExpandL(0,sizeRequired);
+		bufPtr.Set(buffer->Ptr(0));
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+		const TInt check=
+		User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode,TIpcArgs(aUid1.iUid,&dataType,0,&bufPtr)));
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(check==0,User::Invariant());
+		}
+	return buffer;	
+	}
+/** Gets the service implementations for the specified service UID.
+The returned CApaAppServiceInfoArray object contains an array of TApaAppServiceInfo objects.
+Information on each implementation is contained in a TApaAppServiceInfo object.
+TApaAppServiceInfo::Uid() returns the UID of the application that implements the
+specified service UID.
+@param aServiceUid The service UID.
+@return A pointer to a CApaAppServiceInfoArray object left on the cleanup stack.
+@leave KErrNotFound No service implementations for the specified service UID can be found.
+@leave EAppListInvalid The server's initial population of the list has not completed.
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
+@see CApaAppServiceInfoArray::Array()
+@see TApaAppServiceInfo
+EXPORT_C CApaAppServiceInfoArray* RApaLsSession::GetServiceImplementationsLC(TUid aServiceUid) const
+	{
+	CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>* serviceArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>(4);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupAppServiceArray, serviceArray));
+	CBufBase* buffer = GetServiceBufferLC(EAppListServGetServiceImplementations, aServiceUid);
+	RBufReadStream readStream(*buffer);
+	readStream >> *serviceArray;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(serviceArray);
+	CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl* wrapper = CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl::NewL(serviceArray); // takes ownership of serviceArray
+	CleanupStack::PushL(wrapper);
+	return wrapper;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CApaAppServiceInfoArray* RApaLsSession::GetServiceImplementationsLC(TUid aServiceUid, const TDataType& aDataType) const
+/** Gets the service implementations for the specified service UID. The implementation must also be
+able to handle the data type given as argument.
+The returned CApaAppServiceInfoArray object contains an array of TApaAppServiceInfo objects.
+Information on each implementation is contained in a TApaAppServiceInfo object.
+TApaAppServiceInfo::Uid() returns the UID of the application that implements the
+specified service UID.
+@param aServiceUid The service UID.
+@param aDataType The data type that must be supported by the implementation.
+@return A pointer to a CApaAppServiceInfoArray object left on the cleanup stack.
+@leave KErrNotFound No service implementations for the specified service UID can be found.
+@leave EAppListInvalid The server's initial population of the list has not completed.
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
+@see CApaAppServiceInfoArray::Array()
+@see TApaAppServiceInfo
+	{
+	CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>* serviceArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>(4);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupAppServiceArray, serviceArray));
+	CBufBase* buffer = GetServiceBufferLC(EAppListServGetServiceImplementationsDataType, aServiceUid, aDataType);
+	RBufReadStream readStream(*buffer);
+	readStream >> *serviceArray;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(serviceArray);
+	CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl* wrapper = CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl::NewL(serviceArray); // takes ownership of serviceArray
+	CleanupStack::PushL(wrapper);
+	return wrapper;
+	}
+/** Gets the service UIDs implemented by the application with the specified UID.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aServiceUids On return, contains the service UIDs implemented by the specified
+application UID.
+@leave KErrNotFound No matching application can be found, or a matching application
+does not implement any services.
+@leave KErrNotSupported The specified application does not provide an application
+registration file.
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::GetAppServicesL(TUid aAppUid, CArrayFixFlat<TUid>& aServiceUids) const
+	{
+	CBufBase* buffer = GetServiceBufferLC(EAppListServGetAppServiceUids, aAppUid);
+	RBufReadStream readStream(*buffer);
+	readStream >> aServiceUids;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+	}
+/** Gets the service implementation's opaque data for the specified application and service.
+The specified application may provide more than one implementation of the specified service.
+The returned CApaAppServiceInfoArray object contains an array of TApaAppServiceInfo objects,
+each of which provides information on an implementation.
+For each TApaAppServiceInfo object, TApaAppServiceInfo::Uid() returns the specified service UID.
+@param aAppUid The application specific UID.
+@param aServiceUid The service UID.
+@return A pointer to a CApaAppServiceInfoArray object left on the cleanup stack.
+@leave KErrNotFound No matching application can be found, or a matching application
+does not implement the specified service.
+@leave KErrNotSupported The specified application does not provide an application
+registration file.
