--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tzservices/tzserver/analysis/TZCOMPILER_Design.CAT Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,7729 @@
+(object Petal
+ version 43
+ _written "Rose 6.5.9232.10"
+ charSet 0)
+(object Class_Category "3. TZ Compiler - Design"
+ is_unit TRUE
+ is_loaded TRUE
+ quid "40FFCE93013B"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list
+ (object Class "CTzCpZone"
+ quid "40FFE4E60004"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "40FFE51D007E"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Link"
+ quid "40FFE8AE00D6"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "AddStdTimeAlignment"
+ quid "40FFE8B20371"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Assemble"
+ quid "413ED64102EF"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iStdTimeAlignments"
+ quid "40FFE8BC02B8")))
+ (object Class "CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quid "40FFE4F602F7"
+ stereotype "abstract"
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iReference"
+ quid "40FFE8320080")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRegionalZonesIndex"
+ quid "40FFE5910014"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "40FFE60D02E1"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41012BC402D8"
+ type ":TRegionalZonesIndex")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRegion"
+ quid "40FFE5A202C3"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "40FFE60702B0"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41012BF0023D"
+ type "TRegion")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpStdTimeAlignment"
+ quid "40FFE5B002E2"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "40FFE6160262"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Link"
+ quid "40FFE88D013B"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Assemble"
+ quid "413ED65200AE"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41012C1F0070"
+ type "TStdTimeAlignment")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRuleSet"
+ quid "40FFE5B90295"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "40FFE63B02A4"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddRuleUse"
+ quid "40FFEB25008B"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRuleUse"
+ quid "40FFE5C40061"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "40FFE63E0244"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRuleDefinition"
+ quid "40FFE5CC0030"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "40FFE64702DE"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Assemble"
+ quid "413ED4EC00C8"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41012C0B0139"
+ type ":TRuleDefinition")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpDocument"
+ quid "40FFE67502F1"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41051F8D0347"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MCompiler"
+ quidu "41051AAA023D")
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "410521B90088"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MDocument"
+ quidu "41051ACA0182"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Scan"
+ quid "411B2F8501B7"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Parse"
+ quid "411B2F8902A1"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Link"
+ quid "411B2F8C0205"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "ExternaliseL"
+ quid "411B2F90006F"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "InternaliseL"
+ quid "411B2F9A01C7"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "AddRootChildElement"
+ quid "411B2FA102C1"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "AddChildElement"
+ quid "411B2FAE008F"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "AddAttribute"
+ quid "411B2FB502E0"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "CloseElement"
+ quid "411B2FBB0050"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "CloseDocument"
+ quid "411B2FC002A2"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCpZonesTable"
+ quid "41012005016C"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41012A1702C6"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddZone"
+ quid "410129F10341"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41012B8C0248"
+ type "TZonesTable")
+ (object ClassAttribute "iNumberOfZones"
+ quid "41012FFA0015")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable"
+ quid "410120610227"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "410120A20256"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddStdTimeAlignment"
+ quid "4101302701F2"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRegionalZonesTable"
+ quid "41012ADD03A7"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41012B65016E"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddRegionalZonesIndex"
+ quid "41012F8102BE"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41012BA401E0"
+ type "TRegionalZonesTable")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRegionsTable"
+ quid "41012C40023C"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41012CA60071"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddRegion"
+ quid "41012F91011D"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iRegions"
+ quid "410136D2017A")))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRuleSetsTable"
+ quid "41012C720092"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "4101342E03CD"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddRuleSet"
+ quid "41012F9F020E"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable"
+ quid "41012FBB02EC"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "4101343401FF"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddRuleDefintion"
+ quid "413ED4DE0193"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iRuleDefinitions"
+ quid "4101370E00CF")))
+ (object Class "MCompiler"
+ quid "41051AAA023D"
+ stereotype "Interface"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Scan"
+ quid "41051BE90328"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Parse"
+ quid "41051BF00114"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Link"
+ quid "41051BF5025D"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "MDocument"
+ quid "41051ACA0182"
+ stereotype "Interface"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddChildElement"
+ quid "41060B5C011A"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "AddRootChildElement"
+ quid "410F62B503C0"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "AddAttribute"
+ quid "41060B6A0001"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "CloseElement"
+ quid "41060B70036C"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "CloseDocument"
+ quid "41060B82012A"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "MScanner"
+ quid "41051AE20172"
+ stereotype "Interface"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Scan"
+ quid "41051C34026C"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCompiler"
+ quid "41051CE800D6"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Compile"
+ quid "411B296C03A7"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCpScanner"
+ quid "40F4091E002A"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41051AF203C4"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MScanner"
+ quidu "41051AE20172"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "ControlScanning"
+ quid "40F409A600C2"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCpStringTable"
+ quid "410531CD00E6"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "410532010069"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper"
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddString"
+ quid "413ED51B028E"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzElement"
+ quid "410A3A3800EC"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "410A3A8D01F7"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E")))
+ (object Class "CTzAttribute"
+ quid "410A3A600051"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "410A3A9802D2"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E")))
+ (object Class "CNode"
+ quid "40F406D6032E"
+ stereotype "abstract"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "AddAttribute"
+ quid "410A3C1900B4"
+ stereotype "virtual"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "AddChildElement"
+ quid "410A3C2301FC"
+ stereotype "virtual"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CTzCpString"
+ quid "413ED5480175")
+ (object Class "String"
+ quid "414001810380")
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
+ quid "40FFE52103D8"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "40FFE5220162"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TZone"
+ quidu "40E13DFF01DB"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
+ quid "40FFE522016C"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZone"
+ quidu "40FFE4E60004"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
+ quid "40FFE69101C6"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
+ quid "40FFE69201D2"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZone"
+ quidu "40FFE4E60004"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
+ quid "40FFE69201D4"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$5"
+ quid "40FFE69402CF"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$6"
+ quid "40FFE696003D"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegion"
+ quidu "40FFE5A202C3"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
+ quid "40FFE6960047"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
+ quid "40FFE6AE021A"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
+ quid "40FFE6B40006"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZonesTable"
+ quidu "41012005016C"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$10"
+ quid "40FFE6B40008"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$11"
+ quid "40FFE6B6010D"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$12"
+ quid "40FFE6B80034"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionsTable"
+ quidu "41012C40023C"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
+ quid "40FFE6B8003E"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$14"
+ quid "40FFE6C90274"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
+ quid "40FFE6CA006D"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable"
+ quidu "41012FBB02EC"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$16"
+ quid "40FFE6CA0077"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$17"
+ quid "40FFE6CE0195"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$18"
+ quid "40FFE6CF0010"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSetsTable"
+ quidu "41012C720092"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
+ quid "40FFE6CF001A"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$20"
+ quid "40FFE6D3025B"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$21"
+ quid "40FFE6D40068"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40FFE5B002E2"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$22"
+ quid "40FFE6D40072"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$23"
+ quid "40FFE6D602B0"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$24"
+ quid "40FFE6D70167"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionalZonesTable"
+ quidu "41012ADD03A7"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$25"
+ quid "40FFE6D70171"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$26"
+ quid "410108DE0167"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "410108DF01AF"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRegionalZonesIndex"
+ quidu "40E1906C010C"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$27"
+ quid "410108DF01B9"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionalZonesIndex"
+ quidu "40FFE5910014"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$28"
+ quid "410108E30006"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "410108E30100"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRegion"
+ quidu "40E175D902B9"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$29"
+ quid "410108E3010A"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegion"
+ quidu "40FFE5A202C3"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$30"
+ quid "410108E700C0"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "410108E701E3"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleSet"
+ quidu "40E1445E01B1"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$31"
+ quid "410108E701F7"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSet"
+ quidu "40FFE5B90295"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$32"
+ quid "410108E9016D"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "410108E9029A"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleDefinition"
+ quidu "40E1450C0230"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$33"
+ quid "410108E902AE"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleDefinition"
+ quidu "40FFE5CC0030"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$34"
+ quid "410108EB0261"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "410108EB0397"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleUse"
+ quidu "40E144A300E7"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$35"
+ quid "410108EB03A1"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleUse"
+ quidu "40FFE5C40061"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$36"
+ quid "410108EF0108"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "410108EF0235"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TStdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40E143EC028A"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$37"
+ quid "410108EF023F"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40FFE5B002E2"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$38"
+ quid "41012085016C"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$39"
+ quid "410120850389"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable"
+ quidu "410120610227"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$40"
+ quid "410120850393"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$41"
+ quid "410120BD0151"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$42"
+ quid "410120BF023B"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40FFE5B002E2"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$43"
+ quid "410120BF0245"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable"
+ quidu "410120610227"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$44"
+ quid "41012A090301"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iZones"
+ quid "41012A0A03B7"
+ label "iZones"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZone"
+ quidu "40FFE4E60004"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$45"
+ quid "41012A0A03C1"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZonesTable"
+ quidu "41012005016C")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$46"
+ quid "41012ACB0129"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41012ACB02CD"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TZonesTable"
+ quidu "40FFD8100020"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$47"
+ quid "41012ACB02E1"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZonesTable"
+ quidu "41012005016C"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$48"
+ quid "41012B38037A"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$49"
+ quid "41012B390191"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRegionalZonesTable"
+ quidu "40E190CD0023"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$50"
+ quid "41012B3901AF"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionalZonesTable"
+ quidu "41012ADD03A7"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$51"
+ quid "41012B4800F3"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$52"
+ quid "41012B480229"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionalZonesIndex"
+ quidu "40FFE5910014"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$53"
+ quid "41012B480233"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionalZonesTable"
+ quidu "41012ADD03A7")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$54"
+ quid "41012C680368"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$55"
+ quid "41012C69008F"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegion"
+ quidu "40FFE5A202C3"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$56"
+ quid "41012C69009A"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionsTable"
+ quidu "41012C40023C"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$57"
+ quid "41012F610248"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iRuleSets"
+ quid "41012F61032E"
+ label "iRuleSets"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSet"
+ quidu "40FFE5B90295"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$58"
+ quid "41012F610330"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSetsTable"
+ quidu "41012C720092"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$59"
+ quid "41012F6903A8"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iRuleUses"
+ quid "41012F6A00BB"
+ label "iRuleUses"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleUse"
+ quidu "40FFE5C40061"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$60"
+ quid "41012F6A00CF"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSet"
+ quidu "40FFE5B90295")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$61"
+ quid "41012FD80104"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$62"
+ quid "41012FDB01F9"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleDefinition"
+ quidu "40FFE5CC0030"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$63"
+ quid "41012FDB0203"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable"
+ quidu "41012FBB02EC"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$64"
+ quid "4101318B0043"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$65"
+ quid "4101318B01C0"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40FFE5B002E2"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$66"
+ quid "4101318B01D4"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZone"
+ quidu "40FFE4E60004")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$67"
+ quid "410132D8003F"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$68"
+ quid "410132D8020B"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionalZonesIndex"
+ quidu "40FFE5910014"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$69"
+ quid "410132D80216"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegion"
+ quidu "40FFE5A202C3")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$70"
+ quid "4101391B02B1"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$71"
+ quid "4101391C00E5"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$72"
+ quid "4101391C00EF"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$73"
+ quid "4101394E00F4"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iAttributes"
+ quid "4101394E031B"
+ label "iAttributes"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TDesC8"
+ quidu "40E171210394"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$74"
+ quid "4101394E032F"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E")))
+ (object Association "adds scanned data to"
+ quid "41051AFE02CA"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$75"
+ quid "41051AFF0059"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MDocument"
+ quidu "41051ACA0182"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$76"
+ quid "41051AFF005A"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpScanner"
+ quidu "40F4091E002A")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$77"
+ quid "41051B5E002A"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$78"
+ quid "41051B5E022E"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MScanner"
+ quidu "41051AE20172"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$79"
+ quid "41051B5E023D"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCompiler"
+ quidu "41051CE800D6")))
+ (object Association "delegates scanning to"
+ quid "41051FA7023D"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$80"
+ quid "41051FA7023E"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1")
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$81"
+ quid "41051FA7023F"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MScanner"
+ quidu "41051AE20172"
+ is_navigable TRUE)))
+ (object Association "supplies"
+ quid "4105207E029B"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$82"
+ quid "4105207F0163"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpScanner"
+ quidu "40F4091E002A"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$83"
+ quid "4105207F0164"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCompiler"
+ quidu "41051CE800D6"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "directs building in"
+ quid "4105273901B1"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$84"
+ quid "4105273901B2"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$85"
+ quid "4105273901B3"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCompiler"
+ quidu "41051CE800D6"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "stores scanned data in"
+ quid "4105273F026C"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$86"
+ quid "4105273F026D"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)
+ (object Role "iRoot"
+ quid "4105273F026E"
+ label "iRoot"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzElement"
+ quidu "410A3A3800EC"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$87"
+ quid "41052AC40124"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41052AC402E9"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleSetsData"
+ quidu "40E13E1302C5"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$88"
+ quid "41052AC402EA"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSetsTable"
+ quidu "41012C720092"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$89"
+ quid "41052BF00069"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41052BF001D0"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRulesDefinitionsData"
+ quidu "40E13F000028"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$90"
+ quid "41052BF001E0"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable"
+ quidu "41012FBB02EC"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$91"
+ quid "41052C670337"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41052C6801A1"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRegionsTable"
+ quidu "40E175950095"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$92"
+ quid "41052C6801C0"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionsTable"
+ quidu "41012C40023C"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$93"
+ quid "41052ECC003A"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "41052ECC01D0"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TZonesDataTable"
+ quidu "40E143B101DE"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$94"
+ quid "41052ECC01E0"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZonesTable"
+ quidu "41012005016C"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$95"
+ quid "410530A10347"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "410530A201A1"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TStdTimeAlignmentsData"
+ quidu "40E13E0A0006"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$96"
+ quid "410530A201B1"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable"
+ quidu "410120610227"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$97"
+ quid "4105335D0105"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iPersistedEntity"
+ quid "4105335D026C"
+ label "iPersistedEntity"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TZStringsTable"
+ quidu "40E1713D0336"
+ Containment "By Value"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$98"
+ quid "4105335D026D"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStringTable"
+ quidu "410531CD00E6"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$99"
+ quid "410534040069"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$100"
+ quid "410534040385"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStringTable"
+ quidu "410531CD00E6"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$101"
+ quid "410534040395"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$102"
+ quid "410A3A7102A3"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$103"
+ quid "410A3A7102A4"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzElement"
+ quidu "410A3A3800EC"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
+ is_aggregate TRUE)
+ (object Role "iChild"
+ quid "410A3A7102A5"
+ label "iChild"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
