changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tzservices/tzloc/inc/TzLocalizer.h	Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __TzLocalizer_H__
+#define __TzLocalizer_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <tz.h>
+#include <tzlocalizationdatatypes.h>
+class CTzLocalizationResourceReader;
+class CTzLocalizationUserDataReader;
+const TInt KTzCityNotInGroupId = 0;
+Retrieves localized time zone information based on a time zone identifier.
+Time zone information is available in the following forms:
+- Standard time name, for example "Greenwich Mean Time"
+- Short standard time name, for instance "GMT"
+- Daylight saving time name, for instance "British Summer Time"
+- Short daylight saving time name, for instance "BST"
+This information is encapsulated in a CTzLocalizedTimeZone object.
+A collection of localized cities for a specific time zone is returned as a
+CTzLocalizedCityArray object.  An individual localized city is returned as a
+CTzLocalizedCity object.
+A collection of localized city groups for a specific time zone is returned as a
+CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray.  An individual localized city group is returned as a
+CTzLocalizedCityGroup object.
+New non-localized cities can be added to an existing time zone.  A new city may
+also be added to a city group, but a city may only be a member of one city
+User-defined time zone names can also be retrieved through this class,
+encapsulated as follows:
+- In a CTzLocalizedTimeZone object for long/short standard time and long/short
+daylight saving time user-defined time zone names.
+- In a CTzLocalizedCityArray object or CTzLocalizedCity object for user-defined
+time zone city names.
+- In a CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray object or CTzLocalizedCityGroup object for
+user-defined time zone region names.
+All user-defined time zones names’ use the same city group identifier of
+KTzCityNotInGroupId to indicate that they do not belong to a specific group.
+For methods that return a single city or single city group, if the given group
+identifier is KTzCityNotInGroupId the methods leave with KErrArgument since it
+is not possible to determine which region name should be used to identify the
+single city group.
+For methods that return an array of cities or city groups, if the given group
+identifier is KTzCityNotInGroupId the methods shall return all user-defined city
+names or region names.
+The array object forms can contain a combination of system time zone
+localization information and user-defined time zone names.  The client can
+control the combination of data using the SetDataSource() method.
+class CTzLocalizer : public CBase
+	{
+	public:
+		/** Panic reasons for the time zone localization component. */
+		enum TTzLocalizerPanics
+			{
+			/** The time zone server was not found. */
+			ETzLocalizerPanicTimeZoneServerNotFound,
+			/** A resource file was not found. */
+			ETzLocalizerPanicResourceFileNotFound
+			};
+		/** Used to specify the sort order of localized time zone information. */
+		enum TTzSortOrder
+			{
+			/** Unsorted. This is the fastest way to get localized data. */
+			ETzUnsorted,
+			/** Sort by UTC offset starting with the lowest. */
+			ETzUTCAscending,
+			/** Sort by UTC offset starting with the highest. */
+			ETzUTCDescending,
+			/** Sort by name (city name/group name/standard time zone name), from A-Z. */
+			ETzAlphaNameAscending,
+			/** Sort by name (city name/group name/standard time zone name), from Z-A. */
+			ETzAlphaNameDescending,
+			/** Sort by standard name from A-Z. */
+			ETzAlphaStandardNameAscending,
+			/** Sort by daylight savings name from A-Z. */
+			ETzAlphaDaylightNameAscending,
+			/** Sort by short standard name from A-Z. */
+			ETzAlphaShortStandardNameAscending,
+			/** Sort by short daylight savings name from A-Z. */
+			ETzAlphaShortDaylightNameAscending,
+			/** Sort by standard name from Z-A. */
+			ETzAlphaStandardNameDescending,
+			/** Sort by daylight savings name from Z-A. */
+			ETzAlphaDaylightNameDescending,
+			/** Sort by short standard name from Z-A. */
+			ETzAlphaShortStandardNameDescending,
+			/** Sort by short daylight savings name from Z-A. */
+			ETzAlphaShortDaylightNameDescending
+			};
+	    /**
+	    This enumeration indicates the data source(s) to use for CTzLocalizer
+	    methods that return a combination of system time zone localization
+	    information and user-defined time zone names.  The enumeration values
+	    are bit flags which can be combined using the logical OR operator.
