changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
child 1 0fdb7f6b0309
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/openenvutils/commandshell/shell/src/mem.c	Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1493 @@
+// mem.c - memory management
+// © Portions Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2007. All rights reserved.
+ * This file is part of zsh, the Z shell.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Paul Falstad
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
+ * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
+ * purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
+ * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
+ *
+ * In no event shall Paul Falstad or the Zsh Development Group be liable
+ * to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
+ * damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation,
+ * even if Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group have been advised of
+ * the possibility of such damage.
+ *
+ * Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any
+ * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
+ * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  The software
+ * provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Paul Falstad and the
+ * Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide maintenance,
+ * support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
+ *
+ */
+#include "zsh.mdh"
+#include ""
+	There are two ways to allocate memory in zsh.  The first way is
+	to call zalloc/zshcalloc, which call malloc/calloc directly.  It
+	is legal to call realloc() or free() on memory allocated this way.
+	The second way is to call zhalloc/hcalloc, which allocates memory
+	from one of the memory pools on the heap stack.  Such memory pools 
+	will automatically created when the heap allocation routines are
+	called.  To be sure that they are freed at appropriate times
+	one should call pushheap() before one starts using heaps and
+	popheap() after that (when the memory allocated on the heaps since
+	the last pushheap() isn't needed anymore).
+	pushheap() saves the states of all currently allocated heaps and
+	popheap() resets them to the last state saved and destroys the
+	information about that state.  If you called pushheap() and
+	allocated some memory on the heaps and then come to a place where
+	you don't need the allocated memory anymore but you still want
+	to allocate memory on the heap, you should call freeheap().  This
+	works like popheap(), only that it doesn't free the information
+	about the heap states (i.e. the heaps are like after the call to
+	pushheap() and you have to call popheap some time later).
+	Memory allocated in this way does not have to be freed explicitly;
+	it will all be freed when the pool is destroyed.  In fact,
+	attempting to free this memory may result in a core dump.
+	If possible, the heaps are allocated using mmap() so that the
+	(*real*) heap isn't filled up with empty zsh heaps. If mmap()
+	is not available and zsh's own allocator is used, we use a simple trick
+	to avoid that: we allocate a large block of memory before allocating
+	a heap pool, this memory is freed again immediately after the pool
+	is allocated. If there are only small blocks on the free list this
+	guarantees that the memory for the pool is at the end of the memory
+	which means that we can give it back to the system when the pool is
+	freed.
+	hrealloc(char *p, size_t old, size_t new) is an optimisation
+	with a similar interface to realloc().  Typically the new size
+	will be larger than the old one, since there is no gain in
+	shrinking the allocation (indeed, that will confused hrealloc()
+	since it will forget that the unused space once belonged to this
+	pointer).  However, new == 0 is a special case; then if we
+	had to allocate a special heap for this memory it is freed at
+	that point.
+#if defined(HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H) && defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(HAVE_MUNMAP)
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#if defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_PRIVATE)
+#define USE_MMAP 1
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+#pragma warn_possunwant off
+# ifndef DEBUG
+#  define DEBUG 1
+# endif
+#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
+static int h_m[1025], h_push, h_pop, h_free;
+/* Make sure we align to the longest fundamental type. */
+union mem_align {
+    zlong l;
+    double d;
+#define H_ISIZE  sizeof(union mem_align)
+#define HEAPSIZE (16384 - H_ISIZE)
+/* Memory available for user data in default arena size */
+#define HEAP_ARENA_SIZE (HEAPSIZE - sizeof(struct heap))
+#define HEAPFREE (16384 - H_ISIZE)
+/* Memory available for user data in heap h */
+#define ARENA_SIZEOF(h) ((h)->size - sizeof(struct heap))
+/* list of zsh heaps */
+static Heap heaps;
+/* a heap with free space, not always correct (it will be the last heap
+ * if that was newly allocated but it may also be another one) */
+static Heap fheap;
+/* Use new heaps from now on. This returns the old heap-list. */
+mod_export Heap
+    Heap h;
+    queue_signals();
+    h = heaps;
+    fheap = heaps = NULL;
+    unqueue_signals();
+    return h;
+/* Re-install the old heaps again, freeing the new ones. */
+mod_export void