+ is_navigable TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$104"
+ quid "410F4AAE02E4"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iAttribute"
+ quid "410F4AAF01BC"
+ label "iAttribute"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$105"
+ quid "410F4AAF01BD"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzElement"
+ quidu "410A3A3800EC"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$106"
+ quid "410F4E2803BB"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iValue"
+ quid "410F4E290254"
+ label "iValue"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::String"
+ quidu "414001810380"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$107"
+ quid "410F4E290255"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$108"
+ quid "410F6EA3036A"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iOpenedElement"
+ quid "410F6EA401D4"
+ label "iOpenedElement"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzElement"
+ quidu "410A3A3800EC"
+ exportControl "Private"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$109"
+ quid "410F6EA401E3"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$110"
+ quid "410F6F960050"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iParent"
+ quid "410F6F9B02E0"
+ label "iParent"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$111"
+ quid "410F6F9B02E1"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$112"
+ quid "413ED5570202"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$113"
+ quid "413ED55703B8"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpString"
+ quidu "413ED5480175"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$114"
+ quid "413ED55703B9"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStringTable"
+ quidu "410531CD00E6"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Class_Category "2. TZ Compiler_Parsing"
+ quid "40EBCECD02D8"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$115"
+ quid "40ED4BEE02D6"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$116"
+ quid "40ED4BEF013D"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRuleLetterString"
+ quidu "40ED4ABB01FD"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$117"
+ quid "40ED4BEF0147"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRuleUse"
+ quidu "40ED4AA6001B"
+ is_navigable TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$118"
+ quid "40EEB04E02FC"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$119"
+ quid "40EEB04F00C2"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRuleUse"
+ quidu "40ED4AA6001B"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$120"
+ quid "40EEB04F00CC"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRuleSet"
+ quidu "40ED4A9D03C5")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$121"
+ quid "40EEB06702F9"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$122"
+ quid "40EEB06703CC"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzStdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40ED4A85006C"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$123"
+ quid "40EEB06703D6"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzZone"
+ quidu "40ED4A7C0131")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$124"
+ quid "40EEB0790062"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$125"
+ quid "40EEB079013E"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRegion"
+ quidu "40ED4A620331"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$126"
+ quid "40EEB0790140"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRegion"
+ quidu "40ED4A620331")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$127"
+ quid "40EEB080038D"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$128"
+ quid "40EEB08100A0"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRegionalZonesIndex"
+ quidu "40ED5F05034F"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$129"
+ quid "40EEB08100A2"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRegion"
+ quidu "40ED4A620331")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$130"
+ quid "40F4FCB600E5"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$131"
+ quid "40F4FCB60207"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRegion"
+ quidu "40ED4A620331"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$132"
+ quid "40F4FCB6021B"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzDocument"
+ quidu "40F406AD0084")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$133"
+ quid "40F4FCB802BF"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$134"
+ quid "40F4FCB803CD"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRuleSet"
+ quidu "40ED4A9D03C5"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$135"
+ quid "40F4FCB803D7"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzDocument"
+ quidu "40F406AD0084")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$136"
+ quid "40F4FCBB013C"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$137"
+ quid "40F4FCBB0237"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRuleLetterString"
+ quidu "40ED4ABB01FD"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$138"
+ quid "40F4FCBB0242"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzDocument"
+ quidu "40F406AD0084")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$139"
+ quid "40F4FCBD01A3"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$140"
+ quid "40F4FCBD026C"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzZone"
+ quidu "40ED4A7C0131"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$141"
+ quid "40F4FCBD0277"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzDocument"
+ quidu "40F406AD0084")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$142"
+ quid "40F4FCBF0124"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$143"
+ quid "40F4FCBF0251"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzRuleDefinition"
+ quidu "40ED4AAD015C"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$144"
+ quid "40F4FCBF025B"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzDocument"
+ quidu "40F406AD0084")))
+ (object Class_Category "1. Assemble Rule"
+ quid "40ED5FFA0191"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
+ statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
+ quid "40ED61D40377"
+ states (list States
+ (object ActivityState "Add RuleLetter to Collection"
+ quid "40EBD3D600DD"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EBD4020180"
+ supplier "Build RuleUse and add to RuleSet"
+ quidu "40EBD3DE0373"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EBD4020183"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Add RuleDefinition to Collection"
+ quid "40EBD3880026"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EBD40A02FE"
+ supplier "Add RuleLetter to Collection"
+ quidu "40EBD3D600DD"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EBD40A0301"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Build RuleUse and add to RuleSet"
+ quid "40EBD3DE0373"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED629B0138"
+ supplier "$UNNAMED$145"
+ quidu "40ED623D000C"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED629B013B"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Add RuleSet to Collection"
+ quid "40EBD38503E3"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EBD4080247"
+ supplier "Add RuleDefinition to Collection"
+ quidu "40EBD3880026"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EBD408024A"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Verify time range"
+ quid "40EBD38303E0"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EBD406019A"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Add RuleSet to Collection"
+ quidu "40EBD38503E3"
+ condition "within range"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EBD406019D"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED625D01D6"
+ label ""
+ supplier "$UNNAMED$145"
+ quidu "40ED623D000C"
+ condition "out of range"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED625D01D9"))))
+ (object State "$UNNAMED$145"
+ quid "40ED623D000C"
+ type "EndState")
+ (object State "Start"
+ quid "40ED6250017D"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED625A034E"
+ supplier "Verify time range"
+ quidu "40EBD38303E0"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED625A0351")))
+ type "StartState"))
+ partitions (list Partitions)
+ statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
+ (object ActivityDiagram "Assemble Rule"
+ quid "40ED61D4038B"
+ title "Assemble Rule"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object Swimlane "" @1
+ line_color 3342489
+ width 450)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Add RuleLetter to Collection" @2
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (650, 1340)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @2
+ location (650, 1337)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 442
+ justify 0
+ label "Add RuleLetter to Collection")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBD3D600DD"
+ width 556
+ height 119
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Add RuleSet to Collection" @3
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (649, 643)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @3
+ location (649, 637)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Add RuleSet to Collection")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBD38503E3"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Add RuleDefinition to Collection" @4
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (650, 977)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @4
+ location (650, 962)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 390
+ justify 0
+ label "Add RuleDefinition to Collection")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBD3880026"
+ width 520
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @5
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EBD4080247"
+ client @3
+ supplier @4
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @6
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EBD40A02FE"
+ client @4
+ supplier @2
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Build RuleUse and add to RuleSet" @7
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (649, 1710)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @7
+ location (649, 1704)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 352
+ justify 0
+ label "Build RuleUse and add to RuleSet")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBD3DE0373"
+ width 470
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @8
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EBD4020180"
+ client @2
+ supplier @7
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Verify time range" @9
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (651, 320)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @9
+ location (651, 314)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Verify time range")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBD38303E0"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @10
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @11
+ Parent_View @10
+ location (679, 437)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label "[ within range ]"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EBD406019A"
+ client @9
+ supplier @3
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "EndState" "$UNNAMED$145" @12
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (651, 2028)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @12
+ location (705, 1986)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED623D000C"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @13
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED629B0138"
+ client @7
+ supplier @12
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @14
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @15
+ Parent_View @14
+ location (243, 1156)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label "[ out of range ]"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED625D01D6"
+ client @9
+ supplier @12
+ vertices (list Points
+ (488, 373)
+ (213, 463)
+ (213, 1767)
+ (609, 2002))
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "StartState" "Start" @16
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (650, 42)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @16
+ location (692, 12)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "Start")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED6250017D"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @17
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED625A034E"
+ client @16
+ supplier @9
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object NoteView @18
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (1384, 215)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @18
+ location (1062, 65)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 6
+ max_width 609
+ label
+|The TimeZone and DST database will be configurable with regards to the period of interest (e.g. "from 1980"). Older rules are ignored.
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 669
+ height 312)
+ (object NoteView @19
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (1390, 634)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @19
+ location (1068, 459)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 7
+ max_width 609
+ label "Adding an item to a collection involves checking that the item is not duplicated in the collection. If it already exists, it will return a reference to the already existing item.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 669
+ height 362)
+ (object AttachView "" @20
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @18
+ supplier @9
+ line_style 0)
+ (object AttachView "" @21
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @19
+ supplier @3
+ line_style 0)
+ (object AttachView "" @22
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @19
+ supplier @4
+ line_style 0)
+ (object AttachView "" @23
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @19
+ supplier @2
+ line_style 0)))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
+ (object Class_Category "2. Assemble Zone"
+ quid "40ED60210153"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
+ statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model3"
+ quid "40EBD3770393"
+ states (list States
+ (object ActivityState "Add to Zone name collection"
+ quid "40EBDD8C00C9"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EBDDAB02A6"
+ supplier "Build new Zone"
+ quidu "40EBDD9902B3"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EBDDAB02A9"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Build new Zone"
+ quid "40EBDD9902B3"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED654F025F"
+ supplier "End Assemble Zone"
+ quidu "40ED654802EB"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED654F0262"))))
+ (object State "End Assemble Zone"
+ quid "40ED654802EB"
+ type "EndState")
+ (object State "Start Assemble Zone"
+ quid "40ED654A02D0"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED654D0248"
+ supplier "Add to Zone name collection"
+ quidu "40EBDD8C00C9"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED654D024B")))
+ type "StartState"))
+ partitions (list Partitions)
+ statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
+ (object ActivityDiagram "Assemble Zone"
+ quid "40EBD377039D"
+ title "Assemble Zone"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object Swimlane "" @24
+ line_color 3342489
+ width 450)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Add to Zone name collection" @25
+ Parent_View @24
+ location (606, 450)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @25
+ location (606, 444)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Add to Zone name collection")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBDD8C00C9"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Build new Zone" @26
+ Parent_View @24
+ location (606, 803)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @26
+ location (606, 797)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Build new Zone")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBDD9902B3"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @27
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EBDDAB02A6"
+ client @25
+ supplier @26
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "EndState" "End Assemble Zone" @28
+ Parent_View @24
+ location (605, 1134)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @28
+ location (659, 1092)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "End Assemble Zone")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED654802EB"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @29
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED654F025F"
+ client @26
+ supplier @28
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "StartState" "Start Assemble Zone" @30
+ Parent_View @24
+ location (607, 153)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @30
+ location (649, 123)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "Start Assemble Zone")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED654A02D0"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @31
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED654D0248"
+ client @30
+ supplier @25
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object NoteView @32
+ Parent_View @24
+ location (1356, 409)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @32
+ location (1034, 234)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 7
+ max_width 609
+ label "Adding an item to a collection involves checking that the item is not duplicated in the collection. If it already exists, it will return a reference to the already existing item.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 669
+ height 362)
+ (object AttachView "" @33
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @32
+ supplier @25
+ line_style 0)))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
+ (object Class_Category "3. Assemble Time Alignment"
+ quid "40ED633B014F"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
+ statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model2"
+ quid "40ED635E00D9"
+ states (list States
+ (object ActivityState "Add TimeZoneFormat to Collection"
+ quid "40EBDCBC03B6"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EBDD0802C0"
+ supplier "Build StdTimeAlignment object and add to Zone"
+ quidu "40EBDCE40398"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EBDD0802C3"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Build StdTimeAlignment object and add to Zone"
+ quid "40EBDCE40398"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED641F0217"
+ supplier "End Assemble Time Alignment"
+ quidu "40ED63C20132"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED641F021A"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Verify End Date of Time Alignment"
+ quid "40EBDC470090"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EBDD0601C2"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Add TimeZoneFormat to Collection"
+ quidu "40EBDCBC03B6"
+ condition "within range"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EBDD0601C5"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED63F9009E"
+ label ""
+ supplier "End Assemble Time Alignment"
+ quidu "40ED63C20132"
+ condition "out of range"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED63F900A1"))))
+ (object State "Start Assemble Time Alignment"
+ quid "40ED63C00266"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED63ED00A0"
+ supplier "End Assemble Time Alignment"
+ quidu "40ED63C20132"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED63ED00A3"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40ED644402DA"
+ supplier "Verify End Date of Time Alignment"
+ quidu "40EBDC470090"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40ED644402DD")))
+ type "StartState")
+ (object State "End Assemble Time Alignment"
+ quid "40ED63C20132"
+ type "EndState"))
+ partitions (list Partitions)
+ statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
+ (object ActivityDiagram "Assemble Time Alignment"
+ quid "40ED635E00E3"
+ title "Assemble Time Alignment"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object Swimlane "" @34
+ line_color 3342489
+ width 450)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Add TimeZoneFormat to Collection" @35
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (885, 915)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @35
+ location (885, 906)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 465
+ justify 0
+ label "Add TimeZoneFormat to Collection")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBDCBC03B6"
+ width 587
+ height 131
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Verify End Date of Time Alignment" @36
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (884, 522)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @36
+ location (884, 519)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 373
+ justify 0
+ label "Verify End Date of Time Alignment")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBDC470090"
+ width 487
+ height 118
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @37
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @38
+ Parent_View @37
+ location (914, 671)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label "[ within range ]"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EBDD0601C2"
+ client @36
+ supplier @35
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Build StdTimeAlignment object and add to Zone" @39
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (884, 1353)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @39
+ location (884, 1344)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 497
+ justify 0
+ label "Build StdTimeAlignment object and add to Zone")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EBDCE40398"
+ width 619
+ height 131
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @40
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EBDD0802C0"
+ client @35
+ supplier @39
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "StartState" "Start Assemble Time Alignment" @41
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (884, 208)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @41
+ location (926, 178)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "Start Assemble Time Alignment")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED63C00266"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @42
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED644402DA"
+ client @41
+ supplier @36
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "EndState" "End Assemble Time Alignment" @43
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (886, 1661)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @43
+ location (940, 1619)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "End Assemble Time Alignment")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED63C20132"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @44
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED641F0217"
+ client @39
+ supplier @43
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @45
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @46
+ Parent_View @45
+ location (520, 1184)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label "[ out of range ]"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40ED63F9009E"
+ client @36
+ supplier @43
+ vertices (list Points
+ (691, 570)
+ (475, 625)
+ (475, 1594)
+ (844, 1654))
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object NoteView @47
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (1759, 784)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @47
+ location (1437, 609)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 7
+ max_width 609
+ label "Adding an item to a collection involves checking that the item is not duplicated in the collection. If it already exists, it will return a reference to the already existing item.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 669
+ height 362)
+ (object AttachView "" @48
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @47
+ supplier @35
+ line_style 0)
+ (object NoteView @49
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (1752, 390)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @49
+ location (1430, 240)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 6
+ max_width 609
+ label
+|The TimeZone and DST database will be configurable with regards to the period of interest (e.g. "from 1980"). Older rules are ignored.
