* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CCFClauseNode class implementation.
#include "cfclausenode.h"
#include "cfscriptaction.h"
#include "cfnotifyaction.h"
#include "cfpublishcontextaction.h"
#include "cfsourcecommandaction.h"
#include "cfbasicoptrace.h"
#include <cfcontextinterface.h>
#include <cfcontextobject.h>
#include <cfkeyvaluepair.h>
#include <cfcontextsourcecommand.h>
#include <cfcontextsourcecommandparameter.h>
#include <gmxmlnode.h>
#include <gmxmlelement.h>
_LIT( KScriptActionsName, "actions" );
_LIT( KScriptPublishContextName, "publishContext" );
_LIT( KScriptDefineName, "define" );
_LIT( KScriptTrueName, "true" );
_LIT( KScriptContextRefName, "contextRef" );
_LIT( KScriptSourceAttribute, "source" );
_LIT( KScriptTypeAttribute, "type" );
_LIT( KScriptValueAttribute, "value" );
_LIT( KScriptSourceCommandActionName, "sourceCommand" );
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
// Cleans up RKeyValueArray instance.
LOCAL_C void CleanupKeyValueArray( TAny* aArray )
static_cast< RKeyValueArray* >( aArray )->ResetAndDestroy();
// Cleanup item for RKeyValueArray object.
LOCAL_C void CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( RKeyValueArray& aArray )
TCleanupItem item( CleanupKeyValueArray, &aArray );
CleanupStack::PushL( item );
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCFClauseNode::CCFClauseNode
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCFClauseNode::CCFClauseNode( MCFOperationServices& aServices,
CCFOperationNode* aParent )
: CCFOperationNode( aServices, aParent )
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCFClauseNode::ParseActionsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCFClauseNode::ParseActionsL( CMDXMLNode& aNode,
RPointerArray< CCFScriptAction >& aActions )
if ( aNode.NodeName().CompareF( KScriptActionsName ) != 0 )
TPtrC nodeName( aNode.NodeName() );
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParseActionsL - Unknown actions name [%S]",
&nodeName );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// Parse actions.
CMDXMLNode* actionNode = aNode.FirstChild();
while ( actionNode )
if ( actionNode->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
if ( actionNode->NodeName().CompareF(
KScriptPublishContextName ) == 0 )
CMDXMLNode* publishNode = actionNode->FirstChild();
while ( publishNode )
if ( publishNode->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode
&& publishNode->NodeName().CompareF(
KScriptContextRefName ) == 0 )
CCFScriptAction* action
= ParsePublishContextActionL( *publishNode );
if ( action )
CleanupStack::PushL( action ); // CLEANUP<< action
aActions.AppendL( action );
CleanupStack::Pop( action ); // CLEANUP>> action
TPtrC nodeName( publishNode->NodeName() );
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParseActionsL - Skipping publish context action node [%S]",
&nodeName );
else if ( publishNode->NodeType()
!= CMDXMLNode::ECommentNode )
TPtrC nodeName( publishNode->NodeName() );
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParseActionsL - Unknown publish context action node [%S]",
&nodeName );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
publishNode = publishNode->NextSibling();
CCFScriptAction* action = NULL;
if ( actionNode->NodeName().CompareF(
KScriptSourceCommandActionName ) == 0 )
action = ParseSourceCommandActionL( *actionNode );
action = ParseNotifyActionL( *actionNode );
if ( action )
CleanupStack::PushL( action ); // CLEANUP<< action
aActions.AppendL( action );
CleanupStack::Pop( action ); // CLEANUP>> action
TPtrC nodeName( actionNode->NodeName() );
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParseActionsL - Skipping action node [%S]",
&nodeName );
actionNode = actionNode->NextSibling();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCFClauseNode::ParseNotifyActionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCFScriptAction* CCFClauseNode::ParseNotifyActionL( CMDXMLNode& aNode )
// Notify action.
// below // CLEANUP<< notifyAction
HBufC* notifyAction = aNode.NodeName().AllocLC();
INFO_1( "Reading action definition for [%S]", &( *notifyAction ) );
RKeyValueArray keysAndValues;
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( keysAndValues ); // CLEANUP<< keysAndValues
if ( aNode.NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
// Set attributes for the action.
