--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonappservices/alarmserver/Test/TSessionAlarms.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Test session alarms
+#include "ASTstAlarmTest.h"
+// Type definitions
+#define UNUSED_VAR(a) a = a
+// Constants
+const TUint KHeapMinSize=0x01000;
+const TUint KHeapMaxSize=0x10000;
+// Global data
+static TAlarmId TheAlarmId;
+static TBool TheNotifyFlag=EFalse;
+static TBool TheNotifyThread=ETrue;
+static TRequestStatus TheSsnStatus;
+static TRequestStatus ThisRequest=KErrNone;
+static TRequestStatus CurrentRequest=KErrNone;
+// Prototypes
+static void testOtherNotify(TBool aExpected);
+static TInt ntfThreadMain(TAny* /*aPtr*/)
+// Main thread of notification thread
+ {
+ RASCliSession almSvr;
+ const TInt r=almSvr.Connect();
+ TheAlarmTest(r==KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ {
+ {
+ almSvr.NotifyChange(stat, alarmId);
+ User::After(KTimeToWait);
+ if (stat == KRequestPending)
+ break;
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ }
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ //
+ if (!TheNotifyThread)
+ break;
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(stat >= EAlarmChangeEventState && stat <= EAlarmChangeEventLast, __LINE__);
+ TheNotifyFlag = ETrue;
+ }
+ //
+ TheNotifyFlag=ETrue;
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+static void startNotifyThread(TPtrC16 aThreadName)
+// Start the thread that determines NotifyOnChange
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Starting the notification test thread"));
+ RThread t;
+ TInt r=t.Create(aThreadName,ntfThreadMain,KDefaultStackSize,KHeapMinSize,KHeapMaxSize,NULL);
+ TheAlarmTest(r==KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TRequestStatus tStat;
+ t.Logon(tStat);
+ t.SetPriority(EPriorityMore);
+ TheAlarmTest(tStat==KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ t.Resume();
+ TheAlarmTest(tStat==KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ User::After(KTimeToWait);
+ }
+static void testSetupNotify(TPtrC16 aThreadName)
+// Set up the notify requests
+ {
+ TheNotifyFlag=EFalse;
+ startNotifyThread(aThreadName);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Set up notification requests"));
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().NotifyChange(CurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(CurrentRequest);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(CurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().NotifyChangeCancel();
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(CurrentRequest == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag == EFalse, __LINE__);
+ //
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().__DbgPreventUserNotify(ETrue);
+ }
+static void testOtherNotify(TBool aExpected)
+// Check there was a notification to the notify thread
+ {
+ User::After(KTimeToWait);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag==aExpected, __LINE__);
+ TheNotifyFlag=EFalse;
+ }
+static TAlarmId SetSessionAlarm(TASShdAlarm& aAlarm, const TTime& aTime, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+// Set the session alarm
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag == EFalse, __LINE__);
+ //
+ aAlarm.Reset();
+ aAlarm.Message() = _L("The session alarm");
+ aAlarm.NextDueTime() = aTime;
+ aAlarm.Characteristics().Set(EAlarmCharacteristicsSessionSpecific);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(aStatus, aAlarm);
+ TheAlarmTest(aStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(aAlarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ return aAlarm.Id();
+ }
+static void testSetSessionAlarm(const TDesC& aDes, const TTime& aDueTime)
+// Test setting a session alarm
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(aDes);
+ // Check there's nothing ready
+ testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+ // Get all events from the event buffer
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus notificationStatus;
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Queue session alarm
+ TRequestStatus sessionAlarmStatus;
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TAlarmId sessionAlarmId = SetSessionAlarm(alarm, aDueTime, sessionAlarmStatus);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Get details
+ TASShdAlarm alarm2;
+ TInt r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(sessionAlarmId, alarm2);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TDateTime dateTime = aDueTime.DateTime();
+ TDateTime alarmTime = alarm2.NextDueTime().DateTime();
+ // Check details
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Day()==dateTime.Day(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Hour()==dateTime.Hour(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Minute()==dateTime.Minute(), __LINE__);
+ alarmTime = alarm2.NextDueTime().DateTime();
+ dateTime = aDueTime.DateTime();
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Day()==dateTime.Day(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Hour()==dateTime.Hour(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Minute()==dateTime.Minute(), __LINE__);
+ // Cancel alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(sessionAlarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(sessionAlarmStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(sessionAlarmStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Add another alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ sessionAlarmId = SetSessionAlarm(alarm, aDueTime, sessionAlarmStatus);
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ // Orphan alarm
+ r = TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmCharacteristics(sessionAlarmId, EAlarmCharacteristicsSessionSpecific);
+ User::WaitForRequest(sessionAlarmStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(sessionAlarmStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Get details
+ r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(sessionAlarmId, alarm);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.HasBecomeOrphaned(), __LINE__);
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ }
+static void testImmediateClose()
+// Test closing a session after the alarm goes off
+// The session alarm must be on the notification queue but not first
+// So that its session paramter is not cleared when its owner's name needs
+// to be found.