+	    */
+		enum TTzLocalizerDataSource
+	        {
+	        /** Use system time zone localization information. */
+	        ETzDataSourceSystem = 0x1,
+	        /** Use non-localized user time zone names. */
+	        ETzDataSourceUser   = 0x2
+	        };
+	public:
+		//Construction / Destruction
+		IMPORT_C static CTzLocalizer* NewL();
+		IMPORT_C static CTzLocalizer* NewLC();
+		IMPORT_C ~CTzLocalizer();
+	private:
+		CTzLocalizer();
+		void ConstructL();
+        TBool DbNeedsUpdatingL() const;
+        void UpgradeDbVersionL();
+        void FetchCityToUpgradeL(CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray& aTimeZoneArray, CTzLocalizedCityArray& aCityArray, CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aCachedZone);
+        void RecreateDbL();
+	public:
+		//Time zones
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZone* GetLocalizedTimeZoneL(TInt aTimeZoneId) const;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZone* GetLocalizedTimeZoneL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity) const;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray* GetAllTimeZonesL(const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C void SetTimeZoneL(TInt aTimeZoneId);
+		//City Management
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCity* GetDefaultCityL(TInt aTimeZoneId) const;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCity* GetDefaultCityL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity) const;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCity* GetDefaultCityL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone& aTimeZone) const;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesL(const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesL(TInt aTimeZoneId,const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone& aTimeZone,const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity,const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCity* AddCityL(TInt aTimeZoneId,const TDesC& aCityName, TInt aGroupId = 0);
+		IMPORT_C void RemoveCityL(CTzLocalizedCity* aCity);
+		//City Groups
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray* GetAllCityGroupsL(const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted) const;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityGroup* GetCityGroupL(TInt aGroupId) const;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityGroup* GetCityGroupL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity) const ;
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesInGroupL(TInt aGroupId,const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesInGroupL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity,const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesInGroupL(const CTzLocalizedCityGroup& aCityGroup,const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		//Frequently Used Zones
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZone* GetFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCity* GetFrequentlyUsedZoneCityL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+		IMPORT_C void SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL(TInt aTimeZoneId,const CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+		IMPORT_C void SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone& aTimeZone,const CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+		IMPORT_C void SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity,const CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+		//Find functions
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCity* FindCityByNameL(const TDesC& aCityName, const TInt aTimeZoneId = 0);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZone* FindTimeZoneByNameL(const TDesC& aTimeZoneName);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityGroup* FindCityGroupByNameL(const TDesC& aCityGroupName);
+		IMPORT_C TBool CheckLanguage();
+		//Cities and Time Zones with a specified UTC offset
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityArray* GetCitiesWithUTCOffsetL(TInt aUTCOffsetInMinutes, const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray* GetTimeZonesWithUTCOffsetL(TInt aUTCOffsetInMinutes, const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		IMPORT_C void SetDataSource(TUint aDataSource);
+	private:
+		TBool PrepareFrequentlyUsedZonesL();
+		void UpdateFrequentlyUsedZonesL();
+		CTzLocalizedTimeZone* GetFrequentlyUsedDefaultZoneL(CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFreqUsedZone);
+		TUint32 GetFrequentlyUsedDefaultZoneCenRepKeyL(CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFreqUsedZone);
+		void GetCitiesL(CTzLocalizedCityArray& aCities, const TTzLocalizedId& aLocalizedId,
+			TBool aUseDataSource, const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder = ETzUnsorted);
+		TLinearOrder<CTzLocalizedCity> CitySortOrderL(const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder);
+		TLinearOrder<CTzLocalizedTimeZone> TimeZoneSortOrderL(const TTzSortOrder aSortOrder);
+		template <class T> void PrepareForUTCSortL(T& aArray);
+		TInt GetTimeZoneIdFromTzServerL();
+		void DoSetTimeZoneL(TInt aTimeZoneId);
+		void ChangeHomeTimeZoneL(TInt aNewId);
+        TBool FindCityAndSetCityIndexL(CTzLocalizedCity& aLocalizedCity, TTzLocalizerDataSource aDataSource);
+        TBool IsOperateOnUserDbL(TInt aTimeZoneId, TBool aUseDataSource) const;
+        void ReadCitiesL(CTzLocalizedCityArray& aCityArray, TInt aTimeZoneId, TBool aUseDataSource) const;
+        CTzLocalizedCity* ReadDefaultCityL(TInt aTimeZoneId, TBool aUseDataSource) const;
+        void WriteAllFrequentlyUsedZonesL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray& aTimeZones, const CTzLocalizedCityArray& aCities);
+        void SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone& aTimeZone, const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity,
+        	const CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+        CTzLocalizedTimeZone* GetLocalizedTimeZoneL(TInt aTimeZoneId, TBool aUseDataSource) const;
+        CTzLocalizedTimeZone* GetLocalizedTimeZoneL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity, TBool aUseDataSource) const;
+        static void PopulateCityArrayL(const RPointerArray<CTzLocalizedCityRecord>& aCityRecords,
+        	CTzLocalizedCityArray& aCities);
+        static CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord* CreateTimeZoneRecordL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone& aTimeZone);
+        static CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord* CreateTimeZoneRecordLC(const CTzLocalizedTimeZone& aTimeZone);
+        static CTzLocalizedCityRecord* CreateCityRecordL(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity);
+        static CTzLocalizedCityRecord* CreateCityRecordLC(const CTzLocalizedCity& aCity);
+        static CTzLocalizedTimeZone* CreateTimeZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord& aTimeZoneRecord);
+        static CTzLocalizedCity* CreateCityL(const CTzLocalizedCityRecord& aCityRecord);
+        static void CleanupTimeZonePointerArray(TAny* aArray);
+        static void CleanupCityPointerArray(TAny* aArray);
+		CTzLocalizationResourceReader* iStaticDataReader;
+		CTzLocalizationUserDataReader* iUserDataReader;
+		TLanguage iLanguage;
+		TUint iDataSource;
+		RTz iTzSession;
+	};