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 669
+ height 312)
+ (object AttachView "" @50
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @49
+ supplier @36
+ line_style 0)))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list)))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
+ (object Class_Category "1. TZ Compiler_Scanning"
+ quid "40EBCEAB0257"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$146"
+ quid "40F406F6001F"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "token"
+ quid "40F406F60231"
+ label "token"
+ supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TDesC8"
+ quidu "40E171210394"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$147"
+ quid "40F406F6023B"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$148"
+ quid "40F4072A027F"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "iChild"
+ quid "40F4072C0083"
+ label "iChild"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$149"
+ quid "40F4072C008D"
+ supplier "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode"
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
+ (object Mechanism @51
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list
+ (object Object "$UNNAMED$150"
+ quid "40F4119F015F"
+ collaborators (list link_list
+ (object Link
+ quid "40F411B30354"
+ supplier "$UNNAMED$151"
+ quidu "40F411A80086"
+ messages (list Messages
+ (object Message "ControlScanning( )"
+ quid "40F4144F00E1"
+ frequency "Aperiodic"
+ synchronization "Simple"
+ dir "FromClientToSupplier"
+ sequence "1"
+ ordinal 0
+ quidu "40F409A600C2")
+ (object Message "AddRootChildElement( )"
+ quid "40F414670141"
+ frequency "Aperiodic"
+ synchronization "Simple"
+ dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
+ sequence "1.1"
+ ordinal 1
+ quidu "411B2FA102C1")
+ (object Message "AddAttribute( )"
+ quid "40F414710330"
+ frequency "Aperiodic"
+ synchronization "Simple"
+ dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
+ sequence "1.3"
+ ordinal 3
+ quidu "411B2FB502E0")
+ (object Message "CloseElement( )"
+ quid "40F41474033F"
+ frequency "Aperiodic"
+ synchronization "Simple"
+ dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
+ sequence "1.4"
+ ordinal 4
+ quidu "411B2FBB0050")
+ (object Message "CloseDocument()"
+ quid "40F417AA0052"
+ frequency "Aperiodic"
+ synchronization "Simple"
+ dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
+ sequence "1.5"
+ ordinal 5
+ Operation "CloseDocument( )"
+ quidu "411B2FC002A2")
+ (object Message "AddChildElement"
+ quid "410F61CB0265"
+ frequency "Aperiodic"
+ synchronization "Simple"
+ dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
+ sequence "1.2"
+ ordinal 2
+ Operation "AddChildElement( )"
+ quidu "411B2FAE008F"))))
+ class "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument"
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ persistence "Persistent"
+ multi FALSE)
+ (object Object "$UNNAMED$151"
+ quid "40F411A80086"
+ class "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpScanner"
+ quidu "40F4091E002A"
+ persistence "Transient"
+ multi FALSE))))
+ statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
+ quid "40EAD4DD00E9"
+ states (list States
+ (object State "Await First Char"
+ quid "410F51240338"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F51710107"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await End Of Token"
+ quidu "410F515D01A3"
+ Event (object Event "'R'"
+ quid "410F51710108")
+ action (object action "AddRootChildElement()"
+ quid "410F51710109")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F5171010A"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F51D101E3"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await End Of Token"
+ quidu "410F515D01A3"
+ Event (object Event "'Z'"
+ quid "410F51D101E4")
+ action (object action "AddRootChildElement()"
+ quid "410F51D101E5")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F51D101E6"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F51D7032B"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await End Of Token"
+ quidu "410F515D01A3"
+ Event (object Event "'L'"
+ quid "410F51D7032C")
+ action (object action "AddRootChildElement()"
+ quid "410F51D7032D")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F51D7032E"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F53820207"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await Start Of Token"
+ quidu "410F5178002C"
+ Event (object Event "' '"
+ quid "410F53820208")
+ action (object action "AddChildElement()"
+ quid "410F53820209")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F5382020A"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F544E01DB"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await LF"
+ quidu "410F518E00B9"
+ Event (object Event "!"
+ quid "410F544E01DC")
+ condition "'L' | 'R' | 'Z' | ' '"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F544E01DE"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F54F40047"
+ label ""
+ supplier "End TZ Scanning"
+ quidu "410F519900E8"
+ Event (object Event "EOF"
+ quid "410F54F40048")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F54F4004A"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F55400086"
+ supplier "Await LF"
+ quidu "410F518E00B9"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F55400089")))
+ type "Normal")
+ (object State "Start TZ Scanning"
+ quid "410F513D0183"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F514E0145"
+ supplier "Await First Char"
+ quidu "410F51240338"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F514E0148")))
+ type "StartState")
+ (object State "Await End Of Token"
+ quid "410F515D01A3"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F51830184"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await Start Of Token"
+ quidu "410F5178002C"
+ Event (object Event "WhiteSpace"
+ quid "410F51830185")
+ action (object action "AddAttribute()"
+ quid "410F51830186")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F51830187"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F526C039A"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await LF"
+ quidu "410F518E00B9"
+ condition "CR | '#'"
+ action (object action "AddAttribute()"
+ quid "410F526C039C")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F526C039D"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F58670062"
+ label ""
+ supplier "End TZ Scanning"
+ quidu "410F519900E8"
+ Event (object Event "EOF"
+ quid "410F58670063")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F58670065")))
+ type "Normal")
+ (object State "Await Start Of Token"
+ quid "410F5178002C"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F51A803D6"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await LF"
+ quidu "410F518E00B9"
+ condition "CR | '#'"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F51A803D9"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F52D100EC"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await End Of Token"
+ quidu "410F515D01A3"
+ Event (object Event "Non-WhiteSpace"
+ quid "410F52D100ED")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F52D100EF"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F58740033"
+ label ""
+ supplier "End TZ Scanning"
+ quidu "410F519900E8"
+ Event (object Event "EOF"
+ quid "410F58740034")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F58740036")))
+ type "Normal")
+ (object State "Await LF"
+ quid "410F518E00B9"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F525A004E"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Await First Char"
+ quidu "410F51240338"
+ Event (object Event "LF"
+ quid "410F525A004F")
+ action (object action "CloseElement()"
+ quid "410F525A005E")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F525A005F"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "410F53E20209"
+ label ""
+ supplier "End TZ Scanning"
+ quidu "410F519900E8"
+ Event (object Event "EOF"
+ quid "410F53E2020A")
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "410F53E2020C")))
+ type "Normal")
+ (object State "End TZ Scanning"
+ quid "410F519900E8"
+ type "EndState"))
+ partitions (list Partitions)
+ statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
+ (object State_Diagram "TZ Compiler_Scanning"
+ quid "40EAD4DD00FD"
+ title "TZ Compiler_Scanning"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x -3928
+ origin_y 1225
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object NoteView @52
+ location (406, 3022)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @52
+ location (81, 2869)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 6
+ max_width 615
+ label "Start of a new line.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 675
+ height 318)
+ (object NoteView @53
+ location (1144, 353)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @53
+ location (62, 53)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 12
+ max_width 2128
+ label
+|This state machine is a realisation of the CTzCpScanner::ControlScanning() method. It combines
+|This state machine scans an entire TZ file.
+|It generates a collection of Nodes, each containing a collection of 'Tokens', or nameless attributes (as descriptors). The first Attribute in each Node describes the type or name of the Node: e.g. "Rule", "Link", "Zone", or " " (StdTimeAlignment).
+|AddRootChildElement() adds an element to the document root node. Opens added element.
+|AddChildElement() adds an element as a child of the current opened node. Opens added element.
+|CloseElement() closes the current opened element and returns to the parent node.