+ {
+ TTime time;
+ time.HomeTime();
+ TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag == EFalse, __LINE__);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.SoundName() = _L("Signal");
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = time - TTimeIntervalSeconds(75);
+ alarm.Message() = _L("Session alarm");
+ //
+ RASCliSession almSvr;
+ TheAlarmTest(almSvr.Connect() == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ almSvr.AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSsnStatus, alarm);
+ //
+ User::After(1000000);
+ const TAlarmId sessionAlarmId = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(sessionAlarmId != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ alarm.Reset();
+ alarm.SoundName() = _L("Signal");
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = time - TTimeIntervalSeconds(65);
+ alarm.Message() = _L("Clock alarm");
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(almSvr.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId && alarm.Id() != sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ almSvr.Close();
+ //
+ }
+static void testSetAlarms()
+// Test setting a day alarm
+ {
+ TTime inAFewMinutes;
+ inAFewMinutes.HomeTime();
+ inAFewMinutes += TTimeIntervalMinutes(2);
+ TTime inThreeDays;
+ inThreeDays.HomeTime();
+ inThreeDays += TTimeIntervalDays(3);
+ //
+ testSetSessionAlarm(_L("Session alarm, in a few minutes"), inAFewMinutes);
+ testSetSessionAlarm(_L("Session alarm, in a few days"), inThreeDays);
+ }
+static void testTakeOverOrphanL()
+// Test whether a session alarm takes over an orphaned alarm
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Take over orphaned"));
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Get all events from the event buffer
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus notificationStatus;
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Add session alarm
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TTime time;
+ time.HomeTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalDays(3);
+ // Create session alarm
+ TAlarmId sessionAlarmId = SetSessionAlarm(alarm, time, TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 0
+ TInt n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 0, __LINE__);
+ // Orphan the alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmCharacteristics(sessionAlarmId, 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 1
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 1, __LINE__);
+ // Create another session alarm
+ time.HomeTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalDays(4);
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ sessionAlarmId = SetSessionAlarm(alarm, time, TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 1
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 1, __LINE__);
+ // Orphan the alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmCharacteristics(sessionAlarmId, 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 2
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 2, __LINE__);
+ // Create another session alarm
+ time.HomeTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalDays(5);
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ sessionAlarmId = SetSessionAlarm(alarm, time, TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 2
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 2, __LINE__);
+ // Cancel session alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(sessionAlarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 2
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 2, __LINE__);
+ }
+static TAlarmId SetSessionUtcAlarm(TASShdAlarm& aAlarm, const TTime& aTime, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+// Set the session UTC alarm
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag == EFalse, __LINE__);
+ //
+ aAlarm.Reset();
+ aAlarm.Message()=(_L("The session UTC alarm"));
+ aAlarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(aTime);
+ aAlarm.Characteristics().Set(EAlarmCharacteristicsSessionSpecific);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(aStatus, aAlarm);
+ TheAlarmTest(aStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(aAlarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ return aAlarm.Id();
+ }
+static void testSetSessionUtcAlarm(const TDesC& aDes, const TTime& aDueTime)
+// Test setting a session UTC alarm
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(aDes);
+ // Check there's nothing ready
+ testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+ // Get all events from the event buffer
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus notificationStatus;
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Queue session alarm
+ TRequestStatus sessionAlarmStatus;
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TAlarmId sessionAlarmId = SetSessionUtcAlarm(alarm, aDueTime, sessionAlarmStatus);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Get details
+ TASShdAlarm alarm2;
+ TInt r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(sessionAlarmId, alarm2);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TDateTime dateTime = aDueTime.DateTime();
+ TDateTime alarmTime = alarm2.NextDueTime().DateTime();
+ // Check details
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Day()==dateTime.Day(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Hour()==dateTime.Hour(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Minute()==dateTime.Minute(), __LINE__);
+ alarmTime = alarm2.NextDueTime().DateTime();
+ dateTime = aDueTime.DateTime();
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Day()==dateTime.Day(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Hour()==dateTime.Hour(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmTime.Minute()==dateTime.Minute(), __LINE__);
+ // Cancel alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(sessionAlarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(sessionAlarmStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(sessionAlarmStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Add another alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ sessionAlarmId = SetSessionUtcAlarm(alarm, aDueTime, sessionAlarmStatus);
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ // Orphan alarm
+ r = TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmCharacteristics(sessionAlarmId, EAlarmCharacteristicsSessionSpecific);
+ User::WaitForRequest(sessionAlarmStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(sessionAlarmStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Get details
+ r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(sessionAlarmId, alarm);
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.HasBecomeOrphaned(), __LINE__);
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ }
+static void testImmediateCloseUtc()
+// Test closing a session after the alarm goes off
+// The session alarm must be on the notification queue but not first
+// So that its session paramter is not cleared when its owner's name needs
+// to be found.