+old_heaps(Heap old)
+    Heap h, n;
+    queue_signals();
+    for (h = heaps; h; h = n) {
+	n = h->next;
+	DPUTS(h->sp, "BUG: old_heaps() with pushed heaps");
+#ifdef USE_MMAP
+	munmap((void *) h, sizeof(*h));
+	zfree(h, sizeof(*h));
+    }
+    heaps = old;
+    fheap = NULL;
+    unqueue_signals();
+/* Temporarily switch to other heaps (or back again). */
+mod_export Heap
+switch_heaps(Heap new)
+    Heap h;
+    queue_signals();
+    h = heaps;
+    heaps = new;
+    fheap = NULL;
+    unqueue_signals();
+    return h;
+/* save states of zsh heaps */
+mod_export void
+    Heap h;
+    Heapstack hs;
+    queue_signals();
+#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
+    h_push++;
+    for (h = heaps; h; h = h->next) {
+	DPUTS(!h->used, "BUG: empty heap");
+	hs = (Heapstack) zalloc(sizeof(*hs));
+	hs->next = h->sp;
+	h->sp = hs;
+	hs->used = h->used;
+    }
+    unqueue_signals();
+/* reset heaps to previous state */
+mod_export void
+    Heap h, hn, hl = NULL;
+    queue_signals();
+#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
+    h_free++;
+    fheap = NULL;
+    for (h = heaps; h; h = hn) {
+	hn = h->next;
+	if (h->sp) {
+	    memset(arena(h) + h->sp->used, 0xff, h->used - h->sp->used);
+	    h->used = h->sp->used;
+	    if (!fheap && h->used < ARENA_SIZEOF(h))
+		fheap = h;
+	    hl = h;
+	} else {
+#ifdef USE_MMAP
+	    munmap((void *) h, h->size);
+	    zfree(h, HEAPSIZE);
+	}
+    }
+    if (hl)
+	hl->next = NULL;
+    else
+	heaps = NULL;
+    unqueue_signals();
+/* reset heap to previous state and destroy state information */
+mod_export void
+    Heap h, hn, hl = NULL;
+    Heapstack hs;
+    queue_signals();
+#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
+    h_pop++;
+    fheap = NULL;
+    for (h = heaps; h; h = hn) {
+	hn = h->next;
+	if ((hs = h->sp)) {
+	    h->sp = hs->next;
+	    memset(arena(h) + hs->used, 0xff, h->used - hs->used);
+	    h->used = hs->used;
+	    if (!fheap && h->used < ARENA_SIZEOF(h))
+		fheap = h;
+	    zfree(hs, sizeof(*hs));
+	    hl = h;
+	} else {
+#ifdef USE_MMAP
+	    munmap((void *) h, h->size);
+	    zfree(h, HEAPSIZE);
+	}
+    }
+    if (hl)
+	hl->next = NULL;
+    else
+	heaps = NULL;
+    unqueue_signals();
+#ifdef USE_MMAP
+ * Utility function to allocate a heap area of at least *n bytes.
+ * *n will be rounded up to the next page boundary.
+ */
+static Heap
+mmap_heap_alloc(size_t *n)
+    Heap h;
+    static size_t pgsz = 0;
+    if (!pgsz) {
+#ifdef _SC_PAGESIZE
+	pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);     /* SVR4 */
+# ifdef _SC_PAGE_SIZE
+	pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);    /* HPUX */
+# else
+	pgsz = getpagesize();
+# endif
+	pgsz--;
+    }
+    *n = (*n + pgsz) & ~pgsz;
+    h = (Heap) mmap(NULL, *n, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+		    MMAP_FLAGS, -1, 0);
+    if (h == ((Heap) -1)) {
+	zerr("fatal error: out of heap memory", NULL, 0);
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    return h;
+/* allocate memory from the current memory pool */
+mod_export void *
+zhalloc(size_t size)
+    Heap h;
+    size_t n;
+    size = (size + H_ISIZE - 1) & ~(H_ISIZE - 1);
+    queue_signals();
+#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
+    h_m[size < (1024 * H_ISIZE) ? (size / H_ISIZE) : 1024]++;
+    /* find a heap with enough free space */
+    for (h = ((fheap && ARENA_SIZEOF(fheap) >= (size + fheap->used))
+	      ? fheap : heaps);
+	 h; h = h->next) {
+	if (ARENA_SIZEOF(h) >= (n = size + h->used)) {
+	    void *ret;
+	    h->used = n;
+	    ret = arena(h) + n - size;
+	    unqueue_signals();
+	    return ret;
+	}
+    }
+    {
+	Heap hp;
+        /* not found, allocate new heap */
+#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && !defined(USE_MMAP)
+	static int called = 0;
+	void *foo = called ? (void *)malloc(HEAPFREE) : NULL;
+            /* tricky, see above */
+	n = HEAP_ARENA_SIZE > size ? HEAPSIZE : size + sizeof(*h);
+	for (hp = NULL, h = heaps; h; hp = h, h = h->next);
+#ifdef USE_MMAP
+	h = mmap_heap_alloc(&n);
+	h = (Heap) zalloc(n);
+#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && !defined(USE_MMAP)
+	if (called)
+	    zfree(foo, HEAPFREE);
+	called = 1;
+	h->size = n;
+	h->used = size;
+	h->next = NULL;
+	h->sp = NULL;
+	if (hp)
+	    hp->next = h;
+	else
+	    heaps = h;
+	fheap = h;
+	unqueue_signals();
+	return arena(h);
+    }
+mod_export void *
+hrealloc(char *p, size_t old, size_t new)
+    Heap h, ph;
+    old = (old + H_ISIZE - 1) & ~(H_ISIZE - 1);
+    new = (new + H_ISIZE - 1) & ~(H_ISIZE - 1);
+    if (old == new)
+	return p;
+    if (!old && !p)
+	return zhalloc(new);
+    /* find the heap with p */
+    queue_signals();
+    for (h = heaps, ph = NULL; h; ph = h, h = h->next)
+	if (p >= arena(h) && p < arena(h) + ARENA_SIZEOF(h))
+	    break;
+    DPUTS(!h, "BUG: hrealloc() called for non-heap memory.");
+    DPUTS(h->sp && arena(h) + h->sp->used > p,
+	  "BUG: hrealloc() wants to realloc pushed memory");
+    /*
+     * If the end of the old chunk is before the used pointer,
+     * more memory has been zhalloc'ed afterwards.
+     * We can't tell if that's still in use, obviously, since
+     * that's the whole point of heap memory.
+     * We have no choice other than to grab some more memory
+     * somewhere else and copy in the old stuff.