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
+@see CApaAppServiceInfoArray::Array()
+@see TApaAppServiceInfo
+EXPORT_C CApaAppServiceInfoArray* RApaLsSession::GetAppServiceOpaqueDataLC(TUid aAppUid, TUid aServiceUid) const
+	{
+	CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>* serviceArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>(4);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupAppServiceArray, serviceArray));
+	CBufBase* buffer = GetServiceBufferLC(EAppListServGetAppServiceOpaqueData, aAppUid, aServiceUid);
+	RBufReadStream readStream(*buffer);
+	readStream >> *serviceArray;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(serviceArray);
+	CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl* wrapper = CApaAppServiceInfoArrayImpl::NewL(serviceArray); // takes ownership of serviceArray
+	CleanupStack::PushL(wrapper);
+	return wrapper;
+	}
+/** Gets the UID of an application that can handle the specified data (MIME) type and service.
+If no application can be found, the function returns the UID of the preferred 
+default handler. If none of the default handlers can handle the combination
+of data type and service, then a NULL UID is returned in aAppUid.
+@param aDataType The data (MIME) type.
+@param aServiceUid The service UID.
+@param aAppUid On return, the UID of the application that can handle the data 
+(MIME) type and service; this may be NULL.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::AppForDataTypeAndService(const TDataType& aDataType, TUid aServiceUid, TUid& aAppUid) const
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TDataType> dataType(aDataType);
+	TPckg<TUid> uid(aAppUid);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServAppForDataTypeAndService,TIpcArgs(&dataType, aServiceUid.iUid,&uid));
+	} //lint !e1764 Suppress reference parameter 'aAppUid' could be declared const ref
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::AppForDocumentAndService(const TDesC& aFileName, TUid aServiceUid, TUid& aAppUid, TDataType& aDataType) const
+/** Gets the data (MIME) type of the data in the specified file and gets the UID 
+of an application that can handle this type and service.
+@param aFileName The name of the file containing the data.
+@param aServiceUid The service UID
+@param aUid On return, the UID of the application that can handle the data 
+(MIME) type and service; this may be NULL.
+@param aDataType On return, the data (MIME) type.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+	{
+	return DoAppForDocumentOptionallySpecifyingService(aFileName, aServiceUid, aAppUid, aDataType, EAppListServAppForDocumentAndService);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::AppForDocumentAndService(const RFile& aFile, TUid aServiceUid, TUid& aAppUid, TDataType& aDataType) const
+/** Gets the data (MIME) type of the data in the specified file and gets the UID 
+of an application that can handle this type and service.
+@param aFile The file handle.  Before this function can be called,
+the file server session which owns this file handle must first be marked as shareable by 
+calling RFs::ShareProtected().
+@param aServiceUid The service UID.
+@param aUid On return, the UID of the application that can handle the data 
+(MIME) type and service; this may be NULL.
+@param aDataType On return, the data (MIME) type.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
+	{
+	return DoAppForDocumentOptionallySpecifyingService(aFile, aServiceUid, aAppUid, aDataType, EAppListServAppForDocumentAndServicePassedByFileHandle);
+	}
+TInt RApaLsSession::DoAppForDocumentOptionallySpecifyingService(const TDesC& aFileName, TUid aServiceUid, TUid& aAppUid, TDataType& aDataType, TInt aOpcode) const
+	{
+	if (!aFileName.Length())
+		{
+		aAppUid = KNullUid;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	HBufC8* buffer = NULL;
+	TInt error = GetNewBufferFromFile(buffer, aFileName);
+	if (error)
+		return error;
+	SReturnData_AppForDocument returnData;
+	TPckg<SReturnData_AppForDocument> returnData_asDescriptor(returnData);
+	error = SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode, TIpcArgs(&returnData_asDescriptor, aServiceUid.iUid, &aFileName, buffer));
+	delete buffer;
+	buffer = NULL;
+	if (!error)
+		{
+		aAppUid = returnData.iUid;
+		aDataType = returnData.iDataType;
+		}
+	return error;
+	}
+TInt RApaLsSession::DoAppForDocumentOptionallySpecifyingService(const RFile& aFile, TUid aServiceUid, TUid& aAppUid, TDataType& aDataType, TInt aOpcode) const
+	{
+	SReturnData_AppForDocument returnData;
+	TPckg<SReturnData_AppForDocument> returnData_asDescriptor(returnData);
+	TIpcArgs ipcArgs(&returnData_asDescriptor, aServiceUid.iUid);
+	TInt error = aFile.TransferToServer(ipcArgs, 2, 3);
+	if (!error)
+		error = SendReceiveWithReconnect(aOpcode, ipcArgs);
+	if (!error)
+		{
+		aAppUid = returnData.iUid;
+		aDataType = returnData.iDataType;
+		}
+	return error;
+	}
+TInt RApaLsSession::GetNewBufferFromFile(HBufC8*& aBuffer, const TDesC& aFileName) const
+	{
+	aBuffer = NULL;
+	TInt preferredBufSize = 0;
+	const TInt error = GetPreferredBufSize(preferredBufSize);
+	if (error < KErrNone)
+		return error;
+	HBufC8* const buffer = HBufC8::New(Max(8, preferredBufSize)); // 8 is a sensible minimum