+|AddAttribute() adds a value (nameless) to current opened element
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 2188
+ height 613)
+ (object NoteView @54
+ location (378, 890)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @54
+ location (53, 731)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 6
+ max_width 615
+ label "Ignore line if it starts with an unexpected character. A warning can be generated and perhaps logged to a file together with the contents of the line in question.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 675
+ height 331)
+ (object StateView "Normal" "Await First Char" @55
+ location (1085, 1176)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @55
+ location (1085, 1165)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 204
+ justify 0
+ label "Await First Char")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410F51240338"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object StateView "StartState" "Start TZ Scanning" @56
+ location (1074, 900)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @56
+ location (1116, 870)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "Start TZ Scanning")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410F513D0183"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @57
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @58
+ Parent_View @57
+ location (1117, 1019)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 60
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F514E0145"
+ client @56
+ supplier @55
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1072, 930)
+ terminal_attachment (1072, 1108)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "Normal" "Await End Of Token" @59
+ location (1063, 1594)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @59
+ location (1063, 1563)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 216
+ justify 0
+ label "Await End Of Token")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410F515D01A3"
+ width 312
+ height 175
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object StateView "Normal" "Await Start Of Token" @60
+ location (1122, 2155)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @60
+ location (1122, 2144)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 210
+ justify 0
+ label "Await Start Of Token")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410F5178002C"
+ width 306
+ height 134
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object StateView "Normal" "Await LF" @61
+ location (1100, 2583)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @61
+ location (1100, 2572)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 204
+ justify 0
+ label "Await LF")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410F518E00B9"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object StateView "EndState" "End TZ Scanning" @62
+ location (1098, 2971)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @62
+ location (1152, 2929)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "End TZ Scanning")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410F519900E8"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object StateView "EndState" "End TZ Scanning" @63
+ location (1698, 1983)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @63
+ location (1752, 1941)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "End TZ Scanning")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410F519900E8"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object NoteView @64
+ location (1900, 2575)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @64
+ location (1640, 2453)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 5
+ max_width 484
+ label "WhiteSpace includes spaces and tabs")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 544
+ height 256)
+ (object TransView "" @65
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @66
+ Parent_View @65
+ location (214, 1767)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 3
+ max_width 357
+ justify 0
+ label "LF / CloseElement()"
+ pctDist 0.535864
+ height 14
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F525A004E"
+ client @61
+ supplier @55
+ vertices (list Points
+ (950, 2609)
+ (200, 2609)
+ (200, 1124)
+ (935, 1124))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (950, 2609)
+ terminal_attachment (935, 1124)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object AttachView "" @67
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @52
+ supplier @65
+ vertices (list Points
+ (302, 2862)
+ (25, 2435)
+ (200, 1866))
+ line_style 0)
+ (object TransView "" @68
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @69
+ Parent_View @68
+ location (1173, 2788)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 80
+ justify 0
+ label "EOF"
+ pctDist 0.497297
+ height 67
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F53E20209"
+ client @61
+ supplier @62
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1106, 2649)
+ terminal_attachment (1106, 2929)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @70
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @71
+ Parent_View @70
+ location (1035, 1855)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 531
+ justify 0
+ label "WhiteSpace / AddAttribute()"
+ pctDist 0.428922
+ height 54
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F51830184"
+ client @59
+ supplier @60
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1088, 1681)
+ terminal_attachment (1088, 2088)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object AttachView "" @72
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @64
+ supplier @70
+ line_style 0)
+ (object TransView "" @73
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @74
+ Parent_View @73
+ location (692, 2045)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 441
+ justify 0
+ label "[ CR | '#' ] / AddAttribute()"
+ pctDist 0.455744
+ height 51
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F526C039A"
+ client @59
+ supplier @61
+ vertices (list Points
+ (907, 1622)
+ (641, 1622)
+ (641, 2558)
+ (950, 2558))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (907, 1622)
+ terminal_attachment (950, 2558)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @75
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @76
+ Parent_View @75
+ location (1569, 1555)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 80
+ justify 0
+ label "EOF"
+ pctDist 0.446863
+ height 43
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F58670062"
+ client @59
+ supplier @63
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1219, 1597)
+ (1659, 1597)
+ (1659, 1941))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1219, 1597)
+ terminal_attachment (1659, 1941)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @77
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @78
+ Parent_View @77
+ location (1101, 1402)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 599
+ justify 0
+ label "'R' / AddRootChildElement()"
+ pctDist 0.603774
+ height 51
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F51710107"
+ client @55
+ supplier @59
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1050, 1243)
+ terminal_attachment (1050, 1506)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @79
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @80
+ Parent_View @79
+ location (1368, 1302)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 635
+ justify 0
+ label "'Z' / AddRootChildElement()"
+ pctDist 0.397403
+ height 70
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F51D101E3"
+ client @55
+ supplier @59
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1235, 1201)
+ (1437, 1201)
+ (1437, 1544)
+ (1219, 1544))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1235, 1201)
+ terminal_attachment (1219, 1544)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @81
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @82
+ Parent_View @81
+ location (679, 1318)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 635
+ justify 0
+ label "'L' / AddRootChildElement()"
+ pctDist 0.444030
+ height 15
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F51D7032B"
+ client @55
+ supplier @59
+ vertices (list Points
+ (935, 1203)
+ (693, 1203)
+ (693, 1552)
+ (907, 1552))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (935, 1203)
+ terminal_attachment (907, 1552)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @83
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @84
+ Parent_View @83
+ location (2021, 1635)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 363
+ justify 0
+ label "' ' / AddChildElement()"
+ pctDist 0.492532
+ height 67
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F53820207"
+ client @55
+ supplier @60
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1235, 1168)
+ (2087, 1168)
+ (2087, 2182)
+ (1275, 2182))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1235, 1168)
+ terminal_attachment (1275, 2182)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @85
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @86
+ Parent_View @85
+ location (429, 1598)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 307
+ justify 0
+ label "![ 'L' | 'R' | 'Z' | ' ' ]"
+ pctDist 0.385863
+ height 35
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F544E01DB"
+ client @55
+ supplier @61
+ vertices (list Points
+ (935, 1171)
+ (394, 1171)
+ (394, 2585)
+ (950, 2585))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (935, 1171)
+ terminal_attachment (950, 2585)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object AttachView "" @87
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @85
+ supplier @54
+ vertices (list Points
+ (394, 1878)
+ (244, 1335)
+ (327, 1055))
+ line_style 0)
+ (object TransView "" @88
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @89
+ Parent_View @88
+ location (1744, 1338)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 80
+ justify 0
+ label "EOF"
+ pctDist 0.502250
+ height 60
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F54F40047"
+ client @55
+ supplier @63
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1235, 1179)
+ (1684, 1179)
+ (1684, 1941))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1235, 1179)
+ terminal_attachment (1684, 1941)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @90
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @91
+ Parent_View @90
+ location (1236, 2332)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 162
+ justify 0
+ label "[ CR | '#' ]"
+ pctDist 0.378788
+ height 98
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F51A803D6"
+ client @60
+ supplier @61
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1138, 2222)
+ terminal_attachment (1138, 2516)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @92
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @93
+ Parent_View @92
+ location (1398, 1768)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 453
+ justify 0
+ label "Non-WhiteSpace"
+ pctDist 0.618020
+ height 28
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F52D100EC"
+ client @60
+ supplier @59
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1275, 2141)
+ (1425, 2141)
+ (1425, 1651)
+ (1219, 1651))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1275, 2141)
+ terminal_attachment (1219, 1651)
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @94
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @95
+ Parent_View @94
+ location (1604, 2117)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 80
+ justify 0
+ label "EOF"
+ pctDist 0.640232
+ height 42
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F58740033"
+ client @60
+ supplier @63
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1275, 2158)
+ (1657, 2158)
+ (1657, 2025))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1275, 2158)
+ terminal_attachment (1657, 2025)
+ x_offset FALSE)))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
+ (object InteractionDiagram "TZ Scanning_Sequence"
+ mechanism_ref @51
+ quid "40F4118D028F"
+ title "TZ Scanning_Sequence"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$150" @96
+ location (411, 225)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10
+ underline TRUE)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @96
+ location (411, 225)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 322
+ justify 0
+ label "")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40F4119F015F"
+ width 340
+ height 1259
+ icon_height 0
+ icon_width 0
+ icon_y_offset 0
+ annotation 1
+ Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @97
+ location (411, 455)
+ line_color 3342489
+ InterObjView @96
+ height 939
+ y_coord 879
+ Nested FALSE)
+ Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @98
+ location (411, 609)
+ line_color 3342489
+ InterObjView @96
+ height 60
+ y_coord 0
+ Nested TRUE)
+ Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @99
+ location (411, 764)
+ line_color 3342489
+ InterObjView @96
+ height 60
+ y_coord 0
+ Nested TRUE)
+ Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @100
+ location (411, 944)
+ line_color 3342489
+ InterObjView @96
+ height 60
+ y_coord 0
+ Nested TRUE)
+ Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @101
+ location (411, 1079)
+ line_color 3342489
+ InterObjView @96
+ height 60
+ y_coord 0
+ Nested TRUE)
+ Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @102
+ location (411, 1214)
+ line_color 3342489
+ InterObjView @96
+ height 60
+ y_coord 0
+ Nested TRUE))
+ (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$151" @103
+ location (1080, 225)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10
+ underline TRUE)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @103
+ location (1080, 225)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 294
+ justify 0
+ label "")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40F411A80086"
+ width 312
+ height 1259
+ icon_height 0
+ icon_width 0
+ icon_y_offset 0
+ annotation 1
+ Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @104
+ location (1080, 455)
+ line_color 3342489
+ InterObjView @103
+ height 879
+ y_coord 819
+ Nested FALSE))
+ (object InterMessView "" @105
+ location (737, 455)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @106
+ Parent_View @105
+ location (745, 411)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ quidu "40F4144F00E1"
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 335
+ justify 0
+ label "ControlScanning( )"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @96
+ supplier @103
+ Focus_Src @97
+ Focus_Entry @104
+ origin (426, 455)
+ terminus (1064, 455)
+ ordinal 0)
+ (object InterMessView "" @107
+ location (708, 609)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @108
+ Parent_View @107
+ location (753, 565)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ quidu "40F414670141"
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 435
+ justify 0
+ label "AddRootChildElement( )"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 1)
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @103
+ supplier @96
+ Focus_Src @104
+ Focus_Entry @98
+ origin (1064, 609)
+ terminus (442, 609)
+ ordinal 1)
+ (object InterMessView "" @109
+ location (0, 944)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @110
+ Parent_View @109
+ location (753, 900)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ quidu "40F414710330"
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 263
+ justify 0
+ label "AddAttribute( )"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 1)
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @103
+ supplier @96
+ Focus_Src @104
+ Focus_Entry @100
+ origin (1064, 944)
+ terminus (442, 944)
+ ordinal 3)
+ (object InterMessView "" @111
+ location (789, 1079)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @112
+ Parent_View @111
+ location (753, 1035)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ quidu "40F41474033F"
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 291
+ justify 0
+ label "CloseElement( )"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 1)
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @103
+ supplier @96
+ Focus_Src @104
+ Focus_Entry @101
+ origin (1064, 1079)
+ terminus (442, 1079)
+ ordinal 4)
+ (object InterMessView "" @113
+ location (708, 1214)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @114
+ Parent_View @113
+ location (753, 1170)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ quidu "40F417AA0052"
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 316
+ justify 0
+ label "CloseDocument()"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 1)
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @103
+ supplier @96
+ Focus_Src @104
+ Focus_Entry @102
+ origin (1064, 1214)
+ terminus (442, 1214)
+ ordinal 5)
+ (object NoteView @115
+ location (798, 1540)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @115
+ location (651, 1481)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 259
+ label "Called on EOF")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 319
+ height 131)
+ (object AttachView "" @116
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @115
+ supplier @113
+ line_style 0)
+ (object NoteView @117
+ location (1579, 1199)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @117
+ location (1223, 924)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 13
+ max_width 677
+ label
+|The TZ sources are parsed following a DOM parsing pattern. CTzScanner invokes methods on CTzDocument to create elements or attributes as it finds them.
+|The generated tree of nodes is owned by CTzDocument, and CTzScanner has no knowledge of it at all.
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 737
+ height 563)
+ (object InterMessView "" @118
+ location (0, 764)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @119
+ Parent_View @118
+ location (753, 720)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ quidu "410F61CB0265"
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 313
+ justify 0
+ label "AddChildElement"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 1)
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @103
+ supplier @96
+ Focus_Src @104
+ Focus_Entry @99
+ origin (1064, 764)
+ terminus (442, 764)
+ ordinal 2)))))
+ (object Class_Category "3. TZ Compiler_Linking"
+ quid "40EE664C026E"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
+ statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
+ quid "40EE666000A0"
+ states (list States
+ (object ActivityState "Go to next StdTimeAlignment"
+ quid "40EE667D039B"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE66BB0141"
+ label ""
+ supplier "End Linking"
+ quidu "40EE66810170"
+ condition "no more Time Alignments"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE66BB0144"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE671E009A"
+ supplier "Access RuleSet for Time Alignment"
+ quidu "40EE668203DE"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE671E009D"))))
+ (object State "Start Linking"
+ quid "40EE667F0254"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE68CD02F2"
+ supplier "Go to next StdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40EE667D039B"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE68CD02F5")))
+ type "StartState")
+ (object State "End Linking"
+ quid "40EE66810170"
+ type "EndState")
+ (object ActivityState "Access RuleSet for Time Alignment"
+ quid "40EE668203DE"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6720004C"
+ supplier "Go to next RuleUse in RuleSet"
+ quidu "40EE668402B5"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6720004F"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Go to next RuleUse in RuleSet"
+ quid "40EE668402B5"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE67220103"
+ supplier "$UNNAMED$152"
+ quidu "40EE671703BB"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE67220106"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE67CB039B"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Go to next StdTimeAlignment"
+ quidu "40EE667D039B"
+ condition "no more RuleUses in RuleSet"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE67CB039E"))))
+ (object Decision "$UNNAMED$152"
+ quid "40EE671703BB"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE673A011C"
+ supplier "Go to next RuleUse in RuleSet"
+ quidu "40EE668402B5"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE673A011F"))
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE67760104"
+ label ""
+ supplier "Combine TimeAlignment.TimeZoneFormat with RuleUse.Letter"
+ quidu "40EE67530050"
+ condition "RuleUse period intersects with Time Alignment period"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE67760107"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Combine TimeAlignment.TimeZoneFormat with RuleUse.Letter"
+ quid "40EE67530050"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE683603D1"
+ supplier "Go to next RuleUse in RuleSet"
+ quidu "40EE668402B5"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE683603D4")))))
+ partitions (list Partitions)
+ statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
+ (object ActivityDiagram "TZ Compiler_Linking_Activities"
+ quid "40EE666000AA"
+ title "TZ Compiler_Linking_Activities"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object Swimlane "" @120
+ line_color 3342489
+ width 450)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Go to next StdTimeAlignment" @121
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (1247, 989)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @121
+ location (1247, 974)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 362
+ justify 0
+ label "Go to next StdTimeAlignment")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE667D039B"
+ width 492
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object StateView "StartState" "Start Linking" @122
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (1246, 667)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @122
+ location (1288, 637)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "Start Linking")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE667F0254"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @123
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE68CD02F2"
+ client @122
+ supplier @121
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "EndState" "End Linking" @124
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (2248, 1592)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @124
+ location (2302, 1550)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "End Linking")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE66810170"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @125
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @126
+ Parent_View @125
+ location (2170, 943)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 542
+ justify 0
+ label "[ no more Time Alignments ]"
+ pctDist 0.500000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE66BB0141"
+ client @121
+ supplier @124
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1473, 988)
+ (2245, 987)
+ (2247, 1549))
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Access RuleSet for Time Alignment" @127
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (1252, 1326)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @127
+ location (1252, 1311)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 390
+ justify 0
+ label "Access RuleSet for Time Alignment")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE668203DE"
+ width 520
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @128
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE671E009A"
+ client @121
+ supplier @127
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Go to next RuleUse in RuleSet" @129
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (1252, 1692)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @129
+ location (1252, 1677)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 376
+ justify 0
+ label "Go to next RuleUse in RuleSet")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE668402B5"
+ width 506
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @130
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6720004C"
+ client @127
+ supplier @129
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @131
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @132
+ Parent_View @131
+ location (788, 1551)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 595
+ justify 0
+ label "[ no more RuleUses in RuleSet ]"
+ pctDist 0.293436
+ height 64
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE67CB039B"
+ client @129
+ supplier @121
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1020, 1689)
+ (852, 1687)
+ (852, 987)
+ (1020, 987))
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object DecisionView "$UNNAMED$152" @133
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (1248, 1956)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE671703BB"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @134
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE67220103"
+ client @129
+ supplier @133
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @135
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE673A011C"
+ client @133
+ supplier @129
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1173, 1956)
+ (1043, 1956)
+ (1046, 1856)
+ (1159, 1765))
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Combine TimeAlignment.TimeZoneFormat with RuleUse.Letter" @136
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (1250, 2351)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @136
+ location (1250, 2336)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 814
+ justify 0
+ label "Combine TimeAlignment.TimeZoneFormat with RuleUse.Letter")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE67530050"
+ width 944
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @137
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @138
+ Parent_View @137
+ location (1266, 2118)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 1028
+ justify 0
+ label "[ RuleUse period intersects with Time Alignment period ]"
+ pctDist 0.306847
+ height 19
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE67760104"
+ client @133
+ supplier @136
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @139
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE683603D1"
+ client @136
+ supplier @129
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1646, 2351)
+ (1922, 2351)
+ (1925, 1694)
+ (1483, 1692))
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object NoteView @140
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (426, 1109)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @140
+ location (89, 781)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 13
+ max_width 639
+ label
+|In reality, the decision to stop iterating can be done with more intelligence so that there is no need to iterate through all RuleUses:
+|Assuming that, within a RuleSet, the RuleUses are sorted by date (by their start year), the linker can stop iterating when the start date of a RuleUse is after the end date of the Time Alignment.