+     */
+    if (p + old < arena(h) + h->used) {
+	if (new > old) {
+	    char *ptr = (char *) zhalloc(new);
+	    memcpy(ptr, p, old);
+	    memset(p, 0xff, old);
+	    unqueue_signals();
+	    return ptr;
+	} else {
+	    unqueue_signals();
+	    return new ? p : NULL;
+	}
+    }
+    DPUTS(p + old != arena(h) + h->used, "BUG: hrealloc more than allocated");
+    /*
+     * We now know there's nothing afterwards in the heap, now see if
+     * there's nothing before.  Then we can reallocate the whole thing.
+     * Otherwise, we need to keep the stuff at the start of the heap,
+     * then allocate a new one too; this is handled below.  (This will
+     * guarantee we occupy a full heap next time round, provided we
+     * don't use the heap for anything else.)
+     */
+    if (p == arena(h)) {
+	/*
+	 * Zero new seems to be a special case saying we've finished
+	 * with the specially reallocated memory, see scanner() in glob.c.
+	 */
+	if (!new) {
+	    if (ph)
+		ph->next = h->next;
+	    else
+		heaps = h->next;
+	    fheap = NULL;
+#ifdef USE_MMAP
+	    munmap((void *) h, h->size);
+	    zfree(h, HEAPSIZE);
+	    unqueue_signals();
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+	if (new > ARENA_SIZEOF(h)) {
+	    /*
+	     * Not enough memory in this heap.  Allocate a new
+	     * one of sufficient size.
+	     *
+	     * To avoid this happening too often, allocate
+	     * chunks in multiples of HEAPSIZE.
+	     * (Historical note:  there didn't used to be any
+	     * point in this since we didn't consistently record
+	     * the allocated size of the heap, but now we do.)
+	     */
+	    size_t n = (new + sizeof(*h) + HEAPSIZE);
+	    n -= n % HEAPSIZE;
+	    fheap = NULL;
+#ifdef USE_MMAP
+	    {
+		/*
+		 * I don't know any easy portable way of requesting
+		 * a mmap'd segment be extended, so simply allocate
+		 * a new one and copy.
+		 */
+		Heap hnew;
+		hnew = mmap_heap_alloc(&n);
+		/* Copy the entire heap, header (with next pointer) included */
+		memcpy(hnew, h, h->size);
+		munmap((void *)h, h->size);
+		h = hnew;
+	    }
+	    h = (Heap) realloc(h, n);
+	    h->size = n;
+	    if (ph)
+		ph->next = h;
+	    else
+		heaps = h;
+	}
+	h->used = new;
+	unqueue_signals();
+	return arena(h);
+    }
+#ifndef USE_MMAP
+    DPUTS(h->used > ARENA_SIZEOF(h), "BUG: hrealloc at invalid address");
+    if (h->used + (new - old) <= ARENA_SIZEOF(h)) {
+	h->used += new - old;
+	unqueue_signals();
+	return p;
+    } else {
+	char *t = zhalloc(new);
+	memcpy(t, p, old > new ? new : old);
+	h->used -= old;
+	memset(p, 0xff, old);
+	unqueue_signals();
+	return t;
+    }
+/* allocate memory from the current memory pool and clear it */
+mod_export void *
+hcalloc(size_t size)
+    void *ptr;
+    ptr = zhalloc(size);
+    memset(ptr, 0, size);
+    return ptr;
+/* allocate permanent memory */
+mod_export void *
+zalloc(size_t size)
+    void *ptr;
+    if (!size)
+	size = 1;
+    queue_signals();
+    if (!(ptr = (void *) malloc(size))) {
+	zerr("fatal error: out of memory", NULL, 0);
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    unqueue_signals();
+    return ptr;
+mod_export void *
+zshcalloc(size_t size)
+    void *ptr;
+    if (!size)
+	size = 1;
+    queue_signals();
+    if (!(ptr = (void *) malloc(size))) {
+	zerr("fatal error: out of memory", NULL, 0);
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    unqueue_signals();
+    memset(ptr, 0, size);
+    return ptr;
+/* This front-end to realloc is used to make sure we have a realloc *
+ * that conforms to POSIX realloc.  Older realloc's can fail if     *
+ * passed a NULL pointer, but POSIX realloc should handle this.  A  *
+ * better solution would be for configure to check if realloc is    *
+ * POSIX compliant, but I'm not sure how to do that.                */
+mod_export void *
+zrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
+    queue_signals();
+    if (ptr) {
+	if (size) {
+	    /* Do normal realloc */
+	    if (!(ptr = (void *) realloc(ptr, size))) {
+		zerr("fatal error: out of memory", NULL, 0);
+		exit(1);
+	    }
+	    unqueue_signals();
+	    return ptr;
+	}
+	else
+	    /* If ptr is not NULL, but size is zero, *
+	     * then object pointed to is freed.      */
+	    free(ptr);
+	ptr = NULL;
+    } else {
+	/* If ptr is NULL, then behave like malloc */
+	ptr = malloc(size);
+    }
+    unqueue_signals();
+    return ptr;
+#ifdef ZSH_MEM
+   Below is a simple segment oriented memory allocator for systems on
+   which it is better than the system's one. Memory is given in blocks
+   aligned to an integer multiple of sizeof(union mem_align), which will
+   probably be 64-bit as it is the longer of zlong or double. Each block is
+   preceded by a header which contains the length of the data part (in
+   bytes). In allocated blocks only this field of the structure m_hdr is
+   senseful. In free blocks the second field (next) is a pointer to the next
+   free segment on the free list.
+   On top of this simple allocator there is a second allocator for small
+   chunks of data. It should be both faster and less space-consuming than
+   using the normal segment mechanism for such blocks.
