--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonappservices/alarmserver/Test/TBasicAlarms.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1553 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+// User includes
+#include <asshdalarm.h>
+#include <asclisession.h>
+#include <consolealarmalertservermain.h>
+#include <consolealarmalertservermain.h>
+#include "testserver.h"
+#include "ASTstAlarmTest.h"
+#include <asclisoundplay.h>
+#ifdef __WINS__
+#include "ConsoleANTestClient.h"
+// Type definitions
+typedef void (*ThreadTestL)(void);
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TASCliSoundPlayDefinition> CPlayIntervalArray;
+// Constants
+const TUid KServerUid2={0x1000008D};
+const TUid KServerUid3={0x101F502A};
+const TUidType serverUid(KNullUid,KServerUid2,KServerUid3);
+#define KNewAlarmCycleStartOffsetMinutes {0,1,2,3,KErrNotFound};
+_LIT(KTestIniFile, "c:\\private\\101f5027\\AlarmServer.ini");
+// Globals
+static RASCliSession TheAlarmServerSession;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__WINS__)
+_LIT(KDateTimeFormat, "%F %*E %*N %D %Y %J:%T:%S%B");
+static void PrintTimeL(const TTime& aTime, const TDesC& aPrefix)
+ {
+ TBuf<30> dateTimeString;
+ aTime.FormatL(dateTimeString, KDateTimeFormat);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("%S %S\n"), &aPrefix, &dateTimeString);
+ }
+static void TestClearStoreL()
+ {
+ // Delete all alarms
+ RArray<TAlarmCategory> categories;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.GetAvailableCategoryListL(categories);
+ TInt count = categories.Count();
+ for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
+ {
+ const TAlarmCategory category = categories[i];
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDeleteAllByCategory(category, EFalse) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ }
+ categories.Close();
+ }
+void WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied()
+ {
+ TRequestStatus status = KErrNone;
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ if (status == KRequestPending)
+ return;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::After(1000000);
+ if (status == KRequestPending)
+ return;
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ // Because of event buffering inside the Alarm Server
+ // We need to wait until there aren't any more events
+ // in the buffer, and then attempt to cancel the request.
+ //
+ // Trying to cancel a request when the server has
+ // already completed the message (because something
+ // was in the buffer) results in the server panicing
+ // the client.
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(status >= EAlarmChangeEventState && status <= EAlarmChangeEventLast);
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ //
+ // Wait a second so that we can tell if this really is
+ // waiting for an event, or just for the Alarm Server
+ // process to be given some scheduling time by the
+ // kernel
+ User::After(1000000);
+ // If its still pending, then we should attempt
+ // to cancel the request. Otherwise, if its not
+ // pending, then the Alarm Server probably just
+ // completed the request based upon the contents
+ // of the event buffer.
+ if (status == KRequestPending)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ // Eat the request and try again
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void testTimesEqual(const TTime& aTime1, const TTime& aTime2)
+ {
+ // determine the difference, in seconds
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds timeDiffSeconds;
+ const TInt error = aTime2.SecondsFrom(aTime1, timeDiffSeconds);
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone);
+ // check the times are within 1 second
+ // as the tolerance for notifying alarms should be bigger than 1 second
+ const TTimeIntervalSeconds maxDiff(1);
+ const TTimeIntervalSeconds minDiff(-1);
+ TheAlarmTest(((timeDiffSeconds <= maxDiff) && (timeDiffSeconds >= minDiff)));
+ }
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMDEF INC092682
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests that re-enabling of a repeating alarm correctly maintains
+the next due alarm ID (the head alarm in the alarm queue).
+1. Create a workday alarm due to activate in 30 minutes time.
+2. Create a once only alarm due to activate in 90 minutes time.
+3. Check that their are 2 active alarms in the queue.
+4. Check that workday alarm is due to expire before once only alarm.
+5. Disable workday alarm and check that once only alarm is the next due alarm.
+6. Advance current time by 1 hour. The repeating (workday) alarm should be
+ rescheduled for the next workday, leaving the once only alarm as the next due
+ alarm.
+7. Enable workday alarm.
+8. Check that once only alarm is next due alarm - workday alarm should be due
+ next day now since time was advanced past today's workday alarm time.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The next due alarm is as expected.
