--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tzservices/tzserver/Include/tz.h Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __TIMEZONE_H__
+#define __TIMEZONE_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <s32std.h>
+#include <s32strm.h>
+#include <tzdefines.h>
+#include <tzid.h>
+#include <tzupdate.h>
+#include <tzlocalizedcityrecord.h> //This should be be included as it is internalTechnology.
+#include <tzlocalizedtimezonerecord.h> // Same as above and probably should not be exported to the epoc include
+// Forward class references.
+class CTzRules;
+class CTzRuleHolder;
+class CTzLocalizedCityRecord;
+#ifdef SYMBIAN_ENABLE_SPLIT_HEADERS // This can be forward declared i.e. it should not be included as it is internal.
+class CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord;
+The CTzUserNames class is used to encapsulate the names for a user-defined
+time zone.
+When creating an instance of this class the client can specify the following
+- Long standard time name, for example "Mountain Standard Time"
+- Short standard time name, for example "MST"
+- Long daylight saving time name, for example "Mountain Daylight Time"
+- Short daylight saving time name, for example "MDT"
+- City name, for example "Shiprock"
+- Region name, for example "America"
+The client can also read these names.
+class CTzUserNames : public CBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CTzUserNames* NewL(const TDesC& aStandardName,
+ const TDesC& aShortStandardName, const TDesC& aDaylightSaveName,
+ const TDesC& aShortDaylightSaveName, const TDesC& aCityName,
+ const TDesC& aRegionName);
+ IMPORT_C static CTzUserNames* NewLC(const TDesC& aStandardName,
+ const TDesC& aShortStandardName, const TDesC& aDayLightSaveName,
+ const TDesC& aShortDaylightSaveName, const TDesC& aCityName,
+ const TDesC& aRegionName);
+ IMPORT_C ~CTzUserNames();
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& StandardName() const;
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& ShortStandardName() const;
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& DaylightSaveName() const;
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& ShortDaylightSaveName() const;
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& CityName() const;
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& RegionName() const;
+ IMPORT_C static CTzUserNames* NewL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C TInt SizeOfObject() const;
+ CTzUserNames();
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC& aStandardName, const TDesC& aShortStandardName,
+ const TDesC& aDayLightSaveName, const TDesC& aShortDayLightSaveName,
+ const TDesC& aCityName, const TDesC& aRegionName);
+ HBufC* iStandardName;
+ HBufC* iShortStandardName;
+ HBufC* iDaylightName;
+ HBufC* iShortDaylightName;
+ HBufC* iCityName;
+ HBufC* iRegionName;
+ };
+class CTzUserNames;
+The client interface to the time zone server.
+This class performs two basic functions:
+1. Converts between UTC time and local time.
+2. Sets the current local time zone.
+NOTE: The presence of a time zone server will alter the behaviour of the
+time zone related function calls User::SetUTCOffset() and
+User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(). The time zone server is shutdown when the last
+session (RTz) is closed. Therefore, to maintain consistent time related
+behaviour, licensees may want to keep a system level time zone server session
+open at all times.
+Exceptional cases occur when a user requests conversion for a non-existent local
+time or a double local time.
+Non-existent local times occur when the local time changes from winter to summer
+for DST.
+For example, 01:59 local time is non-existent on the day of a change to BST in
+Europe/London since the time changes directly from 12:59:59 to 2:00.
+A double local time occurs when the local time changes from summer to winter.
+For example, if the time changes at 02:00 AM BST to 01:00 AM GMT then local
+times between 01:00 and 01:59 occur twice.
+The conversion applies the DST offset if the local time value is double and
+applies the standard UTC offset if the local time does not exists.
+This decision makes the conversion process asymmetrical around the discontinuity
+in the local time when there is a DST change.
+An example conversion from a double local time to UTC and from UTC to a double
+local time is:
+ 01:59 AM BST => 00:59 AM UTC
+ 01:59 AM UTC => 01:59 AM GMT
+An example conversion from a non-existent local time to UTC
+and from UTC to local time is:
+ 01:59 AM GMT => 01:59 AM UTC
+ 01:59 AM UTC => 02:59 AM BST
+@since 9.1
+class RTz : public RSessionBase
+ {
+ /**
+ Automatic DST update mode.
+ */
+ enum TTzAutoDSTUpdateModes
+ {
+ /** No auto update notification when a DST event occurs. */
+ ETZAutoDSTUpdateOff = 0,
+ /** Automatic time update will occur and the client app will be
+ notified. */
+ ETZAutoDSTUpdateOn,
+ /** Client app needs to confirm that the time should be updated whenever
+ a DST event occurs. */
+ ETZAutoDSTNotificationOnly,
+ };
+ /**
+ Time zone server change events.