+   For the first M_NSMALL-1 possible sizes memory is allocated in arrays
+   that can hold M_SNUM blocks. Each array is stored in one segment of the
+   main allocator. In these segments the third field of the header structure
+   (free) contains a pointer to the first free block in the array. The
+   last field (used) gives the number of already used blocks in the array.
+   If the macro name ZSH_MEM_DEBUG is defined, some information about the memory
+   usage is stored. This information can than be viewed by calling the
+   builtin `mem' (which is only available if ZSH_MEM_DEBUG is set).
+   If ZSH_MEM_WARNING is defined, error messages are printed in case of errors.
+   If ZSH_SECURE_FREE is defined, free() checks if the given address is really
+   one that was returned by malloc(), it ignores it if it wasn't (printing
+   an error message if ZSH_MEM_WARNING is also defined).
+#if !defined(__hpux) && !defined(DGUX) && !defined(__osf__)
+# if defined(_BSD)
+#  ifndef HAVE_BRK_PROTO
+   extern int brk _((caddr_t));
+#  endif
+#  ifndef HAVE_SBRK_PROTO
+   extern caddr_t sbrk _((int));
+#  endif
+# else
+#  ifndef HAVE_BRK_PROTO
+   extern int brk _((void *));
+#  endif
+#  ifndef HAVE_SBRK_PROTO
+   extern void *sbrk _((int));
+#  endif
+# endif
+#if defined(_BSD) && !defined(STDC_HEADERS)
+# define FREE_RET_T   int
+# define FREE_ARG_T   char *
+# define FREE_DO_RET
+# define MALLOC_RET_T char *
+# define MALLOC_ARG_T size_t
+# define FREE_RET_T   void
+# define FREE_ARG_T   void *
+# define MALLOC_RET_T void *
+# define MALLOC_ARG_T size_t
+/* structure for building free list in blocks holding small blocks */
+struct m_shdr {
+    struct m_shdr *next;	/* next one on free list */
+#ifdef PAD_64_BIT
+    /* dummy to make this 64-bit aligned */
+    struct m_shdr *dummy;
+struct m_hdr {
+    zlong len;			/* length of memory block */
+#if defined(PAD_64_BIT) && !defined(ZSH_64_BIT_TYPE)
+    /* either 1 or 2 zlong's, whichever makes up 64 bits. */
+    zlong dummy1;
+    struct m_hdr *next;		/* if free: next on free list
+				   if block of small blocks: next one with
+				                 small blocks of same size*/
+    struct m_shdr *free;	/* if block of small blocks: free list */
+    zlong used;			/* if block of small blocks: number of used
+				                                     blocks */
+#if defined(PAD_64_BIT) && !defined(ZSH_64_BIT_TYPE)
+    zlong dummy2;
+/* alignment for memory blocks */
+#define M_ALIGN (sizeof(union mem_align))
+/* length of memory header, length of first field of memory header and
+   minimal size of a block left free (if we allocate memory and take a
+   block from the free list that is larger than needed, it must have at
+   least M_MIN extra bytes to be splitted; if it has, the rest is put on
+   the free list) */
+#define M_HSIZE (sizeof(struct m_hdr))
+#if defined(PAD_64_BIT) && !defined(ZSH_64_BIT_TYPE)
+# define M_ISIZE (2*sizeof(zlong))
+# define M_ISIZE (sizeof(zlong))
+#define M_MIN   (2 * M_ISIZE)
+/* M_FREE  is the number of bytes that have to be free before memory is
+ *         given back to the system
+ * M_KEEP  is the number of bytes that will be kept when memory is given
+ *         back; note that this has to be less than M_FREE
+ * M_ALLOC is the number of extra bytes to request from the system */
+#define M_FREE  32768
+#define M_KEEP  16384
+#define M_ALLOC M_KEEP
+/* a pointer to the last free block, a pointer to the free list (the blocks
+   on this list are kept in order - lowest address first) */
+static struct m_hdr *m_lfree, *m_free;
+/* system's pagesize */
+static long m_pgsz = 0;
+/* the highest and the lowest valid memory addresses, kept for fast validity
+   checks in free() and to find out if and when we can give memory back to
+   the system */
+static char *m_high, *m_low;
+/* Management of blocks for small blocks:
+   Such blocks are kept in lists (one list for each of the sizes that are
+   allocated in such blocks).  The lists are stored in the m_small array.