+	if (!buffer)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	const RFs* fsSession = FsSession();
+	RFs tempFsSession;
+	if (!fsSession)
+		{
+		const TInt error = tempFsSession.Connect();
+		if (error)
+			{
+			delete buffer;
+			return error;
+			}
+		fsSession = &tempFsSession;
+		}
+	if (fsSession->IsValidName(aFileName))
+		{
+		TPtr8 buffer_asWritable(buffer->Des());
+		const TInt error = fsSession->ReadFileSection(aFileName, 0, buffer_asWritable, preferredBufSize);
+		if (error)
+			{
+			delete buffer;
+			tempFsSession.Close();
+			return error;
+			}
+		}
+	if (fsSession == &tempFsSession)
+		tempFsSession.Close();
+	aBuffer = buffer;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::SetFsSessionL(RFs& aFsSession)
+	{ // static
+	User::LeaveIfError(Dll::SetTls(&aFsSession));
+	}
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::ClearFsSession()
+	{ // static
+	Dll::FreeTls();
+	}
+EXPORT_C RFs* RApaLsSession::FsSession()
+	{ // static
+	return static_cast<RFs*>(Dll::Tls());
+	}
+/** @publishedPartner */
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::RegisterNonNativeApplicationTypeL(TUid aApplicationType, const TDesC& aNativeExecutable)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServRegisterNonNativeApplicationType, TIpcArgs(aApplicationType.iUid, &aNativeExecutable)));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** @publishedPartner */
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::DeregisterNonNativeApplicationTypeL(TUid aApplicationType)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServDeregisterNonNativeApplicationType, TIpcArgs(aApplicationType.iUid)));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** @publishedPartner */
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::PrepareNonNativeApplicationsUpdatesL()
+	{
+	TIpcArgs ipcArgs(0, 0, 0, 0);
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServPrepareNonNativeApplicationsUpdates, ipcArgs));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** @publishedPartner */
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::RegisterNonNativeApplicationL(TUid aApplicationType, const TDriveUnit& aDrive, CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter& aRegistrationResourceFile, CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter* aLocalisableResourceFile, const RFile* aIconFile)
+	{
+	TIpcArgs ipcArgs(0, 0, 0, 0);
+	RBuf8 ipcParameter0;
+	CleanupClosePushL(ipcParameter0);
+	RBuf8 ipcParameter1;
+	CleanupClosePushL(ipcParameter1);
+	if (aLocalisableResourceFile==NULL)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aIconFile==NULL, Panic(EPanicIconFileWithoutLocalisableResourceFile));
+		ipcArgs.Set(1, NULL);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TParse* const parser=new(ELeave) TParse;
+		CleanupStack::PushL(parser);
+		const TDriveName driveName(aDrive.Name()); // TDriveName is a TBuf<2>
+		if (aIconFile!=NULL)
+			{
+			User::LeaveIfError(aIconFile->TransferToServer(ipcArgs, 2, 3));
+			TFileName* const fileName=new(ELeave) TFileName;
+			CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
+			User::LeaveIfError(aIconFile->Name(*fileName));
+			parser->SetNoWild(*fileName, &KLitPathForNonNativeResourceAndIconFiles, &driveName);
+			aLocalisableResourceFile->SetIconFileL(parser->FullName());
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileName);
+			}
+		aLocalisableResourceFile->GenerateFileContentsL(ipcParameter1); // must be done after the aLocalisableResourceFile->SetIconFileL call (if there is one)
+		const TDesC8& ipcParameter1_asConst=ipcParameter1;
+		ipcArgs.Set(1, &ipcParameter1_asConst);
+		TBuf<30> fileName;
+		fileName.Format(KLitFormatForLocalisableResourceFile, aRegistrationResourceFile.AppUid().iUid);
+		parser->SetNoWild(fileName, &KLitPathForNonNativeResourceAndIconFiles, &driveName);
+		aRegistrationResourceFile.SetLocalisableResourceFileL(parser->FullName());
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parser);
+		}
+	aRegistrationResourceFile.GenerateFileContentsL(ipcParameter0); // must be done after the aRegistrationResourceFile.SetLocalisableResourceFileL call (if there is one)
+	SNonNativeApplicationInfo nonNativeApplicationInfo;
+	nonNativeApplicationInfo.iApplicationType=aApplicationType;
+	nonNativeApplicationInfo.iDrive=aDrive;
+	ipcParameter0.ReAllocL(sizeof(SNonNativeApplicationInfo)+ipcParameter0.Length());
+	ipcParameter0.Insert(0, TPckgC<SNonNativeApplicationInfo>(nonNativeApplicationInfo));
+	const TDesC8& ipcParameter0_asConst=ipcParameter0;
+	ipcArgs.Set(0, &ipcParameter0_asConst);
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServRegisterNonNativeApplication, ipcArgs));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &ipcParameter0);
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** @publishedPartner */
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::DeregisterNonNativeApplicationL(TUid aApplication)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServDeregisterNonNativeApplication, TIpcArgs(aApplication.iUid)));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+Commits the non-native application updates. This is a synchronous method which waits 
+until the application list is updated.