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 699
+ height 668)
+ (object AttachView "" @141
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @140
+ supplier @131
+ line_style 0)
+ (object NoteView @142
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (1944, 309)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @142
+ location (1500, 46)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 10
+ max_width 853
+ label
+|In our data model, the StdTimeAlignment objects contain a collection of all TimeZone names used in that zone during that period. To achieve this, the TimeZone Format, as extracted from the TZ files, must be combined with the TimeZone name variations indicated by the various DST rules that apply during the time alignment. For example, "CE%sT" would combine to form the names "CET", "CEST".
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 913
+ height 538)
+ (object NoteView @143
+ Parent_View @120
+ location (428, 153)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @143
+ location (87, 69)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 3
+ max_width 647
+ label "This activity model is implemented by CTzDocument::Link().")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 707
+ height 181)))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
+ (object Class_Category "4. TZ Compiler_Externalizing"
+ quid "40EE6A96014B"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
+ statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model2"
+ quid "40EE6AAD0049"
+ states (list States
+ (object ActivityState "Externalize Strings"
+ quid "40EE6ACD0172"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BB6019F"
+ supplier "Externalize Rule Definitions"
+ quidu "40EE6AD000B8"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BB601A2"))))
+ (object State "Start Externalizing"
+ quid "40EE6ACE0278"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BB40305"
+ supplier "Externalize Strings"
+ quidu "40EE6ACD0172"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BB40308")))
+ type "StartState")
+ (object ActivityState "Externalize Rule Definitions"
+ quid "40EE6AD000B8"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BB70345"
+ supplier "Externalize RuleSets (incl. RuleUses)"
+ quidu "40EE6AD100E1"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BB70348"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Externalize RuleSets (incl. RuleUses)"
+ quid "40EE6AD100E1"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BB902D0"
+ supplier "Externalize StdTimeAlignments"
+ quidu "40EE6AD20133"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BB902D3"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Externalize StdTimeAlignments"
+ quid "40EE6AD20133"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BBB020A"
+ supplier "Externalize Zones"
+ quidu "40EE6AD301F3"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BBB020D"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Externalize Zones"
+ quid "40EE6AD301F3"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BBD01EF"
+ supplier "Externalize RegionalZonesIndex"
+ quidu "40EE6AD402D0"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BBD01F2"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Externalize RegionalZonesIndex"
+ quid "40EE6AD402D0"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BC103C2"
+ supplier "Externalize Regions"
+ quidu "40EE6B190117"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BC103C5"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Externalize Regions"
+ quid "40EE6B190117"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BC30324"
+ supplier "Merge Partial Buffers into Data Buffer"
+ quidu "40EE6B3F0360"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BC30327"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Generate File Header"
+ quid "40EE6B27017B"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BC801C3"
+ supplier "Write Data Buffer to File"
+ quidu "40EE6B51015E"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BC801C6"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Merge Partial Buffers into Data Buffer"
+ quid "40EE6B3F0360"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BC50395"
+ supplier "Generate File Header"
+ quidu "40EE6B27017B"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BC50398"))))
+ (object ActivityState "Write Data Buffer to File"
+ quid "40EE6B51015E"
+ transitions (list transition_list
+ (object State_Transition
+ quid "40EE6BCF02DB"
+ supplier "End Externalizing"
+ quidu "40EE6BCB03D0"
+ sendEvent (object sendEvent
+ quid "40EE6BCF02DE"))))
+ (object State "End Externalizing"
+ quid "40EE6BCB03D0"
+ type "EndState"))
+ partitions (list Partitions)
+ statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
+ (object ActivityDiagram "TZ Compiler_Externalizing_Activities"
+ quid "40EE6AAD0053"
+ title "TZ Compiler_Externalizing_Activities"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object Swimlane "" @144
+ line_color 3342489
+ width 450)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Externalize Strings" @145
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 349)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @145
+ location (1034, 343)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Externalize Strings")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6ACD0172"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object StateView "StartState" "Start Externalizing" @146
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1033, 108)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @146
+ location (1075, 78)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "Start Externalizing")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6ACE0278"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @147
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BB40305"
+ client @146
+ supplier @145
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Externalize Rule Definitions" @148
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 624)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @148
+ location (1034, 618)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Externalize Rule Definitions")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6AD000B8"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @149
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BB6019F"
+ client @145
+ supplier @148
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Externalize RuleSets (incl. RuleUses)" @150
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1036, 913)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @150
+ location (1036, 898)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 474
+ justify 0
+ label "Externalize RuleSets (incl. RuleUses)")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6AD100E1"
+ width 604
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @151
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BB70345"
+ client @148
+ supplier @150
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Externalize StdTimeAlignments" @152
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 1199)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @152
+ location (1034, 1184)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 374
+ justify 0
+ label "Externalize StdTimeAlignments")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6AD20133"
+ width 504
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @153
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BB902D0"
+ client @150
+ supplier @152
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Externalize Zones" @154
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 1482)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @154
+ location (1034, 1476)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Externalize Zones")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6AD301F3"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @155
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BBB020A"
+ client @152
+ supplier @154
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Externalize RegionalZonesIndex" @156
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 1765)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @156
+ location (1034, 1750)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 386
+ justify 0
+ label "Externalize RegionalZonesIndex")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6AD402D0"
+ width 516
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @157
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BBD01EF"
+ client @154
+ supplier @156
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Externalize Regions" @158
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 2048)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @158
+ location (1034, 2042)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Externalize Regions")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6B190117"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @159
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BC103C2"
+ client @156
+ supplier @158
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Generate File Header" @160
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 2614)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @160
+ location (1034, 2608)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Generate File Header")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6B27017B"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Merge Partial Buffers into Data Buffer" @161
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 2331)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @161
+ location (1034, 2316)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 398
+ justify 0
+ label "Merge Partial Buffers into Data Buffer")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6B3F0360"
+ width 528
+ height 142
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @162
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BC30324"
+ client @158
+ supplier @161
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object TransView "" @163
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BC50395"
+ client @161
+ supplier @160
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object ActivityStateView "Write Data Buffer to File" @164
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 2888)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @164
+ location (1034, 2882)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 293
+ justify 0
+ label "Write Data Buffer to File")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40EE6B51015E"
+ width 411
+ height 124
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @165
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BC801C3"
+ client @160
+ supplier @164
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object StateView "EndState" "End Externalizing" @166
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1034, 3142)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @166
+ location (1088, 3100)
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 600
+ label "End Externalizing")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BCB03D0"
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object TransView "" @167
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40EE6BCF02DB"
+ client @164
+ supplier @166
+ line_style 0
+ x_offset FALSE)
+ (object NoteView @168
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1915, 409)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @168
+ location (1577, 225)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 7
+ max_width 640
+ label
+|Strings include:
+|- Region names
+|- Zone names
+|- TimeZoneFormat names
+|- TimeZone names
+|- Rule Letter(s)
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 700
+ height 381)
+ (object AttachView "" @169
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @168
+ supplier @145
+ line_style 0)
+ (object NoteView @170
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (371, 325)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @170
+ location (40, 63)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 10
+ max_width 627
+ label "The order in which the collections are externalized is determined by the references existing between the different entities. These references have to be converted to offsets indicating actual relative positions in a buffer. Consequently, a referenced entity must be written before its referencing entity.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 687
+ height 537)
+ (object NoteView @171
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1928, 2361)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @171
+ location (1574, 2242)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 4
+ max_width 672
+ label "The file header will contain the start file positions of all the different data sections.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 732
+ height 250)
+ (object AttachView "" @172
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @171
+ supplier @160
+ line_style 0)
+ (object NoteView @173
+ Parent_View @144
+ location (1926, 1188)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @173
+ location (1573, 747)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 17
+ max_width 671
+ label
+|Each externalizing stage has two output elements:
+|1) A "partial" buffer containing the collection of externalized entities (plus extra information such as number of entities, etc.), as specified in the Persistent Database Format document.
+|2) A table that links the internal entity IDs with offsets (position of an entity with respect to the start of the partial buffer). When, later on, a referencing entity is externalized, it will access this table to get the offset to its referenced entity.
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 731
+ height 895)))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
+ (object Class_Category "5. Class Diagram"
+ quid "417E505A01A6"
+ exportControl "Public"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
+ (object ClassDiagram "1. TZ Database Compiling - Design"
+ quid "41051EA500E6"
+ title "1. TZ Database Compiling - Design"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MCompiler" @174
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (269, 216)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @174
+ location (134, 78)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 270
+ justify 0
+ label "MCompiler")
+ stereotype (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @174
+ location (134, 31)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 10
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 270
+ justify 0
+ label "<<Interface>>")
+ icon "Interface"
+ icon_style "Label"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41051AAA023D"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @174
+ location (134, 184)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 4
+ max_width 190)
+ width 288
+ height 394
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object NoteView @175
+ location (1228, 168)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @175
+ location (590, 12)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 6
+ max_width 1240
+ label
+|TZ Compiling is designed around a Builder pattern and a simplified DOM-Parser paradigm.
+|CTzCompiler directs the building - which includes scanning a number of files, assembling (parsing) the scanning data into TZ database structures and establishing the links between the structures.
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 1300
+ height 325)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzAttribute" @176
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1070, 2584)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @176
+ location (941, 2533)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 258
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzAttribute")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410A3A600051"
+ width 276
+ height 126
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object NoteView @177
+ location (600, 2800)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @177
+ location (321, 2691)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 4
+ max_width 522
+ label "holds the Node's token-value.")