+static void TestINC092682L()
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID PIM-TBASICALARMS-INC092682-0002 Testing fix for INC092682."));
+ //
+ // Make sure we start with no alarms.
+ //
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ //
+ // 1. Create a workday alarm due to activate in 30 minutes time.
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday;
+ alarm.Message() = _L("This is workday alarm message");
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(30);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId workdayId = alarm.Id();
+ //
+ // 2. Create a once only alarm due to activate in 90 minutes time.
+ //
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce;
+ alarm.Message() = _L("This is once only alarm message");
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(90);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId onceOnlyId = alarm.Id();
+ //
+ // 3. Check that their are 2 active alarms in the queue.
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue() == 2, __LINE__);
+ //
+ // 4. Check that workday alarm is due to expire before once only alarm.
+ //
+ TAlarmId nextAlarmId;
+ TInt r = TheAlarmServerSession.GetNextDueAlarmId(nextAlarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(nextAlarmId == workdayId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ // 5. Disable workday alarm and check that once only alarm is the next due
+ // alarm.
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(workdayId, EAlarmStatusDisabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ r = TheAlarmServerSession.GetNextDueAlarmId(nextAlarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(nextAlarmId == onceOnlyId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ // 6. Advance current time by 1 hour. The repeating (workday) alarm should
+ // be rescheduled for the next workday, leaving the once only alarm as the
+ // next due alarm.
+ //
+ TTime oneHourLater;
+ oneHourLater.HomeTime();
+ oneHourLater += TTimeIntervalHours(1);
+ RPIMTestServer serv;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+ serv.SetHomeTime(oneHourLater);
+ // Wait for time change notifications to occur.
+ User::After(10000);
+ // Set again to ensure time value is correct when update occurs.
+ serv.SetHomeTime(oneHourLater);
+ serv.Close();
+ //
+ // 7. Enable workday alarm.
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(workdayId, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ //
+ // 8. Check that once only alarm is next due alarm - workday alarm should be
+ // due next day now since time was advanced past today's workday alarm
+ // time.
+ //
+ r = TheAlarmServerSession.GetNextDueAlarmId(nextAlarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(nextAlarmId == onceOnlyId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ // Tidy up.
+ //
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied();
+ }
+static void CreateSingleAlarmL()
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Adding disabled alarm"));
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.Category() = KASCliCategoryClock;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily;
+ alarm.Message() = _L("This is an alarm message - alarm 1");
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SoundName() = _L("Arf Arf Woop");
+ //
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Get alarm details"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Enabling a disabled alarm"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for alarm to expire..."));
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired)
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(id == alarmId, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void CreateAlarmAndIgnoreL()
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Adding disabled alarm"));
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.Category() = KASCliCategoryClock;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily;
+ alarm.Message() = _L("This is an alarm message - alarm 1");
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SoundName() = _L("Arf Arf Woop");
+ //
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // copy the current soundsettings
+ CPlayIntervalArray* originalSoundArray = new(ELeave) CPlayIntervalArray(20);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(originalSoundArray);
+ TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmPlayIntervalsL(*originalSoundArray);
+ // use shorted one
+ CPlayIntervalArray* newSoundArray = new(ELeave) CPlayIntervalArray(10);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(newSoundArray);
+ const TInt minuteCycle[]=KNewAlarmCycleStartOffsetMinutes;
+ TInt i(0);
+ TInt offset(minuteCycle[i]);
+ while (offset != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ const TASCliSoundPlayDefinition item(offset, KDefaultSoundPlayDurationInSeconds);
+ newSoundArray->AppendL(item);
+ offset = minuteCycle[++i];
+ }
+ TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmPlayIntervalsL(*newSoundArray);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Get alarm details"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Enabling a disabled alarm"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for alarm to expire..."));
+ TInt numberOfIntervals(newSoundArray->Count());
+ TInt count(0);
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventSoundPlaying)
+ {
+ if(count > numberOfIntervals)
+ break;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // this to check that we have gone through all the time intervals in array
+ TheAlarmTest(count > newSoundArray->Count(), __LINE__);
+ // restore original sound settings
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("reset default sound intervals"));
+ TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmPlayIntervalsL(*originalSoundArray);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);// originalSoundArray, newSoundArray
+ }
+static void CreateNotificationAlarmL()
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Creating notification alarm"));
+ // AlarmAddWithNotification
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAddWithNotification(status, alarm);
+ TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(status == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Wait for completion
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ // AlarmNotificationCancel
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAddWithNotification(status, alarm);
+ id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(status == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(id);
+ // Eat request
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TheAlarmTest(status == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ }
+static void CreateDailyRepeatingAlarmL()
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Creating daily repeating alarm"));
+ // AlarmAddWithNotification
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm);
+ TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ }
+static void CreateAlarmsForPausingL()
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Test pausing alarm sounds"));
+ //
+ // Add an alarm, due in 3 seconds
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalSeconds(1);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Wait for the alarm to go off, and be paused
+ User::After(5 * 1000000);
+ // The alarm should still be notifying
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(id) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ // Add 2 alarms, due in 3 and 13 seconds
+ TTime alarm1time;
+ TTime alarm2time;
+ alarm1time.HomeTime();
+ alarm1time += TTimeIntervalSeconds(3);
+ alarm2time = alarm1time + TTimeIntervalSeconds(10);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm1;
+ alarm1.NextDueTime() = alarm1time;
+ alarm1.Message() = _L("alarm 1");
+ TASShdAlarm alarm2;
+ alarm2.NextDueTime() = alarm2time;
+ alarm2.Message() = _L("alarm 2");
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id1 = alarm1.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id1 != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id2 = alarm2.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id2 != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ // Wait for the 1st alarm to go off, and be paused
+ User::After(5 * 1000000);
+ // The 1st alarm should still be notifying
+ alarm1.Reset();
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id1, alarm1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm1.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying, __LINE__);
+ // Wait for the time the 2nd alarm is due
+ User::After(10 * 1000000);
+ // The 1st alarm should be moved to snoozed, so as not to block the 2nd one
+ alarm1.Reset();
+ alarm2.Reset();
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id1, alarm1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id2, alarm2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("\tALARM1 State => %u \n"),alarm1.State());
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("\tALARM2 State => %u \n"),alarm2.State());
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm1.State() == EAlarmStateSnoozed, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.State() == EAlarmStateNotified, __LINE__);
+ // the 1st alarm was paused, so the next due time is updated to
+ // the end of the pause period (1 minute for console alarm alert server)
+ testTimesEqual(alarm1.NextDueTime(), alarm1time + TTimeIntervalMinutes(1));
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.NextDueTime() == alarm2time, __LINE__);
+ // tidy up
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(id1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(id2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied();
+ }
+static void CreateUtcAlarmsForPausingL()
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Test pausing alarm sounds"));
+ //
+ // Add an alarm, due in 3 seconds
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TTime time;
+ time.UniversalTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalSeconds(3);
+ /*
+ _LIT(KFormatTime,"%D %H:%T:%S. ");
+ TBuf<128> timeTxt;
+ time.FormatL(timeTxt,KFormatTime);
+ */
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Wait for the alarm to go off, and be paused
+ User::After(5 * 1000000);
+ // The alarm should still be notifying
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(id) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ // Add 2 alarms, due in 3 and 13 seconds
+ TTime alarm1time;
+ TTime alarm2time;
+ alarm1time.UniversalTime();
+ alarm1time += TTimeIntervalSeconds(3);
+ alarm2time = alarm1time + TTimeIntervalSeconds(10);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm1;
+ alarm1.SetUtcNextDueTime(alarm1time);
+ alarm1.Message()=(_L("alarm 1"));
+ TASShdAlarm alarm2;
+ alarm2.SetUtcNextDueTime(alarm2time);
+ alarm2.Message()=(_L("alarm 2"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id1 = alarm1.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id1 != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id2 = alarm2.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id2 != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ // Wait for the 1st alarm to go off, and be paused
+ User::After(5 * 1000000);
+ // The 1st alarm should still be notifying
+ alarm1.Reset();
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id1, alarm1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ // delete below
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id2, alarm2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm1.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying, __LINE__);
+ // Wait for the time the 2nd alarm is due
+ User::After(10 * 1000000);
+ // The 1st alarm should be moved to snoozed, so as not to block the 2nd one
+ alarm1.Reset();
+ alarm2.Reset();
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id1, alarm1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id2, alarm2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("\tALARM1 State => %u \n"),alarm1.State());
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("\tALARM2 State => %u \n"),alarm2.State());
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm1.State() == EAlarmStateSnoozed, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.State() == EAlarmStateNotified, __LINE__);