+ */
+ enum TTzChanges
+ {
+ /** Used for notifying that the timezone database has changed.*/
+ ETZDatabaseChanged = 1,
+ /** Used for notifying that the system timezone has changed.*/
+ ETZSystemTimeZoneChanged,
+ /** Used for notifying that the DST rule has changed. */
+ ETZDSTRuleChanged,
+ /** Used for notifying that an automatic time update has taken place. */
+ ETZAutomaticTimeUpdate,
+ /** Used for notifying that a change in localization resources has taken
+ place. */
+ ETZLocalizationDataChanged
+ };
+ /**
+ Time zone server panic codes.
+ */
+ enum TPanic
+ {
+ /** This panic indicates that the time zone server has not been found.*/
+ EPanicServerNotFound = 1,
+ /** This panic indicates that the server has died.*/
+ EPanicServerDead,
+ /** This panic indicates that the time zone ID is not set.*/
+ EPanicTimeZoneNameIdNotSet,
+ /** This panic indicates that an out of range index was accessed.*/
+ EPanicRulesIndexOutofRange,
+ /** This panic indicates that there are no rules present for this time
+ zone.*/
+ EPanicTimeNotCoveredByRules,
+ /** This panic indicates that the time zone rules are unusable.*/
+ EPanicBadTimeZoneRules,
+ /** This panic indicates that an unsupported time reference has been
+ accessed.*/
+ EPanicUnsupportedTimeReference,
+ /** This panic indicates that the time zone ID is not supported.*/
+ EPanicUnsupportedTimeZoneNoId,
+ /** This panic indicates that a request for notification is already
+ pending from the client.*/
+ EPanicNotificationRequestPending,
+ /** This panic indicates that an incorrect data has been sent to the
+ server.*/
+ EPanicInvalidArgument,
+ /** This panic indicates that a table in the user-defined time zone
+ database has not conformed to the declared schema. */
+ EPanicBadSchema
+ };
+ /**
+ The software install observer plugin can distinguish between changes to the
+ resource files or the rules database. This enumeration indicates the filter
+ index that is used for the resource files and rules database filters.
+ This enum should not be used externally.
+ */
+ enum TSWIObserverFilterIndex
+ {
+ /** The index of the Tz private directory filter. */
+ EFilterTzPrivate=0,
+ /** The index of the resources filter. */
+ EFilterResourceTimezonelocalization
+ };
+ /**
+ This should not be used externally.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static void Panic(TPanic aPanic);
+ /**
+ This should not be used externally.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C CTzId* GetTimeZoneIdL() const;
+ /**
+ This should not be used externally.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetTimeZoneL(CTzId& aZone) const;
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
+ IMPORT_C ~RTz();
+ IMPORT_C TInt ConvertToLocalTime(TTime& aTime) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt ConvertToLocalTime(TTime& aTime, const CTzId& aZone) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt ConvertToUniversalTime(TTime& aTime) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt ConvertToUniversalTime(TTime& aTime, const CTzId& aZone) const;
+ IMPORT_C void GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(const RArray<TInt>& aTzNumericIds,
+ RArray<TInt>& aOffsets) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt AutoUpdateSettingL();
+ IMPORT_C void SetAutoUpdateBehaviorL(TTzAutoDSTUpdateModes aUpdateEnabled);
+ // Methods for setting the system time.
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetHomeTime(const TTime& aLocalTime) const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId& aZone) const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId& aZone, const TTime& aUTCTime) const;
+ // Get Encoded Rules for Current Local Time Zone
+ IMPORT_C CTzRules* GetTimeZoneRulesL(const TTime& aStartTime,
+ const TTime& aEndTime, TTzTimeReference aTimeRef) const;
+ IMPORT_C CTzRules* GetTimeZoneRulesL(const CTzId& aZone,
+ const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime,
+ TTzTimeReference aTimeRef) const;
+ void RegisterTzChangeNotifier(TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
+ TInt CancelRequestForNotice() const;
+ TVersion Version() const;
+ IMPORT_C void NotifyHomeTimeZoneChangedL(const NTzUpdate::TTimeZoneChange&
+ aChange) const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime& aUTCTime,
+ const TInt aUTCOffset);
+ IMPORT_C void SetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime& aUTCTime,
+ const TInt aUTCOffset, TBool aPersistInCenRep);
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray<CTzLocalizedCityRecord>&
+ aCities);
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray<CTzLocalizedCityRecord>&
+ aCities, TInt aTimeZoneId);
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationReadCitiesInGroupL(RPointerArray<CTzLocalizedCityRecord>&
+ aCities, TUint8 aGroupId);
+ IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord* LocalizationReadFrequentlyUsedZoneL(
+ TInt aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+ IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityRecord* LocalizationReadCachedTimeZoneCityL(
+ TInt aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationCloseDbL();
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationOpenDbL();
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationWriteCityL(const TDesC& aCityName, TInt aCityTzId,
+ TUint8 aCityGroupId, TUint aCityTzResourceId);
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationDeleteCityL(const TDesC& aCityName,
+ TInt aCityTzId);
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationWriteFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord&
+ aTimeZone, const CTzLocalizedCityRecord& aCity,
+ TInt aFrequentlyUsedZone);
+ IMPORT_C void LocalizationWriteAllFrequentlyUsedZonesL(const RPointerArray<CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord>& aTimeZones,
+ const RPointerArray<CTzLocalizedCityRecord>& aCities);
+ // Debug only methods.