+   M_SIDX() calculates the index into this array for a given size.  M_SNUM
+   is the size (in small blocks) of such blocks.  M_SLEN() calculates the
+   size of the small blocks held in a memory block, given a pointer to the
+   header of it.  M_SBLEN() gives the size of a memory block that can hold
+   an array of small blocks, given the size of these small blocks.  M_BSLEN()
+   calculates the size of the small blocks held in a memory block, given the
+   length of that block (including the header of the memory block.  M_NSMALL
+   is the number of possible block sizes that small blocks should be used
+   for. */
+#define M_SIDX(S)  ((S) / M_ISIZE)
+#define M_SNUM     128
+#define M_SLEN(M)  ((M)->len / M_SNUM)
+#if defined(PAD_64_BIT) && !defined(ZSH_64_BIT_TYPE)
+/* Include the dummy in the alignment */
+#define M_SBLEN(S) ((S) * M_SNUM + sizeof(struct m_shdr *) +  \
+		    2*sizeof(zlong) + sizeof(struct m_hdr *))
+#define M_BSLEN(S) (((S) - sizeof(struct m_shdr *) -  \
+		     2*sizeof(zlong) - sizeof(struct m_hdr *)) / M_SNUM)
+#define M_SBLEN(S) ((S) * M_SNUM + sizeof(struct m_shdr *) +  \
+		    sizeof(zlong) + sizeof(struct m_hdr *))
+#define M_BSLEN(S) (((S) - sizeof(struct m_shdr *) -  \
+		     sizeof(zlong) - sizeof(struct m_hdr *)) / M_SNUM)
+#define M_NSMALL    8
+static struct m_hdr *m_small[M_NSMALL];
+static int m_s = 0, m_b = 0;
+static int m_m[1025], m_f[1025];
+static struct m_hdr *m_l;
+#endif /* ZSH_MEM_DEBUG */
+malloc(MALLOC_ARG_T size)
+    struct m_hdr *m, *mp, *mt;
+    long n, s, os = 0;
+#ifndef USE_MMAP
+    struct heap *h, *hp, *hf = NULL, *hfp = NULL;
+    /* some systems want malloc to return the highest valid address plus one
+       if it is called with an argument of zero */
+    if (!size)
+	return (MALLOC_RET_T) m_high;
+    queue_signals();  /* just queue signals rather than handling them */
+    /* first call, get page size */
+    if (!m_pgsz) {
+#ifdef _SC_PAGESIZE
+	m_pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);     /* SVR4 */
+# ifdef _SC_PAGE_SIZE
+	m_pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);    /* HPUX */
+# else
+	m_pgsz = getpagesize();
+# endif
+	m_free = m_lfree = NULL;
+    }
+    size = (size + M_ALIGN - 1) & ~(M_ALIGN - 1);
+    /* Do we need a small block? */
+    if ((s = M_SIDX(size)) && s < M_NSMALL) {
+	/* yep, find a memory block with free small blocks of the
+	   appropriate size (if we find it in this list, this means that
+	   it has room for at least one more small block) */
+	for (mp = NULL, m = m_small[s]; m && !m->free; mp = m, m = m->next);
+	if (m) {
+	    /* we found one */
+	    struct m_shdr *sh = m->free;
+	    m->free = sh->next;
+	    m->used++;
+	    /* if all small blocks in this block are allocated, the block is 
+	       put at the end of the list blocks with small blocks of this
+	       size (i.e., we try to keep blocks with free blocks at the
+	       beginning of the list, to make the search faster) */
+	    if (m->used == M_SNUM && m->next) {
+		for (mt = m; mt->next; mt = mt->next);
+		mt->next = m;
+		if (mp)
+		    mp->next = m->next;
+		else
+		    m_small[s] = m->next;
+		m->next = NULL;
+	    }
+	    m_m[size / M_ISIZE]++;
+	    unqueue_signals();
+	    return (MALLOC_RET_T) sh;
+	}
+	/* we still want a small block but there were no block with a free
+	   small block of the requested size; so we use the real allocation
+	   routine to allocate a block for small blocks of this size */
+	os = size;
+	size = M_SBLEN(size);
+    } else
+	s = 0;
+    /* search the free list for an block of at least the requested size */
+    for (mp = NULL, m = m_free; m && m->len < size; mp = m, m = m->next);
+#ifndef USE_MMAP
+    /* if there is an empty zsh heap at a lower address we steal it and take
+       the memory from it, putting the rest on the free list (remember
+       that the blocks on the free list are ordered) */
+    for (hp = NULL, h = heaps; h; hp = h, h = h->next)
+	if (!h->used &&
+	    (!hf || h < hf) &&
+	    (!m || ((char *)m) > ((char *)h)))
+	    hf = h, hfp = hp;
+    if (hf) {
+	/* we found such a heap */
+	Heapstack hso, hsn;
+	/* delete structures on the list holding the heap states */
+	for (hso = hf->sp; hso; hso = hsn) {
+	    hsn = hso->next;
+	    zfree(hso, sizeof(*hso));
+	}
+	/* take it from the list of heaps */
+	if (hfp)
+	    hfp->next = hf->next;
+	else
+	    heaps = hf->next;
+	/* now we simply free it and than search the free list again */
+	zfree(hf, HEAPSIZE);
+	for (mp = NULL, m = m_free; m && m->len < size; mp = m, m = m->next);
+    }
+    if (!m) {
+	long nal;
+	/* no matching free block was found, we have to request new
+	   memory from the system */
+	n = (size + M_HSIZE + M_ALLOC + m_pgsz - 1) & ~(m_pgsz - 1);
+	if (((char *)(m = (struct m_hdr *)sbrk(n))) == ((char *)-1)) {
+	    DPUTS(1, "MEM: allocation error at sbrk.");
+	    unqueue_signals();
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+	if ((nal = ((long)(char *)m) & (M_ALIGN-1))) {
+	    if ((char *)sbrk(M_ALIGN - nal) == (char *)-1) {