+ // the 1st alarm was paused, so the next due time is updated to
+ // the end of the pause period (1 minute for console alarm alert server)
+ testTimesEqual(alarm1.NextDueTime(), alarm1time + TTimeIntervalMinutes(1));
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.NextDueTime() == alarm2time, __LINE__);
+ // tidy up
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(id1) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(id2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied();
+ }
+static void CreateSingleUtcAlarmL()
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Adding disabled alarm"));
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.Category()=KASCliCategoryClock;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition()=EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily;
+ alarm.Message()=(_L("This is an alarm message - alarm 1"));
+ TTime time;
+ time.UniversalTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+ alarm.SoundName()=(_L("Arf Arf Woop"));
+ //
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+// TDateTime nowDT = now.DateTime();
+// TDateTime dueDT = alarm.NextDueTime().DateTime();
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Get alarm details"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Enabling a disabled alarm"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for alarm to expire..."));
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired)
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(id == alarmId, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void CreateNotificationUtcAlarmL()
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Creating notification alarm"));
+ // AlarmAddWithNotification
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TTime time;
+ time.UniversalTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAddWithNotification(status, alarm);
+ TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(status == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Wait for completion
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ // AlarmNotificationCancel
+ time.UniversalTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAddWithNotification(status, alarm);
+ id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(status == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(id);
+ // Eat request
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TheAlarmTest(status == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ }
+static void CreateDailyRepeatingUtcAlarmL()
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Creating daily repeating alarm"));
+ // AlarmAddWithNotification
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TTime time;
+ time.UniversalTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition()=EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm);
+ TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ }
+// defect INC082426
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__WINS__)
+static void CreateAlarmAndSnoozeL(TAlarmRepeatDefinition aRepeatDef)
+ {
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Adding alarm and snooze it"));
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.Category() = KASCliCategoryClock;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = aRepeatDef;
+ alarm.Message() = _L("This is an alarm message - alarm to snooze");
+ TTime now1;
+ now1.UniversalTime();
+ now1 += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(now1);
+ alarm.SoundName() = _L("Hic hic");
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Get alarm details"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Enabling a disabled alarm"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for alarm to expire..."));
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired)
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(id == alarmId, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Alarm expired"));
+ TBuf<100> buf;
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying, __LINE__);
+ alarm.OriginalExpiryTime().FormatL(buf, _L("OriginalExpiryTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ alarm.NextDueTime().FormatL(buf, _L("NextDueTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Snooze alarm"));
+ TTime snooze(alarm.NextDueTime());
+ snooze += TTimeIntervalMinutes(2);
+ TInt r = TheAlarmServerSession.__DbgSnoozeAlarm(id, snooze);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ // check the state is the correct one
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateSnoozed, __LINE__);
+ alarm.OriginalExpiryTime().FormatL(buf, _L("OriginalExpiryTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ alarm.NextDueTime().FormatL(buf, _L("NextDueTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ TheAlarmTest((alarm.OriginalExpiryTime() + TTimeIntervalMinutes(2)) == alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventSoundStopped)
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(id == alarmId, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // check the state is the correct one
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ alarm.OriginalExpiryTime().FormatL(buf, _L("OriginalExpiryTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ alarm.NextDueTime().FormatL(buf, _L("NextDueTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateSnoozed, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest((alarm.OriginalExpiryTime() + TTimeIntervalMinutes(2)) == alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ //wait for the alarm to expire
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired)
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(id == alarmId, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ alarm.OriginalExpiryTime().FormatL(buf, _L("OriginalExpiryTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ alarm.NextDueTime().FormatL(buf, _L("NextDueTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest((alarm.OriginalExpiryTime() + TTimeIntervalMinutes(2)) == alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ }
+// Using the RepeatDefinition passed in aRepeatDef,
+// Create an alarm