+ IMPORT_C void SwiObsBeginL();
+ IMPORT_C void SwiObsFileChangedL(TSWIObserverFilterIndex aType);
+ IMPORT_C void SwiObsEndL();
+ // Debug only methods.
+ IMPORT_C void __dbgClearCacheL(TBool aRestartCaching);
+ IMPORT_C TInt __dbgRequestAllocatedCellsL(TInt aHeapSizeInBytes);
+ IMPORT_C void __dbgSetHeapFailL(RAllocator::TAllocFail aType, TInt aRate);
+ IMPORT_C void __dbgResetHeapL();
+ TBool StartCachingL();
+ TUint16 CurrentCachedTzId();
+ // User-defined time zone access.
+ CTzId* CreateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzRules& aTzUserRules, const CTzUserNames& aTzUserNames);
+ CTzUserNames* GetUserTimeZoneNamesL(const CTzId& aTzId) const;
+ void UpdateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId& aTzId, const CTzRules& aTzUserRules, const CTzUserNames& aTzUserNames);
+ void DeleteUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId& aTzId);
+ void GetUserTimeZoneIdsL(RPointerArray<CTzId>& aTzIds) const;
+ static TInt StartServer();
+ TInt DoConnect();
+ void doConvertL(const CTzId& aZone, TTime& aTime,
+ TTzTimeReference aTimerRef) const;
+ void doConvertL(TTime& aTime,
+ TTzTimeReference aTimerRef) const;
+ CTzRuleHolder* iRulesHolder;
+ };
+Encapsulates a TTime and a TTzTimeReference.
+class TTimeWithReference
+ {
+ static inline TTimeWithReference Max();
+ inline TTimeWithReference();
+ inline TTimeWithReference(TTime aTime, TTzTimeReference aTimeReference=ETzUtcTimeReference);
+ inline TTimeWithReference(TDateTime aTime, TTzTimeReference aTimeReference=ETzUtcTimeReference);
+ inline bool operator==(const TTimeWithReference& aTime) const;
+ inline bool operator!=(const TTimeWithReference& aTime) const;
+ TTime iTime;
+ TTzTimeReference iTimeReference;
+ };
+inline TTimeWithReference TTimeWithReference::Max()
+ {
+ return TTimeWithReference(
+ TDateTime(9999,EDecember,30,23,59,59,0),
+ ETzUtcTimeReference);
+ }
+inline TTimeWithReference::TTimeWithReference()
+ : iTime(0), iTimeReference(ETzUtcTimeReference)
+ {
+ }
+inline TTimeWithReference::TTimeWithReference(TTime aTime, TTzTimeReference aTimeReference)
+ : iTime(aTime), iTimeReference(aTimeReference)
+ {
+ }
+inline TTimeWithReference::TTimeWithReference(TDateTime aTime, TTzTimeReference aTimeReference)
+ : iTime(aTime), iTimeReference(aTimeReference)
+ {
+ }
+inline bool TTimeWithReference::operator==(const TTimeWithReference& aTime) const
+ {
+ return(aTime.iTime == iTime && aTime.iTimeReference == iTimeReference);
+ }
+inline bool TTimeWithReference::operator!=(const TTimeWithReference& aTime) const
+ {
+ return(!(*this == aTime));
+ }
+The CTzUserData class allows the client to create, read, update or delete
+user-defined time zones.
+A user-defined time zone is comprised of time zone rules (encapsulated in a
+CTzRules object) and time zone names (encapsulated in a CTzUserNames object).
+A time zone identifier (encapsulated in a CTzId object) is used to uniquely
+identify a user-defined time zone.
+The CTzUserData class also allows the time zone identifiers for all existing
+user-defined time zones to be determined.
+class CTzUserData : public CBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CTzUserData* NewL(RTz& aTzServer);
+ IMPORT_C ~CTzUserData();
+ IMPORT_C CTzId* CreateL(const CTzRules& aTzUserRules, const CTzUserNames&
+ aTzUserNames);
+ IMPORT_C CTzRules* ReadRulesL(const CTzId& aTzId) const;
+ IMPORT_C CTzUserNames* ReadNamesL(const CTzId& aTzId) const;
+ IMPORT_C void UpdateL(const CTzId& aTzId, const CTzRules& aTzUserRules,
+ const CTzUserNames& aTzUserNames);
+ IMPORT_C void DeleteL(const CTzId& aTzId);
+ IMPORT_C void GetTzIdsL(RPointerArray<CTzId>& aTzIds) const;
+ CTzUserData(RTz& aTzServer);
+ RTz& iTzServer;
+ };