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 582
+ height 231)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MDocument" @178
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1328, 1637)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @178
+ location (1087, 1434)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 482
+ justify 0
+ label "MDocument")
+ stereotype (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @178
+ location (1087, 1384)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 10
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 482
+ justify 0
+ label "<<Interface>>")
+ icon "Interface"
+ icon_style "Label"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41051ACA0182"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @178
+ location (1087, 1537)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 6
+ max_width 481)
+ width 500
+ height 531
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpScanner" @179
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2056, 1872)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @179
+ location (1865, 1759)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 382
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpScanner")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40F4091E002A"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @179
+ location (1865, 1863)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 381)
+ width 400
+ height 250
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "adds scanned data to" @180
+ location (1878, 1552)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @181
+ Parent_View @180
+ location (1802, 1493)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10
+ italics TRUE)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 401
+ justify 0
+ label "adds scanned data to"
+ pctDist -0.783333
+ height 60
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051AFE02CA"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$75" @182
+ Parent_View @180
+ location (-866, -901)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051AFF0059"
+ client @180
+ supplier @178
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1878, 1552)
+ terminal_attachment (1578, 1552))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$76" @183
+ Parent_View @180
+ location (-866, -901)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051AFF005A"
+ client @180
+ supplier @179
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1878, 1552)
+ (1984, 1552)
+ (1984, 1747))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1878, 1552)
+ terminal_attachment (1984, 1747))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCompiler" @184
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1344, 528)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @184
+ location (1200, 421)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 288
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCompiler")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41051CE800D6"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @184
+ location (1200, 526)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 231)
+ width 306
+ height 238
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "supplies" @185
+ location (2100, 803)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @186
+ Parent_View @185
+ location (2003, 620)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10
+ italics TRUE)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 148
+ justify 0
+ label "supplies"
+ pctDist -1.133333
+ height 184
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105207E029B"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$82" @187
+ Parent_View @185
+ location (791, 344)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105207F0163"
+ client @185
+ supplier @179
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2100, 803)
+ terminal_attachment (2103, 1779))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$83" @188
+ Parent_View @185
+ location (791, 344)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105207F0164"
+ client @185
+ supplier @184
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2100, 803)
+ (2100, 462)
+ (1497, 462))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2100, 803)
+ terminal_attachment (1497, 462))))
+ (object AttachView "" @189
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @175
+ supplier @184
+ line_style 0)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::MScanner" @190
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1643, 938)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @190
+ location (1511, 850)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 264
+ justify 0
+ label "MScanner")
+ stereotype (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @190
+ location (1511, 800)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 10
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 264
+ justify 0
+ label "<<Interface>>")
+ icon "Interface"
+ icon_style "Label"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41051AE20172"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @190
+ location (1511, 950)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 178)
+ width 282
+ height 300
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object InheritView "" @191
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051AF203C4"
+ client @179
+ supplier @190
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2041, 1747)
+ (2041, 876)
+ (1784, 876))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2041, 1747)
+ terminal_attachment (1784, 876))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzElement" @192
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (523, 1703)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @192
+ location (397, 1652)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 252
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzElement")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410A3A3800EC"
+ width 270
+ height 126
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument" @193
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (698, 897)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @193
+ location (461, 591)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 474
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpDocument")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @193
+ location (461, 696)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 11
+ max_width 481)
+ width 492
+ height 636
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "directs building in" @194
+ location (1198, 774)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @195
+ Parent_View @194
+ location (1142, 730)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10
+ italics TRUE)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 311
+ justify 0
+ label "directs building in"
+ pctDist -0.450000
+ height 45
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105273901B1"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$84" @196
+ Parent_View @194
+ location (901, 187)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105273901B2"
+ client @194
+ supplier @193
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1198, 774)
+ terminal_attachment (944, 774))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$85" @197
+ Parent_View @194
+ location (901, 187)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105273901B3"
+ client @194
+ supplier @184
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1198, 774)
+ (1325, 774)
+ (1325, 647))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1198, 774)
+ terminal_attachment (1325, 647))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "stores scanned data in" @198
+ location (822, 1529)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @199
+ Parent_View @198
+ location (814, 1491)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10
+ italics TRUE)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 426
+ justify 0
+ label "stores scanned data in"
+ pctDist 0.366667
+ height 39
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105273F026C"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iRoot" @200
+ Parent_View @198
+ location (22, 826)
+ label (object SegLabel @201
+ Parent_View @200
+ location (756, 1643)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 108
+ justify 0
+ label "-iRoot"
+ pctDist 0.686469
+ height 37
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105273F026E"
+ client @198
+ supplier @192
+ vertices (list Points
+ (822, 1529)
+ (822, 1679)
+ (658, 1679))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (822, 1529)
+ terminal_attachment (658, 1679))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$86" @202
+ Parent_View @198
+ location (22, 826)
+ label (object SegLabel @203
+ Parent_View @202
+ location (781, 1278)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105273F026D"
+ client @198
+ supplier @193
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (822, 1529)
+ terminal_attachment (822, 1214))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "delegates scanning to" @204
+ location (1223, 941)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object SegLabel @205
+ Parent_View @204
+ location (1226, 898)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10
+ italics TRUE)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 398
+ justify 0
+ label "delegates scanning to"
+ pctDist 0.550000
+ height 44
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051FA7023D"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$81" @206
+ Parent_View @204
+ location (-575, -1503)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051FA7023F"
+ client @204
+ supplier @190
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1223, 941)
+ terminal_attachment (1502, 941))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$80" @207
+ Parent_View @204
+ location (-575, -1503)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051FA7023E"
+ client @204
+ supplier @193
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1223, 941)
+ terminal_attachment (944, 941))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$108" @208
+ location (203, 1285)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F6EA3036A"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iOpenedElement" @209
+ Parent_View @208
+ location (-630, 263)
+ label (object SegLabel @210
+ Parent_View @209
+ location (158, 1580)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 314
+ justify 0
+ label "-iOpenedElement"
+ pctDist 0.524911
+ height 45
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F6EA401D4"
+ client @208
+ supplier @192
+ vertices (list Points
+ (203, 1285)
+ (203, 1661)
+ (388, 1661))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (203, 1285)
+ terminal_attachment (388, 1661))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$109" @211
+ Parent_View @208
+ location (-630, 263)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F6EA401E3"
+ client @208
+ supplier @193
+ vertices (list Points
+ (203, 1285)
+ (203, 972)
+ (452, 972))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (203, 1285)
+ terminal_attachment (452, 972))))
+ (object InheritView "" @212
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41051F8D0347"
+ client @193
+ supplier @174
+ vertices (list Points
+ (452, 679)
+ (222, 679)
+ (222, 413))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (452, 679)
+ terminal_attachment (222, 413))
+ (object InheritView "" @213
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410521B90088"
+ client @193
+ supplier @178
+ vertices (list Points
+ (944, 1084)
+ (1291, 1084)
+ (1291, 1372))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (944, 1084)
+ terminal_attachment (1291, 1372))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::String" @214
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (172, 2534)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @214
+ location (91, 2486)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 162
+ justify 0
+ label "String")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "414001810380"
+ height 118
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CNode" @215
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (397, 2175)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @215
+ location (90, 2068)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 614
+ justify 0
+ label "CNode")
+ stereotype (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @215
+ location (90, 2018)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 10
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 614
+ justify 0
+ label "<<abstract>>")
+ icon_style "Label"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40F406D6032E"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @215
+ location (90, 2172)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 3
+ max_width 612)
+ width 632
+ height 338
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$110" @216
+ location (774, 2500)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F6F960050"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iParent" @217
+ Parent_View @216
+ location (409, 359)
+ label (object SegLabel @218
+ Parent_View @217
+ location (554, 2442)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 165
+ justify 0
+ label "+iParent"
+ pctDist 0.787554
+ height 79
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F6F9B02E0"
+ client @216
+ supplier @215
+ vertices (list Points
+ (774, 2500)
+ (475, 2500)
+ (475, 2344))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (774, 2500)
+ terminal_attachment (475, 2344)
+ label (object SegLabel @219
+ Parent_View @217
+ location (511, 2392)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1"
+ pctDist 0.894850
+ height 36
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$111" @220
+ Parent_View @216
+ location (409, 359)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F6F9B02E1"
+ client @216
+ supplier @215
+ vertices (list Points
+ (774, 2500)
+ (854, 2500)
+ (854, 2265)
+ (713, 2265))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (774, 2500)
+ terminal_attachment (713, 2265))))
+ (object InheritView "" @221
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410A3A9802D2"
+ client @176
+ supplier @215
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1087, 2521)
+ (1087, 2162)
+ (713, 2162))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1087, 2521)
+ terminal_attachment (713, 2162))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$102" @222
+ location (184, 1722)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410A3A7102A3"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iChild" @223
+ Parent_View @222
+ location (-357, 75)
+ label (object SegLabel @224
+ Parent_View @223
+ location (201, 1807)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 140
+ justify 0
+ label "+iChild"
+ pctDist 0.424749
+ height 77
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410A3A7102A5"
+ client @222
+ supplier @215
+ vertices (list Points
+ (184, 1722)
+ (124, 1722)
+ (124, 2006))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (184, 1722)
+ terminal_attachment (124, 2006)
+ label (object SegLabel @225
+ Parent_View @223
+ location (181, 1910)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "0..*"
+ pctDist 0.724490
+ height 57
+ orientation 0))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$103" @226
+ Parent_View @222
+ location (-357, 75)
+ label (object SegLabel @227
+ Parent_View @226
+ location (347, 1764)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410A3A7102A4"
+ client @222
+ supplier @192
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (184, 1722)
+ terminal_attachment (388, 1722)
+ label (object SegLabel @228
+ Parent_View @226
+ location (310, 1704)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1"
+ pctDist 0.620853
+ height 19
+ orientation 0))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$104" @229
+ location (913, 1876)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F4AAE02E4"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iAttribute" @230
+ Parent_View @229
+ location (540, -358)
+ label (object SegLabel @231
+ Parent_View @230
+ location (1010, 2053)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 185
+ justify 0
+ label "+iAttribute"
+ pctDist 0.454054
+ height 97
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F4AAF01BC"
+ client @229
+ supplier @215
+ vertices (list Points
+ (913, 1876)
+ (913, 2067)
+ (713, 2067))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (913, 1876)
+ terminal_attachment (713, 2067)
+ label (object SegLabel @232
+ Parent_View @230
+ location (791, 2023)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "0..*"
+ pctDist 0.801546
+ height 45
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$105" @233
+ Parent_View @229
+ location (540, -358)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F4AAF01BD"
+ client @229
+ supplier @192
+ vertices (list Points
+ (913, 1876)
+ (913, 1740)
+ (658, 1740))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (913, 1876)
+ terminal_attachment (658, 1740))))
+ (object InheritView "" @234
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410A3A8D01F7"
+ client @192
+ supplier @215
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (416, 1766)
+ terminal_attachment (416, 2005))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$106" @235
+ location (184, 2409)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F4E2803BB"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iValue" @236
+ Parent_View @235
+ location (-238, 647)
+ label (object SegLabel @237
+ Parent_View @236
+ location (264, 2435)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 140
+ justify 0
+ label "+iValue"
+ pctDist 0.411765
+ height 80
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F4E290254"
+ client @235
+ supplier @214
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (184, 2409)
+ terminal_attachment (184, 2475))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$107" @238
+ Parent_View @235
+ location (-238, 647)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410F4E290255"
+ client @235
+ supplier @215
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (184, 2409)
+ terminal_attachment (184, 2344))))
+ (object AttachView "" @239
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @177
+ supplier @214
+ line_style 0)))
+ (object ClassDiagram "2. TZ Compiler Document Part 1 - Design"
+ quid "40FFE4B203C7"
+ title "2. TZ Compiler Document Part 1 - Design"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 281
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper" @240
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ ShowOperationSignature TRUE
+ location (274, 1006)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @240
+ location (28, 947)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 492
+ justify 0
+ label "CPersistedEntityWrapper")
+ stereotype (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @240
+ location (28, 897)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 10
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 492
+ justify 0
+ label "<<abstract>>")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @240
+ location (28, 1052)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 250)
+ width 510
+ height 242
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object NoteView @241
+ location (1287, 437)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @241
+ location (621, 190)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 11
+ max_width 1296
+ label
+|CPersistedTzEntityWrapper is an abstract base wrapper class for all the entities. Each specialised wrapper class will be responsible for the behaviour of a persisted entity - Assembling, Linking and Persisting.
+|TInt16 iOffset; // holds a reference to the entity in the database
+|Assemble(CNode&...); // builds iPersistedEntity in the subclass
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 1356
+ height 506)
+ (object NoteView @242
+ location (1418, 4066)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @242
+ location (364, 3597)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 20
+ max_width 2072
+ label
+|CTZCprZone::Externalise(..) will first wrap TZone::iPersistedEntity with a TPkg<TZone> then externalise this.
+|After persisting TZone::iPersistedEntity, CTZCompilerZone must also persist each CTZCpStdAlignments::iOffset in the iStdAlignments collection. Because these offsets are put immediately after TZone::iPersistedEntity they become extension of TZone::iOffsetsToStdTimeAlignments[1].
+|Although the use of TPkg<TZone> takes care of the alignment between the struct members, we have to take care of alignment between one entity and the next.
+|Since we are using the storage in a memory mapped direct access way, we have to make sure every entity is aligned correctly. To save space a compiler may be configured to align on 8 bits. But we cannot know that. Its safer to go or 16 or 32 bits alignment between entities.
+|If we assume32 bit then the size of any entity must be to the nearest 32-bit value. This means we must pad the externalisation to achieve this. For TZone it will be its size plus the size of all the iOffsetsToStdTimeAlignments rounded up to the nearest 32 bit.