+// Use NextDueTime() to set the expiry time
+// Add alarm to server
+// Wait for alarm to expire
+// Snooze alarm using __DbgSnoozeAlarm() API
+// Retrieve alarm details from server
+// Test that the alarm snooze time was set correctly
+// Delete the alarm
+// Repeat this using SetUtcNextDueTime() to set the original
+// expiry time
+// NOTE: __DbgSnoozeAlarm expects time to be passed as UTC,
+// depending how NextDueTime() was set, the time may have to be
+// adjusted by removing the UTC offset
+// Instigated by DEF083031
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__WINS__)
+static void DbgSnoozeAlarmSetsTimeCorrectlyL(TAlarmRepeatDefinition aRepeatDef)
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Checking DbgSnoozeTime with NextDueTime"));
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = aRepeatDef;
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime(); //using local time representation
+ // eliminate secs and usecs -- simplifies TTime comparison
+ now.RoundUpToNextMinute();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = now;
+ // set alarm time one minute in future
+ alarm.NextDueTime()+= TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ // server adds alarm
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone);
+ // wait for alarm to expire
+ TAlarmId checkID;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, checkID);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired)
+ {
+ AlarmTest(alarm.Id() == checkID);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TTime snoozeTime = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ // set snooze for two minutes in future
+ snoozeTime+= TTimeIntervalMinutes(2);
+ // *** important bit ***
+ //=====================================================
+ // snooze alarm
+ //
+ // NOTE: time passed to __DbgSnoozeAlarm must be UTC
+ // must 'undo' the offset within local time first
+ //=====================================================
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.__DbgSnoozeAlarm(alarm.Id(), snoozeTime - User::UTCOffset()) == KErrNone);
+ // server's view of alarm retrieved
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), alarm) == KErrNone);
+ // check the time for the alarm
+ AlarmTest(alarm.NextDueTime() == snoozeTime);
+ // cleanup
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(alarm.Id()) == KErrNone);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Checking DbgSnoozeTime with SetUtcNextDueTime"));
+ now.UniversalTime(); //using UTC time representation
+ now.RoundUpToNextMinute();
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(now);
+ // set alarm time one minute in future
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ // server adds alarm
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone);
+ // wait for alarm to expire
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, checkID);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired)
+ {
+ AlarmTest(alarm.Id() == checkID);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ snoozeTime = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ // set snooze for one hour and four minutes in future
+ snoozeTime+= TTimeIntervalMinutes(4);
+ snoozeTime+= TTimeIntervalHours(1);
+ // *** important bit ***
+ //=====================================================
+ // snooze alarm
+ //
+ // NOTE: time passed to __DbgSnoozeAlarm must be UTC
+ //=====================================================
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.__DbgSnoozeAlarm(alarm.Id(), snoozeTime) == KErrNone);
+ // server's view of alarm retrieved
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), alarm) == KErrNone);
+ // check the time for the alarm
+ AlarmTest(alarm.NextDueTime() == snoozeTime);
+ // cleanup
+ AlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(alarm.Id()) == KErrNone);
+ }// end DbgSnoozeAlarmSetsTimeCorrectlyL
+static void TestWorkdaysRepeatingAlarmL()
+ {
+ const TInt KGmtOffset = 3600;//London summer offset
+ _LIT(KBaselineTime, "20060416:225900.000000"); //In summer time
+ User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(TTime(KBaselineTime), KGmtOffset);
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Adding repeating alarm"));
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.Category() = KASCliCategoryClock;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday;
+ alarm.Message() = _L("This is an alarm message");
+ TTime now1;
+ now1.UniversalTime();
+ now1 += TTimeIntervalMinutes(2);//step over the midnight
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(now1);
+ alarm.SoundName() = _L("Hic hic");
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Get alarm details"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Enabling a disabled alarm"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(id, EAlarmStatusEnabled) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for alarm to expire..."));
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ {
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, alarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ PrintEventDetails(status.Int());
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired)
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(id == alarmId, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Alarm expired"));
+ TBuf<100> buf;
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying, __LINE__);
+ TTime dueTime = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ alarm.OriginalExpiryTime().FormatL(buf, _L("OriginalExpiryTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ alarm.NextDueTime().FormatL(buf, _L("NextDueTime: %D %H:%T:%S\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(buf);
+ //Press 'Done'
+ TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(alarm.Id(), EAlarmStatusDisabled);
+ TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmStatus(alarm.Id(), EAlarmStatusEnabled);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TTime newDueTime = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ TheAlarmTest(newDueTime > dueTime);//the alarm was rescheduled
+ }
+Create an alarm that repeats on given days of the week.