+		DPUTS(1, "MEM: allocation error at sbrk.");
+		unqueue_signals();
+		return NULL;
+	    }
+	    m = (struct m_hdr *) ((char *)m + (M_ALIGN - nal));
+	}
+	/* set m_low, for the check in free() */
+	if (!m_low)
+	    m_low = (char *)m;
+	m_s += n;
+	if (!m_l)
+	    m_l = m;
+	/* save new highest address */
+	m_high = ((char *)m) + n;
+	/* initialize header */
+	m->len = n - M_ISIZE;
+	m->next = NULL;
+	/* put it on the free list and set m_lfree pointing to it */
+	if ((mp = m_lfree))
+	    m_lfree->next = m;
+	m_lfree = m;
+    }
+    if ((n = m->len - size) > M_MIN) {
+	/* the block we want to use has more than M_MIN bytes plus the
+	   number of bytes that were requested; we split it in two and
+	   leave the rest on the free list */
+	struct m_hdr *mtt = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)m) + M_ISIZE + size);
+	mtt->len = n - M_ISIZE;
+	mtt->next = m->next;
+	m->len = size;
+	/* put the rest on the list */
+	if (m_lfree == m)
+	    m_lfree = mtt;
+	if (mp)
+	    mp->next = mtt;
+	else
+	    m_free = mtt;
+    } else if (mp) {
+	/* the block we found wasn't the first one on the free list */
+	if (m == m_lfree)
+	    m_lfree = mp;
+	mp->next = m->next;
+    } else {
+	/* it was the first one */
+	m_free = m->next;
+	if (m == m_lfree)
+	    m_lfree = m_free;
+    }
+    if (s) {
+	/* we are allocating a block that should hold small blocks */
+	struct m_shdr *sh, *shn;
+	/* build the free list in this block and set `used' filed */
+	m->free = sh = (struct m_shdr *)(((char *)m) +
+					 sizeof(struct m_hdr) + os);
+	for (n = M_SNUM - 2; n--; sh = shn)
+	    shn = sh->next = sh + s;
+	sh->next = NULL;
+	m->used = 1;
+	/* put the block on the list of blocks holding small blocks if
+	   this size */
+	m->next = m_small[s];
+	m_small[s] = m;
+	m_m[os / M_ISIZE]++;
+	unqueue_signals();
+	return (MALLOC_RET_T) (((char *)m) + sizeof(struct m_hdr));
+    }
+    m_m[m->len < (1024 * M_ISIZE) ? (m->len / M_ISIZE) : 1024]++;
+    unqueue_signals();
+    return (MALLOC_RET_T) & m->next;
+/* this is an internal free(); the second argument may, but need not hold
+   the size of the block the first argument is pointing to; if it is the
+   right size of this block, freeing it will be faster, though; the value
+   0 for this parameter means: `don't know' */
+mod_export void
+zfree(void *p, int sz)
+    struct m_hdr *m = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)p) - M_ISIZE), *mp, *mt = NULL;
+    int i;
+# ifdef DEBUG
+    int osz = sz;
+# endif
+    sz = 0;
+    sz = (sz + M_ALIGN - 1) & ~(M_ALIGN - 1);
+    if (!p)
+	return;
+    /* first a simple check if the given address is valid */
+    if (((char *)p) < m_low || ((char *)p) > m_high ||
+	((long)p) & (M_ALIGN - 1)) {
+	DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free storage at invalid address");
+	return;
+    }
+    queue_signals();
+  fr_rec:
+    if ((i = sz / M_ISIZE) < M_NSMALL || !sz)
+	/* if the given sizes says that it is a small block, find the
+	   memory block holding it; we search all blocks with blocks
+	   of at least the given size; if the size parameter is zero,
+	   this means, that all blocks are searched */
+	for (; i < M_NSMALL; i++) {
+	    for (mp = NULL, mt = m_small[i];
+		 mt && (((char *)mt) > ((char *)p) ||
+			(((char *)mt) + mt->len) < ((char *)p));
+		 mp = mt, mt = mt->next);
+	    if (mt) {
+		/* we found the block holding the small block */
+		struct m_shdr *sh = (struct m_shdr *)p;
+		struct m_shdr *sh2;
+		/* check if the given address is equal to the address of
+		   the first small block plus an integer multiple of the
+		   block size */
+		if ((((char *)p) - (((char *)mt) + sizeof(struct m_hdr))) %
+		    M_BSLEN(mt->len)) {
+		    DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free storage at invalid address");
+		    unqueue_signals();
+		    return;
+		}
+		/* check, if the address is on the (block-intern) free list */
+		for (sh2 = mt->free; sh2; sh2 = sh2->next)
+		    if (((char *)p) == ((char *)sh2)) {
+			DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free already free storage");
+			unqueue_signals();
+			return;
+		    }
+		DPUTS(M_BSLEN(mt->len) < osz,
+		      "BUG: attempt to free more than allocated.");
+		m_f[M_BSLEN(mt->len) / M_ISIZE]++;
+		memset(sh, 0xff, M_BSLEN(mt->len));
+		/* put the block onto the free list */
+		sh->next = mt->free;
+		mt->free = sh;
+		if (--mt->used) {
+		    /* if there are still used blocks in this block, we
+		       put it at the beginning of the list with blocks
+		       holding small blocks of the same size (since we
+		       know that there is at least one free block in it,
+		       this will make allocation of small blocks faster;
+		       it also guarantees that long living memory blocks
+		       are preferred over younger ones */
+		    if (mp) {
+			mp->next = mt->next;
+			mt->next = m_small[i];
+			m_small[i] = mt;
+		    }
+		    unqueue_signals();
+		    return;
+		}
+		/* if there are no more used small blocks in this
