--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/appfw/apparchitecture/tef/TApparcTestApp.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// @file
+// @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+// This is a support app used by Apparc\tef\TApparcTestServer (TApparc4Step in particular)
+// This application covers the following tests for the static objects
+// Test 1 : Existing CCoeStatic derived objects using the 2 parameter
+// constructor must be destroyed before the app ui.
+// Way to test this,
+// Case 1: Get hold of a particular static using CCoeEnv::Static(TUid aUid)
+// in an application's override of CEikAppUi::PrepareToExit() and confirm the
+// returned pointer is not null.
+// Case 2: Then, the same thing is done in the app ui's destructor to check that
+// the pointer is now null.
+// Test 2: A static constructed with a negative priority should be accessible from the
+// app ui's destructor, but then destroyed before another static that has a lower priority value.
+// Way to test this,
+// Case 1: Construct a static (A) using the 3 parameter constructor, specifying a negative priority.
+// Then construct another static (B) specifying a priority (A's priority - 1).
+// Check that static A is still non-null when accessed from the app ui's destructor.
+// Case 2: Then check that static A is null when accessed from B's destructor.
+// Test 3: Given two statics with different positive priorities,
+// the higher priority one should be destroyed first.
+// Way to test this,
+// Case 1: If (for example) static A has priority EDefaultDestructionPriority,
+// and static B has EDefaultDestructionPriority-1, A's destructor should be able to access B,
+// Case 2: But B's destructor shouldn't be able to access A.
+// Test 4: Statics with priorities immediately either side of the pre/post-destroy app ui should be destroyed before/after the app ui. Should also test that
+// the first negative priority static is destroyed and not "skipped over" when the code calculates
+// which static should be destroyed next after the app ui has been destroyed.
+// Way to test this,
+// Case 1: We could create statics A, B and C with priority zero, -1 and -2 respectively.
+// Then check in the app ui destructor that A is null, and B and C are both non-null.
+// Case 2: Then in B's destructor check that C is still non-null.
+// Case 3: And in C's destructor check that B is now null.
+// tapparctestapp.cpp
+#include <coeccntx.h>
+#include <apgtask.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <eikappui.h>
+#include <eikapp.h>
+#include <eikdoc.h>
+#include <techview/eikmenup.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <techview/eikon.hrh>
+#include <eikstart.h> //TKAS added for exe-app
+#include <tapparctestapp.rsg>
+// File which stores the test results
+_LIT(KApparcTestResultsFileName, "c:\\system\\Apparctest\\ApparcTestResultsFile.txt");
+_LIT(KApparcTestDir, "c:\\system\\Apparctest\\");
+_LIT8(KTestPass ,"PASS\r\n");
+const TUid KUidApparcTestApp = {0x100048F3};
+// Uids for diffent classes for static
+const TUid KUidTestStatic = {0x13003ACE};
+const TUid KUidTestStaticNegativePrioA = {0x13004ACE};
+const TUid KUidTestStaticNegativePrioB = {0x13005ACE};
+const TUid KUidTestStaticPosPriA = {0x13006ACE};
+const TUid KUidTestStaticPosPriB = {0x13007ACE};
+const TUid KUidTestStaticPriZeroA= {0x13009ACE};
+const TUid KUidTestStaticPriOneB = {0x1300AACE};
+const TUid KUidTestStaticPriTwoC = {0x1300BACE};
+// Priorities for static objects
+enum {ENegativePriortyStaticA = -3};
+enum {EPriorityTwoStaticC= -2,EPriorityOneStaticB = -1,EPriorityZeroStaticA= 0};
+// static class for Test case 1
+class CTApparcTestStatic : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestStatic(RFile& aFile);
+ inline static CTApparcTestStatic* Self();
+ ~CTApparcTestStatic();
+ RFile iFile;
+ };
+ {
+ }
+// Static class with negative priority for Test case 2.
+class CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA(RFile& aFile);
+ inline static CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA* Self();
+ ~CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA();
+ RFile& iFile;
+ };
+// Static class with negative priority for Test case 2. (priority less than CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA)
+class CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB();
+ inline static CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB* Self();
+ static CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB* NewL();
+ void ConstructL();
+ ~CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB();
+ RFile iFile;
+ RFs iFs;
+ };
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ // Test 2, Case 2
+ CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA* testCoeStaticA = CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA::Self();
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTest2);
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase2);
+ if(testCoeStaticA == NULL)
+ iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ // CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB class object is the most negative prioritised
+ // static objects .Hence the file and session handles are closed here as no
+ // more logging is required hereafter.
+ iFile.Close();
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+// Static class with positive priority for Test case 3:
+class CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA(RFile& aFile);
+ inline static CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA* Self();
+ ~CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA();
+ RFile& iFile;
+ };
+// static class with positive priority less than CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA for Test case 3.