+Change the days on which a repeating alarm expires.
+@SYMTestCaseDesc To verify that is possible to create an
+ alarm that repeats on the same days every week.
+ To verify that is possible to change the days
+ on which an alarm that repeats on the same
+ days every week will expire after it has been
+ created.
+1. Create an alarm that repeats on Tuesday and Wednesday every week. [1]
+1. Create an alarm that repeats on Tuesday and Wednesday every week.
+2. Update the days on which it expires to Friday. [2]
+@SYMTestExpectedResults [1] The alarm is created and expires on the
+ given days each week.
+ [2] The alarm is updated and expires on the
+ expected days each week.
+@SYMTestType CT
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+void TestDailyOnGivenDaysAlarmExpiryL(void)
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__WINS__)
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID PIM-APPSRV-ALARMSERVER-WEEKLYGIVENDAYS-0001 Test 'Daily On Given Days' Alarm Expiry"));
+ RANTestClient conAlarmAlertSrvSession;
+ User::LeaveIfError(conAlarmAlertSrvSession.Connect());
+ User::LeaveIfError(conAlarmAlertSrvSession.SetExtendedMode());
+ CleanupClosePushL(conAlarmAlertSrvSession);
+ // Set baseline time. This date/time falls on a Tuesday.
+ _LIT(KBaselineTime, "20080000:120055");
+ TheAlarmTest(User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(TTime(KBaselineTime), 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Current date/time is: "));
+ // Create a 'daily on given days' alarm that is active on Tuesday and
+ // Wednesday of each week and that expires at 12:01pm (5 seconds from
+ // baseline time).
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefinitionRepeatDailyOnGivenDays;
+ alarm.SetAlarmDays(EAlarmDayTuesday | EAlarmDayWednesday);
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = TTime(KBaselineTime) + TTimeIntervalSeconds(5);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ PrintTimeL(alarm.NextDueTime(), _L("Alarm's next due date/time is: "));
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for Tuesday alarm to expire..."));
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.NotifyOnAlarm(alarm, status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Date/time of alarm expiry: "));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.NextDueTime().DayNoInWeek() == ETuesday);
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.AcknowledgeAlarm(id);
+ // Advance baseline time by 1 day to Wednesday.
+ TheAlarmTest(User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(TTime(KBaselineTime) +
+ TTimeIntervalDays(1), 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Current date/time is: "));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ PrintTimeL(alarm.NextDueTime(), _L("Alarm's next due date/time is: "));
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for Wednesday alarm to expire..."));
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.NotifyOnAlarm(alarm, status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Date/time of alarm expiry: "));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.NextDueTime().DayNoInWeek() == EWednesday);
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.AcknowledgeAlarm(id);
+ // Advance baseline time by 7 days to the following Tuesday to check that
+ // subsequent repeat of the first active alarm day works.
+ TheAlarmTest(User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(TTime(KBaselineTime) +
+ TTimeIntervalDays(7), 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Current date/time is: "));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ PrintTimeL(alarm.NextDueTime(), _L("Alarm's next due date/time is: "));
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Waiting for following Tuesday alarm to expire..."));
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.NotifyOnAlarm(alarm, status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Date/time of alarm expiry: "));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.NextDueTime().DayNoInWeek() == ETuesday);
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.AcknowledgeAlarm(id);
+ // Update alarm's active days to Friday only and check that the next day
+ // that the alarm expires on is Friday not Wednesday.
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetAlarmDays(id, EAlarmDayFriday) ==
+ KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ PrintTimeL(alarm.NextDueTime(), _L("Alarm's next due date/time is: "));
+ // Advance baseline time by 10 days to the following Friday to check that
+ // the previous active day of Wednesday does not cause an alarm to expire
+ // on that day and the expiry happens on Friday.