+		   block, we free the whole block */
+		if (mp)
+		    mp->next = mt->next;
+		else
+		    m_small[i] = mt->next;
+		m = mt;
+		p = (void *) & m->next;
+		break;
+	    } else if (sz) {
+		/* if we didn't find a block and a size was given, try it
+		   again as if no size were given */
+		sz = 0;
+		goto fr_rec;
+	    }
+	}
+    if (!mt)
+	m_f[m->len < (1024 * M_ISIZE) ? (m->len / M_ISIZE) : 1024]++;
+    /* search all memory blocks, if one of them is at the given address */
+    for (mt = (struct m_hdr *)m_low;
+	 ((char *)mt) < m_high;
+	 mt = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)mt) + M_ISIZE + mt->len))
+	if (((char *)p) == ((char *)&mt->next))
+	    break;
+    /* no block was found at the given address */
+    if (((char *)mt) >= m_high) {
+	DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free storage at invalid address");
+	unqueue_signals();
+	return;
+    }
+    /* see if the block is on the free list */
+    for (mp = NULL, mt = m_free; mt && mt < m; mp = mt, mt = mt->next);
+    if (m == mt) {
+	/* it is, ouch! */
+	DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free already free storage");
+	unqueue_signals();
+	return;
+    }
+    DPUTS(m->len < osz, "BUG: attempt to free more than allocated");
+    memset(p, 0xff, m->len);
+    if (mt && ((char *)mt) == (((char *)m) + M_ISIZE + m->len)) {
+	/* the block after the one we are freeing is free, we put them
+	   together */
+	m->len += mt->len + M_ISIZE;
+	m->next = mt->next;
+	if (mt == m_lfree)
+	    m_lfree = m;
+    } else
+	m->next = mt;
+    if (mp && ((char *)m) == (((char *)mp) + M_ISIZE + mp->len)) {
+	/* the block before the one we are freeing is free, we put them
+	   together */
+	mp->len += m->len + M_ISIZE;
+	mp->next = m->next;
+	if (m == m_lfree)
+	    m_lfree = mp;
+    } else if (mp)
+	/* otherwise, we just put it on the free list */
+	mp->next = m;
+    else {
+	m_free = m;
+	if (!m_lfree)
+	    m_lfree = m_free;
+    }
+    /* if the block we have just freed was at the end of the process heap
+       and now there is more than one page size of memory, we can give
+       it back to the system (and we do it ;-) */
+    if ((((char *)m_lfree) + M_ISIZE + m_lfree->len) == m_high &&
+	m_lfree->len >= m_pgsz + M_MIN + M_FREE) {
+	long n = (m_lfree->len - M_MIN - M_KEEP) & ~(m_pgsz - 1);
+	m_lfree->len -= n;
+#ifdef HAVE_BRK
+	if (brk(m_high -= n) == -1) {
+	m_high -= n;
+	if (sbrk(-n) == (void *)-1) {
+#endif /* HAVE_BRK */
+	    DPUTS(1, "MEM: allocation error at brk.");
+	}
+	m_b += n;
+    }
+    unqueue_signals();
+free(FREE_ARG_T p)
+    zfree(p, 0);		/* 0 means: size is unknown */
+#ifdef FREE_DO_RET
+    return 0;
+/* this one is for strings (and only strings, real strings, real C strings,
+   those that have a zero byte at the end) */
+mod_export void
+zsfree(char *p)
+    if (p)
+	zfree(p, strlen(p) + 1);
+realloc(MALLOC_RET_T p, MALLOC_ARG_T size)
+    struct m_hdr *m = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)p) - M_ISIZE), *mp, *mt;
+    char *r;
+    int i, l = 0;
+    /* some system..., see above */
+    if (!p && size)
+	return (MALLOC_RET_T) malloc(size);
+    /* and some systems even do this... */
+    if (!p || !size)
+	return (MALLOC_RET_T) p;
+    queue_signals();  /* just queue signals caught rather than handling them */
+    /* check if we are reallocating a small block, if we do, we have
+       to compute the size of the block from the sort of block it is in */
+    for (i = 0; i < M_NSMALL; i++) {
+	for (mp = NULL, mt = m_small[i];
+	     mt && (((char *)mt) > ((char *)p) ||
+		    (((char *)mt) + mt->len) < ((char *)p));
+	     mp = mt, mt = mt->next);
+	if (mt) {
+	    l = M_BSLEN(mt->len);
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    if (!l)
+	/* otherwise the size of the block is in the memory just before
+	   the given address */
+	l = m->len;
+    /* now allocate the new block, copy the old contents, and free the
+       old block */
+    r = malloc(size);
+    memcpy(r, (char *)p, (size > l) ? l : size);
+    free(p);
+    unqueue_signals();
+    return (MALLOC_RET_T) r;
+calloc(MALLOC_ARG_T n, MALLOC_ARG_T size)
+    long l;
+    char *r;
+    if (!(l = n * size))
+	return (MALLOC_RET_T) m_high;
+    r = malloc(l);
+    memset(r, 0, l);
+    return (MALLOC_RET_T) r;
+bin_mem(char *name, char **argv, Options ops, int func)
+    int i, ii, fi, ui, j;
+    struct m_hdr *m, *mf, *ms;
+    char *b, *c, buf[40];
+    long u = 0, f = 0, to, cu;
+    queue_signals();
+    if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'v')) {
+	printf("The lower and the upper addresses of the heap. Diff gives\n");
+	printf("the difference between them, i.e. the size of the heap.\n\n");
+    }
+    printf("low mem %ld\t high mem %ld\t diff %ld\n",
+	   (long)m_l, (long)m_high, (long)(m_high - ((char *)m_l)));
+    if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'v')) {
+	printf("\nThe number of bytes that were allocated using sbrk() and\n");
+	printf("the number of bytes that were given back to the system\n");