+@see ForceCommitNonNativeApplicationsUpdatesL
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::CommitNonNativeApplicationsUpdatesL()
+	{
+	TIpcArgs ipcArgs(EFalse, 0, 0, 0);
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServCommitNonNativeApplications, ipcArgs));
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+Commits the non-native application updates. This is an asynchronous method which will not wait until 
+the application list is updated. CApaAppListNotifier class should be used to synchronize the completion 
+of updating the application list. 
+@see CommitNonNativeApplicationsUpdatesL
+@see CApaAppListNotifier
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::ForceCommitNonNativeApplicationsUpdatesL()
+	{
+	TIpcArgs ipcArgs(ETrue, 0, 0, 0);
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServCommitNonNativeApplications, ipcArgs));
+	}
+Rolls back all changes made to the list of installed non-native applications since the last call to
+This function can be called even if PrepareNonNativeApplicationsUpdatesL() hasn't been called before (in which
+case it does nothing).
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::RollbackNonNativeApplicationsUpdates()
+	{
+	TIpcArgs ipcArgs(0, 0, 0, 0);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServRollbackNonNativeApplications, ipcArgs);
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::SetNotify(TBool aCompleteImmediatelyIfNoScanImpendingOrInProgress, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	SendReceive(ESetNotify,TIpcArgs(aCompleteImmediatelyIfNoScanImpendingOrInProgress),aStatus);
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::CancelNotify()
+	{
+	SendReceive(ECancelNotify,TIpcArgs());
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+Gets the application type of the application. For a native application the type is KNullUid.
+@return A standard error code.
+@param aTypeUid On return contains the application's type
+@param aAppUid The application's UID passed into TIpcArgs	
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::GetAppType(TUid& aTypeUid, TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	TPckg<TUid> uid(aTypeUid);
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServGetAppType,TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid,&uid));
+	} //lint !e1764 Suppress reference parameter 'aTypeUid' could be declared const ref
+This function is only for use by Software Install.
+As part of the fix for defect INC069526, we added a check in apparc. We check if the application has 
+been installed before adding it to the apparc db. A side-effect of this fix is that it is not possible 
+to launch applications that are being installed from the installation process itself. This is a regresssion.
+To fix this regression we added this function. It allows Software Install to specify a list of registration
+files that need to be included in apparc's list even if they have not been marked as installed in the
+SISRegistry or JavaRegistry. The list of registration files is cleared once Software Install notifies
+(via P&S) the end of the installation (whether successful or not).
+The function also forces a rescan and only returns when this rescan is complete. This is because 
+Software Install needs to be sure the registration files have been added to apparc's list before 
+trying to launch the recently installed applications.
+@param aRegFiles The list of registration files for which the SISRegistry check must be ignored.
+@return A standard error code.
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::ForceRegistration(const RPointerArray<TDesC>& aRegFiles)
+	{
+	CBufFlat* buffer = 0;
+	TRAPD(err, buffer = CreateRegFilesBufferL(aRegFiles));
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Ptr(0);
+	const TInt returnValue=SendReceiveWithReconnect(EAppListServForceRegistration,TIpcArgs(&ptr));
+	delete buffer;
+	return returnValue;
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+Make a call to AppArc server's aFunction, passing it aIpcArgs.