+ TheAlarmTest(User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(TTime(KBaselineTime) +
+ TTimeIntervalDays(10), 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Current date/time is: "));
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID Waiting for Friday's alarm to expire..."));
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.NotifyOnAlarm(alarm, status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ now.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(now, _L("Date/time of alarm expiry: "));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.NextDueTime().DayNoInWeek() == EFriday);
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.AcknowledgeAlarm(id);
+ conAlarmAlertSrvSession.UnsetExtendedMode();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("THIS TEST IS A DEBUG, WINS TEST ONLY\r\n"));
+ }
+/** Create an alarm that plays continuously.
+@SYMTestCaseDesc To verify that it is possible to
+ create an alarm that plays continuously.
+1. Create an alarm that plays continuously.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The alarm plays continuously when it expires.
+@SYMTestType CT
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+static void TestCreateAndSnoozeContinuousAlarmL()
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__WINS__)
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID PIM-APPSRV-ALARMSERVER-CONTINUOUS-0001 Test creating and snoozing continuous alarms \r\n"));
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ alarm.SetContinuous(ETrue);
+ // Add an alarm due in a minute
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Add an alarm to go off in one minute \r\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ const TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Check if the alarm is continuous \r\n"));
+ TBool isContinuous = alarm.Continuous();
+ TheAlarmTest(isContinuous, __LINE__);
+ // For an existing alarm, verify that continuous state can be obtained and
+ // set.
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetContinuous(id, isContinuous) ==
+ KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(isContinuous, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetContinuous(id, EFalse) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetContinuous(id, isContinuous) ==
+ KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(!isContinuous, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.SetContinuous(id, ETrue) == KErrNone,
+ __LINE__);
+ TTime snoozeTime;
+ snoozeTime.HomeTime();
+ snoozeTime += TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Snooze the alarm for a minute and get the alarm details \r\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.__DbgSnoozeAlarm(id, snoozeTime) == KErrNone);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateSnoozed, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Delete the alarm from server's list \r\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(id) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("THIS TEST IS A DEBUG, WINS TEST ONLY\r\n"));
+ }
+/** Alarm that expires when a continuous alarm is played.
+@SYMTestCaseDesc To verify that the alarm that expires
+ when the continuous alarm is playing
+ will be played when the continuous
+ alarm is stopped.
+1. Create an alarm that plays continuously.
+2. Create an alarm that expires 1 minute after the continuous alarm
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The second alarm will play after the continuous
+ alarm is stopped.
+@SYMTestType CT
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+static void TestTwoAlarmsExpirySequenceL()
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__WINS__)
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID PIM-APPSRV-ALARMSERVER-CONTINUOUS-0002 Test expiry of two alarms, one being continuous"));
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ RANTestClient consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession;
+ User::LeaveIfError(consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession.Connect());
+ User::LeaveIfError(consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession.SetExtendedMode());
+ CleanupClosePushL(consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession);
+ TASShdAlarm alarmContinuous;
+ alarmContinuous.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarmContinuous.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalSeconds(30);
+ alarmContinuous.SetContinuous(ETrue);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarmContinuous) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TAlarmId idContinuous = alarmContinuous.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(idContinuous != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalSeconds(30);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TAlarmId id = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(id != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmContinuous.State() == EAlarmStateQueued);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateQueued);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Wait for the first alarm to expire \r\n"));
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession.NotifyOnAlarm(alarm, status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(idContinuous, alarmContinuous) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmContinuous.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateWaitingToNotify);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Acknowledge the first alarm \r\n"));
+ consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession.AcknowledgeAlarm(idContinuous);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(idContinuous, alarmContinuous) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmContinuous.State() == EAlarmStateNotified);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("The second alarm should immediately expire, check the alarm details \r\n"));