CMDXMLElement& element = static_cast< CMDXMLElement& >( aNode );
TInt numAttributes = element.NumAttributes();
TPtrC attributeName( KNullDesC );
TPtrC attributeValue( KNullDesC );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i )
if ( KErrNone == element.AttributeDetails(
i, attributeName, attributeValue ) )
INFO_2( "Found action attribute: '%S'='%S'",
&attributeValue );
// below // CLEANUP<< keyValue
CCFKeyValuePair* keyValue = CCFKeyValuePair::NewLC(
attributeValue );
keysAndValues.AppendL( keyValue );
CleanupStack::Pop( keyValue ); // CLEANUP>> keyValue
CCFScriptAction* action = CCFNotifyAction::NewL( iServices,
keysAndValues );
INFO_1( "Created Notify Action for [%S]", &( *notifyAction ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &keysAndValues );// CLEANUP>> keysAndValues
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( notifyAction );// CLEANUP>> notifyAction
return action;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCFClauseNode::ParsePublishContextActionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCFScriptAction* CCFClauseNode::ParsePublishContextActionL( CMDXMLNode& aNode )
CCFScriptAction* action = NULL;
CMDXMLNode* parentNode = aNode.ParentNode();
if ( parentNode
&& parentNode->NodeName().CompareF( KScriptPublishContextName ) == 0
&& aNode.NodeName().CompareF( KScriptContextRefName ) == 0 )
// Publish context action.
if ( aNode.NodeType() != CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
TPtrC nodeName( aNode.NodeName() );
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParsePublishContextActionL - Unknown publish context action node [%S]",
&nodeName );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TPtrC contextSource;
TPtrC contextType;
TPtrC contextValue;
CMDXMLElement& element = static_cast< CMDXMLElement& >( aNode );
element.GetAttribute( KScriptSourceAttribute, contextSource );
element.GetAttribute( KScriptTypeAttribute, contextType );
element.GetAttribute( KScriptValueAttribute, contextValue );
if ( contextSource.Length() == 0 || contextType.Length() == 0
|| contextValue.Length() == 0 )
ERROR_GEN( "CCFClauseNode::ParsePublishContextActionL - Publish context action contextRef element is missing attributes" );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
CCFContextObject* co = CCFContextObject::NewLC(); // CLEANUP<< co
co->SetSourceL( contextSource );
co->SetTypeL( contextType );
co->SetValueL( contextValue );
// Check from the parent node '<publishContext>' if there are attributes
// set for 'define'
TBool autoDefine( EFalse );
if( parentNode->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
// Check if the attribute is 'define'
CMDXMLElement& parentElement = static_cast< CMDXMLElement& >( *parentNode );
TInt err( KErrNone );
TPtrC name( KNullDesC );
TPtrC value( KNullDesC );
TInt numOfAttribs( parentElement.NumAttributes() );
for( TInt i = 0; i < numOfAttribs; i++ )
err = parentElement.AttributeDetails( i, name, value );
if( err == KErrNone )
// Check for 'define' attribute
if( name.CompareF( KScriptDefineName ) == KErrNone )
// Check if the value is 'true'
if( value.CompareF( KScriptTrueName ) == KErrNone )
autoDefine = ETrue;
// Create a new action object giving it context object ownership.
action = CCFPublishContextAction::NewL( iServices, co, autoDefine );
CleanupStack::Pop( co ); // CLEANUP>> co
INFO_4( "Created PublishContext Action for [%S: %S: %S], Auto define: [%d]",
&contextSource, &contextType, &contextValue, autoDefine );
TPtrC nodeName( aNode.NodeName() );
if ( parentNode )
nodeName.Set( parentNode->NodeName() );
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParsePublishContextActionL - Unknown publish context action node [%S]",
&nodeName );
return action;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCFClauseNode::ParseSourceCommandActionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCFScriptAction* CCFClauseNode::ParseSourceCommandActionL( CMDXMLNode& aNode )
TPtrC commandNodeName( aNode.NodeName() );
if ( commandNodeName.CompareF( KScriptSourceCommandActionName ) != 0 )
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParseSourceCommandActionL - Unknown source command action node [%S]",
&commandNodeName );
return NULL;
INFO_1( "Reading action definition for [%S]", &commandNodeName );
RKeyValueArray keysAndValues;
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( keysAndValues ); // CLEANUP<< keysAndValues
GetAttributesL( aNode, keysAndValues );
// below // CLEANUP<< command
CCFContextSourceCommand* command = CCFContextSourceCommand::NewLC();
command->SetNameL( commandNodeName );
command->AddAttributesL( keysAndValues );
// Get command parameters.