+TInt RApaLsSession::SendReceiveWithReconnect(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aIpcArgs) const
+	{
+	TInt ret = SendReceive(aFunction, aIpcArgs);
+	if(ret != KErrServerTerminated)
+		{
+		return ret;
+		}
+	RApaLsSession ls;
+	TInt err=ls.Connect();
+	if (err==KErrNone)
+		{
+		RApaLsSession* const localThis = const_cast<RApaLsSession*>(this);
+		localThis->Close();
+		localThis->iHandle=ls.iHandle;
+		ret = SendReceive(aFunction, aIpcArgs);
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+void RApaLsSession::DoGetAppOwnedFilesL(CDesCArray& aArrayToFill, TUid aAppUid) const
+	{
+	TDesCArrayFiller arrayFiller(aArrayToFill);
+	FetchArrayL(arrayFiller, aAppUid, EAppListServGetFileOwnershipInfo, KInitialOwnedFilesBufSize);
+	}
+/** Registers an observer with apparc server to notify when the initial population of applist is completed
+@param aStatus Request status object. On successful completion contains KErrNone, otherwise one of the 
+system-wide error codes. 
+@see CancelListPopulationCompleteObserver()
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::RegisterListPopulationCompleteObserver(TRequestStatus& aStatus) const
+	{
+	SendReceive(ERegisterListPopulationCompleteObserver,TIpcArgs(TIpcArgs::ENothing),aStatus);
+	}
+/** Cancels the observer registered with apparc server to notify when the initial population of applist is completed
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::CancelListPopulationCompleteObserver() const
+	{
+	return SendReceiveWithReconnect(ECancelListPopulationCompleteObserver,TIpcArgs(TIpcArgs::ENothing));
+	}
+/** Tests whether the given TSecurityPolicy matches with the application TSecurityPolicy.
+@param aMatches On return, contains the result. ETrue if the application TSecurityPolicy matches the given TSecurityPolicy or else EFalse
+@param aAppUid Uid of the application for which the security policy has to be matched
+@param aSecurityPolicy TSecurityPolicy to test whether the application with given uid matches with its TSecurityPolicy or not.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@see TSecurityPolicy
+EXPORT_C TInt RApaLsSession::MatchesSecurityPolicy(TBool& aMatches, TUid aAppUid, const TSecurityPolicy& aSecurityPolicy) const
+	{
+	const TPckgC<TSecurityPolicy> securityPolicy(aSecurityPolicy);
+	const TInt result = SendReceiveWithReconnect(EMatchesSecurityPolicy,TIpcArgs(aAppUid.iUid, &securityPolicy));
+	if (result>=0)
+		aMatches = result;
+	return result;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::RApaLsSession_Reserved1()
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::RApaLsSession_Reserved2()
+	{
+	}
+/** Notification of changes in data-type mapping
+This asynchronous function (whose corresponding "cancel" operation is CancelNotifyOnDataTypeMappingChange) completes when any data-type / application-UID association changes, i.e. when the default application handling a particular MIME-type changes.
+@param aRequestStatus As is normal for an asynchronous operation, this object is set to something other than KRequestPending when the asynchronous operation that has been triggered by this function completes.
+@see CancelNotifyOnDataTypeMappingChange
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::NotifyOnDataMappingChange(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus)
+	{
+	SendReceive(ENotifyOnDataMappingChange,TIpcArgs(), aRequestStatus);
+ 	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+/** Cancellation of notification of changes in data-type mapping
+This cancels the outstanding the NotifyOnDataTypeMappingChange issued by this client, if there is one outstanding. Otherwise it does nothing.
+@see NotifyOnDataTypeMappingChange
+EXPORT_C void RApaLsSession::CancelNotifyOnDataMappingChange()
+	{
+	SendReceive(ECancelNotifyOnDataMappingChange,TIpcArgs());
+	} //lint !e1762 Suppress member function could be made const
+CBufFlat* RApaLsSession::CreateRegFilesBufferL(const RPointerArray<TDesC>& aRegFiles)
+	{
+	// Serialize the array
+	// Format of the buffer is :
+	// 4 bytes for array item count
+	// for each item : 4 bytes for length and then the string contents
+	const TInt count = aRegFiles.Count();
+	TInt requiredBufferSize = 4;	// For the array item count
+	for (TInt index = 0; index < count; ++index)
+		{
+		requiredBufferSize += 4;	// For the string length
+		requiredBufferSize += aRegFiles[index]->Size();
+		}
+	CBufFlat* const buffer = CBufFlat::NewL(requiredBufferSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+	buffer->ExpandL(0,requiredBufferSize);
+	RBufWriteStream writeStream;
+	writeStream.Open(*buffer);
+	CleanupClosePushL(writeStream);
+	writeStream.WriteUint32L(count);
+	for (TInt index = 0; index < count; ++index)
+		{
+		writeStream.WriteUint32L(aRegFiles[index]->Length());
+		writeStream.WriteL(*aRegFiles[index]);
+		}
+	writeStream.CommitL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&writeStream);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(buffer);
+	return buffer;
+	}