changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonappservices/alarmserver/Server/Include/ASSrvSession.h	Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __ASSRVSESSION_H__
+#define __ASSRVSESSION_H__
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <babitflags.h>
+// User includes
+#include "ASSrvAlarm.h"
+#include "ASSrvAnyEventObserver.h"
+#include "ASSrvSessionCollection.h"
+#include "ASSrvAlarmQueueObserver.h"
+// Constants
+const TInt KAlarmServerMaxNumberOfChangeEventsToBuffer = 10;
+// Classes referenced
+class CASSrvServerWideData;
+class CASSrvSessionEngine;
+// Enumerations
+// ----> CASSrvSession (header)
+ * This class acts as a simple wrapper around the IPC client-server framework,
+ * and drives a real underlying engine, which is actually responsible for all the
+ * server-wide object manipulation. This allows the server functionality to be
+ * tested in isolation from the client API, providing better test coverage.
+ */
+class CASSrvSession : public CSession2, public MASSrvAnyEventObserver, public MASSrvSession
+	{
+public:										// STATIC CONSTRUCT / DESTRUCT
+	static CASSrvSession*					NewL(CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData);
+	~CASSrvSession();
+private:									// INTERNAL CONSTRUCT
+	CASSrvSession(CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData);
+	void									ConstructL();
+public:										// CALLED FROM CASSrvServer dtor
+	void									HandleServerDestruction();
+private:									// FROM MASSrvAnyEventObserver
+	void									MASSrvAnyEventHandleChange(TAlarmChangeEvent aEvent, TAlarmId aAlarmId);
+public:										// FROM MASSrvSession
+	TASSrvSessionId							MASSrvSessionId() const;
+	void									MASSrvSessionFullName(TDes& aDes) const;
+private:									// FROM CSession2
+	void									ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+private:									// INTERNAL
+	TBool									DoServiceL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmAddL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmAddWithNotificationL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmNotificationCancelAndDeQueueL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmDetailsL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmDeleteL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmCategoryL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmOwnerL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmStatusL();
+	TBool                                   CmdSetAlarmStatusForCalendarFileL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmStatusL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmDayOrTimedL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmDayOrTimedL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmCharacteristicsL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmCharacteristicsL();
+	TBool									CmdSetWakeupL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmDaysL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmDaysL();	
+	TBool 									CmdSetContinuousL();
+	TBool									CmdContinuousL();
+	TBool									CmdSetClientDataL();
+	TBool									CmdOrphanAlarmL();
+private:									// CMD - ALARM DATA FUNCTIONALITY
+	TBool									CmdAlarmDataAttachL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmDataDetachL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmDataSizeL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmDataL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmStatusByCategoryL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmCountForCategoryL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmDeleteAllByCategoryL();
+	TBool                                   CmdAlarmDeleteByCalendarFileL();
+	TBool									CmdAlarmDeleteByCategoryL();
+ 	TBool									CmdGetAvailableCategoryListL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmIdListForCategoryL();
+private:									// CMD - MISC FUNCTIONALITY
+	TBool									CmdAlarmCountByStateL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmIdListByStateL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmIdListL();
+	TBool									CmdGetNextDueAlarmIdL();
+	TBool									CmdNumberOfActiveAlarmsInQueueL();
+private:									// CMD - SOUND CONTROL
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmSoundStateL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmSoundStateL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmSoundsSilentUntilL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmSoundsSilentForL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmSoundsSilentUntilL();
+	TBool									CmdCancelAlarmSilenceL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmSoundsTemporarilySilencedL();
+	TBool									CmdSetAlarmPlayIntervalsL();
+	TBool									CmdGetAlarmPlayIntervalsL();
+private:									// CMD - CHANGE NOTIFICATION
+	TBool									CmdNotifyChangeL();
+	TBool									CmdNotifyChangeCancelL();
+private:									// CMD - DEBUG ONLY
+	TBool									CmdDbgShutDownServerL();
+	TBool									CmdDbgFailAllocL();
+	TBool									CmdDbgPreventUserNotifyL();
+	TBool									CmdDbgSnoozeAlarmL();
+	TBool 									CmdDbgSetEnvChgHandling();
+private:									// CMD - FROM MASShdAlarmInfoProvider
+	TBool									CmdInfoAlarmCountL();
+	TBool									CmdInfoAlarmByIndexL();
+private:									// CMD - MISC
+	TBool									CmdFetchTransferBufferL();
+private:									// MISCELLANEOUS
+	void									RequestExpiryNotificationL(TASSrvAlarm& aAlarm);
+	void									AlarmDataAttachL(TASSrvAlarm& aAlarm);
+private:									// INTERNAL FLAGS
+	/**
+	 * Flags for this session
+	 */
+	enum TAlarmSessionFlags
+		{
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that the client has an outstanding notification request
+		 */
+		EAlarmSessionFlagsNotifyPending		= 0
+		};
+private:									// INTERNAL METHODS
+	/**
+	 * Access the server wide data
+	 */
+	inline CASSrvServerWideData&			ServerData() const { return iServerWideData; }
+	/**
+	 * Access the transfer buffer
+	 */
+	inline CBufBase&						TransferBuffer() const { return *iTransferBuffer; }
+	void									StreamAlarmIdsToTransferBufferL(RArray<TAlarmId>& aArray);
+	void									CompleteChangeNotificationMessage(TInt aCompletionCode, TAlarmId aAlarmId);
+	inline const RMessage2&					Message() const { return *iMessage; }
+	void 									ConvertFromUtcToLocal(TASShdAlarm& aAlarm) const;
+	void 									ConvertFromLocalToUtc(TASShdAlarm& aAlarm) const;
+private:									// INTERNAL CLASSES
+	//
+	// ----> TASSrvBufferredEvent (header)
+	//
+	/**
+	 * A collection class which associates an Alarm Id with a specific event.
+	 * This class is used to group notification events.
+	 */
+	class TASSrvBufferredEvent
+		{
+	//
+	public:									// CONSTRUCT
+	//
+		inline TASSrvBufferredEvent(TInt aCode, TAlarmId aId) : iCode(aCode), iAlarmId(aId) { }
+	//
+	public:									// ACCESS
+	//
+		inline TInt							Code() const { return iCode; }
+		inline TAlarmId						AlarmId() const { return iAlarmId; }
+	//
+	private:								// MEMBER DATA
+	//
+		TInt								iCode;
+		TAlarmId							iAlarmId;
+		};
+private:									// MEMBER DATA
+	/**
+	 * The server wide data handle
+	 */
+	CASSrvServerWideData&					iServerWideData;
+	/**
+	 * General flags used by this class
+	 */
+	TBitFlags								iFlags;
+	/**
+	 * For outstanding change notification events. This is NOT used for
+	 * specific alarm expiry notifications.
+	 */
+	RMessage2								iAlarmQueueChangeNotificationMessage;
+	/**
+	 * A change event buffer - so that clients don't miss events. 
+	 */
+	RArray<TASSrvBufferredEvent>			iChangeEventBuffer;
+	/**
+	 * A temporary heap-based alarm object, which is written to by the client-side
+	 * when data needs to be passed from client to server (or vice-versa). Saves
+	 * creating lots of temporary TASSrvAlarm objects on the stack.
+	 */
+	TASSrvAlarm							iAlarmSink;
+	/**
+	 * Used to transfer collections of objects between server and client.
+	 */
+	CBufBase*								iTransferBuffer;
+	/**
+	 * Manipulates the actual alarm server objects
+	 */
+	CASSrvSessionEngine*					iSessionEngine;
+	const RMessage2*						iMessage;
+	};