+class CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB(RFile& aFile);
+ inline static CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB* Self();
+ ~CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB();
+ RFile& iFile;
+ };
+ {
+ // Test 3 , Case 1
+ CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB* testPosPrioStaticB = CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB::Self();
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTest3);
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase1);
+ if(testPosPrioStaticB != NULL)
+ iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ }
+ {
+ // Test 3 , Case 2
+ CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA* testPosPrioStaticA = CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA::Self();
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTest3);
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase2);
+ if(testPosPrioStaticA == NULL)
+ iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ }
+// static class with priority 0 for test case 4
+class CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA(RFile& aFile);
+ inline static CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA* Self();
+ ~CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA();
+ RFile& iFile;
+ };
+// static class with priority -1 for test case 4
+class CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB(RFile& aFile);
+ inline static CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB* Self();
+ ~CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB();
+ RFile& iFile;
+ };
+// static class with priority -2 for test case 4
+class CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC : public CCoeStatic
+ {
+ inline CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC(RFile& aFile);
+ inline static CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC* Self();
+ ~CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC();
+ RFile& iFile;
+ };
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ // Test 4 , Case 2
+ CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC* testPrioTwoCoeStaticC = CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC::Self();
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTest4);
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase2);
+ if(testPrioTwoCoeStaticC != NULL)
+ iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ }
+ {
+ // Test 4 , Case 3
+ CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB* testPrioOneCoeStaticB = CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB::Self();
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTest4);
+ iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase3);
+ if(testPrioOneCoeStaticB == NULL)
+ iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ }
+// CTApparcTestAppView
+class CTApparcTestAppView : public CCoeControl
+ {
+ static CTApparcTestAppView* NewL(const TRect& aRect);
+ CTApparcTestAppView();
+ ~CTApparcTestAppView();
+ void ConstructL(const TRect& aRect);
+ // Inherited from CCoeControl
+ void Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const;
+ HBufC* iApparcTestText;
+ };
+ {
+ }
+CTApparcTestAppView* CTApparcTestAppView::NewL(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ CTApparcTestAppView* self = new(ELeave) CTApparcTestAppView();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aRect);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ delete iApparcTestText;
+ }
+void CTApparcTestAppView::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ iApparcTestText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_TAPPARCTEST_TEXT_TITLE);
+ CreateWindowL();
+ SetRect(aRect);
+ ActivateL();
+ }
+void CTApparcTestAppView::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
+ {
+ CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+ TRect drawRect = Rect();
+ const CFont* fontUsed = iEikonEnv->TitleFont();
+ gc.Clear();
+ gc.UseFont(fontUsed);
+ TInt baselineOffset=(drawRect.Height() - fontUsed->HeightInPixels())/2;
+ gc.DrawText(*iApparcTestText,drawRect,baselineOffset,CGraphicsContext::ECenter, 0);
+ gc.DiscardFont();
+ }
+// CTApparcTestAppUi
+class CTApparcTestAppUi : public CEikAppUi
+ {
+ void ConstructL();
+ ~CTApparcTestAppUi();
+ // Inherirted from class CEikAppUi
+ void PrepareToExit();
+ void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
+ CCoeControl* iAppView;
+ };
+void CTApparcTestAppUi::ConstructL()
+ {
+ BaseConstructL();
+ iAppView = CTApparcTestAppView::NewL(ClientRect());
+ // Constructs the static object for tests
+ CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB* testCoeStaticB = CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB::NewL();
+ CTApparcTestStatic* testCoeStatic = new (ELeave)CTApparcTestStatic(testCoeStaticB->iFile);
+ CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA* testCoeStaticA = new(ELeave)CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA(testCoeStaticB->iFile);
+ CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC* testPrioTwoStaticC = new(ELeave) CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC(testCoeStaticB->iFile);
+ CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA* testPosPriStaticA = new(ELeave) CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA(testCoeStaticB->iFile);
+ CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB* testPosPriStaticB = new(ELeave) CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB(testCoeStaticB->iFile);
+ CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA* testPrioZeroStaticA = new(ELeave) CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA(testCoeStaticB->iFile);
+ CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB* testPrioOneStaticB = new(ELeave) CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB(testCoeStaticB->iFile);
+ // to get rid of compiler warnings
+ if(testCoeStatic==NULL || testCoeStaticA == NULL || testCoeStaticB == NULL|| testPosPriStaticA ==NULL ||
+ testPosPriStaticB == NULL || testPrioZeroStaticA == NULL || testPrioOneStaticB == NULL|| testPrioTwoStaticC == NULL)
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB* testNegStaticB = CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB::Self();
+ // Test 1, Case 2
+ CTApparcTestStatic* testCoeStatic = CTApparcTestStatic::Self();
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KApparcTest1);
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase2);
+ if(testCoeStatic == NULL)
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ // Test 2, Case 1
+ CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA* testCoeStaticA = CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA::Self();
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KApparcTest2);
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase1);
+ if(testCoeStaticA != NULL)
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ // Test 4, Case 1
+ CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA* testPrioZeroCoeStaticA = CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA::Self();
+ CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB* testPrioOneCoeStaticB = CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB::Self();
+ CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC* testPrioTwoCoeStaticC = CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC::Self();
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KApparcTest4);
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase1);
+ if(testPrioZeroCoeStaticA == NULL && testPrioOneCoeStaticB != NULL && testPrioTwoCoeStaticC != NULL)
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ testNegStaticB->iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ delete iAppView;
+ }
+void CTApparcTestAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
+ {
+ switch (aCommand)
+ {
+ case EEikCmdExit:
+ Exit();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CTApparcTestAppUi::PrepareToExit()
+ {
+ CEikAppUi::PrepareToExit();
+ // Test 1, Case 1
+ CTApparcTestStatic* testCoeStatic = CTApparcTestStatic::Self();
+ testCoeStatic->iFile.Write(KApparcTest1);
+ testCoeStatic->iFile.Write(KApparcTestCase1);
+ if(testCoeStatic != NULL)
+ testCoeStatic->iFile.Write(KTestPass);
+ else
+ testCoeStatic->iFile.Write(KTestFail);
+ }
+// CTApparcTestDocument
+class CTApparcTestDocument : public CEikDocument
+ {
+ static CTApparcTestDocument* NewL(CEikApplication& aApp);
+ CTApparcTestDocument(CEikApplication& aApp);
+ void ConstructL();
+ // Inherited from CEikDocument
+ CEikAppUi* CreateAppUiL();
+ };
+CTApparcTestDocument::CTApparcTestDocument(CEikApplication& aApp)
+ : CEikDocument(aApp)
+ {
+ }
+CEikAppUi* CTApparcTestDocument::CreateAppUiL()
+ {
+ return new(ELeave) CTApparcTestAppUi;
+ }
+// CTApparcTestApplication
+class CTApparcTestApplication : public CEikApplication
+ {
+ // Inherited from class CApaApplication
+ CApaDocument* CreateDocumentL();
+ TUid AppDllUid() const;
+ CApaDocument* CreateDocumentL(CApaProcess* a) { return CEikApplication::CreateDocumentL(a); }
+ };
+TUid CTApparcTestApplication::AppDllUid() const
+ {
+ return KUidApparcTestApp;
+ }
+CApaDocument* CTApparcTestApplication::CreateDocumentL()
+ {
+ return new (ELeave) CTApparcTestDocument(*this);
+ }
+EXPORT_C CApaApplication* NewApplication()
+ {
+ return new CTApparcTestApplication;
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ return EikStart::RunApplication(NewApplication);
+ }
+// inline function for CTApparcTestStatic
+inline CTApparcTestStatic::CTApparcTestStatic(RFile& aFile)
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStatic),iFile(aFile)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestStatic* CTApparcTestStatic::Self()
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestStatic*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStatic));
+ }
+// inline functions for CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA
+inline CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA::CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA(RFile& aFile)
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStaticNegativePrioA,ENegativePriortyStaticA),iFile(aFile)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA* CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA::Self()
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticA*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStaticNegativePrioA));
+ }
+// inline functions for CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB
+inline CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB::CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB()
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStaticNegativePrioB,ENegativePriortyStaticA - 1)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB* CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB::Self()
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStaticNegativePrioB));
+ }
+CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB* CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB::NewL()
+ {
+ CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB* self = new(ELeave)CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CTApparcTestNegativePrioStaticB::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
+ TInt err = iFs.MkDirAll(KApparcTestDir);
+ err = iFile.Create(iFs,KApparcTestResultsFileName,EFileWrite | EFileShareAny);
+ if(err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+ iFile.Open(iFs,KApparcTestResultsFileName,EFileWrite | EFileShareAny);
+ }
+// inline functions for CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA
+inline CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA::CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA(RFile& aFile)
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStaticPosPriA,EDefaultDestructionPriority),iFile(aFile)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA* CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA::Self()
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticA*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStaticPosPriA));
+ }
+// inline functions for CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB
+inline CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB::CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB(RFile& aFile)
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStaticPosPriB,EDefaultDestructionPriority-1),iFile(aFile)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB* CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB::Self()
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestPosPrioStaticB*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStaticPosPriB));
+ }
+// inline functions for CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA
+inline CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA::CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA(RFile& aFile)
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStaticPriZeroA,EPriorityZeroStaticA),iFile(aFile)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA* CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA::Self()
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestPrioZeroStaticA*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStaticPriZeroA));
+ }
+// inline functions for CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB
+inline CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB::CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB(RFile& aFile)
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStaticPriOneB,EPriorityOneStaticB),iFile(aFile)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB* CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB::Self()
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestPrioOneStaticB*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStaticPriOneB));
+ }
+// inline functions for CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC
+inline CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC::CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC(RFile& aFile)
+ : CCoeStatic(KUidTestStaticPriTwoC,EPriorityTwoStaticC),iFile(aFile)
+ {
+ }
+inline CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC* CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC::Self()
+ return STATIC_CAST(CTApparcTestPrioTwoStaticC*,CCoeEnv::Static(KUidTestStaticPriTwoC));