+ )
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ width 2132
+ height 950)
+ (object AttachView "" @243
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ client @241
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (608, 550)
+ (209, 550)
+ (209, 885))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (608, 550)
+ terminal_attachment (209, 885))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRegionalZonesIndex" @244
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1747, 3253)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @244
+ location (1538, 3181)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 418
+ justify 0
+ label "TRegionalZonesIndex")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E1906C010C"
+ width 436
+ height 168
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionalZonesIndex" @245
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (773, 3293)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @245
+ location (386, 3212)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 774
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRegionalZonesIndex")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE5910014"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @245
+ location (386, 3317)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 781)
+ width 792
+ height 186
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$26" @246
+ location (1349, 3263)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108DE0167"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$27" @247
+ Parent_View @246
+ location (-379, 372)
+ label (object SegLabel @248
+ Parent_View @247
+ location (1205, 3222)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108DF01B9"
+ client @246
+ supplier @245
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1349, 3263)
+ terminal_attachment (1169, 3263))
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @249
+ Parent_View @246
+ location (-379, 372)
+ label (object SegLabel @250
+ Parent_View @249
+ location (1379, 3230)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 319
+ justify 0
+ label "+iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.165788
+ height 34
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108DF01AF"
+ client @246
+ supplier @244
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1349, 3263)
+ terminal_attachment (1529, 3263))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRegion" @251
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1823, 2997)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @251
+ location (1700, 2925)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 246
+ justify 0
+ label "TRegion")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E175D902B9"
+ width 264
+ height 168
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TZonesDataTable" @252
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1452, 1187)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @252
+ location (1273, 1115)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 358
+ justify 0
+ label "TZonesDataTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E143B101DE"
+ width 376
+ height 168
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegion" @253
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (853, 2919)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @253
+ location (591, 2838)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 524
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRegion")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE5A202C3"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @253
+ location (591, 2941)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 531)
+ width 542
+ height 186
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$67" @254
+ location (853, 3105)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410132D8003F"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$68" @255
+ Parent_View @254
+ location (-590, 1111)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410132D8020B"
+ client @254
+ supplier @245
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (853, 3105)
+ terminal_attachment (853, 3199)
+ label (object SegLabel @256
+ Parent_View @255
+ location (889, 3133)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1"
+ pctDist 0.308511
+ height 36
+ orientation 0))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$69" @257
+ Parent_View @254
+ location (-590, 1111)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410132D80216"
+ client @254
+ supplier @253
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (853, 3105)
+ terminal_attachment (853, 3012))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$28" @258
+ location (1407, 2969)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E30006"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$29" @259
+ Parent_View @258
+ location (-268, 447)
+ label (object SegLabel @260
+ Parent_View @259
+ location (1182, 2928)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E3010A"
+ client @258
+ supplier @253
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1407, 2969)
+ terminal_attachment (1124, 2969))
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @261
+ Parent_View @258
+ location (-268, 447)
+ label (object SegLabel @262
+ Parent_View @261
+ location (1517, 2940)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.392308
+ height 30
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E30100"
+ client @258
+ supplier @251
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1407, 2969)
+ terminal_attachment (1691, 2969))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRegionsTable" @263
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1700, 2753)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @263
+ location (1550, 2681)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 300
+ justify 0
+ label "TRegionsTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E175950095"
+ width 318
+ height 168
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TZone" @264
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1988, 1524)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @264
+ location (1865, 1452)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 246
+ justify 0
+ label "TZone")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E13DFF01DB"
+ width 264
+ height 168
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZonesTable" @265
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2418, 900)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @265
+ location (2112, 753)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 613
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpZonesTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41012005016C"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @265
+ location (2112, 858)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 4
+ max_width 612)
+ width 631
+ height 319
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$93" @266
+ location (2017, 1235)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052ECC003A"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @267
+ Parent_View @266
+ location (-424, 676)
+ label (object SegLabel @268
+ Parent_View @267
+ location (1810, 1198)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.551471
+ height 38
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052ECC01D0"
+ client @266
+ supplier @252
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2017, 1235)
+ terminal_attachment (1640, 1235))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$94" @269
+ Parent_View @266
+ location (-424, 676)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052ECC01E0"
+ client @266
+ supplier @265
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2017, 1235)
+ (2219, 1235)
+ (2219, 1059))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2017, 1235)
+ terminal_attachment (2219, 1059))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRegionsTable" @270
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (790, 2559)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @270
+ location (584, 2437)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 413
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRegionsTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41012C40023C"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @270
+ location (584, 2540)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 3
+ max_width 281)
+ width 431
+ height 269
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$54" @271
+ location (747, 2759)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012C680368"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$55" @272
+ Parent_View @271
+ location (-699, 1323)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012C69008F"
+ client @271
+ supplier @253
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (747, 2759)
+ terminal_attachment (747, 2826)
+ label (object SegLabel @273
+ Parent_View @272
+ location (795, 2778)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1..*"
+ pctDist 0.288462
+ height 48
+ orientation 0))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$56" @274
+ Parent_View @271
+ location (-699, 1323)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012C69009A"
+ client @271
+ supplier @270
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (747, 2759)
+ terminal_attachment (747, 2693))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$91" @275
+ location (1160, 2761)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052C670337"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @276
+ Parent_View @275
+ location (149, 774)
+ label (object SegLabel @277
+ Parent_View @276
+ location (1363, 2705)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.534091
+ height 57
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052C6801A1"
+ client @275
+ supplier @263
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1160, 2761)
+ terminal_attachment (1541, 2761))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$92" @278
+ Parent_View @275
+ location (149, 774)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052C6801C0"
+ client @275
+ supplier @270
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1160, 2761)
+ (847, 2761)
+ (847, 2693))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1160, 2761)
+ terminal_attachment (847, 2693))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpZone" @279
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (915, 1397)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @279
+ location (668, 1219)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 495
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpZone")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE4E60004"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @279
+ location (668, 1323)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 5
+ max_width 487)
+ width 513
+ height 381
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @280
+ location (1513, 1438)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE52103D8"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @281
+ Parent_View @280
+ location (934, 429)
+ label (object SegLabel @282
+ Parent_View @281
+ location (1675, 1401)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.474006
+ height 38
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE5220162"
+ client @280
+ supplier @264
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1513, 1438)
+ terminal_attachment (1856, 1438)
+ label (object SegLabel @283
+ Parent_View @281
+ location (1821, 1492)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1"
+ pctDist 0.900000
+ height 54
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @284
+ Parent_View @280
+ location (934, 429)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE522016C"
+ client @280
+ supplier @279
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1513, 1438)
+ terminal_attachment (1171, 1438))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$44" @285
+ location (1269, 864)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012A090301"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iZones" @286
+ Parent_View @285
+ location (-144, 292)
+ label (object SegLabel @287
+ Parent_View @286
+ location (683, 1140)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 144
+ justify 0
+ label "+iZones"
+ pctDist 0.919455
+ height 96
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012A0A03B7"
+ client @285
+ supplier @279
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1269, 864)
+ (778, 864)
+ (778, 1207))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1269, 864)
+ terminal_attachment (778, 1207)
+ label (object SegLabel @288
+ Parent_View @286
+ location (833, 1146)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1..*"
+ pctDist 0.928398
+ height 55
+ orientation 0))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$45" @289
+ Parent_View @285
+ location (-144, 292)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012A0A03C1"
+ client @285
+ supplier @265
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1269, 864)
+ terminal_attachment (2103, 864))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TStdTimeAlignment" @290
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (2046, 1793)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @290
+ location (1851, 1721)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 390
+ justify 0
+ label "TStdTimeAlignment")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E143EC028A"
+ width 408
+ height 168
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument" @291
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2326, 3089)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @291
+ location (2089, 2783)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 474
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpDocument")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @291
+ location (2089, 2886)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 11
+ max_width 481)
+ width 492
+ height 636
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$8" @292
+ location (2406, 1914)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6AE021A"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$9" @293
+ Parent_View @292
+ location (944, 1320)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6B40006"
+ client @292
+ supplier @265
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2406, 1914)
+ terminal_attachment (2406, 1059))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$10" @294
+ Parent_View @292
+ location (944, 1320)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6B40008"
+ client @292
+ supplier @291
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2406, 1914)
+ terminal_attachment (2406, 2770))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$11" @295
+ location (1792, 2507)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6B6010D"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$12" @296
+ Parent_View @295
+ location (330, 1913)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6B80034"
+ client @295
+ supplier @270
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1792, 2507)
+ terminal_attachment (1005, 2507))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$13" @297
+ Parent_View @295
+ location (330, 1913)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6B8003E"
+ client @295
+ supplier @291
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1792, 2507)
+ (2316, 2507)
+ (2316, 2771))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1792, 2507)
+ terminal_attachment (2316, 2771))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignment" @298
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (909, 1850)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @298
+ location (543, 1703)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 732
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpStdTimeAlignment")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE5B002E2"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @298
+ location (543, 1808)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 4
+ max_width 737)
+ width 750
+ height 319
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$64" @299
+ location (775, 1638)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4101318B0043"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$65" @300
+ Parent_View @299
+ location (-629, 1026)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4101318B01C0"
+ client @299
+ supplier @298
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (775, 1638)
+ terminal_attachment (777, 1706)
+ label (object SegLabel @301
+ Parent_View @300
+ location (721, 1662)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1..*"
+ pctDist 0.460870
+ height 55
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$66" @302
+ Parent_View @299
+ location (-629, 1026)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4101318B01D4"
+ client @299
+ supplier @279
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (775, 1638)
+ terminal_attachment (775, 1586))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$36" @303
+ location (1563, 1785)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108EF0108"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$37" @304
+ Parent_View @303
+ location (-384, 341)
+ label (object SegLabel @305
+ Parent_View @304
+ location (1341, 1744)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108EF023F"
+ client @303
+ supplier @298
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1563, 1785)
+ terminal_attachment (1284, 1785))
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @306
+ Parent_View @303
+ location (-384, 341)
+ label (object SegLabel @307
+ Parent_View @306
+ location (1648, 1751)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.308642
+ height 35
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108EF0235"
+ client @303
+ supplier @290
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1563, 1785)
+ terminal_attachment (1842, 1785))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TStdTimeAlignmentsData" @308
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (2016, 2087)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @308
+ location (1771, 2015)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 490
+ justify 0
+ label "TStdTimeAlignmentsData")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E13E0A0006"
+ width 508
+ height 168
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable" @309
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (853, 2256)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @309
+ location (543, 2156)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 620
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410120610227"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @309
+ location (543, 2261)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 487)
+ width 638
+ height 225
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$38" @310
+ location (2043, 2210)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012085016C"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$40" @311
+ Parent_View @310
+ location (1067, 460)
+ label (object SegLabel @312
+ Parent_View @311
+ location (2312, 2597)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410120850393"
+ client @310
+ supplier @291
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2043, 2210)
+ (2353, 2210)
+ (2353, 2771))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2043, 2210)
+ terminal_attachment (2353, 2771))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$39" @313
+ Parent_View @310
+ location (1067, 460)
+ label (object SegLabel @314
+ Parent_View @313
+ location (1347, 2252)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410120850389"
+ client @310
+ supplier @309
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2043, 2210)
+ terminal_attachment (1172, 2210))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$41" @315
+ location (775, 2076)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410120BD0151"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$43" @316
+ Parent_View @315
+ location (-257, 681)
+ label (object SegLabel @317
+ Parent_View @316
+ location (734, 2129)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410120BF0245"
+ client @315
+ supplier @309
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (775, 2076)
+ terminal_attachment (775, 2143))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$42" @318
+ Parent_View @315
+ location (-257, 681)
+ label (object SegLabel @319
+ Parent_View @318
+ location (734, 2023)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410120BF023B"
+ client @315
+ supplier @298
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (775, 2076)
+ terminal_attachment (775, 2009)
+ label (object SegLabel @320
+ Parent_View @318
+ location (817, 2040)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "0..*"
+ pctDist 0.536082
+ height 42
+ orientation 1))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$95" @321
+ location (1346, 2071)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410530A10347"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @322
+ Parent_View @321
+ location (369, 218)
+ label (object SegLabel @323
+ Parent_View @322
+ location (1539, 2033)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.463659
+ height 39
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410530A201A1"
+ client @321
+ supplier @308
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1346, 2071)
+ terminal_attachment (1762, 2071))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$96" @324
+ Parent_View @321
+ location (369, 218)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410530A201B1"
+ client @321
+ supplier @309
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1346, 2071)
+ (1003, 2071)
+ (1003, 2144))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1346, 2071)
+ terminal_attachment (1003, 2144))))
+ (object Label @325
+ location (76, 56)
+ font (object Font
+ size 12)
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 1844
+ label "Set of Classes designed to Wrap the Persisted TZ Database Entities")
+ (object InheritView "" @326
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012A1702C6"
+ client @265
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2103, 770)
+ (391, 770)
+ (391, 885))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2103, 770)
+ terminal_attachment (391, 885))
+ (object InheritView "" @327
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE60D02E1"
+ client @245
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (377, 3250)
+ (141, 3250)
+ (141, 1127))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (377, 3250)
+ terminal_attachment (141, 1127))
+ (object InheritView "" @328
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE60702B0"
+ client @253
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (582, 2910)
+ (209, 2910)
+ (209, 1127))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (582, 2910)
+ terminal_attachment (209, 1127))
+ (object InheritView "" @329
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012CA60071"
+ client @270
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (575, 2518)
+ (263, 2518)
+ (263, 1127))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (575, 2518)
+ terminal_attachment (263, 1127))
+ (object InheritView "" @330
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410120A20256"
+ client @309
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (534, 2232)
+ (309, 2232)