CMDXMLNode* paramNode = aNode.FirstChild();
while ( paramNode )
TPtrC paramNodeName( paramNode->NodeName() );
if ( paramNode->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
GetAttributesL( *paramNode, keysAndValues );
// below // CLEANUP<< param
CCFContextSourceCommandParameter* param
= CCFContextSourceCommandParameter::NewLC();
param->SetNameL( paramNodeName );
param->AddAttributesL( keysAndValues );
GetNestedSourceCommandParametersL( *paramNode, *param );
command->AddParameterL( param );
CleanupStack::Pop( param ); // CLEANUP>> param
else if ( paramNode->NodeType() != CMDXMLNode::ECommentNode )
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::ParseSourceCommandActionL - Unsupported node type [%S]",
¶mNodeName );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
paramNode = paramNode->NextSibling();
// Create command's sender identity.
TCFSourceCommandSenderId senderId;
RThread thread;
senderId.iSender = thread.SecureId();
senderId.iScriptId = iServices.ScriptId();
command->SetSender( senderId );
CCFSourceCommandAction* action = CCFSourceCommandAction::NewL( iServices,
command );
CleanupStack::Pop( command ); // CLEANUP>> command
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &keysAndValues ); // CLEANUP>> keysAndValues
INFO_1( "Created Source Command Action for [%S]", &commandNodeName );
return action;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCFClauseNode::GetAttributesL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCFClauseNode::GetAttributesL( CMDXMLNode& aNode,
RKeyValueArray& aAttributes )
if ( aNode.NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
CMDXMLElement& element = static_cast< CMDXMLElement& >( aNode );
TInt numAttributes = element.NumAttributes();
TPtrC attributeName( KNullDesC );
TPtrC attributeValue( KNullDesC );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i )
if ( KErrNone == element.AttributeDetails(
i, attributeName, attributeValue ) )
INFO_2( "Found action attribute: '%S'='%S'",
&attributeValue );
// below // CLEANUP<< keyValue
CCFKeyValuePair* keyValue = CCFKeyValuePair::NewLC(
attributeValue );
aAttributes.AppendL( keyValue );
CleanupStack::Pop( keyValue ); // CLEANUP>> keyValue
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCFClauseNode::GetNestedSourceCommandParametersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCFClauseNode::GetNestedSourceCommandParametersL( CMDXMLNode& aNode,
CCFContextSourceCommandParameter& aParent )
RKeyValueArray keysAndValues;
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( keysAndValues ); // CLEANUP<< keysAndValues
CMDXMLNode* nestedNode = aNode.FirstChild();
while ( nestedNode )
TPtrC nestedNodeName( nestedNode->NodeName() );
if ( nestedNode->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
GetAttributesL( *nestedNode, keysAndValues );
// below // CLEANUP<< parameter
CCFContextSourceCommandParameter* parameter
= CCFContextSourceCommandParameter::NewLC();
parameter->SetNameL( nestedNodeName );
parameter->AddAttributesL( keysAndValues );
aParent.AddParameterL( parameter );
CleanupStack::Pop( parameter ); // CLEANUP>> parameter
GetNestedSourceCommandParametersL( *nestedNode, *parameter );
else if ( nestedNode->NodeType() != CMDXMLNode::ECommentNode )
ERROR_GEN_1( "CCFClauseNode::GetNestedSourceCommandParameterL - Unsupported node type [%S]",
&nestedNodeName );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
nestedNode = nestedNode->NextSibling();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &keysAndValues ); // CLEANUP>> keysAndValues