+ {
+ TTime time;
+ time.UniversalTime();
+ TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag == EFalse, __LINE__);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.SoundName()=(_L("Signal"));
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time - TTimeIntervalSeconds(75));
+ alarm.Message()=(_L("Session alarm"));
+ //
+ RASCliSession almSvr;
+ TheAlarmTest(almSvr.Connect() == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ almSvr.AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSsnStatus, alarm);
+ //
+ User::After(1000000);
+ const TAlarmId sessionAlarmId = alarm.Id();
+ TheAlarmTest(sessionAlarmId != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ alarm.Reset();
+ alarm.SoundName()=(_L("Signal"));
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time - TTimeIntervalSeconds(65));
+ alarm.Message()=(_L("Clock alarm"));
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest(almSvr.AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId && alarm.Id() != sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ //
+ almSvr.Close();
+ //
+ }
+static void testSetUtcAlarms()
+// Test setting a day alarm
+ {
+ TTime inAFewMinutes;
+ inAFewMinutes.UniversalTime();
+ inAFewMinutes += TTimeIntervalMinutes(2);
+ TTime inThreeDays;
+ inThreeDays.UniversalTime();
+ inThreeDays += TTimeIntervalDays(3);
+ //
+ testSetSessionUtcAlarm(_L("Session alarm, in a few minutes"), inAFewMinutes);
+ testSetSessionUtcAlarm(_L("Session alarm, in a few days"), inThreeDays);
+ }
+static void testTakeOverOrphanUtcL()
+// Test whether a session alarm takes over an orphaned alarm
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Take over orphaned UTC"));
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Get all events from the event buffer
+ TAlarmId alarmId;
+ TRequestStatus notificationStatus;
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Add session alarm
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TTime time;
+ time.HomeTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalDays(3);
+ // Create session alarm
+ TAlarmId sessionAlarmId = SetSessionUtcAlarm(alarm, time, TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 0
+ TInt n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 0, __LINE__);
+ // Orphan the alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmCharacteristics(sessionAlarmId, 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 1
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 1, __LINE__);
+ // Create another session alarm
+ time.HomeTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalDays(4);
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ sessionAlarmId = SetSessionUtcAlarm(alarm, time, TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 1
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 1, __LINE__);
+ // Orphan the alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmCharacteristics(sessionAlarmId, 0) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 2
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 2, __LINE__);
+ // Create another session alarm
+ time.HomeTime();
+ time += TTimeIntervalDays(5);
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ sessionAlarmId = SetSessionUtcAlarm(alarm, time, TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 2
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 2, __LINE__);
+ // Cancel session alarm
+ TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(notificationStatus, alarmId);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(sessionAlarmId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(TheSsnStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheSsnStatus == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+ // Check that the notification thread was updated
+ testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+ // Check that the notification request was correctly updated
+ User::WaitForRequest(notificationStatus);
+ TheAlarmTest(notificationStatus > 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmId == sessionAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ // Check the number of orphaned alarms is 2
+ n = TheAlarmTest.CountOrphanedAlarmsL();
+ TheAlarmTest(n == 2, __LINE__);
+ }
+static void doTestsL()
+ {
+ RArray<TInt> instructionSet;
+ instructionSet.AppendL(EKeyEscape);
+ instructionSet.AppendL(EKeyEscape);
+ TheAlarmTest.TestStartServers(&instructionSet);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().Connect() == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+// The alarm should only be allowed to display notification in WINS builds.
+#if defined(__WINSCW__)
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().__DbgPreventUserNotify(EFalse);
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().__DbgPreventUserNotify(ETrue);
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ testImmediateClose();
+ //
+ testSetupNotify(_L("NtfThread1"));
+ //
+ testSetAlarms();
+ testTakeOverOrphanL();
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ // Reset the notify flag for the UTC test.
+ TheNotifyFlag = EFalse;
+ // Stop the notify thread so it can be restarted without causing an error.
+ TheNotifyThread = EFalse;
+ // Allow time for the thread to stop.
+ User::After(10000);
+ // Enable the thread so it can be subsequently restarted.
+ TheNotifyThread = ETrue;
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ testImmediateCloseUtc();
+ //
+ testSetupNotify(_L("NtfThread2"));
+ //
+ testSetUtcAlarms();
+ testTakeOverOrphanUtcL();
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ instructionSet.Close();
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Test the alarm server.
+ {
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ TheAlarmTest.Title();
+ TheAlarmTest.Start(_L("@SYMTestCaseID PIM-TSESSIONALARMS-0001 Session alarms"));
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAPD(err, doTestsL());
+ UNUSED_VAR(err); //Used to supress build warnings
+ delete cleanup;
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().Close();
+ TRAP(ret,TheAlarmTest.EndL());
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Close();
+ ASTstAlarmTest::Close();
+ //
+ return ret;
+ }