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateNotifying);
+ consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession.AcknowledgeAlarm(id);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmServerSession.GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateNotified);
+ consoleAlarmAlertSrvSession.UnsetExtendedMode();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("THIS TEST IS A DEBUG, WINS TEST ONLY\r\n"));
+ }
+static void TestDoNotNotifyAlarmAlertServerL()
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Test that EAlarmCharacteristicsDoNotNotifyAlarmAlertServer do not panic the alarm server when they expire"));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Set the system time to 1 second before the alarm time"));
+ TTime alarmTime(TTime(TDateTime(2008, EApril, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0)));
+ User::SetHomeTime(alarmTime - TTimeIntervalSeconds(1));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("Add an alarm with EAlarmCharacteristicsDoNotNotifyAlarmAlertServer set"));
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.Message() = _L("Do not notify the alarm alert server!!!");
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = alarmTime;
+ alarm.Characteristics().Set(EAlarmCharacteristicsDoNotNotifyAlarmAlertServer);
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce;
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmAdd(alarm));
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("wait until the alarm sounds starts playing"));
+ {
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TAlarmId id;
+ TheAlarmServerSession.NotifyChange(status, id);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("alarms event = %d\n"), status.Int());
+ User::LeaveIfError(status.Int());
+ if (status.Int() == EAlarmChangeEventSoundPlaying)
+ {
+ // the sound is now playing which is where the panic would have happened
+ // so we can stop waiting now
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("delete the alarm"));
+ // delete the alarm
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmServerSession.AlarmDelete(alarm.Id()));
+ }
+static void RunTestsL()
+ {
+ //get the initial time
+ TTime homeTime;
+ homeTime.HomeTime();
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+ RPIMTestServer serv;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+ serv.DeleteFileL(KTestIniFile);
+ // Set time before starting Alarm Server
+ const TInt KGmtOffset = 3600;
+ _LIT(KBaselineTime, "20040730:050000.000000"); //In summer time
+ TInt err = User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(TTime(KBaselineTime), KGmtOffset);
+ TheAlarmTest(err == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ _LIT(KConsoleAlarmAlertServerImg,"ConsoleAlarmAlertServer");
+ TBuf<256> cmdline;
+ cmdline.Append('p');
+ cmdline.Append('p');
+ cmdline.Append(EKeyEscape);
+ cmdline.Append(0);
+ cmdline.Append('p');
+ cmdline.Append('p');
+ cmdline.Append(EKeyEscape);
+ cmdline.Append(0);
+ RProcess server;
+ server.Create(KConsoleAlarmAlertServerImg,cmdline,serverUid);
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ server.Rendezvous(stat);
+ if (stat!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ server.Kill(0); // abort startup
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ server.Resume(); // logon OK - start the server
+ }
+#endif // __WINS__
+ // Connect to the alarm server
+ TheAlarmTest.Next(_L("Creating alarm server"));
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmServerSession.Connect());
+ TestDailyOnGivenDaysAlarmExpiryL();
+ TestCreateAndSnoozeContinuousAlarmL();
+ TestTwoAlarmsExpirySequenceL();
+ // The real tests
+ // The following 2 tests are only for WINS and WINSCW for console interface
+ CreateAlarmsForPausingL();
+ CreateSingleAlarmL();
+ CreateNotificationAlarmL();
+ CreateDailyRepeatingAlarmL();
+ CreateUtcAlarmsForPausingL();
+ CreateSingleUtcAlarmL();
+ CreateNotificationUtcAlarmL();
+ CreateDailyRepeatingUtcAlarmL();
+ CreateAlarmAndIgnoreL();
+ TestWorkdaysRepeatingAlarmL();
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__WINS__)
+ CreateAlarmAndSnoozeL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily);
+ CreateAlarmAndSnoozeL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday);
+ CreateAlarmAndSnoozeL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly);
+ DbgSnoozeAlarmSetsTimeCorrectlyL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce);
+ DbgSnoozeAlarmSetsTimeCorrectlyL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatNext24Hours);
+ DbgSnoozeAlarmSetsTimeCorrectlyL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily);
+ DbgSnoozeAlarmSetsTimeCorrectlyL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday);
+ DbgSnoozeAlarmSetsTimeCorrectlyL(EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly);
+#endif // __WINS__
+ TestINC092682L();
+ TestDoNotNotifyAlarmAlertServerL();
+ TestClearStoreL();
+ //Set back the time to the initial time
+ serv.SetHomeTime(homeTime);
+ serv.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduler);
+ }
+// -----> Global Exports
+TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ //
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ TheAlarmTest.Title();
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ if (!cleanup)
+ {
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Start(_L("@SYMTestCaseID PIM-TBASICALARMS-0001"));
+ //
+ TRAPD(err, RunTestsL());
+ TheAlarmTest(err == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ delete cleanup;
+ TRAP(ret,TheAlarmTest.EndL());
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Close();
+ ASTstAlarmTest::Close();
+ return ret;
+ }