+ (309, 1127))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (534, 2232)
+ terminal_attachment (309, 1127))
+ (object InheritView "" @331
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6160262"
+ client @298
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (534, 1818)
+ (374, 1818)
+ (374, 1127))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (534, 1818)
+ terminal_attachment (374, 1127))
+ (object InheritView "" @332
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE51D007E"
+ client @279
+ supplier @240
+ vertices (list Points
+ (659, 1353)
+ (428, 1353)
+ (428, 1127))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (659, 1353)
+ terminal_attachment (428, 1127))))
+ (object ClassDiagram "3. TZ Compiler Document Part 2 - Design"
+ quid "410532530078"
+ title "3. TZ Compiler Document Part 2 - Design"
+ zoom 100
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+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 431
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CPersistedEntityWrapper" @333
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ ShowOperationSignature TRUE
+ location (358, 435)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @333
+ location (112, 376)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 492
+ justify 0
+ label "CPersistedEntityWrapper")
+ stereotype (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @333
+ location (112, 326)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 10
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 492
+ justify 0
+ label "<<abstract>>")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
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+ quidu "40FFE4F602F7"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @333
+ location (112, 481)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 250)
+ width 510
+ height 242
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleUse" @334
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1659, 1649)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @334
+ location (1537, 1575)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 244
+ justify 0
+ label "TRuleUse")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E144A300E7"
+ width 262
+ height 172
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleDefinition" @335
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1790, 2449)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @335
+ location (1640, 2375)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 300
+ justify 0
+ label "TRuleDefinition")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E1450C0230"
+ width 318
+ height 172
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleUse" @336
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (675, 1609)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @336
+ location (515, 1534)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 320
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRuleUse")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE5C40061"
+ width 338
+ height 175
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$34" @337
+ location (1186, 1575)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108EB0261"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$35" @338
+ Parent_View @337
+ location (-495, -1803)
+ label (object SegLabel @339
+ Parent_View @338
+ location (913, 1617)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108EB03A1"
+ client @337
+ supplier @336
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1186, 1575)
+ terminal_attachment (844, 1575))
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @340
+ Parent_View @337
+ location (-495, -1803)
+ label (object SegLabel @341
+ Parent_View @340
+ location (1295, 1609)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.319559
+ height 34
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108EB0397"
+ client @337
+ supplier @334
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1186, 1575)
+ terminal_attachment (1528, 1575))))
+ (object InheritView "" @342
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE63E0244"
+ client @336
+ supplier @333
+ vertices (list Points
+ (506, 1584)
+ (306, 1584)
+ (306, 556))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (506, 1584)
+ terminal_attachment (306, 556))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleSet" @343
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1356, 1393)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @343
+ location (1234, 1319)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 244
+ justify 0
+ label "TRuleSet")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E1445E01B1"
+ width 262
+ height 172
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleDefinition" @344
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (756, 2394)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @344
+ location (425, 2272)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 663
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRuleDefinition")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40FFE5CC0030"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @344
+ location (425, 2376)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 3
+ max_width 665)
+ width 681
+ height 269
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$32" @345
+ location (1363, 2399)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E9016D"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$33" @346
+ Parent_View @345
+ location (-47, -2017)
+ label (object SegLabel @347
+ Parent_View @346
+ location (1150, 2358)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E902AE"
+ client @345
+ supplier @344
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1363, 2399)
+ terminal_attachment (1096, 2399))
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @348
+ Parent_View @345
+ location (-47, -2017)
+ label (object SegLabel @349
+ Parent_View @348
+ location (1424, 2369)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.225926
+ height 31
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E9029A"
+ client @345
+ supplier @335
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1363, 2399)
+ terminal_attachment (1631, 2399))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRulesDefinitionsData" @350
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1742, 1968)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @350
+ location (1524, 1894)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 436
+ justify 0
+ label "TRulesDefinitionsData")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E13F000028"
+ width 454
+ height 172
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSet" @351
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (828, 1260)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @351
+ location (665, 1150)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 326
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRuleSet")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
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+ quidu "40FFE5B90295"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @351
+ location (665, 1253)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 309)
+ width 344
+ height 244
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$59" @352
+ location (703, 1451)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012F6903A8"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iRuleUses" @353
+ Parent_View @352
+ location (-737, -869)
+ label (object SegLabel @354
+ Parent_View @353
+ location (825, 1468)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 194
+ justify 0
+ label "-iRuleUses"
+ pctDist 0.246154
+ height 122
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012F6A00BB"
+ client @352
+ supplier @336
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (703, 1451)
+ terminal_attachment (703, 1522)
+ label (object SegLabel @355
+ Parent_View @353
+ location (650, 1507)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1..*"
+ pctDist 0.782609
+ height 54
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$60" @356
+ Parent_View @352
+ location (-737, -869)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012F6A00CF"
+ client @352
+ supplier @351
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (703, 1451)
+ terminal_attachment (703, 1381))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$30" @357
+ location (1225, 1191)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E700C0"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$31" @358
+ Parent_View @357
+ location (-394, -2366)
+ label (object SegLabel @359
+ Parent_View @358
+ location (1045, 1150)
+ hidden TRUE
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 450
+ justify 0
+ label ""
+ pctDist 0.800000
+ height 42
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E701F7"
+ client @357
+ supplier @351
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1225, 1191)
+ terminal_attachment (1000, 1191))
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @360
+ Parent_View @357
+ location (-394, -2366)
+ label (object SegLabel @361
+ Parent_View @360
+ location (1482, 1254)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.766520
+ height 148
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410108E701E3"
+ client @357
+ supplier @343
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1225, 1191)
+ (1334, 1191)
+ (1334, 1307))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1225, 1191)
+ terminal_attachment (1334, 1307))))
+ (object InheritView "" @362
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE63B02A4"
+ client @351
+ supplier @333
+ vertices (list Points
+ (656, 1223)
+ (356, 1223)
+ (356, 556))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (656, 1223)
+ terminal_attachment (356, 556))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TRuleSetsData" @363
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1556, 1036)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @363
+ location (1406, 962)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 300
+ justify 0
+ label "TRuleSetsData")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E13E1302C5"
+ width 318
+ height 172
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable" @364
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (794, 1919)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @364
+ location (528, 1791)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 532
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41012FBB02EC"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @364
+ location (528, 1895)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 3
+ max_width 393)
+ width 550
+ height 281
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$61" @365
+ location (684, 2158)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012FD80104"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$62" @366
+ Parent_View @365
+ location (-747, -474)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012FDB01F9"
+ client @365
+ supplier @344
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (684, 2158)
+ terminal_attachment (684, 2259)
+ label (object SegLabel @367
+ Parent_View @366
+ location (745, 2221)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1..*"
+ pctDist 0.630435
+ height 61
+ orientation 0))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$63" @368
+ Parent_View @365
+ location (-747, -474)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012FDB0203"
+ client @365
+ supplier @364
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (684, 2158)
+ terminal_attachment (684, 2058))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$89" @369
+ location (1292, 1894)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052BF00069"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @370
+ Parent_View @369
+ location (538, -2311)
+ label (object SegLabel @371
+ Parent_View @370
+ location (1308, 1862)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.073077
+ height 33
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052BF001D0"
+ client @369
+ supplier @350
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1292, 1894)
+ terminal_attachment (1515, 1894))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$90" @372
+ Parent_View @369
+ location (538, -2311)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052BF001E0"
+ client @369
+ supplier @364
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1292, 1894)
+ terminal_attachment (1069, 1894))))
+ (object InheritView "" @373
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4101343401FF"
+ client @364
+ supplier @333
+ vertices (list Points
+ (519, 1859)
+ (266, 1859)
+ (266, 556))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (519, 1859)
+ terminal_attachment (266, 556))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpRuleSetsTable" @374
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (822, 844)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @374
+ location (606, 741)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 432
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpRuleSetsTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41012C720092"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @374
+ location (606, 845)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 300)
+ width 450
+ height 231
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$57" @375
+ location (828, 1048)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012F610248"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iRuleSets" @376
+ Parent_View @375
+ location (-603, -977)
+ label (object SegLabel @377
+ Parent_View @376
+ location (729, 1098)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 185
+ justify 0
+ label "-iRuleSets"
+ pctDist 0.557252
+ height 100
+ orientation 1)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012F61032E"
+ client @375
+ supplier @351
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (828, 1048)
+ terminal_attachment (828, 1138)
+ label (object SegLabel @378
+ Parent_View @376
+ location (883, 1090)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1..*"
+ pctDist 0.461538
+ height 55
+ orientation 0))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$58" @379
+ Parent_View @375
+ location (-603, -977)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41012F610330"
+ client @375
+ supplier @374
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (828, 1048)
+ terminal_attachment (828, 959))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$87" @380
+ location (1370, 782)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052AC40124"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @381
+ Parent_View @380
+ location (403, -2205)
+ label (object SegLabel @382
+ Parent_View @381
+ location (1380, 748)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 319
+ justify 0
+ label "+iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.030960
+ height 34
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052AC402E9"
+ client @380
+ supplier @363
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1370, 782)
+ (1525, 782)
+ (1525, 950))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1370, 782)
+ terminal_attachment (1525, 950))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$88" @383
+ Parent_View @380
+ location (403, -2205)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41052AC402EA"
+ client @380
+ supplier @374
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1370, 782)
+ terminal_attachment (1047, 782))))
+ (object InheritView "" @384
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4101342E03CD"
+ client @374
+ supplier @333
+ vertices (list Points
+ (597, 830)
+ (456, 830)
+ (456, 556))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (597, 830)
+ terminal_attachment (456, 556))
+ (object Label @385
+ location (84, 72)
+ font (object Font
+ size 12)
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 1844
+ label "Set of Classes designed to Wrap the Persisted TZ Database Entities - Contd.")
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::TZStringsTable" @386
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (1715, 2918)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @386
+ location (1565, 2844)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 300
+ justify 0
+ label "TZStringsTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "40E1713D0336"
+ width 318
+ height 172
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpDocument" @387
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2079, 728)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @387
+ location (1842, 422)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 474
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpDocument")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
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+ quidu "40FFE67502F1"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @387
+ location (1842, 527)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 11
+ max_width 481)
+ width 492
+ height 636
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$14" @388
+ location (1977, 2179)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6C90274"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$15" @389
+ Parent_View @388
+ location (-304, 864)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6CA006D"
+ client @388
+ supplier @364
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1977, 2179)
+ (891, 2179)
+ (891, 2059))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1977, 2179)
+ terminal_attachment (891, 2059))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$16" @390
+ Parent_View @388
+ location (-304, 864)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6CA0077"
+ client @388
+ supplier @387
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1977, 2179)
+ (2050, 2179)
+ (2050, 1046))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1977, 2179)
+ terminal_attachment (2050, 1046))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$17" @391
+ location (1290, 641)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6CE0195"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$18" @392
+ Parent_View @391
+ location (-991, -674)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6CF0010"
+ client @391
+ supplier @374
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1290, 641)
+ (834, 641)
+ (834, 729))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1290, 641)
+ terminal_attachment (842, 751))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$19" @393
+ Parent_View @391
+ location (-991, -674)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE6CF001A"
+ client @391
+ supplier @387
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1290, 641)
+ terminal_attachment (1833, 641))))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpString" @394
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (303, 2950)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @394
+ location (159, 2861)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 288
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpString")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "413ED5480175"
+ width 306
+ height 200
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Design Model::3. TZ Compiler - Design::CTzCpStringTable" @395
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ location (765, 2694)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @395
+ location (580, 2591)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 370
+ justify 0
+ label "CTzCpStringTable")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "410531CD00E6"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @395
+ location (580, 2694)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 262
+ compartmentItems (list Compartment
+ "+ AddString()"))
+ width 388
+ height 231
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object InheritView "" @396
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410532010069"
+ client @395
+ supplier @333
+ vertices (list Points
+ (571, 2671)
+ (175, 2671)
+ (175, 556))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (571, 2671)
+ terminal_attachment (175, 556))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$97" @397
+ location (1141, 2902)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105335D0105"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "iPersistedEntity" @398
+ Parent_View @397
+ location (397, 36)
+ label (object SegLabel @399
+ Parent_View @398
+ location (1306, 2895)
+ font (object Font
+ size 10)
+ anchor 1
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 315
+ justify 0
+ label "-iPersistedEntity"
+ pctDist 0.429658
+ height 31
+ orientation 0)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105335D026C"
+ client @397
+ supplier @386
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1141, 2902)
+ (1141, 2925)
+ (1556, 2925))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1141, 2902)
+ terminal_attachment (1556, 2925))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$98" @400
+ Parent_View @397
+ location (397, 36)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "4105335D026D"
+ client @397
+ supplier @395
+ vertices (list Points
+ (1141, 2902)
+ (1141, 2879)
+ (794, 2879)
+ (794, 2809))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (1141, 2902)
+ terminal_attachment (794, 2809))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$99" @401
+ location (2131, 2452)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410534040069"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$100" @402
+ Parent_View @401
+ location (108, 1656)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410534040385"
+ client @401
+ supplier @395
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2131, 2452)
+ (2131, 2685)
+ (959, 2685))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2131, 2452)
+ terminal_attachment (959, 2685))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$101" @403
+ Parent_View @401
+ location (108, 1656)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "410534040395"
+ client @401
+ supplier @387
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (2131, 2452)
+ terminal_attachment (2131, 1046))))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$112" @404
+ location (632, 2914)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "413ED5570202"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$113" @405
+ Parent_View @404
+ location (-127, 279)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "413ED55703B8"
+ client @404
+ supplier @394
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (632, 2914)
+ terminal_attachment (456, 2914)
+ label (object SegLabel @406
+ Parent_View @405
+ location (520, 2872)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "1..*"
+ pctDist 0.640884
+ height 43
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$114" @407
+ Parent_View @404
+ location (-127, 279)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "413ED55703B9"
+ client @404
+ supplier @395
+ vertices (list Points
+ (632, 2914)
+ (703, 2914)
+ (703, 2809))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (632, 2914)
+ terminal_attachment (703, 2809))))
+ (object InheritView "" @408
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "40FFE64702DE"
+ client @344
+ supplier @333
+ vertices (list Points
+ (416, 2354)
+ (219, 2354)
+ (219, 556))
+ line_style 3
+ origin_attachment (416, 2354)
+ terminal_attachment (219, 556)))))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))