+	printf("via brk().\n");
+    }
+    printf("\nsbrk %d\tbrk %d\n", m_s, m_b);
+    if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'v')) {
+	printf("\nInformation about the sizes that were allocated or freed.\n");
+	printf("For each size that were used the number of mallocs and\n");
+	printf("frees is shown. Diff gives the difference between these\n");
+	printf("values, i.e. the number of blocks of that size that is\n");
+	printf("currently allocated. Total is the product of size and diff,\n");
+	printf("i.e. the number of bytes that are allocated for blocks of\n");
+	printf("this size. The last field gives the accumulated number of\n");
+	printf("bytes for all sizes.\n");
+    }
+    printf("\nsize\tmalloc\tfree\tdiff\ttotal\tcum\n");
+    for (i = 0, cu = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+	if (m_m[i] || m_f[i]) {
+	    to = (long) i * M_ISIZE * (m_m[i] - m_f[i]);
+	    printf("%ld\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%ld\t%ld\n",
+		   (long)i * M_ISIZE, m_m[i], m_f[i], m_m[i] - m_f[i],
+		   to, (cu += to));
+	}
+    if (m_m[i] || m_f[i])
+	printf("big\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", m_m[i], m_f[i], m_m[i] - m_f[i]);
+    if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'v')) {
+	printf("\nThe list of memory blocks. For each block the following\n");
+	printf("information is shown:\n\n");
+	printf("num\tthe number of this block\n");
+	printf("tnum\tlike num but counted separately for used and free\n");
+	printf("\tblocks\n");
+	printf("addr\tthe address of this block\n");
+	printf("len\tthe length of the block\n");
+	printf("state\tthe state of this block, this can be:\n");
+	printf("\t  used\tthis block is used for one big block\n");
+	printf("\t  free\tthis block is free\n");
+	printf("\t  small\tthis block is used for an array of small blocks\n");
+	printf("cum\tthe accumulated sizes of the blocks, counted\n");
+	printf("\tseparately for used and free blocks\n");
+	printf("\nFor blocks holding small blocks the number of free\n");
+	printf("blocks, the number of used blocks and the size of the\n");
+	printf("blocks is shown. For otherwise used blocks the first few\n");
+	printf("bytes are shown as an ASCII dump.\n");
+    }
+    printf("\nblock list:\nnum\ttnum\taddr\t\tlen\tstate\tcum\n");
+    for (m = m_l, mf = m_free, ii = fi = ui = 1; ((char *)m) < m_high;
+	 m = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)m) + M_ISIZE + m->len), ii++) {
+	for (j = 0, ms = NULL; j < M_NSMALL && !ms; j++)
+	    for (ms = m_small[j]; ms; ms = ms->next)
+		if (ms == m)
+		    break;
+	if (m == mf)
+	    buf[0] = '\0';
+	else if (m == ms)
+	    sprintf(buf, "%ld %ld %ld", (long)(M_SNUM - ms->used),
+		    (long)ms->used,
+		    (long)(m->len - sizeof(struct m_hdr)) / M_SNUM + 1);
+	else {
+	    for (i = 0, b = buf, c = (char *)&m->next; i < 20 && i < m->len;
+		 i++, c++)
+		*b++ = (*c >= ' ' && *c < 127) ? *c : '.';
+	    *b = '\0';
+	}
+	printf("%d\t%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%s\t%ld\t%s\n", ii,
+	       (m == mf) ? fi++ : ui++,
+	       (long)m, (long)m->len,
+	       (m == mf) ? "free" : ((m == ms) ? "small" : "used"),
+	       (m == mf) ? (f += m->len) : (u += m->len),
+	       buf);
+	if (m == mf)
+	    mf = mf->next;
+    }
+    if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'v')) {
+	printf("\nHere is some information about the small blocks used.\n");
+	printf("For each size the arrays with the number of free and the\n");
+	printf("number of used blocks are shown.\n");
+    }
+    printf("\nsmall blocks:\nsize\tblocks (free/used)\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < M_NSMALL; i++)
+	if (m_small[i]) {
+	    printf("%ld\t", (long)i * M_ISIZE);
+	    for (ii = 0, m = m_small[i]; m; m = m->next) {
+		printf("(%ld/%ld) ", (long)(M_SNUM - m->used),
+		       (long)m->used);
+		if (!((++ii) & 7))
+		    printf("\n\t");
+	    }
+	    putchar('\n');
+	}
+    if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'v')) {
+	printf("\n\nBelow is some information about the allocation\n");
+	printf("behaviour of the zsh heaps. First the number of times\n");
+	printf("pushheap(), popheap(), and freeheap() were called.\n");
+    }
+    printf("\nzsh heaps:\n\n");
+    printf("push %d\tpop %d\tfree %d\n\n", h_push, h_pop, h_free);
+    if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'v')) {
+	printf("\nThe next list shows for several sizes the number of times\n");
+	printf("memory of this size were taken from heaps.\n\n");
+    }
+    printf("size\tmalloc\ttotal\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+	if (h_m[i])
+	    printf("%ld\t%d\t%ld\n", (long)i * H_ISIZE, h_m[i],
+		   (long)i * H_ISIZE * h_m[i]);
+    if (h_m[1024])
+	printf("big\t%d\n", h_m[1024]);
+    unqueue_signals();
+    return 0;
+#else				/* not ZSH_MEM */
+mod_export void
+zfree(void *p, UNUSED(int sz))
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+	sz=sz;
+    if (p)
+	free(p);
+mod_export void
+zsfree(char *p)
+    if (p